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Mra Perea COU) CNet a aan] Pe a QUESTION Why do people follow fashion trends? a @ Discuss these questions with your classmates. Think about clothing you bought recently. Why did you buy it? What fashions trends are popular now? Look at the photo. Where are the people in the photo? What are they are doing? @ Discuss the Unit Question above with your classmates. Listen to The Q Classroom, Track 2 on CD 1, tohear other answers. LIN FHL M3lAIud @ Circle the statement (a or b) that you agree with the most. Then compare your answers with a partner. 1. a, wear clothes because I like them, not because they're popular. b. like to wear the newest fashions. 2. a. Inever read fashion magazines. b. Ilike to read about popular fashion designers. 3. a, Ihave many pairs of sunglasses. b. One pair of sunglasses is enough for me. 4, a. My favorite pair of shoes is new. b. My favorite pair of shoes is old. 5. a. Working in fashion is an interesting career. b. Working in fashion is not an interesting career. @ Do you notice what people wear? Do this activity to find out. 1. Think about a classmate, What is your classmate wearing and carrying? Complete the chart, Include as much information as you can. eee Dea Top: shirt? blouse? sweater? Footwear: shoes? boots? sandals? ‘Accessories: jewelry? ‘glasses/sunglasses? backpack? bag? cell phone? Other: 2. Work with a partner. Describe the classmate to your partner. Use the information in the chart. Have your partner guess who you described. 3. Listen to your partner describe someone. Who is your partner describing? 4 UNIT1 | Why do people follow fashion trends? STS LISTENING 1 | Extreme Fashion VOCABULARY The words it bold are in Listening 1. Read the sentences. Then match each word with its definition below. ain Red shoes area new fashion trend. Many people wear them now. Five years ago, no one knew who he was. Now he’s a celebrity. His name is in the newspaper every day. ‘That's the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard. It will never work. Bill told a joke at dinner last night. We all laughed very hard. Driving a car without wearing a seatbelt is risky. You can get hurt in an accident. ‘The person who wrote the article was very exitical of the movie. He didn’t like it at all. He's a very experienced journalist. He works for a very important newspaper company. Iadmire Elaine very much. She's a great artist and a very nice person. a. (v) to respect someone very much b. (n)a famous person . (v) saying what is wrong with something . (na popular idea or change €. (na thing that someone says that is funny, not serious f. (na person who collects, writes, and publishes news 9. (adj) very silly or unreasonable h. (adj) dangerous | Listening and Speaking 5 o1 Track3 1 Track Dice sce Many students are nervous about listening. Relax! If you are nervous or stressed, it's more dificult to listen and understand what you hear. PREVIEW LISTENING 1 | Extreme Fashion You are going to listen to a conversation between two journalists, Vicky and John. Vicky has to write a story about a fashion show. What do you think she has to write about? LISTEN FOR MAIN IDEAS fen to the conversation. Check (/) the two statements that express main leas of the conversation. Vicky went to a fall fashion show. People sometimes follow fashion trends because they're afraid to say they don’t like them. 3. Journalists and other people should be critical of fashions. 4, Vicky has to write an article for tomorrow's newspaper. LISTEN FOR DETAILS Read the questions. Then listen again. Answer the questions. 1. What did the dress at the fashion show look like? 2. Did people laugh when they saw the dress? 3. What does Vicky think about the dress? 4, What can a celebrity do by wearing a certain fashion? 5, A journalist wrote a critical article about a designer. What did the designer do? 6 —_UNIT1 | Why do people follow fashion trends? wear Do You THink? Discuss the questions in a group. Qositicartminking 1. Question 1 asks you to give examples, Giving examples is 2. ‘a way to show you Understand an idea. 3, Do you agree that celebrities start fashion trends? Why or why not? Give examples. What are other ways to start fashion trends? . There's an old saying: “Clothes make the man” (or woman). What do you think this saying means? Do you agree? Why or why not? Tee Oinas Osiris ‘The main idea is the most important thing the speaker wants you to understand. Focus on understanding the main idea first. Listen for repeated ideas. Pay attention when a speaker emphasizes a sentence. Dor't stop to think about words you don't understand, Keep listening. A. Listen to a short presentation on personal style. Check (/) the sentence that best states the speaker's m: ea. If you wear clothing from other times or places, you are out of style. People sometimes choose clothes that show who they want to be. 3. Fashions of the 1930s and 1940s were more beautiful than today’s fashions. B. Listen again. Then work with a partner. Discuss the questions. 1. Which of these words from the listening did you NOT understand? Circle them. cattle commentator elegant caveman costume sophisticated fantasy vintage 2. Did you understand the main idea without knowing these words? How? 3. What examples did the speaker use? How did the examples help you understand the main idea? | Listening and Speaking 7 LISTENING 2 Fashionomics VOCABULARY Here are some words from Listening 2. Read the definitions. Then complete each sentence with the correct word. (n) a good or useful effect of something ‘combination (n.) two or more things mixed or joined together ‘economics (n) the study of money and business individual (n.) one person key (adj) very important ‘opportunity (n) a chance to do something relationship (n.)a connection between two or more people stuff(n.) a group of different things, often with little value 1. At that college, everyone has to take a course in__economics Students learn how money, trade, and industry are organized. 2. Please take all your off the table, I need to set the table for dinner. Those things don't belong there 3. Each has a different opinion about fashion. 4, Sandra and I have a good We understand each other very well. 5. One ‘ofa job with an airline company is that you can travel for free. 6. Matthew is a(n) player on the team, We always lose ‘when he doesn't play. 7. Emily had the to go to a famous business school, but she said no. 8. This is a newBlavor. It's likea_____of orange and banana. I like the way they taste together! 8 —_UNIT1 | Why do people follow fashion trends? wr ‘rack? Qerss. Keep your notes very short. Write only single words or short phrases to help you remember an idea, Then complete your notes with more information PREVIEW LISTENING 2 | Fashionomics You are going to listen to part of a college business class. The professor is discussing something called “Fashionomics.” What do you think “Fashionomics” is? Circle the best ch e. a. the economics of fashion b. clothes made from money ¢. ahome economics class about clothes LISTEN FOR MAIN IDEAS Listen to the business class discussion. Circle the correct answer to each question. 1. What is fashionomics? a. a study of how fashions change y of fashion and the economy y of the history of fashion design 2. How is fashion good for the economy? a. It creates jobs for people who make and sell clothes. b. Itmakes people spend too much money on clothes. c. It encourages people to wear their clothes for a long time. 3. Which of these is NOT a benefit of the fashion business? a. It gives individuals an opportunity to create their own “look.” b, It encourages designers to be more creative. c. It encourages everyone to dress in the same way. | Listening and Speaking 9 LISTEN FOR DETAILS or Tracke Read the sentences. Then listen again. Circle the answer that best completes each statement. 1. ‘The professor says that fashion. a. is very attractive b. isalways changing c. isvery expensive 2. A student says that he wants to buy a new jacket because a. his old jacket is in poor condition b. he thinks his old jacket is ugly c. his old jacket is “out of fashion” 3. One of the students feels that putting on old jeans and a T-shirt __. a. shows that a person is not very creative b. shows that a person is not interested in fashion ¢. creates a “look” for the person 4, At the end of the class the professor does not _. a. give the students a test on the lecture b. review the important points of the discussion ¢. give the students homework for the next day a Wuat Do You THINK? A. Discuss the questions in a group. ‘What jobs and businesses depend on clothing or fashion? 2. Is choosing the clothes you wear a creative activity? Why or why not? B. Think about both Listening 1 and Listening 2 as you discuss the questions. 1. Why do people follow fashion trends? What different reasons did Listening 1 and Listening 2 suggest? 2. How does a person's clothing affect your opinion of him or her? 3. Imagine a world without fashion. What do people wear? How does it affect the economy? 10 —_UNIT1 | Why do people follow fashion trends?

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