St. Mary's College: College Department AY 2020-2021 Teacher Education

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Mary’s College
Quezon City

AY 2020-2021
Teacher Education

Subject: Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades
Name: Rizza M. Pacheo BEED – 2 Date: 03/24/21

I. True or False: Write C if the statement is correct; write I if the statement is incorrect.
1. Assumptions are essential for deeper thinking because they help us interpret
information more quickly.

2. Scientists sometimes compare different species to reach new conclusions.

3. It is alright to completely reject your initial assumptions about a situation.

4. Asking question is a good way to set your mind in motion.

5. The most powerful questions to ask are “yes” and “no” questions.

6. One of the best ways to become a strong asker of question is to remain curious.

7. Observing properly only requires use of your sense of sight.

8. Being a skillful observer may impede your ability to follow directions accurately.

9. Part of being an effective observer is learning how to handle distractions.

10. Your goal should be to avoid making mistakes at all costs.

11. An intelligent mistake should reveal new insights and directions.

12. Evaluation entails asking whether your solution solves your problem.

13. Einstein was able to generate some of his greatest discoveries by developing
evaluation skills while working at the patent office.

14. Evaluation of a solution is the step directly after making observations.

15. Critical and creative thinking skills will help you live a rich and full life.

16. Creativity is the ability to produce and express original ideas.

17.Your generation faces serious global challenges, and you might have a role to play
in developing solutions to these problems.

18.Using your imagination often leads to multiple solutions to one problem.

19.Lower order thinking is more easily defining or mastering facts.

20.Inquiry based learning asks questions that comes from the higher order thinking

II. Multiple choice. Choose the letter of the correct statement.

1. Critical and creative thinking skills will help you
a. As a student c. enter the workforce
b. Live a happy life d. all the above
2. Your goal regarding mistakes should be to make them
a. Never b. as little as possible c. as much d. intelligently
3. Which of the following professions relies on strong observational skills?
a. Police officer b. massage therapist c. script supervisor d. all of the above
4. Newton’s first Law of Inertia states that:
a. Things may be larger than they appear
b. A stationary object will remain unless another force acts on it
c. Light is fragmented underwater
d. The global climate is changing
5. Which of the following are steps of analysis?
a. Creating, connecting, and contrasting
b. Contrasting, countering, and connecting
c. Comparing, contrasting, and connecting
d. All the above
6. What does it mean to think critically?
a. To criticize things for their shortcomings.
b. To think actively
c. To consider things in logical manner
d. To imagine what it would be like to be criticized
7. What question should you have in mind when you encounter information?
a. Is it current?
b. Is it accurate?
c. Is the person providing the information an authority?
d. All the above
8. What are we concerned with when we ask if a person is providing information is an
a. Whether that person is in charge of people
b. If that person knows who the author is
c. If that person has relevant expertise in the subject being presented
d. If the author knows something no other author knows
9. What does it mean if an information is current?
a. It’s up to date
b. Its part of a new fad
c. It’s a hot topic
d. Its probably outdated or obsolete
10. A powerful question does which of the following?
a. Intrigues b. directs c. motivates d. all the above

III. Application: Identify the following questions as:

Interpretation question Inference question Reflective question Evaluative
1. How did the author feel about the character in the story? _______________
2. How do we know that the show on TV is telling the truth? _______________
3. What’s the most important thing you learned today? ________________
4. What surprised you in the activity? _________________
5. What are puppies like when they are born? ___________
6. Were learners satisfied with the program? _____________
7. What is the impact of the situation? _________________
8. What are positive and negative implications of possible decisions?
9. How did you arrive at that conclusion? ____________
10. What does cause ice to melt? ______________

IV. Answer the following questions briefly. (10 points each)

1. Pick a current social problem and brainstorm potential solutions to it.
2. Distinguish inquiry- based learning from differentiated instruction. Give examples
to defend your answer.

Prepared by:

Ms. Mary Jane G. Sabile


Reviewed by:
Dr. Maricel C. Fontanilla
Program Head -Teacher Education

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