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Brazilian Soccer Academy Volume IL An Inside Look at Brazilian Training Session and Coaching Methods by Eduardo Andriatti Paulo Published by WORLD CLASS COACHING Coacnim® WORLD CLASS COACHING 1504 Buena Vists Drive. Leuwoud, KS 66224 199" is what gives Brazln soccer players thei futy and rhythm on the 1nd enables them to" Joga Bonito’ (Play Beautiful) saldin Gaucho AC Milan Payer Published by WORLD CLASS COACHING broword Acknowledgments My special hanks for lpg this ea com aly miss the days when | was alte boy whe loved tulsot and wanted pay for so. my biter Oat and Dano anf #8 egerzedurarens and pcp games wiht adit supervision, jus us My parents Josino aed Lures Juana Of ms ryote fomiy in Bra thank you 80 mc rho upp Jonathan Margao othe layout and desan su sufi torormrmasntune irtesapwerearsetetinestte Era har Kin Ha. tenn Tan Coens nse nea tak fet od Cha fre Paes et a avian Soccer Academy - Volume 2 provides real game situations and educational onal te professional evel, ideo i ages and abilties can apply ths opt thir porsonal game, ro dos Santos - Former Goalle of SE Palmeiras, CA Juventus Table of Contents Introduction - Page 7 Chapter 1 - Brazilian Soccer Methodology - Page 9 Chapter 2- Basie Period - Page 12 Chapter 3 Specific Development Period - Page 19 Chapter 4 Eeonomical Period - Page 92 Chapter 5 - Specific Development Period 2 - Page 106 Chapter 6 Regenerative Period - Page 159 Introducti ‘The game is the best teacher in Brac, his expression, “Lot the game be the teachers taken very serious ight om bith when the maory ofthe ine the est gts a soccer tall. Trough ne teenage age years when they ae playing bln the ste, no grass fs, just ag ls ft cous. In thi envenment he ks covers and develops the lity ad talent or soocar. Fis, as weh the embassies of plas ote, rubber ns, socks balls and tater on an ofl eam. So wo boiove the raining shoud be cused on game concions wit ease stuatons. vay ater ch experience wal the cikson in adolescence, lar the tats for wo lasi calggeris fom profesional cubs. They wil also lam dtp in camp gracing tho fundamental f his poston. This Soquence- wth he pleasure 1 psyeometar development fe boy is rica in he emergence of gaat stsin Brazifan Socoet, scan Soccr has a number ct dterent branches including usa, street soccee wu beach Soccar with progressive and specif ring regiment foreach kl. i's 1 srporant to pcorporate te components every taining session: eden, sty an fn, of his boc eto damontrata how the Bracan raining mad canbe Jowloped with grea ols lowing an educational curiodum inciting space lapted sessions focusing on the Competitive phase of development. This cu wl showin tas how the fp Brain Youth Academies davelop the 115. U8 age groups specie taining with he stonginfvence offs (55). atonal Small Sided Games and 11v 11 game conditions focusing onthe 44-2 with a diamond mild as wel a dofersive and offensive vacation. “Te major gol of this book eo show an idea of taining progression flowing an ‘edycalonalcursculum, Variations and new progressions can be addin your own ‘eo taining or coaching. This periosizaton canbe experianced for more than 10 var wt ileront ype of layers and school wth a rmendous sucess ucational Curiculum Cyto (Season Pan): ‘Thi curcuum (13 woeks) hasbeen developed over the lst 10 yoars wih torn 'ypes of players and schoo: besides the native Brazilans, Americans, Canadans, Guatemalan, Japanese’, Koreans and Nigerians. Chapter 1 Peridtzation Chapter 1 basic or Playor's Analy Pei — Week 1 pede Petod 1 —Wooks 2,3, 4, Sand 6 ‘conomicalPeiod - Week 7 Speci Prod 2— Weeks 6,9, 10,11 and 12 ‘ogonetative Period — Week 13, Brazlian Soccer Methodology Bracifan Soocer sa combination of quick ouches and the aby to play without the bal and using the open spaces. The defensive balance and tho offensive crea ‘ih constant Grculaons and peneraons ar he two most important characters tis othe Bazin Game, Principies of Brazan Soccer Philosophy: The majoriea of te razilan soccer philosophy fs reaing new experiences “and enviranments wher the players lear how o be confortable wth the bal at thet fet. Also how lo make goo decisina bafor recaivng the al, The mos important goal isto playin an unpredictable manor. Many diferent vations can developed by the plays with spoed of thought and, spect of improvisation, whi far wo song gales of the Bazin plaors, id a 13 wocks program wih pe season, season and pos season sisting the goals to be accomplshed during that educa eee andthe ‘essary fecormmondations for cosistent development nso ofthe 65 (tsa) + educational games v1 game format ‘real Development: U3 Groups al players should rotate in two sectors of the “Te Brailans have incorporated global raining as an important component of hai"! lorwards, mielders and defenders), U5 Groups: efniion of two specie ‘rang. This ws them 1 tain spect tectniques, mations and vations inf "Hons On he Fld (game ke sian (in both smasied ad regular 111 game oma). jocties: IMcrocyeof raining development toy a Motvaton |A~ PeyseaTochical {8 —TechncaPhyslcal Tectnist Tectia Tact! -TactcalTetuical F—Compation or Gomes G- Rost ses of Coordination sical Capacities: speed of eacion,aity, sped, resistance and power ‘spaces of Tectnique al 10 techniques): passing (undamenal Shih) v0, trig, shooting, isting short andtng crossing hading (Oensive- ‘orsve), atelpston,imprevisatlon, fing and keeper tactniques a. Sided games: adopted, specs and transon ovelopment of speed of thought and inprcvsaion ovement of4-42n damend in your defensive nt ofensive variations ving and Game organization, ‘Age Monsiay Tuesday Wednosday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunds usec Cc ° e F 6 22 players including coals us A BC D e F 6 ‘Chaptor 2 ~ Basic PeriodPlayer's Analysis — Week 1 Definition: inthe rst wook of airing the major goa forthe cachleducaior iso sayz the level ofthe players individually and as team. 3 aspocs should be ‘alate: payeho moter syetephysical capacities, bal onl, decisions making 1a SmalkSiéod game ~ 1 rough 6v5 usa and game situation ~ Hv oa: To provide a botr edison andthe best development othe players is sees) to hnow the payers. ahs period he physicaltecnial aspects ar he Jor aspects tobe developed Aspects to be developed: oysicat xy Coordination System sical Capacities: agit, speed resistance and power 0d of reacton Chapter 2 "acne an pang ing in he cc rainng format betting tal Sided games: 24210515 ‘al Developmental players shoul experience al 3 sectors soso te game Week 1 ~Session t Part 2 Physical Tests ae eee re N's rcommenod 4 physical tests focusing inthe age of 121015 yoars ol: i ty lest Hote. ump We pee Tot 0 lr and Cope nutes un ‘Organization: 5 o 6 nes of players moving the same inthe sae coordnaion pee indiforent exercoesalwaye trang oto ft shoulder. The Warm-Up is organization: Al 4 tests shou bo measure beore every cycle and iis possible 1 sts Rhos of runing wie developed: foward, backwards, sideways, sideways the season (around week 6 7). Lis in diagonal, forward in dagona! ond stoways backwards (marking) ‘Uppe boy Rosaton of ams and shoulder, Pace with bath ams going above thalf Coaching Ponts: ined and pace wih ams atmaten mye of 4 ysl capedton: fy, posi, orbs rata snd Lower Bey hils up, kiees up, sideway exonsin moving rom ouside toinsise, veo ‘Stemay entnston ovng from inside fo otis and fg full exerston, pment dss, fags and cones Coaching Points: Body Coordination upper and lower body analyze ‘Body Conta, balance and ym rt 3: Game Situation Joanizaton: 2 folds vided you rosterin 4 teams: v4 to 6¥6 game. No rest: technicaltactical analysis —_— epee crvane : i A a + 5 : : pore « i ! De ed a pepetaars af CSET ? & ones ce Se nee ee Part 2~ Technical Development: heights Circult Training Session? Organization: 5 staons developing ho 5 highs + obsacos. In goup of 4 payors, Ins ogession ofthis exercise cna of 2 players pasig the bal an oor 2 ‘avore worangthzough te ston on both Ses, Part 1 Warm-Up: 5 heights passing wih bbe als 1 the players pass the organization: With partners a stance of 5 to 10 yards apa asst 2ePeie moving. Als haghis (undamental bal con) should be developed (onthe ground ley, high chest and headers ch stato and switch the pares. uration: 2 minute Lon 1: Jump over and rot under the rope + nee fot passing Lon 3: Changing recone trough te lag * tig eanta and passing Duration: 15 1020 repetitions par exercise. Wark both fee. anna feo ting Pints: got contl evoprent wspment: ses, fags, cones, ope, hues and api adder 4g ply 1 1 fmt me fet me tm m Part 2: Game Situation ‘Organization: 2 fils wih the payers died into 4 tas: 4v4 1 68 game. A Futsal bat ie recommenso ‘Variation: 3 touch en the ball esti Coaching Points: ‘Spee of thought ‘Deesons raking “Bat cont ‘Game sation anatysis Chaptor 3 ~ Specific Development Period 1 - Weoks 2,3, 4, Sand 6 veloped in an easy way folowing the principe the simple othe complex Goat: Fotowing a progression wih 4 stuaton wil be covered deeply inthis ‘Staring inthe stutton of | progressing to stuation of, incorporating pyscal ‘echnical and tactical pact. The fst Session of the week reviews a progression Smid me fmtmtm > Part 2 ~Technica/Tacticl Development: Situation of2 + passing on the flank Yoaession 2: se ea of progression 1, a his case a v1 change added faring eal ‘organization: Progression 1 aon nthe ouside gd irtparnars, player pass the bal ookng for trough balls and shot cossng, Bot Pe € % rT 2 ¥ Progression 3 Irs cave @ defender fe add in frnt of oa, creating a v1 situation onthe ou 50 gid and in ot of ga Coaching Points Passing and penetration wih and wihout posture ‘vt ouside anda the Box “Crossing and fasting 2 Bs » ‘at 3: Educational Smal Sided Game organization: 4 Secs wih 22 tation + 1 neil layer. The game i played wih } ciferent typeof als: gua, usa socks and nner coaching Points: sme aus - defensive and offensive "angulation ‘ulpment:smat goals and specie bats “ © Bes a S a 4 @). eas : Ea Ea ~ < =, . iB a & BE ee EG a Py Part 4: Game Situation ‘organization: 66 game condition -2 minutos or one os Few stoppages. Coaching Points: ‘Simpacness ecto * bs 2 et e foe fue pe pee peepe , ook 3~ Session 1 Part 1 Warm-Up: Body Coordination with ball + Chain game Prganization: tna smal rid each player wih bal flows the coach's nmands 1's 2 conbinaton of aibting and bady coordination. amples: cuts oot dling +sidoways running ol oct Bing + 2 jumps ane fot stops ovr + bacvards running, Guy tue * jump jt, Tha semupfrishos wih a chain gama wih a bal Tha lat survivor o heap the ba doth ga th winner aching Points: 3 Conrdinaton od of eaten and improvisation cuipment: Bal, ses or conos ——SSa Part 3: Educational Smal Sided Game 2 PhysicaTechnicl Development: § heights + agility : ‘Organization: Progression 1: Sm ids with 1vtstuaton. The defender passes ‘he bal ang stats the chalenge. The game played o an ondine. Every te that player crosses theline they rocsvew ot and uch postions Organization: Siroups of 4, 2playrs onthe ous have aba and the oter2 players inte ile deen apy tan, The conch cormas at Rnd f ‘Bnd ball conreight should Be woking. Both greups oun es eh oe Heights: inside of foot (1 touch o 2 touches — rapping + passing) outside foot Passing, voley igh, chest ont header, side header. sige tenenr-bckwerts way, sewayacknes, ep oe a Cottle sess, ps ove ers rare oe om re ee Duration: 12 minis each sgh Sc the go Cooching Point: : 2 Pa ioe at cont + eee eee “Speed of improvisation “Changing of recon Equipment Bats, diss o cones Progression 2: same idea a 22 station 5 aration: 3 touch onthe bl restriction x coaching Points vi an6 22 fr possession essure othe ball an marking Equipment: Bas, cscs ® oe ® Part 4: Game situ organization: 68 ‘elonders + 2 atackers coaching Points: suing em he back mergheral lon a ~ £ 6 rod ~~ < or £ wr 5 ‘a 5 a ~*~ or a Or a 10 sui, Eyes patch game Organization: 2 tans of 6 19 19 +4 atuton acing a etre evry to wach 46 soconds gat he 6 shan. Part 2a Technique development Organization: 2 ines working in both sides of he fd. The exercise progresses ‘iting the bal trough fhe cones and ishing on the goa. Both oat 7 steps of shoving: outside of the foot aeration, agonal pace, oppost foot ght near tothe bal ars Up, ead up nt is the contr of he ball and ogs fa ody low hugh te bal * wm ¢ ee ne ‘¢ Organization: Same eas 2a zz eres nts ate a oo pasing | added before the shooting, ° ae ce RMD dark = rans eA Technique development Part 3: Educational Small. Sided Gamo tp se omat lhe 2 fi ate a lndaris ton Rear 8 ge coon foting on fens a? ion: Progasing ese Sars oting on shor onic. roy tvs eee eam reson ata be Dorota 8 "pu oro foun coh caso bon bul Sean esacond roe concn Poi auipmant: Bas, Tw oa < « Bn? & eoee ease ooooey Patt 3: Educational Small Sided Game Part 20: Technique development ‘Organization: Reguar 66 game cndon ecusing onthe 4 defenders and 2 a ‘wring on shooting and ishing. Every ime the olesive tear ashes on "goal feu the eutsde coach cross a bonus ball creating a second chance to organization: Progressing inthe same fort ofthe 2 nhs case a dofendoris S5Sea rade te box croaung a v1 sian. ‘coaching Ponts: ‘stink from detondors to atackos ong ana tng Equipment: Bats, Two goals art 4: Game situation ‘Organization: tIvtt game consiton. Both teams plying in 4-4-2 with a anond ‘oration the is Coaching points: at explanation about the ope teedem £ & : Week 3 Session 3 Part 1 Warm-up: Passing in tangles Crganization: Simple passingin group of 3 or iangles. The players should keep Ine shape a motioning a the ne. Aspect to be developed: Variation t:-No pressure (st passing, numb 8 overlapping), weak foot passin, Variation 2:~ Swiching tho fd ballon tho ground and inthe ai. {coaching Points pod of spot Part 2-Tactical Development: Building fom the back ~ Back 4+ 2 attackers COrganication: in 1 quater ofthe ld, te ting consist of shin the bal a translbonng by a4 defenders. The coaches are on each sie of the el Progression 1: Swich the fll RFB diagonal dofnsive to RCD ~ diagonal fonsive 9 LCD toa ball trough LEB loking for aerossing. Boh sides. No me idea of progression 1, inthis cas tho bal wil be switched king for # good bal tough, Bot sides. No pressure Progression 3: suaton wih 2 oF 3 attackers is apps focusing inthe bal Pa and ful bck penetration lookirg for a crossing and ishing Coaching Ponts: ‘Teetenders postion “Soc the fo Stations wih ard witout pressure "ar 3: Educational Small Sided Game: Attack v defense format ‘Organization: 2 tans playing ina 6x6 +1 goabe in a attack vs defense model The ilonsive team score te goal an the dlonaive team scores onthe smal goal, ho hed tam plays 343.0 @ oma eld nS minutes each game ‘Coaching Pints: ‘afenderspostioning na game statin witch the port of to atack Salons with an wb the ba quipment: Small goals, ce and ats art2~ Physical Technical Development: 5 heights ina eicult traning format ‘organization: In agonal postoning, his exercise i ded Io 2 groups. A sta hone are inthe mise of th running, Al halhts (ldo fot passing, oly thigh ‘heat and header should be worked wih bh fet exocaton, Each group shoul ‘work ce the whole station and atch partners Variation: same idea wi a add of shooting ater the ls tation Coaching Points: ‘al contain al highs ‘Physical eapacies dowscpment ‘Speed of mpeveaton Equipment: Cones, css, hurls, agit ladder, tags, rope are balls ‘ ‘ » a Be. = Ny “a 2 Be ooee 00 om 4 a j aaa Part 3: Educational Small-Sided Game Organization: 919 Futsal Word Cup in 2 fi. Two minutes ort goa fora. The side tear pays 2 punishment. ns draw the longer eam onthe ph sol ‘Coaching Points: Mairatnng ofthe ballon the round peed of ought Equipment: Smal Goals and futsal bats * + a S Bre i or . i suse : S rae a ae Precise Seas Part 4 Game Situation Organization: 66 game + a natal player Low stoppage | 2 formation. 4 defenders + 2 atackers +1 neutral Prayer caching Points: susie aia uation 3: rb te bal in he mia cone ‘of 3 players. The ex wm te th each group inside qt sean rere é z caenerseaieere +: dai chee tea nparbeypeacaty vteremamrctenas hema lbegeton sh ‘Stuaton 2: Orting he balarcurd the cone + passing + moving Part 28 TechnlealTactical Development: Situation of 3 switching the fla COrgantzation: Stuston 1: 9 group of 3, the exercise starts with players swiching ‘he eld looting fora crossing ad sing "ot 2 ~TechnicaTatical Development: Situation of 3 switching the fed uation 2: the bali sched vice loking fe al rough in the oppose eet Part 2¢~ Technical Tactical Development: Situation of 3 switching the I-Sided Game ‘Stuaton 9:22 | egantatlon: 33 or 44 statin n2 ish 4 gc 1" = al bal Flak 2 rubber bol Coaching Points: “Tiangulation 2 sivations: counter eftack and for possesion ‘aching Poets: Outside lays vet ep of he attack uach fre pat of te atic cp the bal on the ground ‘Speed ot support. J Viton quant: Smal goals, dss, usa and rubber ball fame said a” f ‘ ah i fy exogamy Part: Game Stuation Wook Session 3 orgunzation: ve gue —4 dione +2 atacker wih combablachanes, || Part 1 - Warm-Up: Body Coordination with bal ¢ using Sree payed a te fd wth 3 ouches on to bal rescion nthe The gaa pay hal i Cxgantzaon: 1 ara gd payers wt 9 alleac coordinate hem stves ing the ball and make specie movements. ‘The Warm-Up progresses wth ing bal contol using a heights. ules: the players can kegp the bal no later than 4 seconds in he outside charnl Coaching Points: aching Points: ‘sie Pays Syrian ‘ick dactons in the mid of he : ovation gh umber of loves on the ball "ot 2~ Tactical Development: Building rom the back 4 defensive * 3 midfald aiff he fel, the traning consist of all ransiton starting nthe deonsive sBokng to the mii i, schng the pnt of ho atack 3 ast an ‘receable way Both coaches slay neach fie of Ye bl ditrbuting the Bas ‘Progression 1: Switch the fol RFB diagonal delersve to RCD —dgonal irsve to CMD then na dlgonal ofersive fo LM ad this player sends a ball ah othe LEB looking for 2 05s. Werk on Both ses. No presse ‘Progression 2 in this vraton the Balle rotated fer al 4 deendersransining {fonvtne BEB fo he LFB or vice-versa, looking for 2 agonal olensive passes © {Sib ond RAI or LVD sending 2 ball zou looking a Ful back penetration. Work en bth sides No pressure Progression 3: Asiuaon wih 2 attackers pressuring the back 4 deensive zone 2 millers creating a stuton of 342m We madi zone. Jus the ful Back sap up tote mild zone ‘Coaching Points: defenders postoning wih and without pressure Development ofthe tangle tancion nthe mld w back penetration tan he pa fe ata Part 3: Educational Small Sided Game ‘Organization: 797 game situation focusing on he same pesioning ofthe bung ‘rom tho back development Variation: 3 touches bl reticion Coaching Points: “Bulcing fram the back na game ston “Station wth an without te bat Lompactress| _ | ‘ganlzation: Last part ofthe sessonn an ttvtt station sching Points an the ransiion defensive to mide 1k decisions and esiaton Part 1 -Warm-Up: Body coordination - diagonal ines Organization: 2 snes of players wit S cones in S yards distance. The exercises torts wih the payers joging in diagonal side io side progressing in 3 parts Part ~ Kinds of unningortad, backwards and sicoway Part? Body Gooriation uppar body Pert’ Body Cooriation lower Body Coaching Points: Body Coordination Spectie Warm UP Pert 2~PhysiealTechnical Development: S heights in the circle del Organization: na circle 2 groups are vided, Some obstaies of satons are Tocatod in the ric of cl. The players should work arent agit every time betes pasing he bal AS haighis (sie foot passing, volo. igh chest ‘nd header) should be worked wh bot oat execution. Duration: 2 minutes each varaton Coaching Poits: Bal conta na 5 eihts ‘Physical capacities development Speed of mprovsatien aquipmant: Cones, dss, hues. ait lar, fags, ope and balls "rt 3: Educational Smal Sided Game \ganlzation: 4v4 game developing wosk fot nde. The bal can be tage ad with the song fot but he execution (gassing, shooting, isang! ng) shoul be executed withthe weak foot Twa mines ot goal xn would tam pays a punishment. In case ef athe ear that has baa onthe the longest goes of sehing Points: iv aby development oak fot waning wood of ought { uipment: Small Goals, hurdle, cones, ses, lags, ladder a = ‘ » Bre ok, I 2 oe = ia ‘ Pinseen mae ee a a a ss A 4:3 formation: 4 defenders + 3 made. Alplayors should wear eye patches Coaching Points: Perghoral Vion Establishment of 4 ~ 3 tactical progression is art Warm-Up: Passing in group of3 ni: Simple organization of passing in group oor tangs. Th th shape and motoring al the te, Couple stuatens wl be pressure st passing, number 8 (overlapping) weak ot pasting, ako 2 wand passing and monkey the miss (2) short medium and ion passing ‘Coaching Points: srgution rmned players dt support | ile types Of passing cacao uation 2: samo ia, In this case 2 detensre run cover th box and clearing the io the attackers erat a suation of 22 Part 2 ~ Technica Tactical Development: 1v1 to 3v4 station - Decisions Organization: 2 groups are viento dofndors and attackers (ght ane. 2 coaches wih bas say ach coma ofthe fel. Tho exorelse progress 3 ‘onservation: if the defendors steal the ball hey must score inthe ovsite goal, Situation 1: both sides te dlenders wor an agit uch in he post and un toward the coach tat kek aba (low, acum or igh halght) forcing tho defend tocdaar the bal othe stacker a v1 etalon Dfendar and attackers shold wor bth ses cs re a LAO Sst, ey Cup San Sapa we ae oe a he 4 sie the box, a bali ross forcing he ft station, Detenders score nthe oui goa \ganization: 77 attack defence with crossing zanatarget format +2 noua Coaching Points: nyt 4 dlenders andthe tangle maild working in both stvatons defensive ‘Spat Technial and Tactical defensive raining iene, As efenive, he dea i cor en the rogue goal, an se defensive ene tauon icing up Baugh te rosing Zone woking lor a ps or ross othe goalitarget 4 to 4 sation # the last quatro ol. whe oe hing Points dng om the back side plays on compactness with and wihout he bal Equipment: ics, cones, balls and sal goats, Pout 4: Game Situation Drganization:7¥7 game +a noutal player ~ Low steppe creoener te Reet Week 5 Session 3 rt 2 Tatial Devolopment: Building fom the back 4 defenders + 4 Peart 1 -Warm-Up: 5 heights ¢ anticipation | hte quart of the fel, the raining consists ofa ransion stating inthe ‘Organization: Simple organization of antpaton exerci in group of 3. Fist ‘eneive zane inking tothe mil ig, shin tho pot othe atack na fas players heat, socond player be Be tacor she player (slender) || dune way. Btn coaches say on each ice he tba he [5 moving te antcpate an passing the bal back. The exercise cons n quick |) sil. nhs progression a Certer Mild Oflensive payer i added completing a ‘movements behing te atacker stoping upin the passing ine by te defender. |) "kielders in a dao shape. Buran 80 second each ight Progression 4; Switch tefl frm the RFE tothe RCD — than a dagonal pass raar¥© CMO thal passes na dagonal defensive io LCD that switch he fd to In opposie LB ooking fora runing support of LMD in a give and go progression ishing wi across. Werk on bath tes, No prossue Stop 1: the defender shoul slay no more than 23 steps behind the attacker ‘Slop 2th ight ime to stp up and antpte the pas is when he passer pus th head down ooking fr to pass. Slop 3 the arms moveror is vary important helping to sap i font ofthe attacker Sop 4 he dene shal us the inside lg to coaching Ponts: -Aatipation development “Speed of roacion ‘a of counter atacking a a progression Boe 2c ae 2 co Poo® 2 * a aan i a Progression 2 nts varaon, the balls rotated er al 4 defenders transonng ll] Progression 3: A stun wih 23 atackrs pressuring the back 4 defensive from te RFE fo the LFB or von versa, ooking fer 2 agonal oflensive passes vane 2 or 3 mifeder creating a shunton of 472 o 443 the mii ze, {6-CMD and RMD or LMD, the case the CMO and FAO or LMD changing te || ry the fll backs can step up into he mild zone, Besionfokng or unpedale uring, an aly send abl yous ook {focal Back openetae, Work on both ies. No pressure Part 3: Educational Smal Sided Game stvation 2: 111 game condition weh a 5 balance Organization: 8y8 game situation + 2 neuval players on ach side ofthe fli, || re batanod organization; ns case the tam wth the bl gives freedom 101 ‘This repression sa good opporunty to carect ang nvoduce Wess forboth the. | lise Aotensive and ofensve sectors. vtesive: RFB or LFB +2 atackrs + CMO + RMD or LMD Bling tom back ‘elensive: RCD, LCD, opposite ul hack, CMD and LD or RMD “Duside plays “Toam compactness with and without the bal ‘coaching Potnts: eam’ balan and compacnoss sits decison end options naiferent stators Part 4: Game Situation ssn mating in a home or away game, st and Second hal ofthe game, Stution 4: 111 game condion wih 46 balance monporeane Organization: This i «defensive organization, used when a am is winning and) i weg wantto Be more conserve, avoiding counter attackers orsuatons wi ifr Offensive: RFB or LFB +2 atackers and CMO Defensive: RCD, LCD, opposte fullback, CMD, RMO sew LMD ‘ eae & mat 2 | oe & eof & 4 4 te So ! me " aay 4 ‘ “we > Part 1 -WarmUp: Bedy Coordinating + passing Organization: n parnars, he players shout combine body coorsnation ‘moveronts and parses. Works en upper an lower body eaordinaton and many Types ot pacing hort medium, ng) and tre heights, Coaching Points: ‘Eoonomeal Warm-Up Specie moverions fx a physicaltecnical session Part 2~Physical/Tochnical Development: economical circuit training ‘Organization: Cec alnng progression in4 lations developing spec technique in a combination wih aglty movements, Work on both sides of the Bl ‘Staton 1: Passing to the onach +2 jumps onthe hurts + ser crossing ‘Staten 2: Shute tough fe cones» fasnag onthe goal Staion 3: quick stops onthe adder + 2 pape ‘Staton 4: erbbing trough the cones * shocing on he goal Coaching points: ‘Speed ot impreveaton ot 2: Edveationat Smal Sided Game \ganlzation: 2 fk wth aS game situation wih goals. The game spayed wheolored ba (3 cols) a fs ease each color means a spec rl wes ot) ewchee alan the ground (alow) ivan) caching pints: se of ought ped ot inprowston Lip: dace and ba wi leet color < » < her z 2 a IE uathe s ‘Organization: 88 game contin, Low stppage. ot 1 = Wem. Monkey in the mi Coaching Points: “Transition defender othe mild Freedom and eratvty Prayers pestioning rotation Wook 6~ Session 2 ! ganlzation: 3 stuatons of "monkey inthe mide format developing ball asson aga! the pressure fon 1: 4vt J ation 2: 512 wiation: same idea using futsal and eubber bats hing Points: 12 Technical Tata Development Glba crit ting rt 3: Educational Sal Sted Game Crgntaton:o 4 fl wth 2 our gosh. sierra sun |_ roan V5 +2 mata yes ‘yrgrened caring 2rd, 4.Sand Sram an ack hans oma share pogses ah elon ay bah gous esrpton: The el wb hiedin 2 haves. alas oles an cae) it be poy an tau le wating os dts he chr Devslopmeet cutie goal can beaded ng e lan tba he bal fi Te aden lav osc he ya and ected’ wil © ounae ‘tse rire wi ha bl cooled. Wm oto tan ses Oe cov eps teh bo, ny ply apie aaa bee a Super ners ‘les: 213 tucesin bl Toole eam has 2 mines osu “Destone mating est quar lf eensie and ofansine “Defra asset caching points: | St rant defenders midds and midflders onwards ved of possession ne ast quien: Bal and dees , oa > 14: Game Situation Ccccr ae case ee emma ——— Wook 6 Session 3 Part 2~ Tactical Development: Bullding from the back 442m dlamond Part Warm-Up: Dibling inthe grid the whol ls, the waning consists ofa ball transi staring inthe defensive ne inking to he mis do, swaching te pot ofthe atiack nfs and COrganicaion: 1 player wit a bol inside a smal gi the exercise consis of quid] inorditable way, Both coaches slay in each se of tee ibting tho bas touches onthe ball using diferent moves: ini, ouside and sok fakes, stp over, scissors. oot + hme TNs progression the 2 forwards af addod tothe 8 delenders and miedors, Progression 1: Switch he fold RFB dagonal defensive o RCD - dlegona forward Coaching Points CID that pasos ina diagonal foward tothe LIND ooking fora agonal un of ‘ick ouches ol the lrwards looking fra bal ough tothe LFB completing a cos. Dring for speed and sits 7 ce aR as Progression 2:in his variation, the bali lated forall 4 defender ansitoning || ogression 3: An 11v1t station n 3 seco. The opposing tam pays 4-4 fomtte RFB io he LFD ories-eren, boking for 2 agonal ofnsive passes to || es of 4, Orly the hl back fhe Atoam can move up down he store {MD oF RMD progressing othe EMO sch the point of he atack to tm oposite ful bock penetration, Work both sides, No peesbuo ‘Coaching points: Development of 4-4-2 in damond step by step Inpredictabie pays

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