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*Fundamentals of Tantrik Yoga* ~ #StartHere #FoundationalPractice

Mantras are as follows (you must hear them in the video to learn the pronunciation!) ~

deha-shuddhi (incineration of body-image): OM SAH sabāhyāntarām tanum dahayāmi PHAT ~

ॐ सः सबा या तरां तनंु दहया म फ

blowing away the ashes/samskāras (part of deha-shuddhi): OM SAIM tanu-bhasma

utpūyanīkaromi HUM ~ ॐ स तनभ ु म उ पय ू नीकरो म हूं

amrta-vyāpti -> prakāśa-kāya (nectar pervasion -> summoning the body of light): Om HAM
mūrtaye namaha ~ ॐ हं मत ू ये नमः

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