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Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

Bayambang, Pangasinan

SUBJECT: Content Pedagogy in the Mother Tongue Multilingual-base Education


  Language serves as the medium for us to express our own self as well as our
thoughts and emotions. Language is indeed an important aspect in learning as it is a
way of understanding something as well as partaking something. This chapter made
me realize that in order to achieve something and learn easier and better, we must
look back and start from the very beginning. The Mother tongue language serves as
my first learned language. It is true that in order for a learner to acquire other
languages easier and better, he or she must learn first from his or her native

Theory give us a lot of benefits it provides us concepts to name what we

observe and to explain relationships between concepts. Theory allows us to explain
what we see and to figure out how to bring about change. Theory is a tool that
enables us to identify a problem and to plan a means for altering the situation. The
theories regarding the are MTB-MLE is very important not just for teachers’ purpose
but also to the children that wants to learn and preserved their native language.
Another thing that is when it helps teacher how to implement or teach this MTB-MLE
(Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education) to the students for them to know the
step that they should follow to make it more effectively to adapt by the students and
to understand it in easer way. It gives give ideas on what are the principles, methods
and assessment that teacher going to be needed to develop the knowledge of the
young children to learn how to speak their mother tongue language.

Including all these theories in educating child have a large impact for every
children to helps learn this MTB-MLE. Language Acquisition theory informed the
present study in that if children are not fluent in their mother tongue in oracy and
literacy their vocabulary becomes limited, and this restricts their ability to learn a
second language and so become illiterate in both mother tongue and the second

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