Future Time Mam Fitri

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Name : Hanifa Aryani

NIM : 112019002

Subject : Structure 2

Practice 2. Will and be going to (2-8)

Be going to :

1. Am going to
2. Are going to
3. Is going to
4. Are going to
5. Are going to
6. Is not (isn’t) going to
7. Is not (isn’t) going to
8. Am not gong to

Will :

1. Will
2. Will
3. Will
4. Will
5. Will
6. Will
7. Will not (won’t)
8. Will not (won’t)
9. Will not (won’t)

Practice 3. Be going to (3-9)

3. They're going to take

4. She's going to walk

5. It isn't going to rain

6. We're going to be

7. You aren't going to hitchhike

8. I'm not going to get

9. He isn't going to wear

Practice 5. Question with will and be going to (2-6)

2. Will Mr. Jones give

Is Mr. Jones going to give

3. Will Jacob quit

Is Jacob going to quit

4. Will Mr. and Mrs. Kono adopt

Are Mr. and Mrs. Kono going to adopt

5. Will the Johnsons move

Are the Johnsons going to move

6. Will Dr. Johnson retire

Is Dr. Johnson going to retire

Practice 6. Will (2-5)

2. A: Will Paul lend

B: he will OR he won't

3. A: Will Jane graduate

B: she will OR she won't

4. A: Will her parents be

B: they will OR they won't

5. A: Will I benefit

B: you will OR you won't

Practice 7. Will probably (3-8)

3. will probably

4. probably won't

5. will probably

6. probably won't

7. will probably

8. will probably

Practice 9. Sureness about the future (2-8)

2. 50%
3. 100%

4. 90%

5. 50%

6. 90%

7. 100%

8. 50%

Practice 10. Sureness about the future (2-8)

2. are probably not going to invite

3. may get married, Maybe, will get married

4. may rent

5. will probably decide

6. may not be, may be

7. will go

8. probably won't go

Practice 11. Will (2-8)

2. I'll hold

3. I'll take

4. I'll move

5. I’ll turn, off

6. I’ll leave

7. I’ll get

8. I’ll read

Practice 12. Be going to vs. Will (2-7)

2. I’ll

3. i’m going to

4. I’ll

5. I'm going to

6. I’ll
7. I’m going to , I’ll

Practice 13. Be going to vs. Will (3-12)

3. I’m going to

4. I'm going to

5. A: are, going to

B: I'm going to

6. I’ll

7. I’m going to

8. I’ll

9. Is going to

10. I'll put

11. I'm going to

12. I’l.

Thank you mam😇

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