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Fourth: Program Outline

The program is made up of 135 credit hours divided as follows: -

Requirements Credit Hours
Compulsory Optional Total
General Education Program 18 12 30
(University Requirements)
College Compulsory Requirements 15 -- 15
Specialization Requirements 69 12 81
Islamic Supporting Courses -- 9 9
Total 102 33 135
A. University Compulsory Requirements (18 credit hours – 6 courses)
# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Credit Hours Level Prerequisite
1 0101100 ‫الثقافة اإلسالمية‬ Islamic Culture 3 1 --
2 0309100 ‫مقدمة إلى اإلحصاء‬ Introduction to 3 1 --
3 0003100 ‫مقدمة إلى تقنيات‬ Introduction to 3 1 --
4 0201100 ‫مهارات االتصال باللغة‬ Communication 3 1 --
Skills in Arabic
5 0209100 ‫مهارات االتصال باللغة‬ Communication 3 1 --
Skills in English I
1 ‫اإلنجليزية‬
6 0209200 ‫مهارات االتصال باللغة‬ Communication 3 2 Communication Skills
Skills in English II in English I
2 ‫اإلنجليزية‬

B. University Optional Requirements (12 credit hours – 4 courses)

Students shall choose one course only from each of the following four groups:
Group One: Humanities and Social Sciences (3 credit hours – one course)
# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Credit Hours Level Prerequisite
1 0301100 ‫مقدمة إلى علم االقتصاد‬ Introduction to 3 1 --
2 0001101 ‫حقوق اإلنسان‬ Human Rights 3 1 --
3 0001102 ‫مدخل إلى الفن المرئي‬ Introduction to 3 1 --
Visual Art
4 0001103 ‫مدخل إلى القانون‬ Introduction to 3 1 --
5 0001104 ‫مقدمة إلى علم االجتماع‬ Introduction to 3 1 --
6 0001105 ‫مقدمة إلى علم الفلسفة‬ Introduction to 3 1 --
7 0001106 ‫مقدمة إلى علم النفس‬ Introduction to 3 1 --

Group Two: Historical, Islamic and Cultural Studies (3 credit hours – one course)
# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Credit Hours Level Prerequisite
1 0101101 ‫الحضارة اإلسالمية‬ Islamic Civilization 3 1 --
2 0202100 ‫تاريخ العالم الحديث‬ History of the 3 1 --
Modern World
3 0202101 ‫تاريخ الشرق األوسط‬ History of the 3 1 --
Middle East
4 0002101 ‫العولمة وثقافة التعايش بين‬ Globalization and 3 1 --
the Culture of
Coexistence among
Group Three: Mathematics and Information Technology (3 credit hours – one course)
# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Credit Hours Level Prerequisite
Introduction to Introduction to IT
1 0003201 ‫مقدمة إلى قواعد البيانات‬ 3 2
2 0003202 ‫مقدمة إلى المنطق الحسابي‬ Introduction to
3 2
Introduction to IT
Mathematical Logic
3 0003203 ‫مقدمة إلى البرمجة‬ Introduction to Introduction to IT
Computer 3 2
4 0003204 ‫مقدمة إلى تصميم صفحات‬ Introduction to Introduction to IT
Web Page Design 3 2

Group Four: Natural and Biological Sciences (3 credit hours – one course)
Prerequisite Level Credit Hours Course Title ‫اسم المساق‬ Code #
-- 1 3 Man and ‫اإلنسان والبيئة‬ 0004101 1
-- 1 3 Health Awareness ‫الوعي الصحي‬ 0004102 2
-- 1 3 Human Biology ‫بيولوجيا اإلنسان‬ 0004103 3

C. College (Compulsory) Requirements

The requirements of the College of Arts & Humanities are composed of 15 credit
hours divided into 5 courses, as follows: -
# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Credit Hours Level Prerequisite
1 0200101 ‫األسس النفسية للسلوك‬ Psychological --
Foundations of 3 1
‫االجتماعي‬ Social Behavior
2 0200102 ‫الحضارة االنسانية‬ Human Civilization 3 1 --
4 0200103 ‫مقدمة إلى دراسة التاريخ‬ Introduction to 3 1 --
Study of History
3 0200204 ‫الكتابة والخط العربي‬ Writing and 3 2 --
5 0200201 ‫مناهج وأساليب البحث‬ Scientific Research 3 2 --
Methodologies and
D. Specialization Requirements
(1) Specialization Compulsory Requirements: Students shall study 69 credit
hours as specialization compulsory requirements divided into 25 courses, as
# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Credit Level Prerequisite
1 0201101 )1( ‫البالغة‬ Rhetoric (1) 3 1 --
2 0201102 Applied Arabic --
)1( ‫النحو التطبيقي‬ 3 1
Grammar (1)
5 0201103 Applied Arabic --
)1( ‫الصرف التطبيقي‬ 2 1
Morphology (1)
9 0201104 ‫األدب في العصر‬ Literature in the --
Pre-Islamic Era of 3 1
‫الجاهلي‬ Ignorance
3 0201201 )2( ‫البالغة‬ Rhetoric (2) 3 2 Rhetoric (1)
4 0201202 Applied Arabic Applied Arabic
)2( ‫النحو التطبيقي‬ 3 2
Grammar (2) Grammar (1)
13 0201203 )2( ‫الصرف التطبيقي‬ Applied Arabic 2 2 Applied Arabic
Morphology (2) Morphology (1)
6 0201204 Arabic --
‫علم األصوات العربية‬ 3 2
7 0201205 Prosody and --
‫علم العروض والقافية‬ 3(2+2) 2
8 0201206 Reading and Communication
‫مهارات القراءة والفهم‬ Comprehension 3 2 Skills in Arabic
Skills Language
10 0201207 Literature in the Literature in the Pre-
‫األدب في عصر صدر‬ Early Islamic Era Islamic Era of
3 2
‫االسالم والعصر األموي‬ and the Umayyad Ignorance
17 0201208 Lexicography --
‫علم الداللة والمعاجم‬ 3(2+2) 2
and Pragmatics
23 0201209 Arabic Language Communication
‫اللغة العربية في االعالم‬ in Media 3(2+2) 2 Skills in Arabic
11 0201301 Old Literary Rhetoric (2)
‫النقد األدبي القديم‬ 3 3
12 0201302 Applied Arabic Applied Arabic
)3( ‫النحو التطبيقي‬ 3 3
Grammar (3) Grammar (2)
15 0201303 ‫األدب في العصر‬ Literature in the Literature in the
Abbasid Era 3(2+2) 3 Early Islamic Era and
‫العباسي‬ the Umayyad Era
18 0201304 Arabic Lexicography and
‫علم اللغة‬ 3(2+2) 3
Linguistics Pragmatics
# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Credit Level Prerequisite
19 0201305 Qur’anic and Rhetoric (2)
‫البيان القرآني والنبوي‬ Prophetic 3 3
22 0201306 Specialized Reading and
‫الكتابة المتخصصة‬ Writing 3 3 Comprehension
16 0201310 ‫التدريب العملي‬ Internship 0 3 75 credit hours
14 0201401 ‫األدب في العصر‬ Literature in Literature in the
Andalusia 3 4 Abbasid Era
20 0201402 Modern Arabic --
‫األدب العربي الحديث‬ 3 4
21 0201403 Applied Arabic Applied Arabic
)4( ‫النحو التطبيقي‬ 3 4
Grammar (4) Grammar (3)
24 0201404 Rhetorical Rhetoric (2)
‫تطبيقات بالغية‬ 2 4
25 0201410 ‫مشروع التخرج‬ Graduate Project 3 4 Graduation

(2) Specialization Optional Requirements: (12 credit hours – 4 courses)

 Language Courses Group (6 credit hours – two courses)
Students shall choose two courses of the following:
# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Credit Level Prerequisite
1 0201405 ‫والقراءات‬ ‫اللهجات‬ Dialects and the 3 Arabic Phonology
Qur’anic Various
‫القرآنية‬ 4
Modes of
2 0201406 ‫علم االسلوب‬ Stylistics 3 4 Rhetoric (2)
3 0201407 ‫علم اللغة التقابلي‬ Contrastive 3
Lexicography and
Linguistics Pragmatics
4 0201408 ‫فقه اللغة العربية‬ Arabic Philology 3 4 Arabic Linguistics
 Literature Courses Group (6 credit hours – two courses)
Students shall choose two courses of the following:
# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Credit Level Prerequisite
1 0201409 ‫األدب المقارن‬ Comparative 3 4 --
2 Children --
‫أدب األطفال لغته‬ Literature:
0201307 3 3
‫وأساليبه‬ Language and
3 0201411 ‫األدب في عصر الدول‬ Literature in the 3 4 Literature in the Pre-
Era of Islamic Era of
Consecutive Ignorance
4 0201412 ‫أدب الخليج‬ Gulf Literature 3 4 --

Supporting Islamic Courses (9 credit hours – 3 courses)

Students shall choose three courses from the following:

# Code ‫اسم المساق‬ Course Title Credit Level Prerequisite
1 Introduction to --
‫المدخل إلى الفقه‬ the Islamic
‫اإلسالمي‬ Jurisprudence
(Fiqh) 3 1
2 0100102 ‫علوم القرآن الكريم‬ Sciences of the 3 1 --
Holy Quran
3 0100103 ‫علوم الحديث الشريف‬ Sciences of the 3 1 --
4 )1( ‫فقه العبادات‬ Fiqh of Worship Introduction to the
0100206 (1) (Prayer & 3 2 Islamic Jurisprudence
)‫(الصالة والصيام‬ Fasting) (Fiqh)
5 0100305 Fiqh of Da’wah Sciences of the Holy
‫فقه الدعوة وأساليبها‬ and Its Quran
3 3

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