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Ciel Resiws in Teiology 24S1S1-S10 (194) Styrene Production, Use, and Human Exposure RR. Mille Ronald Newhook, and Alan Poole * The Dow Chemie! Company, Texesogy Research Laborstany, 1808 Bung, Midland, Ml 48640; * Heath Canaaa:Envronmentl Healy Cent, Tunney’ Paste, Onawa, Onare K1A OL2; Dow Europe, Heath and Erultonmental Sconces, Bacobelsraeo 9 CH 8910 Horgen, Swizeand 1+ Toston steps bind ABSTRACT: Sprene ian exemelysnprart eed emi wed extensively he manufac of merous omer an copolymers isang polyresin mene seh (ABS). sees Tone (SAN, ste tutaen aes, andstyene aene aber Seen x acmponet of pee sae sn anteobis exit a ity oa ala nw evel i acs yes fond The Rp pal ‘aman expose to sre extn orp eng pricy ivlng he ron 0 age ‘seo oles rola suchas on, wh recate mar ia op and e-p certo Sahn. fal owe sepa exper ec in syeneonome nd plier podacion fase. The peal ‘lc expod io ey low concen fren in ame i, nay, fo, ad isting wae, [KEY WORDS: yee, roftio, se, expire L INTRODUCTION Styrene (cinnamene, cinnamol, ethenyl- benzene, phenyletiylene, styol, styrolene, and vinylbenzene) isa clear, colorless liquid that has characteristic pungent odor. The physcochemi- al properties of sqyrene ar indicated in Table Styrene was first discovered in 1831 a5 a distil tion product of storax balsam, an exit pro- duced in sapwood and bark ofthe ees Liguidam: Dar orenalis and L syria. Styrene was not important commercially until World War I, when the U.S. inated 4 major program to develop synthetic rubber. Since that time, it has become anextemely important commodity chemical used in the manufacture of mumerous products in adi- tion to synthetic rubber 4. PRODUCTION ‘The raw materials used in making styrene are obtained from erude cil or igified petro: Jeum gas (LPG). A range of processes are in- volved in transforming. crude oil or gas into inosaasaasy —— (©1088 by CRE Pres, ne styrene. The inital step involves a distillation process in which cade oli refined to produce haphia heating oil and gasoline. The naphtha fraction from the refinery is subsequently pro- ‘cessed by seam cracking int ethylene, propy- lene, and 2 mixture of monocyelic compounds ‘including benzene. The benzene, after passing ‘through a drying column, is mixed with eyl- lene in a chemical reactor in he presence of @ suitable catalyst. The alkylatcn reaction is exo- thermic, and the resulting crude ethylbenzene is purified by distillation to cover unreacted benzene for reeyeling. More than 90% of the styrene produced in the world is made by the iron oxide-catalyzed dehydrogenation of cthylbenzene. Another alternate process in- ‘volves the use of propylene oxide a a coprod- ‘uct. In this process, ethylbenzene is first ox ized to ethylbenzene peroxite, which is then reacted with propylene to yield propylene oxide and a-methylpheny! carbinol. The ‘@-methylpheny|carbinol i then dehydrated 10 styrene Styrene is chemically quite reactive, and it can polymerize rapidly, withthe possibilty of st TABLE 1 Physleachemical Properties af Styrene coas runbor 00428 Neca formula Gay Nstclor weight 1081S ‘Speci ray (25°C) 0.808 Btng gaint Sasoe Froaug pin. “sesso Flanmabity ite 21-8. Fash point see Vapor pressure (20°C) 45 mmHg Vapor denety (A= 1) 960 Fetraciv Indes (0) 1.5469 Comerson fare 1 ppm 426 main. Fg = 0238 pm sovsbity 20 mga water, sotto in ehara, diate violent explosions if unconroed. Therefore itis pecessary to add polymerization inhibitors for transport and storage of the liquid monomer. “The annual worldwide production capacity of styrene was estimated 1 be ver 16 milion tons in 1992, with the largest production capacities ‘being located in the U.S. and Western Europe (Table 2), uw. USES “The primary use of styrene isin the produc sion of polymers and copolymers, including ply- TABLE 2 [Annual Styrene Production Capacity (Thousands of Tons) oe us. 4008 410 4770 5275 Canaia es emo 725725 Woon «40053622 4185 4.025, x08 span zor 2238 2558 2508 Un aneica “sep a5 57528 Easton sat 1st 14st 1481 Europ 380 160360 360 oro 147518601875 Ses Tes ‘ai at 14s86 95506 18542 17,790 Total eapacty + preted 82 styrene, acryloniile-butadienestyene (ABS), Sirene-acrylonitrile (SAN), styene-butadiene Tatex (SB latex), styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), fand a variety of resins (Table 3). The largest Snale use is in the manufacture of polystyrene, ‘which is wed extensively in packaging eppica- tions. Expanded polystyrene Is used extensively for thermal insulation in building construction and in refrigeration equipment. Polystyrene and high-impact polystyrene alo are used inthe mami- facture of various housewares such as contsiness, toys sporting equipment, electrical devices, et: Styrene copolymers suchas ABS are being used increasingly in the construction of motor vehicles. 'SB latexes ae used in coatings of paper and farions as well a8 in carpet backing. Styrene monomer (approximately 5% ofthe overall pro- (ction volume) also i used in unsaturted poly ‘xe esins at concentations upto approximately ‘40% in the resin blend; these resin ae used in the manufacture of numerous glass-reinforced phstes products (eg, boas, bathubs, shower Stal tanks, and drums, et) IW, EXPOSURE ‘A. Occupational “The mos substantial human exposure f0 sy ene occurs in occupational stings. The mand TABLES Worldwide Uses of Styrene Monomer (Thousands of Tons) Location 1960 toot 1902 1880" oH rest 78177702069 poysyrene Eipmeoe 42a 05 4571519 sotsyene a8 aor se 1509 1559 oN gos 25227 Solstex «06410121027 SBR a OPE redns 278-268-273 (209, wes B Bs Serine tH Mcelaneous 408 40041018 + Predets, facture of styrene and polymers or copolymers of styrene generally occurs in closed processes in ‘hich the potential for exposure tothe monomer is quite limited. In these processes, the styrene ‘time-weighted average (TWA) exposure concen trations are generally maintained below 5 ppm (@1 mg/m’. During the processing of thermoplas- tics, exposure may occur from thermal degrada- ‘om ofthe heated pas, resulting in the emission ‘of small amouns of fumes containing hydrocar- bons such as styrene. The concentration of sty rene in the Tames depends on several factors, including the type of polymer, type of processing ‘equipment, proces temperatures and residence time, and ventilation equipment. However, under ‘normal processing conditions for polystyrene at temperatures of 200 to 250°C the styrene TWA, workplace concentrations can generally be ex: pected tobe below 0.1 pp (0426 mes’) ‘The highest occupational exposures to sty- rene occur during the production of lassen forced polyester product, especialy large items such as boats that involve manual ay-yp oF spray up operations. The typical procedure in manvfac- turing fiberglass boats i fo first coat @ wooden form with a wax and then apply fiberglass arma: ‘ment and styrene-modified polyester plastic ei ther by hand rolling o by a combination of hand rolling nd spraying procedures. The evaporation of styrene is considerable inthis type of process, panicolarly ifthe manufactured objects are large. Historically, styrene concentrations in the range of several hundred ppm have been measured in personal samples of laminators involved in hand lay-up and spray-up operations during the mo- ‘ments of worst exposure. More recently, the sty- ‘ene exposures in this industry have been reduced substantially due to improved work practices. In Denmark, for example, an evaluation of styrene {exposures inthe reinforced pasts industry indi- cated that the mean styrene concentration was 168 ppm during the time period of 1955 10 1970, 65 ppm during the time period of 1971 to 1980, ‘and about 40 ppm during 1981 to 1988 Despite the rection in mean exposure concentrations in recent years there are stl periods of time during the manufacture of large items when the peak styrene exposure concentrations may be higher ‘than 100 ppm inthis indus. In the US. the Occupational Safery and Health Administration (OSHA) granted an exemption in 1989 10 the ‘manofactarers of large parts. This exemption al= lowed the use of respirators to meet the permis sible exposure level (PEL) of $0 ppm, with a short-term exposure limit of 100 ppm. The ex: temption applied to all manual lay-up and spay ‘up operations for pants larger than 150 f° larger ‘man 230, or longer than 30. B. Ambient Alr Styrene is widespread in the ambient aie in ‘most industrialized countries at average concen- trations ofa few micrograms pet cubic meter of less, wih levels being somewhat elevated inthe ‘icnty of sources ofthe compound. Inthe Total Exposure Assessment Methodol- ‘ogy (TEAM) study conducted forthe U.S. Envi- ronmental Protection Agency, exposure of the ‘general population (600 residents of New Jersey, ‘North Dakota and California, selected bya prob- bility sampling scheme wo represent greater than 700,000 inhabitam of seven cites) to varity of, volatile sirborne contaminants was investigated Concentrations of styrene in stationary and per- sonal daytime and overnight ar samples from the cities monitored in tis stay are presented in ‘Table 4 In these studies, mean ambient ar con- centrations of styrene were similar among the cites studied, ranging from 0.4 to 3.8 pgm? at various locations and times. This suggests the Jmportance of nonpoint sources (such as automo: bile exhaust in exposure for the general popula- tion, a the communities differed with respect to ‘he presence of such point sources of organic chemicals as chemical manufacturing and peto- Team refining. Environment Canada aso has conducted ex tensive monitoring of a number of volatile or ganic compounds (VOCs) in ambient sit. Be- {een 1988 and 1990, levels of styrene were ‘monitored in 586 samples of ambient air col lected at 18 sites, most of them urban, across Canada Mean concentrations in 24-h samples from individual sites ranged from 0.09 10 235 ugh? (detection limit 0.1 gf’), with an ‘overall mean from all sites of 0.59 gin? 151 ou wary 499pINO ue soopUy uw (eur Ui) ‘suojenusouog eusikis uetpom J0 uedW Jo APTIS (WAL) ASoIOPOWION wWoUlSsoeBY euNsocy [IOL vaavs 3 Peper cee namo limited survey conducted for Heath and Welfare Canada, ambient i concenations ofstyrenemeasred at 12 Torono sient rea Somes during 1986-1987 avrg appronimaely 1 gin, and were as high 38 ugha? Siyrene vas detected in 16 of 17 ait samples cold from a rooftop in downtown Loy Angeles, at ev els between 0.5 and 3 ppb (21 to 126 jah”)? fd was presen in ambien ir samples collected in Def the Netherlands, during 1975 a an aver- age concentration of 0.1 ppb (04 gh), and 2 maximum of 7 ppb (29 ig?) The mean oncentatio of styfene ia fursamples of anbi- cent ar collected at Nagoya, Japan, ding No- ‘ember of 1975 was 02 ppb (08 igi), and Tevels ranged as high 8 04 ppb (LT ai).* Aitbome concentrations of styrene generally atereatedtothe degree of ndustalizatin andlor proximity to indus soures of styrene. Shah nd Heyerdah compiled a dais of oncen- trations in ambient and indoor ai for 300 che cal collected ata wide range osites fr he US. Environmental Protection Agetcy (USS. EPA) between 1970 and 1987, Medanlevels of sy7en2 at industrial souce-dominated ites (0.317 ppb (137 pln") were greater thn thse at urban {01200 pp (0866 yn, ubusban (0.056 ppb {0286 jpn), ral (0.080 ppt (0.346 ugh), or emote sits (nt detected) (Satin limit ot Specified. “The results of sie by Hampton eta indicate the posible consibuton of automobiles to ambient levels of styrene in the vicinity of ‘ehicecomidr.Airin the Allegheny Mountain “Tunnel of the Peosylvaia tunpike contained concentrations of syrene rangh. fom Ll 10 {6p nthe tunes ike fn oom, st ‘ene conecnzaons were below the quotable Tevelof0.1 pgfan aS stad of hyocaston components of vehicle emisions, the exhaust of conventional reciprocating engines conned 10.76% styrene by volume, wheres in rotary ene snes levels were higher (2.6750 ©. Indoor Air Concentrations of styrene in indoor air have ‘en determined in a large number of investga- ‘ions. In sampling of indoor air and personal sin the TEAM studies inthe US. (see Table 4), aie tome levels of styrene determined by means of personal airsampling exceeded the outdoor levels In every case except during an inversion inthe winter of 1984 in Los Angeles, CA, indicating the important contribution of indoor sources of sty rene to exposure fr the general population. Tt “stepwise regression, analyses, personal exposures inthe New Jersey TEAM study were most strong associated with smoking, working at plastics o- chemical plant, exposure to pains, and building scale models? Similarly, the average concentra tion in residential indoor ae compiled in a US. National VOCs database prepared in the early 1980s and expanded in 1986 was 1.413 ppb (6.12 ugh styrene for 2125 datapoints, with « median of 0.305 ppb (1.32 gin’). Indoor ai levels were greater than those in ambient ir (me- ian of 0.117 pl (0.507 gin"). ‘The most extensive data oa styrene concen trations in indoor air in Canada are from 2 1991 national pilot sudy of 757 single-family dwell: ings and apartments selected, statistically, to be representative ofthe general population The 2ésh concentration of styrene across all homes averaged 0.28 gh? and ranged from nondetected (detection limit, 0.48 gin?) to 128.93 pe’. Information was collected on hone age and type, ‘entilationbeating systems, occupancy, and ac: tivities suchas renovations, painting, and acqu- sition of new items such as carpets or furniture, ‘but was not presented inthis inal report of the study results. Similar results ave been obtained in other, smaller studies conducted in Canada, For example, ina suvey by Chan etal during the fall of 1986, styrene was detected in the alt of seven of 12 homes in the Toronto area at concentrations 35 high as 7 pgm? (mean level, 4.1 g/m). In repeat sampling of six ofthe homes during the wine, styrene concentrations ranged from 110 4 pein? {mean level, 24 pgm’). A maximum concentra tion of styrene of 2.4 pin? was measured in indoor air rom eight homes in Montreal, Quebec, and Ona, Ontario, sampled during 1983-1984 (quantitation Timi, 50 ng/m? (0.05 ugh). * ‘The results ofthe US. TEAM study" indie cate that cigarette smoking is an important eon suibutor to levels of styrene in indoor air. Concen- ‘uations of styrenein indoor and personal ar were ‘higher in homes vith smokers and for smokers, "respectively, Te excess overight concentrations ‘of styrene in iaoe air in homes with smokers (Giferences between weighted geomeiric means in ‘homes with or witout smokers, averaged, by the authors, overall sirveys) was reported to be 0.33 ‘elm. Between 18 and 48 ug of styreneeigarete Wwere detected in whole smoke from Russian, ‘Argentinean Bish, and American cigaets. "2 In a study oF exposure to volatile organic compounds from setvities that involved the use of solvents as consumer products, seven employ- xs of Research Triangle Insite, NC, volun- teered to perform 25 common activities during & ‘5d monitoring period Elevated exposure to ene as not asicelated with most ofthe activi- ties, but as much as 26 Jighn? of styrene was found in one persnal exposure sample aken when the subject was deaning carbureors (detection limit, 4 gin’). Styrene also was detected inthe personal air monioring of two cigarette smokers in I6 of 18 monitoring period, compared with ‘only two of 18 periods for nonsmokers (detection limit, 2 yal), and the breath of smokers had fivero ten times te level of styrene 38 nonsmok- cr, and levels of syrenein indoor arin cigarete “smokers” homes vere slghly elevated. In other sti, stvrene was emited fom samples of glued carpets adhesives used in the construction of ‘building interiors” and flooring materials based ‘0 polyester resirs* D. Drinking Weter In surveys ef drinking water supplies in ‘Canada andthe US, styrene hasbeen detected in small percentage of samples at concentrations senerally Iss than 1 py In the Ont» Drinking Water Surveillance program, beeen 1988 and 1990, syrene was ound in 90 of 33900 samples frm 86 municipal drinking water soures; mean concentrations in tweted drinking water from the individual sources in 1990 ranged from not detected to 0.250 ig, ‘using a detection imit of 0.050 nl Similarly, ina survey of levels of VOCS from ten potable ‘water treatment plants along the Great Lakes sys- tem in Ontario sampled during 1982 and 1983, ‘mean concentrations of styrene in treated water ‘ranged from 0.11 0.5 yg (@etction Limit, 0.1 10 (0.4 gh Styrene was detectec in only 5 to 13% ‘ofthe samples collected in vaious seasons OF 181 drinking water samples fom 220 locations in Alber, aken between Jamary 1, 1987, and. December 1, 1991, styrene was ony detected at a trace level in one sample (detection limit, 1.0 ug/)> Finally ina Canadian federal-provin cial survey of over S00 wel-vater, reservoir, and inking water samples taken fom 150 municipal Arinking water sources in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI, and Newfoundland between 1985 and 1988, styrene was only fond at trace levels (@.1 10.02 up in samples from one well and i. tweated water from two sources (detection limit, 05 ugh ‘The results ffom surveys of drinking water supplics in the U.S. are simi to the Canadian. studies discussed above. In three U.S. federal surveys, the National Organies Reconnaissance: Survey (NORS), the Ground Water Supply Sur= vey (GWSS), and the Nation Screening Pro- ram for Organics in Drinking Water (NSP), sty~ ene was not detected in ay of he >1000 samples of drinking water collected between 1975 and 1981 (minimum quantifiable amount of styrene ranged from 03 10 05 pp. Als, styrene was. ‘ot detected in drinking water samples from 272. sites in Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska collected ‘during June to August 1982."Tn a study of US. ‘einking Water samples from groundwater, sty- rene was not found in 945 simples (detection limit, 0:5 ppb = micrograms pr liter. Ina Wis consin groundwater survey of 1174 community ‘wells and 617 private wells conducted inthe early 1980s, styrene was detected in only one private ‘well at an unspeifed concemration (detection Timit, 1.0 gt = pans per billion) >* E. Food and Food Packaging Low levels of styrene (generally less than 10 ppb [micrograms per kilogram) ae present in ‘Wide variety of foods. In many instances, his reflects the migration of styrene fom food pack: aging made of syrene polymers or copolymers. (The migration of the monomer from styrene polymers and copolymers aso has been exam- ned experimenully in a number of studies, ‘Vamer and Breder,® Murphy ct al, and refer ences therein; these ae not discussed further in this report) There is also evidence that styrene ‘ocurs naturally in some foods ‘Withey" mewared the styrene monomer n= tent in yogurt and its storage containers collected in Canada. Levels in containers ranged from 519 ppm (miligams per kilogram) to a maxi- mum of 734 mglkg, with a mean value of 631.7 mlkg. The styfene content in the yogurt stored in these centainers was much lower, rang ing from 5.5 ppb (micrograms per liter) to maximum of 34.6 yig/l with increasing ‘uration of conta: with @ mean of 12.12 git {detection imit~1jg/. The mean styrene mono ‘mer content in ten types of drinking vessels and calery utensils nade of food-grade polysyrene ranged from 872 mg/kg for polystyrene far con tainer fo “takeout food to 3866.6 mag ogi, clear polystyrene cups (eteson limit ~ 1 mek). Subsequent studies by Withey and Collins ‘included a wider range of polystyrene food con- tainers and foods packaged therein, The styrene ‘monomer conten in foods was three to four or- ets of magnitude lower than that oftheir packag- ing. The mean content of styrene monomer in foods ranged from low values in plain yogurt (ace t0 13.0 pp [micrograms per kilogram) 10 the highest styrene concentrations (143.3 to 245.9 ugske) in sour cream (detection limit, 134 upikg). Intermediate levels of styrene were ‘measured in cote cheese, buterft ream, rasp- berry yogurt, honogenized milk, yop (gcified silk), and honey, The concentration of styrene ‘monomer in the polystyrene food containers ranged from 809 f© 3019 ppm (miligrams per elogram) by weight. ‘The results of two surveys from the UK. of styrene concentrations in plastic packaging and in associated foods ae similar to those ofthe Cana- dian surveys. In ene survey, mean levels of sty rene monomer in 133 samples of plastic food packaging purchaed at retail outlets ranged from 15 to 1300 make, with the majority of concentea- tons falling Between 100 and 500 mg/kg.” Con- ‘centrations of styrens monomer in the food con- tentsof the plastic eamainers were relatively high in chopped peel (18 gg), gravy (64 uke). ‘orange drink (47 pkg), cream dessert products (G0 hgh, lime drink 25 ppg), white coffee 21 igh), cold leman drink (17 ug/g), and hot ‘chocolate (13 jighkl. Elevated levels also were present in the contact layer of chicken breats, lesftuiges, sl ssuneges, The majority of foods (77%) contained less than 10 pg/kg, and concen- ‘uations in 26% ofthe total numberof foods were less han 1 gig, Levels of styrene in reuil foods and their ‘containers also were monitored in another survey performed inthe U.K. in 1981. Mean concentra: tions were relatively high in yogurt (26 ugk), ‘dessert products (22 g/kg), soft cheese (16 g/K8), ‘ream (11 jpg), and margarine table spreads (10 pighg). Levels were lower in coleslaw, fea seat, fish strewberis, lace fut, and “takeout” oods, while styrene was not detected in eges oF wines, Levels in food containers ranged from 197 (718 mykg. An overall reduction inthe levels of styrene monomer found in styrene polymers and copolymer resin pellets (used to make prod- ‘cis such as food containers and household appli ances) between 1969 and 1980 was noted. In 1980, the mean levels of styrene monomer were 1000 mg/kg for polystyrene, expanded polyty- *eoe, high-impact polystyrene, ABS, and SAN. TNO" conducted a literature review of sur- veys ofthe styrene content in food (no specific source of contamination identified) published between 1965 and 1091. Styrene often was not quantified in hese sues but was detected in 62 {ood products, comprising various fruits (19prod- ‘ets, vegetables (11), dairy products (6), fish 2), meat 2), aleahoic beverages (10), coffee, ta, cocoa G in all) nuts 4), and five miscellaneous products. Ihe highest concentration were reported in beer (10 10 200 pkg), coffee (2010 360 ns/ ‘g) biberies (25 pp, and black currants (60 arg; most other foods were simply identified 35 containing rae levels of styrene, The author also summarized the results ofa variety of studies suggested that styrene was a metabolite produced ‘by a number of pathways in bacteria and molds, paniculaly in cern wines, cheeses, and grain rodvcts, and discussed the possible formation of styrene from carotenoids, hydrocarbons, ae- hnydes, methylarachidonate, and 2-phenylethanol Based on this information, the author hypot- sized that styrene occurs naturally in food. The ‘concentration of styrene subsequently was deter- ‘ined in sx food products chosen on the basis of the literature review? Prior to analysis, peeau tions were taken to exclade contact with materials. ‘containing fre or polymerized styrene, The con- ‘entation of styrene in black curants was be- tween 2 and 6 pg/kg, and in wheat samples siy- rene was present at concentrations between 0.5 fand2jughk, The styrene concentrations in samples ‘of apples cauliflower, onions, and tomatoes were below 1 jsf. a survey of similar design conducted by ‘Midwest Research Institute laboratories for the Styrene Information and Research Center andthe Polystyrene Packaging Council.” the contents of ‘tyene and benzene were measured in 12 raw- four! commodities collected from producers ina ‘manner to avoid contact with plastic or styrene Concentrations of styrene in the commodities ranged from not detected (detection limit gener- ally below 2nge, [or micrograms per Kilogram) for tomatoes, pecans raw milk, and chicken to 1571039,200 ugh fr various samples of cinns- ‘mon (Styrene i structurally similar to a number fof natural flavourant molecule, inluding cin ‘namic aldehyde/acid and cinnamylacette/aleo- ‘olPoenzoateeinzamae, ad the authors suggested that it might be formed during biosynthesis or biodegradation ofthese substances) Intermediate levels were observed in wheat (mean of three samples, 1.2 g/kg), peanuts (mean of three Samples, 1.8 gg), coffe beans (mean of five samples, 3.6 jpg), strawberries (mean of three Samples, 17 ugk), bee (mean of thee samples, 6.1 pg/kg), cas (00 of four samples only, 08 snd 0.9 pig), and peaches (one of three samples only, 0.3 up). "The results of surveys from around the world in which a more limited number of foods were cxamined have confirmed that styrene is often, presen, at low levels, in a range of foods. In Surveys conducted inthe US. styrene wasatrace constnuent (ess than 0.005% of the combined {GC peak areas ofthe volatile organic compounds fom inact tree-rpened nectarines; and was detected in dry beans (4 ppb (micrograms per kilo- ‘gam) and in split pas ad lentils (both 5 wake) bought in New Orleans, LA Ina Japanese sty, styrene was presen in node soup and sour milk ‘beverages packed in polystyrene cups at concen trations of up to 0038 ppm (miligrams per kilo- gram; detection imi, 0.0025 meg). Foods pur- ‘hase in Chile that vere packaged in polystyrene ‘containers had styrene concentrations of 0.06 ppm {ligrms per kilogram) im stawoeny youu, (0.07 mgfagin vanilla pudding, 184 mghkgin straw berry mousse, and 0.27 mg in raspbery jelly (detection limit, 01 mek)” V. SUMMARY ‘Styrene isa very imporant chemical used in the production of @ wide varity of polymers, ‘copolymers, and glass reinforced plastics. Expo- sures to styrene ae primarily related 10 anthropo- ‘genic sources. The highest potential exposures ‘ccurin occupations stings, particularly during the manufacture of large elas enforced plastics products such as boas. The general public is ‘exposed to very low concentrations of styrene, in the range of | ppb in ambient at. Sources of ‘styrene in ambient airinclude automobile exhaust tnd cigarette smoke as well as indusial emis- sions. Low concentrations of styrene also oecurin indoor air as a result of cigarete smoking and ‘emissions fom various housebld products. There is aleo potential for exposure 1 low concentra tions of styrene in foods. 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