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Last updated 17.11.


St Cuthbert’s Society JCR

Article 1 JCR Membership
1. Types of JCR Membership
1.1. Full Members, who shall have the right
1) Stand for election to be a JCR Officer subject to any requirements for a
particular position,
2) Vote in any Method I, Method II, or Method IV election,
3) Attend and vote in any meeting,
4) Attend meetings of the Executive Committee except during reserve
5) Be a proposer or seconder for a motion at any meeting,
6) Join clubs and societies,
7) Attend JCR events, and
8) Use all JCR facilities.
1.2. Honorary Members, who shall have the right to:
1) Attend and vote for a motion at any meeting,
2) Be a proposer or seconder for a motion at any meeting,
3) Join clubs and societies,
4) Attend all JCR events, and
5) Use all JCR facilities.
1.3. Associate Members
1.3.1. Associate Members shall have such rights and benefits as they are
granted by the motion granting them Associate Membership.
1.4. Sabbatical Members, who shall have the right to:
1) Vote in any Method I, Method II, and Method IV election,
2) Attend and vote in any meeting,
3) Be a proposer and seconder for a motion at any meeting,
4) Join clubs and societies,
5) Attend JCR events, and
6) Use all JCR facilities.
1.5 Nominal Members, who shall have the right to:
1) Stand for election to be a JCR Officer subject to any requirements for a
particular position,
2) Vote in any Method I, Method II, or Method IV election,
3) Attend and vote in any meeting,

Last updated 17.11.2020
4) Attend meetings of the Executive Committee except during reserve
5) Be a proposer or seconder for a motion at any meeting,
6) Join clubs and societies,
7) Attend JCR events, and
8) Use all JCR facilities.

2. Terms of Membership
2.1. Upon enrolling into the University, and joining the Society all students shall
have the option to opt-in to Full Membership. This process shall include:
1) Completing the appropriate online information provided by Durham
University, and
2) Paying the JCR Levy.
2.1.1. Any student who does not opt-in to JCR Membership may choose to
become a Full Member again by paying their JCR Levy at any time.

2.2. Honorary Membership shall be granted to those who have been awarded a De
L’isle Booth Award or an Honorary Life Membership and shall remain for the
lifetime of the recipient.
2.3. Associate Membership may be granted to an individual or collectively to the
members of an organisation by the Members in General Meeting through a
motion that is proposed by a Member and seconded by fourteen Members. The
motion must specify the length of time for which Associate Membership is
granted along with the rights and benefits they are to be accorded by the JCR.
2.4. Sabbatical Membership shall be granted to the President of the Society, the
Finance and Compliance Officer, and the Bar Steward for the entirety of their
term of Office.
2.5. The amount of the JCR Levy shall be £53.50 per expected year of study and
the total amount shall be payable during Michaelmas term of a student’s first
2.5.1. The JCR Levy is subject to change and will be decided each year
during the annual budget meeting.

2.5.2. The JCR Levy for any Undergraduate students study for either 3 or 4
years shall be £160.50.

2.5.3. Full Members continuing from Undergraduate study into a one-year

Postgraduate course will not be required to pay the JCR Levy again.

2.5.4. Students doing a PhD course will pay the equivalent of one year’s
membership levy at the beginning of their degree which will confer
JCR membership for the rest of their degree course.

Last updated 17.11.2020
2.5.5. In special cases, an application to pay charges in instalments rather
than in one payment may be made to the FCO and it shall be left to
their discretion whether to accept or reject the application. The FCO’s decision shall be open to an appeal to Governance

Committee in the usual manner.

2.6. If a member wishes to terminate their membership, they shall only receive a
refund of their JCR Levy if the FCO receives written notification of the desire
to terminate membership before the end of Michaelmas term of the academic
year that the JCR Levy was paid.

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