The Formation of Environmental Protection Investments-2021-01!26!15-40

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Received 13 Jan 2021 | Accepted 17 Jan 2021 | Published Online 26 Jan 2021

JASSH 07 (01), 1−8 (2021) ISSN (O) 2589-9341


The Formation of Environmental Protection Investments From The Total

Economy In Europe

Muhammad Rizki Ramadhan 1 Iskandar Muda 1

Universitas Sumatera Utara, Abstract
Medan, Indonesia
This research examines and proves the effect of environmental protection investment
from companies as additional producers by environmental protection activities and
activities, environmental protection investments from companies as specialists and
secondary producers by environmental protection activities, and environmental
protection investments from general government through environmental protection
activities against investment orders. Environmental protection of the total economy
in Europe 2015-2017. The issue that will be discussed is regarding the variables that
influence changes in the effect of investment environmental protection on activities
in Europe in 2015-2017. The purpose of this research is to prove the influence of
environmental protection investment from companies as additional producers by
environmental protection activities and activities, environmental protection
investments as specialists and secondary producers by environmental protection
activities, and environmental protection investments from general government in
environmental protection investment guarantees. from the European economy in
2015-2017. To test and prove this hypothesis, an empirical test was conducted in the
form of Q Square prediction with Smart PLS version 3.3.3 regarding the influence of
the activity subsector. The method used in studying the data may be a combination
of secondary data derived from European Statistical Recovery Dashboards. The
method used to analyze the data is the statistical data method. The results showed
that not all variables affect the protection of the investment environment for
activities in Europe. This can be proven from the statistical value of 26,346> from
the table value of 2,028, which means that investment in environmental protection
from the public government through environmental protection activities (X1) has a
positive and significant effect on orders for investment in environmental protection
from the total economy in Europe. Environmental Protection Investment from
Companies as Specialists and Secondary Producers by Environmental Protection
Activities (X2) is an independent variable that has a positive and significant
influence on the Committee on Environmental Protection Investment for the Total
Economy in Europe. This can be proven from the statistical value of 20,492> from
the t table value of 2,028. A The environmental protection investment of the
company as an additional producer by environmental protection activities and
activities (X3) is an independent variable that has a positive and significant effect on
the Total Economic Environmental Protection Investment Restaurant in Europe.
This can be proven from the statistical value of 11,003> from the t table value of

JASSH 07 (01), 1−8 1o

1 INTRODUCTION increasing attention of companies to environmental
problems is also motivated by their awareness that

evelopment and the environment have a re- these natural resources are limited, so it is important
ciprocal relationship. In development, hu- to manage natural resources more effectively and
mans are consumers who play an active efficiently in the company’s business processes (eco
role in the process of utilizing natural resources. efficiency) in order to maintain their business life
Humans are very dependent on natural resources and cycle (sustainable) (Anggaraeni , 2015).
the sustainability of natural resources is very much
influenced by human activities. Human efforts to
improve the economy must be accompanied by ef- 2 LITERATURE REVIEW
forts to maintain and improve environmental quality.
The problem of environmental pollution is an issue 2.1 Environmental protec on investment of
that is currently a public concern. The environmen- the total economy
tal activist organization Wahana Lingkungan Hidup
Indonesia (WALHI) in 2012 stated that the highest Kuoet al. (2010) conducted a study to provide fur-
actors who destroy the environment are companies, ther empirical evidence through the Japanese case
especially the mining and plantation sectors. Sec- regarding the relationship between investment in en-
ond, is the government. Third, the combination of vironmental conservation and operational efficiency.
company and government, and the last position is Based on the analysis of Kuo et al. (2010), there is a
society. The issue of the environment is one of the positive and significant correlation between the com-
prima donna in accounting because the information pany’s environmental conservation costs, net income
disclosed by the company will affect its reputation and economic benefits from environmental preser-
and business sustainability in the future. The issue of vation, this shows that the implementation of long-
the environment has attracted the interest of many re- term environmental conservation of companies has
searchers to examine the relationship between envi- had a positive effect on company profits in the case
ronmental performance and firm value. Utomo et al. of Japan between 2001 and 2006. The relationship
(2017) found that there was a positive influence be- between the company’s environmental conservation
tween environmental performance and firm value as costs and CO2 emission reduction is positively cor-
measured using Tobins’Q. Anggraeni (2015) found related but insignificant, which means that spending
that disclosure of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on environmental conservation of the company has
and environmental performance had a positive effect an impact on reducing CO2 emissions but that effort
on firm value. is not sufficient. In addition, the research results of
Kuoet al. (2010) also show a positive correlation
The large number of studies related to environmental
between environmental conservation costs and total
performance and company values attract researchers
CO2 emissions.
to find out what factors can affect environmental
performance and company value. Several studies Research conducted by Hyo (2017) states that the
have found that innovation in the form of R&D and cost of environmental conservation has a negative
investment in environmental preservation are factors effect on three measures of eco efficiency (envi-
that can affect environmental performance and cor- ronmental intensity, carbon productivity, and return
porate value. The ability of companies to develop on carbon). Based on the description above, this
and exploit their innovative capabilities is widely study was conducted to confirm the results of pre-
recognized as a determinant of corporate value and vious research related to the relationship between
competitive advantage (Bettis and Hitt, 1995; Helfat Supplementary information The online version of
and Peteraf, 2003; Voss, 1994). Carvalho et al. this article ( contains
(2018) obtained the observation that the concept of supplementary material, which is available to autho-
innovation and environmental preservation is very rized users.
dependent and very important for sustainability. The


investment. reseach and development (R&D) and company incurs a number of costs to carry out green
environmental investment with firm value and eco- management in an effort to preserve the environment
efficiency. This research is also expected to provide and take precautions against environmental pollution
practical benefits to the industrial world in terms so that it can achieve good environmental perfor-
of increasing company value through eco-efficiency mance. According to Tambunan (2010), environ-
which is influenced by research and development mental investment priorities are directed at decisions
(R&D) investment and environmental investment. to minimize energy use and minimize emissions.
The balance of the flow of materials and energy
2.2 Investments in environmental protec on in the post-investment production process aimed at
from general government through improving the physical and monetary situation is
environmental protec on ac vi es certainly expected by decision makers to be signif-
icant and long-term changes, which are profitable
The authority of the Regional Government in ad- monetarily and physically, and do not need to be
ministering government affairs is currently regulated repeated.
in Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Environmental investment has five perspectives
Government. Regional governments are given the (Hansen and Mowen, 2009), namely minimizing the
authority to carry out government affairs which fall use of raw materials, minimizing the use of haz-
under their authority, except for government affairs ardous materials, minimizing energy for production
which are determined by this Law to be govern- and product use, minimizing the release of residues,
ment affairs. In relation to the administration of and maximizing opportunities for recycling. By re-
government affairs concerning the relationship of ferring to the five perspectives above, companies can
authority between the Government and provincial, increase their legitimacy in the eyes of the commu-
district and city governments or between regional nity by creating environmentally friendly products
governments which are interrelated, dependent, and and production processes that are free from envi-
synergistic, the distribution is based on the criteria ronmental damage. Increasing product sales and at-
of externality, accountability and efficiency by tak- tracting investors can easily be achieved when public
ing into account the harmony of relations between trust in the company increases. This is in line with
levels of government. Environmental protection and Yuliusman (2008) which states that companies are
management as a concurrent government affair can expected to implement environmental management
also be seen in Chapter IX Article 63 of Law no. that must be understood to maintain the sustainability
32 of 2009 concerning Protection and Management of their business life. To reduce the negative impact
of the Environment (State Gazette of the Republic of the company, it is necessary to improve envi-
of Indonesia of 2009 Number 140, Supplement to ronmental performance, invest in environmentally
State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number friendly technology, and encourage a clean produc-
5059) related to the Duties and Authorities of the tion process.
Government and Regional Governments.
2.4 Environmental Protec on Investments
2.3 Environmental Protec on Investments From Companies As Producers Addi onal
From Companies As Specialists And To Environmental Protec on Ac vi es And
Secondary Producers By Environmental Ac vi es.
Protec on Ac vi es.
Announcement of company activities in environ-
Environmental investment by companies is a preven- mental investment, such as production processes
tive action or protection effort in environmental man- or product launches that are more environmentally
agement and reduces the company’s environmental friendly is usually accompanied by large initial capi-
impact, or commonly known as prior environmen- tal (Shortt, 2012). However, nowadays many com-
tal investment (Nakamura, 2011). In this case, the panies are starting to do it to build their image of

MANUSCRIPT CENTRAL JASSH 07 (01), 1−8 (2021) 3

caring for the environment and as a responsibility to used to test validity and reliability, while structural
its stakeholders. models are used to test causality (hypothesis testing
The demand for consumer goods that never runs with predictive models).
out has led to the development of companies that
produce goods needed by society. The more compa-
nies that develop, the more advanced the technology 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSION
used. This tends to cause problems related to the en-
vironment, such as environmental pollution caused 1. Result
by waste, emissions and toxins released by factories.
2. Descriptive Data
This environmental problem is a serious concern,
both by consumers, government and investors. So, Following are the test data using the Smart Pls 3.3
not only the government, companies also have the statistical tool, the results show descriptive statis-
responsibility to preserve the environment and the tics of the variables of Environmental Protection In-
social life of the community. Investments in the en- vestment from Public Administration through Envi-
vironmental sector are starting to get more attention ronmental Protection Activities (X1), Environmen-
from the public and the government appreciates them tal Protection Investments from Companies as Spe-
by giving awards for the environmental performance cialists and Secondary Producers by Environmen-
of a company. This shows that good environmental tal Protection Activities (X2), Investments Environ-
performance is a reflection of the quality and quan- mental Protection From Companies As Additional
tity of environmental investments made by compa- Producers By Environmental Protection Activities
nies (Claver et al, 2007; Clarkson et al, 2011; Epstein And Activities (X3), And Environmental Protection
and Roy, 1998). Consequently, several institutions Investments From The Total Economy (Y). Where
give special awards for companies that care for the the mean will be found, the median, minimum value,
environment. PROPER is a form of award given by maximum value, standard deviation, excess quarto-
the Ministry of Environment to companies that are sis, and slope of each variable and from a total of
serious about investing special funds on environmen- eighty (80) samples. The results show:
tal issues so that PROPER can be used to proxy
environmental investment. TABLE 1: Descrip ve Sta s cs
No Miss-Mean Me- Min MaxStan- Ex- Kur- Skew-
ing dian dard cess to- ness
3 METHOD De- sis
This study uses data analysis methods using Smart- on
PLS version 3.3 software. running on the computer X1 1.0000.0001430.315
media. Secondary data regarding the effect of en- X2 2.0000.0001736.72
vironmental protection investment from companies X3 3.0000.0002305.75
as additional producers by environmental protection Y 4.0000.0005448.531
activities and activities, investment in environmental Source: Results of processing withSmartPLS 3.3.3
protection from companies as specialists and sec-
ondary producers by environmental protection activ- X1 = Investment in Environmental Protection from
ities, investment in environmental protection from Public Government through Environmental
the public government through environmental pro-
tection activities on the formation of environmental
protection investments from Total Economy in Eu- X2 = Environmental Protection Investments From
rope 2015-2017 is sourced from European Statistics Companies As Specialists And Secondary
Recovery Dashboard data. Measurement models are Producers By Environmental Protection Activities.

JASSH 07 (01), 1−8 (2021) MANUSCRIPT CENTRAL 4

X3 = Environmental Protection Investments From Companies as Specialists and Secondary Producers
Companies As Producers Additional To by Environmental Protection Activities and Environ-
Environmental Protection Activities And Activities. mental Protection Investments from Companies as
Additional Producers by Environmental Protection
Y = Environmental Protection Investment From To-
Activities and Activities play a major role in To-
tal Economy
tal Environmental Protection Investment From Total
Based on table 1, it can be seen that the average Economy. The results of hypothesis testing are in the
value of the sector level of Environmental Protection following table:
Investment from Public Government through Envi-
ronmental Protection Activities is 1430,315 with a TABLE 2:
minimum value of 1,100 and the highest value of Orig- Sam- Stan- T P
20455.7. Environmental protection investment from inal ple dard Sta s- Val-
companies as specialists and secondary producers by Sam- Mean Devi- cs ues
environmental protection activities with an average ple (M) a on (|O/STDEV|)
transaction value of 1736.72 with a minimum value (O) (STDEV)
of 0 and the highest value of 20872.6. Environ- Environmental 0.466 0.467 0.018 26.346 0.000
mental Protection Investment from Companies as protec on
Additional Producers by Environmental Protection investment of
Activities and Activities with an average transaction general
value of 2305.75 with a minimum value of 8,100 goverment ->
and the highest value of 28710.3. Environmental Investment
Protection Investment from Total Economy (Y) with Environmental 0.345 0.348 0.017 20.492 0.000
an average production value of 5448,531 with a protec on
minimum value of 0 and the highest value is 70038.7 investment
The results of the t-statistic value in the path coeffi- secondary
cient table are presented in Figure 1 below: pruducers ->
Protec on 0.195 0.192 0.018 11.003 0.000
Investment of
Corpora on ->
Source: PLSoutput

Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it can be

seen that Environmental Protection Investment from
Public Government through Environmental Protec-
tion Activities (X1) is an independent variable that
has a positive and significant effect on the formation
of Total Gross Domestic Product. This can be seen
from the t statistical value of 26.346> from the t table
value of 2.028 and this is evidenced by the original
FIGURE 1: sample value of 0.00 and a significance of 0.00
<0.05, which means that road transportation (X1)
Based on the model in Figure 1, it can be seen that has a positive effect. and significant to the formation
Environmental Protection Investment from Public of the total investment in environmental protection
Government through Environmental Protection Ac- from the total economy. Environmental Protection
tivities, Environmental Protection Investment from Investment from Companies as Specialists and Sec-

MANUSCRIPT CENTRAL JASSH 07 (01), 1−8 (2021) 5

ondary Producers by Environmental Protection Ac-
tivities (X2) is an independent variable that has a Environ- Envi- In- Protec-
positive and significant effect on the formation of mental ron- vest- on
the Total Environmental Protection Investment from invest- mental mentInvest-
the Total Economy. This can be seen from the t ment of invest- ment
statistical value of 20,492> from the t table value of gover- ment of
2.028 and this is evidenced by the original sample ment sec- Corpo-
value of 0.00 and a significance of 0.00 <0.05, which ondary ra on
means that investment in environmental protection Environ- 17.357
from the public government through environmental
protec on
protection activities (X1) has an effect. positive. and
significant to the formation of the total investment
of general
in environmental protection from the total economy.
Environmental Protection Investment from Compa-
Environ- 12.937
nies as Additional Producers by Environmental Pro-
tection Activities and Activities (X3) is an inde- protec on
pendent variable that has a positive and significant investment
effect on the formation of Environmental Protection secondary
Investment from the Total Economy. This can be pruducers
seen from the t statistical value of 11.003> from the t Investment
table value of 2.028 and this is evidenced by the orig- Protec on 3.632
inal sample value of 0.00 and a significance of 0.00 Investment
<0.05, which means that Air Transportation (X1) of
has a positive and significant effect on the forma- Corpora on
tion of Total Environmental Protection Investment.
Economy. The inner model evaluation is presented
in Figure 2 below:
Based on the test results of the coefficient of deter-
Figure 2 mination in Table 4, the R Square value is 1,000
Based on Figure 2, it can be seen that the dominant and the Adjusted R Square value is 1,000.Thus,
F Square value comes from the Environmental Pro- the R Square value illustrates that all independent
tection Investment variable from the Public Govern- companies consisting of Environmental Protection
ment through Environmental Protection Activities Investments from Public Government through En-
(X1) vironmental Protection Activities (X1), Protection
Investment Environment of Companies as Special-
4.1 Predic ve Relevance ists and Secondary Producers by Environmental Pro-
tection Activities (X2), and Investments in Envi-
The result of Predictive Value show in Table 3 as a
ronmental Protection from Companies as Additional
Producers by Environmental Protection Activities
Table 3. The predictive relevance
and Activities (X3) in this study are able to rep-
Based on Table 3, it can be seen that there is a direct resent Environmental Protection Investments from
relationship between each independent variable and the Total Economy in Europe (Y) as the dependent
the dependent variable. variable is 100% while the rest is not influenced by
4.1.3 Determination Coefficient Test Results other variables outside this equation or the variables
The result of Adjusted R2 as a follows: studied.

JASSH 07 (01), 1−8 (2021) MANUSCRIPT CENTRAL 6

meaning that the higher the level of protection of the
Environ- Envi- In- Protec- investment environment, the higher the rate of eco-
mental ron- vest- on nomic growth. There are several factors that make
invest- mental mentInvest- people prefer protecting the investment environment,
ment of invest- ment such as:
gover- ment of
ment sec- Corpo- • Contribute to the development of the environ-
ondary ra on ment and surrounding communities.
Environ- 0.466
mental • Capturing quality and potential human re-
protec on sources.
• Maintain good relationships with the commu-
of general
nity outside the company.
Environ- 0.345 • Maintain good relationships with stakeholders
mental outside the company.
protec on
investment Based on the results of hypothesis testing using the
secondary T test, it can be seen that not all variables have an
pruducers effect on economic growth. This can be proven from
Investment the t statistical value of 26.346> from the t table
Protec on 0.195 value of 2.028 and this is evidenced by the original
Investment sample value of 0.00 and a significance of 0.00
of <0.05, which means that road transportation (X1)
Corpora on has a positive effect. and significant to the formation
Source : PLSOutput of the total investment in environmental protection
from the total economy. Environmental Protection
TABLE 3: Thedetermina on coefficient Investment from Companies as Specialists and Sec-
R Square R Square Adjusted ondary Producers by Environmental Protection Ac-
Investment 1.000 1.000 tivities (X2) is an independent variable that has a
Source: PLS Output positive and significant effect on the formation of
the Total Environmental Protection Investment from
the Total Economy. This can be seen from the t
4.2 Discussion statistical value of 20,492> from the t table value of
2.028 and this is evidenced by the original sample
Investment plays an important role in improving
value of 0.00 and a significance of 0.00 <0.05, which
economic processes, especially investment in the en-
means that investment in environmental protection
vironmental protection sector. Investments have var-
from the public government through environmental
ious impacts on economic development goals, such
protection activities (X1) has an effect. positive. and
as employment, productivity, property value, com-
significant to the formation of the total investment
mercial activity, and tax revenue. From the relevance in environmental protection from the total economy.
prediction, it can be seen that the level of protection Environmental Protection Investment from Compa-
of the investment environment is the variable that has nies as Additional Producers by Environmental Pro-
the greatest influence on economic growth. This can tection Activities and Activities (X3) is an indepen-
be shown by looking at the predicted value dent variable that has a positive and significant effect
The level of protection of the investment environ- on the formation of Environmental Protection Invest-
ment has a positive effect on economic growth, ment from the Total Economy. This can be seen from

MANUSCRIPT CENTRAL JASSH 07 (01), 1−8 (2021) 7

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