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NUTRIENTS MICRO AND MACRO health risks that can

NUTRIENTS cause illness and even

death. These include
Reported by: ASRIE A. heart disease,
ABDILLA hypertension (high blood
pressure), type 2
diabetes, osteoporosis,
and certain types of
cancer. By making smart
Importance of Good food choices, you can
Nutrition help protect yourself
from these health
Your food choices each problems.
day affect your health —
how you feel today,
tomorrow, and in the
future. The risk factors for
adult chronic diseases,
Good nutrition is an like hypertension and
important part of leading type 2 diabetes, are
a healthy lifestyle. increasingly seen in
Combined with physical younger ages, often a
activity, your diet can result of unhealthy
help you to reach and eating habits and
maintain a healthy increased weight gain.
weight, reduce your risk Dietary habits
of chronic diseases (like established in childhood
heart disease and often carry into
cancer), and promote your adulthood, so teaching
overall health. children how to eat
healthy at a young age
will help them stay
The Impact of Nutrition healthy throughout their
on Your Health life.

Unhealthy eating habits

have contributed to the The link between good
obesity epidemic in the nutrition and healthy
United States: about one- weight, reduced chronic
third of U.S. adults disease risk, and overall
(33.8%) are obese and health is too important
approximately 17% (or to ignore. By taking
12.5 million) of children steps to eat healthy,
and adolescents aged 2—19 you'll be on your way to
years are obese.1 Even getting the nutrients
for people at a healthy your body needs to stay
weight, a poor diet is healthy, active, and
associated with major
strong. As with physical fatty acids (e.g.,
activity, making small polyunsaturated fatty
changes in your diet can acids [PUFAs]) and are
go a long way, and it's defined as those that
easier than you think! cannot be synthesized, or
are inadequately
synthesized de novo by
animals to meet their
Eat Healthy
physiological demands
Now that you know the (Anderson and Pond 2000;
benefits, it's time to Wu 2009; Gladyshev et al.
start eating healthy: 2013). These requisite
start your PALA+ journey nutrient categories are
today and use these tips constituents of most
on ways to eating healthy organismal diets.
and resources to earn it. However, the availability
and mixture of specific
nutrients within dietary
sources often vary
Importance of Micro and greatly through time and
Macro Nutrients space, which can have
large effects on how
organisms interact with
Research into the their environment. For
biological roles of example, Spencer Behmer,
nutrients often focuses a contributor to this
on subsets of nutrients symposium, and colleagues
that are broadly recently found that
classified as populations of
macronutrients, herbivorous insects are
micronutrients, and influenced by a diversity
essential nutrients. of nutrients, ranging
Macronutrients include from macronutrients to
carbohydrates, proteins, micronutrients and how
and lipids; whereas they vary across a
micronutrients include landscape (Joern et al.
minerals (e.g., sodium 2012). Generally,
and chloride), trace herbivorous animals must
minerals (e.g., iodine process large quantities
and copper), vitamins of carbon to meet their
(e.g., carotenoids and protein needs, because
sterols), and organic their plant diet is
acids (e.g., citric abundant in structural
acid). Essential carbon and carbohydrates
nutrients include some but poor in protein
amino acids (e.g., (Sterner and Elser 2002).
leucine and valine) and Beyond the standard
stoichiometric focus on approaches, as well as
nitrogen (protein), those presented during
carbon, and phosphorous, this symposium, are
however, Behmer and his advancing our
colleagues found that understanding of how
variance in the differing classes of
micronutrients Na, Mg, nutrients interact and
and K, strongly influence processes
influenced how ranging from immune
herbivorous insects function, migration,
selected their dietary life-history, and trophic
sources (Joern et al. interactions across a
2012). In addition, Robin landscape
Warne, a contributor to
this symposium, has Micronutrients: Types,
demonstrated that Functions, Benefits and
climate-induced variation More
in patterns of primary
Micronutrients are one of
production can magnify
the major groups of
these nutrient
nutrients your body
disparities, not only in
needs. They include
herbivores, but also in
vitamins and minerals.
consumers across trophic
levels. Warne et al.
(2010) found that inter-
annual extremes of Vitamins are necessary
precipitation altered the for energy production,
production patterns of C3 immune function, blood
and C4 plants, which clotting and other
differ in their relative functions. Meanwhile,
proportions of protein, minerals play an
carbohydrate, and carbon, important role in growth,
and resulted in increased bone health, fluid
assimilation of C4 plants balance and several other
both in herbivorous processes.
arthropods and their
vertebrate consumers.
Because C4 plants tend to This article provides a
be less nutritious than detailed overview of
C3 plants, such variance micronutrients, their
can have cascading functions and
effects across trophic implications of excess
levels as to how animals consumption or
allocate resources to deficiency.
different life-history
processes (Warne et al.
2012). These integrative
What Are Micronutrients? the minerals they
The term micronutrients
is used to describe
vitamins and minerals in
general. The micronutrient content
of each food is
different, so it’s best
to eat a variety of foods
Macronutrients, on the to get enough vitamins
other hand, include and minerals.
proteins, fats and
An adequate intake of all
micronutrients is
Your body needs smaller necessary for optimal
amounts of micronutrients health, as each vitamin
relative to and mineral has a
macronutrients. That’s specific role in your
why they’re labeled body.

Vitamins and minerals are

Humans must obtain vital for growth, immune
micronutrients from food function, brain
since your body cannot development and many
produce vitamins and other important functions
minerals — for the most (1Trusted Source,
part. That’s why they’re 2Trusted Source, 3Trusted
also referred to as Source).
essential nutrients.

Depending on their
Vitamins are organic function, certain
compounds made by plants micronutrients also play
and animals which can be a role in preventing and
broken down by heat, acid fighting disease
or air. On the other (4Trusted Source,
hand, minerals are 5Trusted Source, 6Trusted
inorganic, exist in soil Source).
or water and cannot be
broken down.
When you eat, you consume NUTRITION
the vitamins that plants
and animals created or
Micronutrients: Types,
Functions, Benefits and
More What Are Micronutrients?

Written by Lizzie Streit, The term micronutrients

MS, RDN, LD on September is used to describe
27, 2018 vitamins and minerals in

Macronutrients, on the
Types and Functions other hand, include
proteins, fats and
Benefits carbohydrates.
Deficiencies and
Your body needs smaller
Bottom Line amounts of micronutrients
relative to
Micronutrients are one of
macronutrients. That’s
the major groups of
why they’re labeled
nutrients your body
needs. They include
vitamins and minerals.

Humans must obtain

micronutrients from food
Vitamins are necessary
since your body cannot
for energy production,
produce vitamins and
immune function, blood
minerals — for the most
clotting and other
part. That’s why they’re
functions. Meanwhile,
also referred to as
minerals play an
essential nutrients.
important role in growth,
bone health, fluid
balance and several other
processes. Vitamins are organic
compounds made by plants
and animals which can be
broken down by heat, acid
This article provides a
or air. On the other
detailed overview of
hand, minerals are
micronutrients, their
inorganic, exist in soil
functions and
or water and cannot be
implications of excess
broken down.
consumption or
When you eat, you consume Health Benefits of
the vitamins that plants Micronutrients
and animals created or
the minerals they All micronutrients are
absorbed. extremely important for
the proper functioning of
your body.
The micronutrient content Consuming an adequate
of each food is amount of the different
different, so it’s best vitamins and minerals is
to eat a variety of foods key to optimal health and
to get enough vitamins may even help fight
and minerals. disease.
This is because
micronutrients are part
An adequate intake of all of nearly every process
micronutrients is in your body. Moreover,
necessary for optimal certain vitamins and
health, as each vitamin minerals can act as
and mineral has a antioxidants.
specific role in your
body. Antioxidants may protect
against cell damage that
has been associated with
certain diseases,
Vitamins and minerals are
including cancer,
vital for growth, immune
Alzheimer’s and heart
function, brain
disease (35Trusted
development and many
Source, 36Trusted Source,
other important functions
37Trusted Source).
(1Trusted Source,
2Trusted Source, 3Trusted
For example, research has
linked an adequate
dietary intake of
Depending on their
vitamins A and C with a
function, certain
lower risk of some types
micronutrients also play
of cancer (4Trusted
a role in preventing and
Source, 5Trusted Source).
fighting disease
(4Trusted Source,
5Trusted Source, 6Trusted
Source). Getting enough of some
vitamins may also help
prevent Alzheimer’s
disease. A review of
seven studies found that
adequate dietary intake
of vitamins E, C and A is However, it’s unclear
associated with a 24%, whether consuming more
17% and 12% reduced risk than the recommended
of developing amounts of certain
Alzheimer’s, respectively micronutrients — either
(6Trusted Source, from foods or supplements
38Trusted Source). — offers additional
benefits (41Trusted
Source, 42Trusted
Certain minerals may also
play a role in preventing Theory of nutrition dates
and fighting disease. back to the time of
Aristotle and Galen. They
considered nutrition as a
vital part of health,
Research has linked low
disease, performance and
blood levels of selenium
healing. The power in
to a higher risk of heart
part of the body is
disease. A review of
believed to be dependent
observational studies
on the blood flowing to
found that the risk of
that part.
heart disease decreased
by 24% when blood NUTRIENTS
concentrations of
selenium increased by 50% -Nutrients are molecule
(39Trusted Source). in food that all organism
need to make energy,
grow, develop, and
reproduce. Classification
Additionally, a review of
of nutrients are
22 studies noticed that
carbohydrates, fats,
adequate calcium intake
protein, water, vitamins,
decreases the risk of
and mineral.
death from heart disease
and all other causes
(40Trusted Source).

These studies suggest

that consuming enough of
all micronutrients —
especially those with MACRO AND MICRONUTRIENTS
antioxidant properties —
provides ample health
-Macronutrients can be poor nutrition,
classified as transforms natural, whole
carbohydrates, fats and foods into garbage that
protein. fills the belly while
developing excessive
Carbohydrates- which are human appetites for fat,
energy for cellular sugar and salt. Avoiding
function poor nutrition simply
means refusing to eat
fats- provide energy and
junk food.
proteins- whose primary
function is to grow and One smart diet-this new
maintain tissue and build body analysis device and
other important chemicals this app by ONESMARTDIET
in our body. tell you within 30
seconds, everywhere and
at all times, your body
-Micronutrients contains fat percentage, calories
vitamins and mineral. burned, your muscle mass,
and much more.
vitamins-contribute to
important functions in Diet sensor-claims to
the body. detect or to scan your
food with a beam of light
mineral- also contribute tell you its nutritional
to bodily functions. content.
Nutrients provide
nourishment. If people
don’t have the right
balance of nutrients in
Good nutrition from their diet, their risk of
eating a healthy diet is developing certain health
the foundation of the conditions increases.
biomedical model of
natural health. The transition from the
child to teen age years,
Poor nutrition is the nutritional needs
result of consuming too increase with the rapid
little ,too much or the physical growth that
wrong kind of food on a ocuurs during thise
regular basis. Food years. According to
science, a root cause of
Nichole Larson from the
University of Illinois.
and Nutrients

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