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D@win Facilitation observation and/or reflection document

A guideline to help with your reflection of sessions, whether you are the facilitator
of the session and reflecting on your own practice or whether you are a participant
in the session reflecting on the session & practices.

Observation 1:

Facilitator: Y
Participant: N

Setting: Pre Recorded workshop Date: 09.03.21

Not Known
Number of participants in session:

Year 9&10
Ability & age of group: Mixed ability
Technique and
Type of session: (Technique, creative.

Insert Session Plan for the session you are reflecting upon (if available & applicable):
THIS IS AN EXAMPLE TEMPLATE – you are welcome to use this or create your own


Subject: Topic/Curriculum links: Covid-19 lockdown thought, feelings
D@win Dance Company repertoire and experiences. Dance Curriculum.
choreography workshop.
Class/Group Date Session No. Skill area – Bodily Awareness: demonstrate set
Year 9 & 10 Tues 9th Session length: material and use the material as a stimulus for
Yateley School March 1hour choreography exploration.
Learning Objectives
by the end of the lesson all children will be able to – have Skill area – Awareness of the quality of movement:
learned set phase and add 1 count of 8 of their own material using When creating their own material, students should
the stimuli of the set phase and themes. be able to apply choreographic techniques such
most children will be able to - Add up to 3 counts of 8 of their as cannon, accumulation and levels.
own material with complex movements.
some children will be able to – Show confidence in performing
and in a solo or in a group.

Learning Activities/Classroom Organisation Resources Timing

Due to limited space, Keeleigh will vocalise the exercises while Chloe
Introduction: Keeleigh and I will introduce ourselves and say a little bit about the
company and the piece that we will be working on.

Isolations – Rotations of the joints working from the ankles upwards. Warming up Comfortable - Lauv
the ankles, knees, hips, shoulder and elbow joints and the neck.
Spine exercise – spinal roll downs, flat backs, short plank. Exercise is repeated Cool Girl - dodie
Piles – In parallel and first positions, repeated twice Croft – Poppy
Feet – Parallel and first positions, repeated twice. Ackroyd
Cardio – series of runs, high knees and butt kick, followed by star jumps around the Come and get your
room. love -Redbone.
This is me – Greatest
Quick reflection on the piece: If students are in a studio together, to discuss the showmen cast remix.
work for 2 minutes. If students are in their homes, to write their thoughts and
reflections for 2 mins. A timer will be shown on the screen.

SET PHASE: Teach the phase from the piece shown.

Isolation - Joy 15mins
CREATE OWN MATERAIL: Individually to create up to 3 counts of 8 using the set Division
material and their experiences of lockdown. (If students are in a studio, they can get Song on repeat 15mins
into groups of no more than 4).

A timer will be set and shown on the screen.

DEMONTRATION: Students to film themselves doing the material that they can
send to their normal teacher if required as evidence of completed work. 5-10mins

COOL DOWN: gentle cool down to prevent injuries and discussion of the workshop
for reflection and feedback

Life Story – Olafur

Arnalds, Nils Frahm 5mins

Differentiation - Support Differentiation – Extension
Pre-recorded: will be encouraged to think about Students will be given an option to think about formations
choreographic devices that the may have previously used. and placement in the space. Maybe more complex
choreographic devices such as motif development and

Observation 1 – Artist/student evaluation and reflection – to be completed after the session

A guide of elements of delivery is provided below to help structure your reflection:

Preparation and organisation

Keeleigh and I prepared for the session by firstly discussing how we wanted to structure the sessions
and also how we would work in our individual spaces. Due to limited space, we concluded that it would
be more beneficial if Keeleigh vocalised the exercises while I demonstrated. So that Keeleigh knew what
the exercises where, I typed them out and sent it to her so that all she needed to do was read them out
loud. Before pressing recorded, we did a quick run through of the exercises and the set phase. While
also conforming who was introducing this section.
During the filming, I played the music from my phone which was on silent to prevent disturbances.

Session content and structure

In our belief, the content of the session would have been challenging but also fun for the students. We
kept to a simple structure of warm up, set phase, creative task and a cool down. The warm up covered
piles, cardio and joint mobilisers which tailored to the ages and ability of the group. The exercises where
short and each exercise was either a follow along or we talked through and demonstrated before
performing with music.

Engagement and communication

Not applicable to this session.

Differentiation & assessment
For differentiation, we explored this through the pace of the session as the first part of the
session was relatively quick but then students had time to digest the set material during the
creative task. Additionally, we suggested different elements students could add to aid with their
choreography. Additionally, this section of the workshop was 15 minuets so that students had
time to explore the material in-depth.
Alternatively, If the students found the set phase easy, they had the opportunity to challenge
their creative skills within the creative task.

Pace & flexibility

The first half of the session was fast paced due to the limited time that we had to fit all the
material in. This however was contrast with the second half being more spread out with 15 mins
to do the creative task. As the classed was mixed ability, we thought this would be suitable as
the chance in pace would suit all ability levels.

Your notes post facilitation feedback with observer (Caroline) if applicable . Caroline will
discuss elements of your preparation and organisation, session content and structure,
engagement and communication, differentiation & assessment and pace & flexibility:

Observation 1 – Key areas of focus & objectives to be carried forward post reflection

Key Strengths

Varied Pace to challenge and support students.

Clear intrusion of the material.

Key areas for development

Potentially have worked out a way so that both Keeleigh and I were moving. Or have pre-thought about
Keeleigh turning her camera off. Think about framing for each section/exercise.

Additional Notes/ Objectives going forwards.

From this session, we are able to take forward this plan into a live session as we have thought out each
section and have also ‘rehearsed’ the session in full.

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