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Journal #1 Workplace Acceptable Use Policy

Workplace Acceptable Use policy is intended because it is a rules and regulations that informs the users
to protect their personal information from the threat of identity theft that is commonly happening in
Social Media Platforms.

We all know that the use of social media becomes a daily habits of every individual who had an access to
Internet, even those younger children can use social media, and because of that we must be aware of
the danger of being not secured. But most of the user does'nt have enough knowledge about the rules
and regulations of some websites we always visit like Facebook. We use Facebook everyday but do we
know their rules and regulation. Most us would probably answer no because we commonly not read
their terms and conditions. But when I learned that it is important I already read it'scontent so that I am
now aware about this and now I can avoid the threat of identity theft.

Journal #2 Workplace Platform Policy

Workplace platform policy is a guidelines for the user of workplace so that they would be intelligently
use the platform properly. Workplace platform policy is important because it gives guidelines to the user
so that they would avoid improper use of workplace platform policy.

Before I really don't have interest on knowing ang learning about this workplace platform but through
reading the PDF file about the workplace platform policy now I am encouraging the users to read it so
that they would be secured.

Journal #3 Workplace Premium Privacy Policy

Workplace is an online platform created by Facebook that allows users to collaborate and share
information at work. The Workplace includes the Workplace Premium websites, apps and related online
services, together the "Service".This Privacy Policy describes how your information is collected, used and
shared when you use the Service.

learned that in this workplace there is an organization who is responsible whether your information are
used in other kind of activity that you don't know. This workplace platform premium policy is an
efficient platform but we must be carefull and be aware of some danger.

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