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Praise for the presence of Allah SWT because of His grace and gift, a paper
entitled "Present Perfect Tense" can be completed on time.

            Our success in writing this paper certainly cannot be separated from the help
of various parties. For this reason, we would like to thank all those who have helped
in the completion of this paper.

            We realize that in writing this paper is still far from perfection and there are
still many shortcomings that still need to be corrected, for that we expect constructive
suggestions for the perfection of this paper, so that it can benefit anyone who reads it.

Malang, 28 Februari 2020



TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................2
CHAPTER I.............................................................................................................................3
1.1 Background....................................................................................................................3
1.2 Problem Formulation.....................................................................................................3
1.3 Purpose...........................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER II............................................................................................................................4
2.1 Definition of Present Perfect Tense................................................................................4
2.2 The formula of Present Perfect Tense............................................................................4
2.3 Present Perfect Tense function.......................................................................................7
CHAPTER III..........................................................................................................................8
3.1 Conclusion....................................................................................................................8
3.2 Suggestion.....................................................................................................................8



1.1 Background
English is the international language. By mastering English well, then we will
be able to communicate with other nations in this world. In addition, we will also be
able to add insight and our knowledge. But speaking English is not as easy as turning
the palm of the hand because there are many structures in the English learning system
such as grammar, tenses, etc. Not many people who learn English understand and
know correctly what are tenses, various things, etc.

In this paper we will discuss several tenses namely "Present Perfect Tense" to deepen
our knowledge of tenses and their explanations.

1.2 Problem Formulation

The formulation of the problems we found in making this paper are:

1. What is meant by Present Perfect Tense?

2. When is the Present Perfect Tense used?

3. How do the formulas / rules make the Present Perfect Tense sentence?

1.3 Purpose
1. To find out the Present Perfect Tense.

2. To find out when the Present Perfect Tense is used.

3. To find out how the formula / rules create the Present Perfect Tense sentence



2.1 Definition of Present Perfect Tense

The present perfect tense is formed with a present tense form of "to have" plus
the past participle of the verb (which can be either regular or irregular in form).

Present Perfect Tense (finish time now) is a tense used to express actions, events,
events that happened in the past and still have something to do with it now or to
indicate an event that is completed in a short time.

2.2 The formula of Present Perfect Tense

{I,You,We,They} have had

Positive:  S+Have/has+Verb 3 {He,She} has had
{It} has been..
{I,You,We,They} have not  had
Negative: S+Have/has+NOT+Verb3 {He,She} has not  had
{It} has not been..
Have {I,You,They,We} had..
Introgative: Have/has+Verb3 Has {He,She,Ali} had..
Has it been...

Past participle is the third form of a verb. Example : The Regular Verbs

Regular Verbs

Infinitive Past tense Past participle Meaning
Accompany Accompanied Accompanied Menemani
Ask Asked Asked Bertanya
Call Called Called Memanggil

The Irregular Verbs

Infinitive Past tense Past participle Meaning

Beat Beat Beaten Memukul
Dig Dug Dug Menggali
Fell Felt Felt Merasa

To form the Present Perfect Tense sentence we need to know about :

The shape of the auxiliary used in the present perfect tense is "to have". Present
perfect tense is composed of subject, auxiliary (have / has), and the past participle
(past tense verb Verb forms III or III), for example:

 I have eaten some food

 You Have gone to school

Auxiliary Verb is divided in two forms, namely :

1. Singular

 I have, You have, she / he / it has

2. Plural

 We have, You have, They Have

Past participle or verb in the present perfect tense is used Verb III. Past participle is
divided in two parts:

 Regular verb, for example: talk = talked

 Irregular verb, for example: go = gone

The present perfect tense is formed with the present tense form of "having"
plus the past participle of the verb (which can be either regular or irregular in form).
Present Perfect Tense (time finished now) is a tenses used to express actions, events,
events that happened in the past and still have something to do with now or to show
an event that finished in a short time.

The past participle or verb in the present perfect tense used is Verb III. Past participle
is divided into two parts:

- Reguler verb, contoh : talk = talked

- Irreguler verb, contoh : go = gone

Information of time that is often used in present perfect tense, namely :

1. So far (Sangat jauh)

2. Up to now (Sampai sekarang)

3. Until now (Sampai saat ini)

4. Already (Sudah)

5. Never (Tidak pernah)

6. Ever (Pernah) “hanya untuk kalimat tanya”

7. Not yet (Belum)

8. Just (Hanya)

9. Recently (Baru)

10. Since (Sejak)

11. For (Untuk)


We do not use the present perfect with an adverbial which refers to past time which is

- I have seen that film yesterday.

- We have just bought a new car last week.

But we can use it to refer to a time which is not yet finished:

- Have you seen Helen today?

- We have bought a new car this week.

2.3 Present Perfect Tense function

To state the deeds committed in the past and are still ongoing :

- I have waited you since afternoon

- He has gone since morning

To describe the completed action perfectly :

- Budi has given me a book

- We have helped him

To explain an act of repetition at an uncertain time before now :

- I have never promised to met her

- She has ever met us



3.1 Conclusion
Present Perfect Tense (time finished now) is a tenses used to express actions,
events, events that happened in the past and still have something to do with now or to
show an event that finished in a short time.

3.2 Suggestion
From the assessment that has been done it is hoped we want to understand
more about tenses in English in this case "Present Perfect Tense". because in English
there are rules in the learning process, especially the pronunciation.


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Doeta.Tenses 16 Bentuk Waktu.Surabaya.Amanah.

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