Law of Karma Value Systems For Success.

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Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Wrong notions of relationships

Who is your wife? Who is your son/daughter? This world is extremely wonderful. Of
whom are you? Who are you? From where have you come? Oh brother, think of that
Truth here.
Having dealt with physical and emotional attachments in the previous two stanzas, this
verse deals with intellectual attachment. It is far more binding than physical and
emotional. How to liberate oneself from these? He is suggesting that we enquire into
these mysterious relationships.
On the one hand he is saying, ‘inquire, who is your wife, who is your son/daughter, who
are your relatives, etc, to develop a detachment from them. By the same token he is
asserting a relationship by saying, ‘Oh brother’. This is an expression of the master’s
objectivity. It is not the noble institution of family and the relationships that are taboo,
but your entanglement in it. It is your possessiveness and selfish attachment to
personalities as “my wife”, ‘my son’ or ‘my brother’ that you have been asked to
examine. Give up your personal ties, selfish bondage and not the persons nor your
relationship literally. When you give up your selfish attachment, your relationships
improve. be continued…
“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”


Develop a mental occupation with the Self within..

When you are under the veil of attachment, you believe that ‘when I finish my
responsibilities in life, then I will take to spirituality or a higher path in life’. Before you
realize it, you get into the deeper attachment of manhood. You hurry and worry to fulfill
the passions of maternal or paternal obligations. You believe that when you retire, you
will dedicate yourself to the service of God. You are later overpowered by the pangs of
old age and get obsessed with worries and anxieties. Thus, NO ONE, alas, is attached to
Supreme Truth!
Waiting to finish your responsibility and to take up spirituality is like waiting for the
waves to subside in the ocean for you to sail your boat! You will never find the ocean
calm. Similarly, this also applies to take up spirituality in life. It is now or never.
The common complaint is lack of time for spirituality. Your attachments to the world
consume all your time. Once your intellects is fired with the value of recognizing the
Divinity, that becomes the priority. When you analyze the justification of lack of time,
you realize that it only means that you lack the conviction to pursue the Spirit. Your lack
of time only means that your lack of priority. Once the conviction is developed in and
through all your duties and responsibilities, your intellect attunes itself to the Self.
The ability of attachment was bestowed upon mankind to attune and attach himself to
the Supreme. But it is being misapplied for worldly pleasures because they provide quick
joy. To attach yourself to the Lord by tearing yourself from attachment to worldly
excitements needs enormous strength of character. Therefore, one needs to develop
the strength of the intellect. be continued…
“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”


Develop a mental occupation with the Self within..

Today we are more concerned about the vehicle, the equipments, not our real Self. Our
time and ability is only directed towards the equipments. To illustrate: A prince was
riding a horse in a jungle. He later descended from the horse and slept under the tree.
While he was asleep, a thief stole his horse. With much difficulty, he managed to reach
his place. He then decided to invite all his friends and relatives for an elaborate banquet.
As his friends were enjoying the party, one of them inquired about the reason for the
party. He said “I am celebrate because of my horse was stolen in the jungle. “Have you
gone crazy, you are celebrating because your horse was stolen? His friends retorted.
“No dear friends, on the contrary, you have gone crazy.” The prince replied.
He then added, “Don’t you realize that although my horse was stolen, I am alive and
unharmed? That is why I am celebrating.” The price was saved, but his vehicle was
What we are doing, however? We are doing the opposite. We are only concerned about
the vehicle of viz, body-mind-intellect-ego and completely missing the Self – the actual
rider. Imagine a man who spends hours cleaning his beautiful car, but he never has a
bath and remains absolutely filthy! That is our plight today. We are only concerned
about the vehicle and not the rider. be continued…
“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”


Develop a mental occupation with the Self within..

If you bring a piece of iron near a magnet, the magnet attracts the iron. If you were to
replace the iron with a piece of wood, you will find that the magnet does not attract the
wood piece. Now tie the wood piece together with the iron piece and bring this
combination near the magnet. The magnet will attract the combination. In this case,
though the combination gets attracted to the magnet, the wood piece remains
Similarly, each one of us is a necessary combination of spirit and matter – the Self and
the body-mind-intellect and ego equipment. Since you constantly identify with the
equipment, you become one with the body, mind, intellect and ego and when the
world affects the body, the mind, the intellect and ego, and then you feel you are
affected. But the truth is the real YOU within remains unaffected.
However, this does not mean that spiritually developed person does not experience joy
and sorrow. He also goes through the favourable and unfavourable experiences but they
do not affect him. He is not affected by the fluctuations in life.
The message of the scriptures or any religion, therefore, is nothing but the shifting of
one’s focus of attention from this world of perceptions, actions, emotions and
thoughts to his inner Self, the Soul. Shift your focus from the vehicles of body-mind-
intellect-ego to the Self within. You gradually liberate yourself from the thralldom. You
gain freedom from agitations. You become liberated. be continued…
“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”


Develop a mental occupation with the Self within..

The law of life is that as you think, so you become, and as you become, so you think.
You constantly think about the body and its perceptions and actions. You become a
physical personality. Thereafter, your focus of attention is on physical things. When you
continuously identify with the mind, you become an emotional personality. Your
concern is only on emotions and feelings of yours and others. If you relentlessly think
about the intellect, you become an intellectual personality. You then concerned about
ideas and ideology, precepts and concepts. Identifying with the ego, you become an
egoistic personality. Your ego arrogates all these experiences as yours. So, all your
experiences are confined to physical, emotional, intellectual and egoistic. We do not
seem to know anything beyond these.
Since you identify with and become one with the body-mind-intellect-ego equipment,
whatever happens to the equipment happens to you. You suffer as a consequence.
The objective of spiritual life is to shift the focus of attention from the outer equipment
to the Spirit within you. The Spirit within (the Self) goes through no fluctuations. It
remains unaffected. When you focus upon the Spirit, you experience peace and bliss.
All your sorrows and sufferings are caused by your attention being focused on the
material equipment. be continued…
“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

If you don't have peace in life, whatever you

have (material world), will have no meaning!
Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Develop a mental occupation with the Self within

Human being alone possesses the choice to direct his thoughts in a particular direction
of his choice and to achieve a specific purpose. No other living being has the choice of
directing its thought in a specific direction they want.
Every human being is a necessary combination of spirit and matter. Matter is the body,
mind, intellect and ego equipment. Beyond the body, mind, intellect and ego are your
essential Self - the spirit. The material elements are inert, but when they are in contact
with the Self, the Atma within, there is a brilliant expression of life. Just as when an
electric bulb comes into contact with electricity, there is light, although neither the bulb
nor electricity by themselves have light in them. Similarly, when the body, mind, ego
and intellect come in contact with the Self, there is the light of life.
The Self or Atma is our real Self, and the outer equipment is just the vehicle that enables
us to contact the world. The problem today is that our focus of attention is all the time
on the material equipment: the body, mind, intellect and ego. be continued…
“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”


Unreasonable preoccupation of the mind dissipates energy

When a boy, one is attached to play; when a youth, one is attached to a
young woman; when old, one is attached to anxiety. No one, alas, is
attached to Supreme Truth!
The verse talks about the biography of every human being who exhausts their life in
empty purposes and meaningless attachments. Only a human being has the potential to
realize the infinite Self. That is the purpose of human existence. But intoxicated with lust
and passion, he falls to the depths of degradation. The Guru here realizing the plight of
man feels the pain and laments, Alas!
Here the master examines the obsession of human mind to the world at different stages
of his growth in life and as a result he completely misses the higher aspect of life.
As a child one helplessly runs after playthings. During childhood your interest and
attention is only upon the toys and play. We spend our childhood with our attachments
to toys.
When the child grows up to be a youth, his vitality is dissipated in lust and passion for
his beloved as well as unrealistic ambitions and an obsession for success, power,
position, name and fame.
As old age creeps in, his head is laden with worries and anxieties, fears and insecurities
arising from his own past selfish activities. He becomes a prisoner of past worries. He
constantly worries about his children’s future, grandchildren’s safety and so on. Every
activity is associated with anxiety, tension and fear.
Thus, his entire life is consumed by attachment to something or the other. He does not
have any time or inclination to find out what is the essence of life, to surrender to
something beyond the terrestrial attachment. be continued…
“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”


Your Body-Worship obstructs your progress..

People often follow the two extremes in life. Either they pamper the body or they
neglect it. Hardly anyone follows the middle path.
The body is a vehicle. You give it as much importance as you would give to your vehicle.
You clean it, feed it, exercise it and keep it fit. No more, no less.
What is the value of an animal’s body after death? It is far higher than the value of the
human body. If you analyze a human body after death, it has no monetary value. Your
spouse may even fear that body. We cling to this passing entity under a delusion.
When you are attached to the physical body, your perception of the world gets limited
to the physical things. You cannot conceive anything beyond the physical world. That is
the law. Therefore, arise from this physical bondage to a higher plane of consciousness.
The next verse deals with our attachment to emotional realm. be continued…
“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”


Your Body-Worship obstructs your progress..

The pampering of the body and your exaggerated concern for physical personality is
often to impress others. You are looking at yourself through the eyes of others. There
are only two types of people in the world:

One is people who entertain higher value, character and culture and who
are not bothered about physical appearances. They intellectually X-ray through
physical appearances and try to understand what your character is. You cannot
impress them by your external show.
The other set of people are those who are impressed by your appearance.
They focus more on your external appearance. They lack character and culture.
They are the people who are envious of you. They can act based on their envy
against you. They will be detrimental to you.
Both the types are not in your favour. Therefore, whom you are trying to impress?
Ofcourse you have to be physically presentable. You have to be ‘rich but not gaudy’. You
cannot neglect the physical body. At the same time there should not be an exaggerated
attention to the physical personality. Do not pamper the body. be continued…
“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan
Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Your Body-Worship obstructs your progress

As long as there is breath in the body, so long people at home enquire of
your welfare. Once the breath leaves and the body is decayed, even your
own wife fears the very same body!
In the previous two verses the master awakened us to the reality that life is ephemeral
and sorrow ridden. Having diagnosed the problem, what is the remedy? Merely
exposing the problem without prescribing the solutions amounts to criticism and
condemnation. A guide is one who exposes the problem and provides constructive
solution. This stanza deals with detachment from bodily attachments. The following two
verses give us powerful suggestions to get detached from emotional and intellectual
aspects of our personality.
Here your uncontrollable obsession to the body worship and image maintenance is
condemned. Here he uses the word ‘wife’. It has to be taken in the sense of spouse who
gives so much regard and value to the body of the partner. Once the life is out, the same
person who admired probably does not have any value for the body. The wife who
adored the body may not even sleep in the same room for fear of him returning! be continued…
“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”


Your Dependents’ Motive..

Ideally, when you are young, you ought to live a life of strife and struggle to serve and
sacrifice for the community, nation and humanity. Seeking success, earning and saving
are to be considered as a hobby not a full time engagement.
The real achievement is to be gained in self-development; one’s own inner
contemplation and gaining mastery over the world so that long before the world rejects
you , you can reject the world. Nay! You can grow above the world.
Retire in to a greater world of serenity and deep contemplation and more intense self-
engagement and self-satisfaction. be continued…
“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”


Your Dependents’ Motive..

Therefore he says ‘seek the truth’. All of us may not be able to seek that ultimate truth.
If you cannot conceive that highest Truth, that goal in life which is Self-realisation, you
should have to set an ideal or a relative goal in life which could be self-development. It is
an effort to make yourself a better human being. If you cannot conceive even that, then
have a goal in life that adds value to a common goal, a social purpose. Here, a goal or
ideal means something that is beyond your selfish, personal interest. A goal must
encompass a wider circle of people, not just fulfilling your personal desires. A selfless
purpose will chasten and purify you personality.
Today people cannot see anything beyond their family - wife and children. When you
cannot see the ultimate Truth or think of self-development, set up an ideal or a goal
which could be development of the organization in which you are working or the growth
of the society in which you are living. You have to pause and think about what you are
doing in life. There has to be a purpose for your existence. Otherwise, it is routine
mechanical existence, not any different from animal life. be continued…
“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”


Your Dependents’ Motive

As long as you have the ability to earn wealth, so long will your
dependents be attached to you! Later, when you live with an infirm body,
no one would ever speak a word to you in your own home!
The verse highlights the tendency of the mind to be dependent upon people who are
close to you. It says: do not be carried away by dependents and your following. When
people are following you, they are, invariably, following the capacity and the wealth you
As discussed earlier, wealth is a commodity that can be exchanged for sense objects.
With wealth you cannot buy happiness or knowledge. You can only buy sense objects to
cater to your ten sense organs. So long as you have the ability to generate sense objects,
there will be a lot of followers. Later, when you live with an infirm body and your
powers degenerate, the same people can desert you. Wealth here should be taken in a
broad context. Wealth means any power – worldly or spiritual, political or scientific,
artistic or technological. When you have fame, name and richness, you have lot of
followers and you get carried away by that. You do not realize that they are only with
you because you have some capacity or some special ability. Therefore, be objective. Do
not get obsessed with this acquisition and possession. be continued…
“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The Nature of Our Life..

 Facing challenges with peace of mind requires learning of certain psychological technique. Once you have
mastered the technique, you can handle any challenge, big or small. You must understand that as the water on the
lotus leaf is unsteady, so is life extremely unsteady. As “the entire world is consumed by disease, conceit and
smitten with sorrow”, do not take the pessimistic view that life is full of sorrow. He is only asking you to see it from
a different angle. Master the technique of living and change your attitude and your life thereafter would no more
be riddled with disease and smitten with sorrow.

I asked for strength, and GOD gave me difficulties to make me strong

I asked for wisdom, and GOD gave me problems to solve

I asked for prosperity and GOD game me brain and brown to work

I asked for courage and GOD gave me challenges to overcome

I asked for love and GOD gave me troubled people to help

I asked for favours and GOD game me opportunities

I received nothing I wanted, I received everything I needed

My prayer has been answered “GOD gives food for every bird, but does not put it in their mouth” be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

 The Nature of Our Life..

 The farmer stopped the engine to stop the noise, but by stopping engine to stop the noise, the water
also stopped being pumped. The horse rider said: “I asked you to stop the noise only, why did you stop
water flow?” The farmer replied, “You can’t have water without the noise of the engine”.

Similarly in life, if you have to live happily, you must learn to live amidst problems. You cannot have a
challenge-free, problem-free life. Life means challenges and continuous solutions to problems. Re-
mould your attitude and you will enjoy solving problems and enjoy living. Once you have the right
mental attitude, every aspect of life would be a treat since it would be enjoyable. Face any challenge
joyfully like a sportsman.

Think deeper and analyze as to what is the difference between a happy and unhappy person? Can we
say a happy person has fewer problems in life? Not necessarily. A happy person has enough problems.
However, he has the right mental attitude and right perception. He does not perceive the problems as a
problem. He sees challenges as an opportunity to showcase the talents and ability. Therefore, he
enjoys facing the challenges.

Perfection in human being is in the ability to maintain the peace and cheer while facing the challenges
and adversities of life. That is total quality individual. Remember, life is like a grindstone. Whether it
grinds you down or polishes you up depends on what you are made of. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

 Delusion of Intellect
Intelligence is often misunderstood to be the ability for right judgment. At the intellectual level, people
believe that if a person is well informed in one or more subjects, he is an intellectual. To make the right
judgment, you need the development of intellect. Intelligence is quite different from intellectual
development. To be intellectual is the capacity of the intellect to control and channelize one’s body,
mind and ego in the right direction based on values. This even a great academician may lack. So to
believe ‘intelligence’ as being ‘intellectual’ is a delusion. To have intellectual development, one needs an
education on higher values. The intellect needs to be trained to regulate and guide the mind and the
ego. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

 Delusion of Emotion

At the emotional level, many people misunderstand selfish attachment and infatuation to be true love.
Attachment is when love is polluted with selfishness. Attachment is far from true love. It is inverted love.
Attachment, in effect, is nothing short of hatred. When most people claim they love somebody, be it
spouse, parents, family or children, what they mean is that they are affectionate to someone because
that particular individual satisfies them either at the physical, emotional or intellectual level. Suppose
the supply to any of these three levels of the personality is reduced or the supply is stopped fully, what
happens to the love and affection? Invariably that ‘love’ diminishes.

Therefore, when you claim you love a person just introspect. Often the feeling to that person is because
he or she is catering to your physical-emotional-intellectual demands, your whims and fancies. In
effect, whom do you actually love? You love yourself. It is just the opposite of love. Selfish love is
misunderstood as true love. It is delusion at the emotional level. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Delusion of wealth

Our understanding of richness is misleading. We believe that when we have a large bank balance, we
are rich. You are rich, if your income exceeds your expenses and your expenses are equal to your wishes.
Despite possessing expensive and innumerable assets, if your wishes and desires are more than your
assets, you are considered a poor man. In the case of many people, although they are wealthy, their
outgo often exceeds their income. As a result their upkeep becomes their downfall. Maintaining their
status and standard of living becomes the cause of their downfall. Therefore, richness is in reduction of
subjective wants rather than an increase in objective assets. “Poverty lies not in the decrease of wealth
but in the increase of subjective wants” said Plato. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

 Sharpen the AXE..

What do you think of a man who does not have ten minutes to spare to sharpen the axe because he is
busy cutting down the tree? Is it not absurd? But then what are we doing? Most people are very busy
cutting down their tree. They do not have time to sharpen their axe – the mind and intellect – because
they are so busy earning and acquiring.

The man struggled for hours to cut down the tree. If only he took ten minutes off to sharpen the axe, he
could have accomplished his task in minutes. He could not spare ten minutes to sharpen the axe. Ten
minutes seemed too expensive. But that ten minutes is a matter of the investment of time. Similarly,
people complain of a lack of time to sharpen their inner tools. You need to put in a little effort everyday
to sharpen the axe – your personality, your inner being. Just as any other machinery needs servicing and
sharpening, your inner tools too need the same.

So, understanding the values, through the study of scriptures is nothing but the process of sharpening
your inner personality so that you become very effective in your approach in any field of action.
Remember the time that you use in enriching your inner self is an investment of time only. It is not
spending. Perhaps, the most effective and rewarding investment of your time is to invest within
yourself to recharge your personality. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

 The Happiness within..

There is a third group of people who understand that he problem has nothing to do with the external
world but everything to do within one’s own self. They understand that the wrong mental attitude and
their approach to the problem is the problem. They understand that the problem is not with the world.
The world is a projection of their own mind; it is a reflection of their own thoughts. The right mental
attitude gives the right approach to solve the problem. They focus on the inner self and try to rectify it
within. Thereafter, they find that the world is perfect.

In the Mahabharatha, there is an interesting parable. Lord Krishna requested Duryodhana to find the
most righteous person and bring him to the Lord. Duryodhana sets out on the mission. Krishna then
called Yushistira and told him to bring him the wickedest person in the world. Yudhishtira also set on his
mission to find a wicked person. At the end of the stipulated time, Dhuryodhanan came back stating:
“Oh, Lord, I am so sorry I could not find’lord, I am sorry even one righteous person in the world.” After
some time Yudhishthira came and said: I am sorry, I cannot find one wicked person in the world.”
Yudhishtiran being Dharmarajan (king of virtue) could not find even one wicked person. Duryodhanan
being wicked could not find a righteous person. The parable tries to convey the message: “as your mind,
so the world.” Dhuryodhanan could only see wickedness in everyone while Yudhishitran could only see
nobility everywhere, yet both searched in the same world.

Therefore, what needs transformation is, your mind and intellect. Vendata helps in rehabilitating your
inner personality. It is a knowledge that restructures your inner system. There is nothing wrong with the
outside world, let the world remain as it is. You need to bring the light of knowledge within. You will
then know how to steer your way though the challenges of life. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

 Sharpen the AXE

In life you do not need much effort to get freedom from the problems of life. They are mere pinpricks in
life. All that you need is a systematic study of about 45 minutes to 1 hour each morning to master the
knowledge of living to sharpen your personality, to fine-tune your inner equipment. When you sharpen
your personality, your application becomes very effective; you become dynamic at the same time you
are able to maintain your peace of mind.

Once a man was trying to cut a tree with an axe. In spite of hours of effort, it was still not cut. He was
weary and tired. At that time his friend happened to pass by. The friend asked him “what are you
doing?” The man replied with frustration “can’t you see what I’am doing; I am trying to cut the tree” The
friend enquired “how long have you been working at it” “Four hours” the man said. Surprised at the
time taken, the friend picked up the axe and checked. He found the axe was very blunt. The friend then
suggested to the man “why don’t you take ten minutes off and sharpen your axe, so that it cuts faster.”
The man was very upset and said “please leave me alone, I am busy cutting the tree and I don’t have
time to sharpen the axe” be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The Happiness within..

A horse was once involved in a fight with a stag. The stag stabbed him with his antlers. The hose
appealed to a hunter for help. The man said “I can help you; I have arrows in my hand. Take me on your
back and I will destroy your enemy”. The man rode on the horse’s back and went into the forest and
killed the snag. The horse was very happy. The horse thanked the man and said:” Dear Sir, I thank you.
Now I want to leave you”. The man came up and said “Oh horse, where do you want to do? Now that I
have come to know how useful you are, I will not let you go. You have to become my servant; you have
to be my slave.” The horse was saved from the menace of the stag, but he had lost his freedom, he was
bound permanently. So it is with man. He seeks a solution externally. His outward success gives rise to a
new problem.

A man or a woman seeks solace in marriage for the problems they go through as an unmarried person.
However, after the marriage, they are saved from many problems, but if they do not have the right
attitude towards married life, if they do not know the technique of right relationship, marriage can get
them into permanent problem! Saved from one problem, but got into permanent problem! It is like the
treatment that the horse received at the hands of man. Changing outside factors for your internal
problem often can become creation of new problem.

Samuel Johnson has brought out the idea thus: “The fountain of content must spring up in the mind and
he who hath so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his own
disposition will waste his life in fruitless efforts and multiply the grief he proposes to remove” be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

 The Happiness within..

Similarly when there is a problem, one set of people tries to escape from the problem, while the others
try to solve it from the wrong end. The more you run away from the problem, the more will the problem
seem to follow you. Just pause and take a peep into your own self. The moment you believe that there is
a problem in the outside world or if you believe there is happiness in the outside world, you will be in
trouble. Seeking happiness or solutions in the external world is an unending chase. An Indian thinker
views this interestingly “Looking for happiness in the outside world is like a blind man looking for a black
cat, in a dark room, which is not there”.

Those people, who believe that the problem is in the outside world, face the problem squarely. They do
not run away from the situation. They meet the challenges with courage, but they start from the wrong
end. They believe that the problem is outside and seek the solution externally. That is where they go
wrong. They never succeed in trying to solve the problem from the outside. The more they try to seek
the solution outside, the deeper they get into the problem. Then they take refuge in the belief that
“when trouble comes, it comes in battalions.” The external solution for an internal problem is but
creation of new problem. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The Happiness within..

Happiness is what you make out of your own mind. It is not what happens to you that agitates you but
your response to what happens to you. You cannot tailor make external situation but you can tailor
make an attitude to suit the situation. We cannot control the tragic things that happen to us, but we can
control the way we face up to them. Yet people try to escape from the situation with the delusion that
the world is producing mental agitation. They try to run away from the challenges.

Remember, you cannot escape from the problem by merely changing the situation or the
environment you live in. You have to face the situation squarely.

On certain occasions in India, some mischievous street children have a peculiar way of entertaining
themselves. They tie a tin to a donkey’s tail and they let-off a cracker near the donkey. The panic
stricken donkey runs dragging the metal tin. Even after the cracker’s noise has stopped, the donkey
continues to run because it hears the noise caused by the tin dragging along the ground. As it runs, the
donkey believes that the noise is following him. What should the donkey do? The donkey simply has to
stop, the noise will abate and the problem is solved. But the donkey believes that the problem is
following him and runs until it gets exhausted and collapses. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The Happiness within

Examine your life. Is there happiness in the external world? Does the world provide happiness? Carefully
analyze what we are enjoying in this world. A man takes a glass of whisky and believes there is joy in it.
The same whisky is an object of abhorrence to an orthodox Brahmin. To a chain smoker, who is
prevented from smoking for a long period, a cigarette may give lot of happiness, but for a non-smoker
the same smoke is detestable.

The object is the same, but for one person it seems to provide happiness, and to another person it gives
sorrow. If you say there is happiness in whisky, or in the cigarette then it should provide happiness to
everybody, but that does not happen.

What gives happiness for one person, the same gives unhappiness to someone else. Therefore,
happiness is a state of mind.

John Homer Miller presents the ideas as follows: “The greatest weakness of many people is that they do
not realize their own strength. Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the
attitude you bring to life, not so much by what happens to you as by the way you as by the way your
mind looks at what happens.” be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The Happiness within

Human activities are directed towards acquiring joy and happiness. The acquisition and enjoyment are
the two motivations of human actions. You avoid sorrow by acquiring material objects and court joy by
containing the objects of pleasure. You are acquiring this material wealth with the belief that you can
enjoy it later. You acquire wealth as a preparation against sorrow and actually contacting the object with
a belief that you get pleasure out of it.

In this pursuit for happiness, your mistake is that your pursuit for happiness is always in the external
world. We are seeking happiness at the wrong end. The quest for happiness in the external world is

So long as we are seeking happiness in the external world, we will never find it. Seeking happiness in the
world is like seeing mirage thinking that there is water available.

Arthur Schopenhaur, a German thinker, crystallized this idea as follows: “It is difficult to find happiness
within one’s own self, but it is impossible to find it anywhere else”. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The influence of emotions over your decisions….

You like to indulge in ill talk and gossip. Early rising from bed is detestable. How many of us have
understood the value of sleeping early and getting up early? To do physical exercise is detestable.

When it comes to intellectual exercises, like studying the scriptures, to strengthen the intellectual
muscles, none have the time and inclination.

It is very painful and detestable in the beginning but you enjoy the pleasure of physical and mental
health later. The immediate pleasure seduces your mind. They thrill you. We are tempted to choose that
aspect that gives us instant joy.

The temporary and instant pleasures are the harbingers of future sorrow and suffering. be continued…
“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The influence of emotions over your decisions…

The world is structured to cater to the instant joys for your mind. The mind with base values only
understands the fleeting pleasures and it is rather painful to withdraw from the instant joys of the
world. The contact with instant pleasures of the world dilutes the right values of your intellect. That is
the problem. It is the choices and decisions based on the momentary pleasures of the mind that bring
about your downfall in life. It brings no success and progress. Yet, when you do not achieve the target
you attribute your failure to GOD’s unkindness or to your bad destiny or wrong positioning of stars.
You rush to an astrologer to conceive and define your destiny. How absurd!

We do not have the perception to see what our reward will be after we indulge in momentary pleasure.
Therefore, your intellect must be educated and empowered with the right values in life. That will give
you the vision and stamina to withstand the instant pain arising out of withdrawal from instant
pleasures. This yields lasting joy and success.

To indulge in the senses is very easy, very pleasant and needs no education – everybody seems to do it
very naturally. But to take any higher direction, an evolutionary direction for lasting peace and bliss, we
need education on human values. And that is what the value scriptures have to offer. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The influence of emotions over your decisions..

The mind is like a child who craves for petty and instant pleasures. Suppose you give a child a choice
between two gifts for his birthday – a cheque for a million dollars and a chocolate, the child would
innocently rush towards the bar of chocolate and not the cheque. Why does the child choose the
chocolate and not the money? It is because the child understands only the instant joys of life. The child
does not understand with that amount of money he could buy chocolates for the rest of his life. The
child does not understand the concept of lasting happiness.

Similarly, within you there is a child that makes choices. That child is your mind. In life, while you
make your decisions, you are choosing chocolates, you choose petty pleasures, and you are missing
out on valuable things because of your mind’s craving for ‘instant pleasures.’

When you are employed by an organization, you are paid for the quality of decisions you make in solving
the problems. Finding solutions to problems involves processing data, quality thinking and precise
decisions. Your mind has a tendency to influence decisions towards instant pleasures and impoverishing
the quality of your decisions. Therefore, beware of this tendency of your mind. be continued…

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The influence of emotions over your decisions

The law of life is that what is pleasurable in the beginning is like poison in the end and that which is
detestable in the beginning is like nectar in the end.

When we make choices or decisions in life, we invariably are tempted to make a choice based on instant
pleasure in the beginning. This is because we do not have the right values of life. Wrong values lead to
wrong perceptions of life and eventually wrong decisions.

Your success and growth is determined by the quality of choices and decisions you make in your life.
Therefore, it is imperative that you empower your intellect with values and principles of life to direct
and channel your mind, ego and the body. The mind with its desires, likes and dislikes, feeling and
emotions need not be stifled, but directed in the right direction.

The Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18, Verses 37 and 38, points out to mankind about the danger of making the
decisions based on instant pleasure:

“That which at first is like venom but in the end is like nectar; that pleasure is said to be pure, born of
the blissful knowledge of self”

“That which from the union of the senses with their objects, at first is as nectar, but in the end is like
venom, that pleasure is termed as Rajasic (passionate)” be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The Intellect
Among the three inner equipments, intellect is the most important aspect of your personality. It is the
guiding factor within. The intellect is the ability to think and to decide. It is the capacity to reason, to
discriminate, to analyze, to judge. The intellect is the capacity to control, to guide and to channel your
body, mind and ego to the desired direction. Intellect is the seat of higher values. If the values can be
compared to the headlights of a car, the intellect is the steering wheel. The intellect exercises its choices
according to the value system.

The intellect is the reasoning ability, judging capacity, the discriminating faculty. It analyzes controls and
supervises your actions, perceptions, emotions and thoughts. The intellect is the aspect in you, which
controls and channelizes the desires, emotions, whims and fancies of the mind and arrogations of your

The intellect is what gives direction to your mind. However, when your intellect is not strong enough
to control the mind and ego, they in turn overpower and rule the intellect. Your decision making
ability is under the mercy of your mind and ego. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”


The ego is the claimant within you. Your ego claims the body-mind-intellect and their respective
functions and objects. EGO claims your worldly possessions. My wealth, my family, my house, my
children, my reputation, my image etc. These assertions and arrogations are made by the EGO. It claims
‘it is my perception’, ‘my action’ or ‘I am the actor’, my feeling’, my thinking’, my point of view’, and ‘my
ideas’. These assertions and arrogations of your EGO need to be governed and controlled.

The ego is often misunderstood to be something negative, something detrimental. The truth is that the
ego, by itself, is not detrimental. On the contrary, it is a potent, benevolent entity within you, provided
you know the technique of using it. Lack of control over the ego, your inability to use the ego rightly,
renders the ego detrimental. An uncontrolled, undisciplined ego is harmful. It develops arrogance in
you. On the contrary a controlled, disciplined use of the ego is beneficial. It develops self-esteemed self
worth in you. Self-esteem is an essential ingredient of success and progress.

The ego in you, if not supervised, causes devastation and destruction of human harmony within as well
as without. Uncontrolled and undisciplined ego is a saboteur. It sabotages your career, your relationship,
your peace of mind and your goal. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”


The Mind

Your mind contains emotions, feelings, desires, attachments, impulses, likes/dislikes and memory. These
functions of your mind need to be controlled and channeled. It has to be given proper direction.
Otherwise they can cause enormous damage to your life. If your mind is not trained and disciplined, it
can have harmful effect upon you.  It can cause tremendous havoc in your life.

The uncontrolled mind creates mental agitation and suffering. You must realize that the human mind by
itself has no proper direction and dimension. Your mind persistently craves worldly pleasures.

An untrained mind only aspires for the temporary pleasures that the world offers. It does not
understand the lasting happiness. As you are making crucial choices and decisions in life, your decisions
are often overpowered by desires and emotions of your mind rather than by clear discriminations of the
intellect. You must realize that at every moment of your life, you have this choice of action. The choices
you make is either based on right discrimination, proper values and reality or is based on mere instant
pleasures, impulses and emotions of the mind.

If you allow your mind to overpower the decisions and choices, you suffer the sorrows thereof, you will
experience failure.

‘ be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The Body..

The body by itself is inert equipment. It has no activity by itself. But what gives vitality, activity and
momentum to the body is the mind and intellect. When I am interacting with you, I am relating to your
mind and intellect and not to your body. The body, by itself, without the inner equipment would remain
like any inert object such as wood or stone.

The mind and intellect are the two motivating factors that propel us into activity. They are the software
of human behavior and actions. They are imperceptible, intangible but functional equipments. Since the
mind-intellect-ego is the actual actor and motivator within, it is crucial that you understand what these
equipments are and how you can maintain a proper interaction with the world with these equipments.
Thus, you could be successful at the same time, maintain the invaluable peace of mind. be continued…
“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The Body

Your physical body is constituted of the ten sense organs. The body is the house of these senses. They
are the five organs of perception and the five organs of action. The organs of perceptions are the eyes,
ears, nose, tongue and skin. The five organs of actions are the hands, legs, genitals, organs of
evacuation, and the organ of speech. These ten senses are constantly directed towards the external
world for perceptions and actions.

You receive stimuli from the world through the organs of perception. Having received the stimuli, the
reactions take place within the mind-intellect-ego equipments. The reactions will depend upon the
desires of the mind and the values of the intellect. Thereafter, you respond to the received stimulus
through the organs of action.

Thus, your life is a cycle of receiving, reaction and response. This process goes on till you die. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

 The Human Composition

This is an era of intellectual giants but spiritual dwarfs, people who know more about lunar landscapes
than their own inner geographies. Human beings have explored the external world explicitly, but have
totally neglected the world within. They have not discovered the inner science. Therefore, it is essential
to analyze and understand the human being and his inner dynamics.

A human being is a combination of spirit and matter. Spirit is the soul, the Self, the ‘Atman’ within. The
material equipment includes the body, mind, ego and the intellect. The spirit by itself is inert, insentient.
When these human equipments contact the spirit within there is expression of life. The spirit is one and
the same in every individual like electricity is the same in all the electrical gadgets. But the expression of
electricity varies from equipment to equipment. Electricity is expressed as light in electric bulbs,
movement in a fan, refrigeration in a refrigerator, heat in a heater, etc. Heating and refrigeration are
diametrically opposite properties, yet the electricity that is functioning in the heater as well as in the
refrigerator is the same.

Similarly, the self or the spirit is the same in all human beings, in the best of saints or the worst of
sinners. But the body-mind-ego-intellect equipment differs from person to person. The body, mind, ego
and intellect are the equipment, which you are using to live your life, whatever your profession may be.
The difference between a noble and an ignoble person, a vicious and a virtuous person, successful man
and a failure is like the difference in the equipment.
Since you are using these equipments to live your life, it is imperative that you understand how these
equipments function, what laws and principles apply in their functioning, and how we can use them
effectively and efficiently. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Vedanta, the Science of the Self..

In this literature, the composition of the human machinery and its functions are analyzed. We shall also
see how preciously Vedanta relates to our day-to-day life living. You have to spend considerable time
and effort to imbibe it. Thus, as we go along, we scrutinize the human composition, its functions and
how the values found in the scriptures relate to the effective functioning of these human tools in our
day-to-day living. Vedanta, therefore, brings you a philosophy, a spiritual practice, which can be applied
in your offices, in your homes, in social, official, political affairs, in fact, in all walks of life.

This approach to spirituality makes one physically dynamic and healthy, emotionally mature and stable,
intellectually sharp and penetrating, socially conscious and friendly, professionally creative and
competent. Above all, spiritually one is able to stand well above the pettiness of the world, and live from
the level of pure consciousness. Thus, Vedanta has a practical relevance to every individual in all walks
of life. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Vedanta, the Science of the Self

Vedanta is the science dealing with the human being, his life and living. Vedanta is the science of the
soul, the technology of the human personality. The word Vedanta is made of two Sanskrit terms Veda
and Anta. Veda means ‘knowledge’, Anta means ‘end’. Vedanta is the end of knowledge. It is the
knowledge dealing with the human personality. Vedanta developed this science to its utmost perfection.

The knowledge of Vedanta was discovered by a gamut of ancient thinkers, sages and saints in India.
They poured in their lifetime of efforts to research, meditate and discover the laws behind the proper
working of human beings. However, the laws discovered by these ancient thinkers are universal
irrespective of caste, colour, creed, nationality or religion. No religion has an extra claim or right over
these truths. Isaac Newton, the scientist who discovered the law of gravity, has no more right or claim
over the functioning of the law than anybody else. Similarly the truths of Vedanta unearthed by the
ancient seers are universal not meant for a particular sect alone. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The instruction manual of LIFE

Unfortunately, you attribute a religious tag to these scriptures and compartmentalize the universal
truths as if they are meant for only a narrow religious sect. We discard a particular scriptural truth just
because you do not belong to that particular religion. Do you reject the law of gravity on the basis that it
was discovered by a person who does not belong to your religious denomination? Do you refrain from
accepting the laws and principles of fire on the ground that it was discovered by one who does not
belong to your nationality or religion?

 In the same way, why do you not accept the universal spiritual laws of living contained in the literature
of any religion? We develop a fanatical and blind allegiance to religious dogmas at the cost of our own
life and peaceful living. We sell our liberty to a guru, master or prophet without engaging our thinking
faculty. This, the catholicity of these universal truths is lost. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The instruction manual of LIFE

“The Brain is often compared with objects and performance figures in the real world to give us an idea
of the complexity and power it has. One example is that if you compared all of the world’s telephone
systems with the brain, by comparison they would only occupy space that was the size of a small pea!
Another comparison is that the cray computer, one of the largest computers in the world, can make four
hundred million calculations in a second. If it did that for one hundred years, it would equal to what the
brain can do in a minute!” This is the potency every one of us command. You are, therefore, at the
moment commanding an instrument that is probably over a million times more powerful than a super
computer. How can you imagine operating such a potent tool without referring to an instruction

The question now is what is the instruction manual for operating the human machinery? It is the
scriptures that contain the instructions and values to use the tools within you. People think that just
because you are born into a good family or a cultured family or even from a spiritually inclined family,
you will imbibe this technique of living. This often does not necessarily happen. Unless you spend time
and effort to imbibe it, it does not come naturally. Just because you are born and growing up as a
human being, that does not mean that you know the technique, values and principles of human life. The
proof of your ignorance of knowledge of life and living is that you lose your mental peace while you
plunge into dynamic action. More responsibilities you take up greater your mental pressure you feel.
The instruction manual for human beings, therefore, is the scriptures.

It does not matter if it is the Bible, Quran, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads or the Dhamapada. All the
scriptures have profound and universal messages for humanity to understand life and to operate the
human machinery to live with the dignity and prestige of a human being. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The instruction manual of LIFE

The human being and his transactions in life is complex. The human being is a conscious mechanism.
Unlike machines, man is intelligent and conscious. When you buy a machinery, you get an instruction
manual to operate it. Often we find that people operate the gadget without referring to the instruction
manual. Often they end up damaging the equipment. They become impatient and feel no need to refer
to the manual. Just as all machinery comes with instruction manuals, so is it with the human conscious-

The human mechanism is far more complex than the most intricate and complex super computer,
because it is intelligent and conscious. Therefore, you cannot afford to neglect the instruction manual
before operating this human mechanism. The most complex and powerful machinery invented by
human intelligence is said to be the super computer. It is estimated that the complexities and
technology involved in the so-called powerful supercomputer is less than one tenth of the complexity
involved in the functioning of an insect like a mosquito or an ant!

It is further estimated that it takes over two hundred thousand supercomputers to match the power and
technology of the human brain. The average single brain cell dwarfs the capacity of the average personal
computer. Think of the true potential of your brain. It is composed of millions of super-bio-computer
chips that are super-bio-computers themselves. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Scriptures For Practical Living..

The younger generation today has a lot of energy. They are intelligent, bright and dynamic, however,
they seems to lack of proper direction as well as the right values of life and living. Intelligence and
energy bereft of discipline and positive attitude is disastrous.

As a result, their energy and abilities either remain dormant or are often directed in wrong channels.
They find avenues to exhaust their energy at dance parties and funfair. With the energy and intelligence
they have, they can make any country a super power.

Today’s youth is tomorrow’s prosperity. We need to introduce the values of life to their practical living.
That is the need of the day. These human values are precisely what the scriptures expound. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma

The role of Values in Life

We often come across people who achieve an incredible degree of worldly success, but remain under
tremendous pressure. They remain mentally stressed and physically drained. Though they achieve
growth and take up additional responsibilities, their mental pressure also increases proportionately.
With all the success and glory they achieve, you will find them struggling with an inner thirst for
fulfillment, a hunger for personal congruency and a deep need for developing their relationships with
other people. The reason for this paradox is that the fundamental values and principles of life and living
that they have focused upon and much less understood.

We take it for granted that right living comes naturally as we grow up; but that does not happen. Living
is a science as well as an art. To be dynamic in your field of activity and at the same time maintain peace
of mind you have to be an artist of life, a technocraft of your personality. It requires specific training and
education. You need the training to know the technology of life and to gain mastery over yourself and
your life.
In the untrained process of living, people are craving for two things – success and peace. Success is the
tribute that the world pays to excellence. True success and enduring happiness is a result of
incorporating and integrating the time tested values and principles of life in every fibre of your activities
in your day-to-day living be continued…

MK Angajan

Law of Karma

The role of Values in Life

What matters in life is not what you possess or what resources you have, but how you make the best of
the circumstances of your life. It is not how best things turn out that matters, but how you make the
best out of the way things turn out. You need to assimilate the higher values to make the best out of the
way things turn out. Success is not a chance but a choice. It is something to be fabricated through
conscious, deliberate choice and conscientious effort. Everyone sets goals and lays down plans of action.
They perform vigorous actions. They put in enormous effort. They struggle hard. But the result they get
is not commensurate with the effort and struggle. Effort has neither high productivity nor lasting
satisfaction. Human life has lost its proper direction and deeper meaning. In the struggle there is
competition, bitterness and suffering. Remember, to excel, you need not work better than anyone else.
You need to work better than yourself. I have found that excellence is not so much a battle you fight
with others, but a battle you fight with yourself, by constantly raising the bar and stretching yourself and
your standards. It is a fight against your inequities and weaknesses. If you wish to change your life, the
change must begin with your inner self. That is the best and the most satisfying and challenging part
about excellence. In the words M.K. Gandhi “Be the change that you wish to see in the world” be continued…

MK Angajan

Law of Karma

The role of Values in Life

We often hear some of the painful questions in life from people who ae in the professional and business
world. Some of the questions are :

“I set goals; lay down my action plan and get all psyched for action, but when I get to work I get too
impatient for the result. I expect too many things to happen too quickly. I develop anxiety and
impatience. I then lose my enthusiasm. What is wrong with my approach, action and effort?

When I start working, even the small jobs weigh me down. Little jobs seem too heavy. I get exhausted
too soon.

How do I switch off my mind from worries and anxieties while I am engaged in my work? I am not able
to switch off my mind from worries related to work when I am with my family or in social engagement.

Inspite of my outward success there is still a thirst and hunger for fulfillment and personal satisfaction.
Tremendous insecurity haunts me. I often experience sleepless nights. How do I find total satisfaction
and fulfillment or meaning and purpose in my life?

My work, business as well as family life has become routine and monotonous. I am not able to sustain
the job, energy and enthusiasm that I had at the beginning of my career and in my relationship with my
spouse. be continued…

MK Angajan

Law of Karma

The role of Values in Life

How do I instill the right mental attitudes to my workers? They seem to suffer from an attitudinal
handicap with respect to their work. I get so frustrated pushing them to work.

I know that without challenges, life will have no progress. But I do not have the mental stamina to
accept the fact and face it. How do I bring about the stamina and stability to face and overcome the
indomitable challenges of life?

I have tremendous professional success, but at the cost of my personal joy, family life and marital
harmony. My marriage has gone flat and insipid. We do not fight but there is no joy anymore in living
together. The relationship has become mechanical. How do I rekindle the marital bliss and find a balance
between my professional life and domestic living.

I am very active and dynamic and have even achieved a great deal in my life, but I am not able to
maintain mental equanimity while I am working. Why is it that, as my responsibilities increase, the
stress, worries, anxieties and inner pressure also increases?

Everything is all right in my life, but if only my spouse was more understanding and co-operative things
would have been so much better!

I did everything to provide all the conveniences and facilities for my family and children but they still do
not live upto my wishes and expectations. My children are tempted to all kinds of vices. They are
rebellious and I have lost control over them. be continued…

MK Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The role of Values in Life

All is well with my job. But I cannot tolerate a particular colleague. That person always gets on my

I often regret having done what I thought was right. I go through feeling that I should not have done it!
Why did I do this? I should not have agreed to that deal! I should not have given into the demand. In this
way I often go through the pain-of-regret.

These are some of the problems and painful questions in the minds of modern people. These are
problems that cannot be solved by altering, manipulating or even improving outward conveniences.
These are the diseases that can be treated only by one’s own journey within through the process of self
analysis. These are the difficulties that can be resolved only by gaining the mastery over one’s own self
and over your life.

We try to analyses the inner software of the individual. It enunciates the value systems that will enable
you to meet the challenges of life. It examines the above questions and brings out insightful and
practical solutions. It enunciates the laws and the principles governing them. It elucidates the rules and
regulations supporting them. It paves the ways to fulfill your aspirations in life. It explains the formulae
and techniques of dynamic action and productivity without the shadow of stress, strain and burnout
stalking it. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The art of effortless effort

There are three criteria for worldly success:

1.         First of all, the effort must be enjoyable

2.         Having put in the efforts, you must achieve the object of the desire or reach the goal
and target you set

3.         Having achieved your objective, you must continue to enjoy whatever you achieved.

If you fulfill these three conditions, then you can claim to be successful. Unfortunately, most people
today claim they are successful just because they are able to achieve their target, they earn the object of
desire. In effect, they are not only one third successful, for they fulfill only one criterion. Their effort is
painful; they struggle and toil to achieve success. Having achieved, they often do not enjoy their
achievement. If you had to ask a young man who graduated from university with flying colours about his
days at the university and whether would he be willing to go through it again, he would probably say
that he would not even want to think about it! This is because the effort was not enjoyable, although
they have managed to achieve the objective. Then having achieved their objective, they not continue to
enjoy it. How long do you enjoy the thrill of having a brand new car? A few days or weeks, perhaps!
Thereafter, the novelty is lost, or you get neutralized to the joy of the car. Similarly, we do not enjoy
other accomplishments that we desired so intensely such as a promotion in a job, a new house, family,
wealth, a dream car etc. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”


The art of effortless effort

Ralf Waldo Emerson has presented the concept of success as: “To laugh often and much, to win the
respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and
endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a
bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one
life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”

To put in the effort effortlessly is an art, a technique. Vedanta explains the blueprint of ideal effort, the
effortless effort. The way of life that would make a difference in your personal life, your career as well as
to help and influence others.

The philosophy of Vedanta explains your inner personality and its relation to external actions. It
elucidates the right attitudes and motives for making your efforts effortless. It lays down a construction
plan of your career. It gives the prescription for overcoming the impediments to right effort. Thus, you
shed the monotony and boredom in your career and effort. It gives you the formula to alter your life by
altering your inner self, your attitudes, your value systems and your perception of life. You can alter your
life by altering your attitudes. It cannot be achieved by merely changing the environment. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The art of effortless effort

The book imbues you not only with activity and dynamism but also endows you with proper work ethics,
higher value systems, right attitudes, nobler ambitions, powerful motivation, team spirit, management
abilities as well as leadership skills. Thereafter, true success and enduring happiness is yours. A lack of
the basic human values causes the executives in a corporation to look forward to getting away from
work. There is neither enthusiasm nor motivation to work. They desperately look forward to holidays;
they believe that to rest is to avoid work.

There are two types of workers. One type looks at the watch and says: “It’s only 5 o’clock”, while the
others say: “It’s already 5 o’clock.” Listen to your psychological language. Are you saying: “It’s only 5
o’clock”, or are you saying: “It’s already 5 o’clock?” If it is the latter, you are looking for more time
because there is enthusiasm and inspiration to work. If you are saying the former, you do not have the
inner motivation to discharge your responsibilities.

People believe rest is in getting away from work. According to Vedanta “Intense work is rest.” You must
live a full life with performance of dynamic activity. If you cannot find rest in activity, it is improbable
that you can find rest in getting away from your occupation. There should be no talk of retirement as
action is the essence of life. Isavasaya Upanishad advices mankind: “By doing karma (action), indeed,
should one wish to live here for a hundred years.” be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Your Most Valuable Asset

Man is relentlessly striving to develop his personal worth and to increase his external assets. Your most
valuable asset, however, lies within you. The average man does not realize this. The greatest asset you
possess is not the properties you have invested in, the business-empire that you command, nor the
shares and investments that you have amassed! They may be very precious to you, but they are fleeting,
temporary and you have no control over them. They cannot be exchanged for the fulfillment that your
soul is craving. “Iron and gold are good for buying iron and gold”. That is all. The vast expanse of the
external world is small compared to what lies within you. Christ asserted: “The kingdom of heaven lies
within you.” be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Your Most Valuable Asset

If I were to ask you to exchange some of your abilities like seeing and speaking for a million dollars,
would you part with them? I am sure the answer would be an emphatic “no”. The fact that you are not
prepared to exchange even your two faculties for a million dollars reveals a lot. It proves that those two
abilities are worth substantially more. That is why you are not prepared to exchange.

Now calculate, how many other faculties and functions you are enjoying right now? Beyond the body
you have three invaluable assets: your Mind, Intellect and the Ego. These assets are priceless. Success
arises when you are able to translate and apply these inner powers for a constructive and worthy
purpose. Successful people have no supernatural powers. They simply know the technique of converting
the inner assets into external wealth. To transform the inner assets, you need to master the technique
of self-management. This inner asset is something that can be transformed into any achievement in the
world. Bill Gates transformed into a business success, Mahatma Gandhi transformed the same into a
political success. Budha transformed the same into a spiritual success. Henry Ford converted the same
inner asset into industrial success. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Your Most Valuable Asset

When one does not realize the worth of the assets present within one, one’s mind develops a tendency
to live on future hopes. Hope is when your mind is lingering on future happiness in advance. Most of the
time we are living on future hopes forgetting the present blessings. Most people have an unrealistic
approach towards happiness.

They invariably use the fatal conjunction “if” as a condition. “If I get a degree, I will be happy”, If I get
married, I would be happy”, If only I had more wealth, how wonderful life would have been”, and this
“if” goes on and on. Often they attain their goals only to discover new “ifs”. Or there arises next deadly
conjunction “but”. They believe, “I now have a degree ‘but’ I have no job.” Having found employment,
they discover a new ‘but’, or I have enough wealth ‘but’ I have no peace in the family.

Thus, throughout our life we live on ‘if only’ and ‘but’. Everybody believes they will acquire wealth and
then retire and enjoy the wealth, but that never happens. Perhaps, it will be impossible to find one
who amassed wealth actually sat and enjoyed wealth! be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Your Most Valuable Asset


Contentment, however, does not mean that you have no aspirations in life. It does not mean that you
do not set a goal or ideal in life. You could be content now and yet maintain the aspirations to grow in
life. The desire when controlled becomes goals. Uncontrolled desires develop into avarice, greed or
obsessions. To a man who has no legs, his happiness is in “having legs”. Ask a man who has two legs and
he would say: “What is life? I am walking three kilometers a day. If only I had a bicycle, I will be very
happy.” The man who owns a bicycle believes happiness lies in a scooter. Having acquired a scooter, he
desires a car. After buying a car, he wishes he had a designer car.

There is no end to the cravings of the mind. The principle of growth is when you convert you desire into
an ambition, an aspiration. You could have a very high and lofty aspiration and yet remain content in the
present. That is an art. It is a skill to be cultivated. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Your Most Valuable Asset

The Bhagavad Gita, in the Sixteenth Chapter, Verses 12, 13 and 14 describes such a wrong psychological
language of man as demoniac resolve:

Verse 12: “Bound by hundreds of bands of hope, succumbing to lust and wrath, they strive to obtain
hoards of wealth unjustly for sensual enjoyment”

Verse 13: “This today have I gained, this object of desire I shall obtain; this is mine, also this wealth shall
continue to be mine in future”

Verse 14: “This enemy I have slain and others also I shall slay; I am the lord, I am the enjoyer I am
perfect, powerful and happy”

If you observe the trend of thought of such people, you will find they are constantly focusing on their
rise at the cost of others, their happiness at the expense of others. Such a mind-set will keep your mind
constantly agitated. Peace will always elude you. be continued…
“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Scriptures For Practical Living

It is essential that we understand the relevance of the scriptures to unleash the giant within and to learn
the art and science of living. We explores how the time tested truths and realities of life enshrined in the
ancient Vedantic scriptures can be applied in day-to-day living. Are these scriptural truths useful only for
attaining an inconceivable and transcendental state of Self-realisation, without any practical relevance in
worldly duties and responsibilities? Is spiritual life divorced from our business and profession?

These days, at the very mention of Vendanta or the scriptures, modern man conceives a picture of a
saint mediating removed from all the worldly activities. They understand religion as anything unrelated
to daily life and living. This literature examines how these scriptural values can be applied to modern
dynamic living; in the work-a-day world. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Scriptures For Practical Living..

Although we are living and growing, we do not seem to know the technique and dynamic of life and
living. Are we living up to the dignity and prestige of a human being? How many of us can take a
personal inventory and admit to ourselves that we live a life of joy and contentment? If you analyze
people, you will find that they are far from happy despite achieving everything they wanted to. There is
no real spirit in living. No real enthusiasm to discharge their duties and abilities. Work is not enjoyable
anymore. There is no real living but a mechanical routine existence. This is because the science of living
is not imbibed.

This technique of living does not come naturally; it should be learnt, imbibed and cultivated while you
are young. When we talk about learning the values of life or the technique of living which is the theme
of any scriptures, people invariably say “We will learn it when we retire, then we will have enough
time.” What is the purpose of learning the art of living once we finish our lives? This is the reality today.
That is why most people do not even encourage youngsters to study the scriptures. This knowledge has
to be encouraged at the very beginning of life, and not after retirement. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Scriptures For Practical Living..

Once there was an archer who enjoyed a reputation of great perfection and accuracy in archery. One
day he was passing through a hamlet he noticed that several arrows had been shot with absolute
accuracy on the trees and walls. Every arrow was right in the center of the bulls-eye. The archer
enquired with the villagers, as to who was responsible for such perfect shots. The villagers said it was a
crazy man who lived in the village. The villagers guided the archer to the abode of the man who had shot
the arrows. He then requested the man with reverence and humility: “Though I enjoy a reputation of
being a great archer, I still haven’t gained hundred percent perfection as you have achieved. I want to
master the secret of your perfection in archery. Please teach me the skill.” The old man replied: “I will
impart the technique on one condition – that you should not reveal the secret to anybody.” This was
agreed to without hesitation, since the archer was eager to learn the skill.

Then the old man agreed to reveal his secret. He said: “The trouble with you people is that you draw the
target first and then shoot, while the secret of my success is that I shoot first and then draw the target.”
You may laugh at it, but do you realize what has been happening in the world?

When we talk of learning the scriptures which provide the science and technique of living, you say:
“Perhaps, later, probably after retirement.” Once you finish your life, you want to learn the technique
of living. You put the cart before the horse. You shoot first and draw the target! be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Standard of Life Vs. Standard of Living

There are two aspects to life ‘standard-of-life’ and ‘standard-of-living’. The standard of life is the
spiritual growth of an individual. It is determined by your spiritual life and the moral and ethical values
that you uphold. It is the inner awakening of the real life within you. Your standard of living is the
material acquisition, possessions, amenities and facilities that you enjoy. If we examine our lives today,
we realize that we pay attention to living at the cost of life. The majority of people sacrifice life for their
better living. They sacrifice health for wealth, and at the end of their life they sacrifice wealth to retain
their health! Is that not strange? But true facts of life.

Unless you develop the standard-of-life, you cannot enjoy the standard-of-living. Life would remain filled
with sorrow. Material objects alone cannot bring about satisfaction. For example, a ship requires two
things to maintain its balance and to sail smoothly: the mast of the ship, which is above the surface of
the water and the keel of the ship, which is below the water level. If the mast is too high or if it is not
proportionate to the keel, the ship will topple over. Therefore, the keel should match the mast.
Similarly in life, the keel is compared to the values and the development of the individual and the mast is
the external acquisition that one possesses. You may build a business empire for yourself. But unless
you have the depth of character, the balance of life will go off and you will topple. Today, we seem to
focus on increasing the height of the mast without doing anything with the keel. For a tree to withstand
the force of wind, the root below must be proportionately deep. Only then will the tree remain stable.
Similarly, the material growth and spiritual development of an individual must be balanced for peaceful
living. To withstand the onslaught of worldly temptations, you must develop deep into your personality. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The Nature of Our Life

Today, we want to live life and at the same time have no problems and challenges. That is not possible
because life is continuous solutions to problems, constant encounter of challenges. When your attitude
is right, you can make use of the challenges in your favour for your progress. Just as a sail-ship makes
use of the opposing wind to go against the direction of the wind by manipulating the sale, we can make
use of the challenges for our progress by developing the right attitude towards life. A pessimist
complaints about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. But a realist adjusts the sail according to
the direction of the wind and makes use of wind to go ahead.

Similarly one with wrong values complains about the problems of life. Yet others become optimistic and
expect the world to change according to their taste. The wise realize that what is needed in life is
developing the right mental attitude. They transform their attitude and make use of the challenges to
progress in the world.

There is an interesting parable that illustrates this idea. A horse rider once wanted to feed water to his
horse as it was tired after a long ride. He came across a farmer who was pumping water to his field with
a diesel engine. He asked the farmer whether his horse could drink some water. The farmer gladly
permitted him to do so. The man led his horse towards the water but the horse refused to go near the
water, as it was afraid of the engine noise. The rider requested the farmer to stop the engine so that the
horse could drink water peacefully. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The Nature of Our Life

Life is nothing but continuous solutions to problems. Every aspect of life is a problem, fortunately!
Where there are no problems and challenges, there is no life. That is the law. If there are no problems,
life becomes too monotonous. The beauty of life is that you are always facing challenges. Life without
challenge is life without substance. Just as a tennis player needs a strong opponent to enjoy the game,
you need to have challenges in life to develop. The challenge also becomes enjoyable, if you have the
right mental attitude. If you develop the right mental attitude, what you consider a challenge will turn
out to be an opportunity.

Yet, we all crave a problem free life. When we say that we want a smooth and comfortable life without
any problems, we do not know what we are asking for! We are actually asking for death, because where
there are no problems, there is no life. Life cannot be without problems.

Why do we say that life is a continuous solution to problems? Analyze a day’s activities. You get up from
your bed in the morning, rub your eyes, wash your face, clean your teeth etc. Are you not solving
problems? Take a cup of tea, read the newspaper, have breakfast, go to the office to do your job. These
are all solving problems. Even enjoying a movie is solving a problem. It is solving the problem of your
desire to see the movie that bothers you. Thus you see, life is continuous solutions to problems and
challenges. If you want to live happily, the only way is to develop the right mental attitude and go about
life facing the problems. Remember, you cannot tailor-make the situation; you can only tailor-make the
right mental attitude to suit the situation. Then you will enjoy the so-called challenge ridden life. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The Nature of Our Life

Life is nothing but continuous solutions to problems. Every aspect of life is a problem, fortunately!
Where there are no problems and challenges, there is no life. That is the law. If there are no problems,
life becomes too monotonous. The beauty of life is that you are always facing challenges. Life without
challenge is life without substance. Just as a tennis player needs a strong opponent to enjoy the game,
you need to have challenges in life to develop. The challenge also becomes enjoyable, if you have the
right mental attitude. If you develop the right mental attitude, what you consider a challenge will turn
out to be an opportunity.

Yet, we all crave a problem free life. When we say that we want a smooth and comfortable life without
any problems, we do not know what we are asking for! We are actually asking for death, because where
there are no problems, there is no life. Life cannot be without problems.

Why do we say that life is a continuous solution to problems? Analyze a day’s activities. You get up from
your bed in the morning, rub your eyes, wash your face, clean your teeth etc. Are you not solving
problems? Take a cup of tea, read the newspaper, have breakfast, go to the office to do your job. These
are all solving problems. Even enjoying a movie is solving a problem. It is solving the problem of your
desire to see the movie that bothers you. Thus you see, life is continuous solutions to problems and
challenges. If you want to live happily, the only way is to develop the right mental attitude and go about
life facing the problems. Remember, you cannot tailor-make the situation; you can only tailor-make the
right mental attitude to suit the situation. Then you will enjoy the so-called challenge ridden life. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Standard of Life Vs. Standard of Living..

Even a small wind of passion can topple and cause devastation to one’s personality. We are susceptible
to a series of emotionally transmitted diseases. Despite material success, we experience unbearable
stress and strain. As a result by the time we reach middle age, we are toppled by a series of
psychosomatic diseases like blood pressure, blood sugar and physiological symptoms like aches and
pains. When this stress and strain of life affects our heart, we suffer cardiac arrests and if it affects our
head, we get into a state of depression. Most people go through this, to a lesser or greater extent.
Therefore, we all should understand that life is extremely unstable. It is consumed by disease and
conceit and smitten with sorrow. Just as the drop of water can fall back at any moment into the pond, so
also is our life extremely unstable.

Though the truth is that life is unstable and that we can die at any moment, nobody in the world
practically believes in death. You can see people dying all over every day; you see animals dying every
day. You intellectually conceive that you will die.  But nobody practically believes in death. Each one of
us believes we are going to live for many more years. The older person in the world believes he will
live many more years. There is a practical disbelieve in death, because your Self, the Soul, is
imperishable and immortal. The immortal nature of your inner Self is attributed to the limited Self. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Standard of Life Vs. Standard of Living..

In China there said to be a particular type of Bamboo. If you plant a branch of the Bamboo, for about
four long years the Bamboo wouldn’t grow. Even after giving all the nourishments with fertilizer,
manure and water etc, you will not see any significant growth in the Bamboo. After four years, fifty year,
within just two months the Bamboo grows up to a height of over seventy feet. You may wonder what
the Bamboo is upto in the four years! During these four years the Bamboo is growing inside the ground.
It is spreading its root in all directions. Once the Bamboo is firmly established on the ground only then it
grows outside. We got to be as wise as the Bamboo. If the Bamboo were to grow seventy feet tall,
before it is established on the ground, even a small wind can topple it.

Similarly in our life people have neither patience nor the perseverance to look within. They do not
want to delve within their soul. They do not want to master themselves. They crave and pursue
external success. They even achieve it. But by middle age they almost break down by burn out. They
suffer all sorts of psychological and physical illness. They eventually collapse. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The uncertainty of life..

A water drop on a lotus leaf is very unsteady, so also life is extremely unstable. Realise that the entire
world is consumed by disease and conceit and smitten with sorrow ..

There is a striking illustration to highlight what our life resembles. A tiger chased a man for many miles
until he managed to climb a tree. In his desperate attempt to climb the tree, he disturbed a beehive on
the tree. The bees started stinging him profusely while the tiger was waiting below to devour him. The
branch on which he perched was overhanging a pond full of crocodiles. In the midst of all this tension,
the man saw the honey dripping from the disturbed beehive and he began to lick it.

The parable brings our attention to the crisis we go through in life. We endure domestic problems,
labour problems, financial problems, undisciplined children, ill health of family members and other
anxieties. In that predicament we go for small pleasures like going on holiday or to movie to escape the
suffering. This is the way our life is. Therefore, it enriches our life to realize the realities of life. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The uncertainty of life

A water drop on a lotus leaf is very unsteady, so also life is extremely unstable. Realise that the entire
world is consumed by disease and conceit and smitten with sorrow ..

In this uncertain life, people are conceited and behave as if everything is fully under their control and
very certain. Life is not only unstable and uncertain but the entire world is consumed by disease
(external problems) and sorrow (internal problems).

He says that the ‘entire world is smitten with sorrow.’ Every aspect of life is painful. Stress related
diseases are growing in epidemic proportions. Birth is painful, growth is painful, disease and decay and
death are all painful. These are the five metamorphic changes. Acquiring wealth is painful. You have to
plan and scheme. You have to put in enormous effort, bring in machinery, erect the factory,
manufacture the product and market it. You will then receive the financial benefits. Having acquired the
money, you realize that preserving it is equally painful. Spending wealth is even more painful. So, what
exactly are we enjoying in wealth? This is why he urges us to reflect on the acquisition-preservation-
spending and to seek the truth. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Resisting Temptations ..

Seeing the bosom and navel of a woman, do not fall prey to frenzied delusion…

People acquire wealth as a form of security, but if you do not have the right attitude towards it, you fear
and insecurity also grows in proportion to the material security you build. That is the law.

When you feel insecure, you believe that acquisition of wealth will give you security. When you acquire
wealth, you get attached to wealth; you go through the fear of losing it. You become more insecure. The
truth is just the opposite. An untrained mind creates an obsession for wealth. Fear also grows
proportionately to the attachment. So he says: “reflect over it again and again.” It is the reflection that
establishes knowledge. You hear about it and think about it again and again.

A time will come when the thought gets crystallized and that crystallized thought motivates you into
activity in the right direction. The ideas must be constantly ringing in your mind. Your intellect must be
thinking about it again and again until that information brings about a transformation of your

Your proficiency of knowledge should bring about efficiency in action. Therefore, reflect, contemplate,
analyze, digest and assimilate the knowledge. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The uncertainty of life

A water drop on a lotus leaf is very unsteady, so also life is extremely unstable. Realise that the entire
world is consumed by disease and conceit and smitten with sorrow

The verse may sound very pessimistic. The difference between a cynic and a philosopher is that a cynic is
one who understands the problem but has no solution to it and he constantly complains. Whereas a
philosopher is one who understands the problem deeply and has a ready and practical solution for the
problem. The master is only bringing the realities of life. He is holding a mirror before you and says, “this
is what you are, and this is what your life is”.
He is highlighting the negative aspect because we can then develop the mental stamina to endure the
challenges and go forward in life. Just as the sun hardens the mud and softens the wax, trials and
tribulations can either break us or make us. It depends on what we are made of, our inner stuff or
mental constitution and mental attitude.

Here he analyses life. It is ephemeral, as well as infested with pain and difficulties. The water drop does
not stick to the lotus leaf, it is very unsteady and it may drop back into the pond at any moment. So is
our life - unsteady and unpredictable. Life is in a constant state of flux. We carry on with our life based
on belief and trust, not on certainties. The only thing that is certain is the uncertainty itself.

Yet most people have an expectation of certainties. They expect the world to be certain according to
their taste. It will not be met with and that causes agitations. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Resisting Temptations ..

Seeing the bosom and navel of a woman, do not fall prey to frenzied delusion…

So is the case with reputation. Reputation is the mere prattle of people, a false imposition. X talks about
Y to somebody and that somebody relays that to another person. Thus, this idle talk builds up the
reputation. Reputation is something that you crave when you do not have it. When you have it, you tend
to detest it.

This has been the case with many famous people. An average man would welcome the opportunity to
see his name and picture in a news paper, magazine or any other media. But people who had all the
fame detested fame, like princes Diana. She refused to be photographed by Paparazzi. Millions adored
Marilyn Monroe, yet she often felt isolated. Ultimately, she died a lonely death from an overdose of
sleeping pills. For them fame was detestable.

Thus, apply “pratipaksha bhavana” and look life from a totally different angle whenever you are
tempted by worldly joys. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Resisting Temptations ..
Seeing the bosom and navel of a woman, do not fall prey to frenzied delusion…

In Sanskrit there is a term “Sakshi”. It means a witness, and impersonal observer or an uninvolved
watcher. This should be your relationship with your pleasure and experiences.

How do you develop this objectivity and detachment?

The technique suggested here is called “Prathibhaksha Bhavana”. It is through an intellectual reflection
that you re-evaluate the objects of enjoyment and view the same thing from different angles. Re-
educate your mind through re-evaluation. At present, we only have a narrow vision and a lopsided
perception. We do not have a holistic view. The master says, therefore, that if you look at it from all
sides, you will understand the pain and sufferings involved in it.

When you are tantalize by the bosom and navel of a women (any object of temptation), apply the
“prathibhaksha bhavana”. Ask yourself what is it about the women that is tempting you?

Look at it from a totally different angle. The women (object of temptation) is just the modification of
flesh and fat in different permutations and combinations. If the same thing is bundled up and presented
to you, it would be disgusting. The same applies to any temptation, be it temptation for power,
reputation or wealth. Power is actually bondage. There is a saying that “the government is the people’s
servant”. A government is meant to rule and make decisions for the welfare of the people. Thus, there is
bondage even in power. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

The uncertainty of life

A water drop on a lotus leaf is very unsteady, so also life is extremely unstable. Realise that the entire
world is consumed by disease and conceit and smitten with sorrow

The verse may sound very pessimistic. The difference between a cynic and a philosopher is that a cynic is
one who understands the problem but has no solution to it and he constantly complains. Whereas a
philosopher is one who understands the problem deeply and has a ready and practical solution for the
problem. The master is only bringing the realities of life. He is holding a mirror before you and says, “this
is what you are, and this is what your life is”.

He is highlighting the negative aspect because we can then develop the mental stamina to endure the
challenges and go forward in life. Just as the sun hardens the mud and softens the wax, trials and
tribulations can either break us or make us. It depends on what we are made of, our inner stuff or
mental constitution and mental attitude.

Here he analyses life. It is ephemeral, as well as infested with pain and difficulties. The water drop does
not stick to the lotus leaf, it is very unsteady and it may drop back into the pond at any moment. So is
our life - unsteady and unpredictable. Life is in a constant state of flux. We carry on with our life based
on belief and trust, not on certainties. The only thing that is certain is the uncertainty itself.

Yet most people have an expectation of certainties. They expect the world to be certain according to
their taste. It will not be met with and that causes agitations. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Resisting Temptations ..

Seeing the bosom and navel of a woman, do not fall prey to frenzied delusion…

People acquire wealth as a form of security, but if you do not have the right attitude towards it, you fear
and insecurity also grows in proportion to the material security you build. That is the law.

When you feel insecure, you believe that acquisition of wealth will give you security. When you acquire
wealth, you get attached to wealth; you go through the fear of losing it. You become more insecure. The
truth is just the opposite. An untrained mind creates an obsession for wealth. Fear also grows
proportionately to the attachment. So he says: “reflect over it again and again.” It is the reflection that
establishes knowledge. You hear about it and think about it again and again.

A time will come when the thought gets crystallized and that crystallized thought motivates you into
activity in the right direction. The ideas must be constantly ringing in your mind. Your intellect must be
thinking about it again and again until that information brings about a transformation of your

Your proficiency of knowledge should bring about efficiency in action. Therefore, reflect, contemplate,
analyze, digest and assimilate the knowledge. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

 Resisting Temptations ..

Seeing the bosom and navel of a woman, do not fall prey to frenzied delusion…

 In Sanskrit there is a term “Sakshi”. It means a witness, and impersonal observer or an uninvolved
watcher. This should be your relationship with your pleasure and experiences.

How do you develop this objectivity and detachment?

The technique suggested here is called “Prathibhaksha Bhavana”. It is through an intellectual reflection
that you re-evaluate the objects of enjoyment and view the same thing from different angles. Re-
educate your mind through re-evaluation. At present, we only have a narrow vision and a lopsided
perception. We do not have a holistic view. The master says, therefore, that if you look at it from all
sides, you will understand the pain and sufferings involved in it.

When you are tantalize by the bosom and navel of a women (any object of temptation), apply the
“prathibhaksha bhavana”. Ask yourself what is it about the women that is tempting you?

Look at it from a totally different angle. The women (object of temptation) is just the modification of
flesh and fat in different permutations and combinations. If the same thing is bundled up and presented
to you, it would be disgusting. The same applies to any temptation, be it temptation for power,
reputation or wealth. Power is actually bondage. There is a saying that “the government is the people’s
servant”. A government is meant to rule and make decisions for the welfare of the people. Thus, there is
bondage even in power. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Give up your thirst for accumulating wealth. Create in the mind thoughts of the reality, devoid of
passion. Satisfy your mind with whatever wealth you get by your actions…

Satisfy your mind with whatever wealth you get by your actions. When you perform the ideal action or
the right effort, you are bound to get the result you expect. Satisfaction and contentment comes not by
the fulfillment of what you want. It comes from the realization of what you already have. Remember at
any given time what you have is much more than one or two things you don’t have. Yet your mind’s
focus is upon one thing that you don’t have. Result and benefits cannot bring any more happiness than
understanding this law itself.

Your success in any field is the result of your own action. Put in your best effort without craving for the
result thereof. Anxiety for the future result disturbs the equanimity and contentment of your mind. If
you are not content with what you have today, you will never be content later, because it is the same
mind you carry throughout. The mind goes on creating desires. You have to maintain a sense of
contentment now and at the same time you have to aspire for higher things. Contentment does not
mean a state of inactivity and inertia. It is not a state of complacency. You need to have a purpose and a
goal in life.

In the pursuit of that goal, you maintain equanimity while you are acting. You will get the right result.
Thus, the place to be happy is here and the time to be happy is right now. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Resisting Temptations

Seeing the bosom and navel of a woman, do not fall prey to frenzied delusion. That is (only) a
modification of flesh and fat. Think well, thus, in your mind, again and again

The master does not evade facts and does not mince words just as a doctor has to be direct to help the
patient. The verse talks about the second motivation of life, the enjoyment, while the previous verse
explained the pursuit of wealth. “Woman” is taken to represent every enjoyment in the world because a
woman is regarded as the strongest temptation to a man. It is not to be understood in a narrow sense as
disrespect for woman. When he uses the word “woman”, the most powerful enjoyment is chosen to
represent every worldly enjoyment. It is not to be misunderstood as an insult to womanhood. In India,
women are given the highest regard. They refer to any female as mother. More over some of the most
revered aspects are referred as mother; mother India, mother earth, mother tongue, mother nature
etc. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

It has often been said that God created Mothers, because He could not be everywhere, to wipe the tears,
soothe the fears, share the laughters, nurture the minds, nourish the bodies, cherish the aspirations, and
always be there, to take care and cheer everyone on His Earth.
...A Mother's Love has no substitute - and is equally showered on all her children, with just a little bit
extra for the less successful or less fortunate among them.

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Resisting Temptations ..

Seeing the bosom and navel of a woman, do not fall prey to frenzied delusion…

Analyze why you enjoy a tragic movie. It is because you are apart from it; you are not a part of it. You
are detached from it. After watching the movie you say “a great tragedy, a beautiful movie”. How can it
be a tragedy and yet be beautiful? It is because you are detached from it.

Would anyone like to be in the position or go through the situation that the character in the tragedy
went through? You would not like to. Yet you enjoyed the tragedy on the screen. Because you are
detached from the movie. If you are objective in your life, you need not go to the theater and spend
your time. You will enjoy every aspect of life.

Imagine a beautiful painting depicting a young prince lying on the bed about to die with his beautiful
young bride and two little children weeping beside the bed. It is a sad seen, but a beautiful painting. You
enjoy the sad scene of the painting because you are not a part of it. You probably cannot even imagine
being in the situation of the princess. Yet you do enjoy the peace of art. Because with reference to the
painting you are objective.

This confirms that when you are detached from something, you enjoy it and when you get attached to
any sensual pleasure you enter suffering. The only way to enjoy anything is to stand apart. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Resisting Temptations ..

Seeing the bosom and navel of a woman, do not fall prey to frenzied delusion.

We are deluded by any sensual pleasure and chase them. He is not only taking about the instinctive urge
for the opposite sex, but any worldly pleasure. Once your mind is deluded by way of pleasure, your
intellect, the rational faculty, cannot exercise control over the mind. You get carried away and are
victimized. Therefore, examine the initial thoughts arising in your mind, control them and sublimate the

Enjoying any sensual pleasure is a skill; it is a technique. We do not know the art of contacting worldly
pleasures. If you do not know how to enjoy a worldly pleasure, you either get neutralized to the
pleasure, you get fed up or you get addicted to the enjoyment and you become a slave to the
enjoyment. Thereafter, the sensual pleasures will rule you instead of you ruling them. A person smoking
believes he is smoking a cigarette, but it is actually the other way round. The cigarette is smoking him.
The alcohol is drinking the alcoholic. To enjoy anything; you need basic detachment and objectivity. As
long as you are attached to anything in the world, you are bound to suffer. A man attached to his
money suffers from the fear of losing it. Drop the feeling of “I”, “me” and “mine” in order to enjoy
your possessions. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Give up your thirst for accumulating wealth. Create in the mind thoughts of the reality, devoid of
passion. Satisfy your mind with whatever wealth you get by your actions…

The nature of mind is that it develops an attachment for whatever it seeks. It is the deadly disease of the
mind. It is far more serious than AIDS or Cancer that people fear. Since it is pertaining to the mind,
something so deep and imperceptible, we do not understand the seriousness of it. Therefore he says,
‘Create in the mind the thoughts of Reality devoid of passion, devoid of any obsession.’

You may wonder whether you can still enjoy the worldly pleasures, such as your social life, once you
take up higher values. Taking up higher values does not mean that you need to give up all pleasures. On
the contrary, you will be able to enjoy them much more. When there is a craving for anything, your
enjoyment is interrupted with worries and anxieties. The only way to enjoy anything in life is to
understand that you can do without it or if you are detached from it.

Attachment is the source of misery. It is the law of life. It is objectivity that is the source of enjoyment.
When the scriptures say that you have to develop detachment, what does it mean? It means, ‘enjoy
life in the right way’. Detachment and enjoyment are synonyms. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Give up your thirst for accumulating wealth. Create in the mind thoughts of the reality, devoid of
passion. Satisfy your mind with whatever wealth you get by your actions…

How do you give up the craving for wealth? He says: ‘Create in your mind the thoughts of reality’. Your
mind finds difficulty in giving up anything in life, but you can take up something higher. When you
conceive of something higher, the lower values, which are craving and desires, will naturally wane.
Consider the example of a child who will not give up his toys. He is very attached to the toys. However,
when you give him something of greater interest, for example a tricycle, the child instantly moves
towards the tricycle abandoning the toys.

Later the child gets attached to a play-station or to storybooks and he will ignore the tricycle. When he
grows up to become a youth, he gets attached to various passions of adolescence. Similarly as you grow,
you get attached to higher things and the lower desires gradually decrease in intensity. You thus gain
higher values in life. Your mind begins to enjoy subtler and finer joys and your mind drops the thirst for
worldly pleasures. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Give up your thirst for accumulating wealth. Create in the mind thoughts of the reality, devoid of
passion. Satisfy your mind with whatever wealth you get by your actions…

“Money can buy luxuries but not happiness

Money can buy food but not appetite

Money can buy a house but not a home

Money can buy a bed but not sleep

Money can buy cosmetics but not beauty

Money can buy lust but not love

Money can buy service but not loyalty

Money can buy books but not knowledge

Money can buy obsequiousness but not respect

Money can buy status but not nobility

Money can buy recognition but not dignity

Money can buy position but not greatness

Money can buy power but not authority

Money can buy man but not GOD be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Give up your thirst for accumulating wealth. Create in the mind thoughts of the reality, devoid of
passion. Satisfy your mind with whatever wealth you get by your actions…

Thrishna means thirst. The thirst for success is an impediment to success. Any pursuit in the world, if it
carried out with craving and obsession, has two consequences. Firstly, you may not be able to achieve
the end since the craving impairs your efficiency and performance. You will not be able to think clearly
and you will not make the right decision. Secondly, even if you managed to achieve certain wealth you
would be so attached to it that you would not be able to enjoy it.

The law is that when you are attached, you cannot enjoy the object-of-attachment as you will be
constantly anxious about it.

Wealth is an entity that can be traded for sense objects. Wealth can buy colour and form for the eyes,
sound for the ears, smell for the nose etc. However, wealth cannot buy happiness, love or knowledge. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Give up your thirst for accumulating wealth. Create in the mind thoughts of the reality, devoid of
passion. Satisfy your mind with whatever wealth you get by your actions.

In Verses 2 and 3, he is talking about the two human motivations of life. They are avoiding sorrow and
courting joy. These are the two motivations for whatever you do or avoid doing. You acquire wealth to
avoid sorrow, as a preparation against sorrow. Then you court joy. You again pleasure by contacting
them. These are the two driving factors in human life. This verse deals with the first motivation, the
acquisition of wealth to avoid sorrow.

The Guru is imploring us to relinquish the uncontrollable craving for wealth. It is this thirst for wealth
that is preventing the expression of your inner potential. It is not the wealth you have to give up but the
craving, the irresistible yearning for wealth. The verse is not a licence for poverty, or condoning a life of
meager living. The message here is that while you are pursuing a course of action; do not let your mind
crave material rewards for your action. The craving for rewards and results reduce your efficiency and
productivity. Your action loses power. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Success follows those who follow the Truth

That is the law. If your motive in life is to seek material wealth alone, success will elude you.
However, if you pursue the higher aspect, the True, in and through all your worldly activities
such as your business, profession, politics, sport, knowledge or love, success will be your
shadow. It is said “Knock the door; it shall be opened unto you.” That is, knock at the door of
a higher purpose and everything else will open for you.

Prosperity is a by-product of your progress in the path of higher and nobler values. Modern
generation may not realize this vital law of life. To them this may seem a paradox. They are
tempted to violate this unrelenting law and take short cut due to the temptation towards the
instant benefit.

Taking short cut may bring short term pleasure, but they pay long term penalty. Reflect over
this law and realize the essence of true satisfaction. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Spiritual Delusion
Spirituality is understood as mechanical rituals, blind faith and superstitious beliefs. Deluded by
ignorance in the name of religion, people maintain a blind allegiance either to personal god, a prophet
or a particular religious dogma without delving into the essence of religion. Thus, there is delusion even
at the spiritual level.

Very rarely do people understand what true spirituality is. In the name of spirituality or religion one set
of people run away from contacting the world; they shun worldly pleasures. They become frustrated
individuals. The other set of people go all out and indulge in these pleasures. It is either complete
abstinence or total indulgence. Both are wrong. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

Law of Karma – “Value Systems for Success”

Delusion of Intellect..

One of the most serious mistakes we can make is to confuse the thing we call ‘intelligence’ with
judgment. The two do not always or necessarily go together. Many persons of high intelligence have
notoriously poor judgment. Today’s academic education makes you intelligent; load your mind with
information. True education is not suffering your mind with external information. The information does
not help you develop the intellect. Development of intellect needs special training. The intellect alone
has the capacity to steer you through the rigorous challenges of life. That is through the clarity of
thinking. So, this clarity of thinking is what takes you to higher perfection in every field of life. Unless you
empower the intellect with the right values, you cannot steer yourself in the proper direction. The word
education is derived from two Latin terms ‘ex’ and ‘ducere’. The word Ex means out and Ducere means
to draw. Therefore, the word education means to draw out from within, not to stuff in. True education is
the process by which you draw out, unveil the inner potential that lies within. be continued…

“Value Systems for Success” by M K Angajan

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