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Advanc ed
Arabic Reader s



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•• l
r · ADVANCED ARAB IC :{,:ADl!:f{S.

Y'S" lo~ I I
J::xno s i tory \'/ri ting : ,~ 1
Inte ll eotu al nnd Soci a l 'rrend s

Dele c t ed anrl 1•;di t ed


Willi am ;.1. Br i nne r i,foun :i.h A, J<'. :iou r i

Asso ciRt e Prof es s o r o f Acti n~ As s is tant r ro f e t,sor
ile nr 1-:ast ern,u ·.r,e s o.f Ar abic

l. nive rsit y of Cali for nia

Berk e l e y , c ~ lifo r n i a

This is the second and final volume of Advanced Arabic

Readers prepared with the aim of presenting to English-sp eaking
f students at the universit y level varieties of Arabic prose
writing. r,n ereas the first volume contained examples from the
rte research r eported herein wa s µe r form e<l
field of the modern Arabic novel and short story, t he present
purs uant to a contr ,1c t 1, ith tlJ i) United 3 t o. t ,is
volume has as its goal introduci ng the student to expository
Offi ce of Edu c, ti on , Dep,rtm~nt of Healt h, writing: essays and articles i n what is, essential ly , j ournal-
Educat ion ~nd ~clfar e (un de r the provisi ons istic prose, in the best sense of that term.
In the Introduct ion to Volume I the criteria for the
of the Langual)e Developm c,nt .Fr of;r:m , ND1A) .
choice of tho s e sel ections which were included in the Reader
were discussed . In terms of the quantity of available mate-
rial alone, if the edi tors found it difficult to select from
among the large number of plays and short s tories , how much
more difficult it was to choose a limited number of selection s
f rom the vast realm of expositor y writing! In order to draw
some boundari es in this uncharted expanse, a topical arrange-
ment of m:i. terial vm s decided upon , This to pical structure ,
besid es providine a basis for narrowing do?m the area of ch0ice,
also offered i mportant pedagogic al advantage s and, therefore ,
see8ed to us t o be eminently justifi ed,
Thr ee major areas or cent r a l topics were decid ed on which
it was felt would be of interest to any student who had pur-
sued the study of modern Arabic to this level, the topics
being: Arabic culture, Arab Nationalis m, and Islam in the
World of Today. Thus problems of a cultural, political , or
Copyrii:;ht 1952 religious nature would be represent ed by writers intimatel y
By the Regents of the Unive r s ity of Ca lifor ni.a concerned with these questions , writing not to the "outside"
but to their fellow Arabs and Muslims. One of the pedagogic al
Printed i n t he 0nited Stc1t:es o.f A,l!~r i oa
advantage s of the topical arrangeme nt that appear ed was that a
subject could be covered in some depth with an introduct ory
essay for each section indicatin g the nature of the problems
and expressin g one possible viewpoint followed by other ar-
ticles on the same general theme but giving differ ing and even
opposing views. Thus a sort of symposium was created whi ch,
it is hoped, might stimula t e the r eader to seek further in the
U9 4/ - l ,.) 2
ea· vi. vii.

writi ngs of one or another of the authors i nc_u

1 ded

For this the editor s was to present several varieties of modern Arabic
rea son, considerable b i bliographical information was added to expository style whi ch were, purely for convenience of choice
the biographical notes. as well a s for valid pedagogical reasons , gr ouped according to
Without being the product Of any conscious desi gn , it will topic , Undoubtedly t he topics are controversial , but a fl i ght
• ·
be found t hat one basic question runs through the whole volume from the controversial would then hav e r esulted i n a collection
and i s treated in each selection, a lbeit from a slightly dif- of meaningless and unint eresting exercises .
ferent v i ewpoint and in var ying contexts in each: t hat of the As with our first Read er, an effort was mad e to present
relationship of the Ar abic and Islamic worlds to what i s com- ea ch selec t ion i n its original form and , whenever possible , to
monly called the West, Al mo st every possible emotional and include complete, self- contained selections , No co nsistent
intell ectual re sponse to West ern civili?.ation is found her e , effort was made to bring the material "up to date" by elim-
from a grud ging l ove and admiration to an intense hatred and ina ting pa ssages referring to political events or persona lities
distrust . Thi s ambival enc e toward the West and concer n with of the past . A few such passages were elimina ted which referred
its existence and influence i s a fact, and the more the serious to personali ties and customs of such local significance a s to
student of the Midd le East under stands in this first- hand way be mea ningl ess to the student without lengthy explanation.
the nature of these react i ons the better equipped he will be Cultural, i diomatic a nd gr ammatic a l notes fol low each text and
to carry on his studies and work . t he Glos sary contains the contextual meaning of most, though
But these advantages of the topic a l arrangement , the not a ll , of the vocabulary, Once again it must be stressed that
symposia on three themes und the recurrence of a unifying prob- the Readers should be used in con j unction with a good dict ionary
lem, ar e perhans overshadowed , in the pedagogical rea lm, by such as Hans Wehr's ! Dic tionary 2f. ~ Written filB.1£. edited
the r epeti tion of vocabulary a nd set phras es which is inevi- by J , Milton Cowan (Cornell University Press, 1961) , and t he
t able when severa l articles on the same general subject are solution to gr ammatical pr oblems s houl d be sought i n one or an-
placed in clos e pr oximity . Since these Headers do not include other of the ava ilable referenc e gr a.mriars , In the no t es refer-
drill sent ences composed by t he editors , this reoetition has enc e s have been made to W, Wright's! Gr ammar of the filB.1£.
a value equiva l ent t o many such sentences with the advantage Langua ge (two volumes, Cambridge University Press, Third Edition,
of having the tlrill occur in a lo gica l context and within the 1951), a notation at the end of a gr amma t ical note, such a s
natural flow of l anQ,1age of an author skilled in its use , WII 137D, standinp, for Wright , Volume II , page 137 , part D of
Journnlistic writing , with i ts more limited vocabul a r y the page ,
and more r estricted use of images , l ends itself to this tyoe It will be noted that the twenty-four selec tions in this
of pedagogical use with much •~r eat er e:tse t han the more per- Reader (including the I ntroductory Essay) ar e by seventeen
so112.l styles of belletristic writing.
authors, four of whom were a lready r epresented in Reader I by
The editors are very much av1are of a danp;er inher ent in
selections from their short stori es, novels, or ple.y s , The
the very act of choice involved i n creating an antho lo gy _
choice of more than one selection by a s ingl e author may be
whi ch this Reader i s . !3y choosin,-; one selection and rejecting
jus tified , in our opinio n, on sev~r al gr ounds : one of t he
anot!ler , t!le editor se cms to hQve favored one viel'i'JOint over
criticisms most often l evelled at t h e few existin9, Re"lders is
::mother or 1:1 ven to h·tve su ,1 nr essed one vi e\·,ooint a~ the ex-
the brevity of the i ncluded selections whi ch or events the s tudent
~cnse of another , Let it t h£n be s~id tha.t ,. ther e wer e no con- from gaining anything more than a fleeting impre ssion of f.n
scious i r eolo:;ic,11 aims i nvolved in the choices , The a im of
Mir viii .
f his thinking, By giving the
author's style or the range O TABLE OF CONTENTS
student more ;,han one selection by c ertain writers, the peda-
I nt roduct~rl Essay :
gogical advantages of the topical organi zation of the material I s};laq Musa a l - l;!usa ini 1
The Crisis of Arab Thought
are f urther reinforc ed, The scope of interests of eminent
Part I: Ar abic Culture
writers such as Taha l;fusain , Al,1mad Amin, Ta ufiq a l-l;laki:m,
/.li)i"a,n :ru,airna and others included in both Readers can be .• 1 • Mu};lammad JSalaf Allah The Future of the Ar abic Language 6
s ug,<1;ested anrl the student c ~n begin to ga in some apprec i ation 2, Qus~a n~In Zuraiq Education in Ar ab Soci ety 14
of t heir ~ersonal ideological and stylistic traits , It would 3• Al}lnad Amin Arabic Literature, from Its 25
Beginnings until Today
be unfa ir to represent a ny one of these writers by two pages
4, Taha l;fu sain On Literary Responsibility 32
taken at random from o:1ly one of his works , Furthermore, it
5, Mi:jfa •il Nu,aima The Task of Arabic Litera ture 40
becomes possible to contrast styles of various a uthors and
6. Tauf iq a l-l;!akim Culture Adorned wit h Art 51
these ~e~ders contain enough samples o!. di f ferent styles t o
permit the student t o begin to apprec iate this element in his Par t II: Ar ab National ism
reading o f Arabic, He can c:on ~r ~:s t the ver ,y simple, flat and Qus tantin Zuraiq Our Curr ent Situation
7. 57
impersonal style of the Communis t l eader Kalid Bakdas with the 8. Taha l;fusa in Our Arab Nationalis m- Past , Present 64
very pe r sonal and dynamic st;1le o: Tah,'i. ~usain , or l~e ma,y de - and Future
termine for himself whe t her there is ?. correlation to be found g. Sa~i ' al- l;fu~a r r Between Islamic Unity and Arab Unity 74
between style and content , e. !". . between a conservative political
10. f,lunif al- Razzaz Na tionalism bet l':een Regionalism and 84
or reli~ious viewooi nt or a leftist or liberal i deology on the
one hand , :ind t:ie use of a "trndi tiona l" s t _yle of Ar a bic, or a
freer, ,~ore ."lexible use of t he l ··.ngw~ge on the ot),er,
r 11. Kalid r,Iul].arnmad Kalid
12 . Kalid Bakdas
Interna tional i sm
The "Heresy" of Imperia lism
Diploma tic Rel a t ions bet ween t he
Ar ab Countries a nd the Soviet Union
ln co nclusion , it i u our dut y end ple ~sure to off er our 13, Michel <Aflaq The "Ba't" Mea ns Renascence f r om 105
humblest 5ir a tituri e to tl1o" e aut hor s , livinr; and de:•d, f rom whose Within
wr itings the selections in t hei e two volumes w·sre t a ken . We 14 , sa ,id Taqiy a l-Din The ( Syr fan) Social Nat i onal Party 109
also thank a] 1 those instructor~ of Ara bic who hr,ve read the 15, MI)fa•Il Nu' a ima Far beyond Moscow and ·,, ashingt on 114
first volume and have given us helpful comments a nd criticism, Par t III: Islam in the World of Today
P. s Volume rr goes to pres s, the first ~eader i ::. c.lrea dy in use
16 . A}_unad Amin Aspects of Current l·.luslim 119
in s ever .J universi t ies both in the United :C:t r.tes and a.broad , Intellectual Life
The ed i tor f: we] come ,ny :rnggestions :• ·1d coMJ;J~n :.s by tho :;e ,.,ho use
, J 17. Taufiq a l-I;!aki m The Heritage of Civili zations 131
t he book:, , ei the,, as te·,c !:e,;-s or I', sturl en ts , t o em,.ble us to 18, <Abbas Ma}_unud a l - <Aqqad Movements of Reform i n t he Mi d- 136
make them ·-:s usef ul 'I S oo:ssibJ e in : h" teqc J-:in:: o f' t,r:>.oic.
~'ina i 1-Y, ·. e :i1· -'er ouy, ::'i.~cersr. t t hanh: :o our"nts
r 19 , Nabih Amin I-'aris
Twentieth Century
Islam ' s Attitude Toward s Pr ogre s s 14-3
who , OVf•r m:'l ny 1~onths, :.. _..-e l 2.bor1,cl .10 1: -; nnd devoted l ,v in m1: ny 20. AJ;unad lja sa n al- Zay;vat Islam and the Destructiv e I d eolog ies 154
tedious, t:i.sks :, Briton C, q_usch , . r . ,.,., b r1· K·.R ·tri s ~ , i1r. :=to.rrer At the Cro s sro2.ds 151
21. Sayy id Qutb
E. Schulze, Mrs , Ju] i e I· -,co • t t f' nd '. r , ~'< mir v , ···i11F1'.':i , civiliza t ion : A Pai thf ul Gui de 168
· 22, Kalid Mugammad Kali d
T1·10 Letters f ro m Jer us al em t o Lo:1don 176
23 . Isgiiq l.lus a al- ~Iu sainI
Berke le:-' , •~al i fo rni>t
1/il l irun :.0 • krinner Bio- Bib lio~raphic~l Notes 184
Jr1nu,. r.v, 1962
•;oun11h .I·. . 1-:1-touri Glossary 193

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:U), ·, ;, : The µi o r elative form is a diptote and

t~ereb? the case - ending s of b o th t he g enitive and ;ccusa -
t1ve singular are the s a me , Although t he f o rm h ere is
tha~ of t h e accusative sin&ular , both wo rds are in t h e
ge nitive case [WI 308D] . ~
'is in t he s ame s itua tion as , •• , like, • • '•
'social solidari ty',
The s ound f. pl. of ; t,;:.;. 'life' [W I 1 94A] •
IY • P.-,-JI ~I ..,p: ' in the best manner ' ,
\. 1,,_ : , quickl y, in a hurry ' ,
IA r .,.SI, ,_.;I : 'happier and nobler ' •
·t •activities',· here, ' manifestations,
ol,.,JI _;;1.,. : L i • ~ i,; ;. ~ : Lit. 'there is no d ou b t in it ' , i . e .,
aspects of life '. I1 ~ fo ll o wed by a s up- •.
' incoz_ite"st~ble , uz_idisputa ble' .
<.J"L.. ~" : 'in particula r, especia ll y', stan tive (1n the indefi n it~ accu sative ) is c al led~I .;:,.! ~
' the ~ of abso l ute ne ga tion' and c oJ1oletely denies ·, · ·
(~~• ,;s : ' prope rly speak ing , more exactly ' , t h e f o ll owing wo r d [ W II 9 8 B] . •

iJ 1.a..:I. ,, ·....:1 : All

verbs, whe ther transitive or ~ : 'it is ne ces sary' .
V int r ans itive, □ay t ake t heir mm abs~ract n o1:1ns a~
objoctive compl enents in t he a c cusat ive. This obJec- n J ~ I , J_,i.JI : The traditio nal ( i.e ., t he transmitted
tiv; conple•nent ( ~ • J,..:..WI ' the absolute object or spiritual cultural h eritag e ) and t he r ational ( i.e . t h at
coBnate accusative ' ) is used either to add g r eater force which is based on modern scientific k n o wledge ) . '
to the verb , or , when connected with an adjective , etc, ,
to define or limit tha verbal i dea by an addition which
r ",, ' J
....,,•~ : suppor_!;ed' ., The passive pa rticip le o f ~ ,
is conmonl y expres sed in EnBlish by J1eans of an adve rb n the 1 1 Form of :,1 ( :.,1 ) 'to be strong' •
or re l ative clause (--~ II 54C- 56A] .
' is necessary ' •
C:.M L: ( ; , like 'JI_; , when u sed in the perfec t tr
anu·accompanred by the negative I.. , expresses the •~_,JI /J' ~, ..,p : 'in one way or anothe r , in s ome
idea of duration or continuity. t. '. I. means ' to con- H
"llanne r .
tinue t o be ' or, ~ore s i mply, ' stiif' [".-1 I I 1 0 1 D-102A] ,
.. ~
L. 1.,...1 u-,; : See Note 7. To <.S r:>~I ,_I; • .t.>-1_,JI : ' one afte:r:- another, following Oile
anothe r'.
0 ,r
l • hf"• : ne. of the u~• JWI ' the verbs of beg in-
ni g • It_1s use~ only in the perfe c t and is fo llowed n . I;.; . JI 'unendingly , to infinity , ad
by~ verb in t he imperfect indicative a nd ~eans 't o i nf i~iTum ~.
beg in' c·,1 II 108D J. '
TY 'ori g inality of thou~ht '.
1 1
ll I.
"'~· 'ff" J""" o.r, 11 •. · ch
11h1" h a d l cd for a lon~ ti:ne ' •
TA ;.;,:..;_; ..,,.,..-JI ..,p ;;_,...1, .:....,,l : 'not limited , rest rict ed t o
It • l,,.JI _,...u..: ' as pects , :nanifestati ons of life • . the Arab s alone' . :i:.j is an adverbial p art i cle u sed
ll' ,:•sb'.;I : From th· r oot ~ ( ~ ) (

and t"hd r ad i c al s - are i dent. l ) . wher~ t b.) sec ,, nd

f onl y i n the a ccusative (JW I , t h e accusat i ve of state
or c o ndition) , and with p ronominal s uffix e s
meaning lit . 'the y alone ' [W I 289 C , II 112 C J ,
the charac terist ic -=- i nr· ~ca i n .bthe V'III Form;
t,ha~. the first r adical is i x ecor:ie: · due to the fact
~ I be cones "'~I <.:P ! a nd ,he regular form . . . .:.;IS .:.,1, : 'althoug h , e v en t hough , eve n i f ' .
t :,pe 'or ver b [",/ I a 67.C 6~3J~rn13
to t:,~ rules .for t ni.s

It •~I,. u,J : 'indiffarently' .

e wnm=


J..u. ~J -\ .>J"' .j .s~I ~ I ._,...-i; , .;....!~~I .:,- ..:U. lY _., c:P
..UluL.. ~ u,i,.,.-JI •IJ..JI ,». .:,- •••-~-H/ ...,..: .# .:,- u JJI...,, T•.:,,~ 1 1.:,.J.t..JI .:~i
{ ) n· .iP.i LS , -L. ,
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...,,,.,.- J. -
,......,,.....,.,,;.i ~ 1 w~ i.:-4-i, . .:,,.t..1.,. .:,,~l, .:,~,,.;.i -~ i ~ .:, ~

...,.,.JI WI J,i.:.- u ; .,J, I..;

fo..,_Jl1..., .,_;1, ~J , -,.,_,..JI .....VI 4-)1... Js l,;L., ) ~I .)s- 1

) .J .!!J..i .;,;;.....J, • ..,....._.JI 1..i.... .j ,½-JI .:.~W ..:)I. , c.:, ,:i.JI, r_,J......11

I. ~ j •l_,I .:,- _ ;_,,_,..JI ~., 1.,1 _ ~ , ...all ..u.l,; ,j _,!,.;,,

,ij f ...,.,.,..ii ;...,~, fl . .,,.WI .,,,sJ .,,.WI .u.t..ll v" .-,..ill "4- ;I .,i c.:, faJ y......;i • _,.:1.,
{.1,.,.,.. 1.;l..,; u:,_,,,i- ..,__,...; ,-) ._,;JI ,-...)'I, ._.WI .:-1..JSJl, J...._ ) ~ - T
~ I ...JJI; • ylli.. .j ~ ...,_,., J,liJi v" ~,i .::.....,. ..:,~ cll..i, • ...,_,..JI J,1.;.J°~ I ,:,-

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uJWI ~JJ , J.,.,_.JI JI,., Li,;~ ~ I 1..u.,, • ~)= .)s y_,l:S
._,..,,_,....JI JI '4,-:JI I.a .j ~>t ,-) I.ii; • cll..i _,,,i ,i ;4,. ,i , ._;li...:I ,:,-
. r,,.JI JI L,.,.,... , .r}ii .;.,..:. J _ 14.,.:..JI, ~ ) ' I _ ._.)l...'il, ...,.,..JI
.:..~I ,.i,, .jJ J y, ;,,.i. .,;.; ..:. 4-,J Jll.;)'I ...iJ;..;.. .} I..,}~ .:,l..:.; _jj J TY . .;lh.JI .,.;;., yl;,i, 4Al..ll u,r Js m t-JI e-
-,. _.i o.:.W ~ i .;.>- '-t-,,,Jt.i J .,_;..;)UI .:.-4-,J .,JI o.:. J ,_6; L JI ., _,h.; ,-) _,...;.;.; u:,_,,.i, .:,,.a.JI , r.,LJI .:.Wl~ ·~ -=-4-- t ...;, >< ~ ' r;;., _,.
.;.;~, , L;..;Lll _,1 _,1j C:.-.,J , 1,..,._,i., 4Al.ll .,_,1,_: ~ , ~IJ ~ i:,..i>><JTA, ~_,..,;

_;i .:,- .:,~ • ~ ~ ;; .._i.; ._,..,JLi, ..:-la.ii ,-!1_,. , .,.-Ii; ~ 1.5

~ ..,......ii ...,_,.JI &.J.11 .,,_;;_j ) i.:,,.....JI ~ I ,ijJ

,1_,,,J 1_,,,J ,;_,;, , u.,.- .,1;..,, u_,;..; .:,, Aj.-,JI _,_,.....JI .j Li-,L.i I.. . -,., .,..JI .,)(,JI .:,, t..,,_,,,i, - .:,,..uJI -,.,_,..JI . : . ~ ~ ..:.....,., riitJ

J ...., u~L... u.Pl.JI _;_;.i ) , ,<.)"WI · ~ ~ .s..i.11 _,..:l,JI ..,..,.i..·)'1 .:,- ~ ..,...,.,...,1, c,,,_,....11 •Li,.·~, r,~6. J' .;,,fa· J ,i .j ~ ' f...D ,ij,

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Ir,.._..;.) W....11.:,, J.o, , ..,)IJ .sfa.JI .. ~ , uL....,I .j lfr1,.,;'il l..i.,, L · ..~

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' L,,,.J,... ~ t.,_;,; ....UI -, ,-...o J .,:,• YJ.,..., )' ~ I ... 1. v" ~ .,.JI ...,.,.,..i, r •. ._._ .:.• .,,p, . .:-1,....-.JI ~ ~I u._;;i, .:,,~ I ~J ._,;JI ...:.1..1,.JI ,
f "1-,.)1...,1 JI J,,,..JI ._if; { ,:ii'.> I ..ii J • • \,,.,JI ..,_JU., ~.;.., c.:.,JhJI, ;;_,l.:.:iJI ,j J l.....,;.. )' I J I U;,r ~J .ii, ...:.I..AJI
,._..;'it;. ,j 1.,......, I .1,1.;.;; WI , . . • 10 • •
>' ,:,.:.,.. • u'-"-'' '-tJt.l J .J!.. )'I •-'-" ~ r---)' .,.i -=-',;..... rs .:• p i -L. ~ , .., r-=-·· ' I. n . :-.... u- .:,ri,
; -1.11 11 . _
<><' ~ I cJ"J-1.11 l.;.,. J!WI ~ t-",; ) _.., )' .: ti, ' ~L::;I.;.,
- !.M_; _;,,_;.,J I ~, f JWI f,ij J , .:Loa i ~ c..,..,., J..;...:; ;,,.,.,..-11 ...,..LJ I ,j

, -,., _,..J I ._, ~ I C)L, )' .:. L,. _,. -,., _,..JI ., )4J I .j .:,, fa..J I ..:,- I..,:, r.s r ,ij 1..5
8 9

. • . -WI .,.,....ii ~ I. V!"!J ~ ~,.U,

,.a ..-j .:,ti, • .:,t;.;1, ~ LI' _,.,
?' • • • .,_.u-,;JI .... \.i J rl'jl..,,I -=--l..._,:i.ll
c1.i.ll c'?'1' ..;_,JWJ 1,,..L>,,, ;1~ \.u~,, • . . . , ~ , ~ I u.JJI Js <.1' _.,..JI .,,. ._,)l..'11, -..,.,.JI .i)41) ,..,... _,JI J...-11
• . • , • •, wl ~ ) .:,- n <.f"f' ~ ,;-J' ~ ( r»- .,.JI l ~ r.a; J l.,....°'11 dJ_j J.,.-. 1., '-f.-J
. ....,;)JI u 1
J .,-'< ..,,,_ .,- 1 . C:~1 , , fa.JI , ;~I 0 µ J L,.Jl••..;....1,
· . •
, .i,.; J' u,t fa.J'

~ J.;
r, · jVf!"",,,
r• . 1. 1

T'1Jw.-JI V" J.J..,,J

~1s; c'?'j'

• ~
,....., ;1:1
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~ "j w ~~,' • ..,.w, .....UI ~ * ~' ;1,,.,JI ......~ .:,, A 1.a•,1.;...1,
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• ..,,_;..u, ~.,:JJ ~ ' i_;, : J' .i)4)1 J_.,·, f! .i;; • ..,fa.JI, ._,,..:)I .;,1_,;JI,


NOTES i\iJD IDIOMAT I C .SXPf, ~:;c;I(JNS !Y -'-t ~: 'at the hands of, •• , by ... ' .

........ ~· .v,.- c-:-
, - 011 1 ~.
-l I•, 'th e Ara bi c (Language ) Academy
r IA
i n Egy t' .

_:ll : , when Isla m a n,eared ' • I1 .:-!-WI ..:~ i : 'i.ts active members' •
r )I_ ~I _.j; IT
_ 'th Arabian p-,ninsul a , Arabja ' • t. ~ ? ~WI .:~ i .J~ ~ , : 11any verbs in Arabic ,
.,,.,.JI ,.,..~1 e such as ~ 'to make' , t~ke two objective complements
__ . The i1ucallaqat or the seven Od~s composed in t he accusative . Howeve r , when t he verb i s put into
t he passive, that object designating t he thing a f f ected
ih1~~ in the s ixth. centtt:7Y .4.. ~ :; a~t~~~~;:n1~d" by the other must be put in the nominat ive, while the
tradi tion they were written i n gc..,
on the walls of the Ka <ba in l'lecc~. other compl ement remains in the accusative [~ II 47D, 52B ].

~.,.. \i; : An exa:nple of the JI.> , or accusat ive of tI ... '- .,,.;,; # .:,-: ' unrestricted by , without restriction
state or c ond iti on , here dependent u pon rL~I ..,,15 • as tis' ••• i .

,.....,.;JI 4A.!JI ~, - "'.....,: ' the gra::nat ical rules of n ~I ,.. : ' philology' .
c.I.assical Ar abic were s et '.
H The pasai ve of the IV Form of ;~ , a hollow verb.
~.;JI, i,,.1..'~1 : Apposi~ive~ in /,rabic !Dust :gr~e w~th
the noun which they ::iodify in r espect t o det-rminati on t( J.< \.,ii : ' as fol lows, in the foll owing' •
or inde ter::iination , as well as ~ender , number , and case
[i./ II 237A], to •.. ':' !,..;1, ~ , : 'and to make it ade quate , quite
suff i cient to 'meet ••• ' . l·Ia ~dars may g overn an objec -
y .,.~ ..,.J,L;.; -=-4-t-l : ' d ialects , vernaculars ' . t i ve compl ement in the accusative , the same as f inite
verbs n1 II 57B].
A J,-,JI J,.._.JI : ' the tliddl e Ages '.
n ~I #J ' and non-s cientific'.
i~,; Another exar.i;Jle of t'1e JL». , or accusative
r...ltJ; :
of sta te or conditi on . The r epeti.tion here serves fo r TY .:;lbJI .J~: 'as much as possible , in the best way
r urr oses of e11rhasis. po ssible' .

I• ..;~~1, .:..,.;JI : two ter:ns used t :) describe the processes TA 6w. - J jj •

• ' g radually , by de grees' .
of word- coinage and derivat ion in Arabic .
' alongside'.
I I t~I 6,-" : ' plural f orms ' .
J I; ~, : In :!!Odem Ar abic JI; ~ is per!llissible , being
It ? ' : ' t he literary- colloquial d i choto:ny
r:: .' ~-'
Ara oic • The word c::' ,., ;r is t he r:asda r
in si!Ilply a variant form o f JI; I. [ W II 2D] .
of t he VIII Fo rm
verb c:, .,; 1(< !:,_;;~ ) ' to pair , to marry ' derived fro!D the T'I .,_;... Here a pr eposition meaning 'until' [W I 280B] .
root C: 1; _
( f;; J • If t 'ie first r adica l of th,~ r oot form is
~ne . of t i ., de~ta ls ; , .J , or .i , t he char;cteristic ..:.
1'f ,:,.,.;, .:,- 'included i n, among ••• ' •
infix of the V'III For m is r e ;ilaced by .J [\..I I 87C J.
,, (,;,I

Note that t he verb 1s

· h.. ere i n t he p a s .;; i ve voice . r '~ ~I : An example of the j,t-,-, or accusative o f
s pec if i cation , which is an i nJ e finit e sub stantive
p laced immediately after t he pr o ro sition of which it
1l ,ull ljl, : ' :ind if i t ·,1:1re s o '. r,e limits or defi nes the predicate [ l II 1 22 D] .
is unde rsto,, d . ,-'l'edica te of 0 15

~ i:.i,: ' :m d t·1e l i ~e •, n I" ~,;,JI -¥- r. ,.,..~1 : 'the late c:,bd al - <Aziz Fahmi ',
an~gypt i an s chol ar a nd author_o f a w~ll - knowa work ~n
11 r oman i zation of Arab ic: al-nuruf a l - La t i n I a li~ - Kita ba
•• "V' J.ul ~Jo J.:WI ciJ,; . - I ~ ><

s t udy, .. ,. ,~ ~'"
in s nece zsary t ha t t,i.::se e.~,'c; 0 ,, s~ b 0u?: . ' a nd i t
e suo,ntted for
a l-< Arabiya (Latin Letters f or Ar a bi c , r i t i ng , Cair o ,
1944 ,
12 13

d . ~ ti ve -;iodifyinr; two singul a r

. 1 L j.,...,
L:U: : An a J'- c ovidinf'" that the n ouns 0.
Jj ~i. • •.:,1S
: :-iince .:,1S here, being the verb upon which
~ ,,...
fo nouns is . pu t in
. t o the
•. duad1 ' . 1nr
, ::-;r a 'l:na t . 1
t 'le sa:ne ica use
ol is dependent , does not indicate a ny wish e ffect
are similar in 'i1ean1ng an 1 . expectation, or the like , and t~e verb it gov;rns has '
the meaning of tpe pe rfec t or 1resent the perfe ct ~ay
[ '..I II 275B] , be used after .:, I ( J II 26A]. -
' and it seems probable , likely ••• '• '

n ,._ s hort vowels' • • I

• L... 0,~ : '·t1ithout difficulty '.
• ~I .:..ll _..,..IJ : ' f or t :ie
of the 0 t . .. .) J ~,:,, ci~'-""'1,: ' and there is no doubt that , •• '.
~ I .....k : ' main body ( consonental fra!Dework )
'iA ~~ ~ : ' will ha 1,e it s e ffect, be ef fect ive ' •
word ' .· • 'i
·' 281
.:,~I~ :
A varia nt form of {j\• [ './ I .BJ • ol ' baseu on' .
'it i s not limited to •. . '•
... Js- w, ..:_,.I: 00

i __..;JI .
. 'it ,;ould be better ••• '. The
ll J
~i ;ce"'o/t:-ie ; ubj:ct of 9. v.?rbal sentence ,nay be sup-
plied by a n ent,i r e s e ntence coi r ounded of a ve rl;> and
t~ t · l e •\ IJh.e n th~ pre dicate o f an Arabic sen-
te~c~aI/~ pr~ ,;sition with<it s e;eni ~i':'e a nd t he subject
is a sentence co11;iosed of !\ and a ~rn 1 te _ verb , the
pr ed ica te muGt necessarily 'be put first [ w II 252A , D,
253D] ,
.:..l.-_,;:.. . .iJ 1.. ._JI ,,;...:.... ): ' to sub:nit t o i t \-/hat
lt they rare
of • •·.' i . e. ' t ,ie ir su:;s:re sti?ns I • './hen II"
pr ece des 9. definit e noun , especial ly in t,e p l u r al , it
often i ndicates an inde f i ite TH'1t it:;r or numbe r.
( Co·3 p:1re tl-\e French de with the a r ticle, as du ~ .
•s o'ile -:i ilk' .) Here TI is ~ed ified by t he prece~ ing
clause r-t"'.i.J \.,' what t "'ey of ... ' [W II 1 35B ].
l'i L;~i IS : ' as w:a have indicated , pointed out '.

~ ,_..lJI .:::~,: ' t he 1 i t erary- collo ouial dic,otomy in
Arab ic '. See r:':~.;il llote 12 above:

(o t..J I.... L,J : This clause i s a noninal r e l ative s entence .

The ¼- of L,J refers back t o the previou s :·1ord w:i.ich the
c l.:lu se c1..Jd ifies . Li t er:i.lly , it ,nea ns ' l·lhich ~as its
h:i.rm ', i.e., ' ,~hich is h"ow nful' [:·/ II 14-9D , 318D ].
l1 ._,L......Jl.:,,u-,J: ' itisnotpnct ical'.
lY L 1~1 : L is r edundant here .
lA • · · -1.~,.; ::,,j :
' having , .::ossessine; ru l es • •U
hteh r c is ad9uas i - 'ldject i ve · and stands in app~si t i~n to
t hee fol'
prece. 1n~ : 0 noun· • It 1·s here 1n . the accusative
., o,nr.r::; nouns are in the :enit i ve • '
ll .:,1,,-'j\ ·~~
;......_ : 1
Otl O '
cca s ion , f r o:J ti ,e to ti,ne ' •
14 15

-.:-1!..-t-JI, _,1 _,;)1, ._.,_,..JI .:. L µ I ,:.,I
.j .._.h. _ , - ..c..,t; .,; ll...i.,, 'JI
t µ1 ~

J ~,..ul ..,..~1, ._,J.. _,,,..; .,J,1_,i,..ul -..,_,.JI ._; ,..,;1 _.,;L..; . J,.,.-)1

':-)!.;,JI -' -4$ .:, 1, • -,.'JI ._,J.. •l...;;,JI , ~I WIS. .}, , ._ -.'VI •l.,I ~J

..:,'JWI .j ~_,,, , _,.:.- l 1 .1\,.1) .jJ I• , l.,.-a; ._,.., l ..i.J I -'-4$J , ..,. ,'..&.JI J
0 ...-.,

.,,. ..ul ~ I r-Pt. -..,l.;. ~ ~_,;.:JI '='",riJI u- J..,..J, . ;l:,:.)'1, _,.;..i.11 .J!
1._,.,.,.Jl ~1 .:,I 1.:; IY , ..,...._,; -¼-'- ~ r~ .).,, ,-) 1.. , ,.;., ~I ~ 1./ -"- ~
._1,_, Js fa_,; ,-) ;,_.,_,.JI .1)4JI .j ~I ,jll I A , _,L:'i l ':-~
_,, __,--11 .:.l..W .Ji.;. Al.l.! , ;J 1 ..u l ~ ..fl' ~ I ..:.lia: ,j _,,,l_;.;.JI t li.;_,'il ._,JJ
.:-1,,WIJ- , u~ ~I ,.i.A .:,I ~ 'J r-,- .
• <!'r" ~I ~I ~j J
• • ~ I I. -11
· WI •-,,.,r- 1-'Ai l....,,;I_;,,. ,.
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..:.,4"WI ._.;,: J ylbt ,i ...,_...JI ...,.,:,1 c~ }.Ii. ~ ~ I.. ¼J<_,; : ' educat i on a l ' , a r elative adjective f r om ....,_,.;,
•t4)'1J A-JI ~J , .,1};JI ..,,._.; 1 ,
I .. II W IS.
-. ,./"J ,., .. II c--,-
..,,.r- . 11
•·'- ...,_1,_ ~I ~ ) , LY ' thr ough , by means of ' •
,...... J c.4---JI .;,- ~ c..,1..,1 ..,; l.:,.,_,; c.;!) 1_;1, • ._._;.JI •~;JI ~ , ~I.> : ' espe c i a lly , in parti cu l ar '.
_,h.;Jl, •._;.;JI crl.....,..1 ..._.;.; ,./", , ._;\,.JI c.4'"WI J.Jj; J ~I ~Ii • .:,bl ,.J I .,:.J.::. )'I ':-~ : ' we must n ot forget; . The subjunctive
h ere .,;i s governed by the particl e ~I which i s a compound
-...,:.JI ,...,._.JI ,:,,fa, • .:_,...,JI .,.:.,..JI, l".wl ..:. I _,:JI .._._; ,.:JI J • ... i, .;~I of .:,I a nd )' [\.I II 25A) ,
-,,.,•_,.JI ':-l,..)'11 J...... JI J fa.JI .:,.A,, J .,)'I ;..,t; -~,,""" . '-t-4- ..
..6,.h,;.; , &J.1.-JI ,.,1\,..-JI ~ : 'during t h e period of indepen den c e (.sovere i gnty)•
• ; J , ... , J ~¼-- ,,~, .,,.ii ~,, . ~I 1;_,..:I .;J' ~ ..,,. _;la;.)'I

li..15 .:, ,,.:JI •.uo J : 'in a l l the se matters '. ~ is an

appositive in t h e genitive placed after the definite noun
, ..,_Jlh.JI .,,.......: .;,- ...,.,_,JI, .,;.w, ~l_,;JI •.11..,.,1, , ..1 ......11, i.:,,.•J..JI .,Jl "-f-':-,:, for t he pu r p ose of affirmation ( .a,.S,-.1.J ) [ \./ II 278C) •
.._,J.., .;,, ,vu .,..._., ,-J, -,J UJI r:.h 1.i,, • ,-L....JI ..,..J...., ;,,;llJI ._L;..JI r.a, y J ,''JI ~J.a.Jl, : 'in the fi r st p l ace' .
J..,..;1 ,,.,,.,.JI, ~ I Js ':-J.a, ,-J, , ...,,...._JI ¼--J ~ ,-J, , -..I Jl_,..I
.._;, .. LI : Note t hat the pa rticl e ~ is always followe d
by .._; ( W I 292B] .
I.,,.,_,; ~ (.,,,1 l.i, 1 • _,luJI -..I .Ji;,- ~.:, _;JI u.,1\..JI ; l,.,JI l,,...,.J ......,.:JI

'!.ill .....,._.JI tl..,...U 4rn_pl1 ;... 4 111, 4r.,1)JI ~ I ~ , J!l.;,iJI v,~ LY

y~ .};: 'desp ite t heir weaknesse s , i ,e., s uch a s
t hey a r e '.
, l,,Jl.c,.,1;1, ~.a:;, L,,•1 t., c.u,.;. 4;k \! .ul, (,i_..1..,, ~JI.;. .,)'I Lt-,4--,- ~ Lt-,: Note that ~ prec e des t he predi cate
of JI; L f o r emphasis.

11 e::,-=\:;;.Jt J_;; J 1 L,..; : 'we t r y to evaluate the results' ,

1.u, : Note t hat the particl e La (written defect~vely

:.. ) which is usual ly pre fixed t o the demonstra t i ve
p r onoun is omitte d here .
,,. ~J 'J: ' there i s n o doubt' .

' t h e national organizations' .

1 1A - 1 • Y v' ( 1, • Y • ,:,,,)WJ
Io ~: Appo sit ive ( ...,,.S,:) i n the genit i ve ,
The J in JJ is for affirmation •
IY ..,.._.;; W <i>'.: 'unt il recent l y '• ,.;- is used here
a s a p~epos i tion .
'it mu st be in d i. ca t e c, , poi·nted ou t ' .
.. . 'I do not need to . .. ' • A~ tho1;1e;h. the
I, •~l-, ..:.....J • .1 • · n the accusative it is more
p recticate after ~ i s i
co:nmonly introduced by '=; •
22 23

-..,_,..JI uli.:JI ...,i_,.. : A statistica~ study of educational

conditions in the Arab world (Cairo, 1950). H
..b...iJI I.a : ' this sha re'. t he decnon t
t h e objec t of the Mas dar ..l1 and
the accusative , ·
r at ive . ronoun 1s
an appositive in
ti <l ~ I ~l.. : See biographical note concerning Sel. IX,
Ji.!)I J.,.: ' the stress , em vhasis'.
n t,..._: Accusative of purpose,
~ ,,...JI c._.l& er' : 1
is , in f act , the very same O •
H' ,:,i <JP: 'however, but'. l•

tl uJL..JI •.s.11,. : 'rudi::ie nts, first r rioci pl e s of '< nowledge' .

H ,:,-,.1,•J.;,,,.;.,.: 'two insurmountable obstacles'.
{Y , ~~ : Sec<:>nd ob ject ?f the p r ~ced i mperfect which
to IJ~,i: Permutative in the genitive. takes the first pr onominal suffix as its fi r st Jbject .
tl 'undertaking i t, to undertake it'. ~, ._,.;I~: ' evil conse quences'.
fY 'of this k ind' • LA -'-'!-- ~ ~WI ( ~ ) , : Lit . 'and ( we find) t he
s ame situati on 1i e find it'. The acc usative is called
tA J..+-JI ,.i.k .j 1,-J ,:, _,..JI .:,- , .,,:. ..J....., 1 'extending some here J ~ I and is g overned by a presumed verb expressed
help to them for this cause, purpose'. thereafter for the pur pose of affirmatio n •
.:,i :J, ; ! : 'on the condition that' • Note that Jo~ is
in construct with the verbal clause r,;ili ,:,I which is re-
placeable by a verbal noun and a p r onomina l suffix l,.I _;:;l!:
.. ,:,,-j.A~I, :
,_,1:.i :
Fl . of J..,,i [ ahl ] ' the m. l; ive ro pul ation' .
Lit. ' and I d o not t hi.nk me , i.e., that
-.-1: ~I; .:,-, ••• ~I; .:,,: 'on t he one hand,.,on the other hand',
• 1 rC' . The p ron om tn:11 suff ix ,i is used here instead
of ~ ' myself' .
T'l J-,..15 ~ ._,;,,;.,;..; : 'unburdening ',
ot ~., •,-.11: The article prefixed to the active part iciple
rt . . . J,, ..,_,.; .. . ,:,fa ~ : 'does not become merely •• ,but ••• ' . ii used here i n the s e nse of ' dhich ' .

rr ..,.,.ii '-tJ.>-.1: 'i ts national income'. or • pu rely theoretical ' •

rt e-', ._;U.: <JP: 'on a large scale' , •l J,.:~, -=-Litk ~ ' geology '.

ro ~ 1...,....._.i, 4,.,.-. .a..:i: 'harder to get at, reach'. 4~ 'ful fillment of ou r need '.
and ~I... are both accusative of specification, •• .1.-

n ~ : 'beca u se of what' , here acts as a c ompound of a ., ._;_,i.JI , .,Lr-: ' law diploma , de~ree' .
p re pos iti on and a relative pronoun. Dual de ~ons trative p r onoun i n t he Dcn i .
J.,.~, ,;,k •Y
rv .,_;1...;~I 1.,., 1.&., : ' s u ch is a l ways the case
in human affairs.
T'1i.s no:nin-1 1 clause is t '1e i,:re d i c:i t e of 0~
rA ~ : The J prefixed t o the . impe rfect is _f or affir-
mation, See Note 16 .
., ...,..,., ..,<>,.,
• 11 ,
•• , • -)lh;~I
departure and th~ f ' nal issue , en
· . , the st,rtint; point , point ? f
dofthe Jetter , i.~ .,
... . h e is everything ' .
r, la,,I ~ I J, ..,_,.; ,i)I : 'not only the gua nti ty but also
the oual ity '. ,. '·t1;· ·.
.... Not e that
the sound p lural. i s i:i c onstruct
d t i1:it i t ~ ,:, i s o·! ittad ,
wit . the pronor!linal suff i x 'I n .,
W, L5 ' in (both ) quantity a n d qua lity'.
, 1 ' on th e co ,: t r::iry ' .
{I .,._i. ,:, IS" I... ' from whe t it had been' (before ) ,
' ,s f.:ill o ..,s ' . ;e:!
u ~\. <JP ...,_,..JI J,..ul
u pon themselves , assumed, . . '
...,_i, 1 'the Arab states t ook lt

, lr • t:..i..J i_ni t i ntiv,"'J ' ·


r \,~I .,.. ~ : 'in the cou rse of tim e' , SELECT ION III
,,.I .,1....,....1 :
,. Acc usa tive of purpos e.
~ \ (;Ji>: ' the auto mat ism
(au to~ atic act ion perf orm
with ou't f"in tell ige nce ) of ed
lea rning ' .
,v u;,.... ,J,: A circ um stan tial cl:r nse

lr=,,- '>J 1 '-t--,..i:; ,.;w1 .J ..i.;.. .JI ..,.,.,1, JI .. 1. ;_,h; \; fa ,i

;;..,,L;. ,:_,,;I_;; J , ..,..,i J; 1"f""
.' .:J F....:.,• .. 1. .·~_·1,,- v,- .- ,_. 'I ~
,'T°' u,\;~ J
.j .!lp .,IS; ..,.,_,-)\ .) ._W
I ud"l_;;.JI .:,- )t.; . ..i .§ ..,_.,i I..., -'fo
ul, .:,1;,'':11, .,,,.,.., .;J' ,j,,- ,-ll. :,,.:.,. ~
' ,.,i, • ~ J ;,;, r-1.. 1., J
~ .,.._.:JI u\; .,.._.:JI ~ ,.;°I, -,, _,j ~
J ;..JI ) J , ,;,I j ;-i1 •.a ci,J.;.I
Jl,.;J I J ..J,W I J t. I. -'> Jl ~ l........, t._,,- ;..JI
J Jl,.;JI J ..!,W I ..,.
u•·•"·", _;;JI , .,.._.:JI ,1 .J ._:w;I.,. .:,i 1.5 -.;W1'
t,,,_ ,1.;, ~.J\; .j Lt-6
• Ji.All u- t,, ,1; J r--'
-,,1.111 .,J_,...:..; .,~ dl.J5 .i.» IJ ,.,f,; .,~ r"~I J
y ..,..,\;, o:.,f,.,, J!l,i.J '. u...,. J,''1 1 ;.L._,.lli : .:,)t ~,., . J i..,,.,.,
I.. fo ~ ~ Y- ....~I .>IS,,J ..µJI rlL;.1.1 ~ .,,.i,:;JI ~ \ , i..,.., .
~ . w, ._,.,} J ......,. .,....: ,.;...;; . I.. pt 41\.J J ..i,;.JI., ~ J .;...., fa. _,...:..,
J! J.,, ..,..,) 1 t;,,\ iSL;. JI ..i,.;..JI ~ ,,:,.; , ..i J! Jl\;s)I c:- ,,J,; 1.;1
, r,-rlt..i, o':l,JI, •\4': IIJ , rl5.,,.JIJ J_,.,..
ll ._-'-> J ._,..1_;--i1 ,.,f.;, ~1:.11
• .>I.....IJ tl.: ,i <.5 ~ ....,_ .,ii t
.,,_;JI ..,.;JI ., u ;_, I. ••·;°I .:Jlj _j! ._,. .,')I ,;, f,., J
c:,1.....,....11 ..,..,\ii J fo, ,J_,...-;JI J,-> ,_,,..;.J I, t'."_..J
. f~
I .r._;. .,_,1_; _j! P,., ,,.,.;_,.JI
-,,,.... ..:JI Jl .J_,.6.11 1..i.A
J .,J;..,, ':I, ~ I ..,.;J I J .j,_;;.; L,.i6 ° ~
u.,,>< Y- ~ ~\~ .,JI U...
-,,,.... ..:JI
r ,.,,., ;cil:.ll ;.L.., JI ,_;',.; f
I . •1...: -i, .......
.. J
u.J•,:; l.5 ~ ' t~' J -~ ' Jp
c:-1, 1,)1 u.1•_,;, , ,..,_,....;
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JI.i .:,o ~I _;JSU,..ll 1
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;.k...,. <fl", Z)t)I ~ .,JI .:)I '-" _,....JI ..,, _;'JI Ja.;I ; ~·'JI ., ,-JI .j,

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cs_,..;..'JI ..,,, .,"', n,,...;4-t ..,._,.....11 ..,_.,'JI .:)I
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~p fa ~_,i.JI, .__;k.;115 o:,,..wl ..,_1.,'JI .;,. ~ t_..i; I., ..,;l., _,.JI,

...i,; .j ;;i,l;..;i.;

.. w, --~1 .j ~.ii:, e-=, ~ ..,_.,i, - r;J½---- e-, r-"")UJ ..,_.,i

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-~,. J ",..., ,.,.~, 011" • 1.fu., 0►, J.r-, ...,,,,, k U" ._.; csi., w ,:.,~ ..,,.; , --s_,.;..i c:I,_; .;,. ~ '-"_,..JI ..,_}-J I ~ , _ ..,._,.....11 ':--'•'JI ....J,,, ,-1
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. ¥ 1 ...~ .,_,...JI _,.....:JI,

) Ju T't ,~I ~\; .j \.\; .:Ji> \....a .,.,..JI ':-}-JI u _,; d.l..iS

~ , oJ"_,;J '-:-; .;,. ~ I r-"'il ..,., _,6..:: y ~ .u , 6! ..i .j &..,;I_,,, 1.,_,i --s.,;

,_,Js- _;••JI, _,.....:JI ,j ,S..,.., T'T' J l:.i JS,.: ,j '-:-.J~ I , .u-. ~J • r1.JJ

, ..,,\;I .,,.>-JI J ., ,...w, T' t ~•..ii

..,.,.,•'J I ..:._..i .;,..wl _, ,_.,..JI d '-:- _,..ij11 .5 _,..:JI "' ~ I f- I. ,::'1 ,_,Js-
28 29

.,IS' L ....,,.. ..,.....ii JI ~L.., ..,....i w; ta.,J)J ,;~ ~ , , . ti>~ l)l.,...JI

' ",,'1 ~J" I -l>i .r:-
....,; 1 <. ...i ,i ...........,
I.•>•.•. .,..- I ' . • •.
J..,...J >-"J ' ~I: uiJI, 06/ ........,

~.,...JI /'JI JI/'-, ..,._j LS , ..,....11 ,;I~ ..bli.;,..I e, Li-6 ......,.1_,; J~I

, ..J.;..;.JI 41 ri:.:i J .,~'Ji c)I.., ~, Jl ~..,, ~1.i, t,..'J°f ~ ~ , J 4-.u: Per ;nu ~a tive i n the genitive ,

, .;._.u:.JI y 'JJ .,:,_;., 'J .;i >-"J ~ ~ ) ~ • ~ ~ .. 1.i .JJ, ~ t..- : ' ch3.r act erized by' ,

•!..,JI .,. .;1;, J~)I V' ~ J.s- ~ ..,_ ~ I .:,, ro ,_L°'JI .,1 >-,JI Li I. .... JI : 'to a certai n exten t ' •
~ I ......JI ' the unique wor k of art , t he :naster pi ece' .

V' ..,1 .si ,_., .,. ..:Ji.; 'J .;,> ;..,1.,JI ,i ~ I ~ ~ ..,~, .:.,l.,.
.,,.1i.lJI ""1.'.:.-11 : ' t he rhe t or ical for-n s , devic e s ' ,

•~', J-;., 'JJ rt; .,,; § ., r1 r,J'-1>-, ~ 1 J.s- _,...::;I .,.,. ul 1.i •.:li.;1 r ,._.JI J.s-: 'in gener a l , i;enerall y ' •

'J .sAJI •1..wl JI ½~l.,. J:. J w;_j 1.S _,./'JI •l..i...JI J! .,''JI ~L,.,
y .,.....ii ..It .,J, : ' ol d , a nc i ~nt ' .

,.;,J.i ~ "' -1>-i w ~ ui C"'t A ~I ~.L> : ' ne w, rece nt , young ' .

l.,;: An accu sat i ve of s pecifica ti on ,

.,u,4-JI ' f re - I sla11 i c ti.!les ' •


11 .1 hi~ .l>'JI: ' blood r even~e ' ,

Il , .,...JI: ? ira, a ncien t ci t y in I raq , cente r o f t he pre -

I slam i c Lakhmi d kinf;do:n , the Ar ab cl ient - st'.l te of t he
Sassan ian Pe r s i a ns ,

Ir ~l-,i.JI: The a nid s , Ar a b tri be s that occu pi ed

t he front i e r r ~c i J ns of t~e Jas t ern Ho a1n ~mpire near
• V' Damascus , S;,·ria , and had fri end l y r e lat i ons .,,~th t he
11 - 1T V" ( 11 o l, ., .,-JI ~ I ~ Ro11ans and Byzantin es in t he centuri~ s pre c eJ1 ng I sla~ .

I( ~ ~ : He re is t :w full ~i ~tur e ~3.ken . f r o'1 . t he

Mu <alla qa of I mru > a l-;;,a is, the .Jandenn g ,{ mg , 1n
A,J. Ar ber r y ' s t r ansl ation ( The Seven Odes , London
1957, p. 64) : . .
' 0ft night l i ke a s ea swarming has dr opped its curta ins
ove r me , thick with :nulti fari ous care s, t o ~r y ·ne ,
and I said to the night , when i t s tretched its lazy
l oi ns
fo ll owed by its f at bu ttocks , and heaved off i ts hea vy
breast , lf
·,te ll now, you t ed i ous n i gh t , won' t you c l e a r your s e
o f f , and let
da wn shi ne? Yet dawn , ~hen it co~e s , i s no w3.y bette r
than you . " 1

._,h;l.,.,JI ..,.,.,~1 : 'roman tic liter a t ur e '.

J..1-)1 Jl.i -,JI., c~ ..;.,,,JI, r Anothe r image taken from T'I
the Mu<all aqa of Imru > al-Qais : ~I : ' :naxims '
'Friend , do you see yonder l i ghtning? Look, there n
goes its glitte r d J t..l: ' prove rbs' ,
flashin G like t\-10 hands now in the heaped -up , crowne rr
stormc loud. ite wi Js: i.e., ' throu5 h' .
Brillia ntly it shines --so fl ames the lamp of an anchor T'l
as he slops the oil over the t wisted wic k .' ~ ~I .,1 ,-JI : ' the great major i t y ' •
(Idem, p.66) r•
~ popula r ) tales , ( f a bulou s ) s torie s' .
J, ~I rl.,;I ~,: ' t he footfa ll of camels ' • n

... ,i .:,I>, •. : 'whethe r • • • or •.. '.

• (.. ; _; Jli:.. J...,, ,:.,-, ,.,. 1:,... ;.,_;
Jli:.. J...., ,:.,oi : Koran
~If; 1 and
8: 'And whoso doeth isood an a tom ' s we i 5ht
will see it then, And whoso doeth ill a n atom's weight
will see it then.' I ~ and I.,..: are both accusa tives
of s pecific ation after J~ indica tin~ weiisht or quan-
tity. The whole sentenc e is a condit ional clause after
.:,- with the apodos is ( .l,,..:JI .,..,>!" ) ~;.: in the
Jussiv e.

11 (?,1.1 ...:JI, : ' :.radua lly'.

t• ~ -~1, i.J,.1 : A r e la t i ve clause with indefi nite

antece dent.

t1 ,.J, >M .:ii. : 'tyra nnical rule' ( a s though the subjec ts

ther e of were bitten ).

tt ._,;.all .,:..JI : 'bellet risti c .n rose ' •

tr ~r J,1,: 'that 1-1ould be lengthy (to discus s)' ' i ,e .,

' that would lead to a l one discuss i Jn'.

Tl 4-t: 'in
.,..: co:n['ar ison with , as co-~parc d 1·1i t h, as ag -:t i ,,st' .
to ,r ~ .,,...:. : 'lJ·ric poetry ' .

T1 ,-- )I. .,,...:. : ' her.:i ic poetry , epic poems ' •

TY ..,.i....:.; .,,...:. : ' dramat ic poetry ' .

., ,
I~ · :
.~ ••• ~..;,. Note th~t •,if-' takes the
TA b11 1 or ~ < ~ the a djec tive
V..?r noun ~ as a COf,n1te accusa tive .

T1 <.J;~ ~= ' pl :i t onic l ove'.

r• ~ ,J,..._,JI u ,.,sJ 1 : ' t he '.Ii ..:dle 4.e;es '. 3ee .l.....,JI .,y,.a.11
;,el. I Note 8 , ..,
•. ·
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..,i J.;, <A, ..,i J.; _,..;L;.i.J~ r-"~.i.Jl, <Y- -'~ I , _;j rA 'J ..sil l ..,,.,,.,~I .., f., .:,.i f •l)JI•
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)' J L;)I
w 39

~.,;.JI •l,.il : 'the European writers' •

r.J'.J ~ u ,<~ : w o move about on Earth, who
t o ga in their living '. seek

~ ~ 1 J _,b : ' long experience therein 1

~ ~ !· 'to alterna te, to follow in succession'. , ~, .
a cqu aintan c e t h ere wit h i . e ,, t i 11 e , •
,, :,
... ._,..L.JI (:_--'> JI .,...;.; ,:,r f?'":
' ong

'he was deceived ( i e

)I,.,_ L,.JI ... ...;.,...,, ~ :
Lit: 'neither ... nor, .. know their n decei':'ed liv 1se l f ) o r _decn ved other pe o ,-l e' . Not; t hs t
way td it,' i.e., 'is by no means affected by the f i r s t v erb- form 1s ~ere in t he pass i ve v oice
them', fo ll owe d b y t he s a:ne r oot form in the a ctive .

T' ,.iA ~,~ : The demonstrat i ve pronoun follows because

t he noun is de f ined by the posse 5sive su l'rix. .:,.-. , ..;,,, J,,-,: 'was prevent ed from, i ,e,, were made
! T'
inaccessible to h i m',
. .; ,.,hi'
._.;I_,;, : 'and circumstances mig ht be in his
f a vor, come his way', Cognate accusat i ve.
I> ._,:.,...JI ,.;,..;. : 'easy life'. To ._;.,,;_,;JI cl.;., : Lit, 'success mi sses him' , i. e. , ' he
••• ~ This is the ' 1..i~ of surprise' which is
l..i}i :
always followed by a noun or a pronoun. Circumstantial clause.
y 0 ,J.:,1: -·'Apolld.
TY . •. ..:,I 1~ : The excepti on a f te:z; 'i\ i s e xpressed here
by a sentence i n t roduced by ;:,1 [W II :,:,9c J•
A .,,.... : The word ~ , like its antonym .,..:. , is a
sup erlative when in construct. ~• : • forced , compelled ( subj e c ted to prede s tination ) ' ,
,.;..,JI ,:,,,J. : 'easy lif e',
r-L-JI .;.>: 'well'; c ogna te a ccus at i ve used fo r emphasi s,
,. ..,,.,.JI~• .i u,)iJI ...,._..;;, : i.e., 'and ctrcumstances
mig ht aecla re a h orri ble war on him, fi bht him'.
,.,; : • what f o r?' A c ontrac t i on of J and L

,, 'tha t seize, g rab, take hold of h im'. T'l

l.. _,jl ...Jh, : The i nvers i on of s ubje ct a nd obj ect i s
to be n o ted here,
lT l.;\: A pa rt i cle o f emphas is. Ne gat i v e impera t i ve ~ with Juss ive.
, T' ir ~, : A circum,:;tantia l c lause.

1t ~ : This is J....JI ,J,tA-i, or pronoun of se para tior_ in-

s erted betwe en s ub j e c t a nd pr e,iicate t o pr e vent a ny pos-
sib ility of the predica te be j n~ taken a s app os i tion
[W II 259A]. -
lo ,_;I, L : After the particle ;, _,.,...i.11 I. 'as long as' the
perfect takes the meaning of the imperfect (present or
future) [W II 17D).

Homer, the Greek epic poet,

lv ....., : The word ....._, 'yet' stands alone and is inva riable
with a final .!!•
lA ' t h e ~ and the Odyssey'.

,4 ~
40 ~l


JI ~L.., ..:,h.,J I .)s, ..,, A .:.j .iJ, . .:..I., 'i i .;,l...'il v" .,_ ,.,.,J

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~ j-'-

w.i JI
c l:.i

..,_,.,)I Js
~,I;.;, <:' .ill .,--"W,, ...,_.,...,. <:'..JI •WI, . ~ ~.i.11
,_.:.; )
,,..,; Js 4J
I;,. .;; A,J ") I ..,_,.,")I

L <! .ill
~ '?. ..JI
f•' ~ ..: I J l;~,
.J-':', 0L.: ) I .;s ,_;;.; ,:.j~ \.;I

t.,.-.,J, 1..1-;l- : ; its warp and woof, i.e., its dominant

_.,;JI ~.,.: Per.autative of t he kind called the
subs ti tut i on of the whole for t he whole ,,ill,:,, Jill j...,
._; )(J ..,1, ._;~: i.e,, 'a great giant'. <JI serves '. [ '.✓ II 281+D J.
here to express astonishment, In such a case it is , ~ : ' Why , for w:1at reas on?' The interrogat i ve
put in the masc. sing, and the noun it governs in /article I. may be shortened after µrepositLms int o
the genitive is undefined, It also agrees with , and is then united with t hem in writing [ 'rl I 274CJ ,
the preceding indefinite noun in case [W II 316CJ. s~; Sel, IV Note ;o.
~L: .:.J j : 'tha t being his condition' • •• , , - A ~ : Note thst ~he i~declinab~e adverb .;_ is
IA alwa ys in construct w1 th t ne following cla use.
T' -.,; 1,,..11 ..,._.Jl..)'I: 'Hterary styles'.

fr.;Jl _u-,1 ~t,:

The pronoun is the context-pronoun ,, ~ 1; : The interjection I, is sometimes prefixed
to th·3 optative c..,,J 'O wou ld that •. ,' [',J II 92B] .
( 0 L:J!_.,,..;,)
which anticipates the clause following,
The lam prefixed to the pre di ca te _.,..JI .:,- is the affir- ~~ ~ )
1_,.,.. 1, .,,Jo: 1
'11USt bui.ld it first and fore -
mative particle, 4_,;JI r":i [W II 79B]. T• most', lit, 'first and l ast',
0 L,...._,
I.,~: Lit. 'its meager and its fat, i.e., . .. ) ~•1,; .:,- : '(it is in it s na ture) that ... '.
the bad and the good'. Tl

J.,,J..ul e-"'I : 'the clearest evidence' • TT

... ,,,,_;..; ~,: Circumstantial clause •
~ ,-JI ,._ .,":ii : 'the d i.recte d :)r gui' d e d type
. . of litera ture '
y ... -,..,":It, _,...i; : 'how worthy literature is of. •• 0 • TT' (Fr. engagee) intended _, to serve a pol 1t1cal movement,
s o cial c~u se , or t h e l1Ke.
A <-i-- )!JI,, : 'O the grief'; the lam is to express sur-
prise• It follows the particle"l..,. and governs the .__,..:.,JI .;U..,I : 'human capacity, potential',
genitive [W I I 152A]. fl
0 it suffices me to•••, i ,e ·' I n-,:id only
.1 l,.;JI i- : 'the eye of a needle' • To ·••01.,--:
to. , , •
'he is unable to stand or bear ••• '. ._; )U,":il ~: 'without exce ption'•
11 o.:...J":/
. i ·. 'O WO u ld tha t ••• I , ":ii• is an interjection s , , • , if I am sorry f or s .1T:1e thing
TY . . . c.:, )U • ~ ..:.i.-1 0 1:
used to draw close attention to the meaning of the it is bec~use •• ,'
followi ng cla 1se ( \./ II 168A].

1 d'd" ~em ' u sed here ire ' 1 -ly '

· nics
1T ..ill jl.. : 'God forbid' • TA 11 ;JI" Is" • ~ ' "sp en 1
: i
. . . (...,l . ":ii ._; _,... ) used '1ere ~ ~
Ir '-t-.,.,-, .,;l.,;JI : 'treason itself O • • H J,. An adversative pa rticle · r"' d •n - c l a use [ '..! II 3.?4 DJ,
used 1 ike j_s . ~ and ~ are intensify the ;neanin~ of thJ p rece . :i. · '
and ;re foll J as appositives to a definite noun,
They are alsiw~ft by th e appropriate pronominal suffix. t ~1, ._,;lh.,JI
Pl• of c.:,~ 'thirsty' a nd u"~ 'h ~ry'
un ts .
the f en connected to the nouns to which mu st not be intole r a nt,
Y re er by means of the preposition-,.. [W II 281C]. " •1 • i . e • , ' . • . he
T'I ,._,J-,..,~•u····
'impatient', :lee Note IO.
l l ,..h.;":il,., 'thegr t t
N't>te that.the two sup e~_es •.• and the most horrible'.
gender of the precedi~r1 a lves[do not agree with the n
· g nouns WI 140D].

A ~

,~i ~ t1, I. : 'has not yet atta ine d its
n ful l mat u-
rity '. ·
L..J : Per mut ativ e in the nom ina
T'• tive ,
., l,i.JI ....1 -: 'tra cta ble , man age able ,
n pli ant ',
~I ..,3 .I': ' inf erio rity com plex ' •
T'A I..., .,.,,_..1;: 'no t to men tion , l e t alo
ne' .
J.....J.u : Thi s J is pre fixe d to
T'I the pre dic ate for the
purp ose of emp has is. See
Not e 4.
u,.,, ..; , j .:.,, ...... : 'a con ver sati on tha t dri fts from
l. one
top ic to ano the r'.
v~ ..:..,.J I, :
'I wis h I kne w' •
...,;I; z,;: 'one who se langua ge is fau lty
' • ! .;..:...II , .,i; ,), l,.,,,'1 .)JI J .,,1 pl
., WI ,t.,i : i ,e. , 'the Ara bic -spe
tT' Ara bs'; so cal led bec aus ak_! ng peo ple , the ,j, ..,..,..., ._,,,.;..,:. ~, .. c:..U. La,,i
e the ._,, [ dad ] is a sou .jJ->, c:..I!. lc.i.J I J ..,.1.i ,fl,
pres ume d to be pec ulia r nd
to Ara bic .· .,,ii ..s..ill d'.} J I ,:.,,
•• I.!>) <
: Use d her e as an alte rna
.,.,..:.JI JI ~ , . . .....,, .,.i. ...s..i.JI o.J, ;'il U' _...:JI
t o exp ress sur pris e or asto tive to the use of ~-j Jl> ...s..ill ~) I ~J ~ _,.WI
tt .,.,-bl;,,
nisl ime nt. <!JI \j)J , ~ , , .....,._; c.i.JI 'f..,.» J
--...!I., u ,.:\ , -,..l..i.., u,.,_,...i...
,: 'to ado pt its doc trin es :.,;i,,) ..\J ~~ ~ } .....i,
~nd dfol low the exam ple of
t~! t i~1 :} its lea der s i e its
ter s and the ir lite rar y OI U,... .W \ II J ,_.iS.;i .;.> • • ~ \ J .;6. J
· ·) is a Q.uad . II Form dertr:n d~ , : ' Not e ~I
(< ~.. ,.
ive d from .....a.a..
l 1 W u-'1 [la- 'ana l ana ] : 'it wou ld hav e bee n tim e
for us to .•• • •
I j) f ..hi. - ..s°'-, I f 1.;i
. .. ),\... ; J~ I. • t c.i.JI J .:J.;IS.
tY 'wha t com es to the wri ter .:J ~·, -
occ urs t o him '. 's min d, f .,.] j 4-, .,ij c_.J> ,-
' ), .:aJ.;. cS ..i.JI J,....JI r,:-,i ....,fe , -.,..JI
lA .,.;-:. J 'in my opi ni on' , .. ujl \;,~ · · ...s...,,_ I. I ).,: -
.,1~_;.,,.,,. 'trem end ous a rmy '. . y •• .:l...i., .:J.,. ,j, <.f' .,.»IJ . _ ; , I ~ -
...s..ill 4 _....;JI l.i,,, J ~
.,_;I .,, : Fem . r e l ativ e ad j ect i ve
from U' rs-)' J, .. ..,...,.-..:..11 ~
,j ji> .,,; ="'' . <
r- , . • r- '
A \11 ,,... ..; ~
.....- ....

di» .,,; ..,...._:., ) ~i . .

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! V~ I .. ~ J! "< ......,_; ,) .i., ,r
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52 53

\,_,;,°'JI .:,kl, J JI .b.,.... .:,, ;..t;JI , _;_.. t_,-4 0J-' -', 'J ,:,IS' : \,:,,...J clli
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.bl-, yis d, c:S.,._; .,,; ylj ~,.JI .s.,; .j-> , JJ°'JI ..,,_,., Js u;;
11 ; \..aJ J Jt;;

,j J~ Wl..i., .. 11 ,:,,,< u,.b J ,_;,.,.-JI e_llll .j .:.;i ljp •• 1• c,,.,JI

l;Js..>I r J< .,..-i c:,J ..,:l .• .;t...:JI J ..,, .,. ",- " .:,iJ , . . r" ,- "-

,_JWI c:.,l-~ •• 11 "' •'~, T • " .,,~,,.,.

J:.-- ,:,- .,,.,, •• '- " ,...,..~
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• •• J4JI J ,:,all J .,_.JI ;_,JI J,,:1..; 1;.J.!....; J • • ..._l,.JI }~...:•'JI yis ,.w°'JI L,.; r ,c i,_,.,.; 'J I..;.. 4o...JI ,j ..r-e l1 11
.,.,.:, .'Jl 11
r-~ ,.,- ,:,
_'(.A_I a. lS .
.w .. J '•·
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'"-l.._.JJ .,ol...:; y l , ~ ,:,,:,;J .• L..,_,... 'JJ 1.,.,.,..:. ..s.,; 'J •l,_;i y,, ~ J
,:,,,llL;... .,,Jl _,l,;.; TT ,:,ri..,..'JI ._;,.,..; l.;S .,., •• 1,;.ul '"-1,..~ ,.,.·1 J:,.,, .:1, \,Al,.

~ I " .,,.)1" ._..~ . ,:,- ,:,-JI .:_,....JI ._,JI "_,,\i,Lo " ,:,,•Ii • .
, _..1..., ,-1- d~,.,
'"-'J)l.all yis ..,,,_,. .J,,_,.b ~_,:..,.;J • . e_l..i.,~IJ .; J.JI ,j ;;,,i.
I r ,..-11 J .., _,....11
'"-~J • • l,....-; .,;.....,.JI ;.. t; .ii_._..., ~., ljj; • • .,JI.:.,, .:,, ..!.,Lo •• 1.:.,, .:,,

~.b:-JJ ... ,:,l~;'JI ,:, _.J J ,...1: J,...., ,..s. ...... ....ii 0' _;S'J ~, I.;~ ,.; i..i .j ,-,._;.11 0'
,_;.,JI J '"-.,.._.:.; . . d)j J,,:'J\ ~l-)1 Jli

"1)j ,§ •• I T"1J i,..,, ,.u:.., ,i .. ..,,,....i, :,;,.,.JI 0' •~i ,:,bi ,j c.,--ll ..s.JI TT' -.,.1 _,:JI ,-i:..i I. : ..s..,..;, J ,.,_r;, '"'_,...,.; ,:,i 4i ,-1 ,fa, . . . .,..;;
y.;..;J 4,-J, ,1.; • . ,-,._; • . t.,.,i. rl.: ~1 :,~1 ,:,.:i 1., ,
..,,L.., J ,:,IS.JI 1..u,, ._.,, r l.i ._,:~ • • .J.l.., ..siJ .bl..,J , o.W c<jJ o.W .j
_,,..:..; ._.,_,.._JI "
l...; } " - ·, '. k-
J:. .. ...,.....:; '""" . . ...,...., .......,-, W\..ol ,. ,

.,,; r,-l 1 •'J•,-. ) J ..s.u I T' d..:,:,. I. •• l"'.wl ..s.,...JI ,:,iJI ~I,_.,. ,:,- _ JS;,._..
• ,_JWJ _,,.; la,.; J,Jill
.,,; J ,,...., ._,:ill J • • o.,..ii..11 ._;,.,..; I; ):T ,:,s , r _,.JI ,1) ..s.JI .,:;JI ,_,. ,.JI 1_;_.. 1_,.J.;
,:,,__b,, l..:J •.• wi:. ....,_ ..s.,:JI -,...: Lo,_.;.,J • • . .; t..°'JI J! dJ:; 1,,.....
,:,WI l..u,, ,:,s ...;..,SJ ,-JWI ..s.,h;I ljp • • • ,WJlb IS I t,:,l._;.JI 1_.J,lb,, ) ,j

t;,; J.,, I. c;;...., r-,,,i JA, ) e_ lh...1 , rl/'JI J.i:;,- .j , ......:15

f J.J; .._ .....JI ..•

~- I~
~-- ..,;.. .,., • J WI rr-
. . I ,:,,,•1 ,:,- J • • • f d..J j 1.,.......
L,.,..._; .;JI "'"-l.laJI "•-"' ,j .;.,...,.;,,.i , JWI J,-,,-, ~_., ,j ,:,15
v ! , 1"'"'1,,JIS" ,.,..11 _,,,.. ,j
54 -mm:um Sf@ Q

._,t.. -..,Ii i..,..J\,. _) ,_. ._.p •• Jl._,JI .:,,Jc., ,j ;_;,,;., ,i , ..........,, J,.._


•.• }.ill ...,L..J ,i ..;,.,.LI Jt.; ,,,; u-,,1, ,j , u!, , .:,I..,_

u~ .. _fA,1.;. .._,~, • c,,-i .:,I .... ;_,J,..;. ,j .. -,il.:.,, .:,,,J\,,..11 _;.Si 1.,
",..~ _,..,;;": 'Palais Chaillot'.
_) ,-,. ...... 1. •• '-'.u,JI _,h; ,j , '-:-1.,:JI u-,Jl, ,j ,.,;,/~I
m'ft ' ~ 'it does not occur to me• come to my
. ._,..,JI )WI, .;Jhll •l~l, '-.,;,..;,, ylL r:-, ), , ;....,w1 _,.I.;.
r .. ·'-:- .;t£J :
'it looks to me as if ••. , I a.m under the
impression that ••• ' •
.:,,fa-,, . 1.;,; H_,.~I J,i _,J.; J , , .,.:.JI .;,.:., ,.,..liJI ,j ._,;,)I .fa,
J..11 J : 'in the line, queue' •
.,1_,;)(J ..,WI .:,,-'\,.JI._,,) ,:.,. .:,~ , •l_,.,.JI •t;;, _,h;.JI .:,-,- ,_,...Ii.JI ._.p
d..L,; ,:.,. : 'please, if you please' •
.:-1,1,..,..JI, 41,-,Jl, ,_.,:,; .j , .:-11'.,..:JI,
.;..;' ':it" : .,... ~I r , the 'lam of command', is prefixed
here to the 1st person sing. of the Jussive to
gi_ve it an Imperative sense. When prece~e~ by ::, or
,.-,., • ,.,..wi 1;-b.o r.....,_ v>-' • · • ,...,....,i. u ~ r-'°''' • l....ol. •,-;.; u the kasra is usually replaced by a sukun, Compare
Sel. V Note 33,
. ,...,~ r~ r-,. . ;}J .:,.,......,.
..:,,. _,.,.;JI I ..i.,, J .;_....; 'we are in the very same palace' •
._.; ,-,. 0 L...;~r•, .... '-'-"'i .:,J; •. l.;,.j;j,:.,. 1...,..1 r-rl'' ,:,,,J is used here as an appositive to the defic.ite
noun _,.,.;JI and is followed by the appropriate pronominal
suffix [W I I 280D]. See Sel. V Note 13.
A ,..,.'~I 4!,,.o>: 'the United Nations'.
l#IL (:. _...5
: C., _...5 or C,t., .,.,S 'electric', ~II',,. ,
'mechanica°l, automatic', i.e., 'elevator, escala to r ,

I• c.,,)I,: 'the magic carpet'.

.,..,.,~, .,.£. •.,-) .,...,~, .:,i .:.,,s, u), ,j 'in the twinkling of an eye, instant-
•,:,O II
ly' • ..
lrA- l r t <.P ( oub • ;,.~I., ~ , cl....J •1,.,.,, I ..i.S.,s: 'or so it seems, appears to you' ,
cl..! . I. 'there is no doubt'. After negative
partf~les 0-! prefixed to an indefinite noun means
'none at ;11, 'not one' [W II 135D].
stature with
I. 1 I _,.I lb, : 'to vie for grea t ness, o r
t~m{, i.e:, to immortalize themselves •
.,-.i; ~1,..i c:.ub : , I began to ask myself' •

11 1,....Jl.'S' : 'luxuries' •
. 'an American lawyer from
IY ,-.,.:;J..., . ,j,) rl-

56 57

_,...JI : 'today' or' ••• of today'. This word may be SELECTION VII
IA 1n the accusative as an adverb or in the genitive as
the second member of a construct phrase.
'in astonishment'.
1, ~j :

,1; ,Le, : Harvard University ( founded in Cambridge,

_,..WI l.....;,
Mass., 1636).
_,..;'JI : The Mosque of al-Azhar and the principal
religious university of the Islamic world, This , .,_i~, "'L..,;1 ,,-b ,j >"' r,.J1 ,,,.,...i, ~ I .,, .:,,,JI,JI .:,-
seat of learning was founded by the Fatimids in
Cairo in the latter part of the ninth century J.,_,J,J1 ,,.._,, ~I .ail • J,.,...JI, J..,.JI JI ._.;_., ,_,,,.,_, ,_.,,_.. u,;.,
.:, 11',,_,..'JI vN : The accusative after the separate J.-i, {,.,;... 1°,jL ._; .:,IS u.:U1 , _.,,;,; ,1 . , , ; ._.. Js _.;._JI
pronoun is called here u"l..:..;..I' particular,ization' and
depepds upon a presumed verb, i.e., or'
'I mean' or
• ;.;1,;....'JI, J.L:JI .:,, JWI dl:; .J )l..l J,- ~_,;l.;; , ~,\..., .,i...1.,, w;...
<P---1 'I specify' [II II 76D). .h., JJj : -',~ JJj _ J,.ti., dJ_j J,; ,1 _ .:,,-JI I.a Jl1,1 .,;.. i_.,,
n .!-1.,:JI \Jhen ~ 1 I. 'the I. expressive of
I. :
J.liz, J .:;_,;.:;... ufi ~.,.., • ~ , ~,

surprise' is followed by a Form IV verb, it gives -=,.:C..I f • J' 'JI J,1 4!.,Lo .._;;.JI
the meaning of wonder or surprise, The noun which .:,I JI, ...._,1.;;...J1 ..,,.,._JI ......JWI .!-1.,,..'JI J.,..,, ,.;lj ,,.h;JI j..., , ~J
follows is in the accusative as object of the verb
[II I 98C). , ..._JI, ,~I .:,- ~,, I.a t....,, J
""_,..JI ..,_ ~ 1 J,- 'J L,.;1.; ,J> _);
Tl !,,;.ill .., ,-1., ~ : 'show case, display window of the world' • \..i.:-'l,J -1_,;.'il ..,_~1 ,u.;1 Js J, ,..,.._...;
• ~1

To .i....i 1,: 'oh, what a pity! it's too bad'. ,,usually _,..;WI., r_.,;JI ,,~1 ,j _,-w; ,.;J;.....JI t..,_.1.,. .:,- ~ I ,-1,ill ,.:U. ,:,I
used to express sorrow or pain is called ._,....JI u .,,-. 'the
particle of lame~tation' and follows the rules of I, • , .,,JI j1 .;JI ;.,,Ls.I.._,, J ¥.- ,WI ,._; J _,.;JI J J.1 ~I J,- ..-WI J J ..,... _,ill ..,.,wl, J
The formation •' added here effaces the final vowels
[II II 93C). - T'

n ,._._JJI : 'O God'. This form is equivalent to .J..11 I,

[W 'II 89D).

TY 'the Supreme Court building'.

TA •L;i: ~..&.,,,. 'gorgeous garden' .

H J'•'JI J ,'1 : 'those in power, the authorities' •

f. J.AS uJSi: 'the deadliest enemy'.

_j 5
58 59

r-"_,,;,L,.., .,...,;JI ,...,,.-;t. •,-, ..,.1.,...1 .:,- Ct.. 4,- ,), ..,__,..JI .,.._;.,,,
,j, ..:,L..,;1, ,_p;..; ,,., ,j .,,,.,...JI ~ I ,:,I 0 ,;1 ll J,;JI 'i..oX..,
._,..,J; • r-"-'-., r-"I_,; ;.,...;, ~ , ,_.:;_,;; l.;I ,J,,.a,; ._,JI .:,--1,,, u..iJI
<t" ,_,..JI <.!'_,ill e,lhll .ti.:,,. <!.l...,.;)'1, e_ ,,;.JI I.a ,:, 1, , t l..,') I J,_.,; .,JI t,:,;
t. .j .,t...;)'I j,j-A-J J.,.,JI ._,JI I'.',,,.._: i;,_;; 1,._;.;,, ,:,I .,_;1 ..,..__,..;JI u- '-:-'_,ill t,_,..JI ;Jl.,,1 .:,I I.a .:,- cF,,, . ;_,..;...;... ,...,.;.. , ,,..... ._1 'l.:.;I .,JI
t.._,.;..T .:,II" , ,_.. _,,.u.., J.,...JI I.a .j ,...,..1.-, r-"-'-. .... , •
, ,_,....JI , )l:.JI cJ>l,-)'I ,..i.,J W ..._., ..,J,, w;p 4-<l.i,I, I.,.,...,, -.,,..JI
• ;....._JI ...,_,..JI ;.,,,.,......JI .j c..l:..: ,rll ;.,,,,-, .,.... .:,., •..u-,-11 t...i-.1,
~, ,L,J L,,..i;...;.; ,rll J.-ll, ,'-.-, L,...,,.:; .;JI ..,..,la.JI ..,J,,, ,,,t.,.,11, ,,t..:)'1,
r:-, , J,iWI .j :.,,,_,..JI ..,_,..._.:JI .,1...,1 ,..i.;..;,_... u.i.11 ~I .,_......_ ..,._.....JI .:,- ,.;I
•-"' ,j ' 1 ~ , IJ.,h;..; IY, i.,, i'_~; ',-.JI, r..ii:.ll, ,._;ll .:.\,l,t; .:,- \.,.,;
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. \..,.S .:.)'WI
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• ..,_,, _,;JI J,i.-Jl .j o.'!' _,..JI ~ • _,, _,J.; J.1,. I""' . J ....Jl, fa.JI .j ;.,,,~1 ._,JI t,_;.Jl _,,;,WI .,,,.,.-JI t"",JI -, ,_;_,.:, 1..,
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L,£~, .,_,_,..JI ;.,_.._,ill ,fa t...•1_.J J....; .,1;,.., .,l,..;)'1 1 ,rl,,..Jl ,,-,..JI .:,I . __ ,t... , ~ I .:,- I_,
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'-" .:,1

,1 :..JliJI tlc,~1 1,.
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• .II ._,_JI c'· ... _··II
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;,,bl_,;~•' ll;,.Jl...:; ~_;;JI u 1 • e_lc, )'1 ,.a ,j>li.;1 ~I:; J, .,i,...,-11

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..,_Jk; J,1
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l 1 ".! r c } •G. -r,

J ,_.JI .... ~, : 'in summary, briefly' .

NOTES AND IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS ~, 'i S; : ' in thought and deed' ; both words are
accusat!ve of specification.

..,,... ..,;;..~
many forces •
' is pregnant with, seething with

~ : 'only'; an indeclinab le a dverb which takes

I., ,-tS,J .;l.; :
[state) they were in'.
'fed up with, tired of the
See Sel, V Note 10.

. .• .}.J •ir. J,- JJ ~I,: 'if it indicates anything it

is that ••• ', Note the use of the particle u to sepa-
rate the protasis '1~1 J,.;) and apodosis (..b~I -,-1,. )
the term ina ti on~ [WI 288B]. of a conditional sentence [W II 345A] •
._:: : ( or ~ ) ' there' .}S an -14verb i al pa!'ticle. .;.t;t--JI : 'to cover the distances quickly'.
Connected with it is ,,_; ( or --=-) 'then, _ t nereupon,
next' which is a conjunction ( ..,.,,_;.,.;
words and clauses , but implying succession at an
u.,.,. )
•.,j : .!,i is here ...J;, ,, a lightened f orm of~I, and an
!I ellipse of it~ pronominal suffix called 0 ~1 _,,..;, is
interval [WI 286A, 293C]. assumed ( < ...;I) [\,/ II 81D] •
)L,t; Lili
JI; L : 'it is still present [and) active'. .., ,- : Often used in the sense of 'b':'t ! except' •
JI; L , like .:,LS , t akes the predicat e in the accu-
n It is always constructed with the genitive, and must
sative. itself be put ,in the same case as wo uld be the thing
excepted by 'i~ • Here it is the predicate of u-,1 in
)-- ·t-" )I;: 'no wonde r that ••. '.
the accusative [\.I II 341C].
JWI ,.;.. : The word JL.. 'case ; state, condition' may
,_..1..,JI J~ 'ii: 'the future generations'•
be masc . or fem. lr
' Al geria '. I·
,1...,.11.:-tJ, .,...J I .:-J:
, to the right and to the left'•

' Pal estine' . ,J,l,JI ':'_,.,JI: 'the cold war',

A l•
; ........JI ;,,, _,..JI ., , ~ I : 'the United Arab Republic' • 'technological'•
'the atomic and space age'.
JI.._.. )L. : 'ind isputab ly' • )I.., 'without' is a compound •L.i.11, ;,..i.ll jP :
of~ with the ne gative 'i • This preposition can be !Y
'the Industrial Revolution' •
used only with an indefinite substantive [W II 163A].
.,_l...,:JI ,,pl
'the Afro-Asian world'•
II J,-,JI .:,,_,ill: See Sel. III Note 30 .
.,, : Here ~j 'any' is made t o conform with the prece- •a brief picture'•
If ..kl...,,,.:
di ng noun in case ending and with the following in
r1 ....,1- ..,_1.. 'on a former occasion'•
'a response to the chal-
.J.WI 1 .;.-,-11 .;.li,),.Jl 'the working and middle L_; 'ii ,.._.._ ..,~ -~ J,:
classes . n
lenge of this crisis
ll .lt/1 ':"~WI ,.;.. : 'these three aims'. Note the
in~ers ion of the number (u sed as adjective) a r. d the
obJects numbered [W I 254D].
• • • -,.. ..b j;:. : Lit. 'suspended hung to' i e 'depends
on'; a pass ive partici ple fr~m; ( '.b',_:; ). •'

64 65

',_,.....J' .,:..;IS ,.j-> \!,.-ai ll,,..! 0,A .;, ~)'I ~ , • ..,l.....i .:,,, 0,-ii'JI ..i,..
S EL:,:;T IO!i' VIII
y/ ;;J,..;... ;.,.,.,s, ...,..,. J,i t, ,.;..i ; ,t.,.., ,•1 • ~)LI ;,,;,,_.. J,'1 "--J .;.,-,
, ll,.-' ~J t.,.,,\..i.> 0- ,_; .,,.•1 _,IS\ )' .,;'J ._,.,;,JI °.;,..JI j;,'1 'J , ' t, ,lcll

,.__,.J.1 ....,.L.'~I ,1,_JI \.,,,; .:...;Ji.; .,,i1, (•),JI l,.;,r ._,;.)I ,.,J, 'J I "',,.&JI 1.,;1,
v· " ~;," ,.:,. r::- Y' L~' ~Let ,) ''"--:"r-" ~• ~.,..J'

, ,)' ._.JI,;. .:,i; ,-1 .,,i1 ...,..wl ,_,.,, c~ ;,,,_....JI ;J,,!.,)I , .,,._,JI ,;,_. .:,,,,
L,. '-t-'""'
,....._JI .j ~15 1.,-,.J, JI L,.;r .:.~, , 1.,-,,:.,,. JI L.-JI....: u- -,,,_,..JI ._)'I . .II ...w.;JI , ....., ,JI • ..u, u- , ,-.-' f, ,La,, , tt,,-11 .:, IS \.;I, , ._,. ,..JI
I , .,,,....- -
~ , , "'1,w1, .:,1, ......11, rl.uJ' i...,i,,... r'.,; : ,.;)l.....)'1 ..._,j 4iJ..;... ...,i.w, ' .;_...., _,,j .t1 ) )'_,J , '-,J,-.. 0" -,.. .,..JI L,.ih;.,, ) •l,,..!)'I .,..,,i .:.~ u~

.j -1,.....: JLI ._,J, )'I .,J.aWI .,...._JI l..i.,. .j ,:S,, ,-J, , -,...WI, )l,Ji )W;
,.:,. '-"_,..JI _,t,.;)'I , ; .1,._,JI ,_.,. .:.~ • .J,-..,., ;,,;,,.&JI ...,i,
u_,;...JI Jll,i.JI '""" 0,,, \. ll,,..! w;,, ., , tlh...l ._..JI 1..;1, , ..,.JJI ...... <,;,~ .,;, )'I A._,, ,',-.. ,_,JI ,.,.,.JI Ji:;.;,, ,-J, . _,.;..I l;,,.. ;~1, ..;..:....Jl,, , \...- .:,,!Jl,
.j l.,-5 ;.,,.,..JI ;;.)'I ._,l, ;;_._,.J ,,;,j ,_,;.- JS., ,-J ._..JI ,..._:JI >"
, ,) )JI J"' J t.,.; ,;u '-,J ;,,J;;...
- -
;.,., r ....,.. J' "'-b-"
~r1' '~~\ ;;.,b.,,
;..,_.. Li 1:,1 .,.,.,..JI _,.L.:JI L'IS';, ;.,,.,..JI ;.,.,;-11 u- L<,,u,,i, L,.;1.,J,i ..; 1..,.;)'I, J ....JI 0- 0 T,._JI .,,JI ~., \. ._,J, r;;., ._..JI ..,...1,,...)1 l,..U;.; i..,J ,
M-'~ .;i; t..,., , r-,Jll,; ,fa t..,. ._,.l.)I .;..,. L,__,.; , 4,,.i.;)'I .:.~ .,1,; .j :J, • )' .-~.JI , L;,,i 0 ,_J,;..JI, 0 _,.h;..JI l,..k ~, , .,.WI .:,., ii ,WI,
.,,;\...., ~-
.r L:.JI .:.,. y~t.., ;1,.,J1 .,ts 1..;1, i.,...,..., 'M ,-1 f ......... w, ,_..;W ,i 'J, .,,..·1 ..,i.
.,1,.,JI 0- _,,;S ~ , , ;.,,.,..JI ;,.,;,JI .j ,_,;.- .,.:..; _,~ ,_.,,..;JI .:...;IS,
v- •L;. l..;I .,.,.,..JI Ji,...JJ -½>," J,i; . ,,.,;,JI ,u,,i 0- ...t.....JI ,U,,)'I .j
.;,Ji.; ) ..,J.oWI .,...._JI .j ;.,,.,..JI .....11 rl;i ._..JI .:,l...!JI 1.i.,, .:.- , .,,,_l.,JI 6

L,c-..,...;., t.,.;X....1, Lt-"'1,..; ._,J, _ Jll,i.JI ..,;J .:,Ji.; .:.,1,, .,_..~I ..,;J

.:, ,s:.Jli , _,.;..)'I L,....., ._, .,......;, I.., t.,....., .,......;, ) , , ~ I t..,........, ,....;.,, )
u- ,....:JI, , ..,...,)'I y l..;1 , ....
_, _,,
.,...., ..,,....., ......... ,.,,.., .,~)' ..J,w, .:i J,,,
,.,_ ...,, 1 ; 1 "

-b-"' ,-J, , -'~,JI ,_,JI ,.;.,... ._..JI ,-,. ..,;)' ,,_,,L;. t_.;., -,...,)'I
L>t; ~ ''"'="_,.,;~.,.-JI
•• 1,..::5 ~,l.h; ,,-
_,, ..,.,..._JI J:1.;iJI _;,,...,_
.,.,w~ ~I ~...:... I ~ )'I • ,.i J ,i J '-")L )'I r;_;jl (A r!'
,,)I ~1, • ~ ,_,. ._,.).JI ~I ~..t..s .;SJ, , ._;l_,..JI J, ,,L:.JI ci <,.,...,....JI
'7"_,;.JI ~ j , Jl,-,.JI, rl.:.11 J, ._;i..i.;, J...... '-'.JI J.,...JI 1.;_,., '-'>·;J .;_,.
.;.,,;.J, ..JI ,;,;Lo .;,- t I _:,.;.JI, ;;. ,..,_.JI ..;; ,. ..;:.; .) ,-k, _,,,h... ~ I , r ~j -., ,-,JI
._;l_,...JI J .,,_,I.JI i,,,,_blr-')'1, rl.:.11 J IA .,,!.;_;,,,JI -.,,J,1)7")'1 : ~ I '_,....:JI .;, ,_Iii, •I.,,._.:,
._,_,..JI ._JJI 1_,;.,..,, r,J
-., ,_.JI ...._ _,;JI ,l...:1
~ , , ._;l_,...JI J, rl.:.11 ,j ,,,,),;JI .:~-"' J i.,,_,..JI ~_,;JI ..:._,..:;I \.,.
.:~ ..a..,.s i.,, _,...J~ L,J J., r-.1 ,)(, JI ..: ; ,l,..; l.;1, , ..wl I..u, ._;:.; r-.1 LI" I.,» ,sfa -.,,_.JI ~,-JI JI ),...; ,i> ..,,_;.;, ,;tJI .;,.,;JI 4 roJ,
J i,,... ,liJI ,)WI, .__,. ).JI JI I..,.;; ,l,..;, , -,. _,...JI J _,... ._.JI 1..,.;; ,6.o J,;
..,.,...,, ._,,,~I .s.,:,, • _..
I I,
.JU ' 1
"' -,, ..,.,,.,..,
'-· -'I '.·- -"I
-,-, ........
-,-- .u , , T1 ...,.......,
_. 'I
~1,i, ~,)(, ,j ...,-).JI J, c;._,...:.;I IS,_,... ,.; r,)1 ,,k ..:._,..:;I, ._;.,.WI
lJ"J..\! u!S iiS.., ~,.Jt i..:.J1, • ~..ii.JI ~,1~ JI 1,;,.1\.c. .,.;

;;.,,,-,JI -=-_,i;...1, ,.,,i,,ji JI...! c-i ~_; _..., r,)1 J, ..:.,_,..:;I ,_:. !• ,,...._:J,, ,1..,.;,1..a., JI .__,I,. !Y J -.,..i,JI .._,..ii.II ..:.,\:,,.JI .:.5J,, ,-LJI, .;.,..J I .;,-
r-.1 ._,;JI ~tJI ,,ti.JI JI ..-.,ji ..:.,;,l,..; ,_:. , ,1.L.! -,.~ _..., .,._.,,jj ._.JI..: ,j
, '-'_,..)'I .J)WI ,:,,,,, I..,_;,,, ~.i>.: il,,JI "'-'~, ;..,,.wl ~.i" .;,- .,,1, •..,.: JI -,.,t.,
_,i;...1, Tl uJ_.;)'I , -., , ,,')' I , ,Ii.II d', r)L )'I J,; t.-: _,; _,..,, .,_ ,_.JI <.A
,j , <r JS' J,:; d" 1..;I, 1.,,-'>, ._, _,..JI , _,,, J ""'--,I ;,,,., ,-,JI '7" _,;.JI I.ii,
.J,..JI ,.;.,.:. ,j 1,;.;...1 IS, tr ,.,,i,,ji ,j 1,;.;...1 IS T! 1,,.;1.,..J J -,._,..JI
.:,,,,,.L,,)'I .,)l,.11 .;,IL.;,- r-"_,..;,., -,.,-,.JI t..,,,; (r-1 tf]I, , ..:.,,,,.;_; .;JI , )'.,JI , .a
..i.;_. • • ii ._jl Lj ii
!( , .
-,., y ._,,
, - , , .__,. ).JI ,)(, J ~)L )'I
..:.W uA .;,\LJI •)'_y ',,µ1 JS' _,.,h... 1.:U. .;.-,

,j d.l..l>, • ~l.. ..:.W rWI !A, -.h.i,JI ,.....:--J 0 ,.l;,, ._,.)JI .:,~ , 'I~

.;\;:JI w , ;,,,h,i.JI r-,....J .;,,_...;,,

~- , , _,._,...J I .:,, .-
u, • •, _,,,:,,,.,
. _ 11 ,.J,
· ,_,· I , .11

,j utcil, ,_1,,..JI ...,.J, , .,,_;l; _,.JI ...,J.J I _.,

..,,- ,- __.,-
• . 11, ,- ___ L:.JI ,lW. I ".i ;_l,,.JI,

.,,i,, _/1 ,~I..: ,j ._l,,..Ji J .,;tcil ...,.J, , .,,_ ,Ii.JI ....!JI d' v- ,1; ,)(,, ._;I .,.._JI

....,,:)UI ....!JI c-" ~( 1,,.;t,...i ,j'

-..~ ,L.:.11
el)!;_~ <J..X r-.1

68 69

c-i, , ,_,,J)'I _,.,w ...i;. .:,f,; .) .:f... )'

r'J \. ;,_1,,..JI ;._.J

'°'Jl., ._;1_,,.JI ,j '-,-;,_&., ,_,.~I

L , ~ ;,.,_,,.JI .....u1,, ;,.,_,,.JI .....UI

,j '-,.;~

u ~ u-WI

I>,~ ._,,., l,....;.J, ...,,. u"'

Ii..- ~....i• .,,,..JI ,-)WI L,..;... w '1:, ._,:JI
1..;1, l"l,.:,U...:., .:, \.;..o, .,JI .,._:; A..i\.. .,,, ,.

....J ..,__.,,..,i .) .!.-,l; ,_J ._,.WI 1.,J>:,, ..;JI ,_;_,, ;.,....1,,.-JI .....UI .:.SJ, H, I,_,. rll:.J I r• . ._;I_,...; .:,IS ri l.)l..l .,..JI l.u, .:,IS'i •I,- t.,....., .., .,.., .y1 ... ,, t,J;..,

t..,i ,._L.J1, ul:i:JJ -,,.,..JI .:-,:°I , .JI" 1..._, -,,,_,,. ._,..

.:• ...;.1;t, ,fa ,.i • r)L. )' 1 1.,,Li ,...,~ .,.,,. ~_,; <.J~ .:,.;i,
,-,JI ,......,, ;;.J,...~I • ......, c..;f,;.; • ..__;~ ,i rl.) ,i ,1,51 (J JJ L,..;,S, rlL)' I

J,...; ..;..;IS" ..;JI _,.-l.....11 .:,- , _,..,l,..JI ,.a .:,- ...;.J;l; c..;15 l..;IJ •'-"'"'\.;.. .,,.,..
• ....!JI ...,,. , ...,,. ;;.,)'1 ,_;_,, ~ , , ...,~ ;;.i .:,_;1 rX... , 1 Li; . J)WI ,...,. JS
..,-J)'I , .;1:i:Jl 1 ,_L..JI .,.,,., ,,L...,JI ;,.,,. , , ~ 1 , 1"•~1 .,_, _,..

rX...)'1 1.,,Li ..;.11 , ...,~1 ~,;.i1 ,_;_,, , l,... ,j -,.,J)'I _,,,1~1 ...,._,._,i u-,
.:,\;li:JI ._,..; , 1_,;,l....:,, J ,:-,.,-, .:,,,..iJI t' ;..;,t...... y l , , )'

vJii, , .:,L:,._ll, .J.4-11, ,_,.,._JI T'1;,;t;: , ._,1,-11 ~)L )' I LA,,_.,. ,j ..,_;.,.)'I
o,_,,.! ,:,;i, .) l....,; ._...ii, , ._,.l.,.)'I .:,,,, ._;,_,.JI L...,; '-"'"'j u'-JI,
0 ,.i I.a •l..wl ._,,.,_,..,.JI <il:i: u-J , ;_.,,.;;JI ~WI .:,\;\;.:JI .:,- I~ l _.;:5
IJ ,~LI .--..iJI •I .,..-
- •II <-' j r-
. ~I '-""
lo ll ' • . ..i, 1
-, .:,- - 1"1 .s_.iall, )'I J..;. ~ I•

,:A, ,-J , _.,,.....i1 I.AL-, 4"' _,,.JI ;;. )'I ...JI r-.J> 1 - i ,
, ,,.,...WI .,_;l-; )'1 .:,JJ 0" "-< _/1....; ,_J, 1..i;., ._;_;_i; ,-) r' , \,,,; ~ , ..._.1...i,
~..,-_,,;JI, ._;_,.:JI .j .£ I.a 0" ,_,..:.;,.) rvl. .,,a;-~ t.,,
.:h ,-l . l,,;I.:_,, ,...........,, rT, 1,.1.,; ,...........,, • t,_....,\i ,..........., .:., IS '-"'"'t... '-",. ,. t.:
"-, .r j J "-, _,....a..l ..;JI r' )'I , .u,, .:• I _,;15 1..;I J , '-""'I.;.. '-" .r .r l.:
t.,.;..;li:., '°';i, l"A ,._,,,..JI J)l, .j, ..._,JI ,j , ._;.,..:JI ,j ,_.,~I y\ili:., .:-;°Ii
,.,._..; ~ , ;;_; ,_J t,,,i .jJ ,..,-.,.JI ,j 1,,,i ,j , ...,...JI -,,,,-,JI
u" J '°' _;'I, , t_,..;....W;, .:- ;'1 t.,....i),
•I ~ I ..:..J.< ._,;.JI , L., 1 \.,,

,:,., ._, .:,_.J.;..;,, 1_,;IS ,5..i.ll _,.....:JI e!_!j I~_,;,,.) _,h..~I ,:, ,,ill ,j .;_.,,,....;,ill
\...;) ,j .:,..JI


·1.,)~1 J..;;
..:....i.;..i, , t,......; U.,_..; c...i;..i, :~ u)'I c...i;..i ..U ~_,...JI 4-)'1 c..,;r;" ul,

•\... 1.-,;1 : Note that the predicate here is a verbal

s e ntence restricted by W~ .
0 0 0

~I t..;i Y' f -,,,.,.._JI J)l,.11 ....... ,.j .:,,....JI ,_.....;JI bi IS ..ul l.

• µ1 ,.,_,JI : 'the political unity'; a permutative
tin the genitive) called Jl.......,1 J.._, 'comprehensive
(. subs ti tut ion' • It indicates a quality or circum-
I _..J,; _;; .:,,,_;l.:......11 o!l.,:.JI .:,!> .. L,.;_,..; .fa ,-J ;.,,,,.;. ,t,... cir, ,--,...,.._JI., stance possessed by or included in the preceding sub-
stantive [W II 285D].
Jl5, , ._, J~ ~, --,.. .,.._JI u _,..; .fa ,-J; u,>-,WI ,-JWI 0"' l,..:,, .J., .§
..UI J.P : 'the peace and blessings of Allah
.:,_,iJI .,.;..1,i ,.j ..,.:-b- ._,;.)I ( 1..:.JI_..JI c _,k.i,I , I.Al_;,, ._:,i ...._;_; y, --,.. .,.._JI ~ J 0~ him!• ( eulogy after the name of the Prophet
,1,,.JI .:,- 1..:1,Ji ..,_i,; , l,,,i u_,..; ._:,i ._,JI _,.:.s ~l;JI .:,_,iJI .J, _,.:.s ..,-t.11 MuJ;iammad).
•more precisely'., 1 ~.JJ)'t 1.:.-WJI r,l..:: , ;;~I c1-Ub 0- IJ .,.-.; L:,i e,.,.11.,i_, , ;;~~

,.j .... .& ._,,..;; W L,.J ..,i ..,_;:, ..i'>- ....,.b.JI u_,..; £ ,.i, .....,.b.JI u_,..;.,.. ..,...,.ii: 'Yemen' •

ufi, , ,..LA .,,:.; i.J .i•J; c..,.0 1_;1,, ;;~.J)'I ..J, i_.,-Jl...SJI ti, ~WI ~,;.. : The an cient name of the city of Medina in
..,.._;, .;,..wl -,,,.,.._JI ,1,,.JL, Jl...,;~1 ,:_,, IS, ....,.b.)1 J.--, /"'.ii.II ._,,.,.._JI '-,-J~I •1,,..-1 ribe in ancient l'lecca
The name o f the Arab t
f t..U ..,..ul ..,., -,,,.,.._JI J)l,.11 ....... ,.j d.J:-~ ;.;t;: c.L L.":!.1~1 0-::'..i.A
-rc,~~ich MuJ;iammad belonged.
'the Prophet was
I .,\I J;,.;,, .J, :
.:, ,..,i...;,, t..:,~, -.,,.wl --,.....ill .:, ,i,.,, l_,.;15 (.,,..ul, • I _,J,.; L~.ill JI ,;)'I •~;.. A • •. ~I .., , ,' P. d J, t ~ the presence of the Lord be ore
not tr~nsferre in

.), ,.....J)(, ,.j ~J~I, ,J.-.11 .:,,-...i,, l_,.;15 ,:_,.,,..ul, t.,.... .:,,-,,.A,, .:,,....JI ..:,L,;JJI or until.•• •
i 1 clause introduced by
'LJ•~1 ....,,Jb ,..... ~I f._,.WI •~µ ,:_,~ , , pi.II •~µ ..,., , , , , ~ I J)l,.11
••• .;;, : .A: circumstant a
JWI ,1, and .;; •
,:_,.,,_,..,L..JI 'somewhat' ..
I· I-~:

11 r l.:.JI : 'Syria'.
See Sel. III Note 13.
'the Ghassanids',
1T .:,,.,;\..i,.ll
here Byzantines)'•
r,)': 'the Romans (
See Sel. III Note 3,
,J :it.JI ) .,,, .,.._JI ~_,; : ..,-
1( I,~ J'
1. ._,._,..i.JI: • the Persians' • (. e Byzantine)
_,.\;,, • 1 '_;,JI , 1 y -lb.JI ' the Roman i • .,
11 .,,_:_L.,,,-JI
rv - rt tP , ( 1, o1 Empire • Empire'•
'the Persian
IV .,._ ,Li.JI


. 1.; ... : The ancient pre-Islamic North and

'the Byzantine Empire'. rt g6uth A'ras'ians.
... ,i. .. i •1,- : 'whether ... or ... ".
,, J.; .,. : The word J.:; 'be fore' , like the word _...,
'afterwards', takes the termination~ and is inde- r• ... :u~ .:.J.,,: Note that, in this class of apposi-
clinable, In this case the adverb should not be in tives, the verbal sentence , , -~ reflects two kinds
a construct form and is called .;u, ~I ,y t,_.b'i.,.; .,.J; fl
of corroboration, the verbal corroboration and the
[W I 288B). corroboration in meaning.
,_..:..l JJ ,:JlJI 1
'and replaced them, i,e,, ruled I. : Note the use of the relative pronoun l.. 'what'
elver them'. with the repetition of the verb , It is specially
employed ..,.;.:~JI,
'to magnify and multiply'
._,.J .i:~1 : 'Andalusia, Spain ' . if an impression of something important is to be con-
veyed [W II 267D),
n 1,,..:1.-1 : 'Spain' •
'Africa' • Also written .,..;1. 'China'.
'the Turks' •
ll -'-4-ll : ' India' •
,_.; i.:,..JI d ,.JI : 'the Ottoman Turks' •
\$i: 'that is to say, i.e., namely'. 0
'under the circumstances, due to the
~1 .:r : 'wonder of wonders'. tl
.!-Jl,-)1 ~:
events' •
-'-?-': 'the Arabian hi ghland, Nejd'.

TA 'Pehlevi', the chief language of Persia

from the t hird to the ninth century A,D.

C.,_,.rfu.JI r'J 1.: 'because, since', lit,, 'as long
as the ruler.,s were Arabs'. rlJ , like Jl; , c_,.., ,
, and oil..;1 of the sisters of .:,IS" , must be con-
strued with a negative particle and takes its predi-
cate in the accusative [W I I 102A),

T'• ... ~_,. :

. ~I
This kind of apposition is called
..;.s,.:.11 'verbal corroboration', It consists I

in the emphatic repetition ( ,1~) of the word itself
[W II 282B),

fl Reference to a famous tradition, See also Koran

Surah XLIX, 13: '0 mankind! Lo! We have created
you male and female, and have made you nations and
tribes that ye may know one another, Lo! the noblest l
of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in con-
duct. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware,'
r1 ..,h-,;!: Nabatean(s), Aramaic- and Arabic-speaking
people of 7out~ern Palestine and Jordan. Their
kingdom, with its capital at Petra, flourished from
t~ethe nd of th e fo urth cent ury B. C. t o the beginning
o e s econd century A. D.
rT' ~IJ~I: 'Aramaic'.
.,:.''i ,~IJ ~La.. .)!WI ,..._. ~l...J JIWI 1.· a ~ \' 6 •1 ~i_;
sc;r,:,;c'rION IX .,.~ ...., .,.., Y. ) J


J foll ...._. 1.,J.>, l.r-,-' .;JI ;,,...L''il l,,'."""11 ,J ...._.j

I.,,; " ;;.,,., _,.,.JI •...., ,JI J ~)L 11 • _...,JI er-< .J.;\i.JI"

""' _,- rj , W..:: .::... _,;JI ;J.,._...JI Jl."JI u- "~)L~I ,.,..,JI" J.

f ,:;.., 'i .;JI 1;;_,,l½,1.11 r:l..'il

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<;.,_,.,.JI ,..1.>,_JI ,:JJ-' •½--)L11 ,.1>-,JI J! u- J.,
._, :; r, ..)!L..JI , ..iA J:. J y _,1.JI rt...;! J v"_jjl Ji.,,1 .,1, r.,.; l. ..,;.s

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,..,_µ1 dhWI _,,,:l;; .:,,- ...ti..- ,,,-,., ,1J,;')'1 J,.,,., .j <.S.»- ,l=)'I 1.u, ) ._;;.,.

cli,~I .:,,, ..:..;, .j ..,_t,,.. ,..._, 0 A r,J ,.,,_!WI ....__i,JI ... .,,;.;JI ....,Ii.JI

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'o-' 1,J 1 1.i,o .j G-. _......:JI r l,, ,'t, I,-...,;.;,, )'i ,_,.,J,I .,,._il,i J
J, ¼.LIi .,,,Jli;JI ,.,h,_.... ,',) .)J ..,_1,,.-11 ~)l.JI ~l.i...J -,,.~)'I ,1,,..JI

• 0 _,;JI I.a .j .ji>,; ) .:,S..JI .:,,, v-,;) . • • ,t,;')'I J Ji..°)'I .,-.I_,.; 0- .,,,_l.; JI
, (

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cl.a;..,.,JI, -',,)Ii.JI ,.,b,_.... .:,-

- - {

80 81

_ •r~ L,.;,,t- ,:,- '/_., _ ....:WI !.P"< Lo.,.._:l.,,, ,_,.WI cJ,,,., Lo,,.!_,
r-t-"'1W -.•)I. pl Lo~, t..,_,.. l,_.;-1,J NOTES AND IDIOMATIC EXPRESSI ONS

,..;,)JI e' , .,,J., ;_I,... ;.,:,.,.fu11 ;_t,...JI ) I~..;>-"- )

.:...J... ~I .,,. n ._.J;....ll l,;11,,~ ) .,...;.; 'ii ~, •r',.ul Js T'luo.,-JI ~ ,

,:,,J J~ : 'prevents'.
fl<.J"J.,JI •)(,:.I ,:,- _ ~)l._11 .;)WI ~l.. .;.;IS' ~I - T'T' .,._;l.:..,J I .J,..JI
,..; : • wh y ?' See Sel, IV Note 30,

)- ._,..J.;...J T'•, J~l; '/I ..,.Ji ,j ;,.,-JI ._,:~I .;.;IS' .,:JI ul'J !..:..I_,.;_..
. J 'the prevention of.,,'. Peculiar to
i.J ,.J,,.,JI :
Jl..:I <CJl.. .:.;IS' ~I .,"J ! ijUJI ._,:~I d.1; •)1,,:...1 c.:,- ~:ll.11 u)WI · · ·'-''hollow verbs ( second radical , or <J ) is the
som1 1 form ..i µ in which <J always takes the place o!
~I Js ...__ -Lr'- ,j ;.,,,- e' _,.
!~! ~!cond radicai, as .J,J,.... from Jl..(J,...), ,,,.,,.,. from
J l..o ( .,,,.. ) [W I 120A],
u..i.., JI; _. ,:,f.., ,~i ..._J L,.;~ -..,,-,JI ;~_,JI ,fa ..:,- JS';
See Sel. V Note 32,
,tl.i.,;.;I ,•1,, u-,,J tl.i.,..;I ,j r}JJ ,.,.i,;.. Lo•I,, .,..J . . . , The word • a lip' has two forms of relative
,-J ,......,J, ,fa .,,,,-,JI •~,JI ,fa ) .._...., • , . • and .,~'oral' [W I 158B],
IA~,, T'1~1 ._;... ) adject 1 ve. -
t.-!,~ .i..;..; , .,_.41 ,_,; .,", I.,.-.; -..,,-,JI -. '/I

J,_,,._,J .......,1 l,.;,I , ...,_,. _ , 1 ~~I: 'utopian (from .,;. 'blesse~ness, bea-
titude L,~) drream,
s i • e ., impracticable schemes ,
)l; ,._,.,..._JI J)l,JI Jl..;1 1 ,;_,,,-,JI -.''11 t,,,l;, ,;_,,,-,JI U,JJI ;1,,.. ,:,- 'to reflect and look closely
.,.J,..DI WI, ,:,A.JI JI., I
•~,JI ,fa 1,..i;. ,:,,,.JI r-" ;,Jq1 ) _ ;,,;J.... ,,,-.,, _ J--', ) ~j at •• , ' /
, , is the sound plural of J..,,i
,._,,-,JI ....VI 1,..i;. ,:,,,.JI f"" ;.fu11 ) Js ,:,,,_,., ) tu.._1 1.i_l '/_I ,-..,,-,JI
t...,.i.,.i : ,:,,-L>I 'peoples
'family' [WI 195cJ •
. i,,,,-,.JI J)l,JI y l ~ I,;~, , ;_,,,-,JI -. '/I
t_, ,l; 1,...,_,i,
'naturally, by the very nature of the
._JJI ,',-i ,:,- ~I ......,WI '-"l,t,....JI ,:,- i,,,,-,.JI •~_,JI ,fa ,:,_I case'.
) e,h..-= ,i, Jl/'/1 L,.,.i:,. ) <fJI .,_.W..,'jl •1,'91 ._,. '/ ,._.4~1 'the Islands of the East Indies''
y..,.:JI ,:,,:-
J,.ul '-t.iJ..;.; 'the Caucasus region',
.... ..i;.. _ ... i....~,, ;,,...,,J.JI .,ji.11 c:~ .,4)1 )..: ..... IS' Y! 'who directs his attention to,,,,

Js J..., \,.: . ~ ) # i.,....,.:.1 J4,. '1 .;~ .....,,1; J.1,-., -,.,1,..:~ ,,:,,}
' II
have,, ~---i..ot:
;in view'•
1-i, . Teheran
,Lo IS'
Ir J,....; Ii . ·IS', 1,1...,, Jl,I)'~' ~a~a.f (Ind1.a2; Bukhara
cfran J';'-'iibul(Afghanic~1~la~~~ Fez (Fes ( Fas J
._,,-,JI <.J",WI ,:,- Ii;.,; JIJ_;.... ,;.JI ,..i.a ,I,; ) ,j d..; '1, (Uzbekistan); Kashgar(M li Republic, Africa ) ,
(Morocco); Timbuktu a
,._,,-,..11 ,)WI .,.;.. ..;,_., l"A . )(:L, 1:;_ 1_;; ,...,I_,:... .,_,.... Damascus (Syria),
i...... "'""i, <l ,;i, ":--',Aa,-1 ,.., I. J,I J, . J,'~1 L,.; _,.;;, ..;JWI L,~ ..,)! Lo...,...,

•Malayans' ,
r, , ll.JL ,:,.,il,WI c:~ J_,.;;...
I --6 ,:,1.,.1 ,:, f.., ui I. l..i.a
11 'the Negroes',
'1 rger and more is f ollowed
IV . Lit,
! a ,_., pattern
,i..11, .,.J, _,JI .} ,!,, Jl..1, , 1,I : C:• ,-.. J ""'i"
e that the ,.,._ ·
sive tan ••• • Not c ificat ion,

I~ .a , A- A, V" • ( 1, (I ,, .,.oli..11 )
by an accusative of spe
82 83

,.,.i.J.... JI- : 'there is no lo gical ground' , If an ~. -. F 1 Cognate accusative used after the active
JU•Le i..i,;
!Ydjective be immediately annexed to an accusative rA participle (•)""' I ,;. 'increasing' to indicate the kind,
after the ' of complete negation', it may either
take the same case without the tanwin or it may be .,1;..11, .:,,-akl.JI 'Arabic-speaking people'. See Sel. v
put in the nominative with the tanwln [W II 97B], Note 43,

11 •~,>ll LI' ~" : 'whatsoever',

WI, .:.,, ..,, :,,.; ~I : 'must not be forgotten or escape
our mind'.

Tl 'the Muslim brotherhood'.

1T fa1 .,; ,:,f,. : 'will not have renounced, denied'. Note

the future perfect, consisting of the future of .15 +
.u followed by the perfect. u

Tr Here a conjunction in the sense of 'even'.

Tl .i,.s .bl_,.;I: 'the breakup, disruption of ••• '.
To .1....JI 1.i.o J 'in this respect, in this connection',
Tl 41: 'previously'; an accusative of time.
TY ,.;1 ~ I ""', y...JI : 'geographical maps' ,
TA ,:,.,.,..~)·I : Historically, the supporters (mostly Per-
sians .gJ ~he literary and political movement, known
as t~e <ubfya. during the early Abbasid period
The_ u<ubifa refused to recognize the privileged
position o the Arabs in Islam, Here the ~u<ubfyun are
th e opponents of Arab nationalism on pan-Islamic grounds,
Tl -=-1,,..,.., : 'claims, pretensions' •
r• ..,_i... ,:.SI 'more practical'.
r, U").J_I : 'takes advantage of opportunities,
benef1ts from the occasion',

'Great Britain' ,
...,:L:,.J\ Al ,..ii : 'the Ottoman Empire, •
rt er, )I : 'the Russians' ,
ro J ,-...; L;°~I 'Anatolia• ,

,..WI ;;.,.. See Sel. IV Note 29 ,
rv ,:,l,....J.I ;,-I;, _;_.J: 'b
sight• • egan to come to light, come into

..'L -
"\v". /
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+ 91

r-!WI JI.. .,.,,, J\...; ':1 1 0 1 .:,,- ..,.S,I. o.=-1_,,.,;; J!.... JJ ...,.,.J, NOTES AND IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS
'-""WI .;,., _;,).:.JI .:,,- ._,_,,1, ,,.1.>-l~I ;;.'';II •t.,i .;,., J\...;':11 J.1,-. 0- ._.,;j

v:M J .
t,..: 'together'; accusative of state or c ondit ion.
r-,-'I.... ,i ,,JI I- ,, , .,Jl...i _,JI t" r-,-'l,;)l.., ~l.;JI ,,_...,JU.. Jl....JI .§ ,.,..;
... .
dJ.ll dJj .:,IS' ljl,; : 'if such is the ca se'.
. '-t.J,,... J ,.......,,) l~..i,i ;w.J~ •J¥1 ,-,.J,J,
... J ;i .;1_; : 'effective, have an effect, i nfl uence
)l.l, .:,f,; .ii J., ,._.;L..;11 ,,_;.~I J'.;; ':I ,I', J¥,-,- .:,j,I ~_,ill,; r on.... - 0- cl>- : 'entirely, purely' •
.;1.,...JI ,L:.:.;1, ! 1 , o.=-X..1 ,.JI ._;), .J ,.._, , ; _,,;.'':II .....JWI o.=- 1, ,_b:JI 01 .., i.-,; ':I : Note that the fem, pl. .:-1...,;'nationalities'
!!;overned by ....,w1 ':I ' the ':I of complete negation'
l"'I o.=-1,Ji,, o.=-1,1...,. ~_;;, , 0 ,L..:JI, r-"t.;JI CJJ o.=-JI;, 1.,,'';11 "'-,.) .,; ,_,.Jl_,JI, takes a kasra instead of a fatha in the accusative
[W II 59n:-- ___._
, .. ':II , _.h.11 J\.:51 t", .:,,- _;JI t" ; ,Jli ,I', . '-"""" .:,,- '-.,........, ; _,4
1:i.., ._,_,.....JI .:? : 'very difficult'.
.:,J;; .;,J .JWI '-'-" ,.,....·, •t' _,..,
.. q -,.. 1.....1
. •• 0I, ..,_,_,,..,
. 11 u.i; .:,I ;.,,51.,...:':II 0
i.:;... ':I :
Lit, 'there is not the equal or like of ... ' ;
....... ,, ;;._._; .:, f,; I. ,.;;_, _,..!,JI w; o.=-1...._,.JI y used here in the sense of 'especially, particularly'.
The particle ':I is ~ I [W I 289B),

.:-)1,iJ : Pl. of ;,J0 J in the diminutive, ' petty states,

A sma 1 countries',
• • • JI.,. <JI ,-,. , : A circumstantial clause •
fu: Lit, 'what a ~ifference,there is betwe en .. .
... ,Lr,:..,
and ... ',0 i.e., 'how far it 1s from, . . .
The author is referring here to the Lebanese party
II called the 'Phalangists' or ' .,_.;l:..,lJI .,.:~I' , founded
in Lebanon by Pierre Jumayyil.

A reference to the (Syrian) Social Nationa l Party.

See Sel. XIV Note 16.

'complete, sweeping failure'.

; _.,.wl ;,.,_,..JI ,l,..JI r-il.. : 0- If t..,J.i )L:.; :
'fell into oblivion, forgotten' •
,._..,l_,JI ...,WI ,,_L..11 ,'J , o.=-,.,,,) It .:,1,,.-...JI ,1_,b
'extremely distant'.
!YA-!Yl V"•(i,i. Io ........,ii J .:,.-.0
'according to, on the basis of, .. ' .
.,,. '-:',!J ':I ..s.i.ll : i,e., 'undoubtedly'.
IV III ..,_,1..,. •t b f igh t'•
IA ~ . ) y,- : Pas sive perfect of Form



,, _,.5,1. J,15 : 'Karl Marx'.

,,,-..J' ,t.,.;i J : 'all over the world'.
,I .,i : An irregular verbal noun from Form II ,_.s".,i
11 .1W,1 ,1.,.;....'JI
'to fulfill, perform',
'by virtue of.,,'.

u 1 .,.:. .,,;,, u 1 .,.:. : 'lawful and unlawful'.
i.,,i, 1. ..• 1.,,i,:
'we have seen ... what we have seen',
a relative pronoun used here with an intensifying force. J- )I t.,., •~ _;JI ; .JWI ._j!l:W1 e!J; , 1,;...lh. J,-, , l.;1,,,- J,- ..,.S.,.:.,,
.;,,; ,-JI .1l,.;'l1 'the Soviet Union' • ~_;, IS,.,_.:. 1-¼-> 1,J.i,, , L,..,J, 1,;.;1 _;JI, . ~ ltJI

u .,_,,,JI _,..JI : i ,e., 'the Imperial regime in Russia' . · · ,,_,.J ,.1w .lJI ) ._;!1:WI ,:._a J,i,
'Ghandi', the Indian nationalist leader. . ,,i.,...'i

~....:~: 'i~s usefulness', the subject of the passive • . ._,_,..JI J.J .;,- ,:,y} .,-,- r,G ..w,
partici ple ,.,,..,,. ' limited, restricted'.
.,.,,;; ,,; 0e<,,-·w1 J.,,15 .:.r l'""' ) µ 1 •r J r..-1 1 J,\...,
.:-)L,l_,.JI ._;},: ' mea ns of communication, traffic
r outes 1 • .,.,,;;, •u~ J,- r)l....''JI J , , L,J.,-1_,.
_;.,.. _,.;.i ;..,li..l' ~i ....,. _., J,-,
._,,_,.U_,-:-1 •. ,j,/Ji r-h..w 0 1_,....;...:; \;;t, ,:,,,:.LJI .:,,,'<,_,.bl_,...'ll ;._,,LJI .s_..b,
cl"j.11 ..,, ; .,.,...,, ,,,_,.11

•• l..1> r..,;,;;... r" J ,,.,_,. ~) J,- ,1.,.;.... 'J I .,..J; ..w,

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• .,_,WI ..sii .P H t..;i ..., . ._,..;...11, ..,,,_;JI, ..,..= ..,.\,JI .. .,.,, )
• .;1,,;l'.>.! ~J

~ , I.'. .. ~_...aJI L•J.; r.:_,i illv....JI .,~ c..:,L "-:";.,.5 ..W_,
.._;r. ~t...;JI,, J., r--",,,,,., ,... .,)J,, ,.........,i .Lu ._,..,,J • L,.,.J, UJ-!~
T •) ... ,1.....:... )' I - ,l,..,.JI .:,:_.;1 ,,ls ,_;l,..JI .;L,-,_-'il


• \...J....I IJ) L_.;;L..JI I .u, c...,;.; ui l., J J,
,.;J~ J .,i. j~·'J,' ,~1' .. ,Ii., .:,,;Jl. J Y.- ~'
.;IS V' l.:,1

. ,_,.,;.~ I
i:.'ot~'22.~: 'we the people of,,,', See Sel, VI

.JJI, .:il..1' .,..u.. .,.,.,i ._;;...; <.l.l.i,, cpJ,_WI J.olS .:,, · 'to fr rd
enslaved ,people) from tlie yoke of c!:;a~~~u en the
.,.oii, • ..s ...S: 'Chosroes and Caesar', here designati
of the Persian kings and Roman emperors at th ions
of the Arab conquests, et me

..,- , .,...U JI.: 'drew to a close' ,

(j;ammata] : 'there is', See Sel. VII Note 3,
Li,,., : 'Tanganyika' (E, Africa),

;.,.~1 W: 'New Guinea'.

.:, , .,..~JI, 'Y.-J•JI: 'Togo and the Cameroons' (II, Africa).

..,._Jl..i..:_,.,: 'Portuguese' •
., J; ... ..h....o, 'spread its wing over'.

._s..a; 'J,-,. 'Dutch'.
1,,..-;,.;;1 ~, ,),.,-, ,1,~, , 0)1,,.J.
: 'Ceylon, Java,
ll Sumatra and the whole of Indonesia',

,JJ,. ,,;
'New York',
0 'the United Nations'. See Sel. VI
ll ;.....,;;JI r" 'JI
Note 8,

,.,.~, rlJ_;.-1 'New Amsterdam'.

~ I 4".U. J .;,..i.JI I V' ~ , , \.....JI : 'Austria and Hungary',

... .,....i, .,..s. ·-) "

• 'J ,-Jl, ,:,, .i; : 'owed allegiance' •
'(i:_,,l; 'J ,._;l:JI ;......6.11
r'Jl v1 >1': I the mother country'. Note that r'J' is
used here as an adjective.
Here 'tribute'; historically, the head tax
" on free
: non-Muslims under Muslim rule,

Thomas Paine, the American author (1737-

l• CJ< (.,:.
98 99

, - 0
!I ~{ is ~~=/~!~!v!n i!h!r~=~=e f~~m ~/Ji~~~1f !e fr~~

you think'.

n li;,, .~i : i.e., 'torn in pieces'.

tr ..,.,, ..: ..,.,_J: 'there is no doubt ••• '.

W :..; : 'yet, however' , _,., , 'except, but' is
aaverbial particle used only with ~i[W II 289A]. an
'imperialism'; in the accusative as the
, i.......'il : -\<~ <,I'"'\,,- _,.,,;..., ,~'ii -=,ly-11 J)l.. 4,,,,-,.JI ,lh;)IJ .,,J,..JI ,!,,..JI J.;.,
direct object of the Ma~dar ._;\,S. 1 fighting• •
t l,.;I J J-' ,:,, , , c.;.,,. ~I J I. -1, ..,_ , .,,.-1 ,.:JI J5 0- ... ...._

n ,_;.i: 'another', a diptote, . _,;l,,;_....11 _,.,...JI ,,., _ J,.,:.,

TY .iwi.i -...., : i • e ,, ' and it spoor opinion of heresy r.,,._.1.,J,,.i .,_t;~ ~\;\; , ,1...oJI J .;,,WI T,J.M..JI 4,,,,-,.JI ._,,,.,.._JI ..:.;IS,
unfavorable attitude toward heresy'. '
._,_,..JI J,..JI f, \,-1,,-JI J,,:..11 t.-,J,1.,, ,..,h,-JI ~1_,;..:'il .J,..JI t'
TA ,,.,.ii ;I~ : 'the entry permit, license, pa s sport'.
,. ,.,..,1
Tl · · · I..WI : L.WI ' attachment' and ~.'i, 'devotion' are
J dJ~, , -=,l,,;,_1J 0,_t.. ..,,,_,.,, _;..:.,, , ,-,.t;JI J r-,-'IJ , -s,..'i l
bz,~~- a(c~~~aitive of s pecification after the imperfect . 0 _,J- , (.,1 .;1,_.JI
., .,, Form of .ii; 'to increase' ) •
., P.,JI .;IS : i.e •, ' i n every respect'. .,,._.1,,-JI "'t;)WI JJ\.,; c:...J.b _,;JI cf' ._,,-,JI J,..JI ,.:U. 0 1 _;.JL _,,~,

1. J..J-'< ,._,_,..JI ,IJ,;'il J ..L.'-' .,,,_._:, ,.,1,'i v-'-" 41.; 0 1S, , d,;_...JI , ll, t"
-.,.......:JI r-"4-JI er-<
t.,..,1, ,.;l;,
.. 0 1...,.....1 0- .s,;, ..i.;.; J._.JI 1.:U. ,l:i'i

..,_,.._:. .:,I (Y'~ .:r'r. ._I.,, • ~ cf'J ,..,_,-,JI ,ll, J .,,J,,JI .11..., 'i l ,
..,; cf' jl .,,.-1,,..JI (.;.;JI, .... ,:;JI ..hi,,JI .;,,), J \:,,:.> _,,,.,; <?.',-,JI .;,..:JI
"'\;)WI U" '"1-,;\.b ,1 _,;JI v ~I ..1.11 _,;JI , ~t... ci J J • ..:5 ,,I
. y.:;1.,_,, U", ._;I,,; _..JI ',- ,_....:JI t' ;.,,...!,,..JI

r-1-1 ......_, • u°L;.. ......_, • l 1 l V rt. J ._;I,,; _...Jl ..,;..,JI ..:, ..J' .w
J5 ·r)l.JI , ~:lb .....,,i)' t.,..;1,1.• ..:. .,;..;l'i', .t,,1;.JI Y r ~ , ,,: Jo>',
1..,_;,'i l ,fal ..,.. ...... j, yl_,;..:, 'i l -=-~\; _.,,,...)l.;.JJ ,_.;, 'i i - ~ ' _,JW ..hJ..,.JI
.. , ... - 1 , • ..,,'i-_...;\; , L.;..JI A> J _,,.;.; ,
.,._;.; _,;JI r )l,.'il y ..:..I,_,.; ._._..; ._..., ....- r , · ·
. . I\ ,..di J.l· .:, y-1-l', y ; 1...,_JI t,._;... ,.r!, ,
,lh; J <; ..i.,.,.)I .,,_;\....; 'i i r)l,.I • v,,-' , ..
•·<• I ·" I . •II ,1,l-JI, .,J l.wl, -. _,,JI 0- .l,,
"- I'1UJI .;)lh;'i J~I r....;.,,, , J ,' , , ',- , - -
., _,;JI ; ,,; J ;_,,,.;..:.JI ; _,.b; J
._,.,ij.J, r)l,.'il ,_;_., ..:...1,-,.; • ,µ1 ,.,wi .,,_; _;,,,.;, , .:;,,;.,- J' ,µ,
., 100 101

wl.,JI ,_.,.,b.)I ..,;..JI ,_;,. .}J, ,.,;... v<rSJ t,- J,; .,Uj 015 ;;Ji-. )'.,J ,.;I , (~1 IV --,,.,..JI J)I.., ,j u 1 _,..JI -=-1,,.,.,.yl 0- C"-"I .w
JI 1,.,._ 0- I.I • t.,.a,_: 1 1 i.-\,-)1 ..,_). ~•'-"_,..JI ._;.,..:JI .:,,- .,._,. ;,,_,...JI ,.__,..JI ..,.;; ~ ) J ,;;,,_,.,_,,JI ,_,,- J \,;jJI ..:J.,.._J -,,;\,;_...JI .,_,..._:JI

,_.,.;,J J.-, ,._:,,j,,.._.JI .._;1.., J Ll,-.1, .w , ..,_ _,..JI •(.,I u- y_;.,.._ )'_,.I, , •IJJ -..,...JI, W,.,JI
w r,,,J I -.~
.·1,,;,_JI Jl,...;)'I JI 0J} "--'"' ,;;,,J_,iJI

1,:;;JI ..,_ ji Js- , ._;\,; roll ..,;..JI ~l....l l.a.o J • ,....,,.i,1 _,. .,0 .;.;
0 JJJ ,,~1 W, , ~W ..:,.I ~WI ..,__,.JI 0\ ,1,5 Ji.T IA..,_,.r;.JI -=-~
!•.•L,.o ;_,JI ,.i.;, ..,......_ ..:,.I .:,--,I r,.lt. ~)' JWI 0°1., ..,!,.,JI •~.,JI ..,.,WI

,,:;ji t,J ,:;- .,:SI JI _ ~JJ u~IJ L,-..i, •.,•.JI , ,;,,_,...JI

1,,;, ,j Tl";;,,,1_;.11 .,..,...S" cj\,,;_....JI Jl,..;)'I JI ,_,h;.11 ,..._. 01

..,_,.r;.JI JS JI._,,..;..,.,_ u:,,-, -:.;_,.:I , .,_.,.._JI ,!..,)' cl_,..:I W ~J .,;; J , Li,;)l:.;..I .,i. ;,,., _,..JI .,,Jc. .,JI .hi... J )'I JJ ~ I ,....1...JI J J,..L;.;;

t1il 01J We ,._h. ,~ J;S .:,.., ..,_..,i; '<1JU> U:-J : U,JI il.,h,JI., i.i,.....:.JI . ;;,,, .,.._JI ,U,.; )'I ._;.1;.;... ,j u< .,_.;WI J u,,i,WI .:,.,,J J _;.-JI .:,- r)IS' J ~I
~I J.,; ,. ,..,..liilll r,i- Js-, , Jl_,....;,,.Jl;... rl.1 :U:L,.11 .;;..t.., ..,,....:..;,, ,,.;..., Js- c..,,;; \.5 \,;J)I., .,i. (..,,;; ..,:JI .. w1 -=-1,t,..)'I u- la._,;. ljl ,:,.,-:.,

l...;U,,1 v" , U...._,... ,.;-. <JjJI ._;~I l..i..o JS .:,,- ,i.jJIJ ..,_l_,..JI, J,-,JI t,l,_;I Js- ._,;l,,;,-JI Jl,...;)'I l;J)I., .:.,,,, .,,_1,,..)1 "-)l..JI JI l;_,h...; ,r,.IWI ..,_,.._;
lo'-., ,:;I .J,., )' .._... , G,,1 11".,.._JI c,,),;JI ,j ..:J...J 1.iu, : Wlibl, 1,;;_.,,, .._,_... .u,,I~ L.u-_,.I ,;,.,_,..JI .,1.1;)'1 1.,., _,.; .;JI ..._..,:;JI, .,,J 1 ..JI t,l..; 1 )'1 •,..;
t.._; 1. 1 l,.;,t....,. 1 i,,;jJI .,,:..i. .bu .ii.;, r,.1 cj\,;_....JI Jl.,..;;)'I 0 1 ir'J , '$Y .,i • "-)l,JI , .uo u- .;JI <J _,,ill .ill _,;JI Js-
~.,-JI ,:;llo 1 1 j\;.;I ,j ~)'1 1 J 1 )'1 Jdjl .,J 0 15 J., •rt. ~>< ;;,,_,.JI .:,-
, J,J j.,._; ..:.,lj 4,,J' .,_.;.I TT :u,J ._1, l;J)l, u"' ilo JS 01
r-1 '"""',-W l;J)(, ,;._;lj _,J ,:;\,,J, 0-J ..,__,.JI J,,, u- ,_.,.;)~, .;.l,,L,..;IJ .,,_;I.,.... u- :u,.JI ,.uo ;...I,- ,j \.. iJ\;.;...)'I , )' 1 1 : .:,,,-I rl.l
IT . L;,,w .C..,,Jl...1 u- ~ l ld.;J.,_,.,,;, .;.l,,\...:1, .,,_;I.,.... u- .,J jJI ,.i.;, ;...t,,... J I. ;0..;L;.. : l,;l: ,..._..,:;JI L..1- r,!)l;

W.... u- j,.. .w . l,,_,,,. 1 1 ._Jl.,,;.;;I 1 1 ;;,...t,,... (~ ..._..,:;JI Wt.,. ~..,;\.;;

-,,.,.._JI JI..;.; ..,,_;;
1 •~ .,,J,J ..:.-1,t,..)' 1 , I. WJ cj , J,jJI .:,- ill; JI ,.u
.,;; (ii J • J¼.,..)'1, • Jl,,.JI ,..,:;ii> 0-
,j ,.,- J,... J r-" ).b:;I
....., J
J_.,; .,;; ~I ,1 ..,;r ..,,.,,. A i...,; d)j # y;,. 0~

102 103
1_;1 ~, • l.,....-1.;,, ,1 t.,.,.;\.;,, ,~I ,1 ..,_;\... I.SI l,.,_.i ...,..,.J, ~_,i.11 l.......L,.
l,.,_.i .,,:~..-JI _,1.,..;)U \;~, <p,,JI \;_,)(, '-.--1_,.; .,,_.;, ,1 o,,I \;.;._I

• \;,,JI ..,._.JI., C,b.,,1 Ii;,-

._..;t,.;..-JI ..,1.,..;-,1: See Sel. X Note 25.
; ~ I .,.._,..JI ; . , ~ I : See Sel. VII Note 9.
'diplomatic representation'.

'moving on rapidly' •
..,.. , ~I ; fal 'the terrestrial globe, the world' •
. . . , t,., J,.;· : When two verbs ( J;.;
and .,,.-1:, ) connected
by -; and referring to the same subject ,,_...JI ) pre-
cede that subject, one of them ( in general the second)
governs it and agrees with it in gender and number.
This form of expression is called J...JI J _ul..11, 'the
conflict in regard to government' [II II 32'/D l.
A .L,.]1 ,..,. ;; ~ : 'despite the short distance'.

•Stalingrad' •
I• ._,..1.:iUJI : See Sel. IX Note 11.
cl...l , ,_.;, : Genghiz (Khan) and Tamerlane.
Instead of _;..l~ [<aja'izl pl. of iH" [<ajiiz]
'old woman 1 •
~I 'gratitude, thankfulness'•
1;_,. :
Ir 0
tt in gender with
JWI J ef.,,..a.ll .,.,_;.,..11 ; .:,,,
I.JI : Note that <J' here does not agree
)-' •~-') ~,-JI ,_,1,,...)1, J)G._~I
tbe following noun.
'without exception'•
• ( t,.,1; •~', ~.,.J.J r-"'-H I• •~I
. I. • 'there is no one• .. who d?es'
Ii ;::... , 'JI ... ..:,W'• ..:,o • , body cannot but think •
11-• ,_p not thi~k of •.• ' , _i.e., _ever!ceded by a negative
When the preposition ..:,o is P: d finite noun it means
particle and followed by an in e
'none at all, not one'
Arab countries' •
i.e., 'the
Object of the preceding verb.

104 105

•.. ,_.;t w, : I. is a negative particle here. SELECT ION XIII

'will not be in vain, futile'.

T1 'as the cornerstone'.

, t

n u 1 ~ ;,,i :
Compare ..i,., .;i with W ~j and note that
~mayor may not be used in agreement with the fol-
lowing noun in gender, Compare with Sel. VII Note 1 2 .
..:~ 'there is not'. See S~l. VII Note 3, <T-_,..JI .:,.b.,JI J5~ WI... JI ~L,.. ,_. 1 ~ 1 -,.,:,>- .,.,, .:,I

,;.I jS:..:.,. ....,_.! .:,1, ,...._, JS-:,, .;.1,_,.JI I.a ,) ""L..i ~, ,.,,!, -,,.i.. ~L..

,,-JWI, L,-;.J., J!..,,I, J.,.l-.; d--, )' , ;.. ~I d' WWI J)lh;I .hi.; .:,1,

JI •1,.a'l'I T .,_..., J., , '-,J ;J,,.., t...1,- I. JS, -,WI </' t..,t,_,.1 'I' ,
.:,-, ;;,.,\;JI t.,.;L,..l,.. u- WI... ;..)'1 ,.i..o JSL:.J ~ I J ....,._.JI WL..JI

.:...:ti! •I,-. , r,Wt u- , j,}; ......h.,,. ,_,h; -,°L ~ I .::,-' ,r,JWI e:' 1.,.J,\i;
~L,..WI c\ 1.;_,~)' • J,,,,.11 I.a .:~ ',r ,;1 ,1 .,,_;,., ~ I ,1 .,,.,1 ,~•1

,,,;,WI .,,;.,,\..JI L,.;.l,-,-, u-"1)1 L,-,,..., J L,;...)' ...,L,.., ,;..I ._;)' ~ I .:;_,\..)I

v,,J t.,...;,, , ~ )' I C--"'" ..,- '1'I .;.,,;...

.:,,L...; 11,,l JI i-WI ,,,.,.J~ .;,._;,,;
~,.,.,, . ..,; fw t! :,.,-c t <:I' ufe .:, ,L...; r\,,i r, c...·'I'~ ,, .... ,..., , r- '1' 1
r-'11 .:,''i ~ I 'j ~\ ,j,,},JI ,_. r,WI JI J>l..11 .:,- ._;)lh;)' I ,:,I

.;,,.,h;JI, J.,..JI .j , ........, .._._ JI , .fa< ~,L,.. .:,-, y,i .:,- rlb.l -,.,,-,..,JI,

~,_....:.JI, !"' )' 1 ,.y 1".,,,;-..; ,.h,1_,.;JI, .,_,..JI .fa \..,.-, ,r,JWJ .al)I tL,, )' I .j,

.,.,:.11 ..h ;.-'- W ~ ,

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pr 108 109
zw - ~


.......,_ii ._,,_;... : 'the pan-Arab Ba'th [Revival or

Resurrection] Party' .
_...., J, .•. : 'not in the sense of •• • but for
the purpose'.

I" 'more exactly'. - l.)"'W\ l.Tl".1\ ~} ...:;...\_,..... U"' ,,A! \. l , ~ \ V- .j-'JS- ..l.A..i 'c.ii...l ..W

<T' : Here an emphatic pronoun. .r-,Jl_,;I r-,JI..I

,:,-S.. ,..;; ?I. : 'as far as possible'. • '-:-', _j>, ~,' e,\..b..;,_I\ i.=.....; ..,....:.-',

• , ~ ,.: 'justified', passive part i ciple from Form i..,,;.:,, ,d.M"' ..:.~w, ".~ 4i.b:ik, .F ~ , ~,r dJ~ i.:,1,;
II ; 'to justify'.
.:,- t_,.:.J1 d)_; ~. Y}J~J .~,\; ..:,;...:; _,..,,J ;J,t-, ,._.,... .,_IS.;, ,;,_.)~ ci!l_,h,
y •.. J '1,._,,l...,.. . . . ~..,......,. ~.:I ._.•1: 'that is (to say)
neither •• • nor ••• is taken into consideration'. .j &_ .__.; t,,\,,,J .)s- ._,,1...JI <S_.b.;, j) _:.,.:,.UI •... ,L,.JI .:,,..JI
·rlA,~1, r~~'
A ._,11:Jl, : 'consequently, hence, therefore'.
• • • ,i.. ,j : 'in the flood, midst o f ••• • • t . J\S~I .,,_~I 0- -=--,,f, , .:,t .j,) ,j •«,_,.JI <S '<I''

1• 'not only ••• but also'.

11 L. ,., : (also L!l.1 ) used adverbial l y.
,.,,ls- ,j ..._t, .,,: ~,..;.:,, ,.,,;,
1T _,..1, .-. .;,,, : 'now and then, from time to time'. 1 • _,;.;..JI
t:1.....,.1 ._;1.,.._1; ,J.>C,,

...·1 ~1,. r-,-'1 uJ":;. .....,..;, ,.,,;; r-" ·~;..-

di>!- pl : 'more courageous'. is an accusative
of specification aft e r the J.,.....;ipa tt e rn.
ui J: 'whe reas'.

l 1
110 111

Wl_,JI r<..1$ 0~, • .,.JL..a.11' r--J>l'' 0.,.UI ,...A$ 11... ._,..s; \., y.. t.....; L
J:I ,-JI 11 • L,J_;)I;, ....,_JI cl,1.,-,
0- J,,,WI I.a 0- .,,i. J
0I 'i_.J

v=,,;JI _,..;, t.-.-,~ ._,.JI •l,,...,)'I ._,. JI 0 {,,, ...; 1 ,_,.;l,-':/1 0- •~t

,.i~, ,:y ..,_..,;. J,..._ •,_,J;-,, 'i,1 u:.,, 'i c<.Jl 1 , ....,_JI 0- ,.,,,;..-; c<.JI . i..1.;.;,,._i..,

.~I ~; ¥~I .:,. .~I .j 0I

, 1.,,.,,...., ~, •1,,,;:;, L c,1, cl,,)'l, I~ L

1.,,.,.,., •JWI •t......__'j 1.,-, ulh,, ..,w, ..r',...S- cW.--. ..u.JI 1.:U, .j, ~,~, ,...,...,.,. • (,,.._.JI •l..;..)'t .:,,.... ,....l'i 11,..,.,:U,)Ul, I~ \.

'c<~ Jl,,i- .j ;;;~ ._,.,-.: L,.JI' ,;..._-'>- .,,.._.., c~, , j,._.JI •l-b....'J
T •. ~,., _;.Jl, '1, 6 .;;.....)\., )' ,..b,h.;JI ..._..t, ~ ,
. ~ ,i .__;,,; <.>""'I v,,,>- , \.,,I _,;t, 1.,.41 J l,..;I c,1, .,_;,; ., j.JI t,,..i
• J ,_,JI ,j .:,\,, 1 L.;;... J.e-_,JI, ,i _,.JI 1.:,I ,._JL.;;J f"' ,,:-, ._,.J.o J
'c<-. 0- ,_,..;,-, ,..,,._:., '"<J c:,s- (fa- ;;,; ,i ,._i..1, .JI:.. .j ._,.•~ jl ....,;.,;
. cl:41 ;,. )' I .j ,_,...J .:,I r-,-'l.el .,.-t...... v<J

Loi~ ;...,;..; c,. ,._.:....;..., ll,-,. I.,,; •.:-,-L6.Jl 1 'i.,iiJI 6 .1$l... ._,JI •~.ul, ~j
,_,..JI c..::,' •,- JS' ,j, ,J,.-.,.Jl, ~,,,,....,it,~; .i.,.JI ,:U,
, ~ I .,JI, ,r-1 )I , y,, J ,j i; J }>'_.JI,

· 0 ,J..,.i,, 'i, 0,-:,--., 'i, •0,-,.,,, 0,...,....,, 0- ,..,..:,-,

.,JI 1;.,,; ~, -~' 1..:U. .:,1, .,1 J.,.....) J.1h.; .:,I~ b,.JI ,.a
. t"..,;.; .,l,..JJ i...,.....,, J,...-,JI, J,, .,_.JI .j ._; .,-JI ,_,..;,-, ,:,,J,1,.JI 0- u,.J)'I cl!. .:,I . L,-;,i; .:,I ,;.-.:.....; ~I ;;.)'I ,L,,,..,...

,i I )L,)'I JI _;,_:.JI r-,-,;.> J .:,,_I:.,

,...,,.... L dJL,, v-,,,1 ) .:,-i W; ,.,,.>- L ._,JI t1h= .:,- ,_,..;,-, ,;1 ..u:-,, J •;;_._.,._JI .._., \...JI J 'f ..&;J , ' C:

•4.el.l ..s,s,, ~ I c.,s 6 \.;,jl ~ )

~ , .u.~1,:, ~ , ,Uby-)1. t,.,-'t..,J1, •~~.1 l.:..~

.., ;;..»-~ 10~;,
. 4,,-I,- ;;,...r-W1 1 cl,...;.,WI J,..., .j c..o~, , ~1_..
,..yJI, ,i.,.,.,.JI, •rlW', .~I ._,JI ,.;,:;, J,,.; ._)'t •-'-"' ,,....._,,. .:·' _,,,;.
11 . .,..t.:,.)'I ..1....JI, ,;,:.JI,

c.,..,..:;t ...;, ,; ~I J c_.......b; ,;;. ~I ,..u- cl_.J..,J .lit ._,.~I ..w,

,._,, ..,.,1. • ......,. ••,- J,•'i _ cl,_.;l.;. 1 _,Jt ..,i,. r.,,,J' ,.i-> ,.;.,..aJI Jl\...,
,J,,.; ,.,,h, '.,,-' ;;_.,jl.... ,.j:l...._.JIJ ,c\,,.,.,-JI, ,u.yl ;_,._,,t, ,.,,.1.:,.1 ½,-J'
1l - I • f'

~J ,u~l.,.h.JI c,;..... ,,:JI 0 1.b,..Jt f -'1-!J ,.J,.ul ._:..< u,,.ul J,.,;_, J_,.;
._:.I,_.;;...; c,l.,,)'I t_;_. . ~ l i , , ; :i.JI, J.Wt uL,;l,, , ,t:.;)'I v-1...1 ..,J,- .,t..,..;;)'I

11 3

.. . >" i.,,; : A circumstant ia l clau se . See Note B.

,. • • • .; J
: (fem. of .:;. J ) is constructed with an
indef in ite n oun ii:' the geniti ve, fo llowe d by an
indefinite adjective in the same ca s e, or, as
here, by a verbal c l a use standing i n pl ace of such
a n adjective [W II 214CJ.
~ I .,- ,.j-' J$
...._, : 'after my return from abroad', a
reference to the author's return to Lebanon from Manila The a uth or states he re and in t he f oll owing para -
(Philippine Islands) where he spent several years, 11 g r a phs some basic prin~iples of ,.,.jiJl (,s,,-Jl ) -,,_;,JI
, the (Syr i an),Socia ! Nat12nal Party , founde d by
..__ (~ : 'the clattering (of the beads) of a 1.,,._. . .,_h;I 'An tun Sa <adah' in Lebanon and forme r ly
rosa·r y' :-· •{led u _,;.JI <..S .,_JI .,_ _;.,JI 'the Syrian Nat ion~l Pa r ty '
in Ffench · (PPS) i.e., ' Le Parti Popul aire Syrien '.
I,,;_,; J ;,_..; 'schizophrenia' •
T' :
,v :J:: ( Quad. I Form) is a neologism co i ned from
JLS'i :This is ;_.__JI,- ,-1 'a noun of intensiveness' {'J _,..; , steel• used here in the sense of 't o s t reng-
which means 'vorac i ous, a glutton'. then, to make of steel • • • '.

L...,L... JI;. : A type of Lebanese folk song. 0 _,bl, : 'cement, concrete i, Fr. 'be t on• .
.,..._JI,.;., I.: : i.e., 'the chief of police in a county ~U,)IJI 'secul arism'.
or a quarter of a city', 11
'neithe r complex nor split
;.JI., 'J J ,.ii.A.JI.,
..... J-' )' :
y eJ I,.:.: t..,.,; ._,.,.J ..i,.5) •WI :; _;;) :
'and the bubbling
,.j (persona lity)' •
noise in a hubble-ffubble t wat e r-pipe ) which has no 'an essent ial fea t ure
tobacco', The exp r ession is used here sarcasti-
•.i., .,....,J.,._J ..,...t.. J: i:~•; t hat •.. '. Note the
cally. u 1. r c onstituti
of the . on prd ov1
pre de.1ca te i·n t hi s s entence.
inversion of subJec t an
A •••~I Jli,, I.,;: 'while it is said tha t ••• ', a circum-
stantial clause.

_:,Jl.r!" : 'crimes', is an accu s ative of specification

I ike the preceding nouns 'i _,;,.s J 1,L.., J "'i JI; , but as
a diptote it does not t ake nunati on.

1. ._,..; .,;~ J,,;: Lit, 'it was said to a young man

tHa t he is a prophet'. The au t hor is referring
here to j , ~ JW I Kamal Junbla t'' one of the
leaders of the Druze community in tebanon and the
founder of .}I.,.....: )'I <.t.1i.:.11 .,_ _;..JI 'the Prog ressive
Socialist Party'. ·

11 l;--J,)I;, ..._.JI \;,IJL,.., ..,. ;..;... : 'a handful of Indian

spices', an allusion to what the author considers
to be the Indian mystic a l elements and idealism
reflected in the basic philosophy of the Progressive
Soc i alist Party.

1T :;,,.... .u: .,;;1 _,...,1 : _'prog res s i ve soci a li s m', another

allu s ion to Junblat's pa rty. See Note 10,
1r • • • J 1.i..o: used here in the sense of ' a ll this
happens wh i le,.,',
114 11 5


.u ) I ;-1--JI

.;,._, 1..,,i...i1 ,ril ~1, . ....._, Lo) .;_,,..; r! J:,.'~ I <>.,.:..JI r\hJI 01
._;S1 'i -.,,,~ 1~ ,.:,~ r_,,,JI ;wli]I ~I , , , _,;;'il, L:....,_,. J,'1
0-' ,!)l j _;~, .JI.ill,:_~ 0 ;:,_ \. ....._,\ . ....._, '-t--,,L,..: t:4' r!-.,,,~I

,1-;1 r-"l....u l:1,-• ._; l-:.; 01 f ,dl:;.:;.,; ;;_, ,-,-,JI , ..i..,..J -,,,:;.....; 0 1 u..;...JI
-.,..,,...:JI , ;,.,,Jl....i.,JI .:,,,, r_,,,ll •-½--'-' <5..i.JI tl_,..,JI 01 ,-J, • ~_,..:; _,,,;. ;;.,_,..:; ::Si
w 0W t.,..... ...... 0,;.J:.;..,, r=- J..,JI ..:~ t:.1) 0,-;..,, .,,,.., t '~ .,,,;. ,:J,., r-!
. .J_,.,.. "' ' .J_;..,.. ti 1,-11 ~J ,_,.. r. w,.....,i •J. ~ , .,,i,~ _.h...; u'
0.) .,1,,.JI, ,l...iJl, L,..:IL , . ,;,;'i i i .:;_,., 1......_. T' , Li. 1..,,....._, 1. ,Li. ,_.;.,,

-,,,..i.JI ~l;..;;JI, ,~1, ~ 1 , , ._; lWI, ,__,;.;.,JI l,.,,-)L -;r ._j _,;(;.;JI j.>':"'

._j ~ I , fa.J I vi ,_;.;.,,, • ,:.,..JI ,,L:s. J-t..., 1..J l~,,_.,_,JI,

• • • ,:_,l...;! ,.;\ 0 L...;)1 ~ , , -.,,..1:iJI

•r--Wl, CH• . :,.. ~ 1 )tS' 0 1 ° ~'11, d.Jj ..:,- ,_.,,)'11,

[") ,_.,Jl; . '-,- _,.JI ..:~ ..:.;I,,., c,-l, ...,, r J '< .U...., JJ. I-; J j J t lb..;\ .,,.;._, ,.:,.!..,, J

, ..;.l,l,..iJI, ~I.Jo.ii , «;,l_;lh.11, c.t.,.,•.11, , ~,,_.,_,JI, -,,,..i.JI ~l;..:;JI, 1,;,,,_.JI

c.1,jl ' ,.;_. J, _ L,..:.,.i........._ 0,<..i.JI j,.._..JI ,:_..,,,,Y...JI u ')T,

01 Au l.) Ii-. 'J) Y., )..,__,.JI ~.,;.; r-LIJ (JJj ..,.,. ,-.,,_,...IJ
I•. c.li_,.;....JI , ..._. Jt.\ l,.,,J.. J_,i..J
(;.;.., .,_µ.;..JI 1.;_. j,j:,,

Y .. , ,;;._i, <-4,u.JI ..,.;IS ,i Y 0 _,..,, _; ,:__,. u.,,....11 0 t> ._;;....;

• c l.,-JI r--UI ,_.., .~..a.JI ..,_ _,.JI , _.. _._,_:;. r-LIJ, . L,.;_:;. ..,_ _,...1J

• r ,_;..w1 -.,, WI r-LJI , _:;., • j, .L..JI, j, .,,JI, , J;..JI l,.JI ..,_ _,..JI • _..

' l . ..J, ..1..- ~· , 4-,.; J, ..L> ~· ' ;~ )K'll,

116 117


pl 'J .:, ,4-,; 'JI <I" ..:,I, : 'are nothing but experiments
no more', i.e.,· 'are onl;y ... '. The negative particle
._;L:JI I. (like I. and 'J ) when assimilated to .,-,,) or
used in its meaning is construed with the accusative
of the predicate, provided that the exceptive part i cle
'JI, is not interposed between them. .;, ,~ must be put,
therefore, in the nominative as the predicate of t/'
[\,/ II l04B),
Wl~i •J. ~ , : Le,, 'and grin from ear to e ar'.
i.,...,,,.. I.: An adjectival clause denoting exaggeration,
r i.e., 'an unparalleled calamity, a tragedy without equal'.
~,,~1, -.,,.;i1 J.WI: 'atomic and hydrogen bombs' •
• • • J..;''11, d)~ u- ~.,•'11, 'what is worse and more
;;.,.:_ii i),},-JI 'guided missiles'.
'that protects him from the calamity
y ...,_,..JI .i,...,;;;
of war'.
c.:,l.;,J t;._ -Si 'oh, away with ... :, to Hell with .. ,\',
A 1
~:,> : 'shame on ... ~, what a shame ... ~ •

'trickeries' .

.,, .._ 'J~ .,,= 'J , 'which has neither ~ou~daries
ll nor barriers' • If the 'J of complete negation be
repeated the first substantive may be put in the accu-
sative without the tanwin! and the secon~ either in
the accusative, with or without t h e ~ • or in the
nominative [W II 79CJ,
,...JW : The J here is ...,S ,.JI r'J , the affirmative r'J •
H See Sel, V Note 4,
...,_,.,JI I,,_,,:.....<> .:;i.,: .) ~- )!; : 'n~ wonder if it is
possessed by the hysteria of war •
.) I.,). I.I ;J ..:-1., : 'it became necessary for us
lt to,,,, it became our duty to, •. '.
i 118


I• ·· · .:i Lr ;;,1-;~1 JS 1.i • 'isn't
for man· t t t he ••. '• The first n;~ne~ough of a str
{ and ->" is an accusative of spec the Object ~~gle
su ordinate clause, re)laceable by i cation. Th
., (i.e. , ..11..;.; , is th e su b~Ject
of noun
• i n e the

11 f • • • , ..., : 'who ( is the one) ••• ? , • f ,..JI ;..!WI ,L.,.ll ,.alb.

'we fall back• • (I)

,t.-,JI Jl;...JI 0-" ..iii JI .,[,:;.,_ l. J,I
IA •·· I... ,:,1, 'they are nothing but ••• , • .,.._,;I, , .._J.WI d

I, • • •'"=;, : 'how much more • . . 1

• ,.1.o,, ' t.,.::..;l.;; ..,,. .. ':I ;..!WI ;t..,.JI; • .;\.i:JI '-"' yl ci.l .i JI .,..1,.,,.

~ , : i.e., 'a great deal' ._i.a: ,:,I L:.1,I !JI; ;...:.;JI, ..... w,, ..,...i.11, .,,.WI ;t..,.JI j..:., .;li:JI
ration which consists in th • a . verbal corrobo-
the word itself, e emphatic repetition of yat.:....JI ,.l.o. .i.,; ,:,I _., f'I ,I ;.':I ._Ji,..11 ;t.,.Jl
.,.lJI; ,..6.,1_,:;JI
~ .;l:;!JI .j r'I ,1 ;.I "'1_,.;I 1..,....._.. ._,1.,
UI, • y...1.-, y , y.J., L,.:,_.i .j L,.51 ,_;I .-" lbl,, ;. ':II -6., .,,_
.bL,:: ':11 01S' L,...;,...., ,.J..L;.;
1; ~,.:.J.K; ,,-':II ,h .j r'I -::.h,,,I
;.':II ..bL,:: 1; • w,.;..JI ,1 ~_,::.:..JI r"~I I_,$ ,I )l,_.l:; ..i,...i,I L,_.:.,,,

r' r ,~
er-< .bL,:: ':11, , r"t.:..,.JI ,.1.o, .j ~_,;;..:.:; y':I -,_,-JI
)l:. L,..;)\:;.;..':I , ,.,,_I ,JI .. ':II .bl,:;,' <.~ ':I .il, , .; ,_; -..,~I r'':/1
..-)L':11 r'':11 0"';:,':11, 't_u,':11, .,_Jll;JI .,~ , .....,t..-JI ~I ,_,;
• I~, f-11 ~ ' ..,.JJI .j _;)l.;_;.)U , .:,,.h C"" t4'- ':I L..-.e-
: ._Ji,..11 .h, I , ,JI

.bl,, '4).i,JI ~WI J" t..,.k. .,,_ r ,.._.JI .,I. ..,. )L ~I r' ':/1; I h ,~,

.s .ill ..i,_.L:-11 .bl,:; )U, , .:r---1---'I . ~ ,f st' J-1. .-", .:,,..i.1I ;.1,-,J ' ~15
1 1 1
I I I 'L':11 ':II ,J, cr-.i.1 , r1-"3 0"'
'J .; ..........- 1 ·- - 0
i:,,-b.J J" ) r' ,,

W.1, f )L..'i l C- ' i,.;

.,_,;.':II .:;.l!.,.11 ,; 1,,_::z1,
.:;.t;li:JI JS I,-..:..,:. , ¼-<
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JI ,_;.JI I ..i.c, IP : ' in this way' •
.,..:i IP : 'after' •
.,_ J, : 'according to' • Napoleon,

..,.,..., t,....., : The permutative is called here Jul .:,,~I J ~I IPJ : 'in short, in a word',
'the· substitution of the part for the whole' • · "'
ll Note that the subject of c:...,..i , the nomina-
.:, I,.,_ :
tili, 'and so on, and the like'. tive dual .:,1,......,., is preceded by the prepositional
phrase , , , •l,,.,J.Jas its predicate,
,~, .,.,. : 'the Arabs of Syria'.
!! Mid~at ra~a (1822-1883), Turkish reformer; Sayyid
41: Used here in the sense of 'Indians' rather Ahmad Kan (1817-1898), educational reformer and
than 'India' • founder of Islamic modernism in India; Jamal al-Din
al - AfganI ( 1839-1897), founder and inspiration· of
.:,.,__J..i;I : 'Andalusians', i.e., the Muslims of Spain' the Pan-Islamic movement; II.air al-Din al-TunisI (1810-
before the Christian reconquest. 1890), reformer in Tunisia and the Ottoman Empire,
y • •, u,.,,:,, dJj ,_.. I. Ci, : 'as for everything else · tr 1.:U. .:,,u)-.., .:,;..\;,: 'to acquire a part of this ... '.
such as •.. '.
H .,,.,...i1 ..,_}-JI .:,,.,., : 'masterpieces, choicest works of
t .b .:,.,(~ ~ 1
0< , <1-' ,.._JI : 'al-Mas •iidI' , ' Arab- his- Western literature'.
( d, • 9561; 'Ibn Jubair (d 1217) and Ibn Bat,+iit.a_
1377)', two Arab travellers: r !• W i _,J;.; : 'because of, due to •.. '; an accusative of
L.L.;I JI l.ol.;;I ,:,, : 'from one end to the other', ~.
,rll.. ~I . IL.JI -.; >, ,j 1 • 1 tha , !l . .. u 0 ;;.., .:,i .,;._,:., \. 1.i: 'as to what ought to be ••. '.
the mei'ting pot· of" the M~us>l--"1.m t -were fused in
ted • . sli world, i .e ,., assimila- !Y t.JI : i. e • , , _,.;.1 JI 'etc . ' .

II .:..i, ...,1:5 • Persian t l !A ... \. 1D Lr,I;; : Lit, 'its basis ~s the ~a~ing of
from the Pehl;vi by Ib a es translated into Arabic what ••• ', an adjectixal clause which mod1f1es the
n a 1 -Muqaffa• (d, 757), · preceding object c.._:,.
I! <-1....ol:Ji : 'The Book , - ' •
national epic by the otf Fthe King , the Persian L.,,.;..: ,'the best of what .•. '. If t~e _comparative
poe irdausi (940?-1020?) ~ form J.,ul bec omes definite by the addition of a
Ir follow i ng genitive or the pre f ixi~g o~ the d:finite
., ,.:.JI
of Ho u-, ., _,.JI '._,.,,
• ~I
' • .
,.,1,_J~I • The Iliad and g~yssey
1674)~er, and Paradise Lost of John RITton (16 -
article, then it becomes superlative in meaning.
y'IS . • . 1....,i v=-,,.;, 1../IS: 'as if they were going
1..i.s .:- _,.;
Used here as an to live forever ••• as if they were going to die to-
adjective. morrow'.
lo l..d.,. I. ' The
often us;d in t~erbal clauses 1.,. I. and ):._;. \. are i ........_i: Here the lam is the lam of comma nd. See
?e accusative. e C,.~~e
1.°f 'except, but', and govern Sel ·. VI Note 6.
cultures)• (W II 341 c means here, 'from other

, DJ, n
11 0 1: The li ghtened form of .:,I thus it has no
I;,....;: An accusative of governing power [W II 81D].
tr ..,,.)l..1 -,,;I.> ,, ;..;..., t.,-;.,.,,, : 'and g i ve_s it an I sla mic
spiritual cha r a cter'. Note that .,1.>.,,
is a r e l a tive
adjective from c:,, ,
1 31

1,,~1: 'the r e treats of a Muslim mystical order'. S~LZCTION XV II

r• .:i, : 3d fem. sing. of Form II of the root .,:., 'to
advance, develop',

n 'J , ..,;; .,,s .:,- : 'uncond i tionally, with no strings

attached'. ,; ,_.JI ,;p. 'J • • t_l _,.JI _,- ,-A r ,.JI ._; .;..,,.- ,; .lJI _,.....JI .:,I
rv .;, i.: ) ) ..; : 'of great importance, very important'. a,,.,,JI ._.;li!ll ,:;.1 1 1,;:.JI • .L. ,), ••-,_fall ..s,ill.:,,., J.: ·· LA..,_, .,_,WI
T'A .;,,,JI ,i ,J, ,J-,JI ..,.U, :
'pursuit of knowledge though it L:.u,. <,I ~I c)I l.:.,.;..i:.I
••\,;)l.. 1 ..,..:;'J 1 ._.;,_.i..~I 0'·· l.:.,
be (sought ) in China'. Reference to a tradition.
J, c..,.6-,. ,:.,I,;;, ••• ...ii:.JI l:.,l,..: .r. )W .:lJj .) fa
.1il ·' L,Jl,..-
r, ..,__,,.JI ~..,is" ••,),: Note that the '-.! of ..s..._,,i 'hands' is
omitted with the indefinite genitive form and retained
with the definite one.

l • )), _,.;..1 Js-: 'of the latest model'.

ll ,J ... Js- 1.;1. : 'wha t if ... ?'.

l I .,5,,.,..i : Either of the two forms ,j.._.,..i and <F'~

is in common use as a r e lative adjective.

lr t .i., _,.;..1 .,.JI J., J I.S" i.e., 'of the latest fashion,
a s created by the latest innovater' .
., , ,"'i i ..b....JI Js- ..._ ,_.. ~•_,; : 'to furnish a school on
l l
the European model or pa tt ern'. 0" L, •• 1~1, 1.:,-J

l • u_,,.;1..i...,: 'all of, .. , lock stock a nd barrel'.

i, l
132 133

...;,_,.!;JJ ,1 ..,_ •.t.-JI ..::..1_,:;JJ ,1 ~ I ..:..I.,,[..:- )(J o ,f.,_ 'ii .,...,,.,_, • ~[.:
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t.,.;Y•.. t.,..t ..,__,;.,JI d .. , .§ ;_;~ I..:! • • r' )' J .:r .,.y .:.,_.,1. ul.;,
J" ~ I "J..," .,,- ..::..--,.1 ._J .,I ;_;~ •• A,~ .:.,_.,.:..,JI u)l;.
o,-' J.-11 ..,:.,- L;...o, .j.J_; • Jl,,,,.~I .I' .), , ,,.~I --il;.;.. ..::.1,-Aj

.:,I 'J,..;JI J" .:.t...- b..J Jjf Ji,JI J" ~ ' ~' ..:..I.~ d' ~'
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J-~I .J .:,15', 11
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dwl .,.I.$' : ,-,,; · • •.lo< I. uJ/ r ,.,_ c.J j -=-~ · · r1.::.,,t, .,JU,,_
.:,WY/ ..:..a,, _s .iJI J--,.)1 · · .;;....c.o..,; • • l,..,IJI, .._;W)'/ , ..dJI .,,; r1-~
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0 W)' J ..:.J. :;..;w~, ;_;Li:Jf 1r 1r ,-,....JI ...,., 1.,· : JI.ii .:.Ji,!

. ,_;_,.:;, JS' ,:r-,, ..::...,;..; i~=> ~ vi -~ (;" ; J 1..L::i •.. l r rr:,..1.>,
.,.. .•I.:.,. I. ,:.:,,~I c.l;li:JJ ,:,-,,, o-'r-.L-' 0 1 ..:.Jj W ,..-.Ji"
" f ,_,.,;WI L::.;.,...; ,j L,J ..i..,,_ 1. ,1 , :.'.,,,_re.JI , L::~
Gl,_1_;. L,J ;_;t..: J ; .. I!..-'.: J,...,...; 11 'J f o,J, .:r-
-,-1.i)'I ..,::S". ,.,-) -,-.i'll <Y : u'
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( C'-,b 'J ';..,l..,Jl, t.,.;:.,..J,,,
..,JI .:,I ,1 .. ,.,,_,, ;_;~ .y.--- CJ; ll....i.:1 . , ...,,.; 'JI, ....,.,..
1. 1n-1t• J'
,1 ;_;1£ J k.ol u' ,.Wl ,J, ,.WI·. ,.~I ,.--,..,.... ,:,~ .b-1, . ~ ,;~

r ,..J I L..1 •: :.j', u"l 1 er · · .u; •1..;;:11 ... .,...!I _,-1; .iJ • • .;t: ...J.,t..
• <.eJL~, .,,Lu ,:r " L.J, i" . L __ 1. . ..
~, "--" ., , · · .._;.c,. iJI .J.r"JI
1,-J..,:;1, l,_l;:; ,,.;I ,-li .. u L, .,J I, .:;l; ,,,_J ;_;f.i!J
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,-J, .. r .-',_:j ,J, 1,-, .i.... , ,_ 0 1.,r:1, 3' } 'i l ,..1.,T J,,

/ j
~ I
-" .:,ts:! • • L,-,,_,.; ,:r !._,.; 1,Ji....,. ,_J, .• L,..;l,-'i J"


'tha t ( would have) replaced •.. '.
'would that it had, •• ' .

~,...S..,-..4.;I :
~)[_ : 'Slavic'.
t IA
. . 1 .i..:,J
c¥'ao.'.1o'.37?) •,
,,.,1 : 'Averroes (1126-1198) and Avicenna
two Muslim philosophers and physici ans.
as ••• '.
r t-t-.!•,1May also be written
: ,...-,•,J, with the , as
'Plato and Aristotle'.
tne bearer of the hamza.

I.J..ti-°l: .;_,..JI ,:,1,-Ji ~: Lit. '(we take) all kinds of

knowledge we take. them' • This construction is called
JL.......:~, 'filling, replacement', and occurs whenever
a noun or noun phrase ( such as • , , here) is placed
in front of a verb which governs the pronoun (here
I.A) referring to that noun. ell is in the accusa-
tive, the traditional explanation for this being
that it is the object qf a presumed verb, in this
case the imperfect ~ l ; , expressed at the end of this
sentence for the purpose of affirms ti on . See Sel. II Note 49.

• 0, 0 : Used here in the sense of 'to the exclusion

of ... ' [W II 184D].

L....i.;i~1J,:,. l,.,,JI u,..;.;,: 'and we add to them of

our own 1 •

) : ' (that) not', often written ii , and governing
the accusative [W II 22C].
A •L--.,-: Fem, of ~ j 'entire, whole, all'.

J~)'I :;. '{' : 'in the course of time, throughout

centuries .


_,.l..o : 'Hitler'.

;;..;w")i, J,l.iJl • 'the German flying bombs', i ,e • •

• .,..!UJI
the V-I a~d V-II.typ;s used during W. W. II. I
._.; J 1A : 'al one with o.s,'.
'and what is strange (in that)?'•
!..,_~I ~, L, :
II See Note 7.
,..i..JI ;..i..J1 · : '_beware of, guard against•. This is

';'ll example of .,..-<>-.:JI , phrases in which an individual

I cal~ed upon to guard himself against someone or

s?mething . Note that the noun is in the accusative
without an expressed verb [W II 74D].

/ 14
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J,.i,. )'

,r-,.,.;,::.. • ..:,,.,i,}' r" JI.; ,j r" ,.,_,
.), ..;L.JI
.,..1,-,JI ..:,I

.:,J, , J)t,.11 'L.,1
J ,J.,; ..u,

( _,;.; <:r'

J, "' ,r-,µ1 0,L.,. L •L:.JI ~I_,.,,. 0' ._h. JL.....::...)'I ~ , •)•..::...'ii .J'..i..-11. ..,..,..: : 'semi-independent' •

,.WI cj .:,,_,...:.-JI, .:,~J)' I .s,l...::.,. 0 1 r;)lJI ~ , ..:, <J")l;.JI ••• ,)..:. <?' Ji., ~ , : 'whatever the cause may be ••. •.

, .:,..i,.}'ll )'T'< 0 1 .,...:...JI ._;.,.., .:,I r; )UI l..;I, • ..l,....11, J ,_.JI, ; , .,!JI, .:,IS' 1, WIS' : 'whatever it may be' • .

• J,.,.b v' _;., .:..l..JI ,.i.<. ,j 0 1:i,..,.;JI .s 1 L..::,. ..:,I J.,; rt"' 0 ,......,_ .i;, 1.-...,JS : 'both', used here as an appositive ( .Ly5~
emphasis) in the accusative [W II 382B] •
..,_~, U.._,JI ,.i.o ,,HnL.,; ._,,..:;- ...._.,_;)'I ("~I ,j _ _,....,
~•)'1 ;;.,µ1 .., J : 'the tie (noose) of foreign rule
0 .,.;JI I.Lo v' J"" • .y...,..:.,JI .:,.,.;JI J:1,1 .l;. ..,_i> ....._, 4i> t.,.:. or ·domination' •
.:..,-_,;..;, I.,.:. j.i.;1 ;JI.,. .,JI ;JI.,. 0' t.,...; ( J .z .:,I .:,,J :..,.;L..:. .:.I,._ ;:., .:,~I rl...1 ;I : 'overpopulation' •
.,,WI v' .::...,l;., f .._;lh,..,..JI :.,_l...,JI 0' ~.,.;. f :t,:k:..JI ; Jl,,..JI v' y •.,.,.,, .i; : .a with the perfect expresses that something
expected has been realized, ,;,;;.... u . With the im-
• JWJI cl!JL; .y cj t...Jl,.!,I l,-1 .,JI 0'.rll 4-: JI... .;.JI :.!.,JI perfect (as in •~ .i., 'may come'), it expresses proba-
bility, or rarity, J,.li.; [W I 286C].
IJl 1 n,J)l::,..)'1 1 -.,..1_,.;.JI -l!I; J.,l...~I .:r-1 , :.,.UI JIµ ..1o.>I .:,,I
.._,ob..ll ;;~: 'extreme modernists' •
'4-.,JI u-oli ~I ,.i.o .), .:..I,._ .,.:., J.o..: .:.I,._ _,,:.. l.,...1.,..1_,. .::..J_,bl A
;;i 1..,:
'treating with gentleness', verbal noun of Form
......., ....__,; )' I ,).ill t.,...; J~ .;.JI µ_,. cj IfI derived from the defective root <>J-' •
_;;.,.:::, .bi,:: ,,I.ill ,.i.o v' r'I _,.....)'1 1 ,j _..,)'I ..:,,..,..,...JI •Jc.I,; .),, JW .Jb.-: 'Mustafa Kemal' (Atatiirk) (1881-1938 ) .
L,-ILT v', • IS Jl......:...'il t.,...; .::......:; ,;JI .b..,JI ..:,I ci;", II 'the Kemalist revolution', i ,e., the
.,,_J\..iJI - ,:.JI •
revolt'ied by Mustafa Kemal which culminated in the
._1.-JI ;11. c.i JL )' I ,.i.o JI. .:,IS° 1.,.l,tt,~1 ._sJI, •~,, TT'.,.._,...JI ,..,_, establishment of the Turkish Republic in 1923,
t:'' JS', • .. 1,s:11, u.,-JI ,_; lli....JI r")'I .b. l,.J r"' .:,I .JS' _,.)'I .bl;.;
It ... I.a ... .j,, 1,: 'as long as this, .• remains ... '.
. J,.-, ..,.;,_,. dJJ J.o..: Lt.-JI t_w, 1 1 0' If •.• .}s : Here, 'despite'.
'is only one of two al t erna-

,_,.;I.,. ..:,.,.:...JI .:,.,.;JI <,f r)L )' I : v'

Io ••• ;:,i q, ... J ,,, 'either ... or.••'·
•.!,..LJI ,~ I JIJ ,_,,~)
. -, ¼-<t..i .}s )',
'and does not fall back, d oes not
I•y - I• I ,_p , ( I h l retreat'.

IV 'the Mediterra nean a nd the Re d Seas '•

IA <.S.l½-H, ..,..U~I .:,,-6,..-JI: ' t he At l ant i c and I ndia n

142 143

)w. I. : See Sel. XVI Note 15,

r,:;;-;:;:-, ,:,,,i;A ,..-,i.. J ,-,.~.._; :
'to incorporate them
ifi:.:-{-tn'.eir ·societies) as westernized Africans' •

Tl l..Ji ..,,...:: 'is going straight ahead, forward 1 •

Tl Isma•Il (1863-1879), Fu >ad (1917-1936), and Fariiq

(1936-1952), three members of the Egyptian Royal
Family who ruled that country before the 1952 revo- J , )'I J)
lution, Here each name is followed by a defamatory
( J )l.J.l _,..: WI 0 _,ill .:y, <..!A.II 0 ,..l-JI J,.,- ..liJ •
epithet supplied by the author, r1-1, , W.... 0 1S' , <J'I JWI , u..)liJI r1'-L; • .,_faJI, ...,WI .,_.,.:.,JI •t,.I
tr ..,...,.w, ,..._,
'unit;y of the l'laghrib (i.e., Tunisia,
Algeria and l'loroccoJ'. ~1µ1 ~I, ,.:,.J..., l;IS' •01..... .y. ~1.,.,1, J.IS" ,_,I •.:,,,.-o~..,JI
T( ~I_,.,,,,..._,:
and the Sudan) ' •
'unity of the Nile Valley (i.e., Egypt , "_,..hJI , 0'?", ;.JI r-1:.. 1, , W.... 0 1S' , "J ~ I , .. WI "-I,,- ,JI •1.J,, 1
l • , l..l.., ciJ.! .:,IS"
<J' WI, J.. , r )L )'J ,:r ~I .l,. W.... .;:..I..KJI ,.Ls ..,.:IS" .:,I
.:le J, r1"-11 ......._, ..,J..,JI J;L...11 t""'° J .__; r , .:r-, ~ I ..,.. _,.;JI •W.
JI.,... ,) 0,.:: ,L p"'" T_,S' .ill ,,...hJI ;.I.,,_ <J' .;:.. _p. "'-1..Kll ,.Ls • "r _,JI
.i;, • J)l,,J.J _,..:WI 0 _,i)i .:y, J,'il -.....:JI J ,,-L,JI ~L.. J .J --,
'"J~I ,_.. r-' ~I, r' ,,.~JI f<,b <J' ,_,::.ill ,..uo J, 0 ,::,L c,lbl
• , .,J~I ;4' lol....l.;
)' jJ T', .,_~I -=-,.!i;I .1.u u-,..,..:..JI 0 _,.JI of J, ~I -. .WI J I.I

l-l>-1, 1....1 -,.fall, ..,J..,JI ,>L~I •I._ J ws"'"' l:..i; i...., .i,,..: Jil::
.:,I.Joo ,sl ,j ,fall, µ1 J,,,I J, ,1?>-~I _j,}-., Jlh: ~I c:..i.l,, , l;JL,

-. .;,L-JI, .,.;1µ1, ~l,,.i,l,...,JI, .....WI ef>, ''J,S-.WI r1----!' ,:r..A,, .:y,

, t.:.:::_1 JjJ )'J l, l_,b µ1 0<-Jl,. o f ) ..... .,I ,j ,1 , ('-JbJl 1 .. WI

• ._;, .-JI cil::....S'l,JI __; ,-4iJI, _,.L:.JI , Jl,;I ,lo.,.. r' •C:- ,::JI J..- J,
',-A 0 1 ~)L)'I ~WI J .sfall .h,..ill l.iJ>
'1,p. of .:,IS",
<! )L ~I Juli ,s y,- I jl. • -,..,-JI ,:r J jl....JI JI .:,.-L-JI _,;., 0 ,.J...JI

JI JI _,;)'I J jl.::JI 1.i.o ".a:;' y J ~ ~I J, ~..JI • J .lil .!. J.>. UI.'

' .s~I l;t_J ~ I __,;., l;l.>-1 0 ,._J..JI I'-'"'J

'"'- I _,.:;,.• "'- .IW c:..l.~I
.,11 "-'J • • .__
.,...,. • I r-r-
• '-'I ,.u
• .:y,,
• u·.....,.,
I 'I ~.i.11 .;;:L:JI f ,_,; ,JI
I.Lo ,j

..:- v" .11.,.! J!l,1, .;~I 0 ,-:IS' ~1 7 1 ,) .fu.:1 7 ~I_,$" ~4-
t'"_,.JI ..r, r..LZ:JI ..r r)L'il ..ii,- J,... .:L..,1 ..::..)J 7 , llo\
v" .:fit,...,:. v' r°.,JI vi. ,P, I••• .,.1.,., .h.. 7'il J.,..:.JI -:.)IS::.
...,WI -,__,.:..JI •t.,.I J...- J _,..,..JI l.u. ,j o-,J-.JI rli-1 .:,IS' ,J .,;1
dJ.ll, • i..,._,.;. 'i <J")L'il {:'-Jl::.JI .s 0 1; , ~l::.JI .:,,.f.,JI 0<.iA
JI t,IJ .sl .,J~ .:.,IS' W, _,.:;.JI .,JJ .li....:I W I.,..:. 7 -,._,S;..11,
• _,$1 1.,...1.::: .....,.JI C ..,...I..:. ~T ,y ~ I -,..... LS i._...., J .,.....

.:,.-L-JI J,; v"l

,~1 .11..., J. Jl;,...JI dJJ C), .:,I _,.;. • •Jli...:i • .,.....::JI dJJ .:,, • _;... 'ii r..LZ:.ll v" r)L'il _;;,. 1.,
,...,_, ,.:,.J.-..11 ..,.,_I; J v;,,:.,, Jlr- 'i .sfa.JI _;.i..,,.':.JI 01 J. J.i,_ 'r-"'I
.:.,I ..r -'< 'i J, , yi>WIS' l.,,i, ,,;..,. .} J.,l....JI .:,I ,j J jl.::.JI JI T'

,j l...., .i&I .,_,::JI 'J.lill .,J:; ,JIS'::.,'il J. :O:J..i, <J")L'il Ji.JI ..i.,.:;....;

,j .s _,.:..JI r ..LZ:JI ;. ..,,;. c.j .s ~I ; _,. .:., ,.LJI rt"'""'-, , '?.°WI

• fa.JI 0<Jl,,.

v" J, 'ii .__;,.,JI c.j .,.:JI <.!' )L 'ii J.i..JI e:.1::.:1 ..:,.-, .:,,.l,::.JI
1 J.
.:.,_,.ill v" J 7'il ....WI c.j ...;. 7 [ l::.:'il dJJ 0 1..u;, J)Wj .,..:,WI .:.,_,.ill
!dU ·.,..L..-1 J,_.; yrJI • µI ,_;;~ <}JI .J...JJI J,-'il .:.,J .:,,..,..:.,JI
0 1 ! r ) L'il .,..,,,. v" '!" ;,...LI J.I,. .JI ,1 •~).;. J,., .J1l
n.lll d-,,. 'ii uJ) IJI y-'< 'i .:,SJ,,;.,..... Jl;,...JI l.i,,, J. ._,t,,.'il

.s .ill
146 147

,:: • 1 , .!II! 'l 0 !i,,.,.b cl!~I JI• 11

- - 1.u J. ;,,t.-)IJ ! r,..11
.,..~I Jl,_;L, ~ , y)L'll ~I ._IJ.1 cj .,;....:._ ,) ' . , J I ~
. ,._ .. ,I ;.,..Ir"< .Ii:.-.: 1..:1 ><i • o.:lU ,1 -.ii,.JI 1.u .. .u . <-, 'I
,.J.A I.J- V I (y..~ '

.:-t.;..i..ll JL.c..Jjl, • ~,.._, J,.ul rt..u n. L..;.; ,s.J.,.:'i ...- J...,l,ll

a' I.J"L.I c.,!. ,:,I 'l J,.1 ~ , .,..~I, , L.J~I,
, ._.)l.. 'll Jlhi'll ~b ..,..,_ ,-A ,L'il 0 1 h,.- ,.i, • .,....,... .:,,..Ill
1..;1 ,.JJ:.11 0 1..i., .j ,)I.:. • ~ ' ~b.,... 0 1-,...-..; 0 1 w ..;..,. )l;I
~b J.L..: u~, ! 0 1W1 o- ..,.J.'il .:,,..1 ,._:1.,...:.11., L,L: JI .1,.,.,,
J, ;,,,,,.:.,,JI is.,..1, J:,- ,JI i.5'_...I .j, .:,li.l,JI .j .s~I ._;I.,...: 1 1.6;1
! 4-i: ..,,,,1

.:,,.A,, ..;..:, J .,!i. v- J=..-,J' o,.,il' J .:,,.WI •-li l. .:,I

•..,,.:, ,,...11 ..,; u---,l, rv.i:,;T r)l..'11 J .J.,. r1 .,, .:..,:,. ,.W' µ,,
r)l..'11 0 1 .;I , <:.iJj .::..;: <fl' .J.J~I ,:,I J.: 'i , r.ilill Jl... <rL'
~'ii O' tl;..ul ,__.;,- .j L:... l.:..J, • t.L:;1, l.1..i. pl <.f" 'r.ilill -:.1;.
.:..l;l,..iJI .., r~ .;..ill J,.iJI 04 r.ia-' . : , I ~ l.;I • .:. J..:.11 ,1
, ~1 ;j,1.,::,1 .J ,1, c )l.;.ll, ,JI.- J' ..,..,..._.:..1 1 ~J J
. . • .,; f:1l,.
...t . .
. '

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,C l r -r ~- -- - r: . s . • · k> ·G.. .:·
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:, \ _; t t- r- .;-r !. -r~ t 'f., v 1•. \ ['. '[ _1 '1: f;- C: . ~- -- •· •G..

(, [
~":== t C:-~ 1~\.--1.. l -t; ~t__ t-,
[_ _ _.:. ·_ t : ;:- t
~-11:,_-_,r._ 't-·f t -[
0 L. L.1 • ._.;.JJI clJ:; L,...J. r .,_,.JI ~I, -..,.h.JI r ,.WI
,0:. .._.. ,,...,.._JL; • 0<"'-, I ~ dJJ <) r"'' • ..,,;)l;.)'I ¼--L; ..;
I ~ .:,)'.l.,_ .:,li.._,.,JI, •..,.; ~ , ¼->-)k, A '""""' •dJJ NOTES AND IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS

• ..s ,_;I, J.c,;1 _, )L;.. )'I, :i..11.lA.ll .:.,- ._,--I ~I •I.:.,

..,:l_,..,..JI .::.IS"_,.,••JI, :;,,_jWI, ..,..._:WI, ..-~I, .$1_,::.:)'I .:,I el,.JI,
see: George Sarton, Introduction to the History or
J,-,- .,.:I .,.ill d.:JI .,;J.iJ .,,_,..; ..i.,.. JI ..::..L.:.: ,J-4:JI .._)l.,)'I Science, Vol. I, Baltimore, l92'7, p,624, (This is
one of the author's notes, indicated hereafter by
• ._;)l.;.)'I :.,..,.,..._11 ,Jk.,..JI ._,--I ,)l., A,N, ).

-,..l.-1., ..i,;..)'1, r~I "'-_,b .j I,.,....,_ .:,I .:,,..LJI J~I -1iJ .;JI ._,.,.h)I • the late, deceased, of blessed memory ... ' .

i.e., 'things have been reversed'.

,J-1,w r'I yl:., .j i---r-' 'C:'lhJI ..,JI. 'Jk....11 ..;_.., :...:,_..i....11 'Jl.i...JI
;;.;. ,:.,..,_.;,, ..,,;_,...: -,..,..._! '-t--)1 .. I.., j_;..; JI;:)', .~ .:,l,.JI, 1:;..i,: 'all without exception'.

,_;_.. .:,, ...; ;.,,.,. .:,I ..s ,..,_ )' '='° )L )'I ,JWI .:,I • •I ,-JI ;;. ;,. ,_., •'~ .:,, : 'because of, due to'.
ising that question •. •,
.:..-JI .bl-,.,lo Jl•,-JI dJ .i er :
L. ,
,..J. ..s ,_b.z L. •':""' .:, ,..LJI J.; ..u, · .:.,JI LiJ F.. .:,I ,1 'Jl..c,,JI bringing that question (on the carpet
ra ) for discussion' •

r"', · :;,,_fall, ...,LJI l;.-1 ..,_,..., rt-I..>- .:, , .r-""- 1,-t.;I, •.., Jl,. .:.,- h t are?, I' , a contraction
, JI,. c 'to what, i.e., w a I.. is written here sepa-
r"' nl...,_ )', , JJ.i' .:,,J :;,,_JWI -.!.,...i....11 r1-"-11 ..::..IS".r- .:.,- ,Jl;)'I .j .:,,Jl,. df the interrogative pron~u~ , and 'r,,' Sel. IV Note 30.
rately, See 'r~ Sel. V O e 17 ' ,
c:.IS"_,.,.11 ,.iA r~, .:,,...u.l WL;.. I.L. .:,~ •t 0 1.:,, 0,_,.. d)J .j 'to assert, dee 1are Positively that •..
.:,,J l,.., ..i,;..)'I )', ,~I, :;,,._,.h!JI r,_L.JI .:.,- v--1 -,_JWI t..... )'\ •social dynamics'.
c:,\. \;.,;)'\:
-. in Social Dynamics
y,J...,,., .....,JI ,_;_.. .:,,SJ-',. .:,,..LJI, • L~I :;,,_µI v--)'l, ..i,;..)'I Speiser, "Cultural NFactF~~~er, Social Forces
I· See: E.A. ., •n Sydney • p ss Ithaca,
. y. <J"L:. )' ._,,..::.; in the Near East , le nell University re ,
in the Middle East, or
1955, p.20 (l.N,),
or against it'.
• lit. 'for it
I Al : 'pro or con , A
J d the Modern ~ •
Islam an
Lichtenstadter, n:, N. ) .
ll Cf. Ilse , pp.71-72 ,~ .
New York, 1958 d n Sura
t expresse ri ght
Koranic precep that which is
An allusion to ~tr
enjoin on th ~~ng'.
VII, 156: 'He Wl h t which is w
and forbid them t a
, IT ..u.,.. • (.::.' .,....) .!.I.,., )'I ; .:.,-
. 'Saint Paul' •
' I , • I .,.,._...,_ J , l • ;.,JI J,-.,JI c,-l,-, •
. 3•6 (A.N,),
1. II Corinthians · ,

O •A _ 0 • •

. . ,_ y : 'there he••. • follower of Medina

l.i .,-- he Persian ·tch around rouraish
• Name of_t to dig a dl a ct ack of~
JUJI .:,W.. . vised him. from the
iJfu'hammad who ad d the citY
in'order to defen
; ,., ,:, ;;, ? A. D.
1 52
1 53

IA ....,....ii: Medina, the ancient Yathrib, sacred city of

Islam in Arabia. d; c..SI .:,,,-1-JI ~I_., ,-J,: 'the Muslims have no doubt' .
..• c.:,i,.,.i, 'S: 'it does not matter .•• '. ~, . .,.J.i.;JI : 'whose flames were leapi ng', In this
L;,;n:i;ruction the adjective (called ..,...._.JI, 'the con-
&J..o,I .,. l_.;15 1.,;1: 'if they are people of that co ted, ) belongs, as a prefixed predicate, to the fol-
(medical) profession'. nee 'n noun (called .._.JI, 'the connecting'), which is
lowi s~bject and the two together form a qualificative
ti al-Qiftf, Tarfk al-hukama', ed, Julius Leibert, its 'c.,.,; of the preceding noun with which the
Leipzig, 1903, p. Ib2 (A.N.), ~ij~~~1.vragree; in case [1J II 285C).
n J.._, .s-.,..., 'the battle of Badr', near Medina in ~>-!°,JI :,,,,- : • the realm of existence, i ,e., become a
624 A.D. A major victory for Mul,J.ammad and for reality'·
'intellectual curiosity'•
TT' 'because of their poverty'. ll
•indifference' •
Tl J l.;'SI: 'the helpers (of Mul,J.ammad)'.
._,.:W; c.:,t....l 'psychological test'•
To Ahmad ibn Hanbal, al-Musnad, ed. Ahmad Muhammad l T'
Shakir, Vol. 4, Cairo, 1948,p.47 (*adith No. 2160) (A.N.). u,,.:.,J I c.:,,, .u I
'the orthodox faith'• i.e., Islam.
Tl ,;,,...:I _,JI ,Ul;JI : 'the orthodox Caliphs', or first •railroad' •
four successors of Mul,J.a~mad. l•
'wherever t hey turn their faces'.
TY l1
Abu Bakr (632-34), the first Caliph, and <Umar (634-
644), the second Caliph.
lY •--,-·•I:
·· •nuclear'.
because t e
TA ,;,,-,,.,_.'SI : 'the Umayyad dynasty (661-750)'. O f until very recent Yi recluded
lA This was unhea rd nd their veiled life• pg in the
· of women a for nursin
These accusatives express specifi- segrega t ion The first schoo 1 f the American
such a calling• slim world, that. o -four years
Arab part of the. Mu t wa s started fifty rsing is just
'scholastics, Muslim theologi a ns'. University of Be~~f-ttuslim school for ~~unded by Dr,
ago. The first enth year, and was
T'I 1 enteri~g !ts !ourt;eirut (A,N.),
c.:, ,-..ul .,....,...: : 'Arabization of the Islamic administra-
tion', i.e . , Arabic replaced Greek and Persian as the Mu~t;afa K_alidi of . to vote in 19'+9 •
language of the administration.
Syrian women we~e granted the ri~~;n women in 1956
ll 1953, and Egyp
n · IS i:;i : 'no matter what their source may be'•
Lebanese women in

Note that the predicate of ..:,IS is placed in front of (A .N.).
it here. ntrol' •
...1.-.JI _.,~ : 'birth co
'to take over, assume the duty of ••. '• XXIII•78 (A.N.), Muslim theologian
T' l Koran• Sura • - T' the great
),-1: 'Chinese wal l s'. . " ,, • 'a1-Gazzal1 •
T'• . ..J 1.,.- • I fl'l-
Sarton, Vol. 1, pp.16-17 (A.N.). ( 10-58-1111) • _ I Falsaf~

T'1 - M hmasan • ~ . p , ,:v1 v· · -
'it is of no use, futile'. Quoted by ~u~l;l;di ~l.on: Beirut 7 • ' theY are not
Islam, secon 1..., ~,:
f-l'' 'at that time ', d)j J ,.,.,, .
. .) v- i.J,J>
afraid that•··

.::.1,, ;JI ljLJ ..,,;. v' dJJ ,-...:, .,.i.,. .) .Jl.,,J~ .::.., j "

,_; , .,.;JI

r-WI ,.,., .J.11 •r • 0~1 I.a ul. ..,-t-l)'I r)UI ,.... r )L)'I
.. w1 .J_,ill 0,;.:. ..i. )l.lS' 1., ,:.....J 1....-. u-WJ
.I ,.1' c1& .:,~ _,..,.;JI
• ...,..;, JI JS' ul.' JS' <.}, u...:.- JS' v'
J...-I, , .,.S-I _,...: )'I cj L J .i.1, , .,,bl .t"'<.ul cj L J.o;I ..,,; J...,...

1.,,1,-J, c.} .,__,.:..JI ~ I .,l,_bl ,:r r'-.,.{JI .J,-_,J -~ r ,,..,:..JI cj L

._;..,.:, _,.;JI r-:,
J,..,JI ~ ' .:,l....:)'1 r'-fl,J ;..Jl.;JI &,.., t..i.; ~ I
...,_,::JI; • r)LI, .,_.,.••JI, ;1,w1, .::.~l;JI, .i,.,.,::JI ..;,..,.b 0" ;.,u,
J,,... .,_.,.,.JI, , J.u.JI J,,... ,1 1 W1 1 , 01 L.;JI J..,... ;~l;JI, ,,,_ill J,,...
._;l....:)'1 ,..- ;; .;JI .::..l,,WI ~, , •~ .,JI J..- r )UI, , :i.1 _,.{JI
¼ L,..LI )l; .,-1.::.,. i i -,..Al .i..JI, :._l,,..JI ~I J,..,.b ,:r Li,, ,J.,
' t. .,~ ""I;-, T -,..L.... ,:r )' I I .J..i-?-ll .b _,.;, .Jl.y..JI J ,_b
~ I .J,1.,-1 0' _,..;;JI 01 r .:l.! r, .::..J.~ ..UI ,-J. r
,...i.L;...JI, J,WI, ,-~lhll, tlill, _;.-WI, .,.,Lill u-WI c,t rl.J L .. ,::.-JI
\ .:,,._,..,L::. .:,.ibl.... ; ,_;.I I ,-.!W v ,J.-.11 ..,J. ..,_i., ,J L,. )(.. -.JW

v )' 'r ,-IWI ";; )'' ...;.......JI ";;, 'r, _,.,.JI .J,,..:; )'' _,...;.JI
...;.......JI, <5 ,-ill 0o< l:.,1, , .,.,JI ,-,. 1.,,... _,...JI, ~I 0->< J,...,,. rt°"".,
J,.,jl ,l.. .,.:. r1WI t ,.j,.J .:,,:., " ..b-l ,J, • ...__,JI ,-" I,.-:
· •.1,.:JI, jlill r' )' I 0o< _,.:.;, ,._.._,.,.JI, f l?I J,..ul 0-><;;: .;JI .,J~I
. ,_;J_.:;, )' I u- LI ul. 'l_,..;;.J1 1 •t.,.:. )'I .:,., .bL,.JI ,-,. ..,-t-l)'I C)WI _;)Jj
,, .,L....,_ )' , • A .., <!JL · "· 1 · • I
V . '-' .J,. -"" ' '·-' .,...-:JI "·.,..,.., .bli::..>)' I ' ' JJ.:;J 3--
~.J Lio. ..r-...ll JI. ,f _..iiLJ J.,..,,. 1..:1
)' L ,.J.~ .c .,1 .,1 .) .I"'
~::fl ...;JI 0 lS'.,)'I
,!J'· 'I .<
.y_,JI ~, ,IS';J I ,-,. ,_,.,.JI dJ j . , J.,~ )' I
4 rraa • ; ~
156 157

.§ .J~ I.~ Jj_,JI 0 .;;.,_ 0 1 .&,.;I 1..:1, , Jj.,.JI cj n1,_L;, To,.,_.,..._i]I .il.i,:...1 1,.i,IS" u-,.,.JI ,s.,.L.. . -,
..i~ vi. ,,.i..
1.,..;n : J,..,_ ,;'/ ,1,w1 ,_j.J-'«. ", •L:.,_ I. ... '.s .,.1 er' .:., ,_,;,,-it.' ' ..,::.-JI ,_;. _,- u ,.J; 1, .,~
u' ..
,-ii ' -.1,1.,.z:..., 'JI sL.-,....1
•1,- .,.1 JS' ..j L.-.- u-WI 0 .;;.,_ 0 1 .&,.;I 1..:1, ,..:..l,.;.i _,....., J,;
1,..-ll:i 'rll;;'/1 •; ,- ~.1;.1, TY,~I ..,_s.,. r,S';.11 ._;- '.i.,...:...JI
..,;, , ~I., J j_,JI ..,; : .Joi, •._,:. .§ .,_; ,;'/ -,__,.,JI u.,...,_ 'I,
Jl,..'11 J,l.z: .i,,;, ,J.WI, ,.l,Wl, u-,...:.ll ..J.,4 .,_;, IA,~,;Jl, ,f.,JI
J =-11 (·_·- I. .§ 1,.,..._, , ,.jl.,.=,'11 ...;.i.., ,.,-,1,,.JI TA.:.
n .Jj1 .1L,. l,.t..::.J W-'11, ,.;.,...U J,;'11 .::..,z, (':'WI r-_ ,,.;.:,
JS', • , l,. .,.1 JS', 'f_~ •..,:. .§ J,_;I; 1..:1 I.I • .!.;'II, 11,.j;,_JL,
J...,...; I.,_$ ..UI J, ,I I~, ,I.._,.
..:..fal, ,........,_JI ..:...-,,..11, , , _,_'JI..:..,--, ,:..{J..11 -=-r-- • ,.il;I
Jlill, ;l..1.ll, ;WI, .i,..i.JI .1ol .,; .:,.,.)1. .::.. u' s-;>
u'.1;.T :,w1 c l::.;)U J!L, ·L....11, c::1.....11,c_;l_;JI~, •~,-JI
! -,_WI ,.L. (,-l,, i.h;JI ,.iA .J.i:;J u"',..JI, ..,_l),.;'11 1 t__ jill,
, 1,-J...,..,. ,) u-WI c.,!. · ....,.~ ..,.....,.. ul. )IS' .),.1, , 4.1.S' __,. js-
:_s.1L,J I T'• J_;...::, ,~I I.a ,1.1 ,.,.;JI ,s,-ill , ~ .:,I .J11 ;_;,,_
•t,5U, ' r- i::.;'11 0' l!J )(.I .il.,.;)U .;.;,.,. .;I I.I ••• 1,-!S"l .;I rrl, .il .,;:..,_ iljj . .:.~
c/ I ' tr.'11 r-'-• ,. -,I V
.11..iJI Ila.:,, WWI
ciJ. "1.l.JI • j,-,..,. 'I V'=',..:.!1 t__.,.! <I cil.i; ,J._..JI 0' r<-'~ 'l:,1
c1l..JI .,;. ..;,I .!.,r-
-Li,-JI ,:r-,'1, ,..b,, J..,._,JI .:,.,v-,,1, •.J,.ul .u, .u,.11,,.J,.ul
• ;,,'II <I .:S.,;
l._,:.,s:JI, .; ) WI ,:r-, 11 , <.f.,JI, .;L..h.ll .:r-< .;;.,_ IS '/1 , ,.ul,,
0 ;.,.)L'/1 ,.J,,WI 0 1,
I ,J. u ,-J ,-i,. I.. ..UI .)I...;; , ..UI <I .:, ,.,- ,..:JI .J ,-i,. I. di j
<I ½-')U:, _,;::;I
T• . 1~

.;I u-WI J .i..,_ ._;;.>-

.J..... cj TtJ -4:.,

• -!.11:Ji .iJ.,.. , .JL _,JI <.r'", ; .:>'

~ I :.4, , ; .,_..I.ill) -.;l!JI ....,WI

, :;J~l,
I. - T • I <J" , ( I , ol r"
1 58


,r al-Hasan ibn al-~abbiil;l, and Sa1t al-Jabal, 'the old
man· of the mountain', his title, which was given to
him because of his occupation of the stronghold or
Alamyt on a mountain to the NW of th~ Caspian. al-
~I .J,_,.; : 'great difficulty'. Sabbah was the leader of the new Isma<IlI terrorist
movement known at the ti~e_of the Crusades as the
Assassin order or al-~aiaiun,
...,i.... : 'clouds without a downpour, a disappoin-
ting matter, an illusion'.
Il u,,;,;°jl JlY Used here in the sense of 'base, mean' .
•:'L: ;, 1 'exalted be His wisdom and glorious
...i._ : _,.:~I 1 'great sins' •
be He'. Note the frequent use of the perfect as an
optative in expressions following the name of God. ~L,JI ..,.s .. ,;,JI I I Ma.zdakism and Babakism I . two
.;,,...L...11 ., .i.;..i ,J: 'if the reformers were to heretic~! movements, here used symbolically of
Communistic ideologies,
adopt it, then would the world be protected from •• ,'.
In this hypothetical sentence the particle J of the
apodosis is prefixed to a verb in the passive ·voice. IV ;,.;::,i. 1 1.,... : 'secretly and publicly' •

~ I ._;... : 'the right of possession, ownership'. IA ._,,;11, 'by marriage, matrimony'.

'free disposal, adminstration; freedom

u.,...:.11 .,.,.~ : u:; ,JI : 1
religious endowment, waqf' (Isl. Law)•
of disposit i on'.
T• 1......,< . , - ,...... .UI <J'it..; : 'su)remely
l.,J,. ,:,,-,>t I exalted be
,LS .;JI : 'the alms-tax' , one of the principle obli- God above such things (as they say •
gati ons of Islam.
Tl From Form IV .s) • 'to show• demonstrate' •
[al-<ullr] : 'the tenth' or 'tithe' levied for
public assistance; frequently used in the sense of n [jahratan]: 'openly, overtly'·
l 15; [zakah] (Isl. Law).
Tr ........,JI .. ,..._ ,jl _ ..., ..
. •• I 'they keep it (hidden)
,:,, ,:,,,_
r-",-i •_..;JI ,....J_ .;,/,, .;,iaffairs'.
: 'to have their own choice, behin'd bar(rierJs and curtains •
to decide on their own
1• 1
Tl • ,•
;,i ..i., , ,,< , (masc • ) or ~~(fem.) may be used
Either ..,...,
U...I ).1 The Qarmathians or members of the heretical
: with.the subject(s) which fol 1 ow.
and revoluti onary movement that spread disorder in
th Syria, Mesopotamia and Southern Arabia in To ;,, .,.._.;JI the imperial regime ( 0 f the Czars)' •
1 ,
e Ab?asid Empire during the late ninth and early ten th
centuries. t a significant
n 1 1; [ asaw): This form illuS t ra ~\erbs. \/hen the
11 featu~e of the conjugation of w!aor u that vowel and
er _:..ii a .:l,l,
sect : 'Biibak d
religious al-Khurramf' • head of the KhurramI vowel of the ~econd ~adical isar snd-;re replaced
that'b an social-revolutionary movement the radical waw or l!!..:. disa~ie \/hen the yowel of
which ~~ale prominent in 819-20 and spread a revolt by the u or 10f the infled 0 ~he radical~ or
al-Ma,mu~ ;~~g:f ~h; two poweEful Abbasid Caliphs the second radical is!• a diphthong!! or
al-Afshin one of ultMa~im~ Babak was defeated by l!..: disappear~, and ~he the inflection, e,g., 1
• a - a ' mun's commanders, in 837, y with the waw or 2'.!! °C]
11 ,.;.. Li > 1,:. UL',/ I 89B, •
.;,.- .;,, <!JI _.,.' An I - .,. .,.
Salami;yyah sma'ili leader who made
quarters (d.
874 ?).north of Syria, his main head-
TV ..,..,, ._s_ .r : 'inferiority complex'•
..,_., . ,_. is one of the rarest
b forms
.:.,-. : 'might'. c:.-~ the triliteral ver •
of the verbal nouns fro · kind'.
.UI .,1.,,, 1 , the servants 0 f God• i. e ., man
160 161

f• VII Form J_;;...;i , 'to hold back, restrain, keep
( ,:; from)'.

f1 ~ - J;\... : 'God forbid' •

n i.e., 'in Iraq', a reference to the
_;l.,.._JI •"-:
heretical revolutionary movements mentioned above
and an allusion to present-day political development
in Iraq. s
ff :U..:... :
'will remain ' • The verb ""JJ; , like .:., IS' ,
the predicate, to which its subject refers ,-i 1.::1,... -.,-:J, ~Jl;...JI I.a lw;I JW ..b.J
f ,_; .:,,.I .,JI. .:,~I,
...ii; .:,I.,......
to be put in t he accusative, The...,. prefixed to it'
expresses real futurity. • .J,._,; ,s .lJI ,t.,.'il
: ..,.;; .,JI r ,..JI ,-:,. .:,.:.JI,.. ,)<t< ; - .i..., ,.iw, ,:,I
,-i , .ltt. I. I .iA • • ..,.. _,..JI ,-i ••.11•..J .,JI ..1-S, _. J .,.:JI ,-i -., ~I .J-S
.:1 .:.,.-; I.I.•• .:,LAJ'il ,j .,.;,., ,.:,-J'il £,& 1., t,.,.'11 _,..11;

.,, , •• Jl,JI u!. 'J 2w1 y1. ,W:1 .,1, . 'i ,s _,..1.1; rw.1
'-"J, 'JI ~ I .._J,,; • JIS'.;'JI, .lllia.11 y!. 'I JI ,-'11 1 c:L-JI .,J, e_lJ"'
J. r,li l...o.b!' • .,-,.,JI ~ I ......,b ,y ,-i J,;,; 'I .J,..,.'11
.:,I.,.,..~ .::..Jl..o.,; 1.-u .:..:IS' u1, r.,L.,JJ ,-i .._.,w1 ,fa.JI~
( I. .:.,,y o-11 )I...; l .:.,I ~ I .:,-, , J,._,hJI ,-i J,•...:: JS:,,_,.I, ~,,I
• ; J ,J.:. _,; .:.I J>I
.,JI J~'JI JJ<., , ..,-_,..JI .J,-.. ,s.lll ,s.JWI ~ I •1,,
,.u:JI I.a ''n u-ol .• c11.,...n, ..,1,_'il Jo ,-1..:.11 JI ,.-'<, 0
'•"J·•••·ll, J..-JI _...,..; .:,l.,.'11 ._,;.,., ,.,L.,JI .:,- .,...,.,JI _,..wl ,.A ,s.lll
- ~ , '/I •l.;)U ._;:Li> .,,..., fa,., ,., .,_,..JI L.LJI J:JI ,i:.,..,
'..-~I 'JI ~ I I.a •IJ' v....i - Ar ;:1..-1,.JI a.Ji~ y I. t"'"' d'
• -., _,..JI J)WI ,j _,......JI .r, .,_.,t..:;'/1 t_J..;, 'II .r
..,._t' .<o , IJ < 'JI <:-II ......,b ,.j J)l:;.;.I -1?-,< 'I .:I
<>"'l <.r"l.l" I .,.,.J' .,..- •
·'J . "- IJ . - l;)l:;.;.I
,),pWI .j.,_r'II cl..-., ,s.lll, • ._,l.:.,-'11 1 .,_.,t..:; I '-',r- if~
' ;.., i:JI -, 'I <11 WI :all · · • , 1 · IJ .,. ; fa cr--1 l,,,,,...: v
'-J ' • .,,.,..' .:,,....., ._s.J - ..;"'Y ...,., V
..,....J .,I.I ;(..... ...,_,.JI .:,'I J.
• dl~ ~.,. J,WI r,-1 .:,'I, • 1...,.: c·
y = s'"1"\t
,.,~'ii .::.lil.,. -::...:;; yl,_b.;- <.J"UI ..,JI ~J'I ,j ..,Jk..f _,.11 ~ I IJt;

/J' '
, I ...
":--'--'I 1,,.1
c---r .. 1.1 .t..,.. .::-..,,) ... ,riJI ,:.,I ..s .JWI ~.,JI...,._.,,
,_,.;.T-,..... ,s'i ,1 ,,~'ii ...J... ._;)(.I -,..,....., ,,_..'ii ~ , , ~Jl,-'JJ
.:r ,,.._ .J r'l. 'i -,'i ,..,.,..:JI ..,JI~ cJ..,.r'il J.Wi

·~,, ...... .:r .J '...,1. 'i, , -,_JWI , fall .:r ..,Joi ,1-JI v-
_... , >"'

• .,;)l;.1 JI:. v' 'i'

: .,...,....JI, J~I ..;:J:S .:,-,., t..;., I,,_; fl_,..,.11 1• ..S.r ,) ~..i;.,_ )l;

t... ......,b ..j ..,,,_,; t....l:;$, , ,l.,JI v' -,_.JI. , fa 'ii dJ,; 'i t....l:t;
..j j,_;..)i .:.,l.jl.: Id ,,fa ,1 f..i,. ..,J, .:.,l.jlz'i t....J::K, ,.,.,.;.'ii v'

J ._;I,... 'ii ,.k .:,-,-: 1 ! ._;I,- 'ii ,j C' _,.11 1 , rlWI

-.,_,.,JI ~ I .:,-,.,, r)(_'JJ .:,-,., ,_,..; , ..;...,JI ui,,i,JI e,l.,...JI I.I
.;JI .,_JWI ,fall ,,-iJ u'11 ....WI ,,-iJI ,-,, r)(_'il; 11 • 1.....- .,.;~1,
.;.UI ,-,, r)L'il , •l,_..Jl ..,J, i....," ~rl, l,"1 Li,., .:,..z:
lT ,.;~ 'ii J;~I r>", \ .:.,L..:'il, ,l,,.,Jl 1 .:., ~I v' ..:..l.:.Jl .,,K)I , fall
L.,...l..; ~ " •fa ,'-1) J...,,.,,,
..,JI ,1.,J~ ..,...:;.; 'i,
',v-"'U,:.11, e,l.,...Jl rt..
,._,;, 'ii ..j yla,.:1 ..,J, .,b,,...;,
<fl-: )' 1 .h.-,,...11 ..j
•UI ,j ..;JW~ .. .
.::.IJL,. v' ,JI.,. _,.;JI ,sJWI .bl.:..:.Jl .:.,IS' ,), 1\.::..,.., .,_.Ji. v..;l_,-1

ll. ,L'il
-,_JWI fa -...,.._JI ¼"-.1.i. ..j, -~,.,JI .:.,l,.J'il l• ,) Uoi>,
i.b-1, .......,i, .:r y'i ,:,,... 1 _,JI ..,.,..:JI -,.JWI fa IS •~r'il -.,"'JI
'L .,) t...; _ ...,.._JI .:}J, • ,l,,.,Jl ..j ~,.,JI ,}.';JI J,,L..z
-,_J.,.; .:l,J •. • .i,,..i,,JI .,_JWI ,lli'JI ~I,- ,j -.,1.,,..,1 , ,_;
.Ji! • JWJI ,.:1..1.11 ,-.:JI 1y.1J; <} ,,.::; .:.,I ,l,,.,JI dJ,; 'i 4..1.... ..,JI _;,.;I
,l,,..Jl ; .,._L.. v' ..:. ;.,... r ,'<..,..:.,JI ,4,. <} J' .i.-.JI t...' '.J ~ I .::. Ji
'<.J ,-wll .:,-,., ,J' .i- ..,:. ; • .,::ii .::.•l,. y'J , i.i,..)!;J I JI.-.- 'JI <,f ..,i...JI
v' ..:._;,,., ,:..:,,... ~,I; ._;,.,.hi ~nl Li,., ~ I 1J; '•r)L'Jl
,-J, ,v,.,_J.,_i.ll c.l;l..,..,_JJ <}, ..,,_JI <) c:..l_;....;1 ,,,,l,::.JI ,L.-,Jl ,.,._t....
•• I...JI L- q I '1 J
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_,__•• '"L r;

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166 167


J-- .,,.... 'without cunning, seeking
a pretext'.
rl.. _;JI ...:1. J : 'at
in the leading
the nose rope of the
position'. 1
.;),JI .;~ J : 'at the crossroads'. r_ \;..JI I,.,.,.:
'who became insubordinate (because
oT their indulgence in luxurious living) i e
.,.''jl .,..u.: 'outwardly, externally'. who were spoiled by luxurious living'. ' ' "
r ;i, J .,,,WI • fa.JI ,)s r;;; lo.\.£ : 'the two
are based on considering materialism the determining .;,;i,,),JI cS....,1, : The word ..;,,), may be either masculine
factor in life' • ll
or feminine,
... .:,i ,-.JI .,., : 'and it is inevitable that ... ',
IT ,,• .:,L: •lo : Lit., 'are inevitably becoming,
i.e., are loomed sooner or later to become Commu-
w:..J\ JI i.e., 'the moral is the
_;)l..~I ,,., : nist'.
useful, the truth is that which pays'.

,,_,..Jll,WI J:.Jl: 'pure (abstract) ideals'. tr 'due to the fac11, because' •

y !{ 1i :This particle is very often followed by ';\or 'j

'in the manner of, as ••• '. and means 'now surely' [W I 284B]. '
A . I
r_;.;~l.,,JI : 'pragmatism', an American philosophical ~1..,.,-; : 'its branches' (consisting in the systematic
movement characterized by seeking the meaning of elaboration of canonical law in Islam).
conceptions in their practical bearings.
11 •.i,,i.A.11 ...,)..i,..J\ : Adjectives and participles may take
after them a limiting or restricting genitive which
er»r'c •• · ' 1,/ ..,...I: 'there is nothing behind ••• does not 1 as would a construct form, excercise a
cep. ommunisll!, , When the subject of I is
restricted by J\ or 1.;1 th '-""" defining influence on the governing word, Thus, if
first [W II 254 B]. , e predicate must be put we wish ..,.. .,J:..;.. to be definite, we must prefix the
article to it [W II 221B].
I• o.J _,; .) : The place of the
sentence 1:....,, is supplied subject of the verbal !Y <
• ' • r ,.JI u ,_.. I. (:'. •1 : i ,e,, , is in urgent need today' ,
tence compounded of a verb here by an entire sen-.
[W II 252B]. o.J _,; and the particle .:,l lA ;.... t,lb:'a distinctive or special feature, quality,
, characteristic'
ll ~: Used here in th
e sense of 'combined'. 11 ..,1..... .. - ~ : 'that• • •will take into seri ous con-
I1 1
°" J.,;~JI : 'social cooperation, mutual or
joint responsibility',
sideration' •

r, ,.,..,l,,JI' ..,.;....'11 : 'to destroy everythin&, wreak
.:....., [b~t]1 'pure', havoc'.
ll e of power',
r )L "' 0.:.1,1,. . ; Lo n J J ..ul u} ,.JI : 'international ba 1anc
vances of Isl~•. '· : 'one of the religious obser-
.:,1 .....,_ n J...-)1 ..,., ..UI ~J :
'and it is f or God to show the
'it right way'.
is true that, •. ,.
: '1'
I.,,; : . . . ion of ., in this
i.e., 'in my Opinion'. tt Note the·· insert .
u. \.,• ~I
,. , ..,. ...:.JI : • mainly for
;,,, }JI o.:.\.,;\..._ _,JI . economical way b~tween,
the sake of rhyming ( ~•
.. \ and u'-At
• '-'
1.....,1, in the con-
sciences (or" ind i.<I.: i.e • • 'in the personal con-
vi duals), , eluding sentence.

ti. I, 1;- c.-

C.·tr. -- !;-- 7 t- '- •
- 0 • i r
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-. s - l. -- 'E t 1·- c.-- t • L, ft• - C.-_ _ :t 1• t
,t, · f c; · - - "l.:.. 't-. ~- t
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· · ~ I . ~I .__._; ..::..lj .:r
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,=TUI ;;JL-.,;..,~.} .,_;..i...11, •_J,l_,i:1, Jl.,.;;I "...iJ.;.:; JS' 01

.. , . .,_,. ;:.: 0' r'
._,.. ,_,.;..JI 1,.....b; 0 1 •-i •/i l •J. r'-5 ,-J, , lu.J..Z; .:,.l, L.;.,_1,

._,; :>!.>I J ,..L; ' r-..i; ....:, .-=:J r ,_.JI --..,..i...11 n01, 'ii
• L_.; r' t.,.; ... L..., L; .....:1 .,.L....w J,;,;I
r.- ..
l...;I • • 1...,.. v ,.;..:; jl r5-'I 11""1, , t..,...:.,...,. ,.f r5-'L.,.I 1,-,u> • • 1.-">
•• ..,-_,JJI, c<-Jl:..11 Ji, ..,. v
174- •I 175


l •l+-- )UI : 'the nonliving, inanimate,.

w,~1 .,.:. tJ t..;.; , it rids us of the worst of our
..,..wi, .;,;.... : 'surrounded by difficulties',
• • I .,:_ 1..,J,...;'il 'mental disorder', permutative in
th~cusative •
..1-l~I 1.,-il~I: 'its conscious outlook, aspiration,
conscious exploration'. "-Ll_,...JI: 'tramways' •
r .:LJ_j: Lit. 'that (was) that it .. ,'. This usage 'in a fleeing, running away manner',
is employed to introduce a sentence explaining a II
preceding one. i:.,,...1,-ll :
Ir 'born and reared in it (but not Egyp-
tians)' •
..,U..,\ (> ~I,): The characteristic "- of the VIII
Form is replaced by .b if the first radical of the ... t;..;_;: 'that were deprived of the blessing •.. '.
root form is U" , J, , .b , or .b [\/ I 67A]. H
This is an a;jdectival clause composed of the verb in
L.,L., ..,U.. : 'seeks warmth by its (own) fire'; here, the passive voice with the pronominal suffi x as its sub-
'undergoes its own internal crisis', ject and '4.A. as its object,

'flowing garment'. lo ••• i._....: lt-l J,-: .,.;, 'and she may let herself be
seduced into,,,'.
V • • • ..s .,...J l:\,: Note that l:1, is a contraction of
'verily, truly we •. ,'. The lam prefixed to the imper- n Circumstantial clause.
fect ..s.,; 'we see' is for afITiination and the verbal
clause is the predicate of ,!,I,, · IV : 'yes, certainly'; an adverbial particle which
confirms a previous statement [\/ II 283D) •
A .;,WI .J'il: 'renegade, apostate god (idol)',
IA ......_,, : Lit • 'and afterwards' , used here in th e sens e
L:1: Uu;I
kind, Cognate accusative for the indication of of 'finally, in conclusion',

II ..;. .,.WI I,.-;;.:.,..:. .) 1 , you will not go s t raight
,_. J 'in the sanctuary'. on the (right) way'.
II U..1.ul -=-1....JI . 'stampin g, fi nges·prints
. ' , r, 'until you turn your face
· ;,-._......_, .,.6...:. ~ , I~,_; .j>
toward.,. 1 •
IT .:,1) '-- t ...,1 { Lt. 'ii \ .I • i I
be or do bettu - (th ii, u • ,e., it is possible to
er an it was done)', n • • • ..,..:.>- : Note that .;> is use d here
, with t he
subjunctive in the sense of 'so that ·
ta:{~ 1
t"'"' \ii : These derived aujectives of the J,...;i
n • • jection introducing
defi~f~ea~~tt~f! [~nf;r~totJ:erlative by the prefixed . . • u 1, 'i I : Intensifying inte~rulY indeed' ,
the fo1lowing sentence: 'verily• ' ,
Il 'make haste •
.:,L. .,JI <J' _,j : 'race horse' , tr ~ : An interjection which means lit·
10 "" .;;.., '-.J, A i
c rcumstantial clause.
11 ,~ .... ...._._; • ' it
wasted', · goes a wa y in vain, i.e., it is
'never ... and therefore •.. '.


: .s;L .;;,.:,.
,j .j;J .:..£ • ., ,.t..:. ;,, , cjbl,. Jbl -!.Jl>. r ,.JI J (!,
.:,,I .:r .;::JL' •J J ,- ;• )(., ..i::1 ; .i..- ..:.J.,;I ,.; J..I I.> .ill -4,,AJI ..,..1,

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.::.""' -!...1..::; ,.i.-JI .::..ill.,;l 1 l ,.,_ -4 ,J,.i_;... ,51 J,.;,_
1 ,JI

.:,I , 11 .L.. ;)'1 1 ,;I c.jl T,)l,l; cl...,_ <f_,.1 '.S.lo-- I,_ : .::JI.ii .;,,;
..i , ..,. c.WL .,.ill,, • ,Jl.,Jl .,JI "i...4 ,.ili, L..J.i, "'-,.>I
.r.,.1 ,J.11, r_,; ..tiJ • •-'>', .r.,., )' •L: -!.)t.: .i1, ..,, • ._.. ...,;

<f- JJ1 .;j.,; ~ , ; r •.lb~ ~l!JI p,;:; . IJ.1

J · .lb
c:""' ,J.1,.. ..i..., ~I ,J.11 1
(c.1,; r . ..,. ..:.b.iL .sll' l:)l; 0'
. L.J. 4.:-'>, L; .ii.,J ..1,.;,

JJ1 .,JI ..,._; h , ; _,. J.i ,JI .,JI L:.,..,, .,,_ ,-: , -!.)\!JI , r ,.JI ~,

• •L.; <!.)(.: .:,,I ..:1 ,,.1.>1 1 ,f_,.1 .:,,I u...J W • W .:.I_,.

<!i..,_ ;,1 ,;- d:.;_,. L,,_,.;., d}J. 4,.11 ..,.£ .,;,
._r:;..: )l; · ..J.;JI rl,_)'J ,j .,,J. dih..J 0 J) 1 .i:.-1, ,.:L..:.:, J.,...., l.;l_,::.I

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.!.-t ...,JI urS : 'how c onversation drifts from
one topic to another'.
u )l; : 'so and ,
stands for names o;o • an indef'ini te ..,,_,ill, .:.,,, .:,,.,,~1 : 'the parents, father and
persons. noun Which mother and those who come next to them in kinship,
.,;.,.,• : •1· i.e., other close relatives'.
isten to me
r L....,_s •.il..i: 'her f'or a While•. J..'~1
.;;._.,,, •~_,JI r_..o~: i.e., 'and the object on wh i ch
,,, own blood
h 11 (they) pin their hopes'.
,r,_; : The ' er own child'
frequently perfect of' th. • ,_ 'burning with emotion', Note
used in th is doubly ~I::.. UbL..JI '":',.,;,.., :
rI . b e passive VOi weak verb is II that two constructs are used here, one with the ori-
, ,..._1, • . . I . I ce • ginal noun and the other with a pronoun referring
• .,... Both
<J'.,.. J . . are accusatives back to that noun.
husbandT" s t : 'and the onl of' purpose.
wo other y s ~,.....,, ....5,, 1..-s : 'of what is hidden in my heart' •
y •• • u· j wives)•• on of' my mates (my Ir
.UI cl.:...:..; • • • ::,._...,Al though dual in form, )lS and
\-A, )lS :
'I implore ll
take the predicate in the singular [W II 213C].
you by G.od to •.. ,.
'take it
t........., easy•. .; _..:..,JI .}s, \;,\;..;I : • violation of rights' •
I,:.~ I lo
I• ,;,-,,..JI in a shaky
. : ' Voice' • n ..,__,~I : 'the strife, animosity'.
other than .
f •• · - ' -. • d1f'f'ere ~.;. _;.,.JI ~-•, : _ Note that the vocative particles i.,...;1
may be·_,.,,.., :; I : N nt f'ro IY
(;em.) and L,.,1 (masc.) re9-uire after them a noun de-
[W II 3Prefixed ote th m • •• '
06D]. to the at the inte fined by the article and 1n the nominative case
conjunctio rrogative particle ·•,
• e; [W II 92D].
" ~)II~
ns :, ,
and "f
Of two
childre You cone ~ , . K
t o the erning ( th Oran, IV ll: 'Allah
emales.• male thee eu~rovision~ f'or) your
IA " ": 'Kent', SE England.

It '-,,.:..,Ji, • • q lValent Of' th e portion

dropped i., ,-., .~I •
these two n ..,_1 (; ~fy5e that th
" .• relat i v:'ad. and . 1 ( third weak
It ul" : In Jectiv;°'s < ) radicals,
terject1· on [WI l57DJ~eappear in
'0 · · ·..• J.:.L. ex Pressing
a11 ,. i:,.. L. . anger or displeasure.
• See Sei 'there .
11 •.,... XII N ls no inte11·
__,_: i.e. ' ote 16. igent person at
r-:u.;. ,._, ·" , more than once
make · = \ 1 .• • ,
an app.;'i:" l:._1 : L· , many times'.
IA ·. ntment• it. 'asking
<r.x:,., L, • i: her Permission to
'oh my dear••

(1949-1952), and Vice-President of the American Uni-
versity of Beirut (1954-1957). At present he is a Dis-
tinguished Professor of Arab History at the latter insti-
(Palestinian, b. 1904), an Oxford graduate , and a forme • n
tution. National awakening throughout the Arab world
Associate Professor of Arabic Literature at the Americanr
was greatly influenced by his bo ok al-Wa'y a l-QaumI
University of Beirut, is now Professor at the American
[National Consciousness] (Beirut, 1938), wh i ch re pre-
University at Cairo and Lecturer at the Arab League's
sents the first systematic formulation of an Arab na-
_ of Advanced
. _ Arabic Studies
_ • He is author of
tional ideology. This work was followed by 11a , na al-
1 al-Muslimun
- (Beirut, Dar Beirut ' 1952) , trane- Nakba [The Meaning of the Tragedy] (Beirut, Dar al-<Ilm,
ated into Lnglish under the title The 11osl em Brethren
1948), Ayy Gad? [\Jhat Tomorrow?] (Beirut, Dar al-<Ilm,
( Beirut, Khayat's College Book Cooperative 19"6) 1957), and Nahnu wa'l-Tarit [lie and History] (Beirut,
Isl-am fI Nazar al-uarb [Islam as Viewed b , th / , - al-
(Beirut , 19 54) , and Azamat al-Fikr al-<ArabI
Y e[TWest] Dar al-<Ilm, 1959).
of Arab Thought] (Beirut, Dar Beirut 19"2) i he ~risis
di ' / • n which he SELECTIONS III AND XVI: Al_lmad Amin (Egyptian, 1886-1954 ) ,
scusses the moral, cultural, social, and political prominent scholar and writer, studied at al-Azhar and
problems of the modern Arab World and proposes measures the School of Sari's Law, and served as Professor at
for reform and for the unification of Arab society. the University of Cairo from 1936-47. He was one of the
founders and active members of La,jnat al-Ta ' lif wa'l-
SELECTION I: Mu9ammad Kalaf Allah (E Tarjama wa'l-Na~r [Committee of Authorship, Translation
Faculty of Lett - gyptian), Dean of the
ers of the Universi t O f and Publication] which has provided the Arab world with
the author of Dir - -t I Y Alexandria, is
asa f al-Adab al I 1- I a great number of classical texts and schola rly works.
Islamic Literature J (C i - s am [Studies in
a ro, 19 7) and 111 · His publications include his interpreta tive study of
Na¥ar al-Nafsiya fI Di ' n Wi,jhat al-
rasat al-Adab N the history of Islamic civilization from its beginning
logical Approach t Li wa- aqdih [Psycho-
H o terature and L.1 t to the end of the 10th Muslim century (in four parts):
e is also the edit _ erary Criticism].
- or of al-1'.aqaf 1 _ Fa.jr al-Islam (Cairo, 1928), al-Islam (Cairo, 193 3-
H, ayah al-Mu <asira ( C i a a -Islamiya wa • l-
a ro, 1955) 36), Zuhr al-Islam (Cairo, 1945-53), Yaum al-Islam (Cairo,
written by West ' a collection of papers
ern and Muslims h 1952, 1958), and his Faid al-Kapr, 8 vols. (Cairo, 193 7
into Arabic from th C c olars and translated
e olloquiu ff.)which contains his various essays as editor of the
i ts Relation to the m on Islamic Culture in
weekly literary journal, al-Iaqafa, from 1939-1952.
1953). Contemporary World (Princeton, N.J.,
(See Advanced Arabic Readers I, hereinafter referred

SELECTIONS II AND VII: QustantI to as AAR I, p.14?)

graduate of Col b . . n Zuraiq (Syrian b )
was um ia Univers. • • 1909 , SELECTIONS IV AND VIII: 1aha ~usain ( Egyptian, b. 1889) , the
President of the S . ity, scholar and educator,
yr1an University in Damascus most prominent scholar a nd writer o f the cont emporary
Arab world, became blind a t t he age of two but neverth eless
stud i ed at al - Azha r and at the So rb onne• became Rector
- ' b ) 1·n the civi l cou r ts of Egypt , he became i n 1951
of Cairo University and t hen Mi nis ter o f Education, As (na => 1 . 'T _ •

a leading , littera t eur' and th i nker h i s works include He ad Libra rian of Da r a l - Ku tub a l - M1~ r 1ya (The Nati onal
Fl 'l-Si< r a l-J a hill (1st. ed . Cai r o , 1926) , a critical Library) . I n 19 59 h e wa s appoint ed Permanent Delega te
s t udy of pr e - I s l ami c poetry , Mus t aqba l al-Iaqafa fl Mier of t h e u . A . R . to UN ESCO i n Par is . Of '1. i s :orks on Islam
(Cair o , 1938 ) [The Futu r e of Cu lture, transla ted bys."'--'- and on t h 9 a es theti c app r eciatio n of art and litera ture
s houl d be made o f his Mu :1 a mma d (3d ed .
Glaz er , Washington, American Counc il of Learned Societies s pe c ia l me n t io n
1954], a bo ok which embodies hi s det ail e d pro g ram for ' Fa nn a l - Ada b [ T~e Ar t of.Li te-;atu re]
Ca iro 1 9 55 ) a nd
the r ad i cal re f orm of educat i on in Egyp t, ?adit al- (C a iro , 1952) . ( See AAR I , p . 140)
Arb i <a, [Wednesda y Co~versati ons] 3 vo ls, ( 2d ed,Cairo,
1959- 60) , a nd Min Hadii a l-Si< r wa 'l-Na tr [About Prose sat i ' a l - Hu sa rI ( Syria n bo rn in Ye me n ) , f orme r
and Poetry ] ( Cairo , 1936 ) . (See AAR I, p,14 3 ) of the Ar a ~ ~e a~u e Cul t ura l Bureau , is one o f
Di r e ctor
prom i ne nt Ar a b wr i te r s on the theory a nd hi~t~ r y
the most
SELECTIONS V AND XV: Mika, il Nu<aima ( Le ban ese, b, 1889 ) is He is the autho r o f Ara ' wa - Ahadi ~
of Ar a b nati onali s m.
one of t he le ading fi gures of the Syro-Am e ri can f l , 1 - \./ata ni ya wa ' 1 - 0.a u ml ya [Vi e ws and Sayings on Patri o t is m
·t group of
wr 1 e r s ~nd poets . He wa s educa t ed in Rus s ian Orthodox and Nat i onal i s m] (3d ed . Be i rut , Dar al - ' I l m, 1 952 ) ,
Scho~ l s in Bask i nta , Lebanon , a nd Naza r e th Pa lestin a l , u ruba Baina Du'a t i ha wa - ~lu <a ri 9- iha [ Ar abism be tween
and i n the Ecc l es1as . t 1cal. Sem i nary a t Fo lt a' R .
e, its Propone nts a nd Oppone nt s] (3d e d . Beirut , Dar al - 'Ilm ,
(1906-1 911 ) . In 1912 he went t va, uss1a 19 57 ) , a l- ' Ur u bea Awwa lan [Ar'lbism F irst] (3d ed . Be irut ,
0 t h e U. S. A. a nd after
r eceiving his Law de gre e from the . Da r al -<Il m, 19;,8) , !;hu l a a l - '..iiJ;ida al - l'.aqaf Tya [O n Cu l -
in 1916 h . Un ive r si t y of Washington
e worked in New Yo k f tu ral Unity ] ( Beiru t , 1959) , Ma Hi ya al - Qaum iya ? L'..Jha t
founded th ( . r or severa l years and
ere April 20 1920)( 1· is Natio na lism? ] (Beirut , 1959) , and Di fa' -an a l - <Ur u b a
fr i end Jubran Kali l J '_ ~ c oll ab oration with his
Qa l ami a -. ubr an) _J:a:m~<~i~ya~t:_ca~l~-~R~a~-~b~ijt~a~a~l!:_:- [ A De fe nc e of Arabis m] ( 2d e d. Be i rut , Da r al - • I lm , 1 9 57) .
"-=, the first mode r . '
- - - " 'Y
ture . In 19 h
nuing s ch ool of Arabic li tera-
32 e r etur ned t o Lb SELECT I ON X: Munlf a l-Ra z ziz (J o r da n ia n ) , one of the l eaders
now , pr ovid i ng h. e a non where he lives
i s r eade rs th h o f t he Ba' t [ Re s urre c t i on ] P3rty and a u t ho r of c'la<alim
wi t h works such . ro ug ou t the Arab wo rld
as hi s rece nt a l-Yayih al - ' Ar a b lya al - J a dl da [ La ndma r ks of the New
[ Seventy] 3 vo l ( . autob i ography, Sab<un
s . Be i rut 1960) Arab Li fe] ( Ca iro , Da r Mi ~r , 1953) a nd a l - Hayah a l -
lite rary pr odu ct. ., ' one of his finest
1 i ons His pub1 · :;au :nlya [The Nat i ona l. Li f e] (Beirut , a l-~arq Pre s s , 1959) ,
c ude The Book of 11" ication s in English in-
Memoi r 8 1r d ad , Khal i l G"1 b i n which he d i s cuss e s t he bases o f Ar a b nationa lism , its
of a Vagr ant S r a n - A Biography,
ou 1 ' and Till We Meet. posi.t ion between r eg i o nal i s m a nd i n t ern a tional is::n , the
SELECT IONS VI AND XVII, obst3cles t o un ity , ~nd Ara b for eign po l icy .
is a well - k . Tau fi q a l-!_lakim ( Egypt1·a n,
nown dra ma t · b 1902)
s tu dying . ist , nove l 1s . t • , SEL2:CTI ONS XI A!rn XXII : [a l i d Mu9-a11c;ad Ka l id ( Egyp tia n , b . 1920)
in Fr a nce and . • and e ssayist. After
s e rv i n g as a n i s one of the 8 l ama, , or reli g i Jus l eaders , o f al - Azhar .

examining magi strate

His r e vo l t on behalf o f a secu la r , econo 11 ic org qni~ ,t· o n
(na'ib) in the civil courts of Egypt, he became in 19
- l'1 - 51
Head Librarian of Dar al-Kutub a 1 - i~riya (The National of the Islamic state was embodied in his challenging book
Library), In 1959 he was appointed Permanent Delegate Min Huna,,,Nabda' [From Here, .• We Start], translated by
of the U.A.R, to UNESCO in Paris. Of his works on I J.R. Faruqi, Washington, The American Council of Learned
and on the aesthetic appreciation of art and lit erature
slam societies, 1953), for which he was prosecuted on charg es
special mention should be made of his Muhammad c3 d of anti-religious agitation. His other best-sel l ing
Cairo, 1955), and Fann al-Adab [The Art of Lite ra t ure]
ed, works include Muwatinun ••• La Ra<aya [Citizens •.• Not Sub-
( Cairo, 1952). (See AAR I, p,14O) jects] (5th ed. Cairo, 1954), al-Din fi Kidmat al-~a<b
[Religion in the Service of the People] (2d ed. Cairo,
SELECTION IX: Sa~i' al-?u~ari 1955), Hada,,,,au al-Tufan [This, .. or the Flood] (5th ed.
Cairo, 1959), al-Dimuqratlya ••. Abadan [Demo c racy ••• Always]
Arab writers on the theory and history of Ar b . (3d ed. Cairo, 1958), and Likai la Tahrutu fi'l-Ba~r [So
He ·s th - - a nationalis
i e author of Ara, wa-Ahadlt fI, 1-W t m.
O cnm<vc a aniya wa'l- as not to Plow the Sea] (2d ed. Cairo, 1955).
[Views and Sayings on Patriotism and N .
(3d ed. Beirut, Dar al-'Ilm 1952) 1 - ationalism]
- - • • a -<Uruba Bai SELECTION XII: Kalid Bakdas (Syrian), Chairman of the Central
Du 'atiha wa-Mu<arid1ha [Arb' b
a ism etween its p na
Committee of the Communist Party in Lebanon and Syria,
and Opponents] (3d ed B . - roponents
,uruba Awwalan [Arab·• ;~rut, Dar al-'Ilm, 1957), al- is the author of al-Hizb al-~uyu'l fI'l-Nidal li-Ajl al-
'Ilm 1958) H ism irst] (3d ed. Beirut, Dar~ Istiqlal wa'l-Siyada al-Wataniya [The Communist Party in
• • 'aula al-Wihda al l'. -fT the Struggle for Independence and National Sovereignty]
Unity] (Beirut ) ' . - aqa iya [On Cultural
• 1959 , Ma H1ya al Q T
Nationalism?] (Be' - aumiya? [What is (Damascus, Dar al-Taqaddum, 1955?), a book which contains
. irut, 1959) and D'f-
[A Defence of Arab. ] ( • i a' 'an a-1-<Uruba his report to the Party Congress held in 1944, and Nidal
ism 2d ed . Be.irut, Dar
- al-<Ilm, 1957).
al-Su<ub al-<Arabiya fI Sabil al-Jala> wa'l I s t i g l a ~ l -
SELECTION X: Munif- al-Razzaz (S . ];!urriya [The Struggle of the Arab Peoples for Evacuation,
the_Ba't [Resurrection] Par:rian), one of the leaders of ~ d e n c e and Freedom] (Baghdad, al-Maktaba al-<Arabiya,
~ayah al-<Arab1ya 1 J y and author of 1'1a<alim al- 1959?), a pamphlet which reviews the strug gle of Arab
a - adida [L ndm
Life] (Cairo Dar M' a ark of the New Arab peoples against impe rialism and p resents the Party• s
• isr, 1953)
[The National L. f ] c· . and al-Hayah al-Qa statement of policy in the Arab countries. His report
. i e Beirut 1 • um1ya

which he discusses the b • a -Sarq Press, 1959) in reflecting the same ideas and delivered in 1951 before
posi tio b ases of Ar b • the plenary session of the Central Command of the Com-
n etween re g ional. a nationalism, its
obstacles to unity, and Aism and internationalism, the munist Party in the Levant appeared in an abridged
rab foreign policy. translation by H.W. Glidden in Middle East Journal, VII
SELECTIONS XI AN D (Spring 1953).
one f XXII: Kalid M h
. o the ' Ulama-, or 1 u.ammad K_alid (Egyptian) is
His revolt on , re igious 1 SELECTION XIII: Michel <Aflaq (Syrian), graduat e of the
behalf of a s eaders, of al-Azhar
ecular, economic organization
• Sorbonne, and former Minister of Ed uca t ion· • Syr ia
in is
the founder of the Ba':t. [Resurre c t·ion J Part y , one o f' the


19 1
most influential of the pan-Arab socialist organizations
which were established in Syri a, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan
rI'l-Hadara al->Urubb!ya [The Arabs' Influence on
and Egypt during and after World War II, He is the '
European Civilization] ( Cairo , 1946 ) , Falasifat al -
author of FI Sab!l al-Ba<:t. [For the Resur!·ection) (Beirut
Dar al-TalI<a 1959), and Ma<rakat al-Masir al-Wahid ' Hukm fi'l-' Asr a l-Mu<asir [C ontempora ry Political Philo -
[The Battle o~ One Destiny] (Beirut, Dar al-Adab, 1958) sophers] (Cairo, 1950) , al-Dimu qra ti ya fi'l-Islam
in which he defines the revolutionary concept of al-Ba<:t_ [Democra cy in Islam] (Cairo, Dar a l-Ma<arif , 1952) ,
as a revival from within alone able to provide the al-Islam fi'l- Qarn a l-'I~rin; Ha~iruh wa - Madih [Islam
modern Arab world with its ultimate objectives, and in the Twentieth Century: I ts Present and Future] (Cairo ,
describes the philosophy of his party as basically na- Dar al-Kutub a l-~adI:t.a, 1954) , and La Su:yu> Iya wa-la
tionalist, soc ialist, neutralist, and secularist. Isti ' ma r [Ne ithe r Communism nor Imperialism] (Cairo ,
Dar al-Hilal, 1957).
SELECTION XIV: Sa<!d Taqiy al-D!n (Lebanese, 1904-1960),
graduate of the American University of Beirut, play- SELECTION XIX: Nabih Amin Faris (Palestinian , b, 1906) ,
wright, and essayist, was a leading member of the gradu a te of Prince t on , and a noted scholar, is now
(Syrian) Social National Party whose prewar founder Chai rman of the History Department at the American
An~un Sa<ada, was s entenced to death by a court-mar~ial Univers ity of Beirut . In addition to his translation
in Lebanon after an attempted coup in 1949 that was into Arabic (in col l aboration with !1 . Ba<albakI ) o f
repeated by his followers in January, 1962. He is the C. Brockelmann's Histo ry of the Islamic Peop l es: Ta rik
a~thor of several books in Arabic incl udi ng SayyidatI al-Su,ub al-Islamiya, 5 vols. (Beirut , 1948-50), he ha s
Sadat! [Ladies and Gentlemen] (Beirut D- 1-S published s everal scholarly works in English and Arabic
1955) R' - T x ' ar a arq, including al-<Arab al-Ahya, [The Li ving Arabs] (Beiru t,
' iyaJ, h .::,ira' I [Winds in my Sail] ( B . t Dar
al-M.a janI 1960) nd -- eiru • 1947), Hada al - <Alam al -< Arabi (co - a ut ho r ) [This Arab
' 'a Taballagu wa-Balligu [Inform and
be Informed] (Bei t D- World] (Beirut, Dar a l- <Ilm , 1953) , The Arab Heritage
ru' ar al-Jil al-J adid, 1955), In

the selection presented he (ed. Princeton, N. J ., Princeton University Press , 1 944) ,

of the bas. . re' the author outlines some
ic principles of the p and The Crescent in Crisis (co - author) (Lawr ence , Uni-
in detail in Sa<ada's arty that are discussed versity of Kansas Press , 1955) , one of the best inter-
Beirut Nassar P book The Ten Lectures (3d ed.
' ress, 1956), (See AAR I, p,141) pretive studies of the modern Arab world.

SELECTION XVIII: - SELECTION XX: AJ:lmad ~asan al-Zayyat (S5Y,Jtian , b . 188 5 ) , a l ea~i ng
1 'Abbas 11aJ:lmud al-<Aqqad (Egyptian, b • )
iterary critic, poet no 1889 , writer of the classicist schoo l, notable as a ref ined
butor to almost e ' velist, essayist, and contri-
very other lit stylist, has been the editor of his weekly lit erary
the most prominent . erary genre' is one of journal, al-Risala , which, for a period of twenty
writers of th
world, His volu . e contemporary Arab years (1933-53) provided a forum for a large g rou p of
m1nous work incl d
[The Genius of Muh u es 'Abqariyat Muham'!l ad eminent Muslim schol a r s and wr iters. He is t he aut ho r
. amma d] (Cairo 1 4 .,
' 9 2), al-<Arab of TarIK al-Adab al -< Ar ab I [ History of Arabic Lite ra ture]
(15th ed. Cairo , 1956), FI Usu l al - Adab LOn the Prin ci ples

7tt til I

of Literature ] ( 4th ed. Cairo, 1955), and Wa~y al-Risala
[The Inspira tion of al-Risala] 4 vols. (Cairo, 1956), - GLOSSA RY
a collection of essays on literary, social, and other
The first meaning li s t ed f or eac h word in t h i s g l oss a ry
topics which was granted the Official Grand Prize of
represents, in most c a ses, t he spe c ific c ontextua l u s age .
the Egyptian Government.
It i s follo we d by othe r prima r y meani ngs . Essent i ally s y -
SELECTION XXI: Sayyid Qu~b ( Egyptia~ b. 1903), creative no nymous de f ini t ions a re s epa r a t ed by comma s; a semi c olon
wri t er, cri tic, a nd poe t, is a leading member of the marks the b eg i nn ing of a d ef i nition i n a d i ffe r ent s emanti c
Muslim Bro t he rhood , a rel ig io-political organization r a nge.
founded in Egypt by ~a san al-Banna in 1927, and dedicated \'lords a re a rra ng ed , i n g ene r a l , acc ording to ',iehr ' s
t o the rev i va l of the orig inal teachings of Islam and l exico gr a phi cal sy st em . F'O r d e t ails , th e s t udent · i s r eferred
the implementa tion of Islamic unity. He was implicated to the " I ntrod uction" of h i s A. Dic tionary o.[
in the attempted coup orga nized by the Muslim Brethren ~ - The foll orli n g brief summar y , however, '.'!ill be suf-
to overt hrow Pre s ident Na s ser's regime in October 1954
was tried along with other leaders of the movement, and
. . fic i ent f or mo s t purposes :
Ar ab ic wo r ds a re a r r ange d ac cording to Ar abi c ro ots .
sentenced to imprisonment. In addition to his literary Foreign words wh i ch do not c learly f it i nt o ove r al l Ar ab ic
product i ons in the specia l field of Koranic studies, morpholog ica l ca tegories a r e li s t ed in s t r a i ~h t alphab e t ic a l
such as FI Zilal al-Qur , an [In the Shade of the Koran] order (cf. ,-.JI, r ad i yo •ra d io' ) ,
30 vols., his publica ti ons include Ma<rakat al-I 1- Under a given r oot the s e qu ence o f en tries is as fol l ows .
wa ' 1 R T-1 s am The v e r b in the perfec t of t he f irs t conjuga t io n usua l l y
. - a ' sm: iya [The ~attle of I s lam and Capitalism]
( Cairo, 1972), al-Salam al-<AlamI wa'l Islam [World comes first. It i s fo l lovred by t he vov,el o f the c orr e s pond -
Peace and Islam], Di r a sa t Islamiya [Islami i ng i mp erfe ct, 1'hen c ome th e deriv ed s t ems of t r ili tera l
Nahwa Muj t ama< Islami [T c Studies], verbs, ind ic a ted by Roman numerals. Fo r the cte r iv 0d
al-<Ada la a l I't• - T oward an Islamic Society], and
- ,J ima c iya fl' 1 I 1 - of quadrili ter al V8rbs the foll owin c; 'lomc,n nume r a l s a p ply :
Islam] trans lat ed b - s am [Social Justice in
Y J. B. Ha rdie (Wah' , I , JLu (fa 'la l a) , II , J.Lu:: (tafa'lala ) , III , ~ I ( i f ' a n l a l a ) ,
Council of Lear d S . . s ington, American a nd IV, j.L..;I ( if•aln l l a ) . 11ominal forms , v e r ba l nouns o f
ne oc i e ties 19 53 )
p r emise in the 1 tt ' • The author's basic
a er book is tha t " I the stems II t hrough X, and all a ctiv e and pass i v e partic ipl e s
the unity of wor ship d slam stands for
activity, of . . an work, of faith and wordly follow a t t he end.
s piritu a l and ma t eria l The perfect of the f irst verba l stem a nd al l no nina l
economic and realities, of
mora l va lues, of t his deriva tives o f t he v e rbs a re tran scribed a ccord i n ~ to ',:' ehr ' s
world, Fr th' world and the after-
om i s perva s ive unit sy s tem.
Islamic laws pol ·t · Y there issue all
, l ical and eco . Ba sic abbrevi a tio ns u s ed a re:
a lloca tion of r i~h ts and . nomic theories, and the pl. (plura l )
obligations" coll. (c oll ect iv e )
di m. (dimi nut ive ) s. (sin gul ,,r '
f. ( f emi'l inc) s . •J . (someone )
m. (ma s c uline) s . Gh , ( so met hi n i:.-· )

n. (noun) v . n. ( ve r br-1 1 n o un )
o.s. (onese l f) n . un . ( nomen u n i ta tis : s i ng le
./.. unlt o f a c ol l ect i ve)
(I) r' i]m: crime, sin, Offense,
mi s deed
_rami: Ar amaic ; Aramaean ,LL ma,sa.h : t r agedy , d r a ma
·.5 ...,1 abadi: everlasting, ,,.,,.b. muta•aj ji j: burning , <t') Ta
eterna l flamin g T. ma • a r ib (pl . ) : objects of J.._...T asiya : As ia
y J d es i re ; d es i r _s ; purposes
._kl ibil ( pl.): c a mels ,.5 ,._I a siyawi: As i a n , As i a ti c
_p,-1 ajr: wage(s), pay; r a te
u rjuwan : pu rp le
'-"' aba (a): to refuse,
.,....,.1 ajir: hireling ; workman,
o' y.' ) I ,.5 J rl asuri : As syrian
.' ecline; t 0 reject
labo " er; e mploy ee ~ JJ 'j \ al - urd unn: Jo r d an V: t o b e or b e co me
''-<I i b a · : pride f i r mly r ooted , in g r a ined
J,,-1 a jal pl. Jl.,.T ajal: in- ;, I arz ( n . un . ; ) : cedar
v'T IV : t o g i v e stant of death; date, J ,-al U'.5ii l (pl. ) : ori g in s , roots
deadline ;::- ,I ari stuqr ii°\; i : aristo -
,,, 1
j b V: t o s te m, ori g ina te, ,,
.. cra tic; aristo c r a t a s li: original ; ge nuine ;
ari s e, re su lt J.-,.1 ajal: yes, ind eed! b8.sic
certai n ly! ), , I arg : e a rth ; worl d ; grou nd
.;;.L, rna•atin (pJ . ): d e eds, a s ala : ori ginal ity ;
perform~nces; plac e s of .L;.;I VIII: to use: to make(.:,- ._i.s-,i argila; wa ter pipe , pUr l ty of ori g in; firmness
origin out o.'" s.t h . ) hubb le-bubble
ig';riq: Gre eks
...:.:..I;. , u•8.tin: f avorable, ;.,_;..~I al-a !5ira: t h e h e reafter 0- ,' arman : Armeni a n s
o nnortune , conv e nient, ifriqiy a : Africa
sui. t able ; ,_;.I ujpi:wa: brotherhood, brother- '-- jl azma: cri s i s ; eme J,. ·gency
line s s; fraternity al - afga n : the Af gha ns ;
c.:I II: to fu r n ish; to fix up, i z ~ :ia : as com pared wit h ;
pre pare Afghan i s t a n
,t;.I;. mu,a!5ah : frate r nization o p posite , i n fron t of ,
fac i n g cY I ufq , ufuq p l. __;t;T afaq :
}1 II : t o affect, i n fluenc e -,. JI adab p l. .,..I JT adab: horizo n ; pl . ho ri z ons ,
( ,,t . ) lit ::- rature; 4.r"I u s r a : f c:.mi l y , re l a.tives , d i st:i.nt l a nds , f :·.r awa y
c lan , dy n a sty cou ntr i es
;:T IV : to prefer; to choos e ,_r,Jl adabi: l iterary
;:1 V: t o be influenc ed; to
asir pl . 1.5 ;-I a s r8. : tive
pri r:, one r of war , cap ,
.ib V: to !l'ake sure : to ass ure :
,IJI a d ah: too l , instrument; to c onfirr.1
be exc i ted; to b e im- device prisone r
albaniya: Alb a nia
_,;:b....l X: t o a ppro pri ·.t e; to k c·ep ,.5 ".ii II: t o le a d ( u,ll to); to ;,......t ma:i sUr : captivated
s .t h . for o.s., ~-:o r.opi)l i ze; caus e, brin~ about; to II : to wri te , comp ose ;
carry out, discha rge (, u _:I II: to found , e r;tablish to u~it e , put to~e ther
to c lai m a mono poly
perform ; to execute,
accomplish u- LI asas pl • ,, - 1 USUo : VI II: t o be united , link e d :
pl a t a r p , . ,t:T at a r: effe c t: b asis , fo undat i o n
...iJ::! \
mark, trace; pl. works to form a c o alition
(of a rt) '\Ji a da•: rendition, re c1ding ;
performance LI as i. fundamental • bas i c ;
!~eme;t;1ry ; e ss e ntial ta :i lif : writin ~ , compo -
.,..:b t a, tir: e f fect, i nfluence sitio n ; li t e r a r y wo r k
-.,_Jb ta, d iya: payn,ent; fulf i ll- b ta, s is: establishme nt ,
,s )b t a=- ]1; urr: i mpre s s i ,: ni s tic ment; performance foundi nr.:; , found :it1. o n ma 2l Uf: f amili a r; usual,
cu s toma ry
Jl!:::.- 1 ist 1 ,1; a r: rrm no poli::,:ation;
.·,A.. 1 X·. t "v a s k pe (•mi s sion
presum !1 t i on
L.:t...-1 i s baniya : Spa in
mu,al laf : book , publ i catio n ;
,._,JT I V : t l'I harrri , hu rt, molest, ~ I i sfan ja : sponge written , com pi l e d
;:;. mu ,a1;:!;i r : in fluenc i ng annoy
factor , i nflu ence; eff ec tiv e ~ - 1 i s f lni \·,e dge V : to sh i ne , r ad L te ,
,.5 j \ a gan : harm, trouble, gl i tt e r
._,...T I II: to co n for t ' con so le
~ut n , ~ ' liq: b ri 1l i a n t ,
\ brirht. ,..a 1 i .,_~ -
[.;WI almii.niyii : Germany ._,:;I unta pl. -!.ul inat_:
f emale l.i,. mabaa, pl. .:, Jl,. Maba.ri i, :
r ~T aliim (pl.) : pain , 1.,:4-:I i ngilte r a: Engl and or i nc iple , ba sis, f oun-
suffering datio n ; beginn in ~
.; ,...S:... ,.L.,..;I anglo-saksoni: Angl "-r'~ babavliya : papal
._,.,JI i lahi: divine Saxo n (adj,) o- ,_,:I ..c.,I ibtida• T: e le:sent a r y ,
v· ~ bu •s : misery , suffering, prima~y i nr e ca~ato r:-1,
._,.JT aliha (pl . ) : god s, .i:1 andalusi: Andalusia distress initial
dieties Span i s h n,
i,]1 al-battata : ab s olutely J J4= VI : t r; a-··,ne...., r ri.t !'irs t
Ml umma pl . ~I umam : ½-.', .i:1 indunisiya: Indonesia not , def i nitely no t 1;lrmce
na tion
c,., 1.;1 unas and ._,.I.; nas: ( J b...5\ bakistan : Palcbtan p -'<I IV : t o cr , ,ate ; t o innovate
<,/"I umami : int erna t io nal people, hum, ns c on. l
b a tt a (u): to propagate,
.;1 ummiya : illit er ,,cy; .;L..: 1 ins an i: human spread , s c a tter
p ..i::.:I VIII : 1:0 inve,-,_t , devi se ,
con trivP
i gnorance
c_i:T anif: ,:i rec eding , move, s:-,; I VII : to break fo r th, bad ic: unique
M~I umuma : motherhood; aforement ioned burst out; to e ,sanat e ,
materni t y , motherli ne ss proc eed ( fr o,·,) i bdac : c reation ; cre::-.t ive
,l,;I anah: r:e lib e rateness• abi l it y ; un ique ness ;
rLI i ~am pl. ~I a •imma:
le ad er; master; pr aye r per seve ranc e, patien~ e 0 t:.,.,I inbitaq: outburs t , ori&i n'll i ty
leader; Imam J J~ III : t o exc :1ange; t o
"""l<sl i h ab : hi de , skin
munba ti :i : proceeding , subs t i tute: to change
• 1 amad: t i me , space of
time, peri od · i,;. mu •ahhal : qualifie d emana t i ng
X: t o reolace , sub stitu te;
"""T. ma•ab: pl ace t o w11ich one b ahata (a) : to study, to exc h".n a;e (""" s . th , )
.,.1 amr 1. pl. .,.1 ,1 awamir: i nvestigat e , l oo I: i nto
ord e r. , command , i nstruc - r eturns; retur n
tion; 2 . pl. J~I umur:
( er s . th , ) t a bd ll : c h2n~e , a lte r a t io n
matter , affair , concern , p 1 auj: highes t po i nt,
pinnacle , c limax buJ::lu:!; (pl.) : re se· :r ch ,j .J.;: t n bnddu l: c~.a!lr,;e , trnns -
busine s s fo:" riati on
.,.:; ;. mu - t · ma r : conferen.oe ,,r-S J J, 1 6r:!;6doksi: Orth odox ,!.,.~ bahit : s chol ar , r esearch
work8r; i nvest i gator t ,.,__b 8.dul : exchange
j.l V : t o l ook attentively, 'T-, J, 1 urubbi: European i s tibd al : s ubs tit ution ,
re gard; t o medit ate• t o JL.., bil}ar (pl.) : s ens
r e!)lR.ce r!le 11t , exchan:e
ponc' cr, cons i r er ( J
s . th . ) :ui iifa: evil.; e ni demiq
harm; •,lague tabahhur : tho rou"h
s tuaj ; dee p ne11 et~a tion , badihi: self - evide 'lt ;
J.I amal pl. JLi amal: i ntu itiv e ; a -rri or i
hope, expec t ,.tion .iT ala: instrument· t ·• ol; de lving
ma ch i ne '
;i J~ II : to re:11o ve , elii:i.inate : badaw i: he l ouin , nor.iad ic ;

II : to guarante e; to t o s cat t er , dis per :, e ; a Bedoui r.
assure ; to reassure J!I, 1 awa, il (pl.): be g innings to wa ste , s ~u nde r
b adi'i··· a , b ida·,;a : b edou in
.:,al IV: t o believe ('a- in ) JT. ma•al: end, outcome, JI .i,:;....I istibda<i : de spoti sm, l ife

resul t , con s equence tyranny
~LI amana : fait hfulness , bag ara (u) : to Bpre a d :
loya lty ; honesty .,,_•I IT.: t o su nport, encourage
mu s t u' ,i d d : de s po t i? ,r t o s o~ , dissemina te

0 1..,.1 Iman : fn it1' , belief
0 I anna ( i) : to 1~roan, mo an
¾.b t a •yi d : sunnort , backing•
en~1 orse 1~eni -
~J ...1:
tyrant ' d e ~pot; a r :; 1 t rar,, '
h i gh - h am1ea
b i d6.:{a : be gin •d_ n --; , :~ ta.rt
J -~ bo.(jala ( i , u i
sp r~ nd
: t o g ive ,

I r nn , ? e r s i a "/III : L abuse ( ~ . th , )
l,,J li.,_I 11iiliya ; Itri ly
198 199
r. barr: dutiful; pi ous, r r,:; t abarrum: dissati s f
ri ghteous ; ki nd discontent; disg u s t~ction
b o redom ' ...,., basma : imprint, im- !,.Li, ba qiiya . ( pl. ) : remnants ;
r esidu es
:;., birr: ki ndness; piety, pre ss ion
r eve renc e; charitable J.,._,.., barmil: barrel; cask ba qa · : su rv i v a l ; ex i st -
gift ,1,., bU~ ' : slovmess, tardi-
enc e; i mrio r t ali ty
<"L: r. ba r~am~j pl. r,-1.,., ness
,.,.,. mubarri r : jus ti f ic a t i on; bar am iJ: p rog r a m; Pla.
excus e curriculum n, v6-, ba ~I, : slow
}::.,I VIII : to inv e nt ; to cre ~ te,
o r ig ina te; t o ce t he f irs t
IV: to acquit , absolve, to t ake , be the first to
Ir.I c;t"-" barharni: Brahman •lk.,I ib~a•: dela y; slowne ss
d i s c harge e mbark
er"-" Quad. I: to p rove; to ),<I IV : to ma ke reckless, ~I ibtikar: crea t ivi .y ;
•Ir. bara>: free , ex emp t demonstrate a rro gant J •
ori g inali t _v ; initiat ive ;
r. r. barbar : Berb er i n nov a tion, ori g inat ion
,)-"r. bu rhan p l. ~Ir. J!.,-,1 IV: to paralyze, immo-
barahin: proof bilize; to c o untera ct
.,_ r. r. barbarl:ya : ba r bar ( i an )ism, mubakkir: e Rrly
ba r barity; c rue lty,
savagery r, r. (Pr. ) b ro n7, : bronze .J,-6-, butiila: bravery, heroism, ba lbala : c onf us io n , chao s:
v a lor anxi ety uneasiness
r. mut a barbir : ba rbaric, ..s ,L,:: VI: to vie, compete, 1

u ncivili 7. ed contend, meet in a c onte s t batn: belly, stoma ch, bal a diya : mc nicipal i ty
cI r.1 a b r aj (pl.) : towers, ;l. baz: f a lcon balsam : balsam , balm
· ca stles u-1-"'~ batin: i nterior, i nner;
.h.-, bas a ~a ( u) : to spread: hidden .J., bal aga (u ) : to reach ,
ir. baraza (u ) : t o c ome i nt o t o extend arr i v e; t o co me , amount
vie1, , appear, sho-.,.'! ; t o ~ I VII: to be emitted ; to
eme rge, come out II: to s implify be sent out; to be cause d buliig: re ach ing , arrival ,
; , .I'! bur U. z : comin::,, into v ie,,, ·, basa~a: simplicity, bact: renaissanc e; resur-
prom inence; Project io n~' pl ainness reciion; emi s sion a l-balqiin : the Balka ns
prot rus ion,.JI
1..-,: tabsi~: simpliffoation c.L.,;I inbi •a t: revivaJ , re- III: to care, be co nc erned;
;,l. bari z : pr ominent; di s ti nc t· nai ssallce; resurection ult. to ~ay a tt e n tion
r ai sed ' '5--l. basiq: tall, high'
towering ,:..,,..;; taba' j;ur: scatterin,· .).,I VIII : t o a fflict
fr. bara•a (a ): to excel, sur-
pas s; to di s tingu ish o s .Jl..., basiila: courage in- mubactar: scatt e red' mubalah: re g Rrd 1 cons i de r-
be skillful, p:•ofici en t ·' trepidity ' ;videsPread a tion1 a tte ntion
.. Ir. ba ra•a: skill, profic iency · J-l. basil: brave, fearless, J.A..,:....,I X: to rega rd a s unlikely ; balin: worn, worn ou t;
capability , JI.,
intrepid to set aside sha bby, ragC'. e d
f_,l. biir i •: brilli ant, out- ..s A basari: human ...,._, ba'id: dist a nt, remote ,.s J ,L bal luri, bi l l a uri: cry s t a l-
standing; proficient line; crystal
.,..zl,. mubasir: immedi a te, ,_;,.,.., ba•d: some, a part of,
.far. bargas (coll.; n. un. ): direct; pursuer a little of ._; .JI.:., baniidiq (pl.): rifles, guns
gna t( s) , mi dge(s )
(4 basi•: ug l y ; distasteful,
._;.;..,I IV: to d ete s t, ha te ol.,:., bunyiin : st ru c tu re ;
'-' r. barq : l ight ning unpleasant buildinb , c on s truct io n
0~ bugd : hate, hat red
..:J ,l. III : t o bl ess ~1·
,La.I ab?ar (pl.): b in,ya , bunya : s !": ructu r e ;
bl ess i n~ ' ~ ve on e ' s v i sion eyesi ght, • I VII: to be ne ce ssr.ry ; t o
be o r op er ; to b e i ,:cum- set J.p ; fram e

"iS r. baraka : bless i ng b Gnt on •L:., b i nii• pl. ~I a bni ya :

3l.a, bus aq: sp it, spittle,
sahva buildin r; , co ns t ruction ;
buq• a ol. , s t ruc t ure
pl a ce, spo t

,.,;;, mabnan: building III: to acknowledge a s
sovereign, pledge all
(1..,.::.1 ibtihaj: r ejoic ing, joy, g iance; to pay homag: ~ · tukfun (pl,): bound a ries,
delight r bo rd e rs, borderlines
0<"< II: to show; to explain
mubtahij: happy, glad , ..,..;: tirb: ma t e, compa nion; ..,_•I.:: VI: to yawn
delighted V: to be or become contemporary
,~ bahar pl. -at: spice
intelligible Cl ear,
-,-I;: turab: ea rth, du s t, dirt
,G j;a•r: re venge, ve ngeance
.:,,.I.,; VI: to differ, vary .::...,: tabata (u) : to s tand firm;
r~ bahii•im (pl.): livestock,
cat t l e, domestic anima ls
r,;: Quad. I : to transla te to withstand; to be proven
0<"< bayyin: clear, evident,
obvious r,? mutarjam: translated .;.I.,! j;a biit: firmne s s; pe rs e -
<r'<" bahimi: animal, bestial, verance, e nduranc e, per-
brutish J;:,, mutraf: we a l thy, pro s -
.:,I,,, bayan: explanation• in sistence
fo rnation ; clearne;s - perous ; luxurious
•~ baha•: beauty, splendor, .;;.l,!I i :!;biit: e sta bl ishment;
.:,,.I.,; t /cl.b~yun : difference, dis- 0 1:..S;: tur ki s tan: Turkest an asser t ion ; c onfirmation
,L.L,. mubahah: pride, vain- s1m1lar1 ty, di snarity
glory (1.J ~;: turkiya: Turkey ; ' _,! j;arwa: wealth, r i ches
.:,,.l,:. mutabayin: differing ,
,L,. mubahin: boast i ng varying ~I:. mata<ib: troubles, pains, .s ,r taran: g round; mo ist
efforts earth
c!e-: bisa: e nv i ro nment sur-
ul: tiifih: tri vi a l; common-
..s ,r j;ariy: we al thy, rich
roundings, '.:lilieu'
place; bana l; trifle,
-,..I, bab pl. -,..I ,..,I abwiib: worthless thing ,_;..; j;agr pl. J~ j;ugilr: m~uth
entra nce, d"or, ga t e fr tibr: g o.I d dust, gold
nuggets; ore ~I IV: to perfect -,...i! j;akb, j;ukb: hole, puncture,
..2:,.., biitaqa (als o biidaqa) : perforation
melting pot, cruc i ble tabi<a (a): to follow .:,ll:I i tq_an: perfection; thor-
oughne Rs, exactitude; :Uli: j;aqiifa: c u lture
cl. 1 IV: to a ' low (J s,th, ) t'I::; VI: to be successive, mastery
follo w in succession taj; q_ If: edu8 a tion; culti-
~LI ib-h-
. _a,iya: licentiousness ,s ,_J: taqwan: piety, godline ss , v a tion of the mind
l1bertini sm ' C:,:-- 1 X: to have as it s devoutness
co ns e quence muj;aqqa f: in t ellectua l ;
CL,. mubiil,: open to all, per- c,t-" ,-J ,-S:: teknoloji: t echnical; educated
mi t ted, allowed· legal technology
lawful ' , u,: tabi<a: responsibility;
cons e quence Joi! j;aqil pl. Jli: !;iqiil: heavy
J.)6 tiliil (pl.): hills,
,I ,.., bawiir: perdition , ru.1n elevations JI.:. mi!;qiil: weight
ittiba•: following, pursuit
J,.., biiq: '-OUthpiece' spokes- ;1: tiimm: complete, full j: !;al la (u): to overthrow,
~an; trumpet; horn mutaba<a: continuation; tea r dovm, de stroy
pursuit, following "11.,.:: tun(m)biik: Persian
Jl, biil: tobacco
. attentio n; notice• ...: :!;ammata: ther e ; there is
mind, heart• st t ' mutatabi<: succe s sive,
condi tion ' a e, consecutive .;I: tiiqa (u): to yearn, long, .,..: !;am':'r pl~l..:l,,t..:1,imar, atmar:
• ,1,,..: t desire fruit; ~l. results -
• ..uJ ,-: bOl anda : Poland ijiira: com~erce, trade
~.p tiini s: Tunisia ; Tunis mu!; m~r : f rui tful, !)ro -
r,.., bum ( co 11.; n, un ., .,,,..1: taj ; r: me rchant, trader, duct1ve, profitable
( ')l;.J~ _ b . ) : owl dealer (1:1 IV : to be u;rante d , .~i vcn
-..., a1t (al - ka' -·) ~I X : t o exclu -· e, e x ce o t ,
wa te r -c io~e 'ta - : t oilet, t uhf a ol c..i..:; tuhaf: wor k .>t;; tayyar: current, flow·;
tre nd, move ment, tend enc y
make an ex c e ption
of·art~ ~ a rity ; ~ift

•1.::....1 istitna,: exception, ~ I VIII: to uproot, tear out -trm (pl.): germs;
jara_ mujassam : thre e-dimensional;
exclusion Ir"
microbes relief-like, standin~ out in
relie f ; tangible, concrete,
.;:1.: :tuna ,iya: dualism
ja.l;iim: hell, hellfire
fire ' tajrih: challenge; sur- material ; enl a r ged,
gery ;'defamution, magnified
-,..1:1 IV: to re·.r nrd; to r e- disparagement
pay , requite jadda ( i): to appear fo jasa•: gr eed, avidity
the first time; to be n~w tajarrud: impartiality
.,..I,.: :tawab: reward; merit, jidd: e a rnestness• I I: to make (s , o . ) suffer,
credit ·arafa (u): to sweep undergo
diligence, eagern~ss
!way; to wash away
,I: :tiil!a (u): to arise; to ja•ba: quiver; pouch
rage; to rebel •~ jidda; newness, recency
novelty ' jarima: crime
ju•al: dung b e etle;
,1:1 I V: to s tir up; to cause, ijrarn: crime, culpa- s carabaeus
provoke; to r aise, a- -',,.....,:: t a jdid: innovation; re-
rouse; to infuriate form; modernization bility
(~) ._;l.,....,.. jugrafiya : geo gr a phy
.s , ,.: iauri: r evo 1 utionary ,:il,. jadda: road, street; ma in mujrim: criminal; evil-
street doer Jlia.- jafaf: drynes s; dullne ss
• ,1:1 i:tara: stimulation;
stirring up .:,I,~ judran (pl.): walls maj ran: course; nrog res s , 'lia.- jufa•: v a i n, futile
_,!I: :ta,ir pl. ,1~ :tuwwar: J.Jl,. III: to debate, argue; to ._,;l,. III : t o a lienate; to
dispute, contest (c,t s, th . ) VI I· to be separated, be e s t range ; to t re a t ro u ghly
rising ( ..,Jo against); rebel,
revolutionary; excited det~ched; to be divided
J jadal: debate; argument ~1 IV: to honor, revere;
~ .,;,.: iiyuqra~I: t heocracy; • fr juz• pl. •1 ft'l aj~a • :. e s teem highly
theocratic • l ~ I istijda•: begging for alms part; section; division
J.,L,. jalil: important, signif-
..,_..t,. jagaba ( i): to pull; to tajzi•a: division, part i- i cant; reve red, ex a lt ed
attract tion, s epara tion
J)L..1 i j lal : honor, venerat ion ,
,..t,. jigr pl. ,,..;.. jugur: al-jaza•ir: Algeria hi ;; h est e em
;.;t.,.,,. jabana: cowardice root; stem, base
·azi•a (a): to be or be~ .I,.. majalla: magaz ine
,L;:._ jabbar: giant; colossus; ,..t,. jidri: radical, root (adj,); ~ome worried, concerned,
tyrant .S
jalid: ice
basic to be sad
-=-,,... jabarut: tyranny; power,
might; Omnipotence •,..t,. jagwa, jigwa, jugwa: fire- jaza~• anxiety, uneasi- ..J,... mujallad: volume (book ) ;
brand; burning log ness;' anguish, fear bound (bo ok)
.,..,... mujbar: compel l ed, forced . (. ) . to assert; to ..,...i... majlis pl. ..,-Jl.,., majalis:
jarra (u): to entail ( tazama_ttv~ be absolutely council
jabala (u,i): to mix• to for s. o.); to lead ( .,JI to), c!r~~f~; to'decide
mold, shape; to knead cause ( .,JI s. th.); to draw, J.,.: V: to become clear, reve al
PUll ( itself, appear
v · jizya: poll-tax
.:,1.,.,,. jaban: co v1ard; cowardly
•.,.,... majarra: galaxy
..__,.. jas ad: body jamm: gre at d e ,~_1 of, mu ch;
III: to fac e, Cc> nfront a bund ant
jarl 3
courageous, daring; ji s r: brid .' ;e , dam
jabha: fron t 1·

forehead ine, front; ela- jamiJ;t: head stro n,,; , unruly ,
V: to mat e r i a lize; t oible defi ;_,,nt
jur•a: courage, da ring become embodied, tang
t aj riba pl. -,..,1.,..: tajarib:
-'k.- j amad : inanima te be ing ;
ji sm: bo dy inorgani c body
test, experiment; tempta-
tion; exp e rience; trial ·asim pl. r'-- j isi'foi: .,_ jurniid: s t andstill ; inactiv-
gre a t , large·' voluminou s , it y , pas s i v i t y ; fro =en
huge S t :::1. -t: P _ T"' i rT n .._.. ...,. ..: - -' ' 1
c.l - ( eg, ) gumruk pl, cl}•-,. ~I ajnabi pl. .,..:~I aj- . JAk-, ja.hili: pre;;,islamic (of ·.,.-. jaib pl...,..,._,. iuyub: pocket,
gamarik: customs, cus- foreign, alien• fo anib: the period of ignorance)
toms house; t ariff ' reigner <r puree; cavity , heart
tajannub: avoidance
r, V: to gather; to rally J ,-r"" majhiil: unknown;
·I.,. j asa (1): t o rage (-,... with);
IJ' to be agitated
jana!J: wing; side; flank
~ I X: to gather, collect ,.;..... jais pl. ..; ,... juyus :
,r>r jahannami: infernal
juniil;t: inclination army, troops
jama< pl. f,..,. jumii<: tendency '
plural; crllwd t"" j aww : atmo s phere,
jins pl. ._,.~I ajnae : J..,. ~~!ti~~; Jc1:"~tu~~a;~o~~:-
jam•iya: association, race; class, kind; sex•
society, organization; .,..i.,;...I X: to respond; to re- era
nationality ' echo
ul..,. jama,a: group, par ty; jinsi: sexual; racial ..,1.,.1 ijaba: answer(ing),
community reply(ing)
jinsiya: nationality•
citizenship ' I...:; tajawub: response; res- J.iubb• love; a f f ection
c,ti.... jama,r: collective
.' onance; ha rmony; co n-
tajanus: homogeneity; formity, agreement ..:_ mahabba: love; affection,
c,tl.:-,.1 ijtima, r: social; socio- · atiachment
logi cal; sooialist(ic) likeness, r esemblance
1:.,.1 VIII: to sweep away,
janii (i): to harvest, C carry away habasa (i): to shut off,
<,r""l.,. jami•i: university (adj,), confine, block, bar
academic, collegiate reap, pick, gather,
collect J 1-,. jar: neighbor • IVIII: t o c onfine, detain;
.. ,._,... maj mii•a: group; complex; to obstruct, hol d back
collect i on jahada (a): to strive, JI t"' jiwar: ne ighborhood,
endeavor proximity ..:..,JI al-habasa: Abyssinia,
& mujtama•: society; Ethopia
community juhud (pl.): strains; ,tll.,. ja•ir: unjust, unfair;
endeavors, attempts, tyrannical, despotic hatm: final decisio n ,
.J.1-,. II I: t o be courteous efforts re so lution; i mposition
polite, ami ab le ' 6. .- (u)· to be possible;
J4,--,.I ijtihad: striving, j · i~z~e aliowed
hatmi: inevitable; f i nal,
J..,.I IV: to sum up diligence i rrevocable; definite,
j;t...:: t a jawuz: disregard , conclus ive
;;J..,. jumlatan: comp letely; majhiid: effort exceeding; crossing
alto gether, at all hatta (u ) : to urge, i mpel
jahratan: openly, overtly, jt.-, majaz: metaphor, figur- t J; s.o. to do )
JI..,. jamal: beauty frankly, publicly ative expression
J,._,. jauf: interior, inside,
.;,,___1 X: to urge, provoke
J._,.. mujmal: summary, r~sum~ II: to prepare; to equip
center, heart J?,a]i]: f a st, rapid, quick
;.,..._,. jamhara: multitude crowd .M'!"I IV: to finish off, put
t hro ng ; the ,,;r eat ~ass ' .J jaula: tour, trip, (1.,:-1 ihtijaj: protest, objection;
an end ( to ) , ruin ,._,. (round) trip p1ea
J jumhiir: crowd ' multitude ;L,.... jihaz pl. ; ~ I ajhiza: Jt.-, majal: field, sphere;
apparatus; system; set; . . - hajaba (u): to c over,
j inn : j i nn, cl emon 8 equip1,ent scope .. scree n , seclude; to h i de
. . ub st ance, es~
t o avoid; to keep
-,..:,,.:: V: k jahl: i gnorance; folly; r"',.-,. Jauha:, m!t ter, cont,mt; .,..L,..... J.lijab pl. J.iujub :
away sence, . ·ntrinsic vei l ; curt ain , screen;
fooli shness jewel, gem, i cover, drape; barr ier
-,..;I,._,. j awan i b (pl.) : pa.r ts, J.,.la,.: tajahul: disre garding, • . uhari: essentia l;
sides Ja. . pal·, jeweler
.; r"' ,._,. princi J.iaj a r pl . ,JL,..... ~ijara :
ignoring s tone
I rl1t___
pr• 206 207

mul,J.da:t: modern, new .;,~ II: to stir up, agitate; V: t o be distressed,

t a~ajjur: petrification pained; to si,!h
' recent to provoke
haj aza (u,i ) : t o make a J.i..:1 VII: to go down d
• esoelld ..; ,...,1 VII: to deviate, turn rl>. l,J.iis i m: decis ive; final,
reservation; to reserve, conclusive, definite
hold back; to make in- m~diq: surroundi away, digress, depart
accessibl e, isolate; to encompassing ng, ( ,:,t from)
.:,-- II: to i mprove, better
' 1..1> huda,: chanting ( f j ;> harf ol.....; ;>I «...i,.,.,.. .:,--1 IV: to be proficient;
;..-1,-.. ~awaji z {pl.): obstacles; caravan leader) o the al,J.ruf, J.iuruf: letter
sing-song ' animating to do right
partitions ; fences;
hurdles ;;;> hirfa pl. ....;;> hiraf:
profession, cralt, hasana: good deed, bene-
taJ;iaddin: challenge• faction; charity
~ I IV: to abstain, refrain; provocation ' occupation
to withdraw .:,--L.. maqasin (pl. ) : merits,
J..i,.. II: to warn, caution(.:,, ..;1,...,1 inl,J.iraf: deviation
advantages, good qual ities
i"...-1 uJ.i j iya pl,~.,..
'I aJ.iiijin: s,o, of or about)
riddle, puzzle, enigma .,i:;_,.; V: to start moving, riove
tal,J.s in : improvement
J.iagf: omission; canceling 't ;> l,J.arska: movement
II: to delineate sharply· L-,.::...I istiJ:,lsiin: approval,
to determine; to define ' J.iagiqa {a): to be skilled 0
<!l :;_,.; taJ.iarruk: movement,
skillfu! , well-versed ' motion
l,J.~dda: intensity; l,J.asara {i,u ) : to press,
violence W..i... J.iaglaqa: skillfulness squeeze; to crowd, pack
.:,I..,.,.. hirman: deprivation; ex-
dexterity '
j,....., hudud (pl , ) : frontiers, clusion; excommunication
1..:- hasa (u): to stuff
iimits (rel.) (-,..with)
.,.,.. hurr pl, JI .,.,..1 ahriir:
..,_....., l,J.adid: iron free; freeman; liberal; r,.,.... mahrum: deprived; de-
pure; independent ,-!--- l,J.asw: filling, stuffing
.i,_.i...:: tahdid: determination. _;I,- l,J.awasin (pl. ): borders;
delineat ion, limitat i~n· .,,.,.,.. J.iurriya: freedom, liberty -,.. _;..: V: to take sides marginal notes
definition ·
hariira: warmth; ardor, s- j> hizb pl, .,_I _;.,.I aJ;isii.b:
~ervor; passion; heat; (political) party l}a~ara (u,i): to limit,
.,......., l,J.adab: affection, fond- restrict; to blockade,
ne ss , love; care intensity
r;L> hazim: resolute, energetic; besiege
J.iadaj;a {u) : to happ en taJ,irir: liberation; aiscreet, prudent, J- l,J.a~ala (u): to result; to
emancipation judicious come about, arise
II: to tell, relate
report ' )~ taJ,iarrur: liberation; 0 j> l,J.azn: rough, hard ground J ,-c.> l,J.u~ul: occurrence,
emancipation happening
l,J.adaj; pl,.:.1.....,1 ahd aj;· ~ I IV: to feel; to perceive
youth, young man; ev~nt J.iarb: war J ,....- mahsul: product; crop;
incident' occurrence I '
...,.- hissI: sensuous; per- outcome
n~ velty, innovation• a muharaba: fight, combat, ceptible
mi sfo rtune ' struggle; warfare V: to strengthen one's
v-C.... hassas: sensitive; sens-
ible; susceptible positio n ; t o be fortified
..:.,_....., had-t
t 1a' new, recent; J,iarraj;: plowman
r ad 1tion; discu ssion • v-l-1 ihsas: feeling; percep- J:lisn: fort, castle, stro ng -
s peech, t alk , mil,J.raj;: plow t l on; sensatio ~, sense; hold , fort ification
J.iara~a (i): to desire ( ,.} sensitivity ._,.....I IV : to count, enumera te:
! :~:dduj;: co nve r s,, tion,
s •th,), \'/ant; to aspire t o, v- ,-- mahsus: tangi ble; felt; to comput e , cal cul a te·
strive for; to be intent sensed; perceptible t o debit '
..:jt.... muhadata •
dis cussi ~nc onvers ation,
J.ii r~: preservation; greed
t 0 a ppoint (s.o,)
ha~an ( co 11 • ) ·· pebbles, .hi..:; tahaffuz: caution II: ler· to choose J ~I i J;ltilal : oc cupation
little stones reservation 1 a ru ' . t or
( s ,O, ) as arbitra
•t.»-1 ihsa ,: count, counting ; J;ll:-1 il_ltifa 1: keeping I Pre~ <.j,)... l_J.alazuni: sp ira l, hel ical ,
II· to appeal for winding
statistics servation
~I VI i decision,
leoga decide
hadara (u): to attend, ..iJL.. III : to bec ome an a lly ;
,tA> J.i::.>I VIII: to celebrate; to s ••
to enter into an alliance,
iie'present rally
huqm: judgment; verdict; confe derat io n
. , ~ hadara: civi l ization, ..t;.-. l_lafla: performance; ~ecision
culture --iJ... hilf : all i anc e, con-
party; ceremony; fea ttva1 pl hikam: fe de r acy , le ague
_,.;I... hadir: pre s ent; attend~ J.i~kmdoam·, ~a xim; philos-
.!,- wis
lng ; prepared (J for) J;L.. maha fil (pl.): circles; ..J... J;ialaqa: link; ring , circle
boJies, assembly ophy
;..,.. mutaJ;iaqqir: civilized .. gukuma: government ,_;,,L..; tal_lliq: flying, flight
Jll:-1 ihtifal: celebration,
.:,~I al_lqiin (pl.): fold s ; arms;
festival .. l_J.amama: dove, pigeon
mal_lkama: court
breasts, bosom
l_lafna: handful r,..... mahmum: feverish, having
.~ t ahkim: arbitratio~; ap-
rh..: V: to break, go to pieces;
to be broken, crushed .;..... V: to be realized, ,.-- pointing of an arbitrator a fever; frantic
materialiee; to turn out ... hamasa: epic (poetry ) ;
muhat tim: destroyer, to be true 1'(_, tahakkum: domi ation, courage
destructor, crusher rule; control
,j.,,::_I X: to c eserve, merit .jL> humq: stu nidity, fo ol ish-
1.... hazz: destiny, fate; <I... hakim pl• ( is:__ ~uJc1:am: l'less
gocici luck haqq pl. ._; ,-i> huquq: r ruler, governor; JUdge

u ,_;.- mahfiif: surrounded,

right; legal claim; law;
truth <.. mahkum:
r,.,. • governed, ruled J..,.; V: to bear, take upon o.s.
bordered, encompassed J..> hamal P1. .:, )(..... J;mmlan:
.5!~ l_J.aqa,iq (pl.): truths f,,- muhkam: firm, so lid; iamb
haf'ara (i ) : to dig; to tight; perfect; well-
drill (for oil) l_laqiqi: true, real aimed hamla: campa ign ; military
exped ition
_,;I,_.. l_lawafir {pl . ) : hoofs ..;....: tahqiq: re a lization, mustahka m: reinforced,
fulfillment fortified, strong hama ( i ): to defend , i,;uard,
;;...., V: to be or get ready; to protect, shel ter
be about to do hiqba: period, a;,:e; j,. halla (u): to settle
stretch of time ~own, take up residence; himaya: protection,
;;...., t al_laffu z : preparedness, to substitute for patronage; protecto r a t e
readiness; vim
hiqd: hatred, malice,
j,.1 IV: to cause to take or
_;;I... hafiz: spur, drive, spite, rancor
occupy the place (of) r L- muhamin:
. l awyer, attorney
incent iv e, initiati ?e .~ l_lumah (pl.): defenders
.,.i- haqir: miserable, poor;
little 1.:1vr1: to be solved; to
..l;;L.. III: to preserve (.,Jo be dissolved
a. th .) J-:-> hanaq: fury' rag e; ire'
J;:.. haql pl. J l_luqiH: anger
~I field j,.l_lall pl, J,_L.. l_lulul:
'T III: to ma intain, uphold; solution hunka: worldly experience,
to keep up, reta in,
"i sdom ga ine d t hro u~h .
pr eserve (-,.. s . th. ) ihtikak: close touc h or
co ntact; friction J.... mal_lalli: local, native :xperience, sophistic at i on
mul_lafa~a : safeguarding ; J.l,. t ahlil: analys is; dis-
pre ser vation ; protection
ihtikar: monopoly ; pre!!~; ..:. 'I"" ];tut : whale
s olution ··
ential position; supre
~I VIII : t o need ( .JI s ,th . )
J:Jl..:i inhilal: weakness; dec i.w i C
l_lakama (u): to govern, rule ...,L.. haj a : need , ne ce ssi t y ,
disintegratio n ; dissolutio n
· I'e quirement
p = 210 211

J t-"'"-1 X: to e~ize, take _, ,_ hayawiya: vi tau ty Vi . ·I inl!'.ida': deceit

poss es sion • I g~ ,1;,-, k ._;L;. !!:a~~: s pecial; private
0 1,_ hayawan: animals (coll.),, x :touse,mae use
,,L- mahara: oyster, mussel; _.;.:..-1 1 ,.,-!~ !,asa•is (pl . ) : char a cter-
anima l (sing.) istics·
trowel service, emp oy-
' ;,J? kidma:
.bl-I IV: to know thoroughly, '1-1 i9ya•: revival ment kususI: persona l ; priv ate:
have comprehensive knowl-
I ' special
;- 9aira: pe rplexity, be- . J!:adam ( pl.): servants
edge of a .th . ; to sur- ( »'
round, encompass, enclose wilderment, confusion ,._,..,,,.;.; taJ!:~i~: a llocation ,
mu st~dim: employer a ppropriation
.1.,,.- muhit: ocea n ; environ- .,:L- ha,ir: confused, uncer- (
tain: perplexed; a t a lose must~dam: employee c;~I il!:~a•i: specia list
ment; surrounding (
V: to take sid es; to II· to be defeated;
JI.- hala (u) : to int ervene , _;..,.; J.i,;.;I
b~ helpless, be left i !,ti~a~ I: s pecialis t
interfere (.;,., between); tend, le a n
to prevent (.:, , ., s, th. ) in the lurch muka ssas: alloted ,
_;..,. hayyiz: realm, domain; designated
J,l- III: to try field, sphere; scope . t a rab: ruin, destruction,
-,.I.,.- ruination; d esolation
J;..,.: V: to change; to devi ate
( .:,- from) . takrij: training; e~u-
.,....._ J!:i~b: fertilit y ; abundance
.,....._ !,a~ib: fertile, productive
cation; interpretation
J,.... 9aul : might , power ~ I VIII: t o shorten, condense
!,abit: evil, bad, wicked; t;. J!:arij: exterior; outer,
J,.... hauls: about , ar ound ; ma licious; harmful U outside ,~1 iktisar: shortenin~;
ap proxima tely brevity
!,ab ir pl. •I~ !,ubara•: \f-'Jt;. !,arijI: external
9ila : a means to accom- co gniz a nt, knowing (one of III: to di spu t e; to liti.e:ate
plish an end ; a rt ifice, the attributes of God); ,;_,;. J!:araza: a bead
t r ick ; device e xp ert r ,_..,.. kueum (pl.): enemie s;
J1- 9iyala: in view of, ;1,._,;. J!:arI~a: map, chart opponents
wi th regard to ,~I iktibar: experience; ex-
periment; examination; test ti ~I il!:tira•: invention .. ,_..;. kusuma: quarrel, d i sput e,
~,-1... 9ailula: preventio n ; se p- controversy , feud; a r gur,ient
;~ !,abbaz: b a ker .;I_,;. kurafa: sup erstition;
ara t io n , interruption
fable, fairy tale !,i~am: qua rrel
~,L... mu9awala : attempt ..::L;. katima: end, conclusion
..;_,.;.. maJ!:raqa : trickery, hocus- mutakasim : quarreling ,
J;..,.: ta9mvwu1 : change, t rans-
fo rma tion; de parture
l!:ajila (a): to become
emb a rrassed; to be ashamed
pocus, swindle disputing
devia tion (.:,, from) ' IS}>- J!:izy: shame, disgr,, ce, kada·a (al: to follow, obey;
..i.;. !!:a dd pl. ., , ..i.;. !,udud: cheek ignominy to'be subj e ct; to submit,
Jl,,:;...I i9tiya1: cunning ; trick- surrend er
e ry ; subtlety .,.,_...:..:, taJ!:dir: anesthetization, l!:asis: mean, base, low
narcotization ( . ~ !,ucjU': submi ssi·on , obed ienc e
~l...:....I iati9ala: i mposaibili t y • ..,.:..;. l!:asaba: piece of wood;
change, t r ansforma tion ' ,.i;... muJ!:addar: insensible, pole, post • [.;;.I ikda•: subj ection; sub-
numb; tipsy, drunk jugation
1-I I V: to l end life 1..
l!:a1hya (a): to fear,
Vi ta li ?. e , revit ai i ze c_ ..i.;.;i VII: to b e deceived, let dread, be afraid J!:icjamm: sea, ocean
o.s. h e de ceived
hayah ol, c:..I ,._ ha · _
fi f e; live line ss · Jawa t : c_ ~
l!:adda-: swindler, crook;
,._,,.;. l!:assa (u): to favor, single L J!:a H: l ine, wr iting
an i mation ' oui; bestow special hono rs
de:ieptive; i mpostor .I.;. ki1;1;a, !,uii;a pl. ..b.b,;. k it a t:
1 U"<b. II: to s p eci a lize; to ola~ , de s i gn ; l i ne of action
c_ ..i.;. l!:ida-: deception, deceit, rY designa te
swindle , betrayal, treache
.J..b,;.:; taktit: pl anning , survey- l!:afly: hidden
i ng ; mappi ng out; plan Sec r e t •, mys teriou.s
, co nee
,j(;. t al f: back, re a r
.....; !lau:f: :fear, dre ad
~ I IV: t o miss; t o be mis- . k 1ifa p l. •t..l;. l!:ulafa,:
V: to interpenet matawif (pl , ) : fe ars,
taken; to make a mi s take be or become bet rate ; to ;_i);. s~ccessor; Caliph
appr eh~ns1on 8
Ween e,th
~I;. l!:ii!i': wrong; at fault Jb. l!:alal: defect, shor · ~)I;. !!:ilafa:. caliphate;
succession "~ liyana : disloyalty , per-
crack, r upture tco~ing; fid y ; treason ; deception
.,;. III: to address, s peak
J )l;. "ilala: _.i;.; t akal luf: backwardness; , I;. t awin: empty, vacant ;
.,_.h;. !!:a!b pl • ..,_ ,_J..;- ku!ilb: <> during; betw s t ay ing behind, st a ying
through een; dreary
mishap , serious matter, away
calamity; co nd ition, .);. l!:ullab: disappoint. .,,,;. ]!:a iba: f ailure , defea t;
situation disillusioning• iling! J)(;.;.I ittilaf: dif f erenc e destruction
._,u,;. l!:i!iiba: speech, lecture;
disillusion ' Usion,
._ii;.;.. muttalif: di ffe rent; V: to choos e
orat or y
L II: to ma ke eternal. varied
J~I VIII: to choose
.,;.. takiitub: conversatio n ; immortalize; to rem~i!0
Jprlqi: mo r a l, ethical
lP;>lild: im:nortali ty; ete r.,> ]lair: good ; be tt er
ni ty' eternal life; inrI~it,
,;Y->I a!!:laqi: moral, ethical
l!:a~Ir: important; serious
r.,> ]layyir: charitab l e, benefi-
l!:iilid: eternal, immortal _;.);. ]!:a liq: worthy ( ..,..of) cent; gracious, kind
.,bl,..- l!:awii!ir (pl. ) : thoughts
-.ih;. l!:atafa (i): tJ snatch, l!:al~9a ( u l : to get, come taliqa: the Creation ,~I il!:tiyar: choice; ele ction;
se i ze, grasp; t o kidnap arrive ( .,JI at); to be fr;eo selection
( 0" from); to be pure; Jll;. ]!'. a liq: creator
..Jh..: V: to snatch t o be saved
J,_L;.. ma]!'.lilq p1 • ..;.JL;.. ma]!'.aliq:
r-,- mu]layyar: having the choice
or option
-.ih;. l!:a!f: ki dna pping; seizure, V: to get rid of creature, cre a ted being
grabbing kaii!i: canva s, s acking ,
~ I X: to extract, excerpt, )l.. !!:ala {u): to be e mp ty, sackcloth
~l!:a!al: idle talk, prattle abstract vacant; to be devoid;
to be free JI;. kala (a) : to imagine,
',_b... l!:u!wa, l!:atwa: step, pace, <J")l;. ~~la~: liberation, de-
fancy, think , su ppose
st ri de ~1vera~ce; rescue J;.:. V: to leave out; to aban-
don; to cede; to witLdraw J~ ]!:ayiil: imagin-- tion
tII: t o dimini sh , re duce • :...,)l;. l!:ulasa: excerpt; extract,
o lighten ' essence ._J,;. l!:aliya pl. l,,)l;. ]!'. a laya: JI::.;.. muj,tiil: arrogant , haughty ,
cell conce it ed
mal!:far: gua rdhouse, u-JL;. l!:ali 9 : pure; sincere; free
police station ' ~I IV: to extinguish
( J)
-r Li;. kuffas: l!:ala ' a {a): to confer, be·
bat ( zo o 1. )
stow ( ._,I. upon ) ; to take J,._;. l!:umild: decline; stillness;
off; to extract, pull extinction
~ I VII: to be lowered "':-i .J da•aba (a ): t o persist,
d~nkced; to decrease! re- J,._;. l!:umill: obscurity; weak- persevere
s1 , to l!:alafa {u): to be the
successor (of s.o,), foll 0' : , ness; laziness, inactivity ._,(J dabbaba: t ank , armored car
.jb-1 IV: to b
fail e unsuc cess fu l -...ill;. III: to differ, be dif- J.;.. majpnal: velvet II: t o hat c h , c o~t r ive,
' come to nothing ,
ferent; to cl i cae;ree;. to b! devi s e
J~I i]!:faq: failure contradict; to conflict, ..;~ l!:andaq: ditch; trench
a t variance
l,.:.a:. h-unu•: submissiveness,
,_,....1 J diil;ti s : dark , gloomy
-.iJ::.;.I VI II: to be dif f e r ent froo meekness, servi lity J;,J da]sl: inco me ; reve nues
tanaqa {u): to suppress; daka l : swindle ; deceit ,
to str" ngle, smother J;,J tri c kery r
2lll- 215
~IJ d~il: inside, interior dasfsa: plot, intr1,,,,,e
dafana ( i): to bury ,,J daur
..__ J
scheme o~ , pl. ,1,.11 adwar:
.J>IJ dakili: inner, internal, ,jJ
period; rol e ; turn ;
inside; domestic , ,:....J dustur pl. ..,..LJ da _ dafin: hidden; buried stage, epoch
cons ti tut ion satrr: ,JJ
X: to cau se or try to daq i q.. precise,
exact; ,l,,.1 diyar: country, land
bring about the abundant ,,I..J da'ara: immorality subtle; fine
flow of; to licentiousness ' •..r<JI adyira (pl . ) : monasteries,
to yield in abundance lla (pl.): evidences,
J,1 adi
co nvents, clo isters
..,.. , J II: to train; to tutor r"J da•ama (a): to support proo fs•, si"ns;
,, symptoms
hold up; to consoiidat~ v'J,.1 dawaran: r otation ,
dala ,il (pl.): indications, t urn(ing ) ; circulat i on
.,..,J darb: Dath, trail, track, signs, tokens
ro ad i.,J ~a•a (u): to prompt
induce; to call ' ,.,il.1 da,ira: s cope; circle
.,...,.., tadrib: training, ~i, dalala: indicat ion, sign;
practice '-'I.:: VI: to fall down; to be evidence ' proof •,'JI idara: admini strat i on;
dilapidated direc tion; management
-,.. , .., mudarrab: trained; ex- J~-" ma dlul: meaning, sense
perienced; skilled <.f~I VIII: to allege, claim• JI JI IV: to do minat e
to demand; pretend ' J,i;. mundali, : leaping out;
C'..: V: to progress by steps, c fl a ring up, breaking out J, I..: VI: to have a disc ussion,
advance gradual ly ._,...._, X : to call :for take couns el
,, dam pl. •l.J dima,: blood
._..,J rank
daraja: degree; grade
• t' J da•wa: call; a Dpeal; .J, .1 daula: state
request C, damaja (u): to incor-
porate ,,,J,.i duwali, dau li : international
c,..:. mutadarrij: gradual ad- iddi•a,: claim; presumption '
vance or progress
•i...._, . },J damar: ruin, destruction .. ,; .1 duwwama: whi rlpool, vortex
LI, J dira ,:a : study istid•a,: recall; summoning
t~J dimag: brain J 1 1..:; tadawu l : circulat ion;
t 1J rotation
t_,,J duru, (pl.): armors;
armor pl,: tes
da•in pl. ,t.J du•ah: pro~
pagandist; motive, reason
cause '
c', diimig: irrefutable;
cogent .,IJI idama: continuance , pr e-
•:IJ darica: armored Cruiser 1
servance; perpetuity
c_ ..i.. mutada•in: shaky; ready cr'J danas : uncleanness, dirt,
GJ..- mudarraea: armored car to fa l l; declining filth tadwin: recording , writing
.:,,.,.., down; booking; regi s t ering,
"1, JI IV: to realize• to dagdaga: crushing UJ dana (u): to approach registration
attain ' ( ,:,r
"1 I..: VI
C:J dafa,a (a): to induce, ,1, JI adwa• (pl. ) : diseases
, : to take steps to incite, compe~• to move, .,:1, II I : to come
close; to
vent; to s et right pre- urge (..,.. s.o • ..,if to do measure up I. ,-1,,..1 diblomasi: diploma t ic;
correct ' <!"" diplomat
C: 1J III: to defend uphold ,j.4J dahisa (a): to be aston-
"1,1.., mactarik: intellectual (0" ' iehed, amazed J,I _,...J dimuqra.
i, de mocratic
capac1t1es; mental
faculties c!'.., madafi• (pl.): cannons,
guns dahaa: astonishment, . IJ dana (i): to profess; to
r-", J dirharn pl. _.., amazement, surprise v condemn nass judgment I
af hdar ,ihim:
J _
to owe ; l ~egiance (~ to ) ;
money , cash •r C. t;.,,, i ndi fa,: outburst, out- to subju~ate; to borrow
:-,nci ent smai 1 cii ~r-: , •~J daha,: shrewdness, smart-
• I
break, eruption; rush(ing); ness, cunning
..,..., ,J darawis ( pl , ) : exub erance ..: V :to .. ecome a follower
;1 JI,. dervishes '-"'JI adha: worse, mo re calam i - ,_y.. of a reli!'. ion: to be
muct arah: Co m . ~afi' pl. ,..;I, J dawafi': tous; smarter re li l~i ous

----- ness, a ffab f i~~;onable- incentive, m'btive, impulse

, ,IJ I · n , creed
.:,,.J di n: re 1 i. g io
V: to pour forth; to rush II: to try to de ceive;
in; to break out, burst out to che a t • .J di ni: relip•i ous, s oiritual
216 217
diyana: religion; con- ra• s - m-a1r: capi t alistic
fession, denomination Mj gimma: conscience; cov- u ,..;: t ar bawi: educational
enant of protection• r a •s-maliya: capitali sm
liability '
dinar pl, _,..:l;J dananir: V: t o be subordina te
mone.v ; dinar, ancient
-,..A.lo maghab pl. ,-.Al.lo magahib• ra' Y P l • •I} ara•: view, (._,Jo to )
gold coin opinion
trend! school; ideology,·
do~t:ine; religious ere d· ..,; .,. martaba: r ank , degree,
opinion 8 • ,,.I) r a- ya : fl ag , banner gr ad e, class
JAjl IV: to baffle, startle ru•an (pl. ) : visions, ~, ratt: old, shabby, wo rn
-.,.:J \ji•b: wolf .S /J dreams
J ,-A j guhiH: perple,ci ty, •~, r i ta•: elegai c poetry ;
J,.. J gubiil: withe ring bafflement, daze •~J riya•: hypocricy; dis- l a mentations
semb l a nce; simulation
,,J garra: tiny particle; J ,-A .l. maghiil: perplexed, ~.,. murajjah : pr obable ,
atom startled; dazed , 1 J' mura •in: hypocrite l i kely;'predominant
e_,J \jar•: power, ability, .:,A J gihn pl. .:,LA JI aghan: ;iJ' mir•ah: mirror; reflec- t ar jit : making preference,
capab ility mind, intellect ted image preferring ; giving
pre ponderance
gari•a: means, expedient; ._;.s. J \lihni: intellectual, mental rabib: foster son, step-
pretext .,..,.J
son; foster fa ther rij s : dirty, filthy
-::.IJ gat: self; the same
!lari•: quick; rapid;
devastating 1 0 ~, rubb a n: captain, skipper ~J raj•iya : reactionism,
.; J !lati: subjective; self- reaction
J J gakara (u): to mention• <f~, r abbanr: divine; per-
to indicate; to refer' taining to r;od muraja•a: r e-examinat ion;
.,;:IJ \lativa: personality
examination; revision
JJ !likr: remembrance, memor.v -,...IJ daba (u): to dissolve• c,, ribh: gai n, Profit;
J J !lakar: male to melt ' benefit - raja•: hope; expectation:
anticipation; urgent
-,...IJI I V: to dissolve; to melt .h,, raba~a (u,i): to bind, tie reques t
.s J J !likra: memory • recollection up, fasten; to attach
}1.l: t agakir (pl,): tickets; J, J \lauq pl. JI , JI adwaq: marjuw: desired,hoped
passes; cards sense; taste (e.g., lit- .h;::,t VIII: to bind o.s., commit for; expected; re que 2ted
erary taste) o.s.; to be bound
tagakkur: remembrance , r ahb : spacious, wide;
memory .b~, riba~: band; bandage; unc o ·1fined
c_lJI IV: to PUblish1 to broad-
; Jl.i llakira: memory cast i to spread; to reveal
rihab (p l. ) : vastness es,
ida•a: broadcast broad- .h,I~ tarabut: mutual connection; expanses
JI IV: to cause to blaze casting ' rele.tio ,-,
•If J gaka, : intelligence .bl,: ,1 rahiiba : vastness, wide-
J..J \lail: lower end; tail irtibat: connection, neSs, s pa c iousness
J.iJ II: t o relation
..i..i. overcome, surmount ._;.-1_,. mar~Ig (pl. ) : l avatories
magalla : humil i at· U,,t, rabi~a: tie, bond; league
me ekne s s io n ; cll,:: ,1 JG.) rahhal: explorer, gre at
J.J.l: irtibak: mess; confusion; traveler
tagl il: overcom1n~ ;..,, ribqa : noose
mount t ng ~ , sur- entanglement; enbarrass-
,.._JI, radivo: radio
..L..,. mar hal R pl. J>-1 r ma r a..7il :
<.r.) s t a i e, pha se; way- s t a tio n
II : to educa t e; to r ais e,
.,,....:, r a ,rsi: Principal, main rear, bring uo 'A>-) r a!pna : ~ercy ; kindness
._,~ ta b· •k.., r uhama ,: merc i ful, c om-
r iya : educat ion• edu- pa;siona t e
cating; rais Lng '
~v 219
•t.;.J r~a•: prosperity; hap pi- • patched;
rallaqa (u): to throw, \ Illuraqqa~- .; i'J r amz I: symbolist ; sym-
ne s s; abundance ta.ttere bolistic (al)
r adda (u): to trace back; ra~ana: sedateness, com- 8 (a) . t o lead s. o .
to return posure, s eri ousness r MiY ) . t;as cend (.,ii J. J : sand
up (-,- 'climb; to rise
r a qI•: infant, baby t o); tok) advanc e J r anin : sound, r everber-
.i.i.,; taraddud: hesitation, (in r an , ation , echo , r i ru;
i ndeci s ion, pau s e
VI II: to be satisfied a dvance; to pro- .,._..1J r iihib pl. -,..1.,.aJ ruhbiin:
.ii., _,:...I i s tird a d: rec over y ; re c - conte nt, plea sed ' II : t o ause t o ascend
jJ Illote monk
lamation , c
J riq an : pleasure, delight ..,..Lo JI i r hiib : intimid at i on ;
._;.,1 J' mur ad i f: synonym VII I· to a dvancde, bre1· ,0·,per,.o- terror, terrori sm
r a qin: sati s fied, content mot e d.•, to ascen ,
....;.,1.,;. mutaradif: synonym to climb .;.a JI IV: to burden , overburden :
murqin: satisfactory ; t o make (s .o, , under go or
.J,.JJ r ag ila pl. J.!IJJ r a ga,il: pleasant, g ratifying ruqi-y·· development , suffe r ( s . th , )
vice, depravity pro gr ess
~J ra• a (a): to guard, pro- . a · improvement , de- 0-"I J r iihin : current , present;
ciJ r azaha (a) ' to succumb, tect, take under one's wing t ar qi y ·t· promotion, est abl i shed
collaps e velopmen,
.,_i.J ri•a,va : c a re; attention; advancement rihan: bet; competition ,
~iJ rizq: d a ily bre ad; pat ronage contest
prop erty . t· qa ': climbing ,
ir i
ascens ion, as
cent . . ( ) . to sell well,
YJ r a •Iya: subjects; herd r aJ~in deman
u · d•, to be spread ,
-.,.....1,J ra,·,as i b (p l. ) : residues; be
need refined; ci rc ulat e
sediments, d e oosits t_'J ra•in: ruler; guardian; raqin: ad~ v!o phi;ti cated
shepherd educat e , re st,
...._J r asaf a (u,i ): to go i n I • I X• to rest; t o f i nd break
sha ckles; to be bound <:I.,. mar• an : pasture; grazing r akb: tra veling ~arty, t~ke a r es t, hflv e a
l and, grass l a nd caravan ; procession
rul_l: sp i r it ; soul
J ,- J r asiH pl. J- J rusul: mes-
senger; apostle ; pr ophe t :..,. J r a gba: wish, desire tar k 1-bi-·· c onstruct ional ; ruhi , spi r i tual
co ns tructive
..JL.J risala: mission, voca- ..j,;.J rag'lf: loaf of bread; roll; u)· t o be motion- _·_ a · suiritual i ty :
tion; message bun r akada ( . • t a gnant r uhaniy . hon
less, s t i ll, s - tran sfigur a
J-IJ' murasil: correspondent, r I.) irgam : com pul s ion; com-
reporter pelling J~J rukud : sta gna t ion; sti ll- riiha : rest
ness . bl e mar ket-
.iii J rafid pl. rawafid: ra, i h : saleat · ;ide sor ead ,
,J r asama (u): t o make , con-
ceive (a pl a n ) ; to out-
line; to draw
.lil ,
tributa r y , stream
fo JI VIII: to be based' r e s t
(.,I. on)
ablei curren '
o.PJ r a fa1a (i,u): to reject: 1 re (s . th . ) : )
,J des
ra sm: writing ;
dr awing; to di s c a rd ,s fi J" marka z'[: ce ntral
VI II : to exp o (to a place
to betake o. s.
• J" markaz'lya: centra lization;
c!.,. murtafi •: high; rising; 'i.,.fi . d . sl owly
r uwai an - ooweri
,IJ' maraaim (pl.): principles; resounding central izing
. 1 l . wi ll
cus toms; regulations
rukam: pile, heap , lwnP i r 3da : .':~i r ~
_;.;IJ III: to accompany wi sh ' a • -d .
,l... J' mars ah pl. v-1 J' ma rasin: t t ru s t (di
anchor _;.;1.,. marafi q ( p l. ) : f acilities; rakana (u ) : 1° )· to be 1 JI' J ruwv1~P~de r :
r 5.'id t:' ; pioneer: . ctil'1.g
public utilities; i ns t alla- in), r e l y (do n '

tions e~o~Ot ~~ -, ~u i d e. E;tfl .
.._.: J r as i d : mature; intel li - dependent v1s1 '
,c;e n t; disc r i r.lina ting _ . ba sic nri ncip1e
uJ rifh : well-be i ng ; l uxury .§ J r ukn pl.
~, J r asid : of full le gal a ge el er.,ent ,
.J,;J r a ~'lq: s of t, g entl e ; sl im ;
,; lave
. iiJD: rein; camel halter ~,::. t -
L.-,J rusiya: Russia ~. z1m
or nose
rope mu azayid: eteadily in-
....i..-; zagafa (a): to advance; to ( i creasing
crawl, creep; to march

!. .';,
.::..C,,l,_J riyagiyat: mathematics zammit: prim; narrow-
II: to decorate, adorn
!,!'°l,_J riya~i: mathematician; r-i zagama {a): to press, PUeh
muta d· stern, grave
minde ,
0< j

sportsman; sportive r-' j I II: to compete ., . to keep company; to

J,li III· colleague or asso-
.:,,. F V: to be adorned ; to
dress up
l!J rau•: soul, heart: fear r-"' ;1 VIII: to be crowded 1 be a
ciate j zina: ornament, decoration
u,J rau•a: magnificence, beauty,
charm; astonishm€nt; per-
r-'F tazagum: competition a la' (pl.): companions,
•Jl.i zum i·a tes· colleagues
plexity assoc ' (..,.)
r~-';1 izdiham: overcrowdedness•
crowd, jam '
t_,JI arwa•: more wonderful, ii). zaman: time J•L.:: VI: to ar•k o,s,; to ask
more ma rvelous; more _,.I; zatir: exuberant; ex-
mag1,ificent . .. zanbaci (coll(. ; tn.)un. • ) : one another; to ask
cessive; full 1
.,.. lily; iris bo •
c::''J ra' i ': splendi d , wonil er- JI;.... au,al pl. l.1:...1 as•ila:
._; _,. j zuJi:ruf: vanity; ornament, ·
zuhd: abs t inen ce. •' . indif- question
ful, marvelou s decoration, embellishment
I ference; asceticism
JIJ raqa (u): to please; to .JL mas•ala pl. Jll- masa• il :
-' J-' ;1 VIII: to swallow 1>J jl VIII: to. flourish, pros- problem, matter
a ppeal to "·o•
ulJj z ira•a: agriculture per, thrive
JIJI IV: to pour out; to shed,
J ;L.:: tasa•ul: questioning;
spill, make flow J •1 VIII: to be conceited, question
c,!IJj zira•i: agricultural ,I> J self-satisfied, complacent'
u, JI arwiqa {pl.): open ( engineer); a gricultural
proud JlL sa• i l: beggar; ques tioner;
galle r i e s, loggi as tJI~ mazari• (pl.): farms
,->j zahw: pride, arrogance; mas,ul: official; re-
.,,:I. , J rumani: Roman t_.i'j Quad. I: to upset; to beauty; fun sponsible
shake violently, convulse
c,toh=l.,J riiman~iqi: roma ntic (I' i zawaj : marriage mas•uliya: res ponsib ili ty
.,_1,J riwaya : narrative; story;
l.i'~ muza•za•: changeable, . • double-
(1,Jjl izdiv,aj: dua 1 ism,
novel; play, drama
uncertain; ~recarious;
ness c/L sami: semitic
sabab pl. -,..1.,.-1 asbab: means
,1J rawin pl. ,1,J ruwah: j za•ama {u): to claim, ('J;, muzdawij: twofold, double of subsistence; relat ion;
narrator maintain, pretend cause
Ji,j zauraci: boat; rowboat
....i,_J rif: country (as opposed F V: t o be the leader, lead,· ...,.,..... masbal_la: rosary
to city); rural area command Jlj zala (u): to go away, to bestow
wi thdr:,.w, leave I IV: to ascribe;
~j za•m: claim, alle ~ation amply
j) JI, j zawal: extinction, e nd ;
r-' j za•im pl. •L.. j zu•ama,: disappearance ._;,I...; VI: to compete, vie
leader; chief runner
.i.,; zabad: foam, froth ' 1,;: 1 inziwa,: seclusion, isola- Ji;.. sabbaq: racer,
maza•im: allegations; tion, retirement
~j zajja (u): to throw, hurl; sibiiq: race
to pus h , urge claims; assumptions
u,::,.j zaitun: olive J'- -buq · competition ·
Jl.-;1 a ?. jal: po pular Arabic poems
II: to ourify; to ju5t ify; ..;,W temulation
asa ·
Jlj za<l.a (i): to grow; to
to increase
add; to exceed ahead;
IV: t o dri ve, urge on; to •~j zakah: alms; almsgiving
... L sa.biq: be i ng
jam, cram ; to shove, push ~I; tazayud: i ncrease, grow t h v· urec edin,>;

J~J ;I izdiyad: increase, grovi th

222 223
.;..- musab baq: previous, in ..J.;... s~f, satf: idiocy;
advance, pr ematurely _ (i): t o penetrate,
nonsens e, foolishness sara deeply; to pervade -.,.,.LI usliib pl , ..,.,.11...1 aaiilrb·
enter st Yle; pattern ; method ·
J.- sabil pl, J,... subul: way , :ut...... sa~afa: folly, childish - : surrealistic
path; means; access prank sur I ya 11 J...: V: to arm 0 , 8,
sitar: veil, screen; .J, .,_ sudud ( pl.): obstructions, surya • Syriac; Syrian
c)L s ilaJ;i: weapon(a ) , arm(s)
co v ering , curta in barriers '
~l,..... sajajid ( p l.): rug, car- J .JL sadir: bewildered; star-
thi: superficial;
!~terna l, exterior
J.- musallah : armed • arrior ed
r ei nforced ' '
p et; prayer rug tled; reckless ( cj in s. th. )
su~ur (pl,): lines .bL II: t o inflic t , impose ;
II: to record; to re g is- ._,. .>.... suds: one-sixth to exert (fo rce, nr eseure
ter; t o 11t'i te dovm t- (pl,): legends, ..,l, on) ·
J.>....I IV: to let ha ng or fall asa , i r fabulous stories;
j,.._ myths;
sijill pl, -at: regi s ter,
list; pl. records, arc h ive s
down; to lower fabl e s ..6.l..: V: to cont rol; to rule :
to overcome; to be abso-
.s.>....I IV: t o render, perform lb- sata (u): to assail, at- lute master ( J, of)
~ I VII: to be harmonious; tack; to raid
to be proportionate ..,.1.1... sagaja: na!vete, inno- .h.L.. sulta : authority, govern-
cence, s i mJ licity i~ satwa: influence; power; meni
rL,._;I ins ijam: ha rmony , order; presumption; attack
fluency .:,lh.l.. sultan: rule, domination,
sagij pl. cl- suggaj: s•:;ay; authority; power,
simple, plain, na!ve, iJI..... sa•ada: h app iness; bliss, influence; sul tan
munsajim: harmonious artless; homely felicity
.J_ sila • (p l.): commodities ,
.y.,- sijn pl. .:, ,....._ sujun: sirr pl, Jl_,...I asrar:
>"' .,......1 VIII: to burn, flare, blaz e C- commercial article s
prison, j a il secret; mystery
.,._ sa•a (a): to strive, as- jL salaf, pl. J)LI asla.f:
.:,....... s aj in: imprisoned, captive;
•1::,... sarra ,: prosperity pire ( ..,JI for); to attempt predecessore; for ebear ~,
( JI to) ancestors
..,_.~ V: t o flow; to run out,
. _ s ahab a (a): to withdraw; esc ape masa•in (pl.): efforts, ....iJL salif: previous , former ,
t o 'pull out; to take out pas t
..,_I .r- s a rab: mirage
..,_.t-.. saJ;iab ( p l.): clouds
,;... sifr: book ( esp, o:, e of .;L V: to ascend, climb
- sihr: witchcraft, magic;
er- II: to rel P- ase, set free; thescri ptures) aka (u): t o follow
to grant leave
faScination d.L. (! l ro ad) ; to behave
.,t..1 VIII: to ask for a drink;
C.,.... masraJ;i: theater, stage to draw water; to t ake, - . behavior; conduc t ;
Ii-.. suhqan ( .J l a hu): away with
him! to hell with him! obtain sul~k • . , (rarely 0 1, of
._.,.... ma s raJ:iiya : (stage) play att1tune, i strings
d.L. ) : t es,
.;..- sahiq: deep; r emote, sur•a: speed; promptness i,iL saqiya: irrigation dit ch;
distant water wheel; rivulet alik (el,): paths ,
dl~ mas ds
saric: rapid r:ays , roa
,-- satira ( a ): to scoff, Ji.., V: to spread, extend; to
jeer, mock, ridicule ._; _,.... musrif: immoderate, ex- steal away 11 : t o hand aver
cessive; extravag,mt, J.lL sulali: family (adj.);
tastir: s ub jugation, sub- wasteful s ilm: peace
ject io n ; exploitation racial
sari qa : theft, rob b ery , sal5m: oeace
.h;.... sa!,i t a (a ) : t o be a ngr y , stealing s l afi: Sl avic r )l_ - . ot.Uldness : flaw-
a nnoyed, dis plea sed; t o " )L salama , ; cafety
re se --, t (s. th, ) .S.,,. .r- s a r madi: eternal, wi th _ snlb: plunder ; ne gat ion 1es s ne s 9 ' -
ou t beginning or e nd . rs· 1 ~ctder
~L s a!,i t: angr y , dis pleased, s albiya: negat i vism, f sullam : s~
di s c ontent negat iv e attitude
224- 22 5
roL..= taslim: pre senta t i on; su r -
t o allo w; to swallow
render; conce s sion; s ah l: eas y, sim ple•,
Plain rv: •.,l,....
saiiar a : co~~and , sup r em-
approva l _ . -. tas t y , pa l Htable;
I II: to participa te acy , aut ho r ity (ulo over )
part; to sha re • t ake sa' i g to s wa llow
...JL. muse.lama: c oncil i n. ti on, easY
pa cificat i on sail : fl ood . flow ; stream·,
t orrent '
rt-' IV: to parti cipate; to t a s ag : tas t y , pa l a t-
c.,t )LI isle.mi:: Islamic mak e s.o. •i,;.,o mus . easy to swallow
l able,

t as l iya : amu se me n t; s a hm: share; arrow mas afa: d i s tance; re-

entert ai nment moten e ss
isham: partici pation r jl.:.:: t asa •um : peesimi s n
r s a mm: poison taking part ' VI I : to b e driven; to
•L sa,a (u ) : to affli c t
be c arri ed awa y r!L.:... mut asii. · i m: , e s s imist
CL.: VI: to be indulgent ,
forbe a ring , tolera nt gri eve, displeas e; t~ be _ pl JI ,-1 a swaq : ul: Sa,n pl . u,;.:. Su ~Un:
or become b a d, evil suqke t:, bazaa r street
mar matter; impo r t ance
C"L.: tasamuh: forbe a r ance,
leniency , tolerance ,- su•: evil, ill; iniquity • JI.- siyaq: cou rse; context; .;.,. , l.: sawis : sta f f ser geant
c a lamity '
seque nce
,...._t a s mida (pl. ) : f ertili z ers
••,- sau :i a: dis grace; atrocity
..,..! s abba ( i ) : to gro w up ;
t o become a youth, young
r,1.. I I I: to ba r gain, haggle
tL sama': hea r ing <!.,.. sayy i: , a: offense, s in
J,- sawi:y : s trai ght; r ight,
L s a me. (u ) : to lift, raise correct -,...,...:. masbiib : burni ng, blazing ;
(..,..) J ,L. masawi• (pl.): di s advan- i gnit ed; beautiful
tages, s h ortcomings; ,1,L.. musawah: equality; equ a l
eumiiw: highness, e 'l!i-
evil deeds ;,,-! sibr: s pnn of the hand
r ights (nea sure )
nence; he ight
;_L s al) a: fi e ld; arena; space: mustawa: standa r d , level
open square subii.i: Februar y
<.1'-1 asma: h i gher; more ex-
alted, more sublime .:.,1.,,... :JI al- s udan: the Sudan al-suwid: Swe d en IV: t o sati s f y , gr atify
.,;--- musamman: designa tion, .JL sad a (u ) : to prevail, sa'iJ:1: tourist s aba •: s ati sfact i on ,
name; sense reign, be predominant f ullne s s
JL sada ( u ) : to preva il ,
0- sinn: age ( of a pe rson ) rei gn; to be predominant JI.,.! s lbiik :
,.,1,,.. siy ada: domina tion, rule; ¥ s abaka ol. ,
ne t work , net t i ng ;
snc.r e
suprema cy
s unna pl. suna n: •JL sada ( pl. ) : maste r s,
hab itua l practice, custom- J ,- II: to enclose, fence in, gentlemen J~ subb iik : wind ow
ary proc edure or a c tion; « all in
ha b i t ; rule ,L sara (i): to go; to move .,.; II : to compare
•J ,- saura: vehemenc e , for c e, along ; to proceed l e llev,or y:
..:.,u..-1 istina n: following ; fol- violence tasbih : simi e'
lowing the Sunna xL III• t o adapt o. s. ; to comparison
Jl,-1 aswar (pl.): walls; kee~ up (with), go a long; ., - . res emb l ance '
.a.:.. s a na da (u ) : to su pport enclosures, fences to comply I.!:: t asabuh: likene s s
simi l ar1t~ ,
.a.:.. sana d: s uppo r t; b&c k ing I.J ,- suriya: Syria ,... sair: course, progress; su s,i cious ; dubious
behavior masbii.'1 :
.Jl....1 i s nad : or oof ; as cripti on i,! J ,- s Urf : n··rian .,- bi h ' simi l a.r i
(o f a n I slami c t r a d i t ion) masir: t!larch; departure ; mut asa .
journey ' c enti c'11
LI,,.. s i y as a : noli cy
.;.,. j....,... s an s kr rt I: Sansc ri t 1 c attererl ,
V: to be s
.,,..1.- s iya si: po li tic a l; ,!L sii,i r: t h e rest o f

•l:,_ sana. 11 : s n] e nd. o r , r at1 i a n ce ; pol i tic ian disper ,;ed - - - - - - - - -
s ubli mity , majes t y ,I.,.. Quad . I : t o dom i nat e,
c or:t ro 1, co mmand
n 227

.b .,::.;I VIII: to im 0 :,i,1 ,_! sawii.}i' (pl, ) : coasts, ._µ.:.; V: t o spl it, be cleft
s at ~a (pl.): diverse, condit·i on,, to
P se as a
st·ipulate seacoasts
v a rious, dif f erent, mis- j:..:r VII I• t o derive
cellaneous t__r s a ra•a (a): to be . pl VII: to divide, split

:fix, prescribe gin; to .;.: siqq: part, port i on·
v,;; satta na: what a difference i
make laws,, to egislate
g~ Ve or ,,,,_: sa}r: side, hal:f aide; half •

r sa tama (u, i ): to a buse ;.....,.,r sarI•a pl. •I • • _

law; MuslimSa:a sara•i•:
,,J,,-! s a }ra: in the direction
o:f, toward
.I; liiqqa: apartment, flat
;I;. maliaqqa: troubl e, dif-
..,.::..: satima : abuse, vili:fi- ficulty, hardshi p
c a tio n , i nsult tasri•: legislation t!' sa• •a (i): to radiate,
beam, :fla sh up; to disperse J!Jt;I isti qiiq: de r i vation,
tas j I•: enc o uragement, I I : to honor, exalt, make di:f:fuse ' . etymology ( of a wo rd )
he a rten ing , a ni mat i on noble .,..-.! sa•b pl. -,...,_....: su•ub: people :-.,_.:. J1ustag9 : deriva tive
.,._;I IV: to grieve , worry, I II: to approach• to (gram . J
lo ok; to supervi;e over- sa•bI: popular; national
sadden .;-=- saqiya (a): to be un-
sa•ara (u): to :feel, per- ha ppy, mi serable; t o have
,._,,.;...: sal!:~: perso n; :figure J .r I IV: to be ne a r (vl-s,th) ceive; to be conscious, trouble; to make unhappy
clo s e (..,lo to s. th.) • • a ware
sal!:~I: personal, private •Li.: §aqa'": mis ery; misfortune;
dis tress; pai n, suffering ;
J~I X: to look up, raise si•r: poetry; poem
.;_;..: s a g~iya : personality one's glance hardship, trouble

J ,....._.: Suciir: sentiment; feeling; d.: liakk: doubt, uncer t a i nty,
:i...:1 VIII: to b e come s t rong, s a rif pl. JI rl asrii.:f: consciousness suspic i on
severe re s pectable, honorable,
hon e st; highborn; noble, JW si •ii.r: slogan; motto J'.; II: to form
.J,..i.: s a d id: stron g, powerful eminent •I~ su•arii.• (pl,)' poets fa sakl pl, J~I askiil:
form, shape; pl . sorts
J, .ii..: sadii:f: shadoo:f, counter- .Jrl IV: to rise; to shine, _,.i..:. masii.•ir (ol,): senses,
poised sweep for raising radi a te :feelings;sensations .;t-:. saklf: formal: figura tive
irrigation water
.J~ masriq: (place of) sun- J.,,..:- ma s•al: torch J~I iskal: ambi ,;uity , va1,Ue-
..;.i.: sidq pl. ..51.i.:( asdaq: rise; East ness
corn e r of the mouth; jaw- Sagaf: ardent zeal; in-
mulikila pl, JSl.:.. ma liiikil'
..; musriq: supervisor, super- fatuation
bone pr oblem, issue
intendent, overseer d with fer-
r sarr: evil
..;_,.:.:;.- mu s tasriq: orientalist
..;,...._; sagu:f: obsesse
vent a:f:fection; m
adlY in J ,!.; liakwii: sufferinB; , griev-

ance; complai nt
1ove, enamored
;Jlr sarara: spark i ated (-,-by); lialal: paralysis ,
.:.I _,:..:I VIII: to take part in
.,...f_,..!I Quad. I: to stretch one's
passions e
masgii f: afyc ~ond (-,- of) paralyza tion
neck in order to; zJt..:. musaraka: participation; . to occupy, busy lia lliil: •;1a t erfa ll
to carry one's head high cooperation )
J..,.; 8 agala ( a · J:D
st ' • -· . busY, distracted ma slul: pa r alyzed , l ame
,)I -•I istirakI: sociali stic( ) rnunsagil• J,_J..:..
.,..._,..! sariba (a): to drink ( ./ s, th• ) ; to
- r- socialist; sociali n, ,)(_;I a sla' (pl, ) ' r el aps es
. ,. ? V: to a. bsorb, soak up
._;.; I JV: to s11un) • to pitY
bew1<re (of' samala (a ) ' t o c omp: i se i
.:.I? mustarak: common t o a ff ect; t o nreva1 l
er sar9: explanation, eluci-
vL:.r siryan pl. ~I_,.;
(d'5,0•) .
orall 1ab~al
dation 88 :fahI:
-'JI,_; s a warid (pl. ) : peculiar- uge, enor-.
i ti e s, exc e ptions •a-si· • ,• vast, wi
S d e, g rest,
mous; 1arf: e,
-'~ mu s a rra d: refug ee, dis- distAnt
pla ced pe r-son
saml: gathering, uniting; c.:l!l.! sa.•ik: thorny; delic t
unity critic al a e, ;;..., sibga: character; color, i~iida.m: collision, clash;
Aye; nature bounce
JI..! simal: left • ,-! II: to mar, mutilate t
distort; to slander I d 0 ;,..- masbug: characterized; ..s.,,.. ~adan: echo, reverberation
J ,.-.! sumii.l: content; enclosure ' efaine \... coiored, dyed; imbued (.,..
•l.! 11a>a (a): to wish•1 to with); labeled; influenced :,.,1 IV: t o per sist, i nsi s t; to
J!I..! s ama•il (pl.): good qual- Want resolve
ities; character, nature ..i.,!o masi•a: Will; Wish d ir-' ~abiy: young, youthful
, esire
J.l.! samil: comprehensive; ex- C.-"" ~ar9: castle, palace
f!,!. sai~: head (of a tribe) • ~ibya (pl.): boys
haustive; general, uni-
versal chief, sheik; elder ' ._1 _,.. 1;;ara.9a : clearness; openness,
. . - ~u~ba: company; friendship frankness; sinc erity
sanna (u): to launch (at- .lt-! II: to build, construct
tack, invasion); to make ___.I.., sahib pl. .,..L....1 a~~ii.b: (:'-Jl,-o ~awarit (pl. ) : rockets;
a raid tally Id: erection setti · friend, companion; follow- missiles
up, b u1. ld ing,
· ' ng
construction er; owner
.....,_:;...IX: to call as witness; to t,_,h.,I VIII: to wrestle with one
cite, quote (-,; to •.>l.!1 illa.da: praise, extolmsnt •1 !,la~ra•: desert another
be martyred; to attest commendation '
c.i..o suhuf (pl.): newspapers; t.'-"" ~ire.<: struisisle, fi ght
eahid pl. •1~ suhada.•: I.:.,;, _;..! sizufrinya: schizophrenia sheets
martyr ...; _,.. saraf a ( i): to divert,
V: to take sides, join, uL.... sihafa: journalism; the distract ( .::,, from )
• .>Al:.. muaa.hada: witnessing; make common cause Pr8sa
vision ...; V: to move freely, act with -
t_,-..! iluyu,: spread, circulation .,,.. ~add: aversion; turning out restriction ( .j in ) ; to
.>Al,_: sawa.hid (pl.): evidence away behave, act, conduct o.s.
testimony ' c./ ,-..! suyii.' i: communist
, .i.. sadara ( u): to stem (.:, ...;_,..:I VII: to devote o. s . ( ._,)I to
• ~ suhra: fame, renown Y ,-..! 11uyu' iya: communism from), have its origin s,th.); to turn away ( 0'
( 0' in) from); to depart, l eave,
• ~ sahwa: wish, desire; pas- t,l.!. musa.,: public; general, give up
sion, lust; appetite; J.,,..1 IV: to publish; to issue;
universal; common; wide- to gi ve ...;_,.. ~arf: morpholo gy (gr am , )
greed; yearning spread
<i 1~ sahwanI: sensual, lustful ,..._ masdar pl. ,.it... rna~adir: ....,_~ ta~rif: management; dis-
posal; settlement
source, origin; starting
Jl.!l IV: to indicate point; verbal noun
...;~ ta~arruf: free dispos a l;
'J,..:. maeura: advice
.._ ~abba (u): to pour, fill t,.i.. ~adi': crevice, crack, rift action, conduct
consultation ' suggestion;
u.i.. sadafa (n,un,): seashell, ...;Jl.., ma~arif (pl. ) : banks
.lo,_: eau1:: Phase state• -,..,...:; V: to drip; to flow; to
round ' , course; shed pearl oyster
(JI.., ~a.rim: sharp, severe, stern

-,-:I VII: to be intent ._;.,,.. sidq: sincerity; truth,

J ,-! sauq pl. 1 I truthfulness -,....... ~a,uba (u): to b e diffioul t
J ,.: . aswa.q:
longing, ye
arning, craving -,..,_ ma~bii.b: cast .;.ii... sadiq: true; sincere; re.- -,....... ~a ' b: h a rd, difficult
J,..:. mus~wwiq: thrill. liable
c1t1n . ing, ex-
. t g , stimul ~tin~ c_1- r.1i~bal): lamp; light, _,_ ~U'uba: difficulty
in eresting o, luminary r "'6,I VIII: to collide (~with),
cla sh, bump ~l... rna~a' i b ( pl. ) : difficultie s
.S-,.: sauka: thorn s 'k .,.,1., ~abir: patient, enduring
' Pl e, Prick 1.,,.. sidam: collision, cla sh; .,.1.., ~a, i d : ascending
(:;"' ~abaga (u,i,a): to color; r collapse
,o give the appe ar: ~a gura (u) : to be or b ecome
ance (-,..of); to dye, staln small; to diminish
230 231
.,.........1 X: to deem sma ll or little mu~~alag: technical
usage term; .,,t.,I IV: to rea ch; to hit (a '.! ,,_;I udhuka: object of rid i cule,
,t..- ~igar (pl. ) : little, small targ et); to befall laughing stock
...i.Lo ~alaf: arrogance, ~aff: line, row; class; glory, pomposity, vain- saub: in the direction of; gal)-1: shallow, shoal, flat
course conceit .,,,..., direction
.)h.,I VIII: to warm o.s. t adh i ya : s a crific e;
jt..., ma saff (pl.): positions;
roVrn, lines
warmth (-,... by) • Beek .,.I,..., sawab: rightness, proper- sacrifici ng
ness; consciousness
(!o safaha (a): to pardon, r- ~amim: innermo s t, heart•, da km: big , l ar ge , gre 0 .t,
core, essence ,,...,:; v: to i magine, fanc y , huge; bulky
.:......o ~amt: silence VIII: t o force, compe l ,
•t... ~cfa,: purity; clarity;
,,,..., ~ilra: form, shape; picture obl i ge ; to be forced, com-
honesty; untroubledness;
happiness; gaiety .J,.... sumild: resist a nce hold- nelled , obliged ( ._,II to ) ;
ing out against ' fill,.;; tasawir ( pl.): pictures, to be in need ( .)I of
....,. tasfiya : purifica tion; iliustra tions
nitration c:-" ~ana'a (a): to make• to •1-:,..,, garra ': dis tress
produce ' , ,...,:; ta~awwur: imagination
srui.f • : frost; ice; hoar- ; ,, .,.;, qa r ura : need, neces si ty
host ~l., III: to flatter, cajole• ......, siga pl. C:'° ~iyag :
to go along (with) ' i'orm; text .S,,.,.;, darilri: necessary, indis-
J.;., ~aql: polishing pensable ; re qu i s it e
........, sanI,a: creature, illi . ; ~ rnutasawwifa (pl.): sufis,
dh..l VIII: to knock together; tool w ng ).;,. rna qarr ( pl.) : harm, damage
to tremble
:..L.c ~ina•a: technical skill; siyana: guarding, pres er- ,1µ1 i dtira r: compulsion,
-,..i...,, V: to be or become hard craft, industry vation, conservation necessity
firm, solid, stiff '
c,tl.c ~ina,r: i ndustrial C.~ ~iyal)-: crying, outcry -.,.. .,.;, garb: kind, sort
-,..I.. sulb: backboin; loins· text
body; hard, firm, solid ' c:'t- rna~ani, (pl.): factories masir: end, outcome, re - ..,.,.;, ga rb a : blow ; shock; shot
sult; fate, des t iny ..,.,_.,.;, dariba pl. -,..:I,;, gar a, t b:
~a~lal)-a pl. ,JI- masalih: c,tl..:h..l i~Fna,r: artificial,
interest; mat'ter; admini~ synthetic, imitation .:,.,,JI al-~in: China tax , duty, impo s t
stration; advantage, bene- idtirab : di sturbance , dis-
fit; department c:'l., ~iini': craftsma n, artisan; ._....., siniya pl. ._,;I,..., ~awani:
worker; servant 8. large, roun~ me ta l_ order; confusio n ; di s r up -
.,,-.1- ma~la~i: pertaining to plRte with raised brim tion, upset; t r ouble , riot
beneficial, helpful mu~~ana': artifi cial, '-r-Jl..i:w mut a darib : co~f licti ng ;
Wt- phony contI'ad ictory
mu~alal)-a: conciliation
~=~~e; compromi s e, settle- '-""' II: to write, compo s e; to mudt ar ib : disturbed, dis-
classify, sort da,il: small, tiny, minute, ordered, co nf u s ed, upset
c. )l.,Iislah • r f
ti :· e ormation; restor - r l.:c,i a~nam ( pl. ) : idols, images little
,µ1 VIII: to fla r e up, break
on, impro vement; repair a ~L. da,ala : uneagerness; de- out; to bla ze, be on fire
C. )th.I 1 ~~iliih : terminolo .,...,.,.. ~ahara (a): to melt, ruse, Crease; small number
nical term; (coll gy! tech- smelt rnug~ a rim: bla z i ng , fla ming ,
linguistic) oquial, J! mutada,il: chagrin, burning
usage; practice .,...,.,.. ~ahr: fu s ion, meltinr, feeling small
c1L. ~"lil)-: good, r i ght. . t
' v1r uous ~ahil: whinny ( , -.,..1.,.c qabab: fog , mist
q a cq a ~a :
min ing ; fe eblene ss
und e r -

c1"" mu~ l i l)- : reformer, r eformist nei ghing ..6.-1 • dawiibi t (pl.): r egul ,i tions; ~I..; III: to nu l ti ply ; t o
· ,..., generai rules, c anons double
c.j,...._., ~ahyilni: Zionist; Zion-
1. s tic
232 233
......., du•f da<f: weakness, •t..1 IV: to illuminate li • i.: tatbi q : application; adap- V: t o l ook ( JI at SD, , s .th,) ,
feebieness, frailty enlighten, shed 1ightght, .,...-- tahon r egard , stare, gaze
._;t...., <ji'af (pl.): weak, feeble •1,_.,1 agwa• (pl,): lights ,.~ tatbiqi: practical, serving VIII : to oe infor med; to
practical end become acquainted, aware
...;t....,1 aq•iif (pl.): folds tl..da' a (i):togetorb ' ( J, of) .

...;1.....,1 id• af: weakening; im-

· to lose i teelf, disappe lost;
to perish ear; ~= tatahun:
11- quarrel, conflict
~ali 'a : vanguar d , f ront row,
pairment , lb t ari,: foreign; acciden- fo r emos t r ank
(:;"° II: to waste; to lose• J J tal, indicental, casual
-..i...o:.... mustaq'af: weak; oppressed to let slip; to forfeit ~I IV: to name , designat e,
), 1;ara);la (a): to cast, call (.), s ,th . )
.h,..; qagi: pressure .,...; gai'a: domain, landed ( throw, toss
estate, country estate Jlh;I VII : to hurry , dash along ;
.,;t...: VI: to help one another ,lb. ma~ari);l (pl.): places, lo- t o be fired (up)
( J, to do s, th.); to be ...;,,_.; guyiif (pl.): guests, ( cations; places where s ,th.
closely connected visi tore is thrown or di scarded i al q : ope n, free
yiol IV: to allot generously; ;.;L..1 igafa: addition;
annexation a},1 VIII: to b e consecutive, J )U, ialaq: divorce
to grant, award; to let continuous ; to make good
s.o. or s,th. have ..;... f!:q: narrowness; want, headway J.,lb ~ali q : free, set fre e , freed
poverty; worry
J )l.; daliil : error; straying from ...; ), taraf: section; side; end, J )li.;1 iniilaq : de parture; rele ase
the right path, as from ..;... gayyiq: narrow; limited ed ge, limit, border
truth _,ll,. r.m p aq : absolute ; free;
daim: wrong, injustice, ..i!l), tara,if (pl.): rare, ex- gener al
1amma (u): to comprise, r-"' inequality; harm quisite things; curiosities
include; to join; to write c,lh;I VII : to be deceived ( u1, by)
J), ~uruq (p l.): ways; systems
-;...ii VII: to be joined, united
(.b ) Quad. I V : to be satisfied
combined ' ;..,.), tari CJ.a: way, met hod ; (._,JI with) ; t o con-
system fid enc e ( in)
,..,;, qamir pl. .,:L...; dama,ir:
conscience, mind; heart; iibb: medicine, medical ta •ana (a): to discredit; ..,:i.b iuma , nina : peacefulness, re -
innermost; personal pro- science pose, tranqu i l it y ; peac e
to refute, to disprove
noun (gr am.) ( cj of mind
-,..,..,b iabib pl. •ij,1 atibba':
JI...;. m~~mar: do~ain , field physician, doctor' .,;.bl IV: to make tyranni cal , mu~ma, inn : having peace of
field of activity ' cruel mind, a s suranc e, c a l mnes s,
.....,.1, iabi'a: nature or composur e
.:J"° II : to include, enclose 0W ~ugyan: tyranny, op~ression;
c:ll,.b iaba, i, ( pl. ) : nature, suppression; predominance r-1' ~amal).a (a) : t ,1 s t rive ,
V: to comprise, include characteristics crave , yearn; t o Rspire
comprehend , i mply • VII: to be extin~uished,
iabi'i: na tural die dovm C'.'U.. matami1]: ambitious
.:y,,o ~imn: within; inside
gamana: guarant
.....i,. maiba,a pl, .U.. maj; iibi'' u- ,-i6 tuqiis (pl.) : rites, ri t- v-b ~amasa (u,i ) : to e fface ,
print shop, pl'.;inting uals; religious cu st oms obliterat~, erase; to be
warrant( y) , baii' surety, erased, '.w iped out, a est ro yed
house, press
.:,,L..: t d- ..;hi!, Quad. I: to rattle, clat-
a ,amun: solidarity• i::lb iiibi': cha racter, impres- ter; to snap, crackle, pop i ama, : gre ed , gr eed i ne ss,
mutual ity• . , covetousnes s
, r eciprocity sion, mark
-,..ll:.:; V: to require, necessitate
.:,-.;:. mutadamman • cot
• · n ent u,.b iabaqa : class, category; l l..b i amma• : gr eedy , cove tous ;

~ ,ft\""I.; III • t
o compare; to imitate
st ratum, layer
c},.b iabaqi : class (adj,),
-,.lb. ma tl ab pl. -,..)lb. mafHib:
need; claim ,_ demand;
ques t, pu r suit
avar ic ious

,"'.'U.. ma ~ami ' (p l.) : co ve t ous -

categorical / ti?, ness ; ar1bi t i ons
, tami•: gr asping ; greedy; VII: to c ont ai n .
'- c!esirous (~ s,th.); to ;i~~~;~!e zahara (a): to app ear; to ..,-t; •abbasI: Abbasid {cali pha l
within o.s., be self 8.rise dynasty )
1'uhr: purity , cleanness; ed ( 4-i.: Jo ) ; to b;center.
chastity folded, folded up• t O zahr: back; rear; deck; ..,_,.;,. •abqariya: ingenuity , genius
e lapse; to disapp~ar Pase, upper part
l,.l, 1'aha (u , a): to cook 1,1::. •ataba: a kind of olJ Leb -
1,.1 ,-b tawaya (pl,): innermost anese popul ar singing
~uhur: appearance
,l,.J, iuhah: cook thoughts, intentions• i .
, neide
..;~ ,J, 1'ilba, i: Uto pian a i ii.yib (pl.): the · best
_,,.u.. mazahir (pl.): manifesta- Jl:....;I in•i t aq : libe r ation , f re edom
tions; aspects, guises
, ~ V: to develop, change delic acies; pleasant t hi~~!s; .:..I. •at i n: stron,s: ; insolent,
.S _,,.11 ziihiri: external; super- arro gant
, ,J, 1'aur pl , , 1,J,1 aiwar: VI: to be scattered• t 0 hcial
phase, stage; state, con- fly apart, fly arou~d ,> •atar a (u,i ) : to stumble ,
dition ; .,... lb zii.hira pl. r" 1,-1 zawahir: trip
J ,..J, iuyur (pl. ) : birds phenomenon; expression,
, tai awwur: development; manifestation, symptom ,_,.> •atra: s t umbl ing ; slip ,
evolution • ~lb 1'ii. , ira: airplane' aircraft false step

"',U.. mutawa •a : obedience, co r,- .:,.1:, Fn: clay ; soil r:' •ajja (i ) : to swarm, teem
pli ance , submissiveness ( .,.. with)

ulb:...I istitii.• a: ability; po ssi- •~ •ib, pl. •t,.1 a•ba,: .,_.... •a jiba (a): to wonder, mar-
bility burden, lo ad vel, be astonished, amazed

._;lb iafa {u): to go about, ._;' ,-1; ~uruf (pl, ) : c ircurnstances Jl,. •ibad (pl.): servants (of .,_...I I V: t o pl ease , rl el i r,h t ,
move about cond i tions ' God), human beings ap peal (to)

....;u.. maiii.f: touring, trave ling P zafira (a ) : to attain get ; Jl,. •ibada: worship, ado ration .,_.... •a j ab: as toni sh..,.ent; won-
(.,_. s,th.); to succeed' be der, marvel
..:lb iii.,ifa: group, class· victorious ' .,_ ma•bad: temple; place of
community ' worship .,_. 1.,..1 i• jab : a dmi ration; pleasure;
P ~afar: victory, triumph pride
-_~·•lb t-
, a '.ifi: sectarian , denomi n- Jl,...:....1 isti•bad: enslavement ,
at io nal , fa ctional subjugation _;..., •ajz : weakness, il.ilure,
_,.;lb ~ii.fir: victorious, tri- i ncapacity
umphant ; victor
ulb i aqa:
- ability, canacity • Ji; •ubbad (pl.)' worshippers,
_;ll,., (or ;,.L,.. ) •aja,iz (pl. ) :
energy, power . ' JU; II: to protect; to preserve; adorers old women; old
t o shade, overshadow
Jlb t al a {u): to be
long or become
J,...,.. ma•bud: worshipped, adored
;.,-1. •a jiz : incPpable ( 0' of)
r1b rulm: in justice; wrong; .,... II: to express ( 0' s. th,)
-i;yr anny ; ;.,-.- mu• ji za: miracle
J,lb II I : to keep putt·
to vie fo i ng off; ;.,... •ibra: example, lesson,
r power, stature .JJ; ~ulma: da rkness, gloom J.,..,,..-1 X: to wish to expedite,
advice speed up
Jlbl IV: to
extend' prolong r1lb ~alim: tyrant, oppressor;•abir (pl.): passageways,
unjust, unfajr, oppressing -" crossing po ints .,.,..,...1 a •j ami: non-Arabic; non-Arab
J,lb: i~~g!~ expa nd i to become foreigner; a Pe rs i an '
r ,-lb, ma~lUJ!J: oppressed, wronged _,,,,..;; ta•bir: expression, phrase;
Jl,J, ii wala: dur· n- lb utterance r-- mu•j ~m : lexicon, dictionary
i.. , t hroughou t ~ama': thirst
l,::,l i •tibar: consicer ation , .,. •adda (u ) : to consider , t hi nk ;
,s,J, t awa ( i) : to fol •· to count , numb er, ca lculat e
done wit h• t a , to have ~U.. ma~iinn (pl.): places where J reflection; respect, ~·e gard;
to shut , ~lo~ecome t o an end; s,th. i s presumably to be po i nt of vi ew
..1..i.,.; V: to be or become numerous,
be manifold, be mu ltiple
ta•din: mining, min •
i ndustry ing
I j>r II: to expo s e (J to s .th.)
J.,- •ar aq : sweat , per sp iration;
a rra c k (a strong c o lorle ss
_.. •add: counting ; computa-
tion; li s ting
4.» cudda: equipme nt; tool;
•ada (u): to act un j
( ul. toward ) , wrong (ltly
to assail, assault, to 8 • 0 , );
race; to pass, bypas 8 . run,
, _,
.j,I. I II: to oppose, c ontr ad ict

"YI IV: to turn awa y ( 0' f ro m) ,

'"' a bandon, di scard
liquor ma de of r a isins)
.;...,. • a ri q : d ee p-roo ted; a n cient
,3l.,..._JI al -• i r a q : I r a q
instrument infect , to
J',w VI: to be contradicto r y;
to o ppo s e one a nother t,.,..... ma •ra ka : batt le; b at tlefield
J-" • ndad pl . a•diid: ,s.J.A; V: to go beyond, e xceed ,
number, numeral, digit extend beyond .j_,::,I VIII: to obstruct, oppose, ,.,) r-"" mu• tara k : fi gh ting g r ound ,
_....,. •adid : numerous block, object; to s t a nd b attleground
•aduw pl. in t he way of s.o.
enemy, foe r Jl,. • 8-r i m: enormou s , t r em e nd ous ;
JI....,.; ta•dad: counting , enumera-
tion .;,......I X: to consider, examine, re- tempestuous ; strong
•a~a>: _enmity, hostilit y , view; to call to one's mind
animosity 1.,. • a r a (u) : t o b efall , a f -
Jl.,.I i•dad: preparation
J,,,. •urud (pl.): goods ; shows ; flict, h a ppen
,),-" •udwan, •idwan: host ility exhibitions
J..i..; ta•addud: diversity, multi-
plicity; variety aggression, enmity ' .s.,. •ura n (p l. ) : tie s , bond s
J>lrl a •rad (pl.): a c ci -
Jl.....__1 isti•diid: rea diness, will- JI... mu•iidin: hostile, inimical
antagonistic '
de ntal; s .th. nonessentia l , .s.,. •ury : n;,.J<:edness , nudity
ingness; predis position conting ent; symptoms
(J for) ;,.;.-:: t a • z i z : strengthen i n g , c on-
.t..... mu•tadin: aggressive, ~Y ari4: broad, wide; ex-
11 solidation ; support, backi ng
..:..1::..... mu•addat (pl.): equipment hostile tens ive , vast
material; devices, gadget; ;1_;::,I i•tizaz: o ride, g lory
..,...L.:: V: to suffer, be in agony; J, .,.- mac:rid: e xpo sition, ex-
J.» •adala ( i): to abandon re- to suffer punishment hibition, s how ..,..;,- •azaba (i,u): to e s c ape ,
nounce (.:.,, s. th.) ' slip; to be f a r
., , J. •uquba: sweetness J,,-,,:; ta• arrud: exposure; inter-
J.,. 'adl: justice ference' Jr • ,szafa (i , u) : t o turn away
;J.. .. u{Jr: excuse ( ,:,y f r om) ; to become a verse
~1.,. • adiila : justice fairness, .,.;I ,::.I i •ti rad: objection; opposi- ( ,:,y to s . th.)
probity ' ..,_.,. II: to arabicize; to trans- tion; Counter-argument
l a te i nto Arabic J _;.,.;I VII: to be o r become iso l a t ed ,
J.,_..i..; t~•di l : change, modifica - J>I .r"--1 isti •rad: survey, ex;cmina - cut o ff , separated , se g re g ated
tion; adj u s tment ..,_,., IV: to express (,:_,> tion; r8view; revue
.J .i" cu zla : seclu s io n ; isola t i on ,
Jl.c.1 i•tidiil: mod e ration tem- ..,.._,..:;....I X: to be a rabicized ;.;,1, •ar:i_d 8.: eloquence (with sol i tud e; se g re g a tion
perance , ; ;; quwa)
.,,,.,. •arabi: Ar ab ; Arabic Jl_;.,.;l in • izali: is ola t i o ni s t
r.,. ' adam : nonexistence• u _,.,.; V: to discover; to !mow;
nothingness , nothing , to be acquainted with r;,-• a zama (i) : to d ecide,
., , .,. •uruba: Arab ism
resolve; to determine
r<.,. 'adim: l a ckin
de pr ived (of)g , wanting; ..,..,__,.,.; ta•rib: arabicizing, arab-
u.,- •urf: custom, t r adition,
legal practice ;.,_;,- • azima : deci s ion· determina-
iz a tion; incorporation (of tion, firm will'
r 1...._, 1 in•idam:
nonex ist ence
loanwords) into Arabic u,L... ma•arif (pl.): lmo".'ledge,
a b sence, l a ck ' information; acquaintances •I .i- caza,: co :n fort, consolation;
e:_,L... ma •arij (pl.): ladders,
r , ..... ma •dum : non-exi s tent
ing , l a cking : lo s t ' want-
stairs; ro a ds _;\~\ ictiraf: reco gni tion,
ceptan ce, acknowl ed gmenv
a:- composure

_;.,.. mu • a zzi. n : c o mforting

J>.r ' a r ac;:a (i): to treat, dea l;
.:,-L.. ma•d i n • met
lode ; ~ine a 1 ; minera l ;
t o c rmcern o.s. (J with); t o .j,.,..... ma •ruf: good , that l'lhi ch is • a si r: r'if f i. c ult , h a r d ,
go into; to show, g ood or be n eficial hnr s h
present ; to review
238 239

.s •askar1: military ...ibw VI: to have mutual affectio Ji, •aql pl. J ,.- •uqul: in- •ilmi: scientific
be attached to one another n, tellect, r eason, mind; com-
J.- mu•askar: camp; military
-...ib. • : sympathy, affection
prehension; intelligence •alam i: internationa l;
encampment, army camp universa l
•aqli: rationa l; intel-
J.-- •asal: honey ...ibw ta•a~uf: affection, att lectual; mental ~t. •alamiya: universa lism
ment; solid ci.ri ty ach-
•I...,.:; tu• asii, (pl.) : wretched, ..;i.. •aqliya: ment a lity •a lim: knowi ng , co gnizant
miserable, unhappy ...i.t. •a~ifa nl. --il,I ,- •awii1jif: (one o f t he a ttributes
emotion; feeling, senti- J;I. •aqil: intelligent, sens i- of God)
.;..:.a:: ta•a s suq: love ment; sympathy ble, rational
':"W. •al mani: secular, laic;
.....,. •asabiya: solidarity; es-
prit de corps; clannishness
.j,. •a~iya: gift, present J,...... ma•qul: reasonable,
ble, intelligible
sensi- layman
..:,i.o: V: to rot, decay, putrefy• ;.)(, •allama : most erudite,
mutaca~~ib: fanatic; fan- to become rotten ' r" •uqm: barrenness, sterility very le a rned
a tically, enthusiastic
.:,io •afin: rotten, decayed, •aqim: unproductive; barre n , ~t.- ma•alim ( pl. ) : fe a ture s,
,- •asr pl. , ,.- •usur: decomposed charac te r i s tic traits;
period, age, epoch· sterile; fruitless; useless
marks, traces
..,_;I...; VI: to succeed one another ;t,: V: to become turbid or
,al- muc:a~ir: contemporary, con-
temporaneous; a conte mporary
follow one after the other' muddy; to become worse rl-- t a •a llum: l e a rning
,,...;. •aqiba: immediately after, u.5't. III: to oppose, contradict •alim pl. •IJ,. cu }ama,:
•a~afa {i): to storm, rage subsequent to scholar
c.1.,I,- •awa~if {pl.): storms, ..,..S:...,I VII: to be reflected; to
gales, hurricanes ..., •aqaba: difficulty; obstacle be reversed .::..L.,.i... ma•lumat ( pl. ) : informa tion,
data; news, t;idings
r"'t. •ii~im: protector, guardian :;,,.;t. •aqiba pl, ..,_;I,- •awaqib: U"',P.-- mac:kus: reversed, inverted
outcome, end; effect, mu•al l im: teache r, in-
:..-t. •ii~ima: capital city result; emergence •akafa (u,i): to be busily structor
engaged (~ in), busy o.s •
l- • a~an: staff, rod. wc•.nd •, .J..: V: to be or become com- ( ._,1" with) .:,)I.I i•lan: rev elation; dec-
stick ' plicated, i ntricate laration; proclamation
._; iSs •ukiif: devotion ( .,I, to);
~ I X: to defy, resist ( ._,J. .u..;I VII: to assemble, convene, indulgence (in) •)L.:;_I isti•la,, superi o rity meet; to reach agreement
..i. •illa: defectiveness; ill- r"' II: to g enera lize; t o
..,- •asiy: difficult· intract ..11:.I VIII: to believe ness, sickness popula rize
able; refractory; rebel -
•uqda: knot; joint ell. II I: to treat camlm: g e n era l, c ommon ;
all-comprehen s i v e
vi.- •i~yiin: disobedience•
revolt • •aqida: creed; doctrine; ~L.. mu•alaja: treatment; handling
dogma; conviction, faith tac mim: g enera lizati o n
J.;ol IV: to be or b ~)(. •ilaj: remedy, cure, therapy uni~ersa liz a tion, popuiari-
ficult ecome dif- zation, d emocrati zation
puzzli~problematic, ta•qid: complexity, intri- .;)(. •alaqa pl. ..;,:)(.. •ala>iq:
cacy; complication, ent~ng~e- rela tion, connect1.on, general
V: to b rnent; limitation, restriction
ficult e or become dif- contact
•funmi: colloquial
ta•aqqud: complexity,
intric a cy, complicatedness
sJ. •ullaiq: turning and creep-
U.;, •aga l a : muscle ing plants or shrubs (of . ...., • ama da {i ) : t ::, undertake
(n. un. ) various kinds) t a ke up , emb a rk on ; to i~-
..l..;..., mu•dila• ct · mu•taqad: conviction, be- t end; to go j s e t ( ..,JI
lem; diiem~! f iculty , prob- lief; creed; dogma cilm: learni n knowled ge; about s .th .

. ..

+( l.;.I a •d-
. a , (pl.): members
•aqaqir {pl,): drugs,
medicines, remedies
sci e nce
..:.I VI II : t o r el y , ne pend
240 241

JI.. 'imad: support, prop; ma in ,.,:- ma•nan pl. .:,L... ma•anin: 'id: fe s tival, feast,
subject, main issue meaning holiday
: . : : : : : : c:::::::ory; factory,, \l
,_...1 a'mida (pl.): columns, workshop . ma•nawi: abstract; per- ..,-, •Isa: Jesus
posts .Jr-- taining to meaning; spir-
JI.J.:._I isti•mal: application, use , · itual, moral ,_;..,, •ai~: life; way of li ving ;
Jl.:.I i'tim~d: reli a nce, depen- liveliho od
dence, trust, confidence; J.l. •amil pl. J.1,. •awiimil• .~t- mu•a.niih: effort(s)
credit, loan factor, element1 motive '
power; (causative) agent
..,ct. 'a•ilI: f am ily (ad j .);
...,.. •ahida (a): to entrust, domestic
,.. 'amara (u,i): to fill; assign (-.,., .,JI s.o.,
to be full, filled J.l. •amil pl. JC. •umma:1: .:,-,,, II: to d et e rmine, de fine;
worker, laborer V: to take care of; to to desi gna te; to specify
,.. II: to build, construct; undertake
to prolong s.o.'s life; to ,.;)I.. •imlaq: gigantic, giant, .:,-,,,I a•yun (pl.): eyes
let live huge; a giant .,,... ,ahd: era, epoch, time
,.. •umr: life span, ag e .::.... II: to force s.o. to per- .,_,_,.. ma'had pl. .at- ma•ahid:
form a difficult task institution, institute
,,I.. 'imara: building, structure
JI.:. • inad: resist a nce; stub- ~-,.1 IX: to be crooked, curved .,,~ gabir: pa st, bygone,
ol,.. •umran: civilization; bornness; willfulness ela psed; t h e pa st
prosperity; building r-,.... mu•wij j: crooked; stooping;
.,- 'um;mr pl. .,...t.:. •aniitir: old •t., gaba•: foolishne ss,
,1....:...1 ieti'mar: imperialism; element; ethnic element; stupidity, ignora nce
colonialism race; origin JI.I IV: to give back; to repeat
,.,. gadr: treache r y , treason,
,; ,1....:...1 isti•mll.ri: imperialistic; ,; .,- •un'l'urI: e t hnic; racial Jl.::...I X; to rega in, recover; to perfidy, betra yal
colonial reclaim
1..i. gaga (u) : to provide, fur-
mus ta•mir: imp erialis t;
colonial; colonist; con-
....ia 'unf: violence, harshness
•J~ habit
cada: practice, custom, nish; to no urish, feed
-ia,:, canif: severe, rigorous;
queror, invader harsh, rude, stern; vio- ,; J; II: to supply; to feed,
lent; tough; difficult , I.I IV: t <J lend, loan nourish
.,.._,,,;..- mustacmar: conquered; in-
,;;t. III: to embrace, hug; to ,,-.I VIII: to befall, affect; •I ..i, gig a•: nourishment;
attach o.s. closely to hinder nutrition, food
• ~ musta•mara: colony
,L.::...1 X: to borrow .,; garra (u): to deceive, be-
Jo, II: to delve deeply; to ,jl.:..1 i•tinaq: adaptation, ac- gui le; to dazzle, blind
penetrate deeply; to deepen ceptance, embracement j,.. cawaz: poverty; want, need
J,.J' gurur: conceit, snobbery ;
..;..,.: V: to penetrate deeply _;.::.... mu•taniq: believer, J,.,. •awil: lament, wailing, deception; delusion
crying ..,...,; garb: West
.;.. •umq pl. ,.;1..I a•maq: depth
profoundness, profundity ' c,ll. III: to suffer 0,1...; ta•awun: cooperation
,,,..,. garbI: western
,.;... •amiq: deep, profound ol,-:. •unwan: title, heading! .:,,. •aun: help, aid, assistance
sign; address I model; token ,...,; garib pl. •l,.,; garaba, :
,.;....:. muta,ami q : dee oly pene- ~L.::...1 isti,ana: utilization, use; peculia r, strange
tra ting a •t.:. •ana,: hardship; distress; act of seeking help
difficulty, trouble, toil; ..,.I .J' gur a b: cro•,i
J., •ama l pl. JI..I " •mal : pains ,; ,. •awa (i): to how!ioto
ac t ion, act i ng ; wo rk, labor squeak, whine, Y . ~I,; ~araba : strangeness; o dd -
..,_l:, 'inaya: interest (.,.. in), ness, peculi=ity
<r' ' amali: pr act ical attention (to); care, •aib pl, .,..,.,, ,uyub: fault,
'-rl defect; v ic e, shame;
short- -.,. r-- magr i b : ( pl <tce o f ) sunset;
coming west; northwest Africa
• ., ,L... magiiriba (pl.): North

J-1 IV: t o ne glect, disregard ;il.u mugaliih1 exceeding prop-


Jl::.I VIII: to take ( away ) ; to

Africans ignore , er bounds; excess; exag- destroy; to ass assinat e
J~; girbiil: sieve ;..L;. gafla: sleep; unaware
t , gilan {pl, ) : ghouls ,
..I,} garbala: sifting gafil: unaware; inattenti gamura (u): to cover; demons , j i nns
negligent Ve; to overflow, flood; to
gariza pl. jll} garii,iz: submerge, immerse
i nstinct, natural impulse; j...::_1 X: t o profit; to exploit gila: assassination ,
nature, natural dis- take advantage; to uti li;e murder
position ,i.. gimar (pl,): adversities;
J )I.I aglal (pl.) : chains, profusion, abundance;
u-} garasa (i): to i mplant, she.ckles, fetters risks, hazards; flood gayy: sin, error; off ense;
plant; to put tres oassing
J )L.:..I istiglal: utilization•
u-, ,..-. magrus: planted, implanted exploitation ' mugamir: adventurer; giiya: aim, object, pur-
reckless pose, end; intent ion:
garad pl. J,I jl agriid: -,.,I. galaba (i): to achieve maximum, extreme limit,
goal; objective, purpo se ; supremacy ( ul. over) utmost degree
inclinat i on; ob j ect of ingimas: indulgence;
desire .,.k V: to conquer, overcome submersing
._; _,::.I VIII: to ladle, scoop gaib : s,th , hidden; the
.,.I. galaba: victory invisible, hidden
ganima: spoils, loot,
...;1 _,::.I igtirii:f: scoo ping; taking booty
.;,,i;, aglabiya: majority
gaibuba: unconscious-
..; } gariqa (a): to sink, sub- ness; daze, stupor
merge; to be drowned .hi. gali ta (a): to make or
commit a mistake, err, V: to sing, chant; to
be mi staken eulo r,ize, praise, extol
J j, gazal: love poetry; love giiba : forest, wood,
.hi. gal ~a: mistake, error jungle
JI j, gaziil: gazelle ._,:.,;,:..I X: to be able to dis-
pense ( 0' with)
I j, gazii (u): t o invade; to .b.11... mugalata: falsification; II : to cha~e , alter
conquer cheating
ganiy pl. •t,,..I agniya•:
, :i gazw: invasion; conquest; J,.J...; Quad, II: to penetrate; rich, wealthy
gaira : zeal, fervor;
r aid to enter; to set in jealousy
.,:L:. ginii, i: lyric; vocal
jl. giizin ,I j pl, guziih: ..;J.1 IV: to close, shut; to
raider lock gayur: j ea lous ; zea lous ,
•L:;i ignii': enrichment
ec~er, enthusi a stic
._;.; gii§§: fraud, deceit Jl... muglaq _: closed; dark,
obscure -,..,.L,. gayahib: darkness, dark;
<r gasiya (a): to overcome• gloom tagvir: change, alt era-
to cover, envelope ' J. gala (i), to boil, tion
bubble ' ;,~ gara: raid, attack
..,:.;.:; V: to rage; to spread
III: to be excessive, go g'l i m2. : cl oud
.,~ gisiiwa: cover, veil too far, overdo, exaggerate ,',;,I agwar (pl.): bottoms ;
dep ths
..fa gaqq: f resh, tender ,-1. guliiw: exaggeration; ex-
.,.:.I VIII: t o forg i ve cess, exc eeding of proper
pardo n' remit- , gr ant bounds
; )l. gulah ( pl,): ex t remists
244 24 5
,.,..,,;;1 VIII: to ransom, redeem
( ._;) t,} faraga ( u), fariga (a): J.:li fasil: failing, unsuccess-
c}' IVr to free, release, to become empty, void, ful, futile
farisI: Persian leave vacant
.,....,. fu'lJ9a: Class ical Arabic;
.r-'~ faAistI: fascist(ic); C.,;.,1 VII: to show, reveal ( .:,.o) ..; .,; fariqa (a): to be terri- more eloquent (f.)
fied, afraid
fascist (n.)
tafa,ul: optimism
c} faraj: relief, ease 1 J,..,. fu~ul (pl . ) : seasons;
Jjli: freedom from grief; joy ..; , \; III: to leave, quit
a fi>a pl • .,_u; fi>at: Jj.ll VII: to stand alone, be ..; _,;; V: to be or become dis- J....,., tafsil: elaborateness; com-
class; group; party without parallel persed, scattered, sepa- pleteness of detail
c" fata9a (a): to conquer; Jljl afrad (pl.): individuals infisal: separation, dis-
to open .;.} fariq: unit; party; engagement, dissociati o n;
.,. J} fardiya: individuality, team; troop secession
V: to open, open up; to
unfold; to be opened individualism
..; ,, ,; fawariq (pl.): diffe- munfasil: separate, de-
c,ai futu9 (pl,): conquests J.,;:.. munfarid: alone, soli- rences
tary; isolated
t::._., tafattuh: openness; ~.,; faranja: Europe, 'Land fa1aha (a): to expose;
'i...,j fur'lJa pl • ._,,; fura'll: of the Franks' to dlsclose
opportunity fudul: curiosity, inqui-
I...:} faransa: France
i:.-:li fati9: conqueror sitiveness
,.,:; fatra: period; interval
fara~a (i): to appoint,
assign; to assume, suppose; µ..1 X: to instigate, in-
fad Ila pl. j!\j,O fada, 11:
of time to impose, enjoin; to cite, arouse
virtue, merit; advailtage;
presume ti fazae: fear, fright, moral excellence
,,_; futur: lassitude, lan- terror, alarm
gour, slackness; tepidi- vi> _,;;I VIII: to suppose, pre- mufa4a1a: comparison.
ty sume; to impose c....; fasaha (a): ·~o widen, weighing
~\; fatir: weak, feeble,
loose; dull; lukewarm
J>} fard: assumption, pre-
broaden, expand; to make
.,..., IV: to inform; to come,
mise attain; to lead
ciG fattak: deadly IV: to make room, clear
mafriid: imposed; sup- a space; to open up faga': sky; empty space;
posed: assumed vastness, vast and unlimi-
fitna pl. .;,..; fitan• c..,..; fasih: wide, spacious, ted space
temptation; riot; civil .bj II: to neglect (,
strife; intrigue broad
be lax; to leave, give up; fi~rI: naturalJ native;
•~Ii. mufaja 'a: surprise to be excessive ( in) e--"' V: to fall apart, break instinctive; inborn
up into fragments, dis-
.,.,,.o tafjir: outbreak .bljl ifra~: excess, immodera- integrate ,~ maf~ur: having a natural
tion ' erup- tion, exaggeration dis positio n
.._1.. mafasid (pl.): scanda-
fa~r: pride, honor t_:;.: V: to divide; to branch lous deeds; malicious
fa~ina (a): to bec ome
off ~::rr!eto understand; to
"~ fqrI: honorary .._1; fasid: false, wrong;
t} fare pl. ,-,.,; furiie: branch; corrupt; imperfect; bad
,,;.; fa~r: proud, boastful section; a.erivative; sub- fi~na: cleverness, intel-
.,-.Ii: tafa~r: boastin division ,....1.. tafasir: interpretations.
g1ng, vainglory g, brag- explanat ions f a~a<a: ugliness, horrid-
i:r} fare!: subsidiary, tribu- ness, horror
tary; secondary J,.:.; fasila (a): to fail, be
fa~aina: splendor , unsuccessful
nence• t'tl , emi- VI: t o interact , interplay
non-mona~ch~ of head of ,:,,s-} fir,'._aun pl. -.. l j
ic state faraeina: Pharaoh
24-6 247
JWi af•al ( l )
acts dp • : verbs· ;.;.,; qab4a: grip, hold, grasp
• eeds • fils (coll ) faudawl: anarchic;
1/1000 di• : fels chaotic .)¥ qubt;I: Coptic; Copt
JW fa••al• Jordan)· nar (Iraq~
• money ,
effici~n~ffective • l;P;.. mufawwa41;ra: legation; qaba•a (a) I to squat, sit
filast;In: Palestine commissariat
J. la; tafii•ul. i J.;;'I IV: to take an interest;
interpl~y nteraction, u...Ji falsafa: Philosophy .;Ii faqa ( u): to surpass. to embark; to engage; to
excel J to exceed give one's attention
fa,nI ya,. activit Y,•
eff"1.cacy falsarI•. Philosophi (
..;:;.; V: to surpass, excel ~I X: to meet; to face, con-
fulful c al)
(coll.~ filfil: pepper front
mufta•al• .;·;,; tafawwuq: superiority,
, forged • predominance; above- .};; qabalI: tribal
fann pl • funiin• art average performance
IV: to fill
flowing f"lto over-
0 ~
J,,; qabiil, qubiil: acceptance,
• 1. 1 up fannI•. artistic • .;iii fa, iq: superior; consent, approval
muf•am· excellent
fill d. b rim-full tafannun• s J.,i qabll: kind, sort
e entirely ' diversity killful; .i.l,; faulag,.a Quad. I: to
make into steel or .J,;; qablla pl. Jll,; qaba ' il:
fagara (a u) finjan pl tribe
(the mouth) : to open steel-like
gape wide, to cup; coff~e cup
.:-,\.;; faniijin:
,Ii....\ X: to benefit; to make muqabala: comparison,
..,:;i IV: to use; to gain, profit; collation
faqada (i): to lose destroyannihilate, ruin,
to learn iqbal: concern ( Js for),
fuqdan•. 1 oss; bereave- Jl,;I interest; advance; arrival;
ment fanii,. c fa>ida: profit, benefit
being: Pessation of response to
latio~- !~d~tion, annihi u"~ fada (i): to abound; to
faqr: poverty tincti~n nd1.shing; ex- - overflow qabiliya: ability
• eath
muftaqir• i maqbul: accepted; approved;
needy; 1 ;ck~ing
need, tafiinin• '-"'~•, IV: to speak or report J,,;. welcomed; admitted
sacrifi;eself-denial or in detail, extensively
faqih pl ..#
faid: abundance; flood; mustaqbal: future (adj.);
legalist • ; ~ fuqahii,. fahlaw1: Pehlevi the future
expert ' uur1.sprudenc~ stream
t _ ( a ) : to understand u ,-J.; failasiif: philosopher qital: fight; combat
II: to think, reflect afahum• qa~1: want, scarcity;
standin· mutual under- flnlql: Phoenician .k,.;i
dryness, drought
fikr: thou gt,
notion h .
idea, ment, age,cord
mutual agree -
(J) VIII: to invade, intrude;
mafahim ( ~\ to jump; to embark boldly
tafkir: t hinking (n.) concepts pl.): notions,
c...,; qabI!].: sad II: to appreciate; to
mufakkir: thinker fata (u)• ~I VIII: to loan; to adopt,
evaluate; to appraise;
escape; toto elude, take overj to acquire to foresee
falata (i)· t _ pass, vanish or seek to acquire know-
slip away· 0
escape, qudra: ability, capacity;
tafawut• d ledge; to borrow power, strength
contrast ifference,
c)I; .faliil): succes 8 • ,.r,> qabs: borrowing miqdar: quantity ; extent;
salvation•• prosperity
• welfare•
' fauz•. succe
vi ctory; a~~• triumph, ..,-4--'I iqtibas: borrowing; measure; amount
c~ fallah•
.. pea sant, farmer f c 1.evement acquisition, learn ing
c~~~a: disor
rusion• c~er, disarray,
' aos, anarchy
248 249
maqdira: ability; power, ,1,._...1 istiqrar: stability; rest, ,l..:.ll iqtisar: limitation,
strength .,j qism: part, share; par-
settlement; continuance ' r titian, division restriction; confinement
muqaddas: holy, sacred J<} qarir: happy, gratified muqa~~ir: neglectful,
w:;1 iqtisam: distribution;
delighted ' r slack
IV: to undertake, tackle, division
set about ( , ;1; qarra: continent iq~a': driving away,
w qasa (u): to be harsh, removal
r.,jj; V: to precede; t o ad- \s ,t; qari ' pl, •I ji qurra,: cruel
vance; to submit ( ~, reader; reading .,;,, qada (1): to call for,
to) qaswa: severi ty, necessitate, demand
,Ii..; VI: to be or come near cruelty
aqdam (pl. ) : feet; each other, approach one .,....., VIII: to require,
steps another qasin: hard, severe,
rough; difficult demand
qadim: old, ancient adi a pl· 1,,1..;; qaq.aya:
..,.,, j qarib: near to; kinsman
(n.); relative taqaililufl simple_way ~ues{ion, problem, matter;
taqdim: giving ~rece- of life, asceticism
dence ( , to ) lawsuit
..,.,,;;..; taqr1b: bringing together;
VIII: to punish; to muqtada: requirement,
r'""' iqdam: audacity, courage approximation ~I
retaliate ("' upon necessity, need
taqarub: mutual approach; ,o,)
r.,jj; taqaddum: progress, ~,Ii..; S
qu~r pl• ,u.;1 aq~ar:
advancement; advance rapprochement
issa ~1- ,..,,._;. qi~a~: country; regi on
t.,..; 1 VIII: to propose, suggest ~arrative, tale, st ory;
~-.ii. muqaddima, muqaddama: fiction (pl.) III: to boycott; to dis-
foremost; head; fore- a s sociate, separate
ground t:l 1;, qara, i);l (pl. ) : geniuses; qasada (i): to mean
talents, faculties ( :,, ) ; to aim VII: to be interrupted,
,,I.); qadara: dirtiness, fil-
thiness t 1_,:;I iqtiral}.: proposal qa~d: intention, intent;
cut off
purpose qa~I,: flock, herd, drove
u.); qall.afa (i): to emit, t_,;..;. muqtarah: proposal; pro-
discharge; to throw, position; motion ..l!ld qasB>id: iqta': feudalism; feudal
cast ( qa~Ida plA, abic) poems
(ancient r estate; feudal system
,.;. ;, qiril pl, ,_;,,;, quriiil:
u~lil VI: to throw back and piaster (small coin) maqasid: meanings; iq~a<iya: feudalism
forth; to be tossed aimsi purposes
about ( by u- 1_.;.;I inqiraq.: extinction; qu~'an (pl.): flocks,
dying out iqtisa-di•· economical; herds
<i,,.6 qagJfa pl.; qada>if: thril:ty
shell; bomb; projectile u_,;..;I VIII: to commit, perpe- ul,...;I VIII: to select, choose;
trate ( )· to limit, to harvest; to pick; to
j qarra (i): to settle qa~ara u ~onfine (
restrictt gather
down, establish o.s., u} qarn pl. u, j quriin: to)
rest, abide century; horn qatana (u): to live,
II: to fall shOrt ( ,:,> dwell, reside; to inhabit
];i IV: to acknowledge; to <J} quran (pl,): villages of)
confirm; to agree maq<ad: seat; chair,
VIII: to be limited bench, sofa
r :it qazam: dwarf, pigmy;
;..._, X: to be established Lilliputian; little
fixed; to settle dow~ fellow asr pl. ,~- qusU.r:
· ,..,.t; qa<ida pl. .,.I_,; qawa'.id:
~astle; palace base; basis; rule, prin-
}j qarar: dec isi on 1-...; qist: part, share, asir: legally minor, ciple
portion ~nderage; incapable

250 251

:Ji, qafaza ( i): to jump, e_li qa': bottom, lowest quwwa pl. c1,; _quwan: .
r,i1;•1 aqalim (pl.~: provinces• force; potential ; abi l ity ;
leap, spring; to take adm~nistrative district'• part
off; to hurdle, bound regions 8• strength ; power; inten -
.,1:; qa.'a: hall sity
._,.\sull al-qafqas: the Caucasus .;;.,.i;, iqlimiya: regionalism
Jla.. maqiil: article; trea- c1,; qawiy: strong
.Ji\; qafila: caravan, column, w qimma: top, summit, peak tise; piece of writing
convoy ._,.Ii qasa ( i) : t o measure ;
acme, apex ' t o compare
.Jli. article; essay
J; qalla ( i): to diminish, v.:i: V: to be clothed, dress
decrease t; (u): to rise; to ) ~ •1 a qyisa (pl . ) : me asu r es ;
o.s.; to transmigrate r criteria
pass into another body rest, be based ( Js- on l
J;...1 X: to be independent; to be, exist
to undervalue, despise \j, miqyas pl• ...,...,1;. maqay is:
(; to assume ( ...;; qinnina: bottle '-"' - sta nda rd; measureme nt ,; to possess alone r ,; II: to value, appr~ise •
assess; to set upright me asu re
( ._,. s. th.) .); II: to make laws, legis-
late - qaisar l,l l • (• ).,..,Y
r,& III: to resist, oppose, ,,,.,, qayasir ( a): Ca e sa r; em -
lli qilla: minority; rarity contend
u _,.;t; qanun pl. .,.;I;; qawan!n: peror, kaise r, tsar
· ~ mustaqill: independent; law, code; basic rule;
principle qaumI: national; natio-
autonomous; separate cf;; nalist ( d)
.._,Ji.;\ VII: to be transformed ,;,...: taqnin: legislation, law-
making; codification ..,t; qama: stature, figure, katul ikI : Cathol i c
( JI into); to be turned frame; fathom
( JI into); to be changed
( into) ll,;; qunbula pl. J.,1.;; qanabil: i . IV: to bend down, bow
bomb, bombshell; grenade, qima pl. qiyam: down; to apply o.s.
-,.)Ii qalab, qalib: mold, shell standard of value, eagerly
form; model value; quantity

taqallub _pl. .=.l,i.;

fii IV: to convince, persuade;
to satisfy -
qayyim: ':'alu~ble,
cious; right, cur
J~~- .::..S:1 VII: to devote o .s.,
apply o.s. eagerly
taqallubat: alte r ation
change; inconsistency•' pl VIII: to be convinced ..:.;, kabt: sup pression , re -
I .. qiwam: livelihood, • pressi o n
variation; fluctuatio~ r living; supper~; frame,
'is\;; qana<a: moderation; basis, foundation
inqilabI: revolutionary satisfaction, content- &' kabaha (a ) : to check,
ment, content - lace· situation, curb ; control; to
taqal!d (pl.): tradi- rli. maq~m: P_ site; stand i ng; hamper
tions; conventions, e_l.:.:il iqtinii.,: contentment, position, . t sacred
tomb of a sain, .i..,IS III: to suffer, undergo ,
customs satisfaction; conviction place bear
taqlidI: traditional .,.,:; qahara (a): to defeat, Tm· appraisal, es-
conventional ' r,;;; t~qw~i;n assessment, X: to de em great or im -
conquer, subjugate portant; to be prou d,
!!~~atio~; amendment,
maqalid (pl.): reins
(of power)
V: to contract; to
'., al-qahira: Cairo

.=.;; qut: fo ad, nourishment

••\;; qi~ada: leadership,
r reform; calender
muqiwama: resistance;
qawa ' im (pl.): lists;
hau ghty
_,i\,S kaba ' ir (pl. ) : great
sins , _gr ave ~ff en ses ,
atroc ious crimes

~i IV: to trouble, worry guidance; driving r-l';; 1egs -=--,.,;, kibrlt : sulfur; ma tches
disturb, upset ' qa ' i~ pl. • au qada, .,1,; .,;:, kabs: r am , male sheep
...:1:; u awwim: constituent
qalaq: worry , unrest quwwad: leader· head, r;;. ~a~tor, formative ele -.
uneasiness, agitatio~
Chief; command;r ment; estimator, a pprai- J.S II: to pu t in irons ,
ser shackle , fette r
,j, ;; II : to wreck raze,
tear down '
252 253

..,.,;6... mukafaha: struggle,

r ,f,. makliim: wounded, injured;
-,IS kitaba: system of wri- kariima: dignity• re sore
ting; writing; inscrip- mark of honor• n' bi~Pect; fight •
tion ' O lity takallum: spe aking; con-
takrim: honorin j, kufr: unbelief; infi- versation; speech
..,_G,S kutta-b, Koran school respect, tribut~: khoinor, delity; atheism; blas-
(lowest elementary ness • nd- phemy; ungratefulness u=,,S-1 VII: to shrink; to con-
school) tract; to draw within o.s.
,J, kariha (a): t J,..5 kafil: responsible,
.;$ katif: shoulder abhor o detest• liable munkami~: shrunk; clenched;
self-absorbed, introverted
kutla pl. J.5kutal• ,.j, karih: hateful• ugl • .Jli.5 kafala: guaranty,
bloc; block; bulk; 'mass unpleasant ' Y, security, sponsor- ~ I X: to complete; t o sup-
ship plement
takattul: formation of
blocs •' J,1 ikrah: compulsion J;fu takaful: solidarity; JUI iktimal: completion;
•J.. mukrah: forced com mutual agreement; maturity, ripeness
r:,5 katama (u): to hide pelled ' - mutual or joint respon-
conceal; to suppres; sibility J.IS kamil: complete; perfect;
curb •
..,...S kasb: acquisition• ear- entire; ideal
takattum: secrecy se nings; gain • .pl VIII: to be content
( ..,_ with) J.fu. mutakamil: integral; com-
cretiveness, disc~eti;n ~I plete, perfect
VIII: to sweep or wash .,,li.5 kifaya: sufficiency,
,$1 IV: to do much· to . away
sufficient amount; capa- .;,S kamana (u), kamina (a):
much or freque~tly give bility, capacity, abi-
,\..S kasad: recession, un to hide; to be hidden,
X: to regard as too lity concealed
~t;!bleness of m~rch;n-
deem excessive much,
ulS kafin: sufficient, .:., ,Ii kumiin: latency; hiding,
; .;.S ka1ra: majority ma o ,~, i adequate; appropriate concealment
nkisar: defeat·, breaking,
portion; great ' j r •.} kullI: total, entire; .:,-IS kamin: hidden, conce aled,
absolute, universal latent
ka1If: thick, dense• maksiiw: covered; clothed
compact •
._.;I .,JS kaldanI: Chaldean :Ji IV: to hide, conceal,
.;.6 JI: to pile up, heap
ktaoaafa (i): to study•
to expose '
light•'topen up, bring ill II: to cost
keep secret
P, accumulate• to
cram together • cover • o reveal, un- V: to do reluctantly; (Jt.l') .:.,,:IS kaniin (al-:t,anil: January
..f.:s; to force o.s. to do
/j II: to repeat
peatedly •
re- i~i! 0 be revealed, be
s. th.; to undertake .s ,IS kanarI: canary
open, uncovered ; ,£, kunuz ( pl • ) : treasures
.~I< k aratAI:
- u,,Jfu takalif (pl.): com-
Karachi u\-SI ikti1!af• mandments, imposts,
u .,,
discl • uncovering, ..:,£, kanasa ( u): to sweep
lrurba: worry, grief• osure; discovery duties
apprehension; distr~ss ~I VIII: to surround, en-
kaAmir: Kashmir ...Iis. mukallaf: charged; ob- close, embrace
ligated (to observe the
kari1a pl 1,.S k - tak,IbI·· cubic
. precepts of Islamic
disaste r, • catastrophe
J awari1: law); legally capable, ,.;,_:, kuhiif (pl. ) : caves
kaffa ( ) sane in mind J.,.IS kahil: u pper part of
r;_] kurj: Georgians refrain~~ to cease, to
stop • 0 curb; to Jis.. mutakallaf: artificial the back
; j J, karkara: loud laughter• iJ> kii~: hut, hovel
rumbling (of the stoma~h) ••liS kafa,a, r)(S kalam: discussion;
abilit' qualification, talking; words; speech
Y, capability
V 44!?1" 277
274 V: to be summarized, lafzI: of or pertaining
to words, verbal; literal;
condensed oral
u"f. ~;tn!of~~~~te, originate, .:;.i lubb: core, essence
ladaga (a,u): to sting; alqab (pl.): titles;
ul.,J lubnan: Lebanon to offend nicknames
u); V: to be created, be
formed; to be founded ._,;I..,) lubnanI: Lebanese • lall.Q.a pl. lada'i~: talqlh: fecundation;
delight, joy, pleasure; inoculation
ufu..l X: to become lowly II: to fulfill . to enjoyment; lust, sensual
h~mble, miserable;'to respond, comply f 0 1 delight •U,iJ luqa~a' (pl.): foundl i ngs;
give o.s. over (to)· low, obey ' - picked up, found
to submit, yield, s~r- VIII: to abide, stick,
render; to abase o.s. talbiya: fulfillmen maintain luqma pl. r-J lu qam:
compliance; obeyingt, bit, mouthful; bite;
u f, kaun: uni verse' cosmos• response I lisan pl. ~i alsina, little piece, morsel
being, existence ' .,..-JI alsun: tongue;
~i IV: to force, compel language
df. kaunI: universal coerce , JJ II: to teach; to dictate
VI: to be emaciated; to
u'-5 kiyan: entity; being·
existence; nature• ,
4-:J.1 VI II: to resort t k
refuge • a e
come to nothing; to dis-
appear, fade, vanish;
.jl; V: to receive; to take;
sence , es- to take a lesson, learn
to be suppressed, anni-
u4-l lijan (:\'1.): committees hilated ._;;...JI VIII: to meet
,:,,/,; takwin: creation f commissions ,
mation , or-
.;..,,....i lu~ii~Iya: theft, robbery .;Ii.I; tilqa,I: spontaneous;
ka ,in· b eing;
· "e:ii press
IV: to insist• t
( 1.
o urge,
a bei· existing• •
.,- s.o. to do III: to be in touch, in
ng, creature ' contact (with s.o.); to multaqa: meeting or
s. th • ) ; to persist .j--l,,
adjoin, be contiguous gathering place
deceit; ruse; mulil;½t: urgent, pressing (with)
:...SJ lukna: incorrect pronun-
~lJ;tad: a·postasy· hetero- algaz (pl.): riddles, ciation or langua ge;
kis: sack; bag; pouch puzzles; enigmas; mys- stutter
oxy, heresy '
teries, secrets
II: to form, sh rW 1 ilmam: knowledge, cogni-
mod ·f ape; to III: to note
i Y, adjust; to adapt to supervise: to remark; IV: to annul, abolish; zance; acquaintance
observe , to notice, to do away
V: to adapt o s ad ' ~i IV:tobefall(..,.s.o. )
o.s., conform:
t' Just
, o be lugs: language
laJ;t~a: moment, instant mulimma: misfortune,
lugawI: linguistic, phi- calamity
takyif: fashionin . mulahaza·
ment: . . remark, com- lological (adj.); lin-
adaptation•• ad·Justment
g, ' observation guist, philologist (n.) V: to feel out; to fumble,
.;~ kimiya,I: chemist• ...wi IV: to urge, press forward ilga': abolishm 7nt,
grope about; to look,
chemical • abolition, elimination search

( J)

ii<-~ latinI: Latin

lahiq a ( a ) : to affect·
reach; to follow ,
mutalahi .
consecU 9 successive,

tive, continuous
rr lafata (i): to turn (
to, toward), direct
VIII: to turn ( JI to);
to pay attention ( tr'

VIII: tti search, look
(for; to request

malmus: felt, t ouched;

tang i ble

•,i•,i lu ' lu' (coll.· n. malahim ( l ) to); to observe ( J

pearls ' un. •): heroic P • : epics, .th.); to turn around
battlespoems; fierce 5 .,....J lahiba (a): to flame
1afa~a (i): to pronounce; burn, blaze '
f~ III: to suit, fit
rl...ll il tiha . . to; to spit
unio"•m. cohesion; close out ( ..,. s. th.) ...,...,.i. mulhib: inflam ing
r3:li. mula ' im: appropriate n, connection
majid: glorious; ;.;,,... madina pl._ u"' mudun,
lahja: dialect f---' X: to enjoy, savor glorified v-l'"' mada >in: town,
relish ( .,.. s .th.) •
lahfa: anxiety, worry; tamaMul: seeking a
sigh, lament pretext; attaining by ;..:... madaniya: civilization
mut,a: enjoyment
delight • Pleasure, I ' cunning
~"' madan: r a nge, scope;
l'"f"'-l' VIII:
to devour, swallow
VIII: to try; to afflict; spread
up; to consume, destroy ti. mata<: enjoyment
object of delight•pleasure; to examine
mulham: inspired sion • propert Yl goods
• posses- ,;....., X: to continue; to per-
mihna: hardship; tribu- severe
II: to get stained ~ommodities; furnit •. lation, ordeal; afflic-
implements ure, murur: passing; crossing
soiled, sullied ' tion JJ?

ti.I imta<: pleasure, delight marir: tenacious, deep-

lauha: panel; poster· 01...:-1 imtihan: examination, ,1t?
picture ' test· seated, profound
II: to consolidate
la ' i~a: program; list strengthen ' ma~a (u): to wipe off, ,1 _,.:-I istimrar: continuity;
rub out, scratch out; persistence
lau<a: lovesickness• matin: firm strong to erase; to efface
grief, torment, ago~y solid ' • _,.;.- mustamirr: continuous
V: to bear, bring forth, muru ,a: sense of honor,
laulab: screw; spiral• III: to correspond (to)• be in labor; to be i •,.,.
spring; axle • to resemble • churned (milk) chivalry, valor
.t..1, Jt.i amtal, amiila (pl.): ;i.,., imra , a: woman
V: to change (color)· .;,I;.. matad (pl.): labor
to be colored• to be' proverbs; examples; patterns
pains LP'? marrakis: Morroco;
amtal: ideal; exemplary· ... madda (u): to provide, Marrakesh
mulawwan: colored, perfect • supply ( '-' s.o. with)
tinted -'? marada (u): to revolt,
J€. ma+-+-a-1
"'-" •. sculptor ·...,l VIII: to extend, stretch; be rebellious
liwa,: flag, banner· to be extended .i.,.; V: to revolt, rebel; to
brigade • tamtil: dramatic (art),
acting, playing ...._1 X: to take, get, derive, be insolent
la,iq: suitable, ap- borrow; to ask for help; _,.,I. III: to practice, to
propriate, proper• tama'"Il
J,:t..; .._ ( pl.): statues, to provide o.s. with
worthy • images pursue, to exercise; to
carry out, execute (an
J~ - .il.i..1 imtidad: extension action)
laka (u): to chew• to mital: standard• example
talk constantly about model • • .,1...._1 istimdad: borrowing; procurement of support; ._JI.. mumarasa: exercise, prac-
-i.: ticing, pursuit
tamattul: imitation supply
lana (1): to be or J:I. - _,..,.; tamarrus: practicing,
become easy, soft, matil: standing· displayed• f.,1. madda: matter; material; practice ( ":" )
gentle appearing ' • subject, theme; primary
' , element; component ._;,? mara<l- pl. ._;,1,i amrad:
lin: softness mumattu• dise a se, sickness, illness
deput • • representative, ~~I. maddi: material; phy-
Y, performer, actor sical; materialistic
(r l J:I.. muma111• 1 ,,.;,, ,.; tamri<l-: sick -nursing
gous • s milar; analo- ( ... madaha (a): to praise, J,I. mariq: apo state ; s t r ayi ng ;
ci ,-1. masiinI: freemasonic extoi deserter; heretic
freemason ' majd• 1
grande~r~ry; splendor, G'... madih: panegyrical
V: to enjoy disti nction
! nobility
• poemi eulogy
tamahhul: slowne ss , de-
.:,.,. muriina: flexibility, J- mumidg: agonizing, to_ cl. milJ.:l: salt liberateness
pliability, agility; menting r
elasticity ~)l. mila~a : navigation, u-1""'1 VIII: to degrade; to des-
tA> ma.gaga (a,u): to chew shipping pise; t o hackne y
~JI. III: to deceive; to
wrangle, argue ui'I. sharp, keen; pene- e:.,1- maliJ.:l: good mihna: oc cupa t ion, work ,
trating; effective; past milk: wealth; possession; j ob
e,;, mazaja (u): to mix,
blend .,...i IV: estate; real esta te; pro- mihnI: profe ssional, vo-
to apply o.s. assi-
duously; to be keen (on) perty cational
c'~ mizaj: mood, frame of
malaka: natural dispo-
mind; nature, tempera- mum•in: going to an ex- maut: de a th
ment sition; faculty
treme, going very far mustamit: heroic, death-
mazij: mixture, blend, milkiya: ownership defying, re ckless
combination maqata (u): to detest,
abhor, loathe, hate mamlaka : kingdom, em- cl. maja (u ) : to hea".'e, swell,
mizaq (pl,): pieces pire, country surge; to be excited
torn off, shreds makata (u): to remain,
abide, stay di.: tamalluk: possession; mauj pl, Cl ,.'1 amwaj : wave,
maziya pl. 1,1~ mazaya: holding; occupancy C~ billow, sea, breake r
merit, virtue; advan- ..,IS. makayid (pl.): intrigues,
tage; privilege; prero- plots, conspiracies imtilak: taking posses- .},- miisiqa: music
gative sion, occupancy;_pos-
fi. makara (u): to deceive, session; domination .},- miisiqI: musical
massa (a): to contact• delude, cheat
to touch ' mallim (Fr. millieme): .,JI. maliya: finan ces, publ i c
J.. makr: deception, trickery the smallest monetary revenue
masI~I: Christian unit in Egypt
,::S. II: to enable ( s ,o. to
IJ" JI;. mawwal: a poem in collo-
masaka (a): to transform,), make possible; ,.i. malyun: million quial language
( JI to), transmute (s to consolidate; to strengthen 0
.,1. mada ( i ) : to sway' sw i ng;
th , ); to falsify, dis-•
.§I.I amakin (pl,): places u~' imtinan: gratitude, to be moved
tort (s , th,); to spoil obligedness
( s ,th,)
,:,,::..; tamkfo: enabling, making & mana~a (a): to give• 01_.,. mayadfo:
ma idan, mldan pl.u,-'I,,.
fi eld
VII: to be transformed possible award, grant
(into a worse form); to ;,, II: to distinguish; t o
be distorted, corrupted 0IS.I imkan: capability· capacity; ..:.., mun!J.u: s i nce
ability ' prefer
o:l...i IV: to restrain, hold mani•: hindrance,_ob-
:,,-- V: to be distingu i shed ,
back; to refrain, abstain .,.:IS.I imkaniya: capacity; ability; stacle, preventitive
possibility be characterized
t pave (s,th,, esp,
X: to stick, cling, II: 0 )• to arrange, mlza : cha rac te ri st ic
adhere; to grab, seize mUmkin: possible con- the way • ( th ) · to
ceivable ' straighten s . . •
smoothe tamyiz: distinction; pre-
tamassuk: adherence; de- ferenc e ; sepa ra ti on, se -
votedness, devotion, at- JI. malal: boredom; weariness; mahd: birt hpla ce; gre gati on
tachment tiredness y '
,•)I. ma,ic : vague; undecide~ ,
IV : to become; to enter mula ' a (coll, milaya): mahir: skillful, expe rt, pending ; me lting , l iquid
into evening wrap worn by Egyptian experienced
women; shirt JI. (i) : t o be inc lined,
mi~r: Egypt; capital; give ( s.o, ) time,
• I.
J.,.,i ~;~nto ( s.o, ) a delay l ean over
big city ,.,.. malI,, full (..,_of), filled
260 261
( u) nida': call, appeal na safa (i): to blow up,
(Fi IV: to produce bring bla st ; to pulverize
:-S ;I; naz!: Nazi forth, create ' nadin pl. ;,,..:t andiya,
JI~ nawadin: club II: to arrange, put in
I.,,.j IV : to inform, notify, tF--- 1 X: to conclude, gather proper order; to l ine up
tell, advise infer, deduce, derive , nu~ur (pl.): warners;
heralds; warnings, mutanasiq: well-arranged,
-=-I,; nabat (pl.): plants, natija pl. (!ll.: nata>i • alarms regular
vegetation consequence, result j,
naza<a (i): to desire, tanasul: reproduction,
t:,; generation
manbu~: cast out; cast cl.:1 intaj: productivity• wish, yearn; to incline
off, discarded creative activity• p'
duction ' ro- naz<a: attitude; ten- mansiy: forgotten
minbar: pla tform• dency nasa 'a (a): to proceed
pulpit ' muntij: producer
( .:,o from ) ; to grow out;
nuzu<: striving, en- to follow; to appear; to
nabada (i): to beat, -=-4,..:.. muntajat (pl.): products deavor, desire ( JI for)
throb, pulsate proceeds, returns, yield; come about, crop up

nabda: beat, pulsation,

;.:. na:t.r: prose
IV: to give birth; to
niza': dispute
manazi' (pl.): purposes,
aims, intentions
Li IV: to create, bring into
being; to establish,
found, start; to write,
naba~i: Nabatean beget, sire compose
munaza<a: fight, strug- nas': young generation;
iS t inba~: discovery t~ naja9: success gle; quarrel
invention ' youth
najda: help, aid, assis- tanazu<: fight, strug- nusu': evolution, devel-
naba'.a (a,u,i): to tance gle, controversy opment, growth
ori ginate, spring; to
flow, issue ( .:,, from) najwa: confidential talk,
secret conversation .' X: to draw, drain off;
to exhaust
mansa': genesis, forma-
tion, origi n
manba<: source origin,·
spring ' na9t: sculpturing J:,; nazala (i): to be re- insa': wr i ting, compo-
sculpture , vealed (esp., the Koran); s i tion; establishment;
nabil: noble to descend, come down formation
na9r Pl. n.,.; nuhur:
nibal (pl.): arrows upper portion of the VI: to give up, forgo, .;1;;1 insa'I: creative; con-
chest, throat abandon structive; stylistic
tanabbuh: awakening
wakefulness, alertn;ss tana9ur: competition III: to suit, fit nasi': youngster, youth;
beginner; growing up
•l,.;I intibah: attention, at- intihar•. suicide,· scu t - nasab pl. .,_.wi ~nsab: .
tling lineage; kinship, affi-
tentiveness; alertness nasada ( u): to implore,
watchfulness ' nity, relati onship adjure; to search, seek,
na9l: bees (coll. •n.un.) nisba: proportion; rate look
I,; naba (u): to be unfit
unsuitable ( .:,, for); to Jl..: n i 9al (pl.): creeds sects; IV: to sing; to recite
conf~ict ( .:,, with); to h eresies ' nasib: kinsman, rela-
be distant; to miss tive; brother-in-law; nasara (u): to publish;
na9w: syntax; grammar son-in-law to spread
nabI pl. •l,,;i anbiya>: munasib: suitable, ap-
prophet nawahi ( ) propriate, proper _,.:..;I VI I I: to be spread out,
aspect~ pl. : sides; be propagated; to be
•w nubuwa: prophethood, nasaja (u,i): to weave diffused
prophecy -,..;..;I VIII· t
choo' .o select, pick,
se, to vote; to elect nasr: p· j vulture ,1.:.::1 intisar: spreading,
spread, diffusion

..b~ na~at: liveliness, vi- nitaq: scope, range;
vacity; zeal, energy; limit III: to compete with ;_,ti.; niqaba: syndicate; union,
activity; strength na~ara (u): to look associati on
consider; to examin~ to V: to breathe, inhale
V: to inhale, breathe and exhale .a.> naqd: (literary) criti-
in VIII: to wait i, cism; cash, ready money
nafsi: mental, s~iri-
nailwa: intoxication na~arI: theoretical• tual, psychic(al) _.fu nuqqad (pl.): critics,
drunkenness; frenzy' speculative ' reviewers
nafsiya: mentality; .:;.;i IV: to save, rescue,
(aj.~a (u): to stipulate nazariya: theory• th psychology; inner or
(for). th ·); to provide reflection • eorem;
mental life deliver

ni~r pl• ,l.h:i an~ar: like nafsanI: psychic(al), _,:,I; III: to discuss; to
m~~si.ur (calaihi): spe- similar , debate, argue
ci_ 7a; set down in mental
writing; fixed ,._;.;,; nuquil (pl.): drawings,
na~ama (i): to compose, nafis: precious, costly, fi gures, paintings,
na~aba (u): to declare,· versify, write poetry valuable inscriptions
to put up
VIII: to join; to affi- munafasa: competition; ,._;.ti,; niqa~: argument; dispute,
VIII: to stand up• to liate rivalry discussion
~~se up; to straighten
nafm pl. r ,-6; nuzum: system• tanaffus: respiration ;.:;;I:. munaqaila: discussion,
me hod; order; poetry, ver;e argumentation
VI:_to render mutual VIII: to shake, shiver;
an~ima , (pl.): systems; laws to be shaken off nag~: gap; shortcoming;
~~~~;tance, help each
n~<ara: jingoism, chauvi- ~I VIII: to benefit; to
nasr: victory t nism; arrogance, pride enjoy ("' naqa'i~ (pl.): contrasts,
assistance • riumph;
f pl • - n i <am: grace e_\i.;I intifa': benefit; use
na~ranI: Christian avor, blessing, benefit , manqus: faulty, bad;
._,;.;i IV: to spend, disburse, deficient; inadequate
in~af: justice na<Im: happiness, comfort use up
impartiality ' equity; III: to contradict, be
na<im: happy; fine· ..;.; nafaqa: expense contrary; to be in dis-
munta~if: middle smooth, soft , agreement
_;Ii; nifaq: hypocrisy, dis-
nafasl_a simulation, dissemblance
n~gj, nagj: maturity
ripeness ' ( JI . (u)·
) • t o penetrate naqd: abolishment; demo-
to b~ntko, get throu~h; lition; refutation
ea through J; nafa ( i): to exclude
nagra: bloom, fresh- ( ,:,, from), remove anqag (pl.): debris,
ness; glamor, splendor nufusl,_•
t i e . i n fl uence, pres- rubble
III: to contradict, be
g ' authority• pene- contrary; to be incon-
t ration ,
to stan.d up for·
to defend sistent; to pursue naqig: opposite, con-

0 _ trary; contrary to, in
to struggle
,;,, 9 • 0 • ) l
JI;.; VI: to be incompatible, opposition to, unlike
JI,.; , effective mutually exclusive or
n~gan st ruggle strif tanaqug: contradicti o n,
fight • e, fa nafara ( i) contradicting
bolt· tu, : to shy, incompatibility
0 flee; to avoid
munagil: fighter, com-
' manfan: place of exile;
banishment, exile mutanaqi1: contradi c tory,
batant, defender naffr• t con fl ict i ng
ture intrumpet; depar-
party O battle; band, ;;\;\:. munafah: contradiction,
.Jl.:.. mantiqI: logical• dia- inconsistancy nuqt a : point; ma tter
lectic(al) '
u-" nafisa ( )
grudge a : to envy, be-
264- 26 5

nahara (a): to chide, tanawwu': variety, di-

naqala (u): to copy; to VIII: to relapse scold; to reject, re- versity
transmit; to transfer; a relapse ' suffer pulse
to quote mutanawwi': different,
naka~a (i,u): to withdraw naha~a (i): to bite; vari ous, miscellaneous,
VIII: to be carried; to turn away; to shrink , to tear to pieces, diverse
be spread mangle
nuki.i~: withdrawal, tur- J,l: III: to give, hand, pass ,
naql: copy; removal; ning away; shrinking III: to offer resis- deliver
translation; transfer tance, resist
anka: worse; causing VI: to include; to dis-
41:.. nuqla: step; movement· nahda: revival, rebirth, cuss; to receive; t o
migration ' more damage, more harmful deal with; to take over
renaissance, movement,
JU:.;\ intiqal: transfer• nama~ pl. .J,L.:i anma}: way, awakening minwal: manner, fashion,
manner, mode, fashion; JI,-.
transportation; c~mmu- form, shape manhal: spring, watering way
nic~tion; transition; place, pool
moving; traveling nuwwam: sleeper
I..: nama (u): to grow; to
naqma, niqma: misfor- increase; to rise -,rZI VIII: to be finished, tanwih: mentioning; re-
concluded; to run out, ference
tune, adversity, afflic- come to an end; to be
tion; resentment; revenge .,; II: to make grow, increase•
to promote • over nawah: nucleus; fruit
intiqam: revenge, ven- kernel, stone; core ,
geance ,-; numi.iw: growth; progress nihaya: end, termina- center
tion; result
naqim: hostile, full namag.ij (pl.): models• nawawI: nuclear
of rancor, having a types; patterns ' JY niha,I: final, last;
conclusive; ultimate
spite, resentful niyya pl. 1.,,1,; nawaya:
nami.ig.ajI: exemplary intention, int ent, scheme
model ' •\; na'a (u): to break down,
naqiya (a): to be pure succumb ( ..,, under) nir: yoke
naqa, : purity nama,: growth, expansion ,1;i IV: to illuminate,
increase ' J\: nala (a ) : to obtain,
.,._..:; t~nqiya: cleaning, puri- light attain, win; to pro c ure
fication; sifting• sor- ._..; tanmiya: raising; stepping , ,; light
ting ' up; expanding nail: attainment, acqui-
.,,; nayyir: luminous, shining, sition doing harm (,:,, to
..,_fo_ m~nki.ib: afflicted with inma,: increase, expansion s .o.)
disaster; ill-fated·
victim ' ~:~ab~ (u,a): to plunder, tanwir: enl i ghtenment; J,,JI al-nil: the Nile
( . e L, Y force; to cover lighting, illumination
fai IV: to refuse to acknow- o.H .,..,1 the distance) (.)
ledge, deny, disclaim• mutanawwir: enlightened;
to di sapprove ' nahb: looting (n,) illuminated, lighted habba (u): to set out to
;:s.., V: to become estranged• l!"f- nahj: method, procedure manas: avoidance; es- do; to proceed; to rise;
to treat (J with) hosti- to get u~; to wake up;
capei way out to blow (wind ) ; to get
lity t"'1"" manhaj pl -
method • ~ - manahij: _1,1; nata (u): to make de- in moti on
fa nukr: disavowal; evil trend•; program; course; pendent; to suspend
• curriculum habata (u,i ) : to desc end,
fa.. munkar: disagreeable cl,..; 1 intih- ·. manat: object; place dro p ; to come down; to
(a BJ. following taking is suspended land
abominable; atrocity; route or course~
objectionable, for- hubu~: f a ll, decline ,
bidden action "'-t-' nahd Pl J • _ II: to give variety;
breast, •bo~mnuhud: female to vary, cha nge des ce nt; diminuti on;
l a nd i ng
rt: )
266 267
ha nda ma Quad .I: to or der,
habi~: descending ihtida>: finding di hamma (u): to be on the a d j u s t; t o make sma rt,
c(o~fring, coming'upo:- point of doing s , t h .,
haba>: fine dust, dust ..,. s. th.) begin to, sta rt doing neat , t rim
particles floating in,; to rise, get up;
the air ;1_.,. ha wa da : c ompl ai s a n ce,
hudah (pl.): leaders,• to worry, be c onc e rned;
guides to distress, gri eve; to for bea r a nc e
hatif: voice, caller· interest, conc e rn VI I: t o c ol lap s e , f a ll
telephone; loudspeak;r , L,.;I
tahdlb: refinement• down , cra sh down
bringing; instructio~~- VIII: to be concerned;
'H' al-hijra: the Hegira expurgation • to concern o.s.; t o be i nh iyar: downfa ll, f a ll;
int e rested in co l l a ps e, breakdown
mahjar: place of emi- IV: to shed, spill
gration; refuge; retreat• ha mm pl, r,.,,_ humum: ma hwus : fool is h, cra zy ;
emigration; settlement ' haram: pyramid anxiety; worry; ca re;
colony • da z z led
sorrow, distre s s
hajis pl..-.-1 hawajis • harim: old, aged; decrepit J~ haul pl .JI ~i ahwal: t error,
fear, apprehension, mi~- ....,i ahammiya : importanc e, hor r or, f r ight
hazza (u): to shake; to significance; int erest
giving; idea, thought upset ha' il: hu ge , gigant i c ,
ihtimam: intere s t, con- treme ndou s; dreadfu l,
hajama (u): to attack•
to intrude; to raid(',. hazala (i): to become cern; care fr igh t ful
s. th •)l to take by .,- skinny; to lose weight
prise sur- hamm: important, signi- hol a nda , hol a nda : Holland
hazil: emaciated, skinny ficant; i nt e resting ,..i.J~• \.,;j~
hija': satire, defama- ha yyin: easy; insignif i -
mahzala: comedy muhimm: important cant; i n co n s i d erabl e
tory (poem); scoffing
d efamation , muhimma: t a sk, function,
VII: to be defeated put ihana: insult; af front,
II: to threaten to flight ' duty; commis s ion a b us e

hazima: defeat hamajI: sava ge, unci - muhan: d i s gr aced , humi-

hada>a (a): to become viliz e d, ba rbaric
calm, calm down• to liate d
sto p • hiS t eriya: hysteria VII: to be pour ed out, X: t o att r a ct, c ha rm,
ha~ama: to digest be s hed; t o pour down e nc hant
hadi': calm, peaceful
V: to tremble ha~: digestion hama sa (i): t o whis per; ha wa n pl. •I ~i a hwa, :
shake (voice)' quaver, to mutter desire ; in c lina t i on ;
Ii.A wish, wh im; cap rice;
~aff (u): to slip make J.,.i IV: to neglect; to omit,
hadafa (u): to aim ( 11 m stake, err • affecti on; pa s sion; pl ea -
at) ..,. leave out; to overl ook sure; tendenc y
hafwa: a sli ihmal: negligence;
X: to aim, make one's
offense P, error, JI.Al hUwa: abyss , cha s m;
ne g lect; c a relessness; cave; p it
goal, have before one's di s regard
eyes X: to be i
open . g n, start; to h i waya: h obb y ; ama teu r ism
u.u, hadaf: aim end, pur- ' introduce hamhama Quad.I: to mum-
ble, mutter; to grumble; II : to pr e pare ; to set
pose, goal' mustahall I . to growl; to hum
outset beginning, up ; to a r r a nge
, start
r.,_. hadama (i): to destroy, hindI: Ind ian
de molish mustahlik: consumer IV : t o c a l l out , s hout
handa sa: a r c h i t e cture; ( ~ to s .o. ) ; t o ca ll
r~ mutahaddim: dilapidated,· muhalh 1 u pon ( ..,.. s . o . ) , a ppe a l
thin a : fl i msy; enginee r i ng ( ..,.. to s .o. ) ; t o dr i ve ,
mubandis: engine er ; urge
IV: to dedicate, present te c hn i cia n
J j
268 269

haja (i): to stir wajada (i): to find ... ;I,. muwazana: comparison;
move, agitate; to' muhin: _inspiring; re- comparing
C." vealing
awaken IV: to originat tawazun: balance, equi~
into being e, bring .,;',:;
bad, evil
r-,>J waklm: librium; balancing

tahyI~: agitation, sti-
mulation; provocation wujud: existance
,JJ, wuddI: friendly, ami-
.,;1,.. mutawazin: parallel
ha'ij: stirring, astir· wijdan: sentimen wisa~a: means (sing . ) ;
rough; angry • emotional life• t, feeling; .l,l..,
passionate exci t conscience I wada<a (a): to leave, med iation
let; to give up; to
haikal: temple· alta • psychic forces·• ement;
skeleton ' r, ecstasy omit ~, II: to enrich; to broa-
den; to enlarge, extend
Ijad: creation da'a: calm, composure;
rl,,..o huyam: passionate love tion; procuring produc- sa<a: wideness; capac i ty;
spaciousness; capability
mujaz: co ncise,
( ') summarized wadi': calm, gentle,
peaceable, moderate tawassu<: expansion;
.w , wa=>Id: s 1 ow' unhurried
II: to gui"de, direct• to
steer; to address (a're III: to outsmart, outwit
extending, extension ,
queSt , question) -
J!;!e!~n~u[!it~) be in muwaraba: ambiguity, ittisa<: wideness, vas t -
III: to face equivocation ness, spaciousness
mu?iqa: mortal sin· mausu ' a: encyclopedia;
crime; grave offen;e VIII: to tend, be directed ir:t.: inheritance;
legacy comprehensive work
wabil: calamitous d" wijha: direction; course
tura:t.: heritage; in- V: to seek to gain access,
sastrous; unhealthy i- ingratiate o.s.; to im-
wajih• sou d • well-founded, heritance, legacy
acceptabl plore, beseech ( JI s .o.),
wa:t.a ba ( i ) : t e, notable plead ( JI with s .o.) ; to
leap, skip• to ~ump, mawru:t.: inherited;
and run ' o Jump up taujih: directing·, gui- handed down; hereditary use as a means ( -,, s. th.)
maurid pl. J},- mawarid: was Ila pl. J:L., wasa 'il:
;a:t.:t.ab: impetuous• resource; income, reve- means (sing . ) , medium;
erprising , en- ittijah d•.
trend• • i nclinati on, bent,
• irection nue; spring, well device
,1;,1 love.' preference•
ism; affection ' !:o tobecome
be united
one '
Irad: bringing up; sup-
ply; profit
waswasa Quad.I: to i nstill
evil; to prompt or tempt
s.o. with wicked suggest ions
:t.iqa: trust . warqa,: dove
faith, reli;n~~nfidence, Wihda IV: to be on the point or
loneli! watida: unity;
ness VI: to disappear verge, be about to
.j/,, wa:t.Iq: firm, strong
tauhid· u nity;
monoth~i . unification; auzar (pl.): burdens, wisaya: defamation, slander
wa:t.a'iq regular·sm;_standardization; responsibilities; sins
records, certificates ization; fusion IV: to close, shut
III: to compare; to
tau:t.Iq: stren th
consolidationg ening,
ittihad•. _unison,
ment: . agree- ·\ balance VIII: to possess as a
' unity , oneness; characteristic ; to be
tion • f don, consolida-
'I" wazn pl..:,1;,i auzan: character ized (-,, by) (pl .): idols ' e erati on I conjugation, ~a rad igm
graven images • of a verb; weight; wa~f p 1.,..n.,,i ausaf: qua -
wa9,s: monS t er; wild beast meter (poetry); measure lity; distinguishing ma rk ;
Ijabi: positive• t· descript ion
affirmative 'ac ive; X: to see . mizaniya: budget
to asks k 7nspiration;
~', wajib: duty, obligati on ..,,. , wahy• i
• 0 • s advice

. . nspirat ion
..,, 270 271

taufiq: success, good V: to stop, halt; to

J.,' wasala (i): to connect ..i,,b' watid: firm; strong; fortune; adaptation; come to a standstill
( :,, with); to get ( JI solid; unshakable reconciliation; adjust-
to) ment X: to stop, halt, come
X: to live (in a place); t o a standstill; to sus-
J..1, III: to continue, persist to settle down muwaffaq: successful, pend, interrupt
prospering, fortunate,
j_,,:, V: to attain, reach .), ' watan pl. uu, ,i autan:
homeland, home country,
lucky waqf: (religious) en-
dowment; wakf
.!,, sila: relation(ship); fatherland muttafiq: in agreement,
connection, link in conformity; suitable mauqif: attitude; stand,
.,.:.J,' wataniya: nationalism, position
J.., wasl: reunion (of lovers); patriotism, national
communion (in love) sentiment J, II: to fulfill, satisfy;
to provide waqa (1) : to safegua rd,
protect, shield, shel t er;
._J,..' wusuliya: quality of mawatin (pl.): native wafa>: faithfulness; to guard, preserve
being upstart, parvenu places, homelands loyalty maukib: procession;
Jl..,I itti~al: contact; reach parade
muwatin: fellow citizen, taufiya: fulfillment;
compatriot, countryman satisfaction
muttasil: continuous, J~I ittikal: reliance, t rust,
continued, unceasing, .;,,1, wazifa pl. ...c\b, waza>if: wafin: full, complete; confidence
persistent; adj oining function; position; part, adequate V: to be generated, pro-
.,t.., wi~aya: guardianship;
job; post; office
waqti: temporary, pro- duced
executorship; tutelage muway~af: employee, clerk .;, ' visional; temporal
wilada: birth
\,l..' wa~aya (pl,): command- X: to comprehend, under- muwaqqat: temporary;
ments; instructions taulid: producing, pro-
stand, grasp; to contain, temporal duction; begetting
(,-.;,, hold
wugug: clarity, dis- waqaha: impudence, in-
tinctness; obviousness solence, impertinence V: to take charge of , be
istI<ab: absorption, appo i nted to
taking in
ct...' Idah: clarification; V: to burn; to smolder; VI: t o follow in suc ce ssion
explanation to ignite
mau<iya: spiritual coun-
(..,1, wadih: evident, clear, sel, exhortation; stern X: to occupy ( J, ) ;
lecture, severe reprimand mutawaqqid: flaming, to take possession (J,
plain, distinct; obvious blazing of)
i:_-i>, waga'a (a): to put, lay; ,.f' wa,y: consciousness; fee- .;},:,. V: to expect, anticipate
to compose ling; awareness; attention, istila': appropriat ion,
advertence waq': fall, drop; im- seizure; capture
i:_.;,, wag' pl. e_L.,iauga<: si- r:'' pression
tuation, position, con- wi<a,: container, vessel waliy: bene factor; patron,
dition; circumstance; mauqa': position; place protector; guardian

JL.,,1 Igal: penetration, ab-
statute; practice; cre-
ation, invention; wri- sorption; preoccupation waqi': reality, fact wulah ( pl. ) : rulers;
ting leaders
wufud (pl,): delegations, waqi<I: realisti~; . •
, I" mutawalin: successive,
~' wadI<: humble, common;
deputations ositivistic (philos.),
~ctual, real; de facto
wafir: ample, abundant I
mawagi' (pl.): places waqa'i' (pl,): battles; hiba: gi f t, gran t, dona-
VIII: to be in conformity, events; facts tion
tauti>a: introduction; be com~atible· to agree
reducti on ( Ii'- on); to b; in agree- ( ·) to stand; mawahib (p l. ) : tal ents ,
ment waqafa i( \. ) to stop gifts
to know ,.,- I
~,: V: to glow, blaze, Ji¥. mutayaqqi;: awake; alert,•
flame; to gleam, glitter cautious
(!-",:O mutawahhij: glaring; .;,;;., yaqin: conviction, cer- (
radiant tainty, certitude
.a, wahd: lowland; depres- ,;,..., yamin: right
~J~I al-yahudiya: Judaism
~ I VIII: to charge (..,_ with);
to suspect J to question, l,;LJ.,, yugoslaviya: Yugoslavia
<ti;"' yunanI: Greek ·
r-,A, wahm pl. rlo ,i auham:
delusion; fancy
vA, wahan: weakness, fee-
J., wail: woe, distress,

..,.:, ya'isa (a): to give up

all hope; to forgo
.... YB'S: despair
.:,l.,\,JI al-yaban: Japan
.jl.,~ yabanI: Japanese
ul~ yara,a: pen, reed
- yusr: ease; prosperity
.,.... yasir: slight, insig-
nificant; small amount·
small, little; simple,'
.,,,..,; taisir: facilitation
muyassar: facilitated,
within easy reach
IV: to awaken

V: to be alert; to be
yaqza: wakefulness;
vigilance, conscious-
ness; awakening

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