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Faculty of Maritime Engineering and Marine Sciences

Ship’s Structure

Assignment #1 May 28th /2020

Individual work

As a rule for all homework to come, you have to write a short comment on the results in each
problem. Does the result make sense? Why you think it is correct? If possible, compare with a
very simple situation, or with other similar case.

1. Handwrite a 150-word essay on: “What does the 24th of may represent to you as an Ecuadorian

2. Prepare a plan of how have you organized your time in a week, during this semester. Include a
short explanation of the difficulties that you expect to complete this plan.

3. Analyze the following simplified crane. Calculate the axial and shear forces and the bending
moment at the cut a-a. Start by a free-body diagram.

4. A small narrow box-barge is loaded a shown in the figure. Plot shear and moment diagrams for
the applied loading, using Direct method. The barge is floating in fresh water with no trim, and
its breadth and draft are: 8’ and 3’, respectively. Do not forget about the weight of the hull, which
may be considered as uniformly distributed. In the figure, force units are: k=1000 lb.
5. In the ISO rules for Small craft — Hull construction and scantlings, the stiffeners may be
constructed with Fiber Glass Reinforced Plastic, and one of those elements may have the
following section. Given the dimension, in mm: h=100, bb= 150, bc=125, tp=10 and tw=6.,
calculate the inertia (cm4) and minimum section modulus (cm3).

6. Calculate and plot the shear force and bending moment distributions on the following beam
clamped on one end, with an intermediate support and an external moment Mo on the right end.


L/2 L/2

7. The midpoint of a cantilever beam 18 ft long rests on the midspan of a simply supported beam
24 ft long. There is a load applied on the end of the cantilever beam with a value of 10K pounds.
If both beams are formed from steel tubes Do: 6.625” and Di: 6.065”, calculate the deflection at
the point of contact, and the maximum normal stress, specifying the position where it occurs; also
plot shear force and bending moment distributions for both beams.

You have to report the number of hours employed to solve each one of the problems.
To be uploaded in pdf format in the Sidweb by: June 9th, 7 am. Name your file in the
following way: LastName FirstNameInitials _Ass#.pdf, for example: marinjr_Ass1.pdf


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