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SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of increasing the quantity
and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.

Importance of SEO
1) SEO drives organic traffic to your website – more clicks
2) It increases he visibility of your website in the SERP’s ( Search Engine Results Page)
3) It builds trust, credibility and brand reputation
4) SEO helps you to improve user experience and usability of your website to users

Types of SEO
 On Page SEO - On-site SEO is the practice of optimizing elements on a website to rank
higher and earn more relevant traffic from search engines. On-site SEO refers to
optimizing both the content and HTML source code of a page.

 Off Page SEO – "Off-page SEO" (also called "off-site SEO") refers to actions taken
outside of your own website to impact your rankings within search engine results pages

SEO – Primary Setup

1) Keyword Research -Keywords are the foundation of SEO. A keyword is a single word or a
combination of words (phrases) used by search engines to populate the subjects over the

Prepare a list of 10 keywords – use tools like Google Keyword planner, Google suggest
(keyword suggestions from Google while we enter keywords into the search box) – image
attached. Please keep in mind following points-
Google Suggest
Target Audience – Have an idea about the kind of people who will be interested in your
product/offering. In our case, people like bible college students, pastors, Sunday school teachers,
bible study groups etc.
While doing keyword research, check
a) Search volume (higher search volume means many are using the keyword),
b) Relevance - Is the keyword relevant to your target audience?
c) Competition – Pick keywords having medium to low level of competition.

2) Structure page URL’s, Page title, H1, H2 tags and meta description

These details must be updated in the code level, include target keywords in each of these
elements. Try to structure your headings ( H1, H2, H3) in a long tail keyword format, and not
just like – Bible Study Tools, Online bible

Eg: Instead of Bible study tools, you can say – Free Bible Study Tools for Personal & Group

Page title – Free Bible Study Tools in Indian Language| Vachan Online
H1 tag: Free Bible Study Tools in 2021

*keyword – bible study tools, Indian Languages


Optimize the site content

Structure the content with the target keywords, right placement of keywords in headings,
body content, users must find the website useful.

Keep Heading, sub headings, keep target keywords in bold –

More than 50% of Google Searches are made on mobile devices, so normally users will just
quickly scan the contents while scrolling, so make sure you keep good headings and contents
that will catch the users attention.

4) Follow a good website navigation

5) Optimise images – add alt tags for all images

6) Internal Linking – If you have multiple landing pages or content pieces, you can then give
links to those particular pages from other pages. For example: you have a page called Bible
Translation and another page called Bible Translation tools. Try to give a link from the first
page to the second page. Internal linking is a signal for well-structured website.

Additional Requirements

1) Set up Google Analytics Account

2) Set up Google Search Console Account, Bing webmaster tools account
3) Upload an XML site map on your website and submit the same in Google Search
Console for indexing ( you can create one using xml sitemap generator online)
4) Robots.txt file to disallow crawlers from accessing web pages ( if needed, not mandatory)
5) If possible, set up social media accounts on Facebook or Instagram.
6) If possible, write blogs/articles – create a blog section in your website and publish
articles. The idea is to keep users spend more time on your website, it is also an
opportunity for you to create contents with your target keywords.
7) Focus on creating more user-friendly website. You can try including FAQ’s, App store
reviews, testimonials
8) Collaborate with other players in your area of offering. For example Wycliffe, Bible

References / Tools
1) Websites restructuring -,

2) Google Mobile Friendly Test -

3) Google Page Sped Test -

4) XML sitemap generator -

5) Google Search Console -

6) Google Analytics Set up -

7) SEO Basics


8) If you want to learn more about SEO and also to keep updated with latest trends, follow.
These platforms dal with advanced level of SEO technics which may not be necessary for
our requirement, still you can check if you want to learn more

a) Search Engine Land

b) Search Engine Journal
c) Search Engine Watch
d) Moz blog

9) Google Analytics set up, Search Console set up – You can find tutorial videos on youtube

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