The Motivator: (Mohammad Hatta) DI S U S U N Oleh

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Oleh :

Titi Yuliatul Waliyah




All the praise and thanks of the authors make the presence of Allah SWT. Because with
his permission and approval, this work can be completed. Prayers and salutations can be
bestowed on the Lord Prophet Muhammad. which has brought peace and mercy to the universe.
This work was prepared to fulfill the independent task of English Language Subjects. if there are
mistakes and deficiencies in the preparation of this work .i hope for input to improve the
content of this work.


The Indonesian nation was founded by figures of high integrity, warrior, disciplined,
honest, dedicated, and anti-corruption. One of them was Indonesia's first Vice President,
Mohammad Hatta. Honesty, simplicity, and responsibility of a leader is very prominent in him. It
is evident that the character meets the integrity criteria formulated by the Corruption
Eradication Commission (KPK) as nine anti-corruption values or also known as nine integrity
values, namely honesty, caring, independent, discipline, responsibility, hard work, simple, brave,
and fair.

There are two efforts to achieve success, that is finding and fixing deficiencies in
yourself, as well as digging knowledge by emulating characters, because a great nation is a
nation that exemplifies the integrity of its national leaders. MohammadHatta is very suitable as
an example. In addition to his unlimited nationalism, he is a figure who highly values integrity.

o 1.2 Formulation of the problem

1 . How was the life of Mohammad Hatta?

2. What is the story of Mohammad Hatta that illustrates his integrity?

3. What can be emulated from the personality of Mohammad Hatta?

o 1.3 The benefits This paper is expected to benefit, inspire, and motivate,
especially the next generation of the nation who will take the nation's leadership
relay to have high integrity as well as other noble qualities in order to be able to
provide the best contribution to the homeland. It is also hoped that the young
generation will not lose their role models One of them is to love this country by
not forgetting history.
o 1.4 Aim The objectives to be achieved by the writer through this paper, namely:
1. To find out how the life of Mohammad Hatta
2. To inform what things deserve to be an example of Mohammad Hatta

Biography of Mohammad Hatta

Moh. Hatta the father of the Indonesian proclaimer who was paired with Ir. Soekarno,
had the birth name of Mohammad Athar with the popular name Bung Hatta. He was born to the
couple Muhammad Djamil and Siti Saleha from Minangkabau. He was born in Bukittinggi on
August 12, 1902.

Moh. Hatta is the second child, since childhood he has been educated and raised in a
family that is very obedient to the teachings of religion. He could not linger feeling a father's
love because when he was 7 months old, his father passed away. Then his mother remarried to a
trader from Palembang. Moh. Hatta received formal education in a private school.

Six months later he moved to a public school and shared a class with Rafiah, his brother.
In the middle of the third grade he moved to ELS in Padang (now SMA 1 Padang), until 1913.
Then he continued his education to MULO in 1917. In addition to studying knowledge, he had
acquired religious knowledge since childhood. He had studied religion to Muhammad Jamil
Jambek, Abdullah Ahmad, and several other scholars.

Trading influenced Hatta's thinking on the economy, in Padang he was acquainted with
traders who entered the Trade Union and he was active in the Jong Sumatra Bond organization
as treasurer. Activities continued as long as he attended Prins Hendrik School, he remained
treasurer in Jakarta. In 1921 Hatta arrived in the Netherlands to study at Handels Hoge School
in Rotterdam, he enrolled as a member of the Indische Vereniging.

In 1922 the association changed its name to Indonesische Vereniging. The association
which refused to cooperate with the Dutch then changed its name to the Indonesian Association
(PI). Hathta also fought for the Indies Poetrabisa magazine to be organized regularly as a binder
to its members. In 1924 the magazine changed its name to Indonesia Freedom. Hatta graduated
in 1923 in the trade economics exam.

Initially he wanted to take a doctoral examination in the field of economics in 1925,

because at that time 1924 he was not active in the PI. At that time a new department was
opened, namely state law and administrative law, he entered the department because he was
motivated by his interest in politics.
The extension of his study program was possible if Hatta could be elected Chair of the PI
on January 17, 1926. At that time, he made this speech. uguration with the title " Economische
Wereldbouw en Machtstegenstellingen "Or World Economic Structure and Power Conflict. In
1926 to 1930, he was successively elected to be the chair of the PI, under his leadership, the PI
evolved from an ordinary student organization into a political organization that influenced the
politics of Indonesian society. In July 1932, Hatta completed his studies in the Netherlands and a
month later he arrived in Jakarta.

Between the end of 1932 and 1933, his main activity was writing various political and
economic articles for Daulat Ra'jat. Moh. Hatta had been dumped in Tanah Merah, Boven Digoel,
Papua. At his disposal he was active in writing articles and teaching his friends about science.
When he returned to Jakarta, he was asked to cooperate with Japan as an advisor. During the
Japanese occupation, Hatta did not say much. His speech was spoken at Ikada Field (now
Merdeka Field) on the stairs of December 8, 1942, which caused a stir in many circles. He did
not want Indonesia to be colonized again, after the Dutch surrendered to Japan.

In the proclamation of independence, he played a role in composing the text of the

proclamation with Sukarno, Soebardjo, Sukarni, and Sayuti Melik. On August 17, 1945 the text
was read at 10:00 on Jalan Pegangsaan Timur 56 Jakarta. He was elected as the first president
with Sukarno as his president. On November 18, 1945, Hatta married Rahmi Hatta and three
days after that, they resided in Yogyakarta. He was blessed with 3 daughters named Meutia
Farida Hatta, Gemala Rabi'ah Hatta, and Halida Nuriah Hatta.

Moh. Hatta, Mr. Independence Proclaimer and First Vice President of the Republic of
Indonesia, died on March 14, 1980 at Dr Tjipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, at the age of
77 years and was buried in Tanah Kusir TPU on March 15, 1980. 2.2 Valuable Examples Honest,
simple, and firm in holding principles. Such is the personality of Mohammad Hatta.

Mahar Mardjono, former Chancellor of the University of Indonesia who is also a doctor,
witnessed this when accompanying Bung Hatta to seek treatment abroad in 1970- an. "When
stopping in Bangkok on the way back to Jakarta, Bung Hatta asked to his secretary, Pak Wangsa,
the remaining amount of money given by the government for treatment. It turned out that some
of the money was still intact because the medical costs were not as big as expected.

Soon Hatta ordered the return of the remaining money to the government via the
Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok, "said Mahar. The same thing was done by Bung Hatta shortly
after resigning from his position as presidential representative.
At that time, Cabinet Secretary Maria Ulfah offered Rp6 million, which was the
remaining non-budgetary funds for her operational needs while serving as vice president.
However, the fund was refused. Bung Hatta returned the money to the state. Bung Hatta did that
because he did not want to poison himself and pollute his soul with fortune that was not his
right. He always remembered the German proverb, Der Mensch ist, war es iszt, human attitude
is commensurate with the way he gets food.

"Ouch, father! Why not say in advance there will be a deduction of money? Yes ... our
savings won't work! To buy a sewing machine it's gone can again, no price. " The sentence of
regret came from Rahmi Hatta's mouth, wife of the vice president at the time, Mohammad Hatta.
Rahmi's mother deserves disappointment. For the sake of buying a sewing machine, he
gradually set aside a portion of the income provided by Bung Hatta.

However, when his savings were enough to buy his dream sewing machine, the
government suddenly issued a senering policy (cutting the value of money) from Rp100 to Rp1.
As a result, the value of Ibu Rahmi's savings has declined and is no longer enough to buy a
sewing machine. Rahmi felt betrayed because it was Bung Hatta who announced the senering.

Complaints of his wife who was familiarly called Yuke was not made Bung Hatta angry.
Calmly, he said, "Yuke, if only Hatta tell you first, then surely it will be conveyed to your mother.
Then, both of you will prepare, and maybe tell theanother close friend. It is not good!". "The
interests of the state have nothing to do it has to do with efforts to foster family interests. State
secrets are confidential.

Mohammad Hatta also has dreams related to matter. One of them, he was so craving
Bally shoes. In the 1950s, Bally was a high-quality shoe brand. The price is certainly not cheap.
The piece of advertisement containing the shoe seller's address is a silent witness of the vice
president's wishes. For the sake of the shoes, Bung Hatta tried to save money.

However, his savings were never sufficient because they were always taken for
household purposes or to help relatives and friends who came to ask for help. Until the end of
his life, Bung Hatta could never have his Ballyidaman shoes. Actually, Bung Hatta could have
realized his wish. He left asking for help from others to buy the shoes. However, for BungHatta,
it hurt the principle of life and loyalty to the country.

Conclusion From the results of discussions about the biography of Moh. Hatta as the
father of the proclamator of Indonesia can conclude that : He is a character from the birth of
Minangkabau, and is the second child of two siblings. He is a figure who has received religious
education since childhood and was interested in trade when he was in high schtha He continued
his education in the Netherlands in 1921.

He also began to be interested in politics and from 1926 to 1930 he was successively
elected to be the chair of the PI, where the PI was an organization that influenced the politics of
Indonesian society. He was banished during the Japanese occupation of Tanah Merah, Boven
Diogoel and Papua.

He also played a role in drafting the text of the proclamation and subsequently he was
elected as Indonesia's first Vvice-President He has the nature of being honest, simple, and firm
in holding principles. He used the money sufficiently, did not want to poison himself with a
fortune that was not his right.

Moh Hatta and his wife also had failed in getting an item that they had dreamed of,
because Bung Hatta always worked and served the country honestly. He did not confuse the
interests of the country with personal and family interests. Although he is a leader of the
country, he is willing to lose little by little in the interests of the whole country. He always
adheres to the principles of life and loyalty to the nation.

Suggestions With the writing of this paper, the authors hope that readers can obtain
additional information about the characters. the community and the next generation of the
nation so that they can take lessons and practice the example of Indonesia's first vice president
that as human beings we must first uphold good moral principles such as goodness, honesty,
sincerity, simplicity and so on so that we can become human beings who can firmly uphold the
principles of life and integrity in every aspect of life. In addition to the attitudes and ways of
acting that we can exemplify as leaders or merely as office holders, we should serve this country
with honesty and loyalty

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