Human Commitment As A Religious Experience (22-25)

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Human Commitment as a Religious Experience

1. Commitment is defined as an act where man gives himself to another person or to some human
activity or project.
2. Nature of commitment
a. A special act requiring mature living beyond the superficial level of existence.
b. Demands a very concrete involvement and expression.
 Goes beyond talk and ideas.
c. Response to a transcendental call beyond the satisfaction of personal needs.
d. Beyond the practical demands of situation, a committed person lives in this world
beyond practicality where persons and projects are valued for their own snakes.
e. Aims at something more than the satisfaction of obligations or fulfillment of a duty.
f. Self-forgetfulness
 Man loses himself in the object of his dedication.
 It is in this loss of self that risk of commitment is found.
g. There is unconditional character to any commitment; gives himself unconditionally.
h. Entails a rising above time.
 Man promises to be faithful to a person or career despite the changes that may
occur over time.
3. Commitment as a Religious Act
4. The ‘religious’ character commitment is shown in its source.
a. Commitment comes from beyond the person and the human sphere.
 Man is in the position to wait for such an inspiration with reverence and hope.
This inspiration that leads to human commitment is beyond human power and
man is dependent on it.
b. Commitment is beyond the human world.
 Its full meaning can never be dissolved into these actions.
 The goal and meaning of commitment is always more than any concrete action.
c. May be expressed in terms of social certain social roles it cannot be reduced to these
d. Commitment further manifests its religious character in its basic context of dependence.
 The man who is committed lives in a spirit of reliance upon a transcendent
 Dependent on this inspiration since the value or call that he has given himself is
not a product of his own mind.
 The inspiration gives a priceless treasure; never sure of permanent possession
of such treasure.
 Self-forgetfulness - Man needs constant help from the outside if he is to go
beyond himself, there is something more super-human at work.
 Dependent upon a transcendent power for the help needed to be faithful to his
 Openness – he who is dedicated is not limited to small ideas, prejudices, and
goals of narrow human view. Dedicated man is open to horizon or
understanding of value that extends far beyond the action in which he is

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