Steps Toward Robust Artificial Intelligence: Thomas G. Dietterich

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AAAI Presidential Address:

Steps Toward Robust

Artificial Intelligence

Thomas G. Dietterich

I Recent advances in artificial intelli- et me begin by acknowledging the recent death of
gence are encouraging governments and Marvin Minsky. Professor Minsky was, of course,
corporations to deploy AI in high-stakes one of the four authors of the original Dartmouth
settings including driving cars Summer School proposal to develop artificial intelligence
autonomously, managing the power
(McCarthy et al. 1955). In addition to his many contri-
grid, trading on stock exchanges, and
controlling autonomous weapons sys-
butions to the intellectual foundations of artificial intel-
tems. Such applications require AI ligence, I remember him most for his iconoclastic and
methods to be robust to both the known playful attitude to research ideas. No established idea
unknowns (those uncertain aspects of could long withstand his critical assaults, and up to his
the world about which the computer can death, he continually urged us all to be more ambitious,
reason explicitly) and the unknown to think more deeply, and to keep our eyes focused on
unknowns (those aspects of the world the fundamental questions.
that are not captured by the system’s
In 1959, Minsky wrote an influential essay titled Steps
models). This article discusses recent
progress in AI and then describes eight Toward Artificial Intelligence (Minsky 1961), in which he
ideas related to robustness that are summarized the state of AI research and sketched a path
being pursued within the AI research forward. In his honor, I have extended his title to incor-
community. While these ideas are a porate the topic that I want to discuss today: How can we
start, we need to devote more attention make artificial intelligence systems that are robust in the
to the challenges of dealing with the face of lack of knowledge about the world?
known and unknown unknowns. These
Minsky shared this concern. In his book, Society of
issues are fascinating, because they
touch on the fundamental question of
Mind (Minsky 1988) and in many interviews, he often
how finite systems can survive and
thrive in a complex and dangerous

Copyright © 2017, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. ISSN 0738-4602 FALL 2017 3


Word Error (%)



2013 2014 2015

Figure 1. Google Speech Word Error Rate.

(Reproduced with permission from Fernando Pereira and Matthew Firestone, Google)

pointed out the contrast between the robustness of these applications. Let me first review some of the
the human intellect and the brittleness of existing AI recent progress and then discuss these emerging
systems. In an interview with John Brockman, he said applications.
almost any error will completely paralyze a typical The past decade has witnessed exciting advances in
computer program, whereas a person whose brain has artificial intelligence research and applications. Fig-
failed at some attempt will find some other way to pro- ure 1 shows that the word error rate of the Google
ceed. We rarely depend upon any one method. We speech engine has declined dramatically from 23 per-
usually know several different ways to do something, cent in 2013 to 8 percent in 2015 (Fernando Pereira
so that if one of them fails, there’s always another. and Matthew Firestone, personal communication).
(Brockman [1996] p. 156) Figure 2 shows similar progress in computer vision for
In this article, I wish to address this question: As a the task of determining whether an image contains
field, what are our current ideas about how to achieve an instance of an object class (for 1000 possible class-
robustness in AI systems? I will begin by arguing that es). The top-5 error rate has dropped from 28.2 per-
we need methods for robust AI because of emerging cent in 2010 to 6.7 percent in 2014 (Russakovsky et
applications of AI in high-stakes applications where al. 2015). There have been similar advances in other
computer vision tasks such as object localization, rec-
human lives are at risk. I will then discuss the two
ognizing text in images (for example, signage), and
main settings in which to consider robustness:
image captioning. Turning to language processing,
Robustness to the known unknowns (that is, robustness
the progress on natural language translation has been
to aspects of the world for which we have models)
substantial. A standard automated metric for transla-
and robustness to the unknown unknowns (that is,
tion quality is the bilingual evaluation understudy
robustness to unmodeled aspects of the world). I will (BLEU) score. A typical BLEU score in 2007 was 14.6.
then describe four approaches to robustness within In 2014, scores in the range of 23.6–24.7 were
each of these settings. attained by several groups (Sennrich 2016). Another
way to assess translation accuracy is to have bilingual
Why We Need Robust AI human judges assign a score from 0 (nonsense) to 6
(perfect translation) to a pair of sentences. Figure 3
Recent advances in AI are encouraging and enabling from Google compares such scores for various lan-
new high-stakes AI applications. My argument is that guage pairs and translation methods: (a) phrase-based
AI technology is not yet sufficiently robust to support translation, (b) neural machine translation, and (c)


Top 5 Classification Error (%)




2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Figure 2. ImageNet Top 5 Classification Error Rate.

phrase-based NMT human
Human Judge Score

English -> English -> English -> Spanish -> French -> Chinese ->
Spanish French Chinese English English English

Figure 3. Human Evaluation of Google Translate Quality.

FALL 2017 5

Figure 4. Google Real-Time Image Translation.


human translation (Wu et al. 2016). We see that neu- progress by formulating their tasks as satisfiability
ral machine translation has greatly reduced the gap problems and solving them with these improved
between AI methods and human translators, algorithms.
although a substantial gap in quality remains. In all Game playing is another area where AI continues
of these cases, the advances are due to improvements to make progress. Figure 6 plots the performance of
in deep neural networks for machine learning. The computer chess and Go programs as a function of
separate advances in vision, speech, and translation time (Schaeffer, Müller, and Kishimoto 2014). Per-
can be combined in exciting ways. For example, by formance on chess has continued to improve beyond
combining speech recognition and translation, the level achieved by IBM’s Deep Blue when it defeat-
Microsoft now offers Skype Translator, which pro- ed Gary Kasparov in 1997. Progress in the game of Go
vides real-time speech-to-speech translation in Skype. was very slow until the development of the UCT algo-
By integrating computer vision (for recognizing text) rithm for Monte Carlo tree search (Kocsis and
with translation, Google offers live image translation, Szepesvári 2006). This ushered in a period of rapid
as shown in figure 4. progress, but it still did not lead beyond master-level
In addition to progress enabled by machine learn- play. In 2015–16, the researchers at Google DeepMind
ing, many improvements in AI systems have resulted developed AlphaGo, which combined deep neural
from advances in reasoning methods. Figure 5 shows network methods with Monte Carlo tree search. The
how the size of satisfiability problems that can be neural networks were apparently able to solve the
solved in a fixed amount of time improved 1000-fold pattern perception problem, which was long believed
from 1998 to 2010. Note in particular that these to be a key to human skill in the game. By combining
advances resulted from many different algorithm this with search, AlphaGo was able to defeat Lee
innovations. Satisfiability solvers (especially, solvers Sedol, one of the top players in the world.
for satisfiability modulo theories; SMT) are now being Beyond games of perfect information, such as Go
widely deployed for model checking in hardware and and chess, AI has made steady progress in games of
software verification. In addition, areas of AI such as imperfect information, such as poker. In such games,
automated planning and scheduling have made one measure of difficulty is the number of possible


• Solver-based programming languages

• Compiler optimizations using solvers
• Solver-based debuggers
1,000,000 Constraints • Solver-based type systems
• Solver-based concurrency bugfinding
• Solver-based synthesis
• Bio & Optimization

• Concolic Testing
• Program Analysis
• Equivalence Checking
100,000 Constraints • Auto Configuration

• Bounded MC
• Program Analysis
• AI
10,000 Constraints

1,000 Constraints
1998 2001 2004 2007 2010

Figure 5. Progress on Satisfiability Algorithms.

(Courtesy, Vijay Ganesh.)

information sets. In poker, an information set is the of AI. Many of these, such as personal assistants (Siri,
information about the cards that are face up. Figure 7 GoogleNow, Alexa, and others), advertisement place-
reports the number of information sets that can be ment, and recommendation engines, operate in very
correctly processed as a function of time. There has low-stakes settings where errors are easily managed.
been an increase of eight orders of magnitude However, several emerging applications involve
between 2003 and 2014, although three of these can potential loss of human lives or catastrophic financial
be credited to improvements in computer hardware and infrastructure disruption. Let us list some of these
(Bowling et al. 2015). In 2017, a program named applications.
Libratus from Tuomas Sandholm’s lab at Carnegie The application that has received the most atten-
Mellon University convincingly defeated four of the tion in the media is the development of self-driving
world’s top 10 players in Heads-Up No Limit Texas cars. These are enabled by advances in computer
Hold’em. This version of poker has 10161 information vision and sensor fusion as well as significant cost
sets. Libratus combines deep neural networks with reductions in sensing (for example, LIDAR, RADAR).
many search techniques. Unlike the work reported in Autonomous cars have the potential to greatly reduce
figure 7, it does not provide a guaranteed solution to the loss of human lives due to human error. But we
the full game. Nonetheless, Libratus clearly demon- know that computer vision systems based on
strates the power of combining automated reasoning machine learning sometimes make errors that no
and machine learning to solve difficult problems of human would make. How many such errors will soci-
reasoning with imperfect information. ety be willing to tolerate?
All of these advances in perception, learning, and A second application area is robotic surgical assis-
reasoning have led to a huge increase in applications tants. For several years, teleoperated robots have

FALL 2017 7

Chess-Playing Program ?
Defeats Lee Sedol
Silver, et al. (2016)
Deep Learning +
MASTER Monte Carlo Tree Search

Go-Playing Program

1967 1977 1987 1997 2007 2017 2027


Figure 6. Progress on Chess and Go.

Game Size (Information Sets)

109 Rhode
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Figure 7. Progress on Computer Poker.

Courtesy Science Magazine.


helped surgeons perform delicate operations by scal- All of these high-stakes applications require robust
ing down and steadying the movements of their artificial intelligence technology. There are at least
hands. But advances in perception and control are five aspects of robustness that require attention. First,
now encouraging the near-complete automation of systems need to be robust to errors committed by
certain subtasks such as LASIK eye procedures, knee their human operators. In robotic surgery, weapons
surgeries, and even soft-tissue suturing (Shademan et systems, and, possibly, in self-driving cars, the human
al. 2016, Solis 2016). The potential for improved med- is “in the loop” and the system is therefore a joint
ical outcomes is great, but flaws in perception, rea- human-computer agent. Second, high-stakes systems
soning, and execution could place human lives at risk. must be robust to misspecified goals. This is a partic-
Automated stock trading is a third area where AI ularly serious form of human error in which the
methods are being applied. This application illus- human gives a command, for example, “Get to the
trates one of the key advantages of automation: it can airport as soon as possible” (given to a self-driving
operate at much greater speeds than human traders. car), that if interpreted literally could involve break-
This is also a key vulnerability. It is impossible for ing laws, injuring pedestrians, and even killing the
humans to monitor each trade and intervene to pre- occupants of the car. Third, high-stakes systems need
vent errors. We have already observed cases of market to be robust to cyberattack. In universities, cyber
instability where automated trading magnified mar- security is studied separately from AI, but when AI
ket swings (Kirilenko et al. 2017). systems wield control of highway networks, power
A fourth high-stakes application is AI control of the grids, financial markets, and weapons systems, they
electrical power grid. AI methods have the potential become attractive targets for cyberattacks. Hence,
to manage the increasingly complex task of integrat- cyber security must become an integral part of the
ing renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, design of AI systems. Fourth, AI systems need to be
with steadier generating methods, such as hydropow- robust to errors in their models of the world—that is,
er and nuclear power (Gopakumar, Reddy, and
to places where their models are explicitly incorrect.
Mohanta 2014). Reinforcement learning algorithms
Finally, AI systems need to be robust to unmodeled
have been developed that can better manage hydro-
aspects of the world. I am particularly interested in
electric systems to improve the health of fish stocks
this last form of robustness, because even if we
(Grinberg, Precup, and Gendreau 2014). Monte Carlo
address all of the others, we will still be confronted
tree search methods are being developed to respond
with the problem of the unknown unknowns.
rapidly to equipment failures and prevent large-scale
Although all five aspects are important, in this arti-
blackouts (Eduardo Cotilla-Sanchez, personal com-
cle, I will focus on only the last two. Let me motivate
munication). The potential benefits of these AI appli-
these a bit more. It is easy to understand why an AI
cations are large, but the risks, if these systems make
system must be robust to errors in its models. We all
mistakes, are also large.
have experience debugging models, and we know
The final high-stakes application that I wish to dis-
that it is practically impossible to eliminate all of the
cuss is autonomous weaponry. Unlike all of the other
applications I’ve discussed, offensive autonomous errors, particularly if we consider errors of precision
weapons are designed to inflict damage and kill peo- (for example, positional uncertainty in robots).
ple. These systems have the potential to transform The importance of unmodeled phenomena for
military tactics by greatly speeding up the tempo of robustness is less obvious. Why can’t we just build
the battlefield. Like high-speed trading systems, this complete models? There are two reasons. First, it is
in itself poses grave risks unless human commanders impossible to model everything. AI researchers long
can keep up with the faster pace. Without meaningful ago expressed this in terms of two named problems:
human control, some people argue that such systems the qualification problem and the ramification prob-
will violate the laws of war (Human Rights Watch lem. The qualification problem formalizes the real-
2016). Notwithstanding that concern, advocates ization that it is impossible to enumerate all of the
argue that battlefield robots will be better able to obey preconditions of an action. For example, we can write
the Geneva conventions on the laws of war, because down many conditions that must hold in order for a
they will not be overcome with emotions and stress car engine to start: sufficient fuel, sufficient battery
(Arkin 2009). Finally, some analysts are concerned power, correct functioning of each of the compo-
that any flaw in the AI systems could lead a battlefield nents, and so on. But we must also consider such
robot to attack the wrong targets. If that flaw is repli- famous preconditions as “There is no potato in the
cated across an entire robot force, the results could be tail pipe.” Symmetrically, the ramification problem
devastating (Scharre 2016). My view is that until we considers the opposite direction: it is impossible to
can provide strong robustness guarantees for the com- enumerate all of the consequences of an action.
bined human-robot system, we should not deploy Even if it were not impossible to model every-
autonomous weapons systems on the battlefield. I thing, it would not be desirable. Consider the theo-
believe that a treaty banning such weapons would be ry of machine learning, roughly summarized by the
a safer course for humanity to follow. equation

FALL 2017 9

error rate 
model complexity
Digression Two: Robustness
training data size Lessons from Biology
Because a model of every aspect of the world would In computer science, an important paradigm for ana-
be extremely complex, this equation tells us that to lyzing and solving problems is to formulate them in
learn the parameters of such a model, we would need terms of optimization. By stating the optimization
an extremely large set of training data. objective, we gain clarity about what counts as a solu-
These arguments drive us to the conclusion that tion, and we can prove guarantees on the correctness
every AI system will need to act without having a of our systems. Examples abound. In machine learn-
complete and correct model of the world. ing, we often seek maximum likelihood estimates for
the parameters in our probabilistic models. In per-
ception, we wish to estimate the depth of each pixel
Digression One: Uncertainty in an image or the most likely sequence of words spo-
and the History of AI ken by a person. In planning, we seek the optimal
plan or the plan that maximizes the expected cumu-
Before we explore methods for achieving robust AI lative discounted reward.
systems, let’s pause for a moment to consider the role However, the optimization paradigm is not robust:
of uncertainty in the history of AI. We can divide this it assumes that the optimization objective is correct.
history into three periods. The period from 1958 to The optimum is often attained on the boundary of
1984 can be called the period of the known knowns. the feasible region (such as in linear programming) —
AI research focused on reasoning and search: meth- precisely where the model is most likely to be incor-
ods for theorem proving, planning in deterministic, rect. In machine learning, for example, maximizing
fully observed worlds (the blocks world), and games the likelihood is well known to cause overfitting and
of perfect information (checkers and chess). Such ful- result in poor predictive performance.
ly known worlds are not devoid of uncertainty, but In biological evolution — in contrast — natural
the uncertainty can be resolved by deeper search and selection can be seen to select organisms that sur-
additional reasoning. The uncertainty is a conse- vived threats from a complex and uncertain environ-
quence of incomplete computation rather than lack ment. The internal models that those organisms
of knowledge (Dietterich 1986). might possess are certainly not complete and may not
Beginning around 1980, AI researchers started even be particularly accurate, but the organisms are
robust. Evolution does not optimize an objective; it
attacking applications, such as medical diagnosis, in
does not necessarily lead to increases in complexity
which observations (for example, symptoms, lab
or intelligence. Instead, it can be viewed as optimiz-
tests) are processed to make uncertain inferences
ing robustness (Kitano 2004, Whitacre 2012, Félix
about hidden variables (such as diseases). The field of
and Barkoulas 2015).
uncertainty in AI was founded, and Judea Pearl and Biology also relies on maintaining diverse popula-
colleagues developed practical ways to deploy proba- tions of individuals. This can be viewed as a “portfo-
bility theory to represent uncertainty about the val- lio” strategy for robustness, much along the lines that
ues of large sets of variables (Pearl 1988). This period, Minsky suggested in my opening quotation. Even
from 1980 to the present, could be called the period within individuals, we often find redundancy. Many
of the known unknowns. The dominant methodolo- organisms have multiple metabolic pathways for pro-
gy is to identify those variables whose values are ducing critical molecules. Each of us has two copies of
uncertain, define a joint probability distribution over our genes, because (with the exception of the sex
them, and then make inferences by conditioning on chromosomes of males), we carry two of each chro-
observations. A wave of textbooks have been pub- mosome. This allows recessive alleles to be passed on
lished with titles such as Probabilistic Graphical Mod- to future generations even though they are not
els (Koller and Friedman 2009), Probabilistic Robotics expressed in the current one.
(Thrun, Burgard, and Fox 2005), Machine Learning: A Finally, biological organisms disperse spatially,
Probabilistic Perspective (Murphy 2012), and, of course, which confers robustness to spatially localized distur-
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (Russell and bances such as droughts, fires, landslides, and diseases.
Norvig 2009). Recently, probabilistic programming Perhaps biology has lessons for us as we seek to cre-
languages have been developed to make it easy to ate robust AI systems?
define and reason with highly complex probabilistic
models (Gordon et al. 2014, Pfeffer 2016). Approaches to Robust AI:
I believe we have now entered a third period of
AI—the period of the Unknown Unknowns. In this
The Known Unknowns
period, we must develop algorithms and methodolo- The goal for the remainder of the article is to make an
gies that enable AI systems to act robustly in the pres- inventory of ideas within the AI community for
ence of unmodeled phenomena. improving the robustness of our systems. I will begin


by discussing four ideas for improving the robustness

of AI systems when dealing with the known x2
unknowns. These four ideas can all be viewed as
J(x1, x2)
incorporating robustness into the optimization para-
digm. Then I will discuss four ideas for addressing
robustness in the face of the unknown unknowns.

Idea 1: Robust Optimization

Consider the standard problem of linear program-
ming. Suppose our goal is to maximize a linear objec-
tive function J(x1, x2 ) over two variables x1 and x2
subject linear inequality constraints:
max J ( x1 ,x2 )
x1 ,x2

subject to
ax1 + bx2 r and cx1 + dx2 s

As I mentioned previously, we know that the opti-

mum will be located on the boundary of the feasible
region. Figure 8 shows a typical example; the objec-
tive function is increasing in the direction of the
arrow, the constraints are shown as lines, and the fea-
sible region is shaded. The optimum is located at the
vertex where the two constraint lines intersect. Figure 8. A Simple Linear Programming Problem.
Suppose we are uncertain about the parameters in
the constraint equations (a, b, c, d, r, and s). One
approach to formulating a robust optimization prob-
lem is to define uncertainty regions for each parame- i B
ter such that a ∈ Ua, b ∈ Ub, …, s ∈ Us. We can then for- i

mulate the minimax optimization problem a U a ,  b U b ,…, s U s.

max min J ( x1 ,x2 ;a,b,c,d,r,s) The constant B is the total perturbation budget given
x1 ,x2 a,b,c ,d ,r ,s
to the adversary. By solving the problem for various
subject to  values of B, we can map out the trade-off between the
ax1 + bx2 r  and cx1 + dx2 s value of the objective J and the robustness of the solu-
tion. If the uncertainty regions are convex and
and a U a , b U b , …, s Us
defined by linear constraints, then this problem is
We can view this as a game in which an adversary still a linear program, so it can be easily solved (Bert-
chooses the values of the parameters (within the con- simas and Thiele 2006). The idea of robust optimiza-
straint regions) in order to minimize the quality of tion — or more generally, the idea of optimizing
the optimal solution. While this does confer robust- against an adversary — is broadly applicable and will
ness, it often results in very poor solutions, because connect all four ideas of this section.
the adversary can create a devastatingly bad worst
Idea 2: Regularization in Machine Learning
An important idea in robust optimization is to Consider the standard supervised learning problem.
impose a budget on the adversary. Let us reformulate We are given a collection of training examples {(x1,
the uncertainty regions so that they define perturba- y1), …, (xN, yN)}, where each xi is an input feature vec-
tions. For example, let a + δa be the perturbed value tor and yi is the corresponding desired output (usual-
of the a parameter, b + δb be the perturbed value of ly a class label or real-valued response). We also spec-
the b parameter, and so on. Then require that δ ∈ Ua, ify a hypothesis class H such as the class of linear
separators (for support vector machines) or more
δb ∈ Ub, …, δs ∈ Us. We can define the budgeted adver-
complex classes such as decision trees or neural net-
sary minimax problem as
works. Our goal is to find a hypothesis h ∈ H such
max min J ( x1 ,x2 ; a ,…, s ) that the predicted value y^i = h(xi) is close to the
x1 ,x2 a ,…, s
observed value yi. We measure “closeness” through a
subject to  loss function L(y^, y) that quantifies how bad it is to
(a + a ) x1 + (b + b ) x2 (r + r ) predict y^ when the true value is y.
With these preliminaries, the problem of empirical
(c + c ) x1 + (d + d ) x2 (s + s ) risk minimization can be expressed as

FALL 2017 11

find h H to minimize In summary, regularization is an important tech-

nique for helping machine-learning algorithms to
 L (h ( xi ) , yi ) . generalize well. For the case of the linear support vec-
tor machine, regularization is equivalent to robust
When the hypotheses are conditional probability dis- optimization, and the parameter λ, instead of being
tributions h(y|x) = Pr(y|x) and the loss function is – log an arbitrary parameter, turns out to be the perturba-
h(yi|xi), then empirical risk minimization becomes tion budget given to an adversary.
maximum likelihood estimation.
The main weakness of empirical risk minimization
Idea 3: Risk-Sensitive Objectives
is that if the hypothesis space H is highly expressive, Let us now turn to the problem of planning in
then the function h that works best on the training Markov decision processes (MDPs). In an MDP, an
data will often work poorly on new data points. The agent is interacting with a fully observable world. At
problem is that in an expressive hypothesis space time t, the world is in state st. The agent observes that
there are usually functions that can essentially mem- state and then chooses an action at to perform
orize the training data without generalizing well. according to a policy function π: at = π(st). When the
A widely adopted solution to this problem is to agent performs action at, the world makes a stochas-
define a measure ǁhǁ of the “complexity” of h. For tic state transition to a new state st+1 according to the
example, if h is defined by a set of parameters (for probability distribution P(st+1 ∣ st, at). The agent
example, coefficients of a linear function, weights of receives a reward R(st, at). This reward is a random
a neural network), then ǁhǁ might be defined as the variable, because it depends on all of the stochastic
sum of the squares of these coefficients. We then transitions up to time t. Let us consider the problem
define the following complexity-regularized opti- of finding a policy that optimizes the expected T-step
mization problem reward starting from an initial world state s0:
find h H to minimize find   to maximize J ( ) = E  R (st , (st )) |s0 .
 L (h ( xi ) , yi ) + h,  t =1 
As I have indicated here, the standard objective is to
where λ is the regularization parameter. If we set λ = optimize the expected total reward, and the vast
0, then we recover the maximum likelihood solution. majority of work in MDP planning and reinforcement
As λ increases, the optimal h will be forced to become learning optimizes this (or closely related) objectives.
progressively less complex. In the limit λ → ∞, all of However, in some situations, one might be con-
the coefficients are forced to be zero. The value of λ is cerned about the down-side risk — that is, the risk
usually determined using a separate set of validation that the actual reward received in a particular T-step
data (or through the technique of cross-validation). trial will be very small. This is natural, for example,
Regularization is the key to preventing overfitting, when investing for retirement. It is also a concern in
and virtually all applications of machine learning problems involving endangered species where the
employ some form of regularization. We can view the expected total reward might be good even though the
regularization penalty as a force that “pulls the solu- species goes extinct (a down-side risk) 25 percent of
tion back” from the unpenalized optimum. the time. In such cases, we seek a more conservative
Interestingly, one intuitive definition of overfitting policy that may forgo large up-side outcomes in order
is that a hypothesis h has overfit the training data if to avoid down-side risk.
the loss sharply increases when we perturb the train- Many modifications of J(π) have been studied that
ing examples: L(h(xi + δi ), yi) ≫ L(h(xi), yi). Equiva- include some notion of risk or down-side risk. One of
lently, we can measure the capability of a hypothesis the best of these is the conditional value at risk
h to generalize to new points in terms of how stable (CVaR). To understand CVaR, imagine we have adopt-
its predictions are in the presence of perturbations. ed a fixed policy π and that we can perform repeated
Recent research by Shie Mannor and his collaborators trials in which we start in state s0 and follow the
(Xu, Caramanis, and Mannor 2009) has shown that actions of π for T steps. The T-step return VT that we
this intuition can be formalized. Specifically, for the receive is a random variable:
case of the linear support vector machine (where L is T

the so-called hinge loss), the regularized optimization VT = R ( st , (st )) .

t =1
problem is equivalent to the following robust opti-
mization problem This random variable will exhibit some probability
distribution resulting from the interaction of the pol-
min max L (h ( xi + ) , yi ) subject to ‖ ‖
h H 1 ,… N
i i icy π and the transition probabilities. Suppose this
i i
distribution is the black curve shown in figure 9a.
in which the parameter λ is equal to a perturbation Note that while the great majority of outcomes have
budget given to the adversary and ǁδiǁ is the Euclid- large values, the distribution has a long tail of low
ean distance of the perturbation δi. returns. The conditional value at risk is controlled by


0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2
P (V)

CVaR = 3.94
0.1 0.1
CVaR = 3.06

α = 0.1 0.0

0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8

Figure 9. Conditional Value at Risk.

a parameter α that specifies a quantile in the distribu- specifies a multiplier, δ(s), for each possible state s.
tion of returns. For α = 0.1, the red vertical line indi- Then P(s(t+1) | st, at) is perturbed to be
cates this quantile. The CVaR is the expected value of
all of the outcomes to the left of the red line — in this P% ( st+1|st ,at ) := P ( st+1|st ,at ) t (st+1 ) .
example, the 10 percent worst outcomes. The expect- We will place two constraints on the possible values
ed value of those outcomes for this distribution is ~
of δ. First, the perturbed values P must still be valid
3.06. The CVaR objective seeks to maximize the probability distributions. Second, the product of the
expected value of these 10 percent worst outcomes. perturbations along any possible trajectory ⟨s1,…, st,
We search the space of policies to find the policy that …, sT⟩ must be less than η:
maximizes this expectation.
A typical result is shown by the red curve in figure (st )    s1 ,…,st ,…,sT 
9b. This is the distribution of VT under the CVaR opti- t =1
mal policy. Again the red line marks the 10 percent
quantile. The CVaR has improved to 3.94. Note that This is the “perturbation budget” given to the adver-
to achieve this we have sacrificed a significant sary. These two constraints interact to limit the extent
amount of up-side reward. to which δ values can become small (or even zero).
It is interesting to ask the following question: Does This is because if δt(s) = 0 for several states s, then δt(s΄)
acting conservatively (in the sense of CVaR) improve will be forced to become large for some other states s΄,
robustness to model error? Recent work also by Shie which will violate the η budget.
Mannor and his colleagues shows that the answer is Let Δ be the space of all perturbations ⟨δi, …, δT⟩
yes. Optimizing CVaR is equivalent to solving a that satisfy these constraints. Then the robust opti-
robust optimization problem in which an adversary is mization problem becomes
allowed to modify the transition probabilities. T 
Consider an adversary who at each time step t can find   to maximize min E P%  R ( st , (st )) |s0 .
1 ,…, T    
 t =1 
choose a multiplicative perturbation δt and modify
the MDP transition probabilities so that instead of Chow et al. prove that this π is exactly the policy
making a transition from st to st+1 with probability that maximizes the CVaR with quantile α = 1/η.
P(st+1 | st, at), the probability is changed to be P(s(t+1) | In summary, the optimal risk-averse CVaR policy is
st, at) ∙ δt. To be more precise, let δ be a vector that also a policy that is robust to errors in the transition

FALL 2017 13

probability model up to a total multiplicative pertur- Idea 5: Detecting Model Failures

bation of η. Acting conservatively confers robustness! When an AI system’s model is inadequate, are there
Idea 4: Robust Inference ways to detect this prior to taking an action that
could result in a serious error?
In addition to robust optimization, robust learning,
In machine learning, the model can fail when the
and robust decision making, several researchers have
distribution of training objects Ptrain and the distribu-
studied methods for robust inference.
tion of test objects Ptest (on which the learned model
One line of research is based on hierarchical
will be applied to make predictions) are different.
Bayesian models. The central idea underlying the vast
Learning theory only provides guarantees when Ptrain
majority of contemporary work on the known
= Ptest. There are many ways that the training and test-
unknowns is to represent our uncertainty in terms of
ing distributions can be different. Perhaps the setting
a joint probability distribution. This can include
that best illustrates this problem is open category
treating the parameters of the joint distribution as
classification. Let me describe it with an example
hidden random variables and employing probability
from my own work.
distributions to represent uncertainty about their val-
To monitor the health of freshwater streams, sci-
ues. These hierarchical models can be represented as
entists monitor the population of insects that live in
standard probabilistic graphical models, although
these streams. In the United States, the Environmen-
exact inference is rarely feasible. Fortunately,
tal Protection Agency conducts an annual random-
advances in Markov chain Monte Carlo methods now
ized survey of freshwater macroinvertebrates belong-
provide practical ways of sampling from the posteri-
ing to the families of stoneflies, caddisflies, and
or distribution that results from conditioning on
mayflies. The specimens are collected using a kicknet
observations (Neal 1993; Gilks, Richardson, and
and brought back to a laboratory where each insect
Spiegelhalter 1995; Betancourt 2017). Such samples
must be identified to at least the level of genus. This
can be easily applied to make robust decisions (for
is a time-consuming and tedious process that requires
example, based on conditional value at risk and oth-
substantial expertise. Our research group at Oregon
er quantile-related measures).
State trained a computer vision system to recognize
A second line of research has studied extensions of
the genus of a specimen from an image. We created a
probabilistic graphical models to capture sets of prob-
training set of images of 54 taxonomic groups cover-
ability distributions. For example, credal networks
ing most of the stoneflies, caddisflies, and mayflies
(Cozman 1997; Cozman 2000) provide a compact
found in the US Pacific Northwest. Figure 10 shows
method of representing convex sets of probability
images of some of these taxa as captured by our pho-
measures and then performing inference on them.
tographic apparatus.
Exact inference is generally intractable, but for
Evaluations on a separate test set showed good pre-
restricted classes of credal networks, it is possible to
dictive accuracy. However, when we considered
define an efficient variable elimination algorithm
deploying this to process real kicknet samples, we
(Antonucci and Zaffalon 2007).
realized that those samples would contain lots of oth-
One important application of probabilistic reason-
er things beyond the 54 categories that our vision sys-
ing is in diagnosis, where the diagnostic system must
tem had learned to recognize. There are often leaves
iteratively decide which tests to perform in order to
and twigs, and there are also other species of bugs and
arrive at a diagnosis as quickly and cheaply as possi-
worms. Following standard machine-learning prac-
ble. One standard heuristic is to compute the expect-
tice, we had trained our system using discriminative
ed value of the information (VOI) that will be gained
training, which has been repeatedly shown to pro-
through each candidate test and perform the test that
duce higher recognition accuracy than the alternative
maximizes the VOI. Adnan Darwiche and his collab-
method of generative training. Discriminative train-
orators have studied a robust version of this problem
ing divides the image space into 54 partitions sepa-
where they perform the test that is most likely to
rated by decision boundaries. The result is that any
result in a diagnosis that is robust in the sense that
possible image will fall into one of the 54 partitions
further tests will not change the diagnosis (Chen,
and be assigned to one of the 54 insect categories that
Choi, and Darwiche 2014, 2015).
the system was trained to recognize. Hence, any
image containing a leaf, twig, or bug belonging to a
Robustness to the “novel” species would be guaranteed to be misclassi-
fied. One might hope that these novel items would
Unknown Unknowns fall near to the decision boundaries and, hence, result
What ideas does the AI research community have for in lower-confidence predictions. This is sometimes
creating AI systems that are robust to unmodeled true, but when we attempted to define a rejection rule
aspects of the world? In this section, I will discuss four — a rule for abstaining when the predictions have
ideas that I am aware of. I expect there are others, and low confidence — the result was an equal error rate of
I hope we can extend this list as we do more research more than 20 percent. That is, 20 percent of images
in this direction. from the 54 taxa were misclassified as novel, and 20


Figure 10. Images of Some Freshwater Macroinvertebrates.

percent of the images of novel objects were misclassi- 2013). We trained an isolation forest anomaly detec-
fied as belonging to one of the 54 taxa. This is unac- tor (Liu, Ting, and Zhou 2012) on the classes corre-
ceptably high. sponding to the letters ‘A’ and ‘B’ and then measured
Several research groups have been studying the how well it could detect that new examples belonged
problem of open category learning (Scheirer et al. to these classes versus novel classes (the letters ‘C’
2013; Da, Yu, and Zhou 2014; Bendale and Boult through ‘Z’). Figure 12 plots an ROC curve for this
2015; Rudd et al. 2016; Steinhardt and Liang 2016). problem. The dot corresponds to applying the
At Oregon State we have been experimenting with method of conformal prediction (Shafer and Vovk
the architecture shown in figure 11 in which each 2008) to assess the confidence in the classifications.
input query x is first analyzed by an anomaly detec- The ROC curve is significantly above and to the left
tor to compute an anomaly score A(x). If A(x) is of the dot, which indicates that the anomaly detector
greater than a specified threshold τ, the query is is able to do a better job. However, note that in order
judged to be anomalous relative to the training exam- to achieve fewer than 5 percent missed alarms (novel
ples and rejected. If the anomaly score is smaller than objects incorrectly classified as known), we must suf-
the threshold, then the trained classifier makes its fer a false alarm rate of 50 percent (known objects
prediction. We evaluated this method on the Letter rejected as being novel), so there is a lot of room for
Recognition task from the University of California, improvement.
Irvine (UCI) machine-learning repository (Lichman One thing that makes open category classification

FALL 2017 15


A(x) < τ ? reject

Classifier f

y = f(x)

Figure 11. Screening for Novel Inputs Through Anomaly Detection.

particularly challenging is that we seek to detect indi- Sugiyama, Krauledat, and Müller 2007; Cortes et al.
vidual queries x that correspond to novel classes. The 2008; Tsuboi et al. 2009; Sugiyama, Suzuki, and
problem becomes easier if we are willing to delay Kanamori 2012) assume that the conditional proba-
detection until we have accumulated more data. This bility P(y|x) of the outputs is invariant and only the
is the setting of change-point detection in which it is distribution P(x) of the inputs has changed. Methods
assumed that for some period of time after training, for domain adaptation (Blitzer, McDonald, and
the queries continue to come from Ptrain, but then a Pereira 2006; Ben-David et al. 2007; Ben-David et al.
change point occurs, and the queries shift to a differ- 2010) are designed to handle arbitrary changes in the
ent distribution Ptest. A standard approach to change- distributions. They seek to find an intermediate rep-
point detection is to collect up the k most recent resentation that captures the shared aspects of multi-
points {x(t-k), …, xt–1} and compare their distribution ple domains (that is, the shared aspects of the joint
to the previous k points {xt–2k,…, xt–k–1}. This can be distributions Ptrain(x, y) and Ptest(x, y)).
done through a two-sample test (Gretton et al. 2012).
Of course a drawback of this approach is that there is Idea 6: Use Causal Models
a k-step lag between the time the change point occurs Causal models (Pearl 2009) account for the effects of
and the time it is detected. Change-point detection interventions (actions). In so doing, they tend to be
has a long history in engineering and statistics (Page more compact and capture more conditional inde-
1955, Barry and Hartigan 1993, Adams and MacKay pendence relationships than models based on statis-
2007). Most methods can detect multiple change tical correlations (Schachter and Heckerman 1987).
points over time. This also means that they can be easier to learn (Meek
When a change has been detected — and if the and Heckerman 1997). A fascinating aspect of causal
change does not involve novel classes — then there models is that they are more transportable than cor-
are several methods for adapting to the change. relative models. Indeed, it is precisely their trans-
Methods for covariate shift (Huang et al. 2007; portability that motivates scientists to seek causal



(Anomalies Correctly Identified)

True Anomaly Rate







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

False Alarm Rate

(Normal Points Classified as Anomalies)

Figure 12. Effectiveness of Anomaly Detection.

ROC curve (blue) is shifted upwards and two the left.

models. Once we understand which variables are A line of research that relates closely to Minsky’s
causally connected and which are only correlated, we point is the work on portfolio methods in satisfiability
can make successful predictions in novel situations as solvers. One of the first such systems was SATzilla (Xu
long as the causal variables are the same. Recent work et al. 2008). A key aspect that is exploited by SATzilla
has formalized the conditions under which causal and other SAT solver portfolios is that they can detect
models are transportable (Pearl and Bareinboim 2011, when they have found a solution to a SAT problem.
Bareinboim and Pearl 2012, Lee and Honavar 2013). This is a very powerful form of metaknowledge that is
not available to machine-learning ensembles.
Idea 7: Portfolio Methods SATzilla was optimized for a benchmarking com-
A third approach to making AI systems robust to petition in which a collection of SAT problem
model incompleteness is to adopt portfolio (or instances is designed, and the system is given at most
ensemble) methods. As Minsky said, “We usually 1200 seconds to solve each instance. SATzilla has
know several different ways to do something, so that been tested on several different benchmark collec-
if one of them fails, there’s always another.” Ensem- tions. Here, I report the results on the HANDMADE
ble methods are applied universally in machine learn- benchmark, which contains 1490 problem instances.
ing when the computational cost can be managed, Figure 13 shows the pipeline of SATzilla. Given a
and even deep networks benefit from being com- SAT problem instance, SATzilla first applies two SAT
bined into ensembles (He et al. 2016). solvers (presolver1 and presolver2) in sequence with

FALL 2017 17


Feature Algorithm Final

Presolver 1 Presolver 2
Computation Selector Algorithm

Figure 13. SATzilla Processing Pipeline.

very small time budgets. In the configuration that I achieve more robust performance than any single
discuss here, presolver1 is the systematic solver method alone.
March_d104 (Heule et al. 2004) and presolver2 is the The idea of portfolio methods is broadly applica-
stochastic solver SAPS (Hutter, Tompkins, and Hoos ble. For example, if multiple computers (or cores) are
2002). March_d104 is typically able to solve 40–45 available, SAT solvers can be applied in parallel, and
percent of the problem instances within this 5-second as soon as one solver has found a solution, the others
budget, and SAPS is able to solve an additional 5–14 can be terminated (Yun and Epstein 2012). We can
percent of the instances within its 2-second budget. If also view IBM’s Watson system as a portfolio method
these two solvers are not able to find a satisfying (Ferrucci 2012). Watson combines more than 100 dif-
assignment, SATzilla spends some time computing 48 ferent techniques for analyzing natural language,
features describing the instance. These features identifying relevant information sources, finding and
include properties of the problem size such as the generating hypotheses, finding and scoring evidence,
number of clauses, number of variables, and the ratio and merging and ranking hypotheses.
of clauses to variables and properties of the variable- In addition to developing algorithm portfolios, I
clause graph such as the min, max, mean, and urge the AI community to consider what we might
entropy of the degree distribution of the variables call knowledge-level portfolios. Another one of Mar-
and clauses. Additional features are computed by ana- vin Minsky’s aphorisms was this: “You don’t really
lyzing the results of applying local search and DPLL understand something if you only understand it one
(Davis and Putnam 1960; Davis, Logemann, and way.” In his 1988 book Society of Mind, Minsky
Loveland 1962) each to the problem for 1 second of devotes a chapter to what he calls learning meaning.
CPU time. Examples of these features include the He explores the problem of learning the definition of
number of unit propagations (for DPLL) and statistics a blocks world arch. Patrick Winston’s doctoral dis-
on the number of steps to the best local optimum (for sertation (Winston 1970) applied an early form of
SAPS). These features are then fed to a machine-learn- relational learning to learn that (in the toy blocks
ing classifier that selects one of seven different solvers world) an arch consists of two upright blocks and a
to use for the time remaining. third horizontal block resting on top of them. This is
Figure 14 plots the percentage of instances solved a structural understanding. But Minsky pointed out
as a function of time. The heavy black line is the per- that there is a functional notion of an arch too: When
formance of an oracle that knows the best SAT solver you are pushing a toy car through it, you must
to apply to each instance (computed offline, of change hands to complete the action. I call this mul-
course). It solves 100 percent of the instances in less tifaceted understanding. More recent instances of this
than 1200 seconds (each). The three dashed lines idea include multiview learning (Blum and Mitchell
show the performance (from bottom to top) of three 1998) and the work on learning to recognize hand-
solvers, Minisat2.0, Valist, and March_d104, when written characters by combining appearance with a
these methods are applied to solve all instances. The model of how to draw each character (Lake, Salakhut-
best of these, March_d104, is only able to solve 80 dinov, and Tenenbaum 2015).
percent of the instances within the 1200 second time There are many benefits to having a multifaceted
limit. Finally, the red curve (underneath the heavy understanding of a concept. First, the multiple views
black line) is the SATzilla portfolio method, which reinforce each other. Work in machine learning and
can solve 92 percent of the problem instances within computer vision shows that learning is more success-
the time budget. ful and requires less data when we have multiple
This figure illustrates how a portfolio of methods independent views of an object. Second, the multiple
— without explicitly representing or reasoning about views give us multiple ways of recognizing the object.
its uncertainty concerning the optimal solver — can To decide whether something is an arch, we can ask


% Instances Solved






Presolving Avg Feature
10−1 100 101 102 103
Runtime [CPU sec]

Figure 14. Performance of SATzilla on HANDMADE Problem Set.

Originally published in Xu et al (2008) (figure 8, p. 594). Reprinted with permission.

“Does it look like an arch?” and also “Would I need to people write captions for images that contain both
change hands to push something through it?” cats and chairs, they often use the word sitting.
(which, if I’m evaluating the St. Louis arch, would Beyond the task of linguistic description, the sys-
require me to imagine I am a giant). This redundan- tem doesn’t know anything about the typical context
cy helps us be more robust to unusual arches. in which a cat is sitting on a chair. It doesn’t know
Unfortunately, virtually all of our current AI sys- that there is a human who owns the cat and the chair.
tems understand things only one way. Consider, for It doesn’t know that the cat is preventing the human
example, the recent work on image captioning. Fig- from sitting on the chair and that the human is often
ure 15 shows the output of the Berkeley image-cap- annoyed by this because the cat also leaves hair on
tioning system. The result seems impressive until you the chair. It therefore can’t predict that the cat will
realize that the computer vision system has a very soon not be sitting on the chair.
narrow understanding of cats, chairs, and sitting. It In my view, an important priority for AI research is
has developed a good model of the kinds of images to find ways to give our computers multifaceted
that people will label with keywords such as cat and understanding of the world. To do this with machine
chair. This is an impressive accomplishment, because learning, we need to give our computers experience
there is a high degree of variability on the appearance performing tasks, achieving goals through natural
of these objects. However, this vision system has not language dialogue, and interacting with other agents.
learned to localize these objects within the image, so The greater the variety of tasks that the computer
it knows nothing about the typical size of cats versus learns to perform, the larger the number of different
chairs, for example. It chooses to include the word sit- facets it will acquire, and the more robust its knowl-
ting based on word co-occurrence statistics: when edge will become.

FALL 2017 19

“a black and white cat is sitting on a chair.”

Figure 15. Example Output from the Berkeley Image-Captioning System.

Idea 8: Expand the Model There are some risks to expanding our models.
The final method for improving the robustness of AI Every time we add something to the model, we may
systems to the unknown unknowns is to expand the introduce an error. Inference can then propagate that
model. We can all point to examples of ways in which error. The result may be that the expanded model is
our AI systems fail because they know so little. While less accurate and less useful than the original model.
it is impossible to create a “model of everything,” our It is important to test our models continually to pre-
existing systems fail primarily because they have a vent this from happening. A beautiful aspect of the
model of almost nothing. application of knowledge bases in web search is that
There have been some notable efforts. Doug because millions of queries are processed every day,
Lenat’s decades-long effort to create a large common- errors in the models can be identified and removed.
sense knowledge base, CYC, led to some interesting
applications and insights (Lenat et al. 1990) and has Summary
been licensed to Lucid (Knight 2016). Recent work
has seen the development of systems that can extract AI has been making exciting progress. The last two
concepts and properties from the World Wide Web to decades have seen huge improvements in perception
grow and populate a knowledge base (Mitchell et al. (for example, computer vision, speech recognition),
2015). NIST has been operating a knowledge base reasoning (for example, SAT solving, Monte Carlo
population competition to evaluate such systems Tree Search), and integrated systems (for example,
(Surdeanu and Ji 2014). Google employs a knowledge IBM’s Watson, Google’s AlphaGo, and personal digi-
graph that contains millions of objects and relation- tal assistants). These advances are encouraging us to
ships, and other companies including Microsoft, Yan- apply AI to difficult, high-stakes applications includ-
dex, LinkedIn, and Baidu have built similar semantic ing self-driving cars, robotic surgery, finance, real-
networks. time control of the power grid, and autonomous


weapons systems. These applications require AI sys- Pedro Domingos, Alan Fern, Boi Faltings, Stephanie
tems that are highly robust, and yet our current sys- Forrest, Helen Gigley, Barbara Grosz, Vasant Honavar,
tems fall far short. To create the level of robustness Holgar Hoos, Eric Horvitz, Michael Huhns, Rebecca
required for such high-risk applications, we need sys- Hutchinson, Mykel Kochenderfer, Pat Langley, Srid-
tems that are robust both to known unknowns (the har Mahadevan, Shie Mannor, Melanie Mitchell,
uncertainty they represent explicitly) and to Dana Nau, Takayuki Osogami, Don Perlis, Jeff Rosen-
unknown unknowns (unmodeled aspects of the schein, Dan Roth, Stuart Russell, Tuomas Sandholm,
world). Rob Schapire, Scott Sanner, Prasad Tadepalli, Milind
In this article, I’ve made an (incomplete) catalogue Tambe, Brian Williams, Zhi-hua Zhou. I apologize
of the ideas and methods that the AI community has that I was not able to weave in all of the great work
developed for achieving robustness. To manage the that folks described. I also thank the AI Magazine edi-
known unknowns, we can build on our existing tor Ashok Goel for his suggestions and editorial
methods for representing uncertainty using probabil- improvements.
ity distributions or uncertainty intervals. We can then This work was partially supported by the Future of
define robust optimization problems in which we Life Institute ( FLI-RFP-AI1 program,
search for the optimal solution when competing grant number 2015-145014, and by NSF grants
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FALL 2017 23

Save the Date for ICWSM-18!

Please join us for the Twelfth International AAAI Con-
ference on Web and Social Media, to be held at Stanford
University, Stanford, California, USA, June 24–28, 2018.

This interdisciplinary conference is a forum for

researchers in computer science and social science to
come together to share knowledge, discuss ideas,
exchange information, and learn about cutting-edge
research in diverse fields with the common theme of
online social media. This overall theme includes
research in new perspectives in social theories, as well
as computational algorithms for analyzing social media.

ICWSM is a singularly fitting venue for research that

blends social science and computational approaches to
answer important and challenging questions about
human social behavior through social media while
advancing computational tools for vast and unstruc-
tured data.

Full conference details will be posted at on the confer-

ence website ( as they become

Photo courtesy iStock

Winston, P. H. 1970. Learning Structural Descriptions from mization, ed. Y. Hamadi and M. Schoenauer. Lecture Notes in
Examples. PhD dissertation, Computer Science and Artificial Computer Science, vol 7219, 323–338. Berlin: Springer-Ver-
Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), Massachusetts Institute of lag.
Technology. Report AITR-231, September 1, Cambridge, MA.
( Thomas G. Dietterich (AB Oberlin College 1977; MS Uni-
versity of Illinois 1979; PhD Stanford University 1984) is a
Wu, Y.; Schuster, M.; Chen, Z.; Le, Q. V.; Norouzi, M.;
professor emeritus and director of intelligent systems
Macherey, W.; Krikun, M.; Cao, Y.; Gao, Q.; Macherey, K.;
research in the School of Electrical Engineering and Com-
Klingner, J.; Shah, A.; Johnson, M.; Liu, L.; Kaiser, L.;
puter Science at Oregon State University, where he joined
Gouws, S.; Kato, Y.; Kudo, T.; Kazawa, H.; Stevens, K.; Kuri-
the faculty in 1985. Dietterich has devoted his career to
an, G.; Patil, N.; Wang, W.; Young, C.; Smith, J.; Riesa, J.;
machine learning and artificial intelligence. He has
Rudnick, A.; Vinyals, O.; Corrado, G.; Hughes, M.; and
authored more than 180 publications and two books. His
Dean, J. 2016. Google’s Neural Machine Translation System:
research is motivated by challenging real world problems
Bridging the Gap Between Human and Machine Translation.
with a special focus on ecological science, ecosystem man-
arXiv Preprint. arXiv:1609.08144 [cs.CL]. Ithaca, NY: Cor-
agement, and sustainable development. Dietterich has
nell University Library.
devoted many years of service to the research community.
Xu, H.; Caramanis, D.; and Mannor, S. 2009. Robustness and
He is past president of AAAI, and he previously served as
Regularization of Support Vector Machines. Journal of
president of AAAI (2014-16) and as the founding president
Machine Learning Research 10: 1485–1510.
of the International Machine Learning Society (2001-08).
Xu, L.; Hutter, F.; Hoos, H. H.; and Leyton-Brown, K. 2008. Other major roles include executive editor of the journal
SATzilla: Portfolio-Based Algorithm Selection for SAT. Jour- Machine Learning (1992-98), co-founder of the Journal for
nal of Artificial Intelligence Research 32(1): 565–606. Machine Learning Research (2000), and program chair of AAAI
Yun, X., and Epstein, S. L. 2012. Learning Algorithm Portfo- 1990 and NIPS 2000. Dietterich is a Fellow of the ACM,
lios for Parallel Execution. In Learning and Intelligent Opti- AAAS, and AAAI.


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