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Learning Strategies Template


Learning Description of the strategy Activities proposed for Activities proposed

strategy’s name adolescents for adults.

It is a count of procedures aimed For adolescents I want to I may give a homework

at students understand and propose an activity to adults in a word
1 Cognitive produce the language in different where they can have an document for email.
strategies manners in a formal way, by interesting text about This activity will be
means of the analysis of texts, some theme of actuality sending lots of
summarizing, learning structures, selected for the sentences about the
and new word sounds. students. After, they grammatical themes
must share texting by what we had seen in
mean some app from class. The words will be
their cell phones or in disorder and each
social media writing and learner must order the
arguing about the topic. correct sentence. In
This text could be wrote, this way, they may
or maybe a movie or and practice the
soccer game and must grammatical skills,
genre controversy vocabulary and to
among them, then, each remember the topics
one must post at least for the class.
one own opinion.

This strategies are about different This activity will be by This activity may be
forms to do that the learners can mean of flash cards, with sending a simple recipe
2 remember vocabulary and several images and three for each student. This
Memory- grammatical structures mainly. different sets. Each recipe must have
This methods are used principally student must put the several ingredients and
related for beginners when they are in images in the correct some cook activities
strategies the first stages of learning; after, place completing the (for example a Spanish
they don't need this methods a setting. omelet). Or inclusive
lot. each student can choice
his own recipe and
recording a video
explaining how they are
making the
preparation. Just like
YouTube cooking
videos. That will be a
great and delicious
activity (I hope so).
Compensatory methods are about With a play among I can play some songs
of different techniques to use peers, like find the in the classroom. After,
during the second language correct word. Then, I each student must
3 Compensatory production, either spoken or may read a new term or explain what is the
strategies written form. This techniques are an unknown word into a message of any of
used to suppose the meaning of sentence. Then, the these songs, inclusive if
some words by mean of the students in the class they don't could
context, and make the must try to guess the understand each single
communication more fluid in L2 meaning of that word word in the song, they
while they are learning. and explain it to the rest may try to understand
of the class in his own and explain the
words in English. The message what the song
first student in have the is talking about.
most approximate
meaning, will gain a

Learning Description of the strategy Activities proposed for Activities proposed

strategy’s name adolescents for adults.

Metacognitive strategies refers to In this activity the A good form to work

the way how every single student students must seek five the metacognition is
1 manage his/her learning rhythm, forms how they could making to each student
Metacognitive and know about his/her abilities practice the English skills a self-knowledge test.
strategies and the form how he/she learn out of classroom, and When the learners
easier. share the information ought to assess their
with their partners. own learning process
and speak about
strengths and
weakness on road.

Affective strategies refer to some Playing an English song The activity will be to
techniques for having relaxation, before the class, this tell them a funny story
2 Affective and with low anxiety levels in the must be a slow song that of my life with English
strategies students at moment to face the helps to the students to learning and to invite
English learning process, mainly keep calm to begin the the students to share
used in the first stages. class (maybe reggae, a some stories just like
pop ballad, or soft rock). that to break the ice
and face the class in
another environment
with less pressure.

The activity for adult

Social strategies work with the The students must seek learners will be to make
Social interaction among students to information about a seeking about the
3 strategies improve together as a team and traditions and culture of one country
learning about the culture of the celebrations in America where the English are
countries where speak the target or Great Britain and in the official tongue (e.a.
language. small groups make a The United Kingdom,
short exposition in the The United States,
classroom; they can use Australia, Canada, and
special celebrations like South Africa); then, the
Christmas, thanksgivings students must do a
day, Valentine's day, etc. presentation where
they tell about history,
myths, music, and
ancient settlers of this
country and share with
the group.

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