Actividad de Ingles 10c

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PAST PERFECT The past perfect it • Already had Positive:

• Just Subject+ had +past
use for things that • Get participle
happened in the • Even
• For Negative:
past but before • Since
sometimes else in • How low Subject+ hadn´t +past
• Never participle
the past
• so

Had+ subject +past

participle +?
Why did he or she fail that much?
1. He failed because he hadn't warmed up
2. He failed because he hadn’t remembered that the grass was wet
3. he failed because he hadn´t realized the ball was coming to head
4. they failed because they hadn't realized they were going to jump at the
same time
5. he hadn't played before, so he let them score a goal
6. he failed because he hadn't removed the shoe
7. he failed because he hadn't known the rules
8. he failed because he hadn't known the effects of ball
9. he hadn't run before, so he run very fast and he end up shutting up
10. they failed because they hadn't remembered that his partner was ally

self-evaluation: 40

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