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Cyber Information Sharing:

Building Collective Security

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3 1 Executive Summary

5 2 Cyber information sharing: what is it and why does it matter?

6 2.1 Cyber information sharing as a platform for collective resilience
7 2.2 Cyber information sharing as a platform for collective action

9 3 Why does this matter now?

11 4 Seven barriers that need to be overcome

14 5 Information sharing 2.0: how next‑generation technology can help

15 5.1 AI and ML
16 5.2 Privacy Enhancing Technologies
16 5.3 Encrypted computation
17 5.4 Differential privacy

18 6 CDA case study: using PET to drive collective action in the cybercrime ecosystem
19 6.1 The pilot: secure and confidential querying
20 6.2 Results

21 CONCORDIA: an ecosystem for collaboration

23 Recommendations

24 Contributors

25 Endnotes

© 2020 World Economic Forum. All rights

reserved. No part of this publication may
be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, including photocopying
and recording, or by any information
storage and retrieval system.

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 2

1 Executive Summary
Information sharing is critical for empowering
the global ecosystem to move from
individual to collective cyber resilience.

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 3

Intelligence Cybersecurity is one of the most systemically foundational platform on which all participants of
sharing between important issues facing the world today. In little over the digital ecosystem can rely.
stakeholders is a a decade, cybersecurity has been transformed from
a primarily technical domain centred on securing Information sharing enables enterprises to defend
defining feature of
networks and technology to a major strategic themselves, enhance resilience and conduct
the cybersecurity
topic of global importance. Cybersecurity is a collaborative investigations to detect and deter
community and pillar of a digitally resilient society. It is essential for threat actors. It enables building trust. Barriers,
one of its most assuring the integrity of the interconnected business however, remain in the ecosystem, including
important shared and social processes that sit on top of modern issues such as gaps in jurisdictional collaboration,
challenges. societies’ complex digital ecosystems. Its growing in addition to cross‑sector collaboration, lacking
importance as an issue has been tracked by the access to skills, strategy and resources, and
World Economic Forum Global Risk report and now concerns over trust and privacy. These barriers
the potential impact of cyberattacks is consistently need to be addressed to promote greater resilience.
ranked as one of the biggest risks facing the global
economy today.1 New technology, among other interventions,
promises to overcome these barriers. Artificial
Since its relatively recent emergence the intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)
cybersecurity ecosystem has faced several technologies are enhancing the effectiveness
challenges as it has worked to mature the isolated and value of sharing data, and privacy‑enhancing
cybersecurity activities of actors throughout society technologies are enabling the sharing of information
into a cohesive ecosystem, which allows itself to while protecting privacy and security. Combined,
be accountable to all parts of society. It has had these technologies can dramatically expand,
to overcome these shared challenges in a fluid automate and improve organizations’ ability to
environment. The COVID‑19 pandemic has led to protect themselves from cyberthreats.
rapid digital transformation in many workforces and
sectors, further increasing the dependency of our Ultimately information sharing is an enabler of
global economy on digital infrastructure. This has the strategic driver of the global cybersecurity
exacerbated cybersecurity challenges that existed community; the need to move from individual
before, but also demonstrated to all stakeholders resilience to collective resilience.
the need and incentive to address some of our
most important shared challenges. The World Economic Forum’s Global Future
Council on the Future of Cybersecurity, during its
Intelligence sharing between stakeholders is a 2019‑2020 term, focused on the nature of these
defining feature of the cybersecurity community barriers and challenges in the security community
and one of its most important shared challenges. as well as possible new solutions. This document
No stakeholder alone can sustainably identify and reflects the insights generated by this group among
address all the cyber threats of the fast‑changing Council Members in addition to the Centre for
digital landscape. Trusted, secure and scalable Cybersecurity’s extended community, including the
cyber information sharing needs to be a World Economic Forum’s Technology Pioneers.

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 4

2 Cyber information sharing:
what is it and why does
it matter?
No single organization has visibility over the
entire problem space, making collaboration
and information sharing essential.

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 5

Knowledge is power. Intelligence, carefully The scale of the cybersecurity challenge facing
curated from the collection, evaluation and global institutions requires a mindset shift from
assessment of data from many sources is traditional models for managing business and
fundamental to understanding the complex and security risks. It is no longer feasible to rely on
dynamic threats that exist in the information one’s own capabilities; instead a step change will
age. Once only the preserve of government be essential to the future of business resilience.
departments and military agencies, intelligence No single organization has visibility over the
now helps businesses and global institutions entire problem space, making collaboration and
make better, data‑driven decisions. It gives information sharing essential.
them the edge in formulating new plans and
strategies to manage risk, and to perform Information sharing and having the ability to use it
efficiently and effectively. helps build resilience and drives collective action. It is
one of the most fundamental tools that an enterprise
Such is the scale and complexity of the challenge, or organization has to protect itself. This, however,
cyberthreats and risks must be understood in must be the right type of information sharing to solve
detail if organizations want to prevent breaches the complex problems. Each security community is
and prosper in the age Fourth Industrial revolution. different and must define the fundamental insights
Cybersecurity is defined by its multistakeholder required to protect itself, be this technical information
ecosystem and needs to be seen from a holistic or insights into strategic behaviours or trends. The
viewpoint. All participants in that ecosystem need ability to share the right insights at the right time in a
to be able to participate in building the systemic systematic way with the right stakeholders will allow
resilience of the collective infrastructure on which for the effective protection of assets, intellectual
those stakeholders rely. property and business processes.

BOX Eight things enterprises need to be in a position to share

There is no one‑size‑fits‑all approach to cyber 1. Observable: What activity are we seeing?

information sharing. Information‑sharing 2. Incident: Where has this threat been seen?
arrangements between entities have to be
3. Exploit target: What weaknesses does this threat
informed by factors that take into account sector
risks, as well as whether that ecosystem has
sufficiently strong governance to be able to do 4. Threat actor: Who is responsible for this threat?
so. Differing risks might include the nature of the 5. Indicators: What threats should I look for on my
cyberthreat and if the ecosystem contains sensitive network and systems, and why?
or private data (such as PII, or commercially 6. Procedures: What does it do?
sensitive information).
7. Campaign: Why does it do this?
8. Course of action: What can I do about it? 2

2.1 Cyber information sharing as a platform for

collective resilience

Cyber information sharing is the ability of an 2. Operational: Information that can help
ecosystem to be able to share at scale intelligence enterprises’ decision‑making, resource
with many different stakeholders to generate the allocation and task prioritization. It includes
right level of situational awareness for organizations trend analysis showing the technical direction of
to defend themselves. By doing this the ecosystem threat actors and an understanding of malicious
can answer what has been, and what can be done tactics, techniques and procedures.
about malicious activity. Organizations need to be
able to do this in three key domains: 3. Technical: Information from technical data,
sources and systems that provide insights that
1. Strategic: Information that can help can influence tactical decisions. This data is
enterprises understand the type of threat typically derived from near real‑time monitoring
they are defending against, the motivation and sharing of network information required for
and capability of the threat and the potential adjusting an organizations security.3
consequences and risks of attacks.

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 6

BOX Information-sharing groups that are developing better cyber resilience

– FS‑ISAC: A financial industry consortium – MM‑ISAC: This is a mining sector non‑profit,

dedicated to reducing cyber risk in the global industry owned and open to all companies
financial system. Serving financial institutions, in the mining and metals industry. It allows
the organization leverages its intelligence member companies to share critical
platform, resiliency resources and a trusted cybersecurity information through secure
peer‑to‑peer network of experts to anticipate, channels, enabling them to benefit from this
mitigate and respond to cyberthreats. intelligence at a reasonable cost.
– Cyber Threat Alliance (CTA): The CTA is a
not‑for‑profit organization that is working
to improve the cybersecurity of our global
digital ecosystem by enabling near real time,
high‑quality cyberthreat information sharing
among companies and organizations in the
cybersecurity field.
– CiviCERT: A network of Computer Emergency – Telecommunication Information Sharing and
Response Teams (CERTs), Rapid Response Analysis Centre (T‑ISAC): The GSMA developed
Teams and independent Internet Content and the T‑ISAC to act as the sector‑specific ISAC
Service Providers who facilitate collaboration, for the mobile telecommunications industry.
share information to alert emerging digital The centre provides a place where security
security threats to civil society and foster digital issues from the mobile industry can be
security help desks to improve protection for raised, managed and discussed in a trusted
civil society members and organizations. environment among all GSMA members.

2.2 Cyber information sharing as a platform for

collective action

Cyber information sharing can also drive collective and which can detect and disrupt cybercrime
investigations and action between the public and are between law enforcement and the private
private sectors. Cybercrime cannot be addressed sector. Unlike traditional crime, the skills, data and
without creating a more effective deterrence model capabilities to detect and disrupt cybercrime often
by confronting the source of cybercriminal activity, reside within the private sector.
reducing the return on investment and making the
risk of prosecution real. More are required, but these emerging models
have been difficult to scale up. Sharing information
Conventional criminal justice efforts are failing between parties is fraught with potential privacy,
to limit the risks of engaging in malicious online security and due process concerns, as well as
activity. In the US, the likelihood of successfully the challenge of ensuring protections for the
prosecuting a cybercrime is estimated at 0.05%, right to free expression, association and political
far below the 46% rate of prosecution for violent participation. Incentive models remain nascent, as
crime.4 The most successful information sharing groups try to understand who bears the cost and
models that are emerging in the global community responsibility for driving collective action.

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 7

BOX Public-private information-sharing groups developing collaborative investigations
and collective action

– European Cybercrime Centre (EC3): Europol

set up the EC3 in 2013 to strengthen the law
enforcement response to cybercrime in close – Microsoft Digital Crime Unit (DCU): The
collaboration with the private sector. EC3 has DCU is an international team of attorneys,
made a significant contribution to the fight investigators, data scientists, engineers,
against cybercrime: it has been involved in analysts and business professionals based in
tens of high‑profile operations and hundreds of 30 countries, working together to fight digital
on‑the‑spot operational deployments resulting crime. Since 2010, the DCU has collaborated
in hundreds of arrests.5 with law enforcement and other partners on 22
malware disruptions, resulting in more than 500
million devices rescued from cybercriminals.
– Cyber Defence Alliance (CDA): The CDA, with
its headquarters in London, is a cyber defence
– The National Cyber‑Forensics and Training and anti‑fraud group consortium of financial
Alliance () was established in 2002 as a institutions originally founded by Barclays,
non‑profit partnership between private industry, Santander, Standard Chartered and Deutsche
government and academia, with the purpose Bank in 2015. The CDA works with member
of providing a neutral trusted environment that organizations and law enforcement agencies
enables two‑way collaboration. To date, the in a co‑located space to share information and
NCFTA has enabled its community to prevent turn it into actionable intelligence to prevent
more than one billion dollars in potential losses, malicious activity and identify threat actors for
identify critical threats and tackled more than criminal investigation.
2,500 law enforcement cases.

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 8

3 Why does this matter now?
The Fourth Industrial Revolution demands
the digitization of business and commerce.
That digitization needs to be safe and secure.

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 9

There are two main drivers for why addressing 2. Information sharing models are not built
the barriers to greater information sharing are of for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the
increasing importance: security ecosystem

1. Digital transformation, fast development of The digital ecosystem is not standing still. The
technology and COVID‑19 most important technologies of the near future
will alter the security landscape in a series of
The digital technologies on which new value is major shifts and not just incremental changes.
dependent are what have driven the increasing New technologies will change what needs to
importance and focus on cybersecurity as be defended and how attackers are targeting
a strategic issue. A major risk to the global it. This will be a major challenge to current
economy is that cybersecurity issues act as a information sharing operational and governance
strategic barrier to trade and that a widening models as they are currently designed. If action
digital attack surface becomes increasingly is not taken to incentivize a new information
complex to defend effectively. The effects of sharing paradigm the community might not have
the pandemic have made it all the more urgent sufficient capabilities to deliver the resilience and
to address this. Large‑scale, rapid and largely assurance the world is demanding.
unplanned digitization throughout sectors
and industries has transformed the global For example, adversarial use of AI has the
reliance on digital infrastructure and its integrity. potential to accelerate the scale and impact
Cybersecurity in the wake of the pandemic of current cyber defence approaches, but
was cited as the third major risk identified by probabilistic and machine learning information
global executives after the risk of a prolonged sharing for network defence is still in a nascent
recession and the expectation of bankruptcy.6 form, and not consistently built into industry
frameworks and operating models. As these
Critically, COVID‑19 has the potential to AI‑based information sharing and network
exacerbate the gulf between the cyber haves defence systems begin to be more widely
and have nots. The most well‑resourced and implemented they will have to overcome similar
cyber‑mature institutions are now potentially at challenges to those faced by social media
odds with those rapidly digitizing in the least and technology providers in their attempts at
mature markets and sectors, and who are AI‑based content moderation.7
also potentially impacted by major market and
financial pressures. 5G has the potential to connect “Everything
and Everyone” including entirely new industries,
use cases and billions of devices that the
security community will also need to protect.8
Cross‑jurisdictional and cross‑sector information
sharing will be required on a far greater
scale and at a pace and complexity than the
community is currently underprepared for,
especially given the fact that in this new data
paradigm the ability to share and act on insights
will be of paramount importance.

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 10

4 Seven barriers that need
to be overcome
Policy-makers, business leaders and
technologists need to work together to
address this global issue.

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 11

Over the past 10 years significant strides multiple stakeholders in the public, private,
have been made in facilitating better cyber and civic sectors. Widespread participation
information cooperation and sharing, including in the information sharing ecosystem can be
the emergence of a number of different operating enabled by lowering the barriers to entry through
models (such as ISACs). This report, however, widely available governance models, guidance
recognizes seven barriers to the progress of and fundamental technology alongside clear
greater information that will support the security incentives. There is also significant work needed
and resilience of the global economy. to balance the desire to make information sharing
in different sectors and across borders more
Overcoming these barriers will require systemic effective with the need to comply with legal
improvements in cooperation, capacity and requirements and avoid complicity in privacy or
governance through the engagement of other rights violations.

BOX Seven key challenges the global security community needs to address

1. Gaps in jurisdictions and cross‑sector associated with threat intelligence, which was
collaboration the fourth‑highest technical skill gap listed
Even where there is relative maturity in sectors after security architecture, forensics and
for information sharing, trust and barriers to penetration testing.13
collaboration remain between regions. Many
3. Trust and privacy
information‑sharing groups have emerged
from, or are associated with, national legislative There is a lack of trust between key players
or regulatory authorities. Consequently, at operational and governmental levels, which
specific jurisdictions might be absent from needs to be developed to facilitate information
some information‑sharing groups due to wider sharing. Geopolitical drivers and fragmentation
considerations. This is the case where there are in international co‑operation can affect
restrictions on jurisdictions collaborating. public‑sector enthusiasm for data exchange
programmes. The private sector is often
The greatest progress on promoting reluctant to share information with governments
cyber‑information sharing has emerged for fear of regulatory impact, to avoid complicity
out of the most cyber‑mature sectors in any privacy and rights violations and
and countries, in particular the US and because they often see no benefit to doing
European Financial Services (FS‑ISAC) and in so. Cross‑sector information sharing is further
frameworks, such as provided by NIST.9 In hampered by fears about giving competitors an
less developed markets and sectors, however, advantage, as well as concerns about sharing
greater progress is needed. For example, in sensitive internal data.
Africa, just eight countries have a national
strategy on cybersecurity and only 13 have a Free cross‑border information sharing is
Government‑Computer Emergency Response additionally complicated by the possible threats
Team, which typically act as vehicles for to human rights protections when information
establishing national information sharing is shared with states that have a weak rule of
programmes.10 Cross‑sector collaboration as law and or a history of systemically violating
an issue was specifically part of US President human rights.14 The lack of sector‑specific
Barack Obama’s Executive Order 1369, which guidance tools, which map pre‑existing
looked to establish new Information Sharing privacy principals, responsibilities, harms and
and Analysis Organizations (ISAOs) as a way remedies to the creation and management of
of promoting more sectorial collaboration.11 cross‑sector information sharing has caused
uncertainty. This in turn, delays efforts to build
2. Skills and capabilities cross‑sectoral programmes.15
The cybersecurity skills gap is well
4. Legislation, policy and data fragmentation
documented.12 This pressure on resources
significantly affects organizations’ ability to be There is a current lack of alignment and
able to build and deploy the requisite advanced harmonization across jurisdictions – and in
skills and capabilities to facilitate information many cases conflicting regulations in relation
sharing and make use of it themselves. Threat to the sharing of cyber information – especially
intelligence as a specialized sub‑discipline of with regard to concerns over the disclosure
this cybersecurity skills market is particularly of what could be considered as sensitive
affected, given the skills and experience required proprietary information by an organization.
to fulfil the role. More dramatically the trend towards data
localization – where governments mandate that
In the 2020 UK Government Cybersecurity data on their citizens or residents can only be
skills report, threat intelligence was listed stored within their country, and‑or meet local
as one of the most sought‑after technical privacy and security mandates before being
skills. Nearly one‑fifth of all businesses that transferred externally, can frustrate, or outright
responded stated they had a skills gap forbid, the fluid sharing of certain information.

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 12

The implementation of GDPR has had a major attacks they experienced, especially if the
impact on the information‑sharing landscape, in attacks were neither avoided nor defended
making some organizations fearful of breaching as well as the firm would have wished.
it. While there has been progress in jurisdictions Additionally, other incentives such as cyber
such as the United States in providing greater insurance don’t currently specifically state
legal clarity for cyber information sharing, whether organizations have an active cyber
more work is needed to provide the level of information‑sharing programme. Without
assurance required.16 Information sharing tangible short‑term incentives in place
between national and supranational authorities organizations are not likely to prioritize
to drive collective investigations is also further cybersecurity information sharing.
complicated by robust disclosure and the
evidential proceedings required to ensure 7. Operational, interoperability and technology
appropriate due process and public oversight barriers
are in place.17 Multiple standards, frameworks and
5. Operational costs technologies exist in relation to cyber
information sharing presenting a further
To be able to effectively receive, analyse and
barrier to widescale adoption. Technical
action cyber intelligence into the full defensive
standards authorities, national bodies and
posture of an institution requires investment
certain sector groups implement specific
in the right technology, staff and governance.
solutions attuned to their environment, but
For decision‑makers and industry leaders
more work is needed to be able to provide
looking to reap the rewards of participating in
an information‑sharing ecosystem, estimating interoperability throughout the ecosystem to
the costs and targets for tangible investments ensure cyber information‑sharing practices
is often difficult due to the array of options can be harmonized. The lack of harmonization
and lack of agreed standards from which to not only makes interoperability difficult, but
measure the benefits of such investment. Even it forces privacy and other rights‑based
where information‑sharing programmes are considerations to be re‑evaluated for each
available, participation costs act as a barrier. new standard and/or framework creating
Security budgets in organizations, particularly additional unnecessary hurdles.
those in developing economies, are focused
only on the most immediate concerns and While there are no‑cost and open‑source
seldom a more holistic, mature strategy. technologies such as MISP, The Hive, Cortex
and IntelMQ, there are still significant technical
6. Lack of clear incentives resources required to implement technology
Cybersecurity information sharing lacks to create and/or participate in cybersecurity
traditional, positive incentives (the tangible information‑sharing communities. This
short‑term protective benefits, liability can reduce the overheads of producing
protections, insurance incentives) and information and/or refining others’ information
negative incentives (compliance requirements, into actionable intelligence, or allow easy
regulatory pressures). Organizations are integration between threat information sharing
often concerned about reputational damage feeds and the range of security/investigation
or legal exposure for revealing the particular tools used by defenders.18

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 13

5 Information sharing 2.0:
how next‑generation
technology can help
AI, ML and Privacy Enhancing Technology can
enable a new information-sharing paradigm.

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 14

To address the barriers that exist more work 1. AI and ML technologies that enhance the
is needed by the community to enable a new effectiveness and value of shared data.
information‑sharing paradigm. If we are to succeed
in secure our digital networks, this new paradigm 2. Privacy enhancing technologies (PETs) that
will require bold leadership, new policy frameworks enable sharing while protecting privacy and
and the application and use of transformative security.
technologies. These technologies will accelerate our
collective ability to overcome many of these current Both categories are independently useful. The
barriers and better ensure our collective resilience. high potential is the combination of both to build a
resilient digital ecosystem. Effective sharing is only
Fundamentally, there are two types of new possible if privacy and security are ensured, and
technology that can aid the community in incentives are obvious.
overcoming these barriers.

5.1 AI and ML

AI and ML are potentially transformative for Language Processing (NLP). This will make vast
cybersecurity and the information‑sharing amounts of previously unusable data available
landscape. It dramatically expands the amount of for sharing and analysis.
data available to security teams and researchers
at the same time as automating and scaling up the 2. Reliable algorithms – With clean data, comes
analytical and defence capabilities of organizations. the ability to generate reliable algorithms.
Deep learning in particular has led to the
An important first step towards facilitating the development of algorithms with remarkable
information‑sharing process and being able to accuracy levels. These means enterprises have
operationalize the data is having standardized higher detection rates with less false positives,
formats and shared, interoperable platforms. These which makes them more likely to be able to put
are, however, primarily designed to facilitate the into production and enhance organizations’
sharing of highly technical data such as indicators defensive postures. These advances have
of compromise (IoCs), which are generally low‑level, made AI systems accurate enough for many
structured data. This definition needs to be corporate defensive systems (where risks
expanded to include everything from unstructured around false positives may not lead to liability).
raw data (e.g. network flows) to unstructured insights But far greater precision may be required for
(e.g. Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs)). AI systems that collect and share information
as false positives in those systems that could
Many attacks are diagnosed through the manual lead to inappropriate sharing of personal and or
analysis of highly technical data, which is proprietary information.
fundamentally not scalable. More importantly, these
analytical skills are highly sought after, expensive 3. Explainable AI – With clean data and reliable
and generally not available to the vast majority algorithms, enterprises can start to put
of enterprises. Consequently, there is an urgent appropriate governance and standard operating
need to incentivize tools to automatically extract procedures in place. The security community
meaningful cybersecurity insights from such data has been able to make strides in the field of
without human intervention. interpretable AI, which aims to design models
that produce outputs and explanations for
AI and ML have been immensely successful in outputs. Defenders are now able to understand
extracting insights from big data in other domains. and explain the rationale of any automated
Historically obstacles to the deployment of AI/ML decision‑making in the models and systems,
are rapidly being overcome by the cybersecurity including for full accountability and audit.
community and their technical efforts are centred on Addressing many current and future legislative
three key pillars of capability: challenges related to information sharing will
require that all decisions made by AI‑based
1. Clean data – Data is now produced in more systems will need to be explainable. AI systems
shared standards than ever before. Enterprises used in information collection, sharing and use
that have enough relevant attack data can now that cannot provide satisfactory answers to legal
train reliable defensive models, especially if that questions posed against them will likely become
data is labelled, indexed and of high quality. AI barriers to information sharing.
can help by cleaning up previously unstructured
data using the latest techniques in Natural

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 15

5.2 Privacy Enhancing Technologies

PETs are another set of emerging technologies jurisdictions or silos within their own organization as
that have the potential to alter the cybersecurity well as with work collaboratively using sensitive data
and information‑sharing landscape. PETs can give with third‑parties opens the door to a number of
assurances to senior leaders that the benefits business use cases that are currently restricted or
of data sharing can be realized at the same prevented by regulatory and legal barriers.
time as adhering to data protection and privacy
requirements as well as managing corporate risk by As outlined in the World Economic Forum’s
“enabling the analysis and the sharing of insights whitepaper on PETs – there are two important
without requiring the sharing of the underlying data categories of techniques that can underpin next
itself”. 19 These technologies will be essential for the generation information‑sharing programmes.20
future of information sharing because overcoming
lacking trust or legal mandates will demand that 1. Encrypted computation: a suite of algorithms
systems have safeguards in place to protect that enable parties (particularly in low‑trust
against malicious attempts to access and/or derive environments) to compute queries on each
sensitive data from within them. other’s data without ever learning the other
party’s data, including federated analysis,
Specifically, this could be transformative for homomorphic encryption, zero‑knowledge
enabling joint investigations between the public proofs and secure, multiparty computation.
and private sectors, which can drive collective
action. These technologies could be used to identify 2. Differential privacy: can be used to limit
potential data and investigative opportunities in the amount of private information leaked by
different organizations and jurisdictions with high the results of these queries, shared data or
levels of assurance and integrity without sharing models by adding noise to a data set so that
the data with each other directly. For private it is impossible to reverse engineer the
companies, the ability to secure shared data across individual outputs.

5.3 Encrypted computation

The ability to make analytic computations over standards and there are open consortiums that are
data that is already encrypted could represent a working together to ensure global interoperability
transformative shift for organizations looking to and accessibility of the technology.21
collaborate with a wider ecosystem of partners
while maintaining complete confidentiality, security HE alleviates the need for a trusted third party by
and managing associated risks. also enabling the encryption of analytics as well.
Protecting the privacy of sensitive data, analytics and
Data has three basic states: at‑rest, in‑transit AI models, this opens up new ways in which multiple
and in‑use. Organizations that handle sensitive or parties can collaborate to glean deeper insights while
confidential data typically protect the privacy and overcoming trust and security challenges.
confidentiality of their data by encryption.
Organizations that are pioneering this technology for
Traditionally, encryption is used to protect data information sharing are now seeing these benefits:
when it is at‑rest or when the data is in‑transit.
Whenever data needs, however, to be processed, – Secure and federated data analysis:
analysed, manipulated or used in any way, the organizations can have their encrypted data
data needs to be decrypted – leaving the data analysed by AI and analysts without revealing
vulnerable, particularly when shared and analysed the underlying data
by third parties.
– Secure data linkage: multiple organizations
Algorithms such as Homomorphic Encryption can contribute encrypted data for joint analysis
(HE) can start to address this strategic issue. HE and investigations
allows computations to be performed on encrypted
data, thereby keeping data secure throughout the – Secure search: organizations can send
data lifecycle. While the mathematical theory has encrypted queries to one‑another’s databases
been known for some time, recent advances have without revealing the details of their query
accelerated the potential real‑world applications
and made HE practical for computations on – Privacy‑preserving machine learning: can
data sets, and its ability to perform at scale. encrypt AI models, protecting the model itself
The technology is now rapidly moving to global while preserving accuracy

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 16

In the future, investigative authorities and the private a computation to multiple parties, so no individual
sector could be further enabled by advances in party can see the other parties’ data and nobody
Secure Multi‑Party Computation (SMPC). SMPC sees the complete set of inputs, thereby rendering
uses a set of cryptographic protocols that distribute any intercepted data between parties worthless.

5.4 Differential privacy

For some parties who are sharing cyberthreat obfuscation rather than encryption. It is performed
information, a further level of protection may be by altering the statistical properties of data or
required. While the previous approaches protect models to prevent adversaries from reconstructing
organizations’ data through encryption, the results the original data. Classical data techniques for
of encrypted data analytics can, in some cases, obfuscating PII (e.g. redacting data, releasing only
reveal sensitive information. For example, AI and aggregated data) are examples of obfuscation
ML models can leak information about the data techniques with weaker privacy guarantees than
that was used to train them, even if the model was differential privacy.
trained entirely on encrypted data. Fortunately, there
exist techniques for ensuring that the final outputs Differential privacy is an active field of research and
of data analytics pipelines do not leak sensitive several challenges remain regarding its practical
information about the underlying data (e.g. PII). implementation and applicability. Chief among
them is that differentially private models tend to
Differential privacy is one leading such technique, have worse accuracy than non‑differentially private
which is used today by companies like Google ones. In general, the stronger a model’s differential
and Apple to collect data from their users without privacy guarantee, the worse the model’s quality.
compromising the users’ privacy. Roughly, it For enterprises charged with defending their
works by altering learned models to ensure that networks in real time, more work needs to be
no single piece of input data contributes too much done to understand the practical applicability of
to the final model. Differential privacy is part of a such models that balance privacy and sharing
broader class of privacy techniques that rely on actionable insight.

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 17

6 CDA case study: using PET
to drive collective action in
the cybercrime ecosystem
It takes a network to defeat a network.

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 18

The Cyber Defence Alliance (CDA) is a non‑profit To identify and disrupt these types of criminal
public‑private partnership headquartered in the services, law enforcement must collect data from
United Kingdom that worlds collectively and a wider range of sources than ever before. Major
collaboratively throughout the financial sector and barriers exist, however, in being able to quickly
law enforcement to proactively share information to and proactively identify relevant sources and follow
fight cybercrime and counter cyberthreats. strict procedures to compel institutions to provide
any pertinent data linked with potentially malicious
The CDA was established as a way of building trust activity. Consequently, acting at pace to be able to
between its founding members and law enforcement detect and investigate potential cybercrime‑linked
authorities to be able to proactively detect and activity is often delayed by the inability to coordinate
disrupt cyberthreats. Its core capabilities are centred multiple parties, data sets with the correct request,
on members being able to share information and authorities and disclosure processes. Criminals
this be enriched and analysed to provide actionable exploit these gaps to evade detection.
intelligence for industry and law enforcement.
Federated data analysis powered by the ability
The cybercrime economy operates as a platform to compute queries over encrypted data offers
business, with groups of specialists taking a step change to this process. PETs and legal
specific roles or providing services to complete provisions protect the disclosure of information,
the end‑to‑end business processes needed to but the data is accessible for analysis and
successfully commit crime.22 There are two broad, matching between institutions enabling them to
interconnected sets of criminal services: conduct collaborative investigations.

– Technical services that provide the infrastructure The advantage of a privacy preserving analytical
and expertise for attacks, exploitation capability, is that it can enable the distribution
vulnerabilities and gain access to sensitive data of tactical search queries, without disclosing the
and networks to then be monetized search terms to the authorities. This negates the
risks of disclosure and regulatory breach, while
– Cash‑out and laundering services to enable the providing an investigative capability for authorities
successful monetization of stolen data throughout multiple entities.

6.1 The pilot: secure and confidential querying

Within the CDA, a consortium of four global financial activity. Intelligence requirements and data sources
institutions and the UK’s Metropolitan Police used were pre‑agreed by all participants. This allowed the
a PET‑enabled collaborative platform to improve automatic exchange of data across participants’
their ability to identify fraud in data by interrogating systems, saving time resources for investigative teams
each other’s systems for suspicious cybercrime while retaining a higher level of integrity than previously.

FIGURE PET and joint investigations

Encrypted queries Inquirer and

Bank A Data owner

Bank A



Inquirer and CDA

Inquirer and
Data owner user
Data owner

Bank C Bank B

Bank C Bank B
user user
Source: duality technologies.

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 19

6.2 Results

The CDA is a pioneering case study for a seen suspicious accounts closed before law
potential future operating model of cybercrime enforcement had been able to continue the
investigations. By coordinating an interoperable investigation with the bank in question.
solution throughout multiple commercial parties
and public authorities sensitive search parameters Timely responses from partner banks enabled more
pertinent to cybercrime investigations, including efficient responses to detect and deter malicious
PII, account numbers, transaction data and activity. For law enforcement this ability meant being
competitive information, remained encrypted able to take proactive, timely action that ensured
during the process so that the subjects of they could stop funds before they were transferred
investigations remained protected at all times. further through the laundering network.

Compliance and preservation of privacy and Improved attribution and case building by
confidentiality: Encryption protects the sensitive banks and law enforcement (as a result of better
query details. No sensitive data was exposed information delivered in a timely manner), reduced
during the process. Confidential querying also criminals’ return on investment and potentially their
prevented insider tip offs, which could have ability to operate.

Until now it’s been like Sophie’s choice — guaranteed privacy of sensitive
data versus supporting the fight against criminality. HE means we keep both
— sharing insights without sharing customer details
Paul Branley, Director of Strategy and Innovation, Lloyds Banking Group

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 20

ecosystem for
A platform joining up information from
disparate data sources and sectors;
a single view for security.

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 21

CONCORDIA is a H2020 European Union‑funded controlling the information. This foundational model
project comprising 55 industry and academic and way of working also allowed more mature
partners. Its goal is to build a secure, resilient organizations to then build federated machine
and trusted ecosystem. Information sharing is learning approaches, leveraging the data sets of
one of the most important aspects to address. different participants, but preserving the privacy of
This has resulted in the creation of “Threat data to enhance security.
Intelligence Platforms for Europe”, which has
enabled cross‑sector (telecommunications, finance) The CONCORDIA platform is a way of joining up
collaboration in a wide variety of data sets and information from disparate data sources and sectors,
requirements.15 thereby presenting a single view over Open‑Source
Intelligence (OSINT) information, based on financial
The respective project activity recognized that services information and telecommunications‑related
effective information sharing between different data. The platform was built on existing, freely
organizations in disparate sectors is not trivial and, available open‑source components, including the
as a result, a comprehensive plan was designed Malware Information and threat Sharing Platform
to overcome this. A mutual cyber intelligence (MISP) and the Incident Clearing House developed
sharing agreement was first drafted that allowed during the project “Advanced Cyber Defence Centre”
users of institutions to define the data they wanted (ACDC).23 With this platform in place, different use
to share, with whom, duration of the intelligence cases can be more easily applied, which assist with
sharing, spatial and temporal characteristics (e.g. the defensive posture of participants. This includes
only shared in a specific country or for a specific incident response and automated exchange of
period) and the definition of roles for accessing and attack information.

FIGURE CONCORDIA’s Threat Intelligence Platforms

Honey Net

IoT sensors

Anti-DDos AI/ML
eHealth Other pilot Threat intelligence GSMA/
External tip
Finance CIRCL


CTI data IoT data Privacy preserving

Partner data
(Cybersecurity Competence
for Research and Innovation)

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 22

To address the barriers of better information to deliver situational awareness in the face of
sharing, the community puts forward the following increasingly complex technology environments.
recommendations. These are aimed at specific These need to be effective across national
parts of the security ecosystem that can help boundaries as well as throughout supply chains.
address the barriers outlined in the report and help Information‑sharing initiatives should ensure that
expediate some of the solutions identified. their data formats are open, easily available and
widely shared to encourage interoperability and
Enterprise leadership cross‑sector collaboration. Having open formats
– Organizational leadership needs to treat allows for easy sharing of threat information
cyber information sharing as a strategic between jurisdictions and sectors.
capability and governed at a more senior level
outside operational teams. With more senior Policy and industry leadership
governance and oversight, leadership can – Sector‑specific guidance and frameworks
better build and resource information‑sharing should be created that map pre‑existing
capabilities. This covers the investment in privacy and rights‑based principals,
internal operational capabilities and technical responsibilities, harms and remedies to the
platforms as well the necessary internal creation and management of cross‑sector
processes to engage external entities at a more information‑sharing efforts. By providing
systematic level. Leadership can significantly clear guidelines for ethical and responsible
aid this process by providing assurance in information sharing, existing communities will be
a fragmented legal and policy landscape, able to rapidly innovate without being held back
including with appropriate oversight, potentially by uncertainty about possible harm.
sharing what could be classified as sensitive
and proprietary information. – Legal and compliance meta‑information‑sharing
efforts should be conducted to provide
Cybersecurity leadership clarity about these concerns. This reduces
– Investigative authorities and information‑sharing the obstacles that stand in the way of
bodies should be exploring the potential information sharing. Ongoing active and
applications for PETs in their operational public sharing of legal interpretation and
partnerships and processes. More assessment compliance best‑practices related to
work is required to identify new pilots to information sharing should be undertaken
assess and applicability for cybersecurity and by existing sharing communities. This will
cybercrime use cases, especially in being able reduce the initial resources required for
to facilitate more effective joint investigations. organizations to evaluate the risk/rewards of
Regulators and government bodies, especially taking on cyber information‑sharing efforts
those with oversight of cybersecurity as well as the ongoing resources required for
investigations and sharing bodies, need to issue information‑sharing communities to ensure
guidance to entities on the applications, use and they maintain compliance in a fragmented and
deployment of PET technology to accelerate ever‑shifting legal and policy landscape.
their adoption.
– More work is required to examine and promote
– Information‑sharing communities need to effective incentives, positive and negative,
promote the use and potential of existing for participation in the information‑sharing
no‑cost and open‑source tools, contribute ecosystem. The promotion of market and
resources to the ongoing development regulatory incentives to address the gaps,
and maintenance of those tools and such as enhanced regulation, standards and
actively participate in open‑source software especially the insurance market, might be
communities. Trusted and scalable cyber required to promote and scale up information
information sharing requires shared, flexible, sharing through the cybersecurity ecosystem.
trusted, widespread and low‑cost technology
underpinning it. The most effective way to Research and operational community
rapidly develop cyber information sharing is to – More research and deployments are needed to
collectively advance the quality, flexibility and make AI and ML more operationally accessible
security of existing freely available technology. as a defensive and information‑sharing capability.
More deployments will enable the community
– Work is required to make information‑sharing to start focusing on new threat intelligence
frameworks and technical standards frameworks and AI‑based models. New sharing
interoperable between jurisdictions and sectors. capabilities should be promoted that are able to
New models and enriched information‑sharing share unstructured or loosely structured data,
frameworks will also need to be developed which can be fed into AI and ML pipelines.

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 23

Lead Authors Kathrin Lotto
Head of Corporate Marketing, Duality Technologies
David Balson
Director of Intelligence, Ripjar Technologies Sheetal S. Mehta
Group Chief Information Security Officer, WIPRO
William Dixon
Head of Future Networks and Technology, Centre Michael Meli
for Cybersecurity, World Economic Forum Chief Information Security Officer, Julius Baer

The Forum would like to thank the following for their Arina Pazushko
contributions. Head of External Affairs, BI.ZONE

Arwa Alhamad Neal Pollard

Cyber Security Enablement Director, stc Chief Information Security Officer, UBS

Fahad D. Alsehli Fernando Ruiz

Threat Intelligence and Vulnerability Management Head of Operations, European Cybercrime Centre
Director, stc
Dimitry Samarstev
Phillip Amann Chief Executive Officer, BI.ZONE
Head of Strategy, European Cybercrime Centre
Rina Shainsky
Yasser N. Alswailem Co‑Founder, Duality Technologies
Cyber Security Vice‑President, stc
Maninder Singh Narang
Carlos Alvarez del Pino Corporate Vice-President, Cyber Security and
Director of SSR Engagement, ICAAN Governance, HCL Technologies

Daniel Bagge Bill Trent

Cyber Attache, National Cyber and Information Managing Director, Accenture Security
Security Agency (Czech Republic)
Joseph Trohak
Sandro Bucchianeri Chief Information Security Officer, Scotia Bank
Chief Security Officer, ABSA
Seamus Tuohy
Maya Bundt Director, Information Security, Human Rights Watch
Head, Cyber and Digital Solutions, Swiss Re
Maria Vello
Belisario Contreras Chief Executive Officer, Cyber Defence Alliance
Manager, Cybersecurity Program, Organization of
American States (OAS) Ellison Anne Williams
Chief Executive Officer, Enveil
Gabi Dreo Rodosek
Executive Director of the Research Institute CODE, Bob Xie
Full Professor of Communication Director Huawei Cybersecurity Transparency
Centre, Huawei
Giulia Fanti
Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University

Samantha Kight
Security Operations Director, GSMA

Olaf Kruidof
Team Lead of Capability and Innovation, Europol

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 24

14. https://documents‑dds‑
15. Ibid Section VII
16. https://us‑
17. https://us‑
18. https://www.misp‑, https://thehive‑,‑Project/Cortex17, https://
23. https://www.misp‑‑‑sharing‑platformcentral‑clearing‑house/25,

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security 25

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