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Write down the top 10 invention in the World and in the Philippines.

Discuss briefly the impact of

each invention to society.

"World and Philippines"

1. Paper- paper has been indispenssible in allowing us to write our and share ideas.

2. Electric light - produces light from electric, and there will be no night life without lights.

3. Vaccines- important part of family and public health. Prevents the spread of contagious
dangerous, and deadly disease.

4. Telephone- provides facilitating human communication.

5. Camera- capture moments of time and freeze, them later for enjoyment.

6. Personal Computer/ type writer- easier to people , for governments and for business, increased
speed at which messages could be written.

7. Refrigerator / powered by Kerosene

- can be used for domestic purpose in homes food preservation and drink refrigeration.

8. Compass- it helps us to determine direction. Specially Mariners.

9. Clock- helps us to manage our lives, helps us to be everywhere on time such as reaching to work.

10. Electric Battery- used as source of power, and helps accessing the target of universal access.


Should be 10 each

Question 2
Mark 10.00 out of 10.00

Utilizing internet resources, find photos of modern Filipino scientists and their respective inventions/
discoveries. Describe the inventions and their major contributions in the development of our nation.
Note: provide at least 5.

1. Agapito Flores- has been acclaimed by some as being the invention of the first Fluorescent
Lamp.Many Filipinos acknowledge Agapito Flores as the inventor of the fluorescent lamp , which is
the most used source of lighting throughout the world today . The fluorescent lamp allegedly got its
name from Flores.

2. Alfredo Santos- Filipino Chemist a noted researcher in the chemistry of natural products. He
discovered an effective medicine for high blood pressure. And it is a big help to our society.

3. Fe Del Mundo – Credited with studies leading to invention of improve incubator and a jaundice
relieving device. And study is very important to our lives that helps our society to improve learnings.

4. Francisco Fronda- known as father of poultry Science in the Philippines. And his inventory is very
important and Agriculture is has a great impact in our society.

5. Gregorio Velasquez– made intensive studies of blue green algae and hi invention has a great
benefits to our ecomic cause according to his study it is a type bacteria that can use for weight lose
and use for national supplement.



Question 3
Mark 10.00 out of 10.00

What value of a scientist have you learned from the major revolutions? Why?

A value of being Meticulous-

- The topic on these revolutionary scientist, is very practical and theoretical. It helps me to
understand that I should do things very carefully and with a great attention to any detail of my work.
Like the revolutionary scientists, they give a great attention to their own idea of evolution.


Question 4
Mark 10.00 out of 10.00
What could be the consequences if these major intellectual revolutions did not take place?

 If major revolutions did not exist, our world will remain at it is or our modern world doesn’t progress,
like there will be no interesting discoveries, No publishing of new books or new technologies. No
enlightment of churches and religions and also school with no new written ideas. Specially Scientific
revolutions doesn’t exist, we will actually don’t care about spaces or planets. We will not interested
to traditional sense and specially in a way of thinking. 


Question 5
Mark 10.00 out of 10.00

Did science and technology change your way of life? Was it in a good way, otherwise, or both?
Explain how.

Students like me interms of Science and Technology are different today, like we need more self
directed, better equipped to capture information and more oriented. Technologies helps us students
to organize ideas specially presentations. And when we look in the field of medicine , students are
different because we are living in different types of technologies. And also technological advances
had allowed doctors to treat diseases and illnes, and helps medicine teaching progress, and these
will help me to organize better and discover fast and also invent things.

However Technologies also ruin our lives if we will not use it well. And not control ourselves. Like for
example a lot of time spending on social media, like I.G or Twitter, these lead to lock of physical
activity to young people, cause in reality we visit our social media a lot of times in a day. And it
causes addiction. So behaviors as a students or any individual are very important even there are
negative and positive impact of Technologies.


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