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Atlantic Canada

Colombia Market Entry Project

Virtual Oil & Gas Trade Mission to Colombia

April 13th – 14th, 2021
Join us on this virtual mission that is open to all companies and industry
organizations from Atlantic Canada that are interested in learning about
the business landscape in Colombia and opportunities to support the Oil
and Gas sector.

The program will take place via two separate

webinars (two hours per day) and will provide
information on current and future projects, an This is a great opportunity to undertake
overview of key stakeholders in Colombia, plans for some market research at no cost prior to
development of the energy sector, considerations considering whether to participate in
for doing business in the country and introductions future trade missions and related activity.
to business support organizations that are seeking
to develop partnerships between local companies
and the international supply chain.
Contributors from
Colombia may include:
• Ecopetrol
• IOCs and Service Companies
• Ports
• Local Supply Chain
• Industry Associations
• Energy Clusters
• Inward Investment Agencies
• Legal/Tax/Accounting firms
• City of Barranquilla
• Canadian Trade Commissioner Service
• Colombian Ministry of Mines and Energy

Organizations that are ‘export ready’ and would like to look
at the market in more depth can sign-up for a program of
matchmaking services that will enable Canadian firms to
benefit from introductions and meetings to promote their
products and/or service offering to potential clients and
partners in Colombia.

Introductions will take place in late April following the

virtual trade mission program and there will be a $300 fee
to participate in this element.


Matchmaking: apply by Friday, March 26th with places

confirmed to successful companies by Friday, April 2nd.

Virtual Mission: registration via email is open until

Wednesday, April 7th.

To register please contact:

Neil McIntosh, Aberdeen International Associates:
Jennifer Tuck, Maritimes Energy Association:

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