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Brazilian Soccer Academy, Volume 1 An Inside Look at Brazilian Training Session, and Coaching Methods, by Eduardo Andria Paulo Published by WORLD CLASS COACHING gb ty o Coaces? Fiat published uy, 2009 by WORLD CLASS COACHING 1508 Buen Vi 42-0030 1SBN-0.9825813.1-1 ‘Copyright © WORLD CLASS COACHING 2009 All sighs teserved. No prs of his publication may be rece sted ‘eter ysiem, or tase nan frm or by ay mean. elcrni, mechanie, ‘hotcopying cording or etherwise, without or writen person othe publisher ‘Author - Eduard Andi Palo ted by Tor Mara Coacess® Published by WORLD CLASS COACHING “Today, the future players are learning too many tacts and dis, participation and choosing callecive postions onthe fd, without experiencing the fun of see ‘oocer and playful tie wth the bal The result of focusing on tases to cary the (Gradual vansformation of the joyous, playful and creative soccer, ino a bureaucrat, ‘aly spon” ‘Tostao ~ Ex: Former Brazil National Player inthe 1970 World Cup. Acknowledgments: My special thanks fo: helping his crear come tue: My patents Josino and Lurdes, my fancée Juana, my brothers Daniel and Danilo ‘and my whele fay in Braz thankyou so much forte support. Finaty thanks, Me Keith Hertel, Professor Jose Thadeu Goncalves and Coaches Vinci dos Santos, Sanero dos Santos, Roque Francischunell,Rlcharé Mendoza ‘and al fiends an tarmmate, Foreword inmy opinion, Graz has the most creative and unprectable players nthe world ny? itis because soccer, oF fulbal is big pat of rasan culture ana is Played everyuhere: big and smal eles, the beach, indoor (Futsal) ang onthe streets of any ct. There you can fin kids practng he beaut game wth no coaching and leaming some sll onthe own, {have known Eduardo Andiats Paulo for over elght years and I consise ina ear fiend anda caleague | have had the opportunity to work wth in nthe Canada and S20 Pauo though the But Academy His book, Brazlan Soccer ‘Academy - Volume 1, wl give any coachiedveator an understanding of how see and effective educational razilan Wining canbe. wil alow the gh to 11 yea: 06 players to explore and develop ther creative skis and to have fun so essential ‘a this age) with he assistance of knowledgeable cosch “This book contains 11 weeks af taining that ean be used as development oele by coachesleducators to complete any raring session teaching young players howto be creative, both individually and a8 part of a eam, Have fun and enoy it Coach Richard Mendoza SYSA Coach Droste CYSA Insrutor Table of Contents Introduction - Page 8 Chapter 1 - Brazilan Methodology - Page 10 Chapter 2 - Player Analysis Period - Page 15 Chapter 3 - Specific Development Period - Page 26 Chapter 4 - Economical Period 1 - Page 59 Chapter 5 - Specific Development Period 2 - Page 69 Chapter 6 - Economical Period 2 - Page 106 Introduction Educational Curicuum Cyto (Season Pian): ‘This curiclum (11 weeks) has been developed over the ast 10 years wih cferent Iypes of payer in citleront schools in Bazin, Ameccan, Canadian, Guatemala, Japanese, Kocean and Nigerian Results a8 Priority ‘Nowadays in competve or ravel soccer ids are seen by parents and coaches as ‘smal aduts or athletes in bth physical an psychology sense, and the marty ofthe time the pressure for resus startin childhood. The wrong methodology of traning can jeopardize a chil love and interest nthe spot. ‘The result of tis resuts-orlenteg mentally isthe high numberof iris and sibandonment ofthe game before the high schol age (around 121 14 years ol). Training wih ong progressions and without pressure for results shoul the target in youth trinng, loumaments, cups and he big game pressure should not exit or yout payers. “ust take a wak around, the beaches, the blocks of football hall, the srets of dt ‘or asphalt foreach piece of ground where you can rola tall, the attentive observer ‘can se the oy of Brazilian football. Playing the game has provided a lot of fun for Braztan children, especialy the poorest ciéren. Bare feet, bal, joking. are some ‘oft magic ingredients hat playing street soccer has taught a whole county ‘lay football better than anyone." (2006) -Froive Chapter 1 @ Chapter 4 Brazilian Soccer Methodology Brazllan Soccer's a combination of quik touches andthe ably to play without the ball anc using the open spaces, well as defensive balance and the offensive creativity wih cansant circulations and peneratons are the most important characorisics of the Braiian Game, ‘Te major idea of the Brazian Philosophy is creating new expences and tenvronments where the players eam how to be comforiabie wits he bal a hee {cot and how to make geod decisions belore caving the ball and mos! porn, how to create stations unexpectea forthe opponents. Avarity of experiances ‘an be developed forthe players to develop speed of thought. ang, sped of Improvisation, which are two strong quaies of Brazilian payers ‘Speed of ought: Good decision making under pessure, a smal ace and before receving the ball. Fusal's good exemple ofa sma-sides game that Incorporates speed of thought as part of he game Speed of Improvisation: The ait ha! a player develops ding a combination of mental spoed and physical coordinaion o execute a decision an erally apply the speed of acto othe pressure, creating an unpreditabe uation In the develepment deparnent the hing ggression folws these pistes “Technique Development Educational Smal/-sided Games Game conation Session Model: art 4 = Warm-up: One ofthe biggest challonges in soccer raining is to keep the ‘motvaton ofthe playars high during the practice. The frst par ofthe practice can be developed asa fun game, coorcnaive exercise orn economical prograsion (Gecanique + coordination), Tis warm-up yu wl follow the topc aspect ofthe day (etlesive, defensive, technique development and athe same time ie the players ‘lt ef motivation forthe resto the practice Duration: 15 0 20 minutes. art 2- Technique Development: This aspect can be developed inthe "pure" way, nh age grou te very imgetant to erate motivation an challenges for he players. Is Bene o make shoeing and fishing a part f every i or ‘combination ofechicaltcticaldtensive and offensive plays should be incorprate int tis stage Duration: 20 to 25 minutes. Part 3 = Educational Small-Sided Game: The focus ofthe pactoe is targeted boy playog ina smal spe an under pressure. The smal-sided games can be elope in 3 segments adapted, wth spect res and wth rans, aon: 200 25 minutes Part 4 ~ Game Situation/Gondltlon “World Cup": The mostimportant pat of he vson, freedom, cea, fn, unprecicabay and hundred and hundred reasons | ‘ole game be te best teacher Few stoppage to coach are recommended aon: 25 090 minutes Principles of Brazilian Soccer Philosophy: Goat Provide an 11 wooks program with pre soason, regular season and post season] folowing an educational cil = Estabshing the goals o bo accomplished during that educational cycle and tal ‘necessary ocornmensdatons Ie cansiston ovlopment Transion from 5y5 (tsa) to 88 and ally othe 11¥11 game format 3 sectors (Selensive, miet and “Vertical Development: player's rotons forward) and pesions (ide and cutie) Every single sesion of raining inthis stage should be educatedicoaced in a fn sand play way. Global training a8 part ofthe curicuksm including: economical aning and cout raining Objectives: "oy and Motivation -Discpine -Capacies of Coordination -Capactes of Technique (all 10 techniques): passing, rapping, turing, shooting, finishing, crossing . heating (Offensivedelensive), anispaion, Improvisation, fainting and keeper iecniques Development of speed of thought and improvisation troduction of Krowodige Taco Rules of the Game “Training and Game organization Freedom, coatvty and imagination Roster/Squad: 12 to 16 players including goalies Periodzation: ‘Basico Paye's Analysis Poriod — Week 1 “Speci Period 1 Wooks 2, and 4 Eeanomical Period 1 ~ Wook 5 pectic Period 2 Weeks 6,7, 8 and 9 [Economical Period 2 Weoks 10 and 11 Recommendation: This eye of training can be developed 3 or 4imes ina year Some acon of ‘beach soccer, uel and street soccer sesions or games can beaded in your euricum Chapter 2 ‘Chapter 2~ Basic PeriodPlayer's Analysis —Week 1 Definition: Inthe frst week of training the majo goal forthe coachveducator isto ‘analyz the level ofthe players indvigually and a5 a team. Thee aspects should be ‘evaluated: body coordination o psycho motor system, bal con, decisions making snall-sided game ~ 1v1 tough 33 and game siuation or epuar gare ~ 66 ae ‘Goal: To provide the best education and development forthe player itis necessary ‘o know the players I's inporant to know the current psycho motor, technical, posioning decisions making and emotional level of the group. Player analyses should be the goal of heft practice of the season with the team, ‘As soon a8 I's done, the coach willbe abe to determine the major goals forthe spats to be develope: Physical Boy Coordination System ‘ty ‘Speed of rescion Technical Frsttouch ad inside oot passing raring in he rut raining format 1 and 202 defensive and afensive development Invoducton of shooting Tactical Sinall-sided games: never "rule, weak fot development, man on man marking ‘and gve-ane go. Game station v6 ‘Vora Developmental players should experience al sectors and postions Seamnmage v6 1-3-3 and 123.2 Rules ofthe gare Type of personality evaluation ‘Wok 1 - Payers Analysis/Pre Season art 2- Technical Development: Inside of the Foot Passing ‘Session 1 ‘Organization: With partners between a 2 ses "window the payers pass the ball ‘ih insie ote foot 3 etuatons wl be developed: “fo pressurefrapping and passing -Dribbing + passing “vt Scoring onthe window (Coaching Points: Inside ofthe foot passing “Fist toh Bal cord Part 1- Warm-up: Basie Body Coordination Organization: 3 groups of 4 players move in the same coordination / pace in ferent exercises alvays tuning to ho et ‘The warm-up wil be dhided in 2 pars: 6 basic kinds of runing wil be developed: foward, bockwards, sideways, sideways in chagonal forward in agonal an sideways backwards (marking). Equipment: dss, fags and cones Improvisation exercises: jump with one le, running in cles, somersaults down sland up + spins chalenges Coaching Points Body Coordination upper and lower body Running coordination: on te tos, swing arms “Body Contol and Balance Equipment: discs or Nags Prt 3: Educational Smal-Sided Game Part 4: Game Situation ‘Organization: 4 felds with 272 stuation - 12016 players ‘Organization: 66 game, No restrictions. Just Pay coaching Points: Fal Futsal Bal, Fils 2: Rubber Bal, ld S:rogular ball and Fold 4: socks ball, Coaching Points: “Formation: 13-1 “Speed of improvisation “Few Insrucons “Speed of eacton Freedom and Creaity “Speed of support Equipment: Balls, ics, cones, fags o sal goals Seasion2 Part 2 Technical Development: ribbing Circult Training Part 1— Warm-up: Body Coordination Organization: 4 stations developing the 4 basics kinds of ering tv! situation. ‘Gain trough the satis the player with bal challenges the defenders looking to score nthe smal goal. No more than 10 seconds per challenge. The dofender becomes stir and te ster Becomes delender Organization: Sima warm-up of session 1, this case wil aed alin of 4 10 dsc cones. The players coordinate and move them selves through the discs fishing witha runt the ending dsc Duration: 3 minutes each stato. ‘Station 1 Cutting wih inside of the foot + vt ‘Station 2: Sole af he foot Backwards bth fet + 1vt Satin 8 Outside ofthe foot bling around the discs + 1v4 ‘Staion 4 Soleo he foot sideways » vt Coaching Points: “Basic Debblng Technique “Drbbiing for speed and take on “Wt development Part 3: Educational Small Sided Game Organization: 4 teams of 3 Fold: 3v3 man on man marking * futsal bal Field 2:33 man on man marking with rubber bal, Duration: 5 minutes each game and roate the teams. Coaching Points: “Man on marking iv station sfenive and defensive + Speed of support Equipment: Smal goals, cscs, futsal and uber ball Part 4: Game Situation ‘Organization: 6v8 game focusing on cing, passing and moving (ge-an 90) ‘ule: Passing and moving (stand players go punishment) ‘Coaching Points: Focuing in he basi shuns oft and 2 ‘Give and go ‘Wook 1 Pre-season Scrimmage ‘Organization: 8v6 game condition -2 diferent formations: 1-33-41 and 12-92, Points to be developed: Situation 1 (vt) and Situation 2~ speed of support Formations: 1-3-1 ~ More balanced defensive and offensive Formation ‘Balance: 3 players covering (SW, RD and LD) and 4 players showing UpXRM, CM, LUM and ST) in the Sr and 4h quarter ‘Strong Points: Tangles shape and ball possession wih clagonal passes Weak Points: % balance 4.23.2 Ofensve formation - developing plays on the flanks ~ Balance: 25 ‘Strong Points: Outside Pays and 5 players showing up offensively ‘Weak Points: Defensive Unbalance, creating 1v1 situation in the back. Gaps between the sector, Chapter 3 Specific Development Period 1 Chapter 3 ~ Specific Development Period 1 Weeks 2,3 and 4 Definition: The major goals ofthe season are determined In this pated f 3 woo the base aspects ofthe game, physica, achical, aces and piysicogical wl be ‘developed in an easy way bulng rom easy to complex. Each part othe session shoul be explained in dell, stop by step. Motivation | {un ae great ingrecent 1c keep the ilenay and intrested forthe game Week 2~Session 1 Part 1 Warm-up: Handball Goal Game ‘Organization: Players pass the ball wh thelr hands. They can eny score fram header ora voley inside the box Goal: Following ina progression, 4 situations wil be covered deeply in his period ‘Staring nthe station 1 progressing lo station of 4, incorporating technical ‘acta! aspects. Theft season of the week reviews a progression developed in the wook before. Rules: Each play cant hold the bal for more than 3 seconds. Hands are not ormitiod inside the box. The payors score fam acossing from outside the Box. No ‘ais spac ob evlnes caching Pot: Deva sor ana passing Sevtanean Defensive and offensive heading. 2 ee Variation: Use 2 balsa the same tine “Speed Penalty: I one of he defenders cuchos the ball with thoi hands, the team is Te penalized with a header Penalty Kick. The goal Isnt permite io use tei hands “Passing inside and ouside ofthe foot — both oot “Sheights ball coir “rout Traiing = aulematization ‘Stuatin of, 2,3, and 4: v1 and 44 delenshve and oflensive development ‘Shooting development “Short Crossing and tnishing Tactical “Superiority and inferoy numeric: v2, 21,248, 3v2, 4 and 43 -Outside plays “keep the Ball on the ground “Switch the point of the attack Game station 66 “Sermmage 8¥8 “Resforeament ofthe res of he game “Nertal Development al players should experience all3 sectors and poston Physiological “Pun Games -matiation Par 28- Technical Development: Progression 2:21 situation ‘Organization: Same exercise ading 1 defender on each sie, ‘Coaching Points: ‘Development of he 2v1shustion. ‘Secting and passing as oplon forthe 1st forward, penetration as 2nd forward ‘ol, Part 3: Educational Small-sided Game ‘Organization: 2 fess with 212 situation + neural players Fed 202 with 2 neutral players one on each side + futsal bal. Fei 2 2¥2 with 1 neutral player in each hal + rubbor ball Rule: The payor cannot move tothe other hal rsd ofthe fel. Coaching Points: 201 satin “iniroduton of postions: defensive or offensive 4: Game Situation ‘Organization: 66 game focusing on cribbing, pass and moving (give and go) ule: passing and moving (players that ae standing get a "punishment Coaching Points: Focusing on the basi stations of v4 and 22 ‘we and Session 2 Part 1 Warm-up ‘Organization: na smal gid al players havea ball n motion. The warmup can Start with simple jugging and progression to dibbing. Focus onthe 3 india ‘bls: inside, ouside and sol of fot * outing and ts. The pat 1 fishes ‘wih a Knockout ame when each player contls your awn bal andes to ick ‘Somebody else's bal outside the grid, The last ene Becomes the wine. Coaching Points: “Developing the naviual abies Part 2~ Technical Development: Dribbling Circuit Training ‘Organization: 5 continuous stations developing the basic dribbling technique and ‘gy wth ebstacles ina non stop way fishing wih @ shot. Aer tho shot, he hoot becomes goal. Each player should work the cult 8 times. ation Pass tho balto the coach and jump over ané roll under the rope “ation 2 Coach passes the ball ack tothe player working sie foot cating “ation 8: 2 jumps ove the hurdles. sation & Sole a the foot backwards ‘Staion §: Outside foot ding moving the bal othe side and shooting on the goal ‘Coaching Points: Speed of improvisation ring eehnique development Inrodueton of shooting basics steps Part 3: Educational Small-sided Game Part 4: Game Situation Organization: 3 teams of 4 ‘Organization: 66 game Feld 1: 4v4 man on man marking with goals. ach should wear swimming o regular hat on thelr heads. 2 colors wil be vse. Feld 2: 22 wih rubber bal. Duro: 5 minutes each game and rotates the Jyng a vestpeneies onthe head mught be an opin also, Coaching Points: “Man on marking ~1v1 situation oflensve and defensive ‘Coaching points: “Speed of support ead up (Communication Equipment: Small goals, cscs and ruber ball Part 1 Warm-up: Color's Game with obstacles ‘organization: Cassical colo’s game na Bazlian way. Coach wl cal olor and ‘sas all the respective players must workin an agit station before start the “halonge, trying oacore. ilerent kind of balls can be used. (Rubber al tnnis ‘sl socks bal usa ball and regular bal). No goalies ‘Coaching Points: ‘ed of reaction ‘ed af improvisation a4 station ‘quipment: 2 smal goals, cscs, cones, fags or hurdles. aration: same game with goalies ad regular goals. ‘Owen: 30 seconds ach change Part 28- Technical Development: Frat player in tne moves tote open cone or lag wating for 9 pass tom the 2nd ‘ayer. Tuning and shooting ‘Variation: Similar to the stuaton 2, inthis case the 2nd payer rows he ballin the “oFfr te ts teammate, Bal con + turing * shooting Part 2A- Technical Development: Progression 1: Shooting Techrique 6 stops ‘Organization: Staion with 1 group on each side of he Bal, After the shooting layers shoul ewich sides 3 stuatons ofS minutes each wil be used “The players just bing cagonalyleokng forthe best angle to shoot, Reinforce ‘outside ofthe fot ebbing. Coaching Points: ‘Oevelopment ol 6 steps: oui foot ribbing place the bal lagonally, penetration ‘on your foes, oppose foot dose tothe bal head up (lay vision) and instp pat the fot wth the logs fowing rough Tuenngs al Cotrat Part 3: Educational Small-sided Game Part 4: Game Situation ‘Organization: 66 game condoning focus on runing without the bal ooking fora ‘gonad suppor. Organization: 4 teams of 3 Fld 1: 2v2 game wih goalies + Bonus Shooting (every ime someone soar, 0 ofthe coaches crosses another bl). Fld 2: 3th futsal al Duration: § minutos game then ria the teams (Coaching Points “Situaton of 2 developing shooting ina smal space Fishing Equipment: Small goal, cscs and usa ball Wook 3 Session2 Part Warm-up: Passing in trangles + monkey Inthe middle Organization: Sinple passing n group of 3 ox wiangles. The player should keep shape and mating athe tre. Coupe situations wil be applied “No pressure (ust passing), number 8 (ovetaping), weak foot passing. make move and passing and monkey in the male (21) Coaching Points: SS Part 2A. Technical Development: ume ngagt pnt c t Yy Sareea eet eds ee, eo ntadhnatante ts ersten Part 28- Technical Development: ‘Variation: Add 1 oF2 defenders ana the players mak their own decision. All players must ouch on tho ball beore the fishing. Coaching Points: “Bal conte “Sec the Field “Game vision Part 3: Educational Small-sided Game Organization: 4 teas of 3. Feld v3 game wth 8 goals * weak fot passing le Field 2: 3 with futsal ball~& goal. Duration: § minutes each game and rotates the tame Coaching Points: “Situation of 3 developing pasing technique “Trangulation Equipment: Small goals, docs and usa ball Fat 4: Game Situation ‘pantation: 66 game — With outside channels re, ‘Na he players can only stayin the “channels for 5 soconds. SS Part 2A Technical Development ‘Organization: Short crossing focus on both sides ofthe eld. 2 situations wil be ‘Station 1 Oring trough cones + short crossing —no pressure Week 4 Session 1 art - Warm-up: ugaling + group of & passing dri Organizations: The payers start jugging he ball using the whole body, folowing In groups of 4, 2 players have the bal anc other run towards the ball looking fora essing changing sis each tie. Develop all heights rapping: onthe round, ‘lle, thigh, chest and header. Duration: 1 minute ach stuation, Points: Coaching all conta inal 5 heights “Passing Technique Part 2A Technical Development ‘Stuation 2— give-and-go¢ shot crossing —no pressure ‘Stuaion 3 Bvt Duration: 3 minutes each game and rotates the teams, Sstape of shor eroseng dovlopment “Finishing wtnout and agains! the pressure nag rae “Outside plays “Shor crossing development Equipment: Small goals, ses and rubber ball Wook 4 Session 2 Part 1 - Warm-up: Dibblingfot shils + chain game Organizations: na smal gt 1 player pr bal flowing all moves showed bythe coach: 4 kinds of erbling + tums, fakes. The warm-up fishes wih the chain game vith bal. fa member ofthe cain touches your bal yu jon the chain, The last. ayer to be dribing isthe weer ‘Coaching Points: ‘ribbing | Fun Development ‘Part 24- Technical Development ‘Organization: Sutin of 4 developing 4¥0 and v2. “The bal stats wih te Center Mieder. ‘Sutin 1 —Whout pressure working n the offensive diamond (CM. LM, RM and 'S1) CM passes tothe ouside mad (ght ole, the same receive and plays a {and go with he strkers, looking fora shor crossing Part 28- Technical Development ‘Station 2- CM passes othe ska, the same switch to one ofthe outside iieldrs looking for shor crossing Station 3—4¥2~ Situation of 4 wth medium pressure, no “rules” applied othe tacking players, they make thei own decisions. Part 3: Educational Small-sided Game Part &~ Game Situation ‘Organization: 3 teams of 4 playing a smalsided game inthe 4v4 attack v defense Organization: 6¥8 game conditioning focusing on format. The offensive tam esto score nthe regular goal andthe defensive wich the point othe atack, in the 3 small goals. The game I played wih & neutral players on the flanks. Every lf] Coaching Points: ringtes the teams change roles. Diagonal passing ‘Sah the ld Coaching Points: “Staton of 4 440 tov Equipment: 3 smal goals and discs) Period 1 Chapter 4 Economical Period 1 Week 5 Definition: the ides of thie period ie to reevaluate and review a aspect covered in theft hal ofthe season and make some changes and adaptations. Few land eintations are recommended, te player's instinct and the game ae the best teacher during this period Goat: in 2 sesslons stimulate the maximum amount of growth possible during the ‘raning tne. Economical and lobal ining methods are rocanmend ina dynam progression, Aspects tobe developed: Physical “Al physical capacles developed before Technical Week 5 Session 1 Part 1 Warm-up: Juggling + Crcut Training. Organization: The session stars with a juggle dil foowing bya cut raining Snshing onthe goal. 1 give and go + somersaut,2-cuting trough the diss. 3 |ump over and rl under te rope, 4 sole foot dng ndlaganal and S- lagenal sce «shooting Afr he shosin, be shooter becomes goa. Repetons 80 Coaching Points: “Econorical waning “Development of bal cool, passing, bing and shoot “Speed ofimprovisation pr ee Equipment: Bais, ss, rope, Nags. Part 2A- Technical Development: {1 and 22 stuation ending zone ‘Organization: 12 016 players. The smalsided games start wih a vt station {racking the defender and taking the bal ito the ending tne. Part 2B- Technical Development: ‘The progression willbe “opening the grid creating 2v2 environments Points: Coaching {v1 and 22 offensive and detensive situation -Dribing for speed, support and take on Part 3: Educational Small-sided Game Part 4: Game Situation Organization: 2 feds wth 2x9 suation - geometric shapes Feld 1: 33 with 2 goals on a damon shape fol. Field 2: 3y3 with 2 ses goals in cite shape Coaching Points: Organization: 616 Game condition focusing on man on man marking “Timelspace perception “Speed of thought and improvisation Week 5 Session2 Part 1 Warm-up: Circle dil + bomb Game ‘Organization: The session stars wih 2 groups vided into to groups. Hal ofthe players get bal ane stay by an outside esc, the other hal stay inside the mice ‘el. The ouside player pass the bal io the inside players in all heights inside ‘ofthe fot volley thigh, chest and headers passing the ball Back to the thrower, Variation: mixed the cic with ilerent types of ball (tuber and futsal balls) ‘Bomb Game: The dil finishes wih bom game, the mide players have the ball ‘and when the coach blows the white the players wth te ball noeds to ribo. ‘coach bows forthe 2nd ie whoever has the bal loses Coaching Points: “Ball Convo al 5 heights “Changing o ection Dring for speed Equipment: Bals and discs So Part 2. Technical Development: 21 and 32 station Wh 2 regular goals and 1 defender on each side. group of 2 ‘receives the ball from the coaches loking for passes end fishing tha shee ‘goal Each group plays 2 bas roe Seve aha ‘Variation: same dilin group of 3 against 2 defenders Coaching Points: uperoniy and Nur Inferior Numece lays wih pressure “High numberof repetions Part 3: Educational Smalsided Game - véve ‘Organization: 3 teams of 4 players - The fl is dviod in 2halves. n one hall 2 teams (ffonsive and defensive) pay anda 3rd team wali as dofonders inthe hall Te offensive team tos to score nthe goal andthe defenders ty to win te bal and ibe or pass it acoss the mie ine. Ifthe offensive team scores or

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