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Name : Hanifa Aryani

NIM : 112019002

Subject : Writing 3

- Pre-writing

Big Surprise from My Little Familiy

At that time, I accidentally dropped my smartphone from the top of the stairs making it
damaged and difficult to operate, especially during online lectures. My father felt sorry to see
me having a hard time using that smartphone. Suddenly, my mom and dad bought me a new
smartphone in ex- change for a broken smartphone.

My father, mother, and younger brother also planned to make a little surprise for me. They
hid my smartphone. Then they pretended as if my smartphone was lost. They did it to make
me feel restless and confused. I also feel sad and very confused because I lost a significant
object. But, I also really believe that I put the smartphone on top of my bookshelf and it can't
be lost.

Next, I kept looking for it and while looking for my lost smartphone, I found a new
smartphone box and it turned out that the new smartphone was bought for me, so that I could
go back to studying online without any more trouble. All they did was to give me a wonderful
surprise. I feel very happy and very grateful to my father, mother and younger brother.

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