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PET 332 E Production Engineering

Surface Facilities

An Introduction
Production Engineering

Production technology

The role of production engineer is broad in petroleum engineering. The role and
responsibilities vary between the companies. As a general statement it can be said that
production engineer is responsible for the production system.

Production technology cover subsurface aspects of the production system but

depending on the operating company, surface facilities and treatment equipment are also
under interest.


Production system

The production system is a composite term

describing the entire production process.
Starting from the reservoir and ending at the
stock tank or even beyond.

Production system :: 2

The production system includes the following components:

Reservoir (productive capacity and dynamic production characteristics)

Wellbore (production interval and fluids within)

Production conduit (tubing and its components)

Wellhead, Xmass tree, flow lines

Surface treatment facilities


Surface production equipment

Objectives of an oil company

The objectives of an oil company may be broadly classified as

Maximizing the magnitude of and accelerating cash flow. Require

maintaining the well in an operational state to achieve

maximum production rates

maximum economic longetivity

minimum downtime


Objectives of an oil company :: 2

Cost minimization in terms of $/bbl. Total cost minimization may

not be recommended.

minimize capital cost

minimize production cost

minimize treatment cost

minimize workover cost

Production technology

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