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Gas Laws Calculation Game by Jason Mai

1. 2 people
2. 4 blank index cards
3. 2 markers

How to play:
1. each person take 1 marker and 2 index cards
2. each player can write P, V, or T at the back of each card, which makes the cards "pressure card (in
mmHg)", "volume card (in ml)", or "Tempreature card (in K)". DO NOT let your opponrnt saw what
yoy wrote on the back of the cards.
3. flip the cards when finish writing on the back, and hand it over to your opponents, then you can write
any number from 1 - 10 and up to 2 digits after the decimal points, representing the corrosponding
numerical volume of the unit at the back of the card. then, hand the cards back to your opponents.
4. once both players have their cards back, they can start calculate for the remaining volume ( ex: if your
cards are Pressure and Tempreature cards, calculate Volume) using the combined gas law, no calculator
will be allowed during this process. The unit for the remaining volume will be the same as the standard
unit for the cards in "how to play #2“.
5. after both player complete calculation, they will show each other the numerical result they got, the first
player who complete the calculation will have a *1.2 bonus on his numerical result. if a player calculate
his/her result wrong, he automatically lose. other than this curcumstance, the player who got a higher
numerical volume wins.
Stoichiometry Rhapsody
by Jason Mai
Adapted from bohemian rhapsody by The Queens

Is this the real life?

Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a reaction,
No escape from mole converstion.
Open your eyes,
Look up to the equation and see,
I'm just gonna remember, I need to make both side equal.
Because the substance was never less, never more,
never high, never low,
Anywhere I do the question, I gonna remember this rule, this rule.
(Piano playing)
Mama, just remember this,
The amount of product,
Is based on the limit reactant.
Mama, Once one reactant is used up,
Nothing will produce evermore.
Mama, oooo~,
Didn't mean to make you cry,
If you misread the mole ratio,
Carry on, carry on, Just remember it at the next time.
answer key:

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