Corona Times 2

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I don't like getting involved in politics and also never thought of myself as some kind of activist but

I felt alot of appreciation that I spoke out my feelings on the world situation last week in a post here
and therefore today I wish to speak a little about the next phase of restrictions on the way between
December and early Spring and what are my feelings on them. Covid passes or as they have been
named in U.K. ”Freedom Passes”.

Promises of rewards for being good boys and girls and getting your jabs and/or twice weekly PCR
testing. This is a form of blackmail, taking away using policies your right to access services and
travel, then handing it back on condition of doing as you are told.

It was announced by Qantas Airlines CEO this week that they choose a policy of, if you have not
been vaccinated, you will not be allowed to fly, this is most likely a taste of the future of air travel
as other airlines adopt similar policies.

These measures are said to be controlled by the user of this service, carrying an app on their phone,
if they are stopped by some kind of guard (for example police, military or other contracted
employee of the state or company security service) it can be confirmed that you have been
vaccinated, tested negative or any other regulations they choose to add at a later date once the
technology is accepted by the public, which means you are expected to carry at all times a mobile
device on you to show your QR Code on the App. Reminds me of Nazi controlled Europe in the
40's (Halt where are your papers).

Once this technology is accepted by a majority of citizen's (children of the state) it could potentially
limit your access to the most basic services if you do not conform to the conditions for example,
access denyied to a Supermarket to buy your groceries, enterance to a Restaurant, Bus Station or
any public transport, you may be deemed a hazard to society, all this for a so called virus with a
survival rate of 99.8%, no more dangerous that influenza. Let us put this into perspective.

Mmmmmm, anyone else smell something fishy going on here, this whole charade is an excuse to
usher in a multi billion dollar technology of tracking pretty much everything we do that we
definately don't need in our life and also these vaccines are a multi billion dollar industry, there are
alot of players heavily invested in these measures and they are being agressively pushed on the
public with the help of a huge propaganda campaign that is also polarising us into groups like
maskers vs. no-maskers, vaxxers vs. anti-vaxxers, caring vs.selfish. These strings are being pulled
behind the scenes, will you allow yourself to be manipulated?

One more word on these vaccine's that are trying to be sold as the big hope of getting your lives
back to normal, a normal where this technology is firmly accepted. These are RNA Vaccine's.
Do you even know what these are before you allow them to be injected into your body-temple?

An RNA vaccine or mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccine is a new type of vaccine that inserts
fragments of viral mRNA into human cells.

Up until November 2020, no mRNA vaccine, drug, or technology platform, had ever been
approved for use in humans, and before 2020, mRNA was only considered a theoretical or
experimental candidate for use in humans. As of November 2020, there were two novel mRNA
vaccines awaiting emergency use authorization as COVID-19 Vaccines (having completed the 8-
week required period post final human trials) – MRNA - 1273 from MODERNA, and BNT162b2
from a BioNech/Pfizerpartnership. Global regulators had to balance a lack of medium to longer-
term data on potential side-effects from novel mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, with the urgent need to
address the global coronavirus pandemic.
I can say honestly to you that I feel ”this experimental cocktail of shit, does not belong in the human
body”. Perhaps we as a species have come too accustomed to unquestionablly putting processed
products, artifical food-stuffs, pils and injections into our bodies that we just assume the human
body will transmute this and it will do no harm. How far do we have to fight against nature and the
intellegence of natures ways before we realise we live on a beautiful planet that provides everything
needed free without conditions other than the natural laws that govern the universe.

I would truely love to hear some of the remaining wisdom keepers of the indigenous cultures that
were up until recently still living in relative balance with nature and hear what they have to say
about this plague that is spreading over the World, this plague I call Globalisation or the globalist

I feel anyone who finds the courage to speak honesty their feelings in this crazy time, nevermind the
consequences or how other's will view you is brave and wears their heart on their sleeve and I salute
you and thank you for that courage. Stay strong and firm in your hearts, you are not alone.


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