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Rhastee P.


John Marvin Labajo

Marcille Obera
Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to design a coconut slicing machine integrated

with the theories of fluid mechanics, machine design, and basic electronics which

will be the basis in prototype making and a source for commercial manufacturing.

Specifically, the study will address the following:

1. Identify all disadvantages of manual coconut cutting to agricultural services and


2. Indicate data factors that requires integration of automation in aspect of coconut


3. Sketch a 3D design of automated coconut cutting machine with the support of

the theories of fluid mechanics, basic electronics, and machine design.

4. Create a prototype with the use of machine shop practices.

5. Evaluate the efficacy of motorized coconut cutting machine and

compare the gathered data from the manual operation.

Significance of the Study

This study will improve traditional coconut cutting process into autonomous

process that creates more efficient cutting design pattern. It will benefit the

researchers, future researchers and dealers involving cut-coconut products (e.g.,

coconut refreshments; copra) as a target market to this design.

 Researchers: This design will help the researchers utilize and develop their

theoretical knowledge learned in mechanical engineering by putting it into

machine shop practices.

 Future Researchers: This study will serve as an added baseline for future

researchers if they happen to make research that is similar in nature. They

may use the results of this study to point out its weaknesses for them to

improve the design or innovate in the nearest future.

 Most immediate impact: The proposed coconut slicing machine provides

increased efficiency compared to traditional method that increases the local

cut-coconut suppliers and vendors’ production and yield and creates a more

profitable business.

 Secondary benefits: The model will involve no or less risks and hazards for

the workers compared to the manual process of coconut slicing. The set-up

of the design also adapts to the consumers’ conservative hygiene.

Scope and Limitation


This study is limited to the planning and designing of a coconut slicing

machine particularly revolving on the fabrication of the motorized cutting

mechanism integrating the traditional process with efficiency and added

operational safety. This project also fosters sustainability which includes a

relatively inexpensive budget and prime materials to increase its potential

and feasibility to the niche market.


The study covers only to small-time industries, and businesses, such as stalls

and shops that sell or provide coconut products and services that require the

cracking open of the coconuts in Cebu Province. This will include coconut

refreshments and copra.


The study was conducted starting on February 2021 and is expected to be

finished on the first semester of the next academic school year 2021 - 2022.

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