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Some of the visible aspects of Recycline’s culture that reflect the company’s values and
commitment to green issues are the tangible actionable steps that the company and its employees
take in its operations and its everyday activities. For instance, emphasis is given to activities like
composting, to conservation of energy, to the use of eco-friendly products in office etc. These
aspects affect the day to day working of the organization and have a tangible and positive impact on
the environment. As such they reflect the company’s values and its strong level of commitment
towards green issues and towards the need to respect and protect the environment.

2. Leaders play the most important role in shaping Recycline’s organizational culture. In fact, leaders
at recycline have set the tone for its emphasis on the environment and on the need to be green on a
sustainable and long-term basis. The thoughts and actions of the leaders in this direction are helping
to augment and bolster the organizational culture as well. For instance, Hudson’s cycling to work
(and that too 22 miles) and his use of automobile that runs on French-fry grease are all acts that are
strongly emphasizing the need and importance to go green. These activities of the leader is sending
a strong message across the organization and its employees and hence is acting to bolster the
company’s culture and percolate it down to all employees as well.

3. Yes, recycline can easily manage its organizational culture if the green products market
encounters a backlash. This is because the small size of the company makes it highly flexible and
agile. Decisions at the company are taken quickly and its employees are encouraged to be highly
adaptable as well. Thus, whenever there is a change in market dynamics the company will be in a
position, thanks to its flexibility and adaptability, to make adjustments to its organizational culture. To
determine whether a permanent change in culture has occurred or not the management can see if
the culture is leading to desired values and behaviors in the employees as well is in other
stakeholders like vendors, suppliers etc. Secondly the management needs to see if the culture is
aligned with its strategy and processes or not. In case culture is leading to desired values and in
case it is aligned with the organization’s strategy the management can conclude that a permanent
change has occurred. This can further be verified by determining the absence of any deviations even
if the external environment affecting the organization changes. When a culture has visible and long-
term proponents then the management can say that a permanent change in culture has occurred.

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