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* Copyright (c) 2008 Kelvin Luck (

* Dual licensed under the MIT (
* and GPL ( licenses.
* $Id: jquery.datePicker.js 15 2008-12-17 04:40:18Z kelvin.luck $
* Render a calendar table into any matched elements.
* @param Object s (optional) Customize your calendars.
* @option Number month The month to render (NOTE that months are zero based). D
efault is today's month.
* @option Number year The year to render. Default is today's year.
* @option Function renderCallback A reference to a function that is called as e
ach cell is rendered and which can add classes and event listeners to the create
d nodes. Default is no callback.
* @option Number showHeader Whether or not to show the header row, possible val
ues are: $.dpConst.SHOW_HEADER_NONE (no header), $.dpConst.SHOW_HEADER_SHORT (fi
rst letter of each day) and $.dpConst.SHOW_HEADER_LONG (full name of each day).
Default is $.dpConst.SHOW_HEADER_SHORT.
* @option String hoverClass The class to attach to each cell when you hover ove
r it (to allow you to use hover effects in IE6 which doesn't support the :hover
pseudo-class on elements other than links). Default is dp-hover. Pass false if y
ou don't want a hover class.
* @type jQuery
* @name renderCalendar
* @cat plugins/datePicker
* @author Kelvin Luck (
* @example $('#calendar-me').renderCalendar({month:0, year:2007});
* @desc Renders a calendar displaying January 2007 into the element with an id
of calendar-me.
* @example
* var testCallback = function($td, thisDate, month, year)
* {
* if ($'.current-month') && thisDate.getDay() == 4) {
* var d = thisDate.getDate();
* $td.bind(
* 'click',
* function()
* {
* alert('You clicked on ' + d + '/' + (Number(mont
h)+1) + '/' + year);
* }
* ).addClass('thursday');
* } else if (thisDate.getDay() == 5) {
* $td.html('Friday the ' + $td.html() + 'th');
* }
* }
* $('#calendar-me').renderCalendar({month:0, year:2007, renderCallback:testCall
* @desc Renders a calendar displaying January 2007 into the element with an id
of calendar-me. Every Thursday in the current month has a class of "thursday" ap
plied to it, is clickable and shows an alert when clicked. Every Friday on the c
alendar has the number inside replaced with text.
renderCalendar : function(s)
var dc = function(a)
return document.createElement(a);
s = $.extend({}, $.fn.datePicker.defaults, s);
if (s.showHeader != $.dpConst.SHOW_HEADER_NONE) {
var headRow = $(dc('tr'));
for (var i=Date.firstDayOfWeek; i<Date.firstDayO
fWeek+7; i++) {
var weekday = i%7;
var day = Date.dayNames[weekday];
col', 'abbr':day, 'title':day, 'class':(weekday == 0 || weekday == 6 ? 'weekend'
: 'weekday')}).html(s.showHeader == $.dpConst.SHOW_HEADER_SHORT ? day.substr(0,
1) : day)
var calendarTable = $(dc('table'))
(s.showHeader != $.dpConst.SHOW_HEADER_NONE ?
var tbody = $(dc('tbody'));
var today = (new Date()).zeroTime();
var month = s.month == undefined ? today.getMonth() : s.
var year = s.year || today.getFullYear();
var currentDate = new Date(year, month, 1);

var firstDayOffset = Date.firstDayOfWeek - currentDate.g

etDay() + 1;
if (firstDayOffset > 1) firstDayOffset -= 7;
var weeksToDraw = Math.ceil(( (-1*firstDayOffset+1) + cu
rrentDate.getDaysInMonth() ) /7);
var doHover = function()
if (s.hoverClass) {
var unHover = function()
if (s.hoverClass) {
var w = 0;
while (w++<weeksToDraw) {
var r = jQuery(dc('tr'));
for (var i=0; i<7; i++) {
var thisMonth = currentDate.getMonth() =
= month;
var d = $(dc('td'))
e.getDate() + '')
', (thisMonth ? 'current-month ' : 'other-month ') +
(currentDate.isWeekend() ? 'weekend ' : 'weekday ') +
(thisMonth && currentDate.getTime() == today.getTime() ? 'today ' : '')
if (s.renderCallback) {
s.renderCallback(d, currentDate,
month, year);
return this.each(
* Create a datePicker associated with each of the matched elements.
* The matched element will receive a few custom events with the following signa
* dateSelected(event, date, $td, status)
* Triggered when a date is selected. event is a reference to the event, date is
the Date selected, $td is a jquery object wrapped around the TD that was clicke
d on and status is whether the date was selected (true) or deselected (false)
* dpClosed(event, selected)
* Triggered when the date picker is closed. event is a reference to the event a
nd selected is an Array containing Date objects.
* dpMonthChanged(event, displayedMonth, displayedYear)
* Triggered when the month of the popped up calendar is changed. event is a ref
erence to the event, displayedMonth is the number of the month now displayed (ze
ro based) and displayedYear is the year of the month.
* dpDisplayed(event, $datePickerDiv)
* Triggered when the date picker is created. $datePickerDiv is the div containi
ng the date picker. Use this event to add custom content/ listeners to the poppe
d up date picker.
* @param Object s (optional) Customize your date pickers.
* @option Number month The month to render when the date picker is opened (NOTE
that months are zero based). Default is today's month.
* @option Number year The year to render when the date picker is opened. Defaul
t is today's year.
* @option String startDate The first date date can be selected.
* @option String endDate The last date that can be selected.
* @option Boolean inline Whether to create the datePicker as inline (e.g. alway
s on the page) or as a model popup. Default is false (== modal popup)
* @option Boolean createButton Whether to create a .dp-choose-date anchor direc
tly after the matched element which when clicked will trigger the showing of the
date picker. Default is true.
* @option Boolean showYearNavigation Whether to display buttons which allow the
user to navigate through the months a year at a time. Default is true.
* @option Boolean closeOnSelect Whether to close the date picker when a date is
selected. Default is true.
* @option Boolean displayClose Whether to create a "Close" button within the da
te picker popup. Default is false.
* @option Boolean selectMultiple Whether a user should be able to select multip
le dates with this date picker. Default is false.
* @option Boolean clickInput If the matched element is an input type="text" and
this option is true then clicking on the input will cause the date picker to ap
* @option Number verticalPosition The vertical alignment of the popped up date
picker to the matched element. One of $.dpConst.POS_TOP and $.dpConst.POS_BOTTOM
. Default is $.dpConst.POS_TOP.
* @option Number horizontalPosition The horizontal alignment of the popped up d
ate picker to the matched element. One of $.dpConst.POS_LEFT and $.dpConst.POS_R
* @option Number verticalOffset The number of pixels offset from the defined ve
rticalPosition of this date picker that it should pop up in. Default in 0.
* @option Number horizontalOffset The number of pixels offset from the defined
horizontalPosition of this date picker that it should pop up in. Default in 0.
* @option (Function|Array) renderCallback A reference to a function (or an arra
y of seperate functions) that is called as each cell is rendered and which can a
dd classes and event listeners to the created nodes. Each callback function will
receive four arguments; a jquery object wrapping the created TD, a Date object
containing the date this TD represents, a number giving the currently rendered m
onth and a number giving the currently rendered year. Default is no callback.
* @option String hoverClass The class to attach to each cell when you hover ove
r it (to allow you to use hover effects in IE6 which doesn't support the :hover
pseudo-class on elements other than links). Default is dp-hover. Pass false if y
ou don't want a hover class.
* @type jQuery
* @name datePicker
* @cat plugins/datePicker
* @author Kelvin Luck (
* @example $('').datePicker();
* @desc Creates a date picker button next to all matched input elements. When t
he button is clicked on the value of the selected date will be placed in the cor
responding input (formatted according to Date.format).
* @example demo/index.html
* @desc See the projects homepage for many more complex examples...
datePicker : function(s)
if (!$.event._dpCache) $.event._dpCache = [];
// initialise the date picker controller with the releva
nt settings...
s = $.extend({}, $.fn.datePicker.defaults, s);
return this.each(
var $this = $(this);
var alreadyExists = true;
if (!this._dpId) {
this._dpId = $.event.guid++;
$.event._dpCache[this._dpId] = n
ew DatePicker(this);
alreadyExists = false;
if (s.inline) {
s.createButton = false;
s.displayClose = false;
s.closeOnSelect = false;
var controller = $.event._dpCache[this._
if (!alreadyExists && s.createButton) {
// create it!
controller.button = $('<a href="
#" class="dp-choose-date" title="' + $.dpText.TEXT_CHOOSE_DATE + '">' + $.dpText
return false;
if (!alreadyExists && $':text'))
function(e, sele
ctedDate, $td)
ue = selectedDate.asString();
if (this
.value != '') {
var d = Date.fromString(this.value);
if (d) {
controller.setSelected(d, true, true);
if (s.clickInput) {
var d = Date.fromString(this.val
if (this.value != '' && d) {
, true, true);
* Disables or enables this date picker
* @param Boolean s Whether to disable (true) or enable (false) this datePicker
* @type jQuery
* @name dpSetDisabled
* @cat plugins/datePicker
* @author Kelvin Luck (
* @example $('.date-picker').datePicker();
* $('.date-picker').dpSetDisabled(true);
* @desc Prevents this date picker from displaying and adds a class of dp-disabl
ed to it (and it's associated button if it has one) for styling purposes. If the
matched element is an input field then it will also set the disabled attribute
to stop people directly editing the field.
dpSetDisabled : function(s)
return, 'setDisabled', s);
* Updates the first selectable date for any date pickers on any matched element
* @param String d A string representing the first selectable date (formatted ac
cording to Date.format).
* @type jQuery
* @name dpSetStartDate
* @cat plugins/datePicker
* @author Kelvin Luck (
* @example $('.date-picker').datePicker();
* $('.date-picker').dpSetStartDate('01/01/2000');
* @desc Creates a date picker associated with all elements with a class of "dat
e-picker" then sets the first selectable date for each of these to the first day
of the millenium.
dpSetStartDate : function(d)
return, 'setStartDate', d);
* Updates the last selectable date for any date pickers on any matched elements
* @param String d A string representing the last selectable date (formatted acc
ording to Date.format).
* @type jQuery
* @name dpSetEndDate
* @cat plugins/datePicker
* @author Kelvin Luck (
* @example $('.date-picker').datePicker();
* $('.date-picker').dpSetEndDate('01/01/2010');
* @desc Creates a date picker associated with all elements with a class of "dat
e-picker" then sets the last selectable date for each of these to the first Janu
rary 2010.
dpSetEndDate : function(d)
return, 'setEndDate', d);
* Gets a list of Dates currently selected by this datePicker. This will be an e
mpty array if no dates are currently selected or NULL if there is no datePicker
associated with the matched element.
* @type Array
* @name dpGetSelected
* @cat plugins/datePicker
* @author Kelvin Luck (
* @example $('.date-picker').datePicker();
* alert($('.date-picker').dpGetSelected());
* @desc Will alert an empty array (as nothing is selected yet)
dpGetSelected : function()
var c = _getController(this[0]);
if (c) {
return c.getSelected();
return null;
* Selects or deselects a date on any matched element's date pickers. Deselcting
is only useful on date pickers where selectMultiple==true. Selecting will only
work if the passed date is within the startDate and endDate boundries for a give
n date picker.
* @param String d A string representing the date you want to select (formatted
according to Date.format).
* @param Boolean v Whether you want to select (true) or deselect (false) this d
ate. Optional - default = true.
* @param Boolean m Whether you want the date picker to open up on the month of
this date when it is next opened. Optional - default = true.
* @type jQuery
* @name dpSetSelected
* @cat plugins/datePicker
* @author Kelvin Luck (
* @example $('.date-picker').datePicker();
* $('.date-picker').dpSetSelected('01/01/2010');
* @desc Creates a date picker associated with all elements with a class of "dat
e-picker" then sets the selected date on these date pickers to the first Janurar
y 2010. When the date picker is next opened it will display Janurary 2010.
dpSetSelected : function(d, v, m)
if (v == undefined) v=true;
if (m == undefined) m=true;
return, 'setSelected', Date.fromString(d),
v, m, true);
* Sets the month that will be displayed when the date picker is next opened. If
the passed month is before startDate then the month containing startDate will b
e displayed instead. If the passed month is after endDate then the month contain
ing the endDate will be displayed instead.
* @param Number m The month you want the date picker to display. Optional - def
aults to the currently displayed month.
* @param Number y The year you want the date picker to display. Optional - defa
ults to the currently displayed year.
* @type jQuery
* @name dpSetDisplayedMonth
* @cat plugins/datePicker
* @author Kelvin Luck (
* @example $('.date-picker').datePicker();
* $('.date-picker').dpSetDisplayedMonth(10, 2008);
* @desc Creates a date picker associated with all elements with a class of "dat
e-picker" then sets the selected date on these date pickers to the first Janurar
y 2010. When the date picker is next opened it will display Janurary 2010.
dpSetDisplayedMonth : function(m, y)
return, 'setDisplayedMonth', Number(m), Num
ber(y), true);
* Displays the date picker associated with the matched elements. Since only one
date picker can be displayed at once then the date picker associated with the l
ast matched element will be the one that is displayed.
* @param HTMLElement e An element that you want the date picker to pop up relat
ive in position to. Optional - default behaviour is to pop up next to the elemen
t associated with this date picker.
* @type jQuery
* @name dpDisplay
* @cat plugins/datePicker
* @author Kelvin Luck (
* @example $('#date-picker').datePicker();
* $('#date-picker').dpDisplay();
* @desc Creates a date picker associated with the element with an id of date-pi
cker and then causes it to pop up.
dpDisplay : function(e)
return, 'display', e);
* Sets a function or array of functions that is called when each TD of the date
picker popup is rendered to the page
* @param (Function|Array) a A function or an array of functions that are called
when each td is rendered. Each function will receive four arguments; a jquery o
bject wrapping the created TD, a Date object containing the date this TD represe
nts, a number giving the currently rendered month and a number giving the curren
tly rendered year.
* @type jQuery
* @name dpSetRenderCallback
* @cat plugins/datePicker
* @author Kelvin Luck (
* @example $('#date-picker').datePicker();
* $('#date-picker').dpSetRenderCallback(function($td, thisDate, month, year)
* {
* // do stuff as each td is rendered dependant on the date in the td and t
he displayed month and year
* });
* @desc Creates a date picker associated with the element with an id of date-pi
cker and then creates a function which is called as each td is rendered when thi
s date picker is displayed.
dpSetRenderCallback : function(a)
return, 'setRenderCallback', a);
* Sets the position that the datePicker will pop up (relative to it's associate
d element)
* @param Number v The vertical alignment of the created date picker to it's ass
ociated element. Possible values are $.dpConst.POS_TOP and $.dpConst.POS_BOTTOM
* @param Number h The horizontal alignment of the created date picker to it's a
ssociated element. Possible values are $.dpConst.POS_LEFT and $.dpConst.POS_RIGH
* @type jQuery
* @name dpSetPosition
* @cat plugins/datePicker
* @author Kelvin Luck (
* @example $('#date-picker').datePicker();
* $('#date-picker').dpSetPosition($.dpConst.POS_BOTTOM, $.dpConst.POS_RIGHT);
* @desc Creates a date picker associated with the element with an id of date-pi
cker and makes it so that when this date picker pops up it will be bottom and ri
ght aligned to the #date-picker element.
dpSetPosition : function(v, h)
return, 'setPosition', v, h);
* Sets the offset that the popped up date picker will have from it's default po
sition relative to it's associated element (as set by dpSetPosition)
* @param Number v The vertical offset of the created date picker.
* @param Number h The horizontal offset of the created date picker.
* @type jQuery
* @name dpSetOffset
* @cat plugins/datePicker
* @author Kelvin Luck (
* @example $('#date-picker').datePicker();
* $('#date-picker').dpSetOffset(-20, 200);
* @desc Creates a date picker associated with the element with an id of date-pi
cker and makes it so that when this date picker pops up it will be 20 pixels abo
ve and 200 pixels to the right of it's default position.
dpSetOffset : function(v, h)
return, 'setOffset', v, h);
* Closes the open date picker associated with this element.
* @type jQuery
* @name dpClose
* @cat plugins/datePicker
* @author Kelvin Luck (
* @example $('.date-pick')
* .datePicker()
* .bind(
* 'focus',
* function()
* {
* $(this).dpDisplay();
* }
* ).bind(
* 'blur',
* function()
* {
* $(this).dpClose();
* }
* );
* @desc Creates a date picker and makes it appear when the relevant element is
focused and disappear when it is blurred.
dpClose : function()
return, '_closeCalendar', false, this[0]);
// private function called on unload to clean up any expandos et
c and prevent memory links...
_dpDestroy : function()
// TODO - implement this?
// private internal function to cut down on the amount of code needed wh
ere we forward
// dp* methods on the jQuery object on to the relevant DatePicker contro
var _w = function(f, a1, a2, a3, a4)
return this.each(
var c = _getController(this);
if (c) {
c[f](a1, a2, a3, a4);
function DatePicker(ele)
this.ele = ele;
// initial values...
this.displayedMonth = null;
this.displayedYear = null;
this.startDate = null;
this.endDate = null;
this.showYearNavigation = null;
this.closeOnSelect = null;
this.displayClose = null;
this.selectMultiple = null;
this.verticalPosition = null;
this.horizontalPosition = null;
this.verticalOffset = null;
this.horizontalOffset = null;
this.button = null;
this.renderCallback = [];
this.selectedDates = {};
this.inline = null;
this.context = '#dp-popup';
init : function(s)
this.setDisplayedMonth(Number(s.month), Number(s
this.showYearNavigation = s.showYearNavigation;
this.closeOnSelect = s.closeOnSelect;
this.displayClose = s.displayClose;
this.selectMultiple = s.selectMultiple;
this.verticalPosition = s.verticalPosition;
this.horizontalPosition = s.horizontalPosition;
this.hoverClass = s.hoverClass;
this.setOffset(s.verticalOffset, s.horizontalOff
this.inline = s.inline;
if (this.inline) {
this.context = this.ele;
setStartDate : function(d)
if (d) {
this.startDate = Date.fromString(d);
if (!this.startDate) {
this.startDate = (new Date()).zeroTime()
this.setDisplayedMonth(this.displayedMonth, this
setEndDate : function(d)
if (d) {
this.endDate = Date.fromString(d);
if (!this.endDate) {
this.endDate = (new Date('12/31/2999'));
// using the JS Date.parse function which expects mm/dd/yyyy
if (this.endDate.getTime() < this.startDate.getT
ime()) {
this.endDate = this.startDate;
this.setDisplayedMonth(this.displayedMonth, this
setPosition : function(v, h)
this.verticalPosition = v;
this.horizontalPosition = h;
setOffset : function(v, h)
this.verticalOffset = parseInt(v) || 0;
this.horizontalOffset = parseInt(h) || 0;
setDisabled : function(s)
$e = $(this.ele);
$e[s ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('dp-disabled'
if (this.button) {
$but = $(this.button);
$but[s ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('dp
$but.attr('title', s ? '' : $.dpText.TEX
if ($':text')) {
$e.attr('disabled', s ? 'disabled' : '')
setDisplayedMonth : function(m, y, rerender)
if (this.startDate == undefined || this.endDate
== undefined) {
var s = new Date(this.startDate.getTime());
var e = new Date(this.endDate.getTime());
var t;
if ((!m && !y) || (isNaN(m) && isNaN(y))) {
// no month or year passed - default to
current month
t = new Date().zeroTime();
} else if (isNaN(m)) {
// just year passed in - presume we want
the displayedMonth
t = new Date(y, this.displayedMonth, 1);
} else if (isNaN(y)) {
// just month passed in - presume we wan
t the displayedYear
t = new Date(this.displayedYear, m, 1);
} else {
// year and month passed in - that's the
date we want!
t = new Date(y, m, 1)
// check if the desired date is within the range
of our defined startDate and endDate
if (t.getTime() < s.getTime()) {
t = s;
} else if (t.getTime() > e.getTime()) {
t = e;
var oldMonth = this.displayedMonth;
var oldYear = this.displayedYear;
this.displayedMonth = t.getMonth();
this.displayedYear = t.getFullYear();
if (rerender && (this.displayedMonth != oldMonth
|| this.displayedYear != oldYear))
$(this.ele).trigger('dpMonthChanged', [t
his.displayedMonth, this.displayedYear]);
setSelected : function(d, v, moveToMonth, dispatchEvents
if (v == this.isSelected(d)) // this date is alr
eady un/selected
if (this.selectMultiple == false) {
this.selectedDates = {};
$('td.selected', this.context).removeCla
if (moveToMonth && this.displayedMonth != d.getM
onth()) {
this.setDisplayedMonth(d.getMonth(), d.g
etFullYear(), true);
this.selectedDates[d.toString()] = v;
var selectorString = 'td.';
selectorString += d.getMonth() == this.displayed
Month ? 'current-month' : 'other-month';
selectorString += ':contains("' + d.getDate() +
var $td;
$(selectorString, this.ele).each(
if ($(this).text() == d.getDate(
$td = $(this);
$td[v ? 'addClass' : 're
if (dispatchEvents)
var s = this.isSelected(d);
$e = $(this.ele);
$e.trigger('dateSelected', [d, $td, s]);
isSelected : function(d)
return this.selectedDates[d.toString()];
getSelected : function()
var r = [];
for(s in this.selectedDates) {
if (this.selectedDates[s] == true) {
return r;
display : function(eleAlignTo)
if ($(this.ele).is('.dp-disabled')) return;
eleAlignTo = eleAlignTo || this.ele;
var c = this;
var $ele = $(eleAlignTo);
var eleOffset = $ele.offset();
var $createIn;
var attrs;
var attrsCalendarHolder;
var cssRules;
if (c.inline) {
$createIn = $(this.ele);
attrs = {
'id' : 'calenda
r-' + this.ele._dpId,
'className' : 'dp-popu
p dp-popup-inline'
cssRules = {
} else {
$createIn = $('body');
attrs = {
'id' : 'dp-popu
'className' : 'dp-popu
cssRules = {
'top' : +
'left' : eleOffset.left +
var _checkMouse = function(e)
var el =;
var cal = $('#dp-popup')[0];
while (true){
if (el == cal) {
return true;
} else if (el == documen
t) {
return false;
} else {
el = $(el).paren
this._checkMouse = _checkMouse;

$('<div class="d
$('<a class="dp-nav-prev-year" href="#" title="' + $.dpText.TEXT_PREV_YEAR + '">
return, this, 0, -1);
$('<a class="dp-nav-prev-month" href="#" title="' + $.dpText.TEXT_PREV_MONTH + '
return, this, -1, 0);
$('<div class="d
$('<a class="dp-nav-next-year" href="#" title="' + $.dpText.TEXT_NEXT_YEAR + '">
return, this, 0, 1);
$('<a class="dp-nav-next-month" href="#" title="' + $.dpText.TEXT_NEXT_MONTH + '
return, this, 1, 0);
lassName', 'dp-calendar')
var $pop = this.inline ? $('.dp-popup', this.con
text) : $('#dp-popup');
if (this.showYearNavigation == false) {
$('.dp-nav-prev-year, .dp-nav-next-year'
, c.context).css('display', 'none');
if (this.displayClose) {
$('<a href="#" id="dp-close">' +
$.dpText.TEXT_CLOSE + '</a>')
return f
$(this.ele).trigger('dpDisplayed', $pop);
if (!c.inline) {
if (this.verticalPosition == $.dpConst.P
$pop.css('top', +
$ele.height() - $pop.height() + c.verticalOffset);
if (this.horizontalPosition == $.dpConst
$pop.css('left', eleOffset.left
+ $ele.width() - $pop.width() + c.horizontalOffset);
$(document).bind('mousedown', this._chec
setRenderCallback : function(a)
if (a == null) return;
if (a && typeof(a) == 'function') {
a = [a];
this.renderCallback = this.renderCallback.concat
cellRender : function ($td, thisDate, month, year) {
var c = this.dpController;
var d = new Date(thisDate.getTime());
// add our click handlers to deal with it when t
he days are clicked...
var $this = $(this);
if (!$'.disabled')) {
c.setSelected(d, !$this.
is('.selected') || !c.selectMultiple, false, true);
if (c.closeOnSelect) {
if (c.isSelected(d)) {
// call any extra renderCallbacks that were pass
ed in
for (var i=0; i<c.renderCallback.length; i++) {
c.renderCallback[i].apply(this, argument

// ele is the clicked button - only proceed if it doesn'
t have the class disabled...
// m and y are -1, 0 or 1 depending which direction we w
ant to go in...
_displayNewMonth : function(ele, m, y)
if (!$(ele).is('.disabled')) {
th + m, this.displayedYear + y, true);
return false;
_rerenderCalendar : function()
_renderCalendar : function()
// set the title...
$('h2', this.context).html(Date.monthNames[this.
displayedMonth] + ' ' + this.displayedYear);
// render the calendar...
$('.dp-calendar', this.context).renderCalendar(
month : this.d
year : this.d
renderCallback : this.cellRende
dpController : this,
hoverClass : this.h
// update the status of the control buttons and
disable dates before startDate or after endDate...
// TODO: When should the year buttons be disable
d? When you can't go forward a whole year from where you are or is that annoying
if (this.displayedYear == this.startDate.getFull
Year() && this.displayedMonth == this.startDate.getMonth()) {
$('.dp-nav-prev-year', this.context).add
$('.dp-nav-prev-month', this.context).ad
$('.dp-calendar td.other-month',
var $this = $(this);
if (Number($this.text())
> 20) {
var d = this.startDate.getDate();
$('.dp-calendar td.current-month', this.
var $this = $(this);
if (Number($this.text())
< d) {
} else {
$('.dp-nav-prev-year', this.context).rem
$('.dp-nav-prev-month', this.context).re
var d = this.startDate.getDate();
if (d > 20) {
// check if the startDate is las
t month as we might need to add some disabled classes...
var sd = new Date(this.startDate
if (this.displayedYear == sd.get
FullYear() && this.displayedMonth == sd.getMonth()) {
$('dp-calendar td.other-
month', this.context).each(
var $thi
s = $(this);
if (Numb
er($this.text()) < d) {
if (this.displayedYear == this.endDate.getFullYe
ar() && this.displayedMonth == this.endDate.getMonth()) {
$('.dp-nav-next-year', this.context).add
$('.dp-nav-next-month', this.context).ad
$('.dp-calendar td.other-month',
var $this = $(this);
if (Number($this.text())
< 14) {
var d = this.endDate.getDate();
$('.dp-calendar td.current-month', this.
var $this = $(this);
if (Number($this.text())
> d) {
} else {
$('.dp-nav-next-year', this.context).rem
$('.dp-nav-next-month', this.context).re
var d = this.endDate.getDate();
if (d < 13) {
// check if the endDate is next
month as we might need to add some disabled classes...
var ed = new Date(this.endDate.g
if (this.displayedYear == ed.get
FullYear() && this.displayedMonth == ed.getMonth()) {
$('.dp-calendar td.other
-month', this.context).each(
var $thi
s = $(this);
if (Numb
er($this.text()) > d) {
_closeCalendar : function(programatic, ele)
if (!ele || ele == this.ele)
$(document).unbind('mousedown', this._ch
$('#dp-popup a').unbind();
if (!programatic) {
// empties the current dp-calendar div and makes sure th
at all events are unbound
// and expandos removed to avoid memory leaks...
_clearCalendar : function()
// TODO.
$('.dp-calendar td', this.context).unbind();
$('.dp-calendar', this.context).empty();
// static constants
$.dpConst = {
POS_TOP : 0,
// localisable text
$.dpText = {
TEXT_PREV_YEAR : 'Previous year',
TEXT_PREV_MONTH : 'Previous month',
TEXT_NEXT_YEAR : 'Next year',
TEXT_NEXT_MONTH : 'Next month',
TEXT_CLOSE : 'Close',
TEXT_CHOOSE_DATE : 'Choose date'
// version
$.dpVersion = '$Id: jquery.datePicker.js 15 2008-12-17 04:40:18Z kelvin.
luck $';
$.fn.datePicker.defaults = {
month : undefined,
year : undefined,
showHeader : $.dpConst.SHOW_HEADER_SHORT,
startDate : undefined,
endDate : undefined,
inline : false,
renderCallback : null,
createButton : true,
showYearNavigation : true,
closeOnSelect : true,
displayClose : false,
selectMultiple : false,
clickInput : false,
verticalPosition : $.dpConst.POS_TOP,
horizontalPosition : $.dpConst.POS_LEFT,
verticalOffset : 0,
horizontalOffset : 0,
hoverClass : 'dp-hover'
function _getController(ele)
if (ele._dpId) return $.event._dpCache[ele._dpId];
return false;
// make it so that no error is thrown if bgIframe plugin isn't included
(allows you to use conditional
// comments to only include bgIframe where it is needed in IE without br
eaking this plugin).
if ($.fn.bgIframe == undefined) {
$.fn.bgIframe = function() {return this; };

// clean-up
.bind('unload', function() {
var els = $.event._dpCache || [];
for (var i in els) {


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