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Delano considers that the destruction of game that Native Americans depend on for food has a
positive effect, and hopes that it will cause them to assimilate into white culture. Delano is in favor of
the independent subsistence of hunting and fishing by Native Americans diminishing because he holds a
prejudice towards them, calling them ignorant and eager to punish them if they do not abide by their

2. Delano wishes that the Native Americans will assimilate to the white culture, and feels that the Native
American emphasis on hunting and fishing is not civilized. Delano fears that the native Americans will be
coerced into reservations and expect that they will drop their culture.

3. New land opportunities have encouraged Westward expansion, and more Americans have moved to
the West for more opportunities. The belief in the Manifest Destiny was brought back, and the
Americans believed that the expansion into the United States was inevitable.

1. - Sheridan's opinion of the Battle of Little Bighorn was somber, and he felt it was his responsibility
to tell the story of the sad outcome of the Battle for the American Army. Sheridan personally saw the
casualties of the Battle of Little Bighorn and the men who had to bury them. Sheridan claims that actions
to fight for land can lead to the death of an individual if they do not have a soldierly instinct.

2. - The attitude of Sheridan towards the soldierly instincts of the army was dissatisfied and thought
that they were impulsive. He also felt that they should not be mindlessly charged into battle over land
disputes because it would lead to their untimely death. The Native Americans' assaults on the American
Army were horrific, and the American Army was left to deal with the great loss of its troops and had to
bury their bodies.

3. The continuing land disputes and colonization between Native Americans and whites have become a
prevalent theme in American history, with the end result that Native Americans will struggle and be
coerced into reservations. However, the conflicts between the Native Americans and whites within the 2
centuries differ in terms of Native American casualties. In the early 1700s, the Native Americans were
still mostly on their lands and not yet forced into reservations, although still being at disputes with
whites over land. In the 1800s, this changed when Native Americans were forced onto reservations and
forced to assimilate into white culture, something that did not happen in the early 1700s.

`1 - The Dawes Allotment Act took reservation land and split it into individual lots, based on
someone's age or family. This bill was meant for Native American families to assimilate into farmers and
landowners by granting families 160 acres of reserve land, which differs from Andrew Jackson's
presidency, since he had no interest in assimilating Native Americans to American society. Jackson
patronized the Native Americans, and did not see them as functioning members of American society.

2- More US citizens would equal more business and resources to have. If the Native Americans
assimilated into white culture, then they could become farmers and benefit the agricultural industry in
the US.

3- The US economic policies of this time period were mainly for assimilating Native Americans into
white culture. The Native Americans that would assimilate into white culture and become US citizens
benefited the nation economically and would contribute to national identity.

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