Comparative Analysis of The Funerary Pro

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Comparative Analysis of the Funerary Process for Late Kofun Tombs in Kinai

Area and Mochica Culture


Okayama University
Graduate Faculty of Cultural Studies
Socio-Cultural Comparative Studies Major
M.A. Thesis





Student No:

Okayama, 2007

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………… Pag. 2

はじめに ……………………………………………………………………… Pag. 2

Chapter I Introduction to Funerary Ritual Analysis………………………… Pag. 3

第1章 葬送儀礼分析入門…………………….……………………………. Pag. 3

Chapter II Methodology for the Present Analysis……………………………. Pag. 6

第2章 今回の分析の方法論……………………………………………… Pag. 6

Chapter III Analysis of Funerary Process in Late Kofun Tombs…………….. Pag. 9

第3章 古墳時代後期における埋葬プロセスの分析……………………. Pag. 9

Chapter IV Interpretation of the Burial Process in Late Kofun Tombs…..... Pag. 21

第4章 古墳時代後期における埋葬プロセスの解釈…………….……… Pag. 21

Chapter V Brief Reference to the Study of Funerary Ritual: Mochica

Funerary Contexts Analysis……………………………………….. Pag. 26
第5章 モチカ文化における葬送儀礼の分析……………………………. Pag. 26

Chapter VI Comparative Study of Funerary Rituals between Kofun and

Mochica Societies…………………………………………………... Pag. 35
第6章 後期古墳時代とモチカ文化の葬送儀礼における比較研究……. Pag. 35

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………... Pag. 39

おわりに ……………………………………………………………………….. Pag. 39

References ………………………………………………………………………... Pag. 41

参考文献 ………………………………………………………………………... Pag. 41

Tables and Figures



In the present research, we would like to keep a contextual approach for interpreting the meaning
of associated objects and individuals inside a burial. We will focus on the arrangement order for
reconstructing the burial process. After this analysis, we would try to recognize and interpret the
meaning of funerary ritual.


The objectives of our research are

◊ Find the pattern for arrangement of associated objects inside a tomb. Funerary
Contexts have a pattern and it is not just a random display of wealth.
◊ 副葬品のパターンを発見する。副葬品は具体的な意味と目的を持ち、手当たり次

◊ This arrangement is organized in stages. These stages are associated with groups of
objects inside the tomb according to their funerary function. These stages also
represent part of the Funerary Ritual.
◊ 副葬品の配置は段階として組織されている。その段階は葬送的な機能にも一群の

◊ Some stages are conceived as transformation process for some members of the elite.
The individual is transformed into ancestor by the funerary ritual. Elites validate
their power through the control of this process.
◊ ある段階はエリート集団の変形プロセスと考えられる。そのプロセスは被葬者から

For our analysis, we chose elite contexts from Kofun Late Period (mainly from the Kinki area) and
Mochica Culture in Peru. Both societies characterize for investing resources and communal effort in
building elite funerary contexts.


Chapter I
Introduction to Funerary Ritual Analysis

In archaeology, burials have represented one of the most important sources to understand past
societies. In many cases, interpretations about social or political issues have been based on burial
analysis. In societies with written records (like ancient Egypt), archaeology can reconstruct with
much detail the funerary process. Nevertheless, in societies without written records there is plenty of
information that can not be recovered. In the last case, archaeologists only have funerary contexts to
reconstruct much of the funerary ritual 1 .


In late 1980’s, new theories were developed with the popularization of Processual Archaeology.
The Saxe- Binford approach 2 has been widely used for analyzing funerary contexts. Nevertheless, it
makes us forget the importance of the idea of tombs for past societies. Funerary contexts have an
specific purpose: To help humans face death. In many cases, it means to ease the pass of an
individual to another realm.

1980 年代後半、プロセス考古学の普及により新たな理論が発展した。Saxe-Binford のアプロー


Funerary contexts carry ideological meaning, and the order in funerary rituals is very important. If
there is any mistake, it would be catastrophic for the individual and the society. We should consider

1 James Brown had some interesting ideas about funerary ritual (G. Rakita et al 2005). He mentions
that funerary rituals can last many days, and the burial is only one part of this ritual.
James・Brown は葬送儀礼について興味深い考えを示している(G.Rakita et al 2005)。葬送儀
2 It is a processual theory correlates the wealth of the individual with the amount of energy

expended in building the burial.


that associated objects have a specific purpose and meaning inside the funerary ritual and they have
not been put randomly (Kaulicke, 2000). By understanding the original order of elements inside a
tomb, we can reconstruct the funerary ritual, and understand the ideology behind the tomb.

味と目的を持ち、手当たり次第に配列されているわけではないと考えられる(Kaulicke 2000)。考古

The order and arrangement of objects inside a tomb can have many meanings. They could show us
the different roles or identities the individual must have played in its society. They also could show
the transformations that an individual is expected to have after death in order to become something
else. The transformation into ancestors and its interactions with the living, for example, has become
a very popular topic since the late 1990’s until now (in works from Buikstra, Curet and Oliver,
Helms, Hingley, Kaulicke, Parker Pearson, Rakita, etc.) .

よう期待される変化を示すだろう。1990 年代後半から、被葬者の先祖への変容や生者との相互
の影響などは,よく取り上げられるテーマである(例えば Buikstra、Curet and Oliver、Helms、
Hingley、Kaulicke、Parker Pearson、Rakita など)

Considering the amount of ideological meanings objects carry and the few sources we can rely in
order to understand those meanings through archaeology, funerary contexts may seem too
complicated for analyzing. Moreover, post-processual approaches have mentioned how “mortuary
(funerary) rituals are used by the living to negotiate, display, mask, or transform actual power or
social relations” (G. Rakita op. cit.), making the understanding of these rituals more complicated.
However, even if we could not fully understand the significance of an object inside a burial through
archaeology, we can understand its meaning using other sources like iconography and ethnology.
Careful use of comparative studies may show us differences and similarities between societies
expanding our world of interpretations.

権力と社会関係を交渉・提示・隠蔽・変形するため、生者によって利用される(G.Rakita op cit)」あ


Elite burials represent one of the best examples to understand the ideological world in a society.
Their complexity shows social information (roles like king, chief, shaman, etc.) and religious beliefs.


Chapter II
Methodology for the Present Analysis

As we mentioned before, associated objects would have a specific order inside the tomb, following
ideological rules, rather than just a random display of wealth. In order to understand the funerary
ritual for the Kofun Period in Kinai area, we chose some contexts that could give us as much
information as possible about this process. We selected those that are characterized by a good
conservation and that also carry great quantity of objects. These contexts had to be archaeologically
excavated, and do not show signs of disturbance that may have altered it. For our purposes, we
analyzed only the closed context of the tomb: the sarcophagus or coffin. We also chose those
contexts that have a clear superposition of objects, because they can give us more information about
the burial stages. We chose Kinai area for its assumed homogeneity in this period.


Regrettably, examples that fulfill the characteristics of good preservation are not many. We could
not realize a statistical analysis that can be used in order to identify the degree of homogeneity or
distribution of the ritual in a determinate area. Nevertheless, we tried to take as many examples as
possible from the same site (e.g. Niizawa Senzuka Kofun) in order to observe if there is a relation
between geographical position and funerary ritual. Thus, our research should be considered more in
qualitative rather than quantitative terms.

た(例えば新沢千塚古墳群)。このように筆者の調査は量的な視点よりもむしろ質的な terms のもと

While analyzing funerary contexts, there are different terminologies that are used in describing
them (burial, tomb, pit, etc.). In order to use an appropriate terminology, we use the one proposed by

Peter Kaulicke (2000) and Mitsumoto (2001). For concepts like “Objects worn by the individual”,
“Arrangement”, “Inside and outside the container”, as well as the interpretations used in order to
define position of the individual when there are no bones present, we will use Mitsumoto’s
terminology. For Funerary Context classification, we will use Kalucke’s three elements:

Peter Kaulicke(2000)と光本(2001)の表現統一する。「着装品」、「配置」、「棺外と棺内」という用語
埋葬状況の分類では Kaulicke の三つの要素を用いる:

Funerary Structure
主体部の構造(Funerary Structure)
Includes the container of the body and associated objects inside a burial. Chamber, pit,
sarcophagus, etc. are some of the examples. For practical uses as we mentioned above, we will only
focus on the sarcophagus or coffin for Kofun Period.


It relates to the main human remains. Individuals that have been used as offerings are considered
associated objects. Bioarchaeology information is analyzed, like position, orientation, pathologies,
age, sex, if the burial is primary or secondary, treatment of the body, etc.


Associated Objects
All objects inside a funerary context are considered funerary contexts. Location, position from the
main individual (direct contact or proximity), orientation, manufacture and style are topics related to
this element.


We took the information from archaeological reports for our analysis, including the interpretation

of the excavator, drawings and photograph comparison. Objects were labeled according to their
characteristics and input in a flux diagram from bottom of the tomb to the top according to their
order of interment. The flux diagram (an application of a Harris Matrix), was used in order to define
the construction pattern of the funerary context (Illustration 1).

た(解説図 1)。

In cases where associated objects could be considered part of the clothing of the individual when
buried, we grouped them with the bone remains by a dot square. When some superposition could not
be defined and objects could be considered to have been located at the same time, we put them side
by side. Where superposition of an object was doubtful but possible, we used dot lines in order to
show possible connections. In cases where there is a high quantity of associated objects (like
Fujinoki Kofun), we redraw the context, separating the objects by colors and stages of burial. In
order to see the funerary pattern, we will group the objects into burial layers, and then compare the
burial process between our examples.


As we mentioned, our main examples are from the Kinai Area, but we also will take some
examples from other regions for our explanations. The examples we will analyze are Fujinoki Kofun,
Inouchiinarizuka Kofun (square part) and Niizawa Senzuka Kofun No.48, 109 and 126 (Table 1).

た事例は藤ノ木古墳、井ノ内稲荷塚古墳(前方部墳頂)、新沢千塚 48 号墳・109 号墳・126 号墳で
ある(表 1)。

Chapter III
Analysis of Funerary Process in Late Kofun Tombs

Fujinoki Kofun
Fujinoki Kofun is a mound tomb located about 300m west of the Horyuji temple at Ikagura Town
and it was excavated since 1985. The mound is considered to have circular shape, around 48m in
diameter and 9m in height. The corridor is oriented towards the southeast side of the mound. The
stone chamber is located at the center of the mound.

藤ノ木古墳は斑鳩町にあり法隆寺の西 300m に位置している。1985 年から奈良県斑鳩町教育

委員会と奈良県立橿原考古学研究所が共同で発掘調査を行った。 藤ノ木古墳の墳丘は直径
48m 前後、高さ 9m の規模を有する円墳である。横穴式石室であり、羨道は墳丘の南東に向いて

Funerary Structure
The sarcophagus was made of stone from Nijosan Mountain to the south. The inner part of the tap
and the body are colored with cinnabar. It was probably brought from the Niu mine in Mie prefecture
(Minami 2005).

れている。この朱は三重県「ニュウ鉱山」から持ち込んだ(Minami 2005)。

In the moment of its discovery, the tomb had some water inside, product of the filtration of rain
water from the ceiling. The sarcophagus was filled with this water at least 5 times since its
construction, leaving some marks in its walls. Water made its pass out of the sarcophagus by some
cracks on it. The level of the water when the tomb was opened corresponds to the 5th level.

については棺内壁面に残された喫水線で 5 つの段階があったことが分かっている。開棺時点の水
面は段階 5 である。

There are two individuals, designated North and South individuals. It is impossible to determine if
both are the main individuals or one is an offering. There are big differences in quantity of associated

objects directly related to the individuals as well as their preservation condition.


The North individual had a better preservation, with almost 80% of the bones complete. Its
position was extended lying on the back. His right arm was parallel to the body and both legs were
extended. It was a male between 17 to 25 years old.

北身体は最も良い保存状態である。この身体は伸展葬であり、年齢はおおよそ 17 歳から 25 歳

The South individual is poorly preserved, having only the low parts of the legs and feet. According
to the position of these bones, it seems to have been put on its side, facing the North individual, in a
semi flexed position. .


Associated Objects
We will describe them according to their position from the individuals. There are objects directly
associated with either one of the individuals or with both.


Objects Associated with the North Individual: Bronze mirrors 2, 3 and 4, some cloth and leather
covering the mirrors, short sword, arrow-shaped silver and bronze ornaments, head ornament of
beads, collars of beads (glass and bronze), gold plated earrings, flower-shaped bronze ornament,
bronze crown, cylindrical-shaped bronze ornaments (possibly shin protectors), and bronze shoes A.
鏡 2 号・3 号・4 号、剣 1 号、銀・金銅製剣菱形飾金具、玉頭飾、ガラス・銅製玉首飾、銀芯金貼
耳環、金銅製花弁形飾金具、金銅製冠立飾、金銅製半筒形品、金銅製履 A。

Objects Associated with South Individual: Bronze Mirror 1, head ornament of beads, collar of
silver beads, gilt bronze earrings, and bronze shoes B.
鏡 1 号、玉頭飾、銀製玉首飾、銅芯金貼耳環、金銅製履 B

Objects with Undetermined Association: Large Bronze Swords (all of them could have been put in
any moment, though large swords 1, 2, 3 and 4 are near the South Individual and large sword 5 is
near North Individual), cylindrical shaped bronze object, gilt bronze belt (obi) and silver knives,
circular and petal shaped bronze spangles.

Reconstruction of the Funerary Process

We found 5 Stages in the Funerary Process of Fujinoki Kofun (Diagram 1):
藤ノ木古墳の埋葬プロセスは 5 段階で区別できる (図表1)。

Stage I (Fig. 1)
段階 I (図 1)
It starts with the placement of the sarcophagus, which was covered with cinnabar inside and
outside either in the body and lid. Inside, some mats of cloth covered with cinnabar and a leather
object were placed.


Stage II(Fig. 1)
段階 II(図 1)
Mirrors 3 and 4 were placed upside down over cloth and leather mats and covered with them in the
upper part of the sarcophagus. Mirror 2 was then placed upside down over them and also covered
with leather and cloth mats. If both individuals were put at the same time, mirror 1 would have been
put in this phase, with the face upwards.

鏡 3 と鏡 4 は布で覆われて、石棺の上部左側で逆さまに置かれた。鏡 2 は同類な状況で、鏡 3・
4 の南側に置かれた。また石棺の右側に鏡 1 が上を向けて置かれた。

Stage III (Fig.2)

段階 III (図 2)
North Individual was placed over yellow mats wrapped in cloth. It was wearing the beads
headdress, earrings and collars. South Individual may also have had a similar treatment. It was
wearing a bronzed-bead collar, earrings and a bead headdress.



Stage IV (Fig.3)
段階 IV(図 3)
Short sword 1 would have been put next to mirror 4 and right side of North Individual. Over it,
long sword 5 was placed. Long swords 2, 3 and 4.were placed between the left wall of the
sarcophagus and South Individual. Then, long sword 1 was placed over them.

剣1は北身体の右上腕と鏡 4 の隣に置かれて、大刀 5 は北身体の右腕と剣1の上に置かれた。

また、南身体と石棺の南壁の間に大刀 2、大刀 3 と大刀 4 が置かれて、大刀1はそれらの上に置

Stage V (Fig. 4-5)

段階 V (Fig. 4-5
On the bottom part of the sarcophagus, over the legs of North Individual were placed bronze shoes
A and the bronze cylindrical ornaments. Over them and next to long sword 5, bronze crown was
placed. Over the leg bones of South Individuals bronze shoes B were placed.

石棺の下部で北身体の足骨と下肢骨の上に銅製履 A と金銅製半筒形品が置かれて、この上
に大刀 5 と残りあって金銅製冠立飾が置かれていた。南身体の足骨の上に銅製履 B が置かれて

In the bottom center of the sarcophagus was placed the bronze obi with silver knives. Over all
these objects, circular and petal shaped bronze spangles were spread. Finally, over the upper part of
North individual was placed the cylindrical bronze ornament.


Inouchinarizuka Kofun (Square-part Tomb)

The Inouchiinarizuka Kofun is a keyhole shape mound located in the city of Nagaokakyou, Kyoto
Prefecture. It has are two tombs in the round and square part of the mound. This mound has a length
of approximately 40m.

つの墓が存在する。この古墳の長さは約 40m である。

Reconstruction of the Funerary Process (Diag 2, Fig. 6)
埋葬プロセスの復元 (図表 2、図 6)
Stage I (Fig.6a)
段階 I (図 6a)
The wood coffin is placed in the square part of the mound. Separation of spaces should have been
taken place in this stage.


Stage II (Fig.6b)
段階 II (図 6b)
The individual is placed inside the coffin. There is no evidence of wrapping. It was wearing an
ornament of beads on the head, and another one on the right arm. Cinnabar was put over the face.


Stage III (Fig.6c)

段階 III (図 6c)
A short sword was placed between the north wall of the coffin and the head of the individual.
Some arrowheads were also placed near the right hand of the individual.


Stage IV (Fig.6d)
段階 IV (図 6d)
Although it is difficult to determine if this stage took place in the moment of the burial, we want to
mention it. In the east separation of the coffin, Sueki pottery was placed. Later, it was covered with
red pigment. In the west separation we have a similar situation, though the objects that were placed
there should have been organic since they were already decayed, only leaving the red pigment.

段階 IV は棺外で行われたので、いつ行われたのは明確に理解できない。木棺の東区画では須

Niizawa Senzuka Kofun Group

It is a group of 593 mounds located in a hill area, in Kashiwara City and Takaichi County, Nara
Prefecture. They were studied between 1962 and 1966.

新沢千塚古墳群は 593 の墳墓を持ち、奈良県柏原市と高市郡の丘陵地帯に位置する。この遺
跡では 1962 年から 1966 年まで考古学調査が行われた。

Niizawa Senzuka Kofun 126

新沢千塚 126 号墳
It is a square shape mound with vertical burial, probably built in the latter half of the 5th century.
The funerary context consists of one individual inside a wooden coffin.

この方墳は竪穴の埋葬施設をもち、5 世紀の後半に築造された。埋葬状況は木棺の中に一人

Reconstruction of the Funerary Process (Diag. 5, Fig. 7)

Stage I (Fig.7a)
段階 I (図 7a)
The coffin is placed inside the tomb. On the east side of the coffin, a lacquer object is placed with
some beads over it.


Stage II (Fig.7b)
段階 II (図 7b)
A bronze mirror is placed over the lacquer object. Both objects could also be interpreted to be in
another compartment of the tomb according to the excavators, though there is no clear evidence to
support this.


Stage III (Fig.7c)

段階 III (図 7c)
The individual is placed in the middle of the coffin. It was wearing a golden hair ornament, gold
earrings, a metal belt, bead collars, silver and gold bracelets, and gold and silver rings. It may have
also worn a bead leg ornament. It can be observed the movement of some of the small objects (rings)
inside the coffin. It was interpreted as part of the movement of the body before placing it inside the



Stage IV (Fig.7d)
段階 IV (図 7d)
An iron sword and another iron object (probably a sword) were placed on the sides of the


Stage V
段階 V
A gold plate (which is a part of a crown), was placed between the mirror and the individual. A
bowl and a plate, both made of glass, were put between the north wall of the coffin and the right side
of the individual. These glass objects seem to have a foreign style and they are not finished objects.


Niizawa Senzuka Kofun 48

新沢千塚 48 号墳
Reconstruction of the Funerary Process (Diagram 3, Fig. 8)
埋葬プロセスの復元 (図表 3、図 8)

Stage I
段階 I
The wood coffin is placed inside the tomb. Some cinnabar is also put around the middle of the


Stage II
段階 II
In the west part of the coffin, one bronze mirror is placed. The individual on the middle of the
tomb was placed in this stage, but we can not determinate if this individual was placed later or
earlier than the individual in the west side of the tomb.


Stage III
段階 III
In the west side of the coffin, one individual is placed with the head over the mirror. It was
wearing a bead collar. It is not clear if part of his ornaments around the chest were 2 bone discs.
They could also have been put before of after the individual. In the east part of the coffin, 2 mirrors
are placed. Since there are beads under and over them, we can interpret that there were wrapped


Stage IV
段階 IV
Near the west wall of the coffin, two swords are placed probably on the left side of the individual.
There is also a head of an iron ax that was placed over the swords. On the east side, one sword is
placed between the individual and the south wall of the coffin. Also a pike is placed on the eastern
side of the tomb.


Niizawa Senzuka Kofun 109

新沢千塚 109 号墳
Reconstruction of the Funerary Process (Diagram 4, Fig. 9)
埋葬プロセスの復元 (図表 4、図 9)

Stage I
段階 I
A wood coffin is placed inside the tomb.

Stage II
段階 II
One mirror is placed next to the east wall. Another is placed lying over the floor of the coffin,
almost in the middle of it.


Stage III
段階 III
The individual is placed inside the tomb. There are no remains of the individual but we can
determine where it was placed by its clothing. It was wearing earrings, a bead collar and a stone disc.
It was placed with its back lying over the mirror on the center of the tomb. There are some beads that
go until its legs.


Stage IV
段階 IV
An iron sword is placed between the individual right side and the northeast wall of the coffin. It
was also over the mirror under the individual. On the east side of the tomb, there is armor, with a
sword bended inside it. Both are made of iron.


Stage V
段階 V
We find a three-sphere-bronze bell. It was placed between the northeast wall and the armor,
although we cannot really determine if it was placed before or later.


Analysis of the Burial Process

There is a pattern related to the order in which objects are placed inside the tomb, representing part
of the funerary ritual. This pattern is consisted of funerary objects grouped by their function. The
groups of associated objects can be also observed in their relation with the body. There are those that
are buried before the body and after it (Table 2).

また被葬者の後で納められたグループがある(表 2)。

About those objects that are buried before the individual, we have our first stage. It is composed
by the sarcophagus or coffin (made of stone or wood respectively). It could be decorated inside and
outside with carvings, or painted red with cinnabar or pigment.

被葬者の前に納められた副葬品には、段階 I がある。この段階には棺が位置する(石棺また木

In the second stage, mirrors are placed inside the sarcophagus. Only in the case of Fujinoki Kofun
we have clear evidence that mirrors were placed wrapped by cloth or leather. It is very probable that
in other cases, mirrors were also buried wrapped inside these materials. In contexts where mirrors
are not present, this stage is absent.

段階 II で鏡が棺の中に納められる。藤ノ木古墳の場合には、皮また布の包装を明らかに観察

In the third stage, the individual is placed inside the sarcophagus over a mat and wrapped inside
cloth. This wrapping may have facilitated the transportation from another location where the
funerary ritual may have started. There is evidence of movement of the individual shown by the
movement of the associated objects that it may have worn (like rings in Niizawa Senzuka 126). The
individual wore different ornaments (head and hair accessories, earrings, collars, bracelets, rings and
belts) and clothes when buried. In some cases there is evidence of use of cinnabar over the face of
the body (e.g. Inouchiinarigazuka Kofun).

段階 III で被葬者は布とマットで包まれて、棺内に納められた。副葬品を包むことは、その移動
を容易にした。被葬者の移動は小さい着装品の移動で観察できる(例えば、新沢千塚 126 号墳の

From the fourth stage, we find those objects that are buried after the individual. In this stage we
find weapons, like bronze or iron swords, axes and arrowheads. They were placed at the sides and
over the individual. Most of bronze weapons were only for ritual purposes, while most of the iron
weapons and some small bronze weapons may have been used when alive. We also consider in this
stage helmets and armors.

段階 IV からは被葬者より後で納められた副葬品が位置がづけられる。この段階では銅製及び

The fifth stage is the last one, and it is present in only some of the tombs (Fujinoki, Niizawa
Senzuka 126). This stage has the widest variety of objects. In the case of Fujinoki Kofun
(Fig.15,16,17), it is consisted by objects made of bronze with the shape of cloth ornaments (e.g.
cylindrical objects, obi, crown, shoes). One characteristic of some of these objects is that they can
not be worn, since their size is bigger than usual (in the case of obi and shoes). Most of them also
have spangles (shoes, cylindrical objects, crown), which may have added some sound while moving.
In the case of Niizawa Senzuka 126, this stage has a glass plate and bowl. A bronze ornament that
may have been part of a crown can also be placed here. In tombs that do not have Stage 2, ceramic
vessels (Sueki) were placed in Stage 5 (Inouchiinarizuka Kofun).

最後の段階は段階 V であり、ある複雑埋葬状況においてのみ存在する(藤ノ木古墳、新沢千塚
126 号墳)。この段階には多くの種類の副葬品が観察できる。藤ノ木古墳の場合には(図 15,16,17)
できる。この段階でも、冠の部分(金製方形板)が置かれた。段階 II 存在しないの古墳では、段階
V で土器(須恵器)が置かれた(井ノ内稲荷塚古墳)。

Other examples
Since most of our examples contained mirrors, we considered useful to also review some contexts
that do not carry mirrors in the Niizawa Senzuka Kofun group. Although these examples do not
carry a great quantity of objects and the construction phases are not so clear, we would like to
discuss some of their characteristics.


About the associated objects, they keep a similar position with the examples we analyze before.
For example, in Niizawa Senzuka Kofun 122, 206, 227, 255 and 327 (Fig. 10-14), weapons like
swords are usually put on the sides of the individual. In the case of arrowheads, they are put either
on the extreme sides of the coffin or in another compartments (Niizawa Senzuka Kofun 227, 255 and
327). There is one case of pottery inside the coffin, Niizawa Senzuka Kofun 122. It had an
arrangement similar to the glass vessels on Niizawa Senzuka 126 and the Sueki vessels in
Inouchiinarigazuka Kofun.

副葬品について、前に示した事例と同類な状況がある。例えば、新沢千塚 122 号墳、206 号墳、
227 号墳、255 号墳と 327 号墳では(図 10-14)刀のような武器が身体の両側に置かれている。鉄鏃
の場合は棺の下部及び棺外に置かれている(新沢千塚 227 号墳、255 号墳と 327 号墳)。棺内で
土器が置かれている事例は新沢千塚 122 号墳がある。この土器は新沢千塚 126 号墳のガラス製

There are no examples that can be compared to our most complex case, the Fujinoki Kofun.
However, the funerary context of Bakuya Kofun, located also in Nara Prefecture, gives us a good
example for interpretation. This context was looted, though some of the objects that were left are
comparable with Fujinoki Kofun. Some of these objects are the stone coffin (same house-shaped),
collars ornaments made of the same style (Fig. 19), and the use of cinnabar for covering the coffin.
We can presume there were similar burial processes between individuals. It may show political or
kin relationships, but we need more information to clearly understand the meaning of these

家型石棺(図 18)、銅製首飾り(図 19)と朱の用い方は藤ノ木古墳と類似する。この類似点がある

The stages in the burial process show that associated objects are grouped by a common function.
Mitsumoto (2001) already mentioned that the categorization of associated objects by function is a
process that took place in the Late Kofun period. Our analysis confirms this statement by observing
the stages in the burial process. Nevertheless, in order to understand the evolution of the burial
process we need better examples in other areas.


Chapter IV
Interpretation of the Burial Process in Late Kofun Tombs

Our interpretation of the Burial Process should be considered only one of the many possible
interpretations that can be done from the archaeological data. The Burial Process is not a static
process. It shows changes from the beginning until the end of the Kofun Period (光本 2001). Its
meaning may have changed along with its evolution. We will try to understand first the logic inside
our best examples, and then use data from other contexts in order to get a better idea of the meaning
of the burial process.


The arrangement inside Funerary Contexts shows the complexity of Funerary Rituals for elite
groups. In our research, associated objects showed that they are arranged inside the context by
forming groups according to a funerary function (Table 2). These groups are equivalent to the
different stages in which Funerary Contexts are built.

置は一群の葬送的な機能から構成されるを示す(表 2)。副葬品の一群は埋葬プロセスの段階と対

The funerary function of objects can be related to the purpose of the funerary context. This
purpose is to help the individual reach an adequate after death. It is very difficult to understand the
specific meaning of each stage or object. However, we can try to understand it by analyzing their
internal composition of each stage.


Stages II and V show us a stratification system between funerary contexts. Only some individuals
carry mirrors and special objects made of bronze, glass or ceramic inside their tombs. Complex
contexts like Fujinoki Kofun give us enough ground to propose an interpretation for the meaning of
the burial process.

段階 II と段階 V は埋葬状況間に階層組織を示している。ある場合には被葬者が埋葬状況の中

Kuruma(2000) presents an interpretation for the meaning of Kofun tombs. He considers that the
mound was a portal for the realm of the dead. Also, Kofun mounds would have the shape of haniwa
and the sarcophagus or coffin was interpreted as a womb.


This interpretation has been done by applying a general idea about agricultural societies (mother
earth, blood when born, etc.). We think that the idea of Burial Mounds as portals to the other world is
right, since they represent a ritual space in the landscape. Moreover, in contexts where rock
chambers and decorated tombs are built, the idea of a passage to another world is emphasized.
However, other interpretations do not consider the logic inside the funerary contexts.


The coffin or sarcophagus

An interpretation of the meaning of coffin or sarcophagus can be done first by analyzing its
physical characteristics. They differentiate in shape or decoration (shapes can be of houses, boats,
etc.). Sarcophagus and coffins transform from natural materials, like wood and stone, into ritual
objects by their decoration (e.g. carving, red pigments, cinnabar, etc.). The common concept for a
coffin is that it encapsulates the individual. This concept can be associated to the concept of portal of
the mound.



Weapons are usually interpreted as a reflection of the military or political power of the individual.
In decorated tombs, they are repeatedly depicted. This depiction shows an emphasis more in the
weapon as an idea rather than the physical existence of it. Bronze weapons also carry other
iconographical representations that appear in other objects. (e.g. Fujinoki Kofun fish-shaped
ornaments in swords, Fig. 17).

の儀礼的な遺物のように、イコノグラフィー的な装飾をもつ(例えば藤ノ木古墳の魚佩、図 17)。

In some iconographic representations, weapons are represented being used by main characters in
scenes of hunting. If those are representations of the world of the dead, weapons would be expected
to be used by the individual after its death.



Mirrors have been considered important objects for political relationships in Kofun Period. Their
distribution and style have been interpreted in their relation with a redistribution system (都出
1998). When trying to understand their meaning, archaeologists usually take the interpretation for
mirrors in China. Their use is often related to tools in ritual ceremonies, cosmological tools and
political gifts (Barnes 1999). However, there is no evidence to consider that Chinese mirrors where
used with the same purpose in Kofun society.

れた(都出 1998)。鏡の機能を解釈するときに、考古学者はよく古代中国の鏡の機能と関連づけ
る。そして、鏡の機能をは儀式の道具、宇宙論的な道具、政治的な贈り物(Political gift)として解
釈された(Barnes 1999)。しかし、古墳時代の社会では古代中国と同様な機能があったの証拠が

Although their real function is still not clear 3 , we can approach to their use by analyzing the
funerary context as a whole. Kofun mirrors are ritual objects since they are found only in ritual
contexts. Being the first objects to be placed, their presence would emphasize the idea of the ritual
(maybe like a “talisman”).

3 Kuruma(op. cit.) also mentions their possible use in “matsuri” ceremonies by the elite, though he
does not offers clear evidence for this interpretation.
車崎(op. cit.)「祭」の儀礼を述べるが、彼はこの解釈のため明らかな証拠を示しない。


Gilt Bronze ornaments

The physical characteristics of these ornaments are important for our interpretation. In the case of
Fujinoki Kofun, some of them are oversized (obi and shoes). The bright of the bronze objects may
have been an impressive sight. The use of spangles would have produced a sound when moving that
can be listened by distance. We can speculate that these ornaments were used in some part of the
funerary ritual before placing the body inside the tomb.


The representation of animals is another interesting element in these ornaments. In Fujinoki Kofun
spangles with the shape of fish can be seen in the bronze shoes. Fish-shape ornaments can be found
also in two of the swords placed near the body (Fig. 16, 17) Representations of birds are also present
in the decoration of the bronze crown (Fig.15).

察できる。また同類な形の飾はふたつ大刀の近くに置かれていた(図 16,17)。鳥形の飾は金銅製
冠で観察できる(図 15)。

Although it is difficult to interpret the meaning of these objects, we will present a possible
interpretation from an iconographical perspective. Some representations in decorated tombs have
one scene with an individual over a boat (the sarcophagus or coffin? Fig.20). These representations
also have birds on the sides of the boat. They can be related with the ornaments in Fujinoki Kofun.
Birds are put on the head of boats as well as the head of the individual by the crown. Shoes have on
the bottom spangles of fish that may represent a journey over water. These animals may help the
individual in its journey to the underworld.

船の上に人間が描かれている(船は棺と関連づけるだろう、図 20)。その船の上には鳥も描かれ


Chapter V
Brief Reference to the Study of Funerary Ritual: Mochica Funerary Contexts Analysis

Latest approaches in Mochica Archaeology focus on the meaning of Funerary Contexts.

Archaeologists use many sources to try to understand this meaning, like Iconography. Therefore,
elite Funerary Contexts have been connected with ritual ceremonies and characters from
iconography for some authors and to ancestor worship for others.


We consider that elite groups in Kofun and Mochica societies share the use of Funerary Contexts
to validate their position. To explain this statement, we will compare the information of complex
burials in both societies. Comparative studies can show us how societies behave when facing death.


In the present chapter we will present the present situation of these approaches. We will start with
general information of the Mochica Culture and then introduce the last interpretations about
Funerary Contexts.


Background of the Mochica Culture

The area occupied by the Mochica culture is a portion of the north coast of Peru between the Piura
Valley in the north and the Huarmey Valley in the south (Fig. 21). It is bounded by the Pacific Ocean
and the Andes Mountains. Most of the settlements are located along the fertile areas of these coastal
valleys until the narrow part of the valley, when they enter to the Andes Mountain Chain. One of
these valleys, the Moche Valley, gave the initial name to this culture (this area was considered the
“core area” of the Mochica culture). In order to differentiate the sites from this valley from the whole
occupied area, some scholars take the name of Mochica (Bawden, 1996; Castillo and Donnan, 1994).

モチカ文化は約 100b.C.- 800a.D. におけるペルー北海岸の文化である。北部にはピウラ盆地、
南部にグアルメイ盆地、西部に太平洋、東部にアンデス山脈がある(図 21)。この地域には 13 本の
遺跡「Huacas de Moche 遺跡」がある。以前、この遺跡が「モチカ文化」の首都と思われたので、モ
「モチカ文化」と言う言葉を使いたい(Bawden, 1996. Castillo and Donnan, 1994)。

Most of the information of this culture comes from Funerary Contexts (Kaulicke, 2000). The first
archaeological excavations date from the beginning of the 20th Century and were done in the area
around the Moche Valley, were it was considered to be the “capital” of the Mochica state. There is a
common consideration of a division of two big areas divide geographically by the Paijan desert
called Mochica North and Mochica South. Nevertheless, it seems that the cultural divisions may go
in an inter valley level or even intra valley (Castillo and Donnan, op cit).

モチカ文化に関する多くの情報は「葬送状況」(Funerary Context,Kaulicke, 2000)から分かる。

前世紀からその学問的な研究が始まったが、500 年前のスペイン征服期から遺跡で略奪が行わ
れた。そして、考古学的な研究が 1940 年代から始まったため、未だモチカ文化について多くなこと
たが、ここ 20 年間における重要な遺跡の研究により、盆地ごとに政治的組織の違いがあると考え
イハン砂漠はその二つ地域の間である)(Castillo and Donnan, op. cit.)。

The time span of this culture can be considered from the 100 B.C. to 800 A.D. The first
chronology accepted was a stylistic one, which considers that the cultural changes can be seen in the
ceramic (from funerary and ritual contexts) giving stages of Moche I, II, III, IV and V (Kaulicke,
1994). These stages may seem to fit well with the area around the Moche and Chicama Valleys,
though they are not very useful outside of that area (Bawden, op cit Castillo and Donnan, op cit).

1940 年代に Rafael Larco Hoyle がチカマ盆地やモチェ盆地で発掘した土器様式から編年を行っ

た。この編年には 5 つの段階(モチェ I・モチェ II・モチェ III・モチェ IV・モチェ V)がある(Kaulicke,
考古学者が土器様式と集落様式を使って、3 つの広い時期を設定した(モチカ前期、モチカ中期、
モチカ後期)(Bawden, op. cit. Castillo and Donnan, op. cit.)。

Scholars from other areas consider that the chronology of this culture may change from valley to
valley, and that a stylistic approach to the chronology is not enough. Though, few efforts have been
made to establish a more detailed chronology and relate it from valley to valley. Considering the

wide North-South division, scholars that research the northern area consider the terms Early, Middle
and Late Mochica stages, though they are also related to the chronology presented for the south
region (Kaulicke, 2000).

を行うのは困難な状況にある(Kaulicke, 2000)。

Mochica Culture Funerary Contexts

Funerary Contexts have been studied by several scholars. We would like to use the studies of
Kaulicke (Kaulicke, 1996, 2000) and Donnan (Donnan, 1995) for our descriptions.

「葬送状況」について、本論では Kaulicke (Kaulicke, 1996, 2000)と Donnan (Donnan 1995)の分


Kaulicke considers that the concept of Funerary Context is better than other terms like tomb or
burial for archaeological studies. He developed a classification for Mochica Culture funerary
contexts. Although his classification is more detailed, we will only refer to the part that is related to
elite funerary contexts. In his classification, he finds three elements: Funerary Structure, Individual
and Associated Objects.

Kaulicke は葬送状況が墓とか埋葬よりも考古学的な意味における専門用語であると考えている。
さらに、Kaulicke はモチカ文化の「葬送状況」を分類した。「葬送状況」に関してもっと詳しく説明し
たいが、本論ではモチカ文化のエリートについて分類を示すことにする。Kaulicke の分類では「葬
送状況」が三つの部分「主体部の構造(Funerary Structure)」や「被葬者( Individual)」や「副葬品
(Associated objects)」に分けられている。

Funerary Structure
The structure can change not only because of social position of the individual but also if it is inside
another ritual context (i.e. Temples). The simplest tomb consists of a pit which has the individual on
the bottom of it. A variation of this type makes the pit in a boot shape, placing the individual in the
horizontal part of the pit and sealing it with mud bricks, making the vertical part of the pit an
antechamber (typical for San Jose de Moro Site, Castillo and Donnan, op. cit). The last structure type
consists of a burial chamber constructed and accessed from top to bottom. This type can be located
inside the ground, in which its boundaries are marked by stones or mud bricks, or inside another
mud-brick structure (a burial platform or a temple), in which the case some mud bricks from the
original structure are taken, making the shape of the chamber, and after the individual is placed

inside, it is covered by algarrobo trunks (a typical tree of the area) and then covered again by the
previously taken mud bricks. Inside the chamber, there could be divisions marked by mud bricks,
and also could be small shelves on the side walls.

なる(San Jose de Moro 遺跡、Castillo and Donnan, op. cit)。墓室の場合には泥煉瓦墓室や泥煉瓦

There are several types of burial that seem to depend on the social position of the individual, ritual
context, etc. We can consider that the typical Mochica Funerary Context is a primary context, burial
position has the principal individual in extended dorsal position, with an orientation N-S.


Associated Objects
The individual is often wrapped with cloth. According to its social level, the wrapping becomes
more complex. This wrapping could be a textile, a mat, a ceramic vessel, a mat coffin, or a wood
coffin attached by copper joints.


All the associations of the individual have direct relation with his/her status, though the minimal
association seemed to be ceramic vessels, beads, and a small copper flat piece placed on the mouth
of the individual. The quality and quantity seemed to have a direct relation too with the buried
individual. More complex tombs usually have copper-alloy objects and ceramic vessels of high
quality. Also we can find objects made of Spondyllus Princeps (a highly appreciated shell from the
coasts of Ecuador). The highest level of Funerary Contexts usually has all these items plus some
items brought from distant areas (like turquoise from Colombia or feathers from the Amazon Forest)
and manufactured items from other distant cultural groups (like gold idols from La Tolita in Ecuador
and ceramic vessels from the central coast of Peru). Instead of copper items, these individuals
usually have high-quality manufactured items. There are also other individuals buried with the

principal one, considered to be offerings. Some animals are also sacrificed, like dogs and coastal
type of llamas. The top of these elite contexts have items that relate them to important characters
represented in the ceramic iconography, usually in interaction with gods and fantastic characters.

中で、Spondyllus Princeps (エクアドルの海岸で採られる貝殻)は重要なものであった。他の遠いと

Mochica Iconography and Funerary Contexts

The iconographic studies in Mochica Art have been done from decorated ceramic vessels. It started
since the end of the 19th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, the studies of Heinrich
Ubbelohde-Doering, Gerdt Kutshcer, Max Uhle and Julio C. Tello. These researchers concluded that
the images from Mochica products, obtained mostly from funerary contexts, are not representations
of the common life but representations of a ritual and sacred world. These representations can be
separated into some monographic or scenic types. The reference of the representations would have
been legends, customs and myths. Since these objects come from a ritual context, they may have
been used in ceremonies that refer to those legends, customs and myths. In the decade of 1930,
Rafael Larco Hoyle made another interpretation of the Mochica Art. He considered the images as a
representation of the different aspects of the Mochica society. Larco considered, like Kutshcer, that
the representations in Mochica art have a proper value when studied, and are independent of other
sources, like historical sources of the 15th and 16th centuries, and the iconography of other cultural
groups (Kaulicke, 2000).

モチカ・イコノグラフィーは土器の装飾にたいして研究がなされている。この研究は 19 世紀末か
らあったが、20 世紀から本格的に学問的な研究が始まった。Heinrich Ubbelohde-Doering、Gerdt
Kutshcer、Max Uhle、Julio C. Tello などがこの研究を始めた。彼らはモチカの図像(Image)は普通
式に使ったという解釈を示した。1930 年代に Rafael Larco Hoyle がモチカ・イコノグラフィーは社会
的な背景と関係があると考えていた。Larco と Kutshcer はモチカ・イコノグラフィーが 15 世紀や 16
世紀の史料とは独立(Independent)の意味を持っていると考えた(Kaulicke, 2000)。

More recent studies of the Mochica iconography come from the decade of 1950. Christopher
Donnan (Donnan, 1999) has made the largest photographical archive of Mochica art objects (160
000). His research tries to give a systematic study of the Mochica art through stylistic comparisons,
technology, and archaeological, ethnographical and ethno historical sources. He considers that the

most complex scenes are grouped and represented in themes of the fine line painting ceramic vessels
and they should give more information about the individual images, since they represent the objects
and characters in their context. One of the themes he has presented in more detail was the
“Presentation” or “Sacrifice” theme (Fig. 22), based in a Mochica IV ceramic vessel. By identifying
the scenes and characters of this theme, he tries to identify also their actions and functions, and
re-identify them in other themes, like the “Burial” theme (Alva and Donnan, 1994). Anne-Marie
Hocquenghem, by the other side, does an analysis using a methodology from history of art
(Hocquenghem, 1987). She uses the three stages of Panofsky:

最近の研究は 1950 年代から始まった。Christopher Donnan は 16 万個の装飾土器を記録した。

Donnan の研究はスタイルや技術と考古学や民族学的な原点を比較した(Donnan, 1999)。Donnan
示すので、ひとつの図像よりもっと詳しく情報を示すと考えている。“Presentation or Sacrifice”のテ
ーマと“Burial”のテーマ(図 22)から Donnan は場面と登場人物の行動と機能を特定した(Alva and
Donnan, 1994)。一方、Anne-Marie Hocquenghem は美術歴史学の方法を使う。Hocquenghem は
Panofsky の三つのステージ方法論を使った(Hocquenghem, 1987):

◊ Pre iconographic description (i.e. to get a representative corpus and describe it)
◊ Pre iconographic description (図像のまとまり(Corpus)の特徴を述べる)

◊ Iconographic analysis (to identify those motifs and try to find out the
conventional meaning)
◊ Iconographic analysis (図像の一般的な意味を発見する)

◊ Iconological interpretation (to find out the cultural meaning in the society they
belong to)
◊ Iconological interpretation (図像の文化的、社会的な意味を発見する)

Hocquenghem concluded that the complex scenes can correspond to a representation of a “real” or
a “fantastic” world. These complex scenes that have a “ritual” meaning can be grouped into 19
themes. The order of these scenes may have a direct relation with the logic inside of them and also
should be inserted into a logical system she considers to be a ritual calendar. She also took
representations in other supports rather than fine-line ceramic vessels.

Hocquenghem の結論では 19 の複雑なテーマがあり、このテーマは現実と幻想的な世界と関係

し、場面の順序と論理が関係する。Hocquenghem はその論理は儀式の暦と関係があると考えて

Further studies have focused in identifying the characters inside the scenes, since they appear in
more than one scene. Berezkin, Lieske, Hocquenguem, Golte, Quilter and Makowski have tried to
identify them, their attributes and actions in each scene. In general lines, they have found at least
four principal characters, but the denominations differ from each scholar (e.g. El degollador, Aia
Paec, Character A, the earth and sea twins, etc; Kaulicke, op.cit.)

Makowski などが場面に対してこの登場人物の特色と行動 を特定した。大まかに 4 つの登場人
物があるが、研究者によって専門用語は変わる(例「El degollador」、「Aia Paec」、「Character A」、
「海と土の双子」など)(Kaulicke, op.cit.)。

Iconography and Funerary Context association

The most important relation between iconography and funerary context comes from the site of
Sipan, where we can find superposed elite funerary contexts. In order to find out the place the elite
people who were buried in this site should have had in the Mochica Society, Alva and Donnan (Alva
and Donnan, op.cit.) looked into the attributes inside these contexts and compared it with the fine
line painting in ceramic vessels, especially those related to the “Sacrifice and Presentation” theme.
Their interpretations are closely related to the general idea of Hocquenguem that the themes
represent ceremonies where the ritual and real world are mixed up. There are several descriptions of
the funerary contexts in this site, so we will refer only to the Tombs 1, 2 and 3, which were directly
associated with iconography representations.

Alva と Donnan(Alva and Donnan, op.cit.)は葬送状況の副葬品を見てモチカの装飾土器と比較し
た。Hocquenguem の着想を使って(テーマは儀式を示す)、彼らは「Sacrifice and Presentation」のテ
ーマでざまさまな情報を調べた。Alva と Donnan の研究はシパン遺跡の葬送状況の情報を示した
(Tombs 1・2・3)。

The Tomb 1 (Fig. 24) shows an individual of wealthy warrior attributes (waist protectors, rattlers
with a crescent-moon shape, darts, a knife-mace, crescent-moon shape knifes “tumis”,
“warrior-duck” and deer decorated earrings, and a crescent-moon shape head decoration. Most of
these objects are represented as attributes of one of the main characters described in the iconographic
studies. This character is usually the one who is presided at the ceremonies related to sacrifice and
presentation of prisoners. Following this hypothesis, the Tomb 2 that has a male individual with an
owl-shape head decoration plus other warrior-related attributes, could be the “Owl Warrior”, usually
represented in the same themes with the main character from the T1.

Tomb 1(図 24)の被葬者は戦士的で儀式的な副葬品を持っている。しばしば、この副葬品は装
人物も存在する。Tomb 2「Warrior Priest」の被葬者は梟形の頭飾りと一つの銅製のコップを持って
いるので、「Owl Warrior」と関係する。この登場人物は「Sacrifice」テーマで「Lord of Sipan」に「血が

The case of the Tomb 3 was a bit difficult to associate since it does not have a direct representation
in the iconography, but since it can be related to the T1 (because of the hip protectors and the head
decorations), Alva and Donnan consider it as an early representation of the main character. Another
funerary context that was associated with the same theme comes from the San Jose de Moro site,
where a female elite context was found, with some attributes that included a cup.

Tomb 3「Old Lord of Sipan」ははっきり「Lord of Sipan」と比較できないが、Alva と Donnan はこの

登場人物は「Lord of Sipan」の始めのバージョンだろうと考えている。Alva と Donnan は「Sacrifice」
のテーマがもうひとつの葬送状況と関係すると考えた。San Jose de Moro 遺跡には女性が埋蔵さ
性だけがいて、「Sacrifice の血を取る」という行動をする。この遺跡で同じ葬送状況が二つ発見さ

Another interpretation of the iconography and funerary contexts is made by Kaulicke (Kaulicke,
op.cit.). He considers that the burials have a narrative inside related to ancestry. According to him,
the order of the objects marks the steps that the individual have to take to become ancestor, and the
agents that help him to this duty. The differences between the T1 and the T3 should correspond to an
abbreviation of this path to become an ancestor. Iconography in the ceramic vessels should also be
related to the idea of death and regeneration and it could also be seen in the mural paintings in
temples and the action of burying them cyclically.

Kaulicke(Kaulicke, op.cit)は他の意見を持つ。彼はシパン遺跡の葬送状況が祖先との関係を示
していると考えた。Kaulicke は副葬品の順序が祖先になるための道を示すと考えている。神殿と
土器の装飾はこの道と関係する。被葬者がこの道を通るためにざまさまな神の偶像を使う。T1 と
T3 の違いはこの道の省略を示すだろう。

As we mentioned before, there are two different approaches to understand the nature of the
individual in Mochica archaeology. The first approach uses archaeological data to validate
iconography studies. The second approach is tries to understand first the logic inside the funerary
context and then understand the logic of iconographical representations. Our research is closer to this
second approach.


The strategies used by elite groups to validate their power can be very similar even from different
societies. In the next chapter, we will approximate to the meaning of Funerary Contexts in Kofun
and Mochica societies by analyzing the logic of the funerary process.


Chapter VI
Comparative Study of Funerary Rituals between Kofun and Mochica Societies

We will compare the most complex Funerary Contexts of both societies using the methodology we
applied for Kofun Period contexts. Although at first the archaeological data may seem very different
from Kofun and Mochica societies, the burial process shows some similarities. These similarities can
be related to the strategies of elite groups to validate their power. For our comparative study, we
chose the T1 of the Sipan site and the burial in Fujinoki Kofun.

分析を行うためにシパン遺跡の T1 と藤ノ木古墳を選択した。

The Sipan Site

Sipan archaeological site is located in the Lambayeque or Chancay River, next to the actual Sipan
Town. It has almost 14 archaeological excavated burials, 3 of them considered to be a high-rank
individual. These are so far the richest tombs found in the Andean region. The structure which holds
these burials is a platform with 6 constructive phases (Fig. 23). Some of these phases are considered
to have ended with the burial of the principal burials. The main burials contain gold, copper and
shell items, sacrificed associated individuals and animals and small chambers on the pit of the tomb
filled with ceramic vessels. The whole site is considered to be in the Middle Mochica stage and has a
C14 date of 260±90 a. (D. Alva, 1999. Alva and Donnan, 1993)

カ中期に造られ 6 つの「Construction Level」を持つ(図 23)。1986 年から 14 基のエリート葬送状況
が発見されている。土器、赤銅、金、銀や貝殻の副葬品が伴う。その中の 3 基は重葬な葬送状況
がこのエリートを象徴すると思われる(Alva, 1999. Alva and Donnan, 1993)。

T1 Burial Process (Diag. 6)

T1 の埋葬プロセス(表 6)
T1 (a.k.a. “The Lord of Sipan Tomb”) is a chamber-style funerary context. The main individual is
buried in the middle of the chamber inside a wooden coffin. We will focus on the arrangement inside

this coffin.

T1 (a.k.a. シパンの主の墓) は室式の埋葬状況である。被葬者は室の中央部で木棺に納めら


According to the arrangement of the objects, we can observe four stages in the burial process
(Diag. 6). The divisions of each stage can be easily determined since there are physical objects that
serve as separators (like a wood board or banners).

副葬品の配置について、埋葬プロセスの四つ段階を観察できる(表 6)。ある副葬品が段階を分

Stages II and IV are very similar. The objects that they contain can be worn. They seem to
represent more the specific roles of the individual while alive. They are under and over stage III
enclosing the body.

段階 II と IV はよく類似している。この段階の副葬品は着装品と考えられる。この副葬品は被葬
者が生きたときの社会の位置を示しているだろう。両段階は段階 III の上下にあたり、被葬者を包

Stage III, where the individual is placed, is the most complex. It carries many objects with ritual
representations. The arrangement of objects inside this stage shows different sets 4 in which this stage
can be separated.

段階 III で被葬者が置かれている。この段階は最も複雑な部分と考えられる。ここで様々な儀礼

In the case of stage III, some objects cannot be worn while alive (like the ornaments of the face, or
the semilunar shape ornament.)It is possible that stage III actually represents the transformation into
ancestor that Kaulicke (2000) mentions, since its high quantity of ritual representations.

そのうえ、段階 III では生前に使用されないような首飾り品が見られる(例えば顔部飾、半月形


4Alva and Donnan (1994) mention the “sets” that were found during the excavation of
T1. They interpret them as “sets of cloth”.
Alva と Donnan (1994)はこの埋葬状況を発掘しながら、このセットの分離を観察できると

Kaulicke has interpreted the funerary process in T1 by applying his interpretation of T3 of the
same site. As we mentioned before, Kaulicke considers that the order of objects inside the T3
represent the transformation of the individual into an ancestor. It is helped by the gods that are
represented in those objects. Kaulicke also considers that T1 is an abbreviated form of this process.

Kaulicke の理論はシパン遺跡 T3 の自分の解釈から、T1 の埋葬プロセスを解釈した。上述のよ

うに、Kaulicke は T3 の副葬品の配置は被葬者の先祖への変形を示すと考えている。この変形を
叶ために、副葬品に描かれた神は被葬者に助力する。Kaulicke は、T1 は T3 の省略されに形であ

Ancestor Worship
Whitley (2002) mentions some characteristics that should be observed in order to consider
ancestor worship in archaeological data. First, ancestors should be linked to following generations
by rituals. Second, to become ancestor, an individual should pass through a transformation process.
Third, rites of burial and rites of ancestor worship are often spatially distinct.


For the first characteristic, in Sipan we have multiple funerary contexts in the pyramid. There is no
context that goes over others proving that the people knew where previous contexts where located.
Also, the style of the artifacts in each context is similar. We can conclude that the same people, in
different moments, built a funerary context following a similar funerary ritual. This ritual would
connect each generation. The relation between Fujinoki Kofun and Bakuya Kofun can be interpreted
in a similar way.


The second characteristic would have taken place in Mochica and Kofun societies by the
arrangement of objects inside a funerary context. In the most complex examples, like T1 of Sipan
and Fujinoki Kofun, objects that do not have a practical use seem to carry a ritual meaning. This
meaning can be associated with the transformation process into ancestor.



It is also interesting the “metallization” of the individual in both cases. Both have objects made of
bronze, gold or silver that represent real objects, like cloth (bronze obi in Fujinoki – Fig. 5, gold face
parts in Sipan- Fig. 25). Metal objects would represent the transformation of the individual from
flesh into metal.

の金・銀・銅製品を持つ(例えば藤ノ木古墳の金銅製履、大帯、図 5;シパンの頭部飾、図 25)。被

The third characteristic may seem not to happen in these societies. However, mounds and
pyramids may have been conceived not as tombs but as places for making ritual ceremonies
(temples). We should consider the ceremonies that took place over the mounds or pyramids.
Although there is no evidence in Fujinoki Kofun for ceremonies taken place over the mound, there
are other mounds that have evidence for ritual practices (Wakasa 2004). In the case of Sipan, on the
6 stage of the platform, there is evidence of ritual ceremonies taken place (Alva and Donnan 1994).

の証拠が発見されている(Wakasa 2004)。シパン遺跡では最後の段階に儀式の証拠がある(Alva
と Donnan 1994)。


In the present work, we were able to demonstrate the importance of studying archaeological
objects inside a context. Archaeological methodology can be used to understand and interpret the
ritual world of past societies.


Elite Funerary Contexts represent a connection between the ritual and real worlds. Through their
analysis, much information about past societies can be recovered. A reconstruction of the Funerary
Process can help archaeologists to understand the ritual meaning of Funerary Contexts.


Monumental structures, like mounds, platforms or pyramids, stay as a visual connection with the
ritual world. When a monumental structure is associated with Elite Funerary Contexts, these
structures also emphasize the transformation process of the individual inside it.


These structures become a new “locus” for ritual practices. They transform the landscape,
concentrate sacred power, and become center of societies. Thus, Elite Funerary Contexts and
monumental structures are not just remainders of the past; these contexts are actively used by elite
groups to relate themselves with the ritual world and validate their power.


In Kofun and Mochica societies, the burial process implies a complex ritual with many rules.
There is an arrangement of the objects inside the funerary contexts according to these rules.


The power of the elite groups is not only reflected by the quality and quantity of associated objects.
It is actually better reflected in the complexity of the funerary process, and the purpose these
contexts carry. This purpose is reflected in the stages of the burial process. Those stages are
composed by the arrangement of associated objects according to their funerary function. In some of
the cases we analyzed (like Sipan and Fujinoki Kofun) the purpose of the funerary context can be
related to the transformation of the main individual into an ancestor.



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古墳 都道府県 形式 棺
藤ノ木 奈良県 横穴式石室 石棺
新沢千塚 48 号 奈良県 竪穴式石室 木棺
新沢千塚 109 号 奈良県 竪穴式石室 木棺
新沢千塚 126 号 奈良県 竪穴式石室 木棺
井ノ内稲荷塚 京都府 竪穴式石室 木棺

藤ノ木古墳 石棺 鏡 身体と着装品 武器 銅製と金製品
新沢千塚 48 号 木棺 鏡 身体と着装品 武器
新沢千塚 109 号 木棺 鏡 身体と着装品 武器
新沢千塚 126 号 木棺 鏡/身体と着装品 武器 ガラス製碗と皿
井ノ内稲荷塚 木棺 身体と着装品 武器
Fujinoki Nara Corridor and stone chamber Stone
Niizawa Senzuka 48 Nara Pit style chamber Wood
Niizawa Senzuka 109 Nara Pit style chamber Wood
Niizawa Senzuka 126 Nara Pit style chamber Wood
Inouchi Inarizuka Kyoto Pit style chamber Wood
Table 1: General characteristics of the main examples

Bronze and
Stone Individual with
Fujinoki Mirror Weapons gold ritual
Coffin Clothing
Wood Individual with
Niizawa 48 Mirror Weapons
Coffin Clothing
Wood Individual with
Niizawa 109 Mirror Weapons
Coffin Clothing
Glass objects
Wood Individual with
Niizawa 126 Mirror Weapons and bronze
Coffin Clothing
Inouchiinarizuka Individual Weapons

Table 2: Phases and type of objects inside Funerary Process in the main Kofun examples
Overlap Relation (according to the excavation report)

Burial Process Stage №

直接的な重複関係(可能) 身体と着装品
Probable Overlapping Relation 直接的な重複関係 Individual and clothing
Overlap Relation

Illustration 1: Diagrams for Analysis of Burial Process

解説図 1.埋葬プロセス分析の図表
Diagram 1: Fujinoki Kofun Funerary Process
図表2.井ノ内稲荷塚古墳の埋葬プロセス 図表 3.新沢千塚 48 号墳の埋葬プロセス

図表4.新沢千塚 109 号墳の埋葬プロセス 図表 5.新沢千塚 126 号墳の埋葬プロセス

Diagram 2: Inouchiinarizuka Kofun Funerary Process Diagram 3: Niizawa Senzuka Kofun 48 Funerary Process

Diagram 4: Niizawa Senzuka Kofun 109 Funerary Process Diagram 5: Niizawa Senzuka Kofun 126 Funerary Process
図表6.シパン遺跡 T1 の埋葬プロセス
Diagram 6: Sipan Site T1 Funerary Process
Figure 1: Fujinoki Kofun Stages I-II Figure 2: Fujinoki Kofun Stage III
図1.藤ノ木古墳段階 I・II 図 2.藤ノ木古墳段階 III
Figure 3: Fujinoki Kofun Stage IV Figure 4: Fujinoki Kofun Stage Va
図 3.藤ノ木古墳段階 IV 図 4.藤ノ木古墳段階 Va
Figure 5: Fujinoki Kofun Stage Vb
図 5.藤ノ木古墳段階 Vb
Figure 6 a – b – c – d: Inouchiinarigazuka Kofun Phase 1-2-3-4(from left to right)
図6a・b・c・d.井ノ内稲荷塚古墳段階 1・2・3・4(左から)
Figure 7a – b – c – d – e: Niizawa Senzuka Kofun 126 Phase 1-2-3-4-5(from left to right)
図7a・b・c・d・e.新沢千塚 126 号墳段階 1・2・3・4・5(左から)
Figure 8: Niizawa Senzuka Kofun 48 (奈良県教育委員会 1981) Figure 9: Niizawa Senzuka Kofun 109 (奈良県教育委員会 1981)
図 8.新沢千塚 48 号墳 図 9.新沢千塚 109 号墳

Figure 10: Niizawa Senzuka Kofun 122 (奈良県教育委員会 1981) Figure 11: Niizawa Senzuka Kofun 206 (奈良県教育委員会 1981)
図 10.新沢千塚 122 号墳 図 11.新沢千塚 206 号墳
Figure 12: Niizawa Senzuka Kofun 227 (奈良県教育委員会 1981) Figure 13: Niizawa Senzuka Kofun 327 (奈良県教育委員会 1981)
図 12.新沢千塚 48 号墳 図 13.新沢千塚 109 号墳

Figure 14a – b: Niizawa Senzuka Kofun 255 (奈良県教育委員会 1981)

図 14a・b.新沢千塚 255 号墳
Figure 15: Fujinoki Kofun Bronze Crown(奈良県立橿原考古学研究所 1993) Figure 16: Fujinoki Kofun Bronze Shoes(奈良県立橿原考古学研究所 1993)
図 15.藤ノ木古墳の金銅製冠 図 16.藤ノ木古墳金銅製飾履

Figure 17: Fujinoki Kofun Fish-shaped Ornament(奈良県立橿原考古学研究所 1993)

図 17.藤ノ木古墳の魚佩
Figure 18: Bakuya Kofun Sarcophagus (広陵町文化財 1987) Figure 19: Bakuya Kofun Collar(広陵町文化財 1987)
図 18.牧野古墳の石棺 図 19.牧野古墳の首飾り
Figure 20: Mezurashizuka Kofun (Fukuoka Prefecture) Decorated Kofun Boat Scene (reconstruction) (国立歴史俗博物館 1993)
図 20.福岡県珍敷塚古墳―装飾古墳での船の描写(復元図)
Figure 21: Mochica Culture Territory (Alva, W and C. B. Donnan 1994)
図 21.モチカ文化範囲
Figure 22: Mochica Iconography “Sacrifice Ceremony” (Alva, W and C. B. Donnan 1994)
図 22.モチカ文化のイコノグラフィー「犠牲儀礼」
Figure 23: Sipan Site Platform Stages and Tomb Locations (Alva, W and C. B. Donnan 1994) Figure 24:T1 Burial Process (Alva, W and C. B. Donnan 1994)
図 23. シパン遺跡の施工段階と墓の配置 図 24.T1 の埋葬プロセス
Figure 25: T1 Face Ornaments (Alva, W and C. B. Donnan 1994)
図 25. 金製目・鼻・口飾

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