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e Are Commited To Business
Our vision is to reduce poverty in To provide "Quality Product for
India by teaching Business Healthy living" and "To grow with
Strategies to every walk of life with you to provide an environment
interactive courses. conducive to all round excellence".
Being a people oriented company,
we consider our Business Associate
as our true assets, and care about
their lives, careers and business
interests as well as well-being. This
will help us on achieving the
highest standards of business
excellence to pursue our mission
which will keep us constantly ahead
of competition.
earn in proportion to the efforts you put in. The incentives a
ha need-by 00 m oi oi nlii!,.thl~-i\!·ratJD=Del~1'ftlfm,;:)n("PG=Gfll~t-R~t-it~i'~
group becomes successful, you become even more successful.

Anybody who wants to start an independent business can

become a Finedwise Business Associate. To become a

has to become a Finedwise Business Associate by

the contract and has to abide by the terms & co
Finedwise Software Private Limited.
I the incentives in Finedwise are subject to the Business Volume (BV) and Point Value (PV) points earned by Business
sociates on purchasing and sellingof products of the company.

elling Finedwise Products directly to the customers is the first step to success and building a solid foundation for your
usiness. Retail Selling is the surest method of earning immediate income even as you build a long term business and

Retail profit is the margin between the prices at which the Finedwise Business Associates purchase the products
(Discounted Price / DP) and the price at which these products are sold (Maximum Retail Price / MRP). Business
in Finedwise Compensation Plan can earn Retail profit of upto 20% on MRP of the products.

For Example: Every product in the Finedwise portfolio has a MRP & Discounted Price (DP).lf a product has a MRP of Rs.
500/-. Finedwise Business Associate can purchase the same product on DP which is Rs.400/- and may resell the same
product on M RPand earn Rs.100/- (i.e 20% profit) on reselling the product.
MRP-DP = Retail Profit
DP= 100
Retail Profit = 500-400 = 100/-
20% Retail Profit

• DPis referred asDiscounted Price
• MRPis referred as Maximum Retail Price
• Retail Profit is not calculated and paid by the company.
• Finedwise reservesthe rightto further give discount on any product below DP.
Finedwise Compensation Plan pays its Business Associates Group Business Incentive on every product purchase in
the form of Level Income. This is the simplest form of compensation to compensate Business Associates on the
business generated in different levels in their team. When a Finedwise Business Associate introduces a customer
directly and such customer buys a Product and becomes Finedwise Business Associate and he /she too further
introduces other customers / Business Associate, it makes a group. Sale of each product in a group generates
special points called Business Volume (BV) for all Business Associates in the upward network. Finedwise Business
Associates are compensated with 31% of BV generated in 40 levels under his / her team as mentioned in the below


21st _ 40th 0.20%

• Group BusinessIncentive iscalculated and paid on monthly basis.
• Closing Period: Group BusinessIncentive is calculated on the Businessdone
between 1" & so" dayof every month.
• Payout Period: Group Business Incentive is paid on is" day of every
corresponding month of the closing month.
• Active Business is calculated after all cancellations and refunds deducted
from the current payout period.
• Company reservesthe rightto change/ modify Group BusinessIncentive.
I provide you a dream career and financial security Finedwise presents Performance Incentives. A Business Associate can earn
pto 24% of differential incentives from his / her immediate downline. For a Business Associate, the total BV points generated by
im / her and his / her introduced customers / Business Associates in a month are called as Accumulated Business Volume (ABV)
oints. Performance Incentive is paid to the Business Associates on the basis of the total Accumulated Business Volume since his /
er registration as Business Associate known as Gross Accumulated Business Volume (GABV). This incentive grows with the s, s
lone by Business Associates you personally sponsor in the business.


1 10000 BV 5% Executive
2 3 Executives in 3 Legs 8% Manager
3 3 Managers in 3 Legs 11% Senior Manager
4 3 Sr. Managers in 3 Legs 14% Director
5 3 Directors in 3 Legs 17% Senior Director
6 3 Senior Directors in 3 Legs 20% Vice President
7 3 Vice Presidents in 3 Le s 24% President


• Performance Incentive is calculated and paid on monthly basis.

• Closing Period: Performance Incentive is calculated on the Businessdone between 1" & last day of every month.
• Payout Period: Performance Incentive is paid on is" day of every corresponding month of the closing month.
• No time limit for achieving any level.
• The level once achieved remains same irrespective of business achieved in corresponding months.
• Active Business is calculated after all cancellations and refunds deducted from the current payout period.
• Company reserves the right to change / modify Performance Incentive.
Finedwise is conscious of the needs of its Business Associate to relax
and enjoy life by visiting distant places. For this Finedwise ~
Compensation Plan has created travel fund forthe Business Associate
who have achieved the recognition level of Senior Director. To give
away this Travel Fund Finedwise Business Compensation Plan contributes
5% of Company's monthly BVturnover and pays the allocated amount equally among all the Travel Fund achievers.


• Travel Fund iscalculated and paid on monthly basis.

• Closing Period: Travel Fund is calculated on the Businessdone between 1" & last dayof every month.
• Payout Period: Travel Fund is paid on is" day of every corresponding month of the closing month.
• TheTravel Fund isto be used fortravel trips announced by the company.
• A BusinessAssociate qualified for Travel Fundcan earn a maximum ofRs. 25,000/- per month asTravel Fund.

ncourage Business Associates to achieve their dream of owning a luxury car, Finedwise has made a provision of car
fund for the Business Associates who have achieved the recognition level of Vice President. To give away this Carfund,
Finedwise Compensation Plan allocates 3% of company's monthly BV turnover and pays the allocated amount equally
among all the Car Fund achievers.

• Car Fund is calculated and paid on monthly basis.
• Closing Period: CarFund iscalculated on the Businessdone between 1" & last day of every month.
• Payout Period: CarFund is paid on is" day of every corresponding month of the closing month.
• A BusinessAssociate qualifying for CarFund hasto purchase car after getting an approval from the company.
• A BusinessAssociate qualified for CarFund can earn a maximum of Rs.60,000/- per month ascarfund .

encourage Business Associates to achieve his dream of owning a valuable and comfortable house, Finedwise has
ade a provision of House Fund for the Business Associates who have achieved the recognition level of President. To
away this House fund, Finedwise Compensation Plan allocates 2% ofcompany's monthly BVturnover and pays the
IIocated amount equally among all the House Fund achievers.

• House Fund iscalculated and paid on monthly basis.
• Closing Period: House Fund is calculated on the Businessdone between 1" & last day of every month.
• Payout Period: House Fund is paid on is" day of every corresponding month of the closing month.
• A BusinessAssociate qualifying for House Fund hasto purchase House after getting an approval from the company.
• A BusinessAssociate qualified for House Fund can earn a maximum of Rs.80,000/- ashouse fund.

. inedwise has devised a unique Compensation Plan where in a
iness Associate can earn by transacting in exclusive products. Sale
fthese exclusive products in a team generates special points called as
urchase Volume (PV). Finedwise reward its Business Associates with
eam Development Incentive fortheir efforts in supporting them to get
ssociated based on the first order they place. The Team Development
•spect of the Compensation Plan is calculated from your network, with
Business Teams - Left Team & Right Team. When a Business Associate
uccessfully builds Purchase Volume (PV) within the network, he / she
I ill be rewarded with the Team Development Incentive. As their team
I rows, they will be entitled to get Team Development Incentive based
• Team Development Incentive is calculated on daily basis
I the Balanced Purchase Volume generated on either side. and paid on weekly basis.
• Closing Period: Team Development Incentive is calculated
r Example: A Business Associate purchases product of 700 PV and is on business done between 00:00:00 am to 23:59:59 pm
I ble to recommend sales of 700 PV in Left Team and 1400 PV in Right • Payout Period: Team Development Incentive is paid to
leam or vice versa in the ratio of 1:2 or 2:1, it makes 1 Team BusinessAssociates on every corresponding Friday of
Closing week.
evelopment Incentive point and makes him / her eligible to earn 20% • To earn Team Development Incentive, BusinessAssociates
must have 2 personal enrolled teams.
I f business matched as Team Development Incentive. Further,
• Maximum threshold limit of earning Team Development
inedwise Compensation Plan rewards Business Associates with each Incentive on daily is Rs. 1120/-.
• Active Business is calculated after all cancellations and
eam Development Incentive point on matching of Purchase Volume in refunds deducted from the current payout period.
teams in the ratio of 1:1. • Company reserves the right to change / modify the Team
Development Incentive.
On business matching of700 PVin Left Team and 700 PV in
Right Team, Business Associates earn 1 Smilie. Finedwise
Compensation Plan truly rewards the efforts done by its
Business Associates who have purchased exclusive
products by giving a booster to earn higher Business
Matching Incentive on daily basis. Criteria for increasing
Team Development Incentive per day are as follows:




Leadership is a skill encompassing the ability of an individual to
guide other individuals to achieve a goal and a leader is one who i~iii
knows the way, goes the way and shows the way to achieve that
goal. To encourage this leadership
Business Associates for their
and further
sales and their
reward the
organizational sales, Finedwise Compensation Plan rewards its
Business Associates with Team Development Incentive paid to
your referred Business Associates and to the Business
Associates referred by them as mentioned below:



Levell 10% 1400 PV in 2 Teams

Level 2 5% New sale of 700 PV
1. The Customer Registration isabsolutely free and the company does not ask
for any registration fee for it.
2. Calculations of daily & monthly bonuses will be carried out by the software
3. All necessary tax deductions from earned incomes and rewards would be
made as perthe Govt.laws.
4. All the illustrations and examples given herein are just for readers'
understanding purpose.
[ 5. All the calculations work on the pro rata basis.
6. Finedwise Compensation Plan is a hardcore sales & marketing of its
Products & Services. It is not any type of money making scheme. It is not an
overnight millionaire making program.
7. The incomes from any plan are subject to your efforts and as per terms &
conditions given on the
8. All rights reserved. The company may change / amend / alter / update any
income or payment calculation method without any prior information. For
updates pleasevisit our

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