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LO-120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) Report On Geotechnical Investigation REPORT NO. ATCNIGTU20/12017 Rk Page:1 of 30 Detailed Geotechnical Investigation For, NCC Ltd, at Construction of Low Height Sub Ways (LHS) as RCC Box 1°7*3.0m by Box Pushing Method at CH-830/09-11 Between Khapri-Ajni Station in liew of Existing Level X-ING No.120 At Manish Nagar Crossing Under Nagpur Division of Central Railway, Dist- Nagpur (M.S). CUSTOMER : M/S. NAGPUR METRO RAIL CORPORATION LIMITED, NAGPUR (M.S) ‘ AGENCY : M/S. NCC LIMITED. SITE LOCATION: SOMALWADA, DIST-NAGPUR, (M.H) BY ANANDJIWALA TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY NAGPUR (DECEMBER 2020) 12.06C-2029 | P-L19, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur ~ 440028 Phone: 07104-295854, E-mail:, Web: www.atecindla in aie *\0:9iwajn Shaping Carter, 182 ast Ring Rod, Mer Shioraran Cos Roads ite, Ahd- 380015, LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) NCC Limited Report On Geotechnical Investigation REPORTNO.ATCNIGTU2OI017 | Rev. | Page:2 of 30 | TABLE OF CONTENTS - DESCRIPTION a | 1 | GENERAL al 2 | SITE LOCATION i sill |_| ommcror INVESTIGATION r 4 |__4_ | SCoPE OF worRK 34 5 LOCATION OF BOREHOLES 4 6 FIELD INVESTIGATIONS e 45 cs ‘TEST PROCEDURES FOR FIELD TE TS 5-6 8 [LABORATORY INVESTIGATION | 6s 9 | LABORATORY TEST DETAIL 7 8 i 10 _| STRATIFICATION x10 | I SAMPLE CALCULCATIONS FOR SAFE LOAD CARRYING 11-14 "12._| RECOMMENDATIONS & CONCLUSIONS 15 | 13 _ | NOTATIONS : ae (14 _| GENERAL REFERENCES 17 rey SOILCHEMICAL TEST RESULTS 16 WATER CHEMICAL TEST RESULTS ANNEXURE 1) ANNEXURE|— BORE LOG-RECORD OF BORING............. 2) ANNEXURE II - TABLES - SUMMARY OF LAB TEST RESULTS 3) ANNEXURE Ill - GRAIN SIZE GRAPHS «00.0.0... 4) ANNEXURE IV ~ SITE BORELOG SHEET & CORE BOX PHOTOS... 5) ANNEXURE V — SITE PHOTOGRAPHS. P-119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur ~ 440028 Phone; 07104-295554, E-mail:, Web: LC -420 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar # Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) NCC Limited Report On Geotechnical investigation aS aa ee REPORT NO. ATCNIGTI2012(017 | Rav. | Page:3 of 30. ae L REPORT FOR GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION GENERAL : Nagarjuna Construction Company Limited (NCCL) proposed to carry out Detailed Geotechnical Investigation for Construcion of LC Under Pass, NMRCL Manish Nager, Dist: Nagpur (MS) The Geotechnical Investigation work was entrusted to Anandjiwala Technical Consultancy, Nagpur wide i Work Order No: NCCL/WO/NCC NAGPUR METROISOMALWADA/2 — 0-21/228, Dated: 10122020 by NCCL. ‘SITE LOCATION: The project site is situated Near Manish Nagar Railway Crossing, Somaiwda, Nagpur. OBJECTOF INVESTIGATION: The object of investigation is to determine the sub surface conditions at the site and to provide information that would Assist the Structural Engineer in the design of foundation. The study includes identification of suitable foundations system and assessment of safe bearing capacity of the sub strata in accordance With standard engineering practice, |. S. Codes ete. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work at the project site comprised of the following = +# Mobilizing required no. of boring/ drilling rigs with all j necessary equipment’s and personnel. # Making 3 No. of borehole at specified locations, with Rotary rigs through all types of soil and rock. # Conducting SPT at regular depth intervals along with standard field test. P-119, MIDC industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur — 440028 Phone: 017104-295554, E-mail:, Web: www.atecindia. H.0: 9,Shivranjan!Shoriplog teater, 132 Feet Ring Road, Near Shivranjani Crass Roads, Satellite, DX LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) Report On Geotechnical Investigation REPORT NO. ATCNIGTU20/12/017 Rev.~ | Page: of 30 # # LOCATION OF BOREHOLES : FIELD INVESTIGATIOI FIELD BORING & SAMPLING ; Collecting disturbed and undisturbed soil samples, along with standard field test. Conducting the Labotatory Tests on the Spil & Rock samples collected from the site. Preparation and Submission of Geotechnical Investigation report with field and laboratory test results and recommendations for foundations. ‘Total 3no.of the boreholes was drilled, Near Manish Nagar Railway Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur City. The locations were decided by the client before the commencement of the work. The exact position of the bore holes were fixed on the site based on these locations. However, while fixing positions on site, land conditions were required to be taken into account. ‘The physical locations were fixed and finalized with the Site Engineer of the Client. Final locations of the boreholes are given in Table A 3No. of 150 mm. dia bore was drilled down upto the depth of 21.00 mt. on site by our skilled and experienced site personnel by using Hydrolic rotary boring during December 2020, The details of borehole locations & depth of investigation are given in Table A. Individual Bore logs & Tables are provided in respectively Attachment -1 & Attachment -2. H.O: 8Shiraniant Shop P-119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur - 440028 Phone: 07104-29554, E-rnall: Genter, 132 Feet Ring Road, Near Shivranjani Cross Roads, Satellite, Ahd- 3, Web: LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) Report On Geotechnical Investigation REPORT NO, ATCNIGTU20/12/017 = | Page:5 of 30 Borehole number and depth of boring/ drilling ee RST: Caen ee Lela Para Casco Oth ie eens Nort Fast rae 1 | BHI (Easy | — | 2334341.083 | 209588422 | 30,7992 3.68 | e420 | 071220 2 |RH-2CWest)| — | 2234188.808 | 299564 246 | 305.485] 21.00 | 4.05 | oga220 | osri220 3. | BH-3 Eas) | — | 2334174754 | 299614740 |303.2026| 12.00 | 3.80 | 1an2a0| 1211220 TEST PROCEDURES FOR FIELD TESTS : STANDARD PENETRATION TEST : The standard penetration tests were carried out by split spoon sampler confirming to IS 2131-1981. The split spoon sampler assembley is divided in three parts. One is cutting shoe of 38 mm inside dia and 51 mm outside diameter with 75 mm length. The second is split body of same diameter and 508 mm in length. The third is driving head with ball of seme dia meters and 180 mm in length. The drive weight assembly consist of 65 kg. weight hammer and 750 mm free fall guide rod. Before conducting the Standard Penetration Test we had cleaned the bore by shell then lowered the S.P.T. sampler with ‘A’ rod and conducted the Standard Penetration Test in accordance with 1S 2131-1981. UNDISTURBED SAMPLE The undisturbed soil samples were collected in thin walled sampling tubes. The thin wall sampling tubes confirming to IS 2132-1981 consist of cutting shoe sampling tube and driving head with ball. The tests were conducted in accordance with IS 2132- 1981 P-119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur—440028 Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail: Nagpur_ate@yahoo in, Web: 1.0: 8 Shivraniani ShopsifgCenfer, 122 Feet Ring Road, Near Shivranjani Cross Roads, Satellite, Ahd- 3 NCC NCC Limited LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) Report On Geotechnical Investigation . anoles REPORT NO, ATCN/GTI20"2017 | Rev. ROCK CORING Core Recovery (%) = DISTURBED SAMPLES : Rock Quality Designation (%) LABORATORY INVESTIGATION: Test on Soil Disturbed samples were collected from the split spoon sampler. . In moderately weathered / hard rock, coring was carried out using diamond bits, Calculation for Core Recovery and Rock Quality Designation. (Total Length of core obtained / Length of run) x 100. (Sum of Total Length of core pieces>10 cm/Length of run) x100. The samples recovered were labeled and sent to Laboratory for testing. The boreholes were terminated when adequate depth of drilling was completed in consultation with the Site-in- charge as per technical spocification. Relevant laboratory tests were conducted on the soil samples recovered from the boreholes, their respective IS codes for method of test are as under: 1 Water Content 18:2720 Part 2-1973 2 _| Liquid Limit(LL), Plastic Limit (PL), Plasticity Index (PI) | 182720 Part 5-1985 (3. _| Free Swell Index (FSI) 15:2720 Part 40-1977 [4 | Classification 151498 -1970 5 | Mechanical Analysis 2 TS:2720 Part 4-1985 [6 | Specitic Gravity =n 152720 Parts | ~_ Pel9, MIDC industrial Area, / Phone::97404-295554, E-mail:, Web: ——_/ H.0:9 hivaniga Shobplfi Canter, 132 Feet Ring Road, Near Shiwanloh Cras Roads, Satelite Ahd- 3860 ingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur — 440028 LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) Report On Geotechnical Investigation | REPORT NO. ATCNIGTI20712017 | Rev. | Page:? of 30 ‘The laboratory tests should be carried out on disturbed’ undisturbed samples in accordance With following IS codes: 1. i 10. Grain Size Analysis : The Grain Size Analysis Tests should be carried out in accordance with 1S 2720(Part 1V)-1992. Alterberg limit test: The Atterberg limit test apparatus are (1) Casagrand and (2) Cone Penotrometar in accordance with IS 9258- 1979 and 11196-1985 respectively. We will carry out the Test by using both equipments with respect to the soil behavior and as per the IS- 2720 (Part-V)-1981. Specific Gravity: The specific gravity of the soil samples should be carried out in accordance with IS-2720 (Part- 3/Sec-1}-1980 for fine grain soil and 1S 2720 (Part-3/ Sec-2)-1980 for medium and coarse grain soil, Free swell Index: The Free swell Index of the soil samples should be carried out in accordance with 1S-2720 (Part- XL)-1977. Field density and moisture content should be carried out in accordance with 1S 2720 (Part-2)-1973. Shrinkage Limit: The Shrinkage Limit of the soil samples should be carried out in accordance with IS-2720 (Part- Vi)-1972. Hydrometer Analysis: The Hydrometer Analysis Tests should be carried out in accordance with IS 2720 (Part V)-1992. Direct Shear Test : The direct shear tests should be carried out by small size box shear test in accordance with IS-2720 (Part-13 )-1986 and ‘apparatus confirming to 1S-11229 - 1985, Triaxial Test : The triawial tests should be carried out by triaxial cell in accordance with IS- 2720 (Part-11 }-1993. ‘Consolidation Test: The Consolidation tests should be carried out in accordance with IS- 2720 (Part-15)}-1986 P-119, MIDC industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur —440028 Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail: Nagpur_atc@yahoo.In, Web: 1.0; 9 Shivraniani Stapbibg Center, 132 Feet Ring Road, Near Shivranjant Cross Roads, Satelite, hd LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) Report On Geotechnical Investigation | Rev.— | PageB of 30 REPORT NO. ATCNIGTUZO/121017, LABORATORY TESTING ON ROCK : The following tests should be carried out on rock samples. 1. Compressive Strength 5 2. Specific Gravity 3. Water Absorption 4. Density LABORATORY TEST DETAIL : The laboratory tests on rock should be carried out in accordance with following IS codes. 4. Compressive Strength Rock is tested for crushing strength (ie. compressive strength) as specified in IS: 516 - 1959 for core. Alloweble bearing capacity is calculated at depth where reasonable length of core is available. Accordingly safe bearing capacity at foundation level is stipulated in accordance with 1S: 12070-1987. 2. Specific Gravity, Water absorption, Density : The specific gravity, water absorption & density of the rock should be carried out in accordance with IS: 13030-1991 3. Rock Classification Rock samples are classified as per IRC 78:2000 (Appendix 1 Clause no 704:4(iv)- P-119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur — 440028 Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail: Nagnur_atc@yahoo. in, Web: www atecindia in 1.0: 9 shivraniani stoping Gehter, 132 Feet Ring Road, Near Shivranjani Cross Raods, Satellite, Ake LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somaiwada, Nagpur (M.S) Report On Geotechnical Investigation i T | REPORTNO. ATONIGTI20/I2017 | Ri Page'9 of 30 STRATIFICATION: BH-2: 21.00 mt, The general stratification is reported below after completing the boring work at proposed location up to 21.00m.depth from NGL and as per horms samples were collected and tested in the laboratory at Nagpur. ‘The top layer from 0.00 m. to depth of 3.00 m. consists of overburden filling material with soil & basalt boulders. The layer from 3.00 m. to depth of 7.50 m. consists of completely ‘weathered disintegrated fragments of fractured basalt rock with boulders. The layer from 7.50 m. to depth of 9.00 m. consists of Pale whitish grey highly weathered massive compact basalt rock with fractured boulders. The layer from 9.00 m. to depth of 10.62 m. consists of completely weathered disintegrated fragments of basalt rock with boulders. The layer from10.62 m. to depth of 12.00 m. consists of completely weathered fragments of basalt and sandstone rock with boulders. The layer from 12.00 m. to depth of 15.00 m. consists of pale yellowish with reddish brown bonds in color, highly weathered sandstone rock with fractured boulder. The layer from 15.00 m. to depth of 21.00 m. consists of dark greenish grey, completely weathered disintegrated fragments rock may be basalt dolerite rdck indicating the presence of dolerite dyke. Water table was encountered the time of investigation in the Month of December 2020. The top layer from 0.00 m. to depth of 2.00 m. consists overburden filling material with soil. The layer from 2.00 m. to depth of 3.00 m. consists of Brownish medium tofine grained silty clay of high plasticity with litle kankkar.(CH) LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) NCC Limited Report On Geotechnical Investigation REPORT NO. ATCNIGTV20/12I017 | Rev.~ | Page:10 of 30 The layer from 3.00 m. to depth of 6.00 m. consists of weathered fractured boulders of basalt rock The layer from 6.00 m. to depth of 10.50 m. consists greyish black massive fine grained highly weathered basalt sock with fractured boulders. ‘The layer from 10.50 m. to depth of 12.00 m. consists pale yellowish grey, highly weathered fine grained sandstone rock wilh fractured boulder. The layer from 12.00 m. to depth of 18.00 m. consists of pale yellowish t grey, highly weathered fine grained sandstone rock. The layer from 18.00 m. to depth of 19.50 m. consists of pale yellowish grey, highly weathered fine grained sandstone rock with fractured boulder. ‘The layer from 19.50 m. to depth of 21.00 m. consists of dark greenish grey, highly weathered fracutured basalt dolerite rock indicating the presence of dolerite dyke. Water table was encountered the time of investigation in the month of December 2020, BH-3: 12.00 mt, The top layer from 0.00 m. to depth of 1.50 m. consists of overburden filing material with overburden soil The layer from 1.50 m. to depth of 3.00 m. consists Brownish medium to fine grained silty clay of high plasticity with little kankkar. (CH). ‘The layer from 3.00 m. to depth of 7.50 m. consists of completely weathered disintegrated fragments of basalt rack with boulders. The layer from 7.50 m. to depth of 9.00 m. consists of greyish black massive fine grained highly weathered basalt rock with fractured boulders The layer from 8.00 m. to depth of 12.00 m. consists of pale yellowish j grey, highly weathered fine grained sandstone rock with fractured boulder. Water table was encountered the time of investigation in the month of December 2020, P-119, MIDE Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur ~ 440028 15554, E-mail:, Web: / r, 132 Feet Ring Road, Near Shivranjani Cross Roads, Satellite, Ahd- 380013 ig LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) Report On Geotechnical Investigation ea ee | REPORT NO. ATCNIGTUZO2I017 | Rev.~ | Page:11 of 30, Report for Low Height subways(BH-01) ‘Sample calculation for SBC as per RMR Weathering classification is described as per IS: 4464 - 1985 (Code of practice for “ Presentation of drilling information and core description in foundation investigation) as follows. tte Desori | Grade| Geologist im __ pt Interpretation Fresh | NO visible sign of rock material weathering, pemaps |, aa slight discoloration on major discontinuity surfaces eed Discoloration indicates weathering of rock material & Slight! discontinuity surfaces, All the rock material may be ae y disoolored by weathering & may be somewhat weaker heey Weathere | external than in is fresh condtion, Moderately Weathered | Less than half of the rock material is decomposed and/or Rin disintegrated to a soll. Fresh or discolored rock is botwo | presont either as a continuous framework or as core| en | stones. rat ear ign’, More than half of the rock materi is decomposed and/or cRin ‘On! | disintegrated to a sol. Fresh or discolored rock is present | | betwee Weathere | citer asa discontinuous framewerk oras core stone. | V 5 Completely All rock materiel is decomposed andlor disintegrated to Weathered | soll. The orginal mass structure s stil largely intact. CR in betwe en The geological properties of rock cores, from visual inspection are as follows | Geological Properties Results Crystaline ‘Grains in forms of sand Non-caloareous Colour yellowish / white Colour Grain size. ____ Goarse Grained Water Table Water level was encountered in the borehole at the time of investigation in the Month of December 2020. LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) Report On Geotechnical Investigation eT 7 REPORT NO. ATCNIGTI20/12/017 | Rev.~ | Page:12 of 30 BEARING CAPACITY: Bore log indicate that layer of ‘Completely weathered rock’ is encountered at §.47 ro below ground level. Bearing capacity is determined using rock mass rating (RMR) of strdtum. t Rock Mass Rating (RMR) is determined from annexure B of IS: 13365 (Part 1) - 1998 as follows. The rock mass rating should be determined as an algebraic sum of ratings for all the parameters given in items | to V1 after adjustments for orientation of discontinuities given in itern Vil of Annex 8. The sum of Items I! to V is called Rock Condition Rating (RCR) which discounts the effect of compressive strength of intact rock material and orientation of joints. This is also called as the modified RMR. On the besis of RMR values for a given engineering structure, the rock mass should be classified as very good (rating 100-81), Good (80-61), Fair (60-41), Poor (40-21) and very poor (0-20) rock mass. |. Strength of Intact Rock Material (MPa) Exceptionally Strong Very Strong Suong Average nS i. Use of uniaxial compressive strength is Very Weak fxs mely Week I a2 Peat 0 I. Rock Quality Designation (RQD) Rap Excellent [90-100 | Good 75-90 7 i (ives. Serie, Te 0-7 | 3 | Poor | 25-50 jane =e a ‘Very Poor eae | 3 P-119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur — 440028 Phone; 07104-295554, E-mail:, Web: www. LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) NCC Limited Report On Geotechnical Investigation He isan pee | REPORT NO AToNcTWan/i2017 | Rev. | Page:i3 of 30, III. Spacing of Discontinuities Rating Very Close < 0.06 1V. Condition of Discontinuities [| Weryrougn & | Roush ® | Syanay rough & oe Uunweathered slightly mmoderetelyia | Tocksurface or 1-5 | Smnmthic | wall rock, taht) weathered | gn ueatnered Mm thick gauge or ft gauge § | oo | TORS | wtrockaunace, | TS mmvnle | cae | scorinTD: surface, ° opening, continuous continuous wste | srt #8 Seneraten Simm" aéscaninuty —__seontnaty | a rr 2 : Beal oo 5 ha @ eh | V. Ground Water Condition CompletelyDry| Damp Dripping Rating 15 10 4 ° Vi. Adjustment for Joint Orientation | Swike&Dip =| Very Very ‘orientation of joints for Favourable Fair Un-Favourable| Unfavorable | Rateeteren | : Foundation 2 Sy, is ce oP P-119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur 440028 Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail:, Web: www Center, 132 Foot Ring Road, Nezr Shivranjani Cross Roads, Satellite, Ahd- 380 LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) Report On Geotechnical Investigation REPORTNO. ATCN/GTU20NI2I017 | Rev. ~ Net safe bearing pressure interpolated as per table 3 of IS: 12070 & as per annexure B of |S 13365 (Part |) for 12 mm allowable settlement are worked out as follows. | ‘Aa Per Annex of 18: 19968 (Part) | *# Per Table 3 r18:12070- “BD ; ; Ae Individual Rating | 1 [ Net e [tia i" WV v fw] | a | Dep are - R | Rock | Beama Lcouel| cotiones| SOR! | faa | cos logh te] Pet "meter |songtl Sensing of re vem sei No. se | Seine in Deereutl : . condita |" | { | i | | _ ay 1 Very” fee fete) soe ed 6 19 ee P-119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur ~ 440028 Phone: 07104-295854, E-mail:, Web: H.0:9 shivanjoni shopping Center, 122 Feet Ring Road, Near Shiwanlon CrossRoads, Satelite, Ahd- 2800/8 / e iS LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) NCC Limited Report On Geotechnical Investigation REPORTNO. ATONIGTIZO2017 | Rev. | Page:16 of 20 Dis NER : ‘Water table was encountered in the borehole during the investigations in December 2020. > ' ‘= Safe Bearing Capacity in the stratum of ‘Complotoly Weathored Rock’ is recommended as per RMR calculation (IS: 13365 ~ 1298 (Part I). [ | é | aon Safe Bearing BH. | Type of | width of |Depth Below | | | ‘Type of Stratum Capacity | No. |Structure footing(m) | GL (meter) meee based on RMR 1 | 547 | __ Very Poor Rock 49.00 2 ie 8.50 621 | __Very Poor Rock 40.00 : eee | ws = The comments given in the report and suggestions given are based on ground conditions encountered during investigation. If during execution the foundation work, any variation in stratification of foundation, location is noticed, please inform us about that. + Above mentioned report is prepared based on samples collected from drilling = If during execution any variation in strata is observed than inform this office so that foundation design can be modify. + As foundation of the structure is suggested to rest on completely weathared rock, it is essential to grout below foundation up to good rock core recovery with cement slurry before commencement of foundation concrete. FOR ‘pupae TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY 2 zi ‘s P-419, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur — 440028, Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail:, Web: NCC LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) NCC Limited Report On Geotechnical Investigation | REPORT NO. ATONIGTIZONI2I017 Rev. — | Page:16 of 30 NOTATK BH Bore Hole N SPT Value > Ds Disturbed Sample, ups Undisturbed sample bu Direct Shear Undreined Test TU Triaxiai Shear Undrained Test ou Liguid Limit PL Paastic Limit PI Plasticity index NP Non Plastic sc Clayey Sand SM Silty sand sw Well graded sand SP Poorly graded sand CH Clay of high plasticity ci Clay of Intermediate plasticity cL Clay of Low plasticity Mi Silt of high plasticity Ml Sit of Intermediate plasticity ML Silt of low plasticity cc Clayey Gravels ° Angle of fiction a Net ultimate bearing capacity Cc Compression Index c Cohesion % Bulk density Mc Moisture Content B Width of Footing in mt. No, Nq8Ng Bearing Capacity Factors w Correction factor for water table. Ne Nalural Ground Level EGL Existing Ground Level P-1i5, MIDC Industral Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur 440028 Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail: Nagpur_atc@yahoo In, Web: www atecindla tn /s Center, 132 Foot Ring Road, Near Shivranjani Cross Roads, Satelite, ahd 3800{8°/ LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) Report On Geotechnical Investigation REPORT NO. ATCN/GTU20/121017 Page:17 of 3 REFERENCES Indian Standards Alam Singh Gibbs & Holtz - 1957 Kaniral S. R. Lambe T. W. Murthy V.N. S. NayakN. V. Peck, R. S. Hanson W. E. P-119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur — 440028 A Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail:, Web: >, 1S 2720 Part Il, Part,-Ill, Part -IV, Part -V, Part -Xill Part OM, IS - 1948, IS - 6403, IS - 1904, 1S: 6408-1981 ,!S: 2911Part-| (Sec.-2), IS 456-2000, IS 2720(Part IV & V)-1985, 1S 9259-1979 & 11186- 1985, |S-11228-1985, 1S-12070, IRC-78: 2000 Modern Geotechnical Engineering Geotechnical & Foundation Engineering. Design Aidsin Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Soil Testing for Engineers. Soil Mechanies and Foundation Engineering. Foundation Engineering Manual Foundation Engineering a8 Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) NCC NCC Limited LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar | ‘ ea Report On Geotechnical investigation | ——— ee eve [REPORTNO.aToNGTizeia017 — | Rev.— | Paget6 of 30 RESULTS AND ANLYSIS OF SOIL CHEMICAL NCCL BORE HOLE NO- 04 - 03° General: Soil chemical analysis is very importance now days in all infrastructure development. As we know development of infrastructure is become very fast and vary widely, which affect the virgin land. It is affected by letches and others underground utilities so that our responsibility is to find out the concentration of chemical contaminant. Chemical Analysis will help to developed and improved the quality of NMRCL substructure unit. . of wort Following test parameter are come under the scope of work: 1. pH 2. Organic Matter % 3. Chlorides 4. Sulphates as SO, 5. Calcium 6. Magnesium area. * Samples for chemical analysis were collected in UDS Pipes. = Selected physico-chemical parameters have been analyzed for evaluating the } existing soil quality status in the study area + The methodology for sample collection and preservation techniques was followed 4s per the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) as depicted in Table. + UDS Samples were taken out and dried and prepared as per standard methods tor the Physical as well as chemical analysis in the laboratory, P-119, MIDC industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur ~ 440028 Ho: Phone02104-295554, E-mail: Nagpur_atc@yaho in, Web: ww. atecindasin Center, 132 Feet ing Road, Near Shhranjani Cross Roads, Satelite, And- 348 LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar i Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) NCC Limited Report On Geotechnical Investigation REPORT NO. ATCNIGTYQNIOI7 Rev. | Pege'i90f30. | Depaiosenmcesn OU [Re oe STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) FOR SOIL SAMPLING ~ ‘ Storage/Preservation Parameters | Sample Collection | S2mPle pee | Organic Matter % | rgaric Matter % | | | Chlorides |i dried 1.18 mm | Sulphates as SO; | Calcium | Magnesium 100m | Inthe Sampling bag. + Analytical techniques: The analytical techniques followed for evaluation of soii quality were as per the Indian ‘Standard Methods for the Examination of soil and the methods for a few parameters is given in the Table: . ogy for sampling ane ilysi it niet f a Methods No. | rane | (indian Standard) 1. | pH 18 2720 (part 26) : 1987 2. | Organic Matter 1S 2720 (part 22) - 1972 3 Chlorides 1S 2720 4. | Sulphates as SO, 1S 2720 (part 27) : 1987 ‘$. Calcium 18 2720 6. Magnesium ($2720 P-119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Negpur ~ 440028 Phone: 07104.295554, E-mail:, Web: www.atecindia in & 1.0: 9 Shivraniani Showbing Center, 132 Feet Ring Road, Near Shivranjani Cross Roads, Saelite, Ahd- 320 LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) NcC Limited Report On Geotechnical investigation REPORT NO.ATONIGTIRorI2017 | Rev.— + Result analysis and Discussion Total 3 bore hole were drilled. Out of 3 bores Only At BH-2 & 3 UDS ‘samples was collected and at other Bore holes UDS Samples were not recovered. The results of analysis are given as well as discussed under Chemical and physical parameters as per found. Soil quality have described as follow: *| Result Analysis. Table No 1/1 f Eee] Uno | BHNo | pH | S886 | chioride Sean Cato | Mogneston | % mg | mgil mail mg/l 1 BH2 | 78] 14 4254 | 240 | 828 33.38 2 BHS 77 | 082 49.63 169 99.2 72.96 -119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur — 440028 Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail:, Web: HO: 9.Shiveania LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) | NCC Limited Report On Geotechnical Investigation REPORTNO.ATCNIGTI2O/2/017 | Rev.~ | Page:2t of 30, Result Discussion () PH VALUE Soils may have either an acid or an alkaline reaction, or may be neutral. The ‘measure of the chemical reaction of the soil is expressed by its pH value. The pH value varies from 0 to 14, with pH = 7 indicating that the soll has a neutral reaction. Values smatter than 7 indicate acidity and values greator than 7 indicate alkalinity. The further from the neutral point, the greater the acidity or the alkalinity. AS pH levels of 5 or below can lead to extreme corrosion rates and premature pitting of metallic objects, a neutral pH of about 7 is most desirable to minimize this potential for damage. The intrinsic pH level of a soil can also be affected by rainfall Result and Analysis Out of 2 samples the pH value of the soil samples were found in between ranges: of 7.7-7.8. () ORGANIC MATTER % Out of 2 soil samples have organic matter % ranges from 0.82 ~ 1.1%. (uy CHLORIDES Out of 2 bore soil samples have Chloride range from 42.54 — 49.63 mg/L which are below the permissible limit of 2000 mg/L for concrete not containing ‘embedded steel ( For PCC ) and 500 mg /L for rain forced concrete work ( RCC ) as per IS 456-2000. (lV) SULPHATES Out of 2 bore soi! samples have sulphates concentration in the range from 189 — 240 mg/L. In the study area the sulphates levels are out of the acceptable limit of 400mgiLas per IS 456 -2000. (Automobile shops and their wastes are very close to these points) (I) CALCIUM Out of 2 samples soils all the sampies have calcium range from 92.8 - 99.2 mgiL. (¥) MAGNESIUM Out of 2 samples soll all the samples have magnesium range from 63.36 ~ 72.96 mgfi [ 'P-119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur — 440028 Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail: Nagpur_atc@yahoo. in, Web: H.0: 9 shivranjani Shopping eater, 132 Feet Ring Road, Near Shivranjani Cross Roads, Satelite, Ahd- 380 LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) NCC Limited Report On Geotechnical Investigation 3 REPORT No. AToNGTI2a/i2017 | Rev. | Page:22 of 30 RESULTS AND ANLYSIS OF WATER CHEMICAL NCCL . ' BORE HOLE NO- 01 - 03 General: Ground water chemical analysis is very importance now days in all infrastructure development. As we know development of infrastructure is become very fast and vary widely, which affect the virgin land. It is affected by letches and others underground utilities 0 that our responsibility is to find out the concentration of chemical contaminant. Chemical Analysis wil help to developed and improved the quality of NMRCL substructure unit. There are two following corridors on which soil investigation is carried out. * Scope of work: Following test parameter are come under the scope of work: 1. pH 2. Chloride 3. Sulphate 4, Total Hardness 5. Calcium Magnesium x Acidity 8 Alkalinity 9, Suspended Solids 10. Inorganic Solids 5 11. Organic Solids . for sampling for ground wat ‘Samples were collected in December 2020 from all available water sources in the study area. “119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur 440028 Phone: 07104-29554, E-mail: Nagpur_atc@yahoo. in, Web: www - 1C -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar 3 Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) NCC Limited [ Report On Geotechnical Investigation Rev. Page:23 of 30 REPORT NO. ATCNIGTU20/120017 ‘Samples for chemical analysis were collected in polyethylene carboys (Plastic cantainer).The methodology for sample collection and preservation techniques were followed as per the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) as depicted in Table: Table Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) For Water Samplin, i eee eae T Parameters ‘Sample Collection | ee ‘Storage/Preservation | + | een eae cat eee eee I _ 1 | pH — 50mi | Onsite analysis Total Plastic/glass Refrigeration, Suspended/Organic | Containers 100 mi. | can be stored for 7 Solids i cays Prasticialess Refrigeration, Ts Desoee Containers 100mi | canbe stored for7 Solids | __| days | Plasticigiass Gnieces | : stopH<2, | Total Hardness Corners 100"mi | crigerstion; € months | |Plasticiglass i | : ‘Add HINOs to pH<2, | Calcium | Containers AOE meemare menee: | Plasticlglass it Add HINOs to pH <2, Mepresiinn [Garters | 100 ml | refrigeration; 28 months | Plastic/glass Chlorides: Containers 50m! | Not required; 28 days Plasticiglass el Sulphates Containers 100 mi | Refrigeration, 28 days ™ Plastic/gl: Acicity Cyber 100 mi _| Refrigeration, 14 days r Plastic/glass as Alkalinity Gees 400ml | Refrigeration, 14 days 119, MIDE Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur 440028 Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail:, Web: 9,Shiveania LC,-120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar . | Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) NCC Limited Report On Geotechnical Investigation as rerortwocaTavenananit [pw — [papa ofs + Analytical techniques The analytical techniques followed for evaluation of water quality were as per the Standard Methods for the Examination of water and the methods for a few parameters is given in the Table. ‘ METHODOLOGY FOR ANALYSIS OF WATER Sr. i! Methods No. Parareomers (indian Standard) 4. | pH oe __| 1S 3025 (part 14): 1983 SSCS H 2. Chiorides IS 3025 (part 32) : 1988 3. _| Sulphates as SO, __| 1S 3025 (part 24): 1986 4. | Total Hardness (CaCO;) _| 18 3025 (pari 24) : 1983 =| 5._| Calcium (Ca) 1S 3026 (part 40) : 1991 6. | Magnesium (Mg) 1S 3025 (part 46) : 1994 |_ aT Aaigity : 1S 3025 (Part 22) :1986 my 8. Alkalinity [1S 3026 (part 23) : 1986 | 9. Total Suspended Solids IS 3025 (part 17) : 1984 | 10. Total Inorganic Solids IS 3025 (part 18) : 1984 a 44. I Total organic solids |S 3025 (part 18) : 1984 + Result analysis and Discussion Total 3 bore holes were drilled in Mahish Nagar Railway Crossing, Water level were found in all of the bore holes. The results of analysis are given as well as discussed under Chemical and physical Parameters as per found. Water qualities have been described as follow : = Parameters | unit [at BH.2 | BH | 4. | pH _ L_- 72 Pej aes 2._| Chlorides is mgil 16745 | 15495 | 165.95 | 3._| Sulphates (S03) mgil 123 102 123 |_4. | Total Hardness (CaCO;) mail 232 226 220 | [5 | Calcium (Cay mgfl 56 52.8 54.4 6._| Magnesium (Mg) mil 28 B33 20.16 y 7A mi 40 43 42 a mi pw ye | 9._| Total Suspended Solids mail 5 30 30 10._| Total Inorganic Solids mail 660 650 11. | Total organic solids mgil 20 | 0 P-119, MIDC industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur — 440028 Phone: 0710¢-295554, E-mail:, Web: 1.0: 9,shivranjani Shopng Center, 132 Feet Ring Road, Neer Shivranjani Cross Road, Satelite, Ahd-3 LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) NCC Limited ae Report On Geotechnical Investigation = T REPORT NO. ATONIGTUZO2017 | Rev. | Page:25 of 30, Result Discussion LPH VALUE The pH indicates the acidic or alkaline material present in the water pH is an important parameter for non-crinking purpose. Out of 3 samples all the pH value of the groundwater samples were found in between ranges of 7.2-7.3. These values are within acceptable range whereas 4 per IS 456-2000 standard this value should not be less than 6.0 for construction water. 1. CHLORIDES Out of 3 bores all ground water samples have Chloride range from 164.95- 165.95 maj/L which are below the permissible limit of 2000 mg/L for concrete not containing embedded steel! ( For PCC ) and 500 mg JL for rain forced concrete work ( RCC ) as per IS 456-2000. IL SULPHATES Out of 3 bores in present investigation sulphates concentration has ranged from 102.0-123.0 mg/l. In the study area the sulphates levels are within the acceptable limit of 400mg/Las per IS 456 -2000, IV. TOTAL HARDNESS ‘Out of 3 samples all ground water samples have total hardness range from 220- 232mgil. Vv. CALCIUM Out of 3 samples all ground water samples have calcium range from 52.8-56 gil. (v1) MAGNESIUM ‘Out of 3 samples all ground water samples have magnesium range from 20.16- 23.0 mgll. P-119, MIDC Industrial Ares, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur-aa002a <4“ Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail: Nagpur_atc@yahoo in, Web: www. atecindiain —_I/~_| Center, 132 Fet Rng Road, Neat Shiwanjoni Coss Roads, Satelite, Ahd- 384614 H.0: 9 Shivonisni shopp | LC-120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar | Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) NCC Limited | Report On Geotechnical investigation fier [m- [nonan (vil) ACIDITY Acidity is the capacity of water to neutralize the alkali Out of 3 samples all ground water samples have acidity in the range from 4.0- 43 ml : (Vit) TOTAL ALKALINITY (oy ” ox) Alkalinity is useful to find out quantitative capacity of water to neutralize an acid. Measuring alkalinity is important in determining a water's ability to neutralize acidic pollution. ‘Out of 3 bores all ground water samples have the total alkalinity values ranging from 34-39 mi SUSPENDED-SOLIDS ‘Out of 3 samples all ground water samples have Suspended solids ranges from 25.0-30.0 mg/L thal is which are below Permissible limit of 3000 mg/L es per iS 456-2000. INORGANIC SOLIDS There is no abnormality have found in ground water sample regarding dissolved solids concentrations, Out of 3 bore samples all ground water samples have dissolved solids ranges from 650-660 mg/L that is which are below Permissible limit of 3000 mg/l. as per Is 456-2000. ORGANIC SOLIDS. Out of 3 bore samples all ground water sample have organic solids ranges from 10-20 mg/l. which are come under limits. As per IS 456:2000 permissible limit is ot more then 200 mg/L iveandaniSh -119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur — 440028 Phone: 07104-295554, E-mall:, Web: LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) Report On Geotechnical Investigation - T REPORTNO. ATCNIGT/20/12017 | Rev. ~_ | Page:27 of 30, ANNEXURE I - BORE LOG - RECORD OF BORING P-119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur — 440028 aot! 07104-295554, E-mail:, Web: + MARR RECORD_OF BORING |NAME OF PROJECT : Construction of Low Height Sub Ways (LHS) as RCC Box 1"7°s.0m by Box Pushing Method ‘at CH-830/09-11 Between Khapr-Ajni Station in liew of Existing Level X-ING No.120 At Manish Nagar Crossing Under Nagpur Division of Central alway. (M.S). ‘BR-1 (East) Page Te IMETHOD OF DRILLING: Rotmy-Hysrutc LOCATION: AT Noor Mish Nogor Rainy Crossing, IEORE DIA: toorm Marsh gar, Dit Nagpur Waborchr. Jot ity: ana.7sa2 ‘COORDINATES Easing: 200588 A22 loePTE OF BORING :2+.o0mBc Northing - 2886741. 483 WWATERTABLE: @3.58mBGL. are: of12.20 10 07-12:20, STRATA sR SFT values | Nate | ROK 5 spam. 3 igs a en desonpnon |g Se |ceemi| re] no. Ni, ee | Ron) om (CF STRATA i aa fen] ~ —j— la slelale ae | os Pt a cverburden fig mei wh eo & basa boars er temi a icici 's, [a 8 u [4 a [Sh egry agmerts o¢ | 7] 3.00 [_ aco | sor | + | soxztem | ot00 : a0] 327 fowe| 4 [mem ws rt ie meat i Pesta (ea ele facts besat oar wh tubes 600 | cae] s E Rely ‘| 250 rasmamrgeregs]—|| |r] = Jeo] «| = | - ae} [——Joratharns! massive compact| [fice nareecowe| eee soo | gl a eat ane le nibs ay re 182 srtestated fragments of ‘basalt rook sath Rovers ee soso | ser | 2 | socrzem) |>100 sanz | coe} 5 - 10.52 sare wear 138 [| sagen ot oon an abe Se sem | com ; 18.0] | 4g] Pate vetoutsh wath codon of row bende noon, ih elgg $ saa0 | core | 8 - 36:00] ne — Ht i rH asl MH 100 oore swt] 119, MDC INDUSTRIAL AIGEA, HINGNA, NEAR RAHUL HOTEL, WADLNAGPUR = 440028, HUN! 1.0 Shivranjant Sh ing Centr 152 Feet Ring Road, ear Shivronjani Cros Ronde Sutte, Wok 380018 Crete. RECORD OF BORING |NAME OF PROJECT = Construction of Low Height Sub Ways (LHS) as RCC Box 1'7"3.0m by Box Pushing Mathod 4st CH-830/09-11 Between KhapriAjni Station in law of Existing Level XING No.120At Manish Nagar Crossing Division of Central Reilway. (M.S) BH (East) Page: 2 IMETHOD OF DRILLING: Retay-Hydralc LOCATION: A Naar Moriah Nagar Ratlany Crosshg. [SORE OA: 150mm Manish Nagar, istict Negpux, Maharani, loot ety: aoa.7e8 ‘COORDINATES Easing: Zam098422 [DEPTH OF GORING :21.00m B61 z Nong 223454.463 WATER TARE @)3.8m GL. pare Jottz.z0 10.01-1220, STRATA TAUPE EPTVALUES | NvaeT | — Roce fe Shams, Is 8 earls: cecwrron FE | E | Be NIN2,N3]_N ce |rco] o lt OF STRATA i} |e moo & im 600 fl * sore gris wey, [| cxmpstey weatered 1350 | ser] 3 | seceam) | >100 ths jiegreed Fragments ro 16565] coe} 9]. | mi ‘may be vata Slee rock I sq] isicatng the presence of 1 arte One i te00}ew} 1] - | - nel fe ts50| cow] sf - | - nfs 200 His 200 L | sere terminaton }_22) j_24} [2 0.00[— a 7.19, MIDC INDUSTRIAL ANIA, HINGNA, NEAR RAIIUL HOTEL, WADLNAGPUR 440028 PHONE : 07104. €060000/03, Email © mugpuraate@yshonin, Web: wyew atelndla P 110 Shivranjant Shopping Center, 132 Feet Ring Road, Near Shivranjad Cross Ronds Salsli, Abd- smvonpZ@t y, ey a RECORD _OF BORING. INAME OF PROJECT : Construction of Low Height Sub Ways (LHS) as ROC Box 1"7~3.0m by Box Pushing Method] ‘at CH-820/09-11 Between Khapri-Ajni Station in lew of Existing Level X-ING No.120 At Manish Nagar Crossing Under Nogpur Division of Contral Raina. (M.S) BR-2 (West) Page: 12 METHOD OF DRILLING: Ray nus LOCATION: At Nour Manieh Nagar Ravay Cees, BORE DIA 1e0mim Mansh Nog, ret Nagpes Mahresien. fect ge): aoe ss COORDINATES Earn 290556 208 lace OF BORING :21.c0m@C. Nerang 2804100008 WATER TABLE » @.4.05m BGL DATE: 0812.20 TOUS-12.20 Sau SARE | sprvalues | Wau] nook ae i ee DESORPTION 3 | & | Ee [oom nee] no |nina.nd w em |g OF STRATA A] & 221% us i ge c E Tap oO] oe TT : | overorten ming meen 4 with soil 2.00, 200 |e | + -|- a HAC TOT a ity clay of high a am [| pes wine | = soe | SPT] 1 | S0(6cm) j>100 = var TIN) 300] 306 | com] 1 : wi} west racured [| eects of eat rock Pabeate ach. ell Eat # alee ‘ 600 | coe} 3 eg gjch black masse the L— | “ained thy westhoret 780 | cow] « +400] 10 Sot roc wl acd i oucere es 8.00 | Com} 5 - 7 13.00] NI pase 1050 | Core} 6 - [25.00] Ni “il ae yews ro. ty weather! the gran [| “tlndstons rock sh 12.00 = — 12.00 | Core | 7 - 12.00} Ni [49] pate yotowsh ora. tghty weathered tne grained - siesta 1250 | Core] 5 . - /+6.00] Ni = Fost eore 9 = = SAA) 118, MDC INDUSTRIAL AREA, HINGNA, NEAR KAMUL HOTEL, WADLNAGHUR - 440028, LINAC! PHONE 1 O7104- 60600/01/0, F mall : RECORD OF BORING NAME OF PROJECT: Construction of Low Height Sub Ways (LHS) as RCC Box 1°7'3.Om by Box Pushing Wetnea at CH-830/00-11 Between Khapri-Ajni Station in liew of Existing Lovel X-ING No. 120 At Manish Nagar Grossing Inder BH-2 (West) Pago: 22| METHOD OF DRILLING: Rotary Henk LOCATION: At Near Manich Nagar Rabwoy Grossing, J2ORE DA. tsomn Waris Nagwr att Renoun Mahoranis Jost eu: so4st86 COORDINATES. Easing Zanoce 200 Der OF BORING :21.0aneoL ; Nevtngzurt20008 WATER TABLE” @ 4.05mECL ate ne-1220 Toto 1229 a A [oman aie [err vases Te Be le le pee g | cesmemoy FG | Be Jemma] re] no [,na} cx | reo) # OF STRATA B| 222 [he 06) | pi ~, tsps ee atte F— | “tectner te 16m] com] wo} = | - 12.0] 68 ondelore rack 18,00 [— eis com] | 2 | los} ‘ie yolowsch Gray, STI ier westhered te genet | ance ah so ez bowtie HE tom | oe] ee] | - 3.00] 9a 201 sree sey Hay 1% refed ected basalt L— Peceri rock icitna re | 2100 Hretencs 0 okt ke a ‘Sore terminated 28) 0.00 3q) - 7 ca 119, MDC INDUSTIUAL AREA, HINGNA, NEAR RAHUL ROTEL, WADENAGPUR - 40028 PHONE = OTHO4- «06s0001/03, © wall: mapur alegyaneatn, Web: wronatecindc |__ tio shtrangent supp Cans 192 Pal ang aN RECORD OF BORING [NAME OF PROJECT : Construction of Low Height Sub Ways (LHS) as ROC Box 1-7"3.0m by Box Pushing Metiod| at CH-830/09-11 Betwoon Khapri-Ajni Station in lew of Existing Level X-ING No. 120 At Manish Nagar Crossing Sar Nagpur ka aa Fae er00 oF ox ma: Retype LBCAIION sow Mana Ng at Gere onan oe shige Nahe Seth aac couronuvee exes Seavert erin cr bors roam. i “pete WATER TABLE“ @3.80m8GL DATE: 1252-20 TO 12:12:20 SIRAIA, ‘SPT VALUES | vain ROOK 5 27, : pam) | oem = S| wad ox |rco gi| Sem fa] e Ss wha | 44 al . ‘overtuardeen fil | i es , |—1 win overburden sof at ‘Brownish medsum To Ane Fesuparone | on WAAL so] 20 [us| | - alte apg oer | Ee ) ao [er] + on =|. [ue 460] 321 | core] 1 ui setae | [= lenneeet rare ct 4th rm ai ils lho ‘basalt rock with Doulders: i a io z so fom} a} - |. felt 4 Ath t i) Keen] eles oe (farm ay were [a | Remeron ee Fee ed ey > of a = Hie en ' auiara a aes =| eee tee 1250 | cae| 6 ee.) ow + Tractured ouider [42.00 fo 1200, Bore terminated Pall, MIDE INDUSTRIAL AREA, HINGNA, NEAI RAHUL. HOTEL, WADLNAGPUR - 449028 PHONE + U71- 606600001402, Email nagpir_ale@yabeaie, Web: ww m-ateciod | EG-120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) Neo tiraied Report On Geotechnical Investigation [tae peer REPORTNO. ATCWTI/20/12017 Poge26 of 30 | ANNEXURE Il - TABLES - SUMMARY OF LAB TEST RESULTS __ 4 119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur 440028 : 07104-295854, E-mail: Nagpur_atc@yahao In, Web: Center, 132 Feet Ring Road, Near Shivranjani Cross Raads, Satelite, Ahd- 3 ‘aspaR aan AeIy URL Inia NH FERRAENRTLN Daa savy seo tor oer ee 00 eel uy eINePE MGL A vip ouiy0n jo aouesed ag Buses 201 gu} YoHe 9g Kru yor SHUN Bey pete sp parattesH AsrmE0D a ea a8 ep Jeomnog paryoey ULM {por suo pars Yb 2100 SeuUER LANGA YABAO! LAM YMONRK BEd {Spo Lm Be) BUDPLS pm YeRG Jo mUeNIBen pare AomCD _sep703 gm 3202 aes jo AUB PawLELEED pam\aNoM herHEWe® — mero — __ Pompe yt yo yoswy onus xgevas poiayuor Rub Kab usQUA ‘loping yu 0! yeseg pay jo spa Bey arsBonnEp parngean AsIIOD tai EAE | Siam HON TVA Lily Teese -Bonuon| sys} ‘ ona reser] une) oot pwova “rescind ‘Bewesnin semprcsuosuiy 694. DEUS WELL: A ‘peyeNi | paRD|SiDOU SEY NUS 28IC= 10D scr —andBeN sas I sha FH 13: 0N Od MOs= NS 9CWOS 120) Uo aT OE res — pe gest AB i ue wore | over Pou ys 301 Bop Jet peuesD ety perm guer Kuby Kar usuyohows | weer | over o's | over agar | ost 901 auaepsee poes8 ay panINONM KYB KON yaaa ped tes cost | oss oot | ova pense 90 p/n pe 4 amp Kuby Ko una ed wot | oso asm | 008 5 1p1109 Z| pause en 201 yese9 paroyz0m ALB poveiO ous evades yom YSN eects val one a spurns eeprom page | ~ ocrss 7 = [cea @ low Plelall|s Bia! alli i B ‘ al 2 a 4% % g| # Bg tex] _ron:naw) se wort ~ shen ans MBieH mar) jo wonmnsUed| | some Ha] rome set vase voaetysony) iewu2si0%9 peiseq) 9M ‘seeeveal ene yaven asso Aen Je20N UsINeRL JE2N IY NOLEIOT UNGOWN “ADNVIINSNOD TVDINHOIL VIVMIGNYNY apr an UNG NT Tae IRw A RELI 2 seins ate oe on ese ea ny eT NG ad ves / Poa TORa TORE aN ONG TAB WOU=GEN MOM ATC) “powerBUn| 9evOPHCSUOD/ 198 CWS IML LL PaUHEIPUN PEIED|SLODU Tse aN 1984I=/10 PRVIEY ON oH UNH NS “SKS ei UORRHOUDY MEPLEASRL AE SACURS pagaNIN=SON ‘991 Awug cegiMEIG= SO .| 29 [over | our ea [oso | ove 209 | ons | ove Shee Sas a | —]_panany nin sees pm fave iP 8 emt $a pain ys yoo yesag pessyse e6y pec 6 a vee xe yoke 4 pee |} stapnog wr x00! 1890 0 iL aL, poRSoUB pamIpEaN Mee? Bi 8 we me san | ove | ons : 5a [oss | evo Tar ear es a e]: z g & |i 2 a] 3 é BE) oz 3 PLETE G [s8leg i HEE 3 e(F lee) S| 3] Z s\es : |é E| oleae El ani}! B |G | S| = [hottraresia| 2 z rt tow:ne| sscveriete] ‘now [_teete na ovevniese]| ener sea i9e UNGOWN ‘ADNVLINSNOD TWIINHIAL VIVMITONYNY, = | L©-120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) NCC Limited Report On Geotechnical Investigation REFORTNO.ATONGTIZot2017 | Rev. | Pauw:29 of 30 ‘ ANNEXURE Ill - GRAIN SIZE GRAPHS P-119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur — 440028 Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail:, Web: [_ no: 9 swranit supp Center, 132 eet Rig Road, NeaeShvanjni Cros Ron, Satlite, Ad 3 coe " PROJECT : Detailed Geotechnical Investigation For, NCC Ltd, at Construction of Low ANANDJIWALA TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY, NAGPUR Grain Size Analysis DEPTH 21.00 Height Sub Ways (LHS) as RCC Box 1*7°3.0m by Box Pushing Method at (m.) : (CH-830/09 11 Between Khapri-Ajni Station iow of Existing Level X-ING 'No.120 At Manish Nagar Crossing Under Nagpur Division of Central Railway, Dist- Nagpur (M.S). LOCATION : At Near Manish Nagar Railway Crossing, Manish Nagar, District Nagpur, BH.No.: BH-2 Mahereshtra. (West) r 7.00 ‘ Graph no: 4/1 fe eet 2 ————— Siena TT | | q P oo 100 LH bs | | | 0 1 = | = {= het g>|- 44 aa = 2a { 1 bh 2 {titi aa Lil i | > i ae Ti al Eali| | E) iti | ooo 0.100 \egthonson 3.000 10,000 P-119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur ~ 440028 Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail:, Web: ANANDJIWALA TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY, NAGPUR Grain Size Analysis . PROJECT : Detailed Geotechnical Investigation For, NCC Ltd, at Construction of Low DEPTH 12.00 Height Sub Ways (LHS) as RCC Box 1"7*3.0m by Box Pushing Method at (m.): ‘CH-830/09 11 Betwoen !ah Station of Existing Level XING No.120 At Manish Nagar Crossing Under Nagpur Division of Central Railway, Dist- Nagpur (M.S). LOCATION : At Near Manish Nagar Railway Crossing, Manish Nagar, District Nagpur, BH.No.: BH-3 Maharashtra, (East) 150 i Graph no: 1/1 1.000 10.000 P-119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur ~ 440028 Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail:, Web: www.atecindiain LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) Nec Urated Report On Geotechnical Investigation REPORT NO. ATCN/GTU2012/077 ANNEXURE IV — SITE BORELOG SHEETS & CORE BOX PHOTOS +119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur ~440028 Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail:, Web: www.atecindiain (S 1.0: 9 Shivranjani Shopping Center, 132 Feet Ring Rood, Nebr Shivranjai Cross Roads, Satelite, And- 3800 1G -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar | Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) NCC Limited Report On Geotechnical Investigation T Page:3t of 30 | | REPORT NO. aroNien | BH-t_PAGE4 fae s we i - : cia UNG passe S ze Trak tend week Maa teams LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar A Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) Nec Report On Geotechnical Investigation | [porte arowenaoiaor —_[Rew~ [rawazate | BH-+ _PAGE2 P-113, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur ~ 440028 Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail:, Web: H.0: §,Shivranjant Genter, 132 Feet Ring Road, Near Shivranjani Cross Roads, Satelite, Ahd-3 | LC 420 RUB Project, NMRCI_ at Manish Nagar | | Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) I | AS Report On Geotechnical Investigation | REPORT NO ATeNIoTIaNoNt7 | | page:33 of 30 | eoge:33 f 98 BH-t_PAGE-3 P-119, MIDC industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur ~ 440028, Phone: 07104-285554, E-mail:, Web: . LC -120 RUR Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar 1 ea ‘Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) | NCC Limited a | P-119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur ~ 440028 Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail: Nagpur eislonks Mies woes y 1 20 RUB Proiect_ NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) | NCC Limited REPORT all Report On Geotechnical Investigation ae pales eee | a oe 3 NO. ATO! BH-2_PAGE2 van Spine Coin Shai eran faeorat Are sett eterna Saas ict ee ~~ P-L19, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagput — 440028 Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail:, Web: 4.0: 9,shivranjani Shéping G OD of 132 Feet Ring Road, Near Shivranjani Cross Roads, Satellite, Ahd- LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCI_ at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) | NCC Limited Report On Geotechnical Investigation BH-2 _PAGE-3 wnmse sie fe P-119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur — 440028 Phone: 07104-29554, E-mail:, Web: 4.0:9.hiranan shopping pnaril32 Feet Ring Rand, Nea Shivraniani Cros Reads, atlite, Abd: 38 nt LC -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) seclinked Report On echnical Investigation 7 REPORTNO. 7 [Re | Penes7ofs0 | BH-S _PAGE-1 P-119, MIDE Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur ~ 440028 Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail:, Web: y 1G 120 RUA Project, NMRCL. at Manish Nagar s. | Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) | vray Gaia erqde tag Cast reas Phone: 07104-295554, E-mal:, Web: H.0: 9Shivranjani ier, 132 Feet Ring Road, Near Shivranjani Cross Roads, Satelite, Ahd- 3 5 r LG -120 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar 7 K,| | Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) ae — mf | NCC Limited REPORT NO. igneonze7 | Ray — 2 \ L - = P-119, MIDC industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur — 440028 Phone: 07104-29554, E-mail:, Web: H.0: 9 shivranions honing ater, 132 Feet Ring Road, Near Shivranjani CrossRoads, Satelit, hd 10 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) | Report On Geotechnical Investigation REPORT NO. ATCNIGTHZO/12007 Rev. | [naar | Core Box_BH-3 P-1i9, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur ~ 440028 Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail: Nagpur_atc@yahoo.\ yg Genter, 132 Feet Ring Road, Near Shivraniani Cross Roads, Satellite, Ahd- 3 1, Web: 1.0190 RUA Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar 1 Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) i Report On Geotechnical Im tigation | REPORTNO.AToNGTV2a12017 | Rev.— | Paget of 30 ANNEXURE V — SITE PHOTOGRAPHS 119, MIDC Industrial Are Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail:, Web: #.0: 9 Shivraniane Shaping, NCC Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) : ——_| Report On Geatechnical Investigation P-119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadl, Nagpur = 440028 5 Phone: 07104-795554, E-mail Nagpur, Web: (YY shvranjan Shag Center, 132 Feet tng Ran, Near shiveanjan Cons Rou, Satelite, And- 38008 eee, © LC -420 RUB Project, NMRCL at Manish Nagar | Crossing, Somalwada, Nagpur (M.S) | Report On Geotechnical Investigation P-119, MIDC Industrial Area, Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur - 440028 Phone: 07104-295554, E-mail:, Web: ing Center, 132 Feet Ring Road, Near Shivranjani Cross Roads, Satelite, Ahd- 348 LG -120 RUB Project, NMRCI at Manish Nagar Crossing, Somaiwads, Nagpur (M.S) Report On Geotechnical a [ReronTNo arcwericoraci7 [en [Pag Hingna, Near Rahul Hotel, Wadi, Nagpur — 440028 Zee Phone Lint 258554, al: Nagpur sttPyabo, Wal: wwe fh

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