Nep 1 Speaking Topics For Revision

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Part 1: Individual interview: SHOPPING

- Do you enjoy shopping? Why/ why not?
Yes, I do. Because it makes me relaxed after a hard-working day.
No, I don’t. Because I wastes of time and money.
- How often do you go shopping?
I go shopping every weekend.
- Where do you often go shopping?
I go shopping at Lotte Mart Supermarket.
- Who do you usually go shopping with?
I usually go shopping with my mother/ best friend.
- Do you prefer buying things online? Why?
Yes, because it’s convenient and fast and cheap.
- Which things should not be bought online?
I think medicine and comestic should not be bought online.

Part 1: Individual interview

- What is your favorite food? My favorite food is pizza, chicken…
- What is your favorite drink? My favorite drink is beer, soft drink.
- How often do you eat fast food? I sometimes/ never eat fast food.
- Is fast food good for health? What should you eat more instead?
No, it isn’t. Instead, you should eat vegetables and fruit.
- Do you prefer eating at home or at restaurant? Why?
I prefer eating at home. Because it’s cheap and comfortable.
- What kind of food is famous in your hometown?
Pho, Durian, Lothamilk, …. is famous in my hometown.

Part 1: Individual interview: Habits

- How often do you read books or magazines?
I sometimes/ usually/ never read books/ magazines.
- What kind of magazines do you usually read?
I read FASHION and FOOD magazines.
- What do you do with the magazines after you read them?
I usually sell them or give them to my friends.
- Do you prefer reading things online? Why?
I prefer reading things online. Because it’s cheap and convenient.
- Should young people read frequently? Why?
Yes, they should. Because it provides them with knowledge and information.


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Part 1: Individual interview
- When did you first own a mobile phone?
I first had a mobile phone in 2019.
- Who bought you the phone?
My mother bought me the phone.
- What do you usually use your phone for?
I usually use the phone to study English online, listen to music, watch Youtube…
- Where can we buy good phones in this city?
We can buy good phones at TGDD.
- What is your favorite phone branch name? What makes you like it?
It’s Apple/ Samsung. Because it’s modern, easy to use and fashionable.
- Can you live in today world without using any phones?
No, I can’t. Because I need to contact with other people.

Part 1: Individual interview

- Who cooks in your family? My mother cooks in my family. She cooks very well.
- Do you usually cook? What can you cook?
Yes, I do. I can cook noodles, fried eggs…
- What is your favorite food?
- Do you eat a lot of vegetables? And fruits?
Yes, I do. Because it’s healthy.
- Can you live without meat?
No, I can’t. Because I can’t have enough vitamins.
- Why do we need to eat vegetable and fruit?
Yes, because it’s good for my health.


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Part 2: Pair work: Bargaining

Student A is a tourist and Student B is a seller at Ben Thanh Market. In pair, students make a conversation using prompt in the cards. Student A
starts the conversation.

Student A: Tourist Student B: Seller

1. Say hello and ask for the price of the hat 2. Reply A. (35 USD)
Hello. What is the price of the hat?/ It’s 35 dollars.
How much is the hat? 4. Ask A how much he/she wants to pay
3. Reply B, you think it is too expensive. How much do you want to pay?
SET 2 Really? I think it is too expensive. 6. Tell A, you can sell it for 30 USD
5. Say: 20 USD I can sell it for 30 dollars.
20 dollars is OK. 8. OK, 25 USD. Give the hat to the tourist
7. Say that 30 USD is too much. You will pay 25 OK. 25 dollars. Here you are.
USD. 10. Get the money, say thank you and good bye
30 dollars is too much. I will pay 25 dollars. Thank you, good bye.
9. Get the hat and pay for it.
Thank you. Here’s the money.

Part 2: Pair work

Student A wants to borrow a book and Student B is a librarian. In pair, students make a conversation using prompt in the cards. Student A starts
the conversation.

Student A: Student Student B: Librarian

1. Say hello and say you want to borrow a book 2. Reply A and ask for the name of the book
Hello, I want to borrow a book. Yes, sure. What’s the name of the book?
3. Say you need the book named “Cutting edge” 4. Ask about the author of the book
I need the book named “Cutting edge”. What’s the author of the book?
5. Say the author’s name is Sarah and Araminta 6. Say that you will check and reply that the
The author’s name is Sarah and Araminta. library has the book.
7. Ask how long you can keep the book Wait a minute. Let me check……………………..
How long can I keep the book? The library has the book.
9. Reply B that you are happy to hear it. 8. Say that student A must return it within 4
Wow, I’m happy to hear it. days and can borrow again then.
11. Show the card. Get the book, say thank you and You must return it within 4 days and can
goodbye borrow again then.
Here you are. Thank you and goodbye. 10. Ask B to show his/her student card
Can you show me your student card?
12. Say goodbye

Part 2: Pair work
Student A reports his/her phone lost and Student B is a police officer. In pair, students make a conversation using prompt in the cards. Student A
starts the conversation.
Student A Student B: Police officer
1. Say hello and ask for help 2. Reply A  Sure, What happened?
Hello, Can you help me, please? 4. Tell B to keep calm and say that you need more information. Ask
3. Report that your phone was just lost A’s name and age
My phone was just lost. Calm down, please. I need more information.
5. Reply B. My name’s Tan. I’m 20. What’s your name? How old are you?
7. Describe your phone 6. Ask A to describe the phone.
My phone is Iphone 12Pro Max/ Samsung. Can you describe your phone?
It’s black and new. 8. Ask A where the phone was lost
9. Tell that it may be lost somewhere in seat 25, the bus A14 Where was it lost?
It may be lost somewhere in seat 25, the bus A14 10. Ask A when it was
11. Say it was about 30 minutes ago. When was it lost?
It was about 30 minutes ago. 12. Say that you will call him/her if you find the phone.
13. Say thank you and goodbye I will call you if I find the phone.
Thank you and goodbye

Part 2: Pair work

A and B are roommates. Student A is calling student B to ask B to buy some food. In pair, students make a conversation using prompt in the
cards. Student A starts the conversation.

Student A: Caller Student B

1. Greet B. 2. Reply A.
Hello. Hello, I’m speaking.
3. Ask B to buy some eggs and apples 4. Ask A how many eggs and apples A needs
Can you buy some eggs and apples? How many eggs and apples do you need?
5. Say that you need 7 eggs and half of kilo apples 6. Ask A whether you need to buy some drinks
I need 7 eggs and half of kilo apples. Do you need to buy some drinks?
7. Say that B can buy cokes or ice cream 8. Say that you will buy ice cream
Can you buy cokes or ice cream? I will buy ice cream.
9. Ask B what time B will arrive home 10. Say that you may be home at 4:30
What time will you arrive home? I may be home at 4:30.
11. Say goodbye 12. Say goodbye. Goodbye
Thank you. Goodbye

Part 2: Pair work

Student A is a server, student A is a customer. In pair, students make a conversation using prompt in the cards. Student A starts the conversation.

Student A: server Student B: customer

1. Greet B and ask B to order 2. Reply A. Say that you want something good for
Good evening, sir/madam. dinner
What do you want to order? I want something good for dinner.
3. Show B the menu and ask B to choose 4. Ask A what is best in this restaurant
Here you are. What do you want? What is best in this restaurant?
5. Say that your restaurant is famous for beef 6. Say that you want a beef steak with some salad
My restaurant is famous for beef. I want a beef steak with some salad.
7. Ask if B chooses normal salad or salad with tuna 8. Say that you prefer salad with tuna
Do you want normal salad or salad with tuna? I prefer salad with tuna.
9. Ask B to choose drinks or desserts? 10. Say that you want a glass of water
Would you like something for drinks or desserts? I want a glass of water.
11. Say that you will be back in a minute 12. Reply A.
I will be back in a minute. Thank you.

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