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“The knower’s perspective is essential in the pursuit of knowledge.” To what extent do you agree?

Perception is initiated when a person understands the very first thing in their life. It has a part in
everything a person does. Knowledge is something a person is acquiring at all times. For someone to
acquire knowledge, he has to do it according to his perception. That is the nature of humanitarian
learning. For someone who seeks knowledge, it is essential that he has a clear idea of his perspective
and how that perspective will affect how he inherits said knowledge. I personally believe the perspective
plays a huge role in the pursuit of knowledge as it may or may not misguide a person on the knowledge

I agree with the statement above that perspective has significance in the inheritance of knowledge.
Perspective is somewhat of a double-edged sword, where it can either make or break the concept. A
very common term; ‘Hypodermic Needle Theory’ is used in the media world which is the conveying of a
message to the receiver. There are multiple ways of conveying a message in a particular way which
seems comfortable to the plot. In the movie industry, many directors and cameramen use techniques;
keep the plot dull midway and bring about an ‘epic’ moment to increase the intensity of it altogether. A
viewer will probably seem bored midway the movie, where the plot is dull, and expects accordingly from
the movie, but when the ‘epic’ scene shows up, the expectations are far more than met. This is similar
with songs; a movie will put a suitable song to improvise the current scene in the movie. If it is a horror
movie, a slow and suspenseful song will play, adding to the curiosity of the viewer. This may not be
easily recognizable but the more a person looks out for this, the more they will realize.

Sometimes, one may not need to be directed to learn according to the appropriate perspective. The
random or misguided perspective can actually lead to proper and improper learning. Now for emphasis,
proper learning means the knowledge that was to be acquired, has been acquired, and improper
learning means that the appropriate knowledge may not have been acquired, but some other relevant
knowledge was acquired. Now this knowledge being useful or not is another story, the main
understanding is that the pursuit of knowledge is possible only when the knower’s perspective is in
place, irrelevant of what the perspective is itself. Now that I have stated the obvious, any sort of
knowledge can be gained by any sort of perspective, so therefore the pursuit of knowledge is possible
only with the presence of the knower’s perspective.

Every person in the world has some sort of perspective. Every perspective is diverse and distinguished
from the other which means that not a single person can learn or acquire knowledge like another. One
may be better or worse, but never the same. The difference may not seem to be present but it always is.
So yes, the knowers perspective is essential for the knower to acquire knowledge, but at the same time,
it is impossible for the knower to not have a perspective.

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