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2080.7 Sout Baia C.R. 2051051935 CoC No 69345 SINOPEC Engineering Group Saudi Co. Ltd 10 February 2020 Sinopes (SEG) Building, Prince Sultan Street P.O. Box 2396, 31952 Al-Khobar Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Atin.: Mr. Shen Chao 10100-25380-TRS-SEG-L-0034 Purchase Order Number 1010025380 Very Important Safety Training: Electrical Hazard Recognition Training Dear Sir, CONTRACTOR writes to proactively remind SUBCONTRACTOR about the mandatory safety training for Electrical Hazard Recognition Training required for all SUBCONTRACTOR's work permit receivers (WPR) who receives permit for work above 240V. The following clauses of G.I No. 2.721 mandate that: 10.2 Saudi Aramco and Contractor employees who conduct electrical worl/perform switching on electrical equipment operated at higher than 240 volts, must possess a valid Saudi Aramco Electrical Hazards Recognition (EHR) Certificate, resulting from the successful completion of BET # 40057766 and BET # 40084962. (recertification), * 10.7 In addition to the minimum requirements of GI 2.100 Work Permit System, work permits for electrical work above 240V must be signed by at least one individual with valid EHR and CESOR certification. This ean be either the issuer, receiver or countersignature, who has participated in the joint site inspection in order to ensure the process includes a competent review of the hazards. * 10.8 ‘The work permit receiver for electrical work above 240 must have a valid EHR cerfifcate. In addition for the following tasks above 1000V, the work pernit receiver must also have both a valid EHR certificate and HDPT certificate. + receive or release clearances, + test for potentials, + apply/remove grounds on electrical equipment Clearly, if SUBCONTRACTOR's work permit receivers are not able to obtain the Electrical Hazard Recognition Training, they cannot be issued the work permit intended for electrical works above 240V. Therefore, any work stoppages causing substantial delays arising therefrom shall undeniably be SUBCONTRACTOR's sole accountability. age tof? 0804 TOT, ARhabar 31852 A Saudi cia Tek + 90523 06 Bagusehl cilglédly oLeskll dyogarall olaiga Sus 45,4 Fon: + 966 13 816 S661 TFCNICAS RFUNIDAS SAUDIA FOR SFRVICFS & CONTRACTING CO. ITD. AT tio: 3007s0294500003, GR, 2051051935 CoC No.69345 aptal 536.5 millon Sous Riya! Due to the urgency of this matter, please immediately coordinate and liaise with CONTRACTOR's HSE Administrator, Mr. Nadeern Muhammad, in his mobile number 0515016681, and email address:, for any additional required information. This is for SUBCONTRACTOR’ strict compliance. Nothing in this letter should be construed as a waiver of any of the CONTRACTOR's rights. All of the CONTRACTOR's rights under the SUBCONTRACT and generally are hereby reserved, Yours sincerely, Antofio Lopez Pizarroso Site Manager Attachments: None Remarks: Urgent response Of Response required 1 For Information Page ot

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