TheMes of Jack-Short Slayings

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Themes of Jack – The Me’s of Jack

Short Slayings of the Pretense of Knowledge

“This is what we can expect of a man, that he be useful to other men…and if he cannot be to
others, then to himself.” Seneca
“People always use each other. Human relationships are good or bad, moral or immoral,
depending not on whether people used each other, but on how they do so.” Thomas Szasz
“We can create the conditions in which complex organisms will arrange themselves.” F.A. Hayek
“The worst evil is hardness of heart.” Erasmus
“Our virtues yield our vices.” Will Durant
“While we are alive, therefore, what we have to give to each other is at one and the same
time the simplest yet most sublime gift--ourselves." James J. Lynch
“The individual's most vital need is to prove his worth, and this usually means
an insatiable hunger for action. For it is only the few who can acquire a sense
of worth by developing and employing their capacities and talents. The
majority prove their worth by keeping busy.” Eric Hoffer

1. Living for life or death? – how does it matter?

2. I taught her everything she doesn’t know, especially her.

3. Rather than making do, do your making.

4. A person is not a problem to be solved; but a solution to be understood.

5. From God is dead, to God is not yet born; just as, what happens after you die, to what
happened before you are born.

6. Facebook…Fascistbook…Faecesbook…leaders of the world look into the mirror.

7. Democracy…Hypocrisy…Hypecrisy…Save the world from yourself, please.

8. Touch…Ouch! Taking away the T of Truth to make it into the rue of Ruth.

9. Gold, Old, God, Dog, Log, Go… your life in four letters and less.

10. If you must save someone, save yourself…then ask what for or for whom.

11. Your life will refine your death; your death will define your life.

12. Why I am. Why am I? Your choice will pick you.

13. Finally, my arrogance equals my ignorance.

14. You must be free to choose before you can choose to be free. You must choose to be
free before you can be free to choose. Depending on where you live, one or the other.

15. What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting
different results. What’s the definition of sanity? Doing the same thing over and over
and expecting the same results.

16. U.S. – is this “Us” in whom we trust, or “Them” in whom we do not? Hint: States
never unite, unless forced to; and can then never be divorced, until death do them part
– which it does.

17. You must first be free to choose before you can choose freedom – that is, free from in
order to be free for.

18. You train dogs; you re-mind persons to think.

19. Fans are only required for people who confuse wholes with holes and can’t tell which
end is up.

20. Go sin against the State, our new God, and be absolved of all its false solutions.

21. A hole is less than the sum of the parts that are missing.

22. The ruler rules, imposes its methods of measuring the meaning of life upon its
material, the masses, aided and abetted by its handlers, who cut according to the
given pattern, sew, and then distribute the required fashion of the emperor with no

23. Reason, the rudder, going nowhere without emotion, the motor, going round in circles
without the rudder.

24. Lift the “if” out of life and live it as “then”, lightly, gently, strongly as liberty.

25. We are all born slaves; a few of us manage to think our way to freedom before we

26. Not Able; No Table; Notable. Language limns its limits and leaps over to understand.

27. After the politics of modeling for power proves its impotence, what’s left is reality
reasserting itself after the death of the State unmourned by the millions it killed.

28. Market forces or forcing the market? Always and everywhere the State is might not

29. Those who can’t sell their goods, end up telling others what to do with their goods
and bads.

30. Statist schools teach learned ignorance leading to learned helplessness – aka, the
State as therapist, nurse and parent.

31. This, more than anything else, expresses the ending of any civilization, including the
latest funeral, the Un-Tied State(s): those in power do not produce but only prey on
those who do; now, in America, it’s only making believe rather than making things;
using money to make more money, the exact definition of inflation; symbols rather
than what they point to. The End, Fini, and, to begin, again…

32. You can lead a man to freedom but you can’t make him free.

33. The politician and other plunderers of power gut the most recent promising fowl to
read its entrails: the market will rise says the displaced liver; the market will fall says
the dislocated left wing socket; inflation will increase says the clenched claws on the
right; deflation will increase says the bent beak…on it goes. Reality rears its invisible
head in which individuals are cause and effect upon each other, and the inevitable
happens as it always has. Welcome to 2011, where goddess Fortuna is as in demand
as Lady Gaagaa.

34. There is no “free will”. Rather, think, “the will to be free”. Freedom is not a given,
something you discover outside yourself; it is a creation, an achievement.

35. Before you are born, donate your mind to the State for a tax addition equal to your
political ignorance, or a tax deduction equal to your political savvy.

36. Wholly part but only partly whole: the self-conscious human being.

37. There was no audition or audience, so as the director I choose myself to play the part
of the whole and watch the drama unfold from the back row and report on it as the
critic without a medium to his name.

38. The past has as many possibilities as the future for the man who must constantly
discover what human life is for.

39. The State stated me. The State ate me. The State satiated me and it. Yes, the State
does state you; tells you who you are and why you should be. Yes, the State eats you
for its survival and growth. Yes, the State satisfies you. Because as I know (but you
may not agree), the State in 2010 worldwide is getting fat on you. I suggest we starve
it. Don’t let it eat you, for whatever sacred reason it might give you. Stay away from
its omnivorous mouth that pretends to be a tit. Those who suck are sick unto death;
offer them freedom and leave if they are not interested.

40. Medicalization and Technocracy – in one word, Scientism – have spawned a cultural
Petri Dish where Means can overcome, or exist without, Ends. It seems clear to me
that meaning can seldom come from means, but mainly from ends. When means
multiply, ends shrink. The only means that allows any end to begin is freedom; and
the only end worth achieving is freedom – to allow more means.

41. Me-di/ate me, me-dicate me, who are you?

42. Enlarge the pie or enlarge select pieces of the constrained, same size pie: do or die
time for the Un-Tied States of A-Miracle-to-A-Mirage.

43. The Hu-Man, the Who-Man, the Questioner’s Quest as What are humans for?

44. To always be “on” time you must first be “in” time; and to “make” time is to “take”
time. Time is the “I” as “Me”; the creating and maintaining of the unique person you
may be, the conscious shaping of your Paideia.

45. Planned and forced order results in unplanned and destructive disorder.

46. When any part of a whole assumes it is the whole, then this fake whole becomes a
hole, a black one, into which all the parts that make up the whole are sucked,
including finally the fake whole.

47. The unanswered question is acceptable; the unquestioned answer is not.

48. The individual versus the collective, the schizoid split, and constant conflict, of
Controlled uncontrol, the free market, out of control into order, creative destruction;
Uncontrolled control, the coercive state, out of order into control, destructive

49. Freedom and Responsibility have only one child: Free-To-Chose-Responsibility.

50. Most try to make you believe what they think; a few make you think about what you
and they believe.

51. The mask of arrogance upon the bones of ignorance: plundering politicians without
faces disappear into history’s mirror.

52. Buying the generic brand of life and lifting the “f” and turning it into a lie.

53. Affected, effected, infected – make up your mind, life is either a disease or a cure for
consciousness (what ails manunkind).

54. Many fall in love by tripping over, or trying to kick away, the truth. Those who have
stubbed their egos on reality enough, choose to walk into love, eyes and egos
responsibly open and caring and careful.

55. So many endings come from one beginning. So many beginnings coming from one

56. Connections first; then corrections.

57. To come over; to over come. Worlds of conflict and creativity are spilled out in these
three words.

58. Each star is the head of a silver nail driven into the dark to build a mind or crucify

59. We cannot not be attached, but we can choose the nature of our attachments. I am
always trying to turn the chains of human conditioning into lifelines to better climb
the cliffs of the great IF of human life.

60. You do not have to plan when your purpose has nothing to do with achievement but
only recognition.

61. If you only make mistakes you are dead. If you never make mistakes you are deadly.
So be lively and make at least 3, but no more than 6, a day!

62. Western public “health” authorities pretend to “care”; but what they really intend and
do, is to “scare” the people into relying on the State.

63. It is only when you can do harm but choose not to, that innocence becomes a virtue.

64. Compete to complete.

65. A professional is a person who believes that what they do is more important then who
they do it to. An amateur is the opposite: the person they do whatever to, is more
important than what they do.

66. In all my interactions with men or women, students, friends, or unknowns, I seek to
find out:
a. Do they have what I most value/want as a unique person?
b. If they do have what I want/value, then when they find out what I have to offer them
in exchange – this unique me, this special man I am – will they want to make the
c. If we both choose to make the trade, will we take responsibility for its results without
resort to blame, resentment, or any other form of hurting another?
d. If they don’t have a., how can I be of use to them to make them worth valuing to me?
e. Are they interested in using me to make them more value to me?

67. The lively loop or the deathly noose: which are you caught in?

68. As for certain dogs, the tail wags them; so for certain humans, the penis does.

69. So many beginnings leading to just one end. So many endings coming from that one

70. Human life is a non-random solution seeking random problems.

71. Unto, undo, due to, You.

72. The central task of human maturity is to know the ripe from the rotten.

73. Don’t let others define you, but do let them refine you.

74. In Beijing, our bird song is car and bike alarms shaken into being by thunder or fire-
crackers. I listen to the sound of freedom creating wealth and accept the few birds
knowing this as the State’s et. al. (ate all).

75. Choose: either Adam Smith’s “Invisible Hand”; or the Totalitarian State’s “Visible
Fist”. An open or shut case? Spanked to birth; or, beaten to death. Choose.

76. A dream that can’t be enacted becomes a nightmare.

77. A very few of us create the State to obliterate or cover over our all-too-human change
of states. The State is never satiated, notice, because it runs out of fear of change; it
tries its best to convince the drug-induced masses to continue the drip-fed and
promised paradise and that the high state it guarantees (but consistently fails to
deliver) will always last. Alas, it doesn’t; the drug high brings corresponding lows
and the opposite-value causation (see D.G. Garan’s books) swings into actions
causing public and private “depressions”. Selah.

78. The Free Market creates labor-saving devices and the minions of the State label them
vices; the State creates labor-causing vices and connives its citizens into believing
they are virtues.

79. The wraith of wrath is worth watching.

80. Every weapon is a tool if you know how to use it rather than it using you.

81. God is Love; Love is Freedom; and Freedom is Responsibility for Freedom.

82. America: a miracle; a barrage; a mirage.

83. To the extent you cannot govern yourself you will allow others to do so; or, you will
claim you have the right to govern others because others cannot control themselves as
well as you can (and you control yourself only to control others, because you cannot
control yourself without controlling others). Either way, it is a matter of self-control
versus other-control. And, either way, it is about Freedom versus Coercion.

84. Your freedom begins when you finally feel your cage encroaching.

85. The Staff of life; the Stuff of life—nourishment and gag.

86. Things are only self-evident, if you have a self for them to be evident to.

87. As you age, life may not get easier for you; but if you mature as you age, you will get
easier with life.

88. Learning to teach is teaching to learn.

89. Loving to learn is learning to love.

90. From the love of wisdom, through her, he came to the wisdom of love.

91. I am committed to life, learning and love. My cherished three Ls always responsible
to reason.

92. I don’t have the answers to your questions, but I have questions that might help you
find your own answers.

93. I am wholly a part and partly a whole.

94. If you can’t find the end, it means you are beginning again.

95. The State was hungry and it ate us. Burp. Moral: don’t be a morsel; stay outside its
mouth. Starve it.

96. The State is Destructive Creation. The Free Market is Creative Destruction. Until you
understand this difference you will continue to degrade yourself along with the main
part of the universe.

97. My heart is a very large diamond – it has to be – to hold all my flaws and losses and
not break.

98. Jack of all trades, master of – mastered by – none.

99. If you have nothing to live for, you will find everything to die from.

100. Free will is about willing yourself to be free and responsible for that freedom.

101. a) What do you want from me? b) Do I have it to give? c) If I do, what will
you give me in return? d) Is it worth it to me, to trade with you?

102. Life is not a problem to be solved; it is a solution in which you are dissolved
and must participate in to be precipitated out of: uniquely separated particle from the
uniform whole, departed forever from not-knowing, and the singular consciousness of
this knowing until death absolves you of your knowledge.

103. Did you trip over the truth or were you trying to kick it away?

104. The softest animals have the hardest shells. Humans are the softest animals.
105. What cannot be overcome must be withstood until understood.

106. The Gordian Knot of this brain I have many times tried to cut through with
the sword of reason; but I am learning to allow all of my mind, big yes by little no, to
tease out nature’s and nurture’s hold on me, knot by knot, loss by loss, love by love.

107. Not equality but quality. Equality is the opposite of quality; it tends to
degrade to the lowest common denominator. It brings Gresham’s Law into social
relationships: the better persons get chased out of the equation and mainly the worst
are left…and this left over always blames the better for their worse.

108. You don’t know Jack – but then, neither does he.

109. I am turning my vices into devices for attaining virtue.

110. Your heart is the hoof of a one-legged horse running along the horizon of
choosing to be human.

111. The art of shaking hands with your heart and smiling with the new moon
pleased to purely be in the bluest corner of the morning sky.

112. Freedom is the unanswered question for humanity. We do not know what to
do with it. But notice it knows, too well, what to do with us.

113. I know you have felt understood and loved by me. Please don’t throw this
away as worth less than death. When you are ready, come back and let me understand
and love you more clearly and thoroughly. Use me to become more you. Wo ai ni.

114. When you realize that Nowhere is always Now Here, you will choose
without choice to give the gift of your life for another to live along with you. You
can, in hopeful but uncertain terms, expect their life to live in return. I call this
ultimate human action, love. And how many times you can do it is a measure of your
worth and success in being human.

115. Along with a Vision and Mission statements, append your Division and
Admission statements as part of your Living Will and Deathly Ill.

116. Too often when we phone others and find their lines busy it is because we
have mistakenly dialed our own number.

117. At the core, I am so grateful for this gift of life examined and occasionally

118. My Diamond Heart has many flaws, the better to see its brilliance and

119. To see yourself through is to see through yourself – to turn the mirror into
window and watch how we learn what humans are for.

120. So many desperately duped by the drive to be mollified with the “We are all
One” mantra. Yes – as the deserter whispered going over the fence: “But which
One?” The love of power disguised as the power of love. The Tyrannical Old Rage
posing as the Five Star New Cage for control of others as usual.

121. The freedom to understand and choose to be part of humanity rather than
claiming to be its whole. Those who dictate they are the whole end up leaving only
holes filled with old death in the name of new life that never is born.

122. Those who claim, so self-righteously, that they bring no baggage from former
failed intimate relationships, should be admonished: “Are you so destitute or vain that
you can’t afford to carry, or refuse to wear, any of life’s coverings that once
expressed and protected you?”.

123. A metaphor for madness: the tectonics of the volatile Self that can’t accept its
faults and builds up the blame until its opposing plates of bad versus good, slip free
of their unmovable positions, releasing the energy that can’t be controlled, that results
in the earthquake of the unforgiving Self that brings itself down in pieces the better to
buried in.

124. The free market is creative destruction; the State is destructive creation; both
always and everywhere are mutually exclusive.

125. The main good that is exchanged between humans, and that assumes the
transactional status of money, is meaning. We make meaning and trade for it on the
free market or capture it by physical force as criminals and dictators. We are, literally
and metaphorically, made of meaning. When we do not have enough of it we kill
ourselves or others or both.

126. Forcing one to be free or to think is like a woman raping a man, an

impossibility beyond a contradiction in words.

127. What we most fear and desire miraculously appears in our mirrors as we
recognize the scowling tyrant or smiling friend.

128. To delay is to decay; every day, every moment, you must be born again to be
borne again, heavier and heavier as you grow towards death, reaching toward
ripeness rather than rotting, until you fall, fulfilled, from the Tree of Life.

129. I drink/drug/sex/cheat/steal/obey/command/save others _________, (place

here any word that implies a substitute for rational consciousness of oneself,
sometimes termed “think”) therefore, I am not.

130. Vice reversed is virtue; virtue reversed is vice. Evil to live; Own to N.W.O.
So versa your vice. Against yourself is for yourself. Selah.

131. Man made God(s) in his own image and proclaimed the Word was made
Flesh. In the ideology-raped 20th century world, man made the Flesh into Word by the
hundreds of millions of deaths. As Eric Hoffer showed, the Word always feeds upon
human flesh.

132. Inflation is only caused by the State and it leaves a variety of “Stretch-Marx”
on the progressive body politic.

133. Your face takes my place in time to love.

134. You are who I am when I am not – this was taught me with the first look
when I fell into You. You are the beauty that breaks into every breath I take to be
given back to You.

135. Use me my Muse, do with me to be your truth and I will suffer your ruth.
136. Looking into your beauty, I see my death come to life as love. I am
Everyman who has appeared on this earth and made love to You. I see us all as those
bright sparks in the depthless dark of your endless eyes.

137. Your face is made of my hands and everything I touch is You.

138. The absurd birth date of when I began, October 23, 4004, Sunday; or
October 23, 1944, Monday.

139. Your face is the mirror I become reflecting only the beauty of You for all to

140. You will never be defiled no matter how many men believe they have had
you – you will always remain purely You and true to your integrity, untouched.

141. Don’t fall in love; walk into it with your eyes wide open, one life in front of
the other.

142. I don’t want to be left alone; I want to be right with you when alone.

143. I could look at your face for an eternity or two and still not see the extent of
your beauty.

144. Your face has more nuanced and meaningful change then the I Ching.

145. Your face flies into the sky of my eyes taking who I am in three beats of its

146. You are the Muse I have been seeking to be used by.

147. To be confident and vulnerable; critical but open to self-error.

148. In Braille is spelled “Do not touch”. You do not have a flashlight to find your
flashlight. Welcome to the paradox of life that lives on death.

149. Our bodies are tombs in which we are already buried; and wombs in which
we are continuously being born.

150. I would find a woman who could be my apprentice and master in the Art of
Loving to live and Living to love.

151. Your beauty is unbelievably, unbearably, beautiful.

152. I don’t want to change you, I want to exchange with you to discover who you
are and show you who I am, so we can both work/play together for our common

153. Bring out the best or free the beast; and it is necessary to do both to do each.

154. Eat your hunger, see your blindness, be your absence.

155. Face the fear in the mirror and look through it as a window onto the wonder
of love.
156. Notice: LIVE, reversed, perverted, is EVIL.

157. Notice: OWN, reversed, perverted, is NWO = New World Order.

158. Ancient Greeks: Know Yourself; Ancient Chinese: Grow Yourself; Modern
Hollywood: Show Yourself; Post-Modern New Age: Snow Yourself.

159. Metaphor makes the obliviously known the obviously unknown.

160. The evolution of our senses gives us clues as to what humans may be for.

161. Obama has resurrected the term of “czar” to signpost the “expert” kingpins
who he has knighted to do his benighted work of destroying what is left of the free
market in America. Better add the prefix “biz-” (having everything to do with not
doing business as the free market) to “czar” and create the chimerical monster: “Biz-
czars” (bizarre).

162. The State preaches and practices freedom from freedom, aka, tyranny for
your best interests.


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