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Barrio Marawi, National Highway, Marawi City
School ID: 478017
S.Y. 2020-2021


Name: ___________________________________________________ LAS No. :___
Grade Level and Section: 10 -_________________ Score: __________________
Subject: SCIENCE 10.3 (Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, & Modern Physics) Date: __________________
Type of Activity:
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Others:
Skills/ Exercise/ Drills Drawing/ Art Informal Theme _________________
Activity Title: Career Opportunities in Physics
Learning Targets: To determine the possible career tracks of physics expert
References: Rabago, Lilia and Henry Ramos, Practical and Explorational Physics. pg. 23

Physics is not just a career. It has varied

areas of specialization. Physics is a basic science
that serves as foundation for the applied sciences.
People with physics degrees often work as
engineers when they are employed in industry.
Physicists develop a fundamental understanding of
certain phenomena, and engineers apply that
understanding to practical tasks or products.

Physicists are expert in mechanics. The concepts

learned in motion along the horizontal and vertical, in
projectile motion, in motion caused by forces, in
equilibrium concepts, in rotational kinematics, and in
fluid mechanics can lead to the design for better and
more efficient machines.

Physicists are also involved in thermodynamics; the

knowledge of heat and temperature helps engineers design more
efficient refrigerators and air- conditioning units.
Physicists are experts in wave energy transfer. This
helps engineers in designing more powerful communication
equipment and helps architects in designing theaters.

RC AKICFI-SLS OBILP Revised Learning Activity Sheet 2020

Barrio Marawi, National Highway, Marawi City
School ID: 478017
S.Y. 2020-2021


Name: ___________________________________________________ LAS No. :___

Grade Level and Section: 10 -_________________ Score: __________________
Subject: SCIENCE 10.3 (Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, & Modern Physics) Date: __________________
Type of Activity:
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Others:
Skills/ Exercise/ Drills Drawing/ Art Informal Theme _________________

A physicist’s understanding of optics is helpful in designing eye lenses and other powerful
lenses as well as better means of communication and advanced technology for entertainment.
There are many other opportunities that await a physicist which involve exploring ideas never
thought of before.

Activity Title: Career Opportunities in Physics

Learning Targets: To determine the possible career tracks of physics expert
References: Rabago, Lilia and Henry Ramos, Practical and Explorational Physics. pg. 23

Answer as Directed. Answer the following questions briefly and concisely.

1) Why is it important to study physics?

2) If you are to become an expert in physics, what branch of it will you focus on and why?

RC AKICFI-SLS OBILP Revised Learning Activity Sheet 2020

Barrio Marawi, National Highway, Marawi City
School ID: 478017
S.Y. 2020-2021


Name: ___________________________________________________ LAS No. :___

Grade Level and Section: 10 -_________________ Score: __________________
Subject: SCIENCE 10.3 (Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, & Modern Physics) Date: __________________
Type of Activity:
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Others:
Skills/ Exercise/ Drills Drawing/ Art Informal Theme _________________

3) Physicists play important roles in the development of the country. Out of approximately 90 million
people in the Philippines, only around 90 people are Physics PhD’s. What are the possible effects of
this fact in the development of science and technology in our country?

Activity Title: What is Thermodynamics?

Learning Targets: To explain the focus of thermodynamics; to differentiate heat from temperature
References: Rabago, Lilia and Henry Ramos, Practical and Explorational Physics. pg. 214; David, O. M., Allas, I. M., and
Maramag, C. M. Discovery Science: Physics. pp. 247-249; University Press of First Asia and Rara-Pelicano, B.
A. High School Science Today IV. pp. 265-266

The term “thermodynamics” comes from the Greek terms: “thermos” which means heat and
“dynamos” or “dynamikos” which means movement. It literally means the evolution and motion of heat.
Some physicists define thermodynamics as a branch of physics that deals with “heat and its
transformation into mechanical energy”, while others specifically define it as the study of “ heat in
relation to temperature, work and energy ”. Combining these definitions, thermodynamics therefore
focuses on mechanical work, pressure, temperature, and their roles in the transformation of
The terms heat and temperature are usually used in the study of thermodynamics and are
almost synonymously used.
Temperature is the measure of the hotness or coldness of a body. It is the measure of the
average kinetic energy of the body.
Heat is the energy that transfers from a body of higher temperature to another body of lower
temperature. It is the quantity of thermal energy absorbed or given off by a body. Thermal energy
is the sum of all the kinetic energies of a body.
The two concepts are related in such a way that temperature indicates the direction in which
heat flows while heat is the actual energy transferred.

RC AKICFI-SLS OBILP Revised Learning Activity Sheet 2020

Barrio Marawi, National Highway, Marawi City
School ID: 478017
S.Y. 2020-2021


Name: ___________________________________________________ LAS No. :___

Grade Level and Section: 10 -_________________ Score: __________________
Subject: SCIENCE 10.3 (Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, & Modern Physics) Date: __________________
Type of Activity:
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Others:
Skills/ Exercise/ Drills Drawing/ Art Informal Theme _________________
Temperature is commonly measured in degrees Celsius (°C). In some places, the unit degrees
Fahrenheit (°F) is also used. However, for measurements used in scientific applications, temperature
is commonly expressed using the unit Kelvin (K), which is the SI unit for temperature.
Heat is expressed using the unit Joule (J). Common measurements also use the unit calorie,
which is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1g of water by 1°C. The relationship
between calorie and Joule is 1 calorie = 4.184 J.

Example 1: Objects in images (a),

(b), and (c) have different
temperatures. If these objects
are in contact with each other,
heat transfer will takes place
due to their temperature
difference. The heat will travel
from the boiling water (50°C) to
the glass of water (30°C) until
they reach thermal equilibrium.

Example 2: Try touching the back of your television (TV) set before switching it on. After several
hours of watching, touch the back of your TV again. What did you notice? Did the back
4 of your TV
become hot?
If your answer is “Yes” then congratulations, you’re correct! It had thermal energy. You felt
that the back of your TV was hot because your hand absorbed some of the thermal energy of the TV
and that is heat! The heat flowed from the back of your TV (region of higher temperature) to your
hand (region of lower temperature).
Activity Title: What is Thermodynamics?
Learning Targets: To explain the focus of thermodynamics; to differentiate heat from temperature
References: Rabago, Lilia and Henry Ramos, Practical and Explorational Physics. pg. 214; David, O. M., Allas, I. M., and
Maramag, C. M. Discovery Science: Physics. pp. 247-249; University Press of First Asia and Rara-Pelicano, B.
A. High School Science Today IV. pp. 265-266

Answer as Directed. Answer the following questions briefly and concisely.

1) What should you expect to learn in studying thermodynamics?

2) How will you relate heat with the temperature that your body maintains?

RC AKICFI-SLS OBILP Revised Learning Activity Sheet 2020

Barrio Marawi, National Highway, Marawi City
School ID: 478017
S.Y. 2020-2021


Name: ___________________________________________________ LAS No. :___

Grade Level and Section: 10 -_________________ Score: __________________
Subject: SCIENCE 10.3 (Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, & Modern Physics) Date: __________________
Type of Activity:
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Others:
Skills/ Exercise/ Drills Drawing/ Art Informal Theme _________________

3) Consider the following cases below; explain the reasons for such phenomena using the concepts of
heat and temperature.
a) A block of metal feels cold when you touch it.

b) Your mug filled with warm chocolate drink feels warm as your lips touch its mouth.

c) A drop of boiling water on your hand will not burn you. But if a cup of boiling water is
accidentally spilled on your hand, you will most likely cry out in pain.

Activity Title: Thermometer and Temperature Scales

Learning Targets: To define thermometer, to identify its types and kinds, to explain how thermometer works, to be familiarized with
the scale used in measuring temperature
References: University Press of First Asia and Rara-Pelicano, B. A. High School Science Today IV. pp. 266-267; Vela-
Evangelista, E., Follosco, G. L., Soriano-Pili, A. and Laurel-Sotto, R. Science in Today’s World 8 (K to 12
Curriculum Compliant). pp. 99-100; Vela-Evangelista, E., Follosco, G. L., Soriano-Pili, A. and Laurel-Sotto, R.
Science in Today’s World 7 (K to 12 Curriculum Compliant). pp. 206-207

A thermometer is a device used to measure temperature. There are two types of thermometer:
the mercury-in-glass type (most common) and the alcohol-in-glass type. Alcohol type can measure a
lower temperature of -115°C to an upper limit of 78°C only. It is cheaper and safer than mercury.
Mercury type can measure temperature within range of -39°C to 357°C. Mercury and alcohol are the
substances commonly used to fill the capillary tube found inside some kinds of thermometers such as
the following:
1) A clinical thermometer is used to measure body temperature.
2) A room thermometer is used to measure room temperature.
3) An alcohol thermometer is used to measure air temperature that is not so hot since it will start to
boil at about 80°C. It is commonly used in household.

RC AKICFI-SLS OBILP Revised Learning Activity Sheet 2020

Barrio Marawi, National Highway, Marawi City
School ID: 478017
S.Y. 2020-2021


Name: ___________________________________________________ LAS No. :___

Grade Level and Section: 10 -_________________ Score: __________________
Subject: SCIENCE 10.3 (Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, & Modern Physics) Date: __________________
Type of Activity:
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Others:
Skills/ Exercise/ Drills Drawing/ Art Informal Theme _________________
When the temperature increases, the liquid (mercury and/or alcohol) will expand (volume
increase) and rise inside the capillary tube; as the temperature decreases, the liquid will contracts
(volume decrease) and drops in the tube; and the temperature is read against
the scale adjacent to the tube.
Along the tube of a thermometer is a scale that allows you to read the
temperature. The most commonly used scale is the Celsius (formerly
Centigrade) scale which uses two reference points: the freezing point of pure
water set at 0°C and the boiling point of pure water set at 100°C. It was
discovered by Anders Celsius.
Another temperature scale is the Fahrenheit scale which is still used in
some countries. This scale indicates the freezing point of water as 32°F and
boiling point of water as 212°F. It was discovered by Gabriel Fahrenheit.
Another temperature scale widely used in scientific research is the
Kelvin scale, where 0K is a hypothetical temperature in which the pressure of a
gas becomes 0, a temperature called the absolute zero. In theory, it is the
lowest possible temperature that a substance can reach. The Kelvin scale has
the same increments as the Celsius scale, but the zero of the scale is shifted 6
from 0°C to -273.15°C. Thus, 0K = -273.15°C, or 273.15K = 0°C. The freezing
point is set as 273K and the boiling point as 473K. This was devised by William
Thomson also known as Lord Kelvin.

Activity Title: Thermometer and Temperature Scales

Learning Targets: To define thermometer, to identify its types and kinds, to explain how thermometer works, to be familiarized with
the scale used in measuring temperature
References: University Press of First Asia and Rara-Pelicano, B. A. High School Science Today IV. pp. 266-267; Vela-
Evangelista, E., Follosco, G. L., Soriano-Pili, A. and Laurel-Sotto, R. Science in Today’s World 8 (K to 12
Curriculum Compliant). pp. 99-100

Answer as Directed. Answer the following questions briefly and concisely.

1. What is a thermometer? How does it work? Explain

2. What thermometer is the safest? Why do you think so?

3. At what temperature does water freeze on the Kelvin scale?


RC AKICFI-SLS OBILP Revised Learning Activity Sheet 2020

Barrio Marawi, National Highway, Marawi City
School ID: 478017
S.Y. 2020-2021


Name: ___________________________________________________ LAS No. :___

Grade Level and Section: 10 -_________________ Score: __________________
Subject: SCIENCE 10.3 (Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, & Modern Physics) Date: __________________
Type of Activity:
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Others:
Skills/ Exercise/ Drills Drawing/ Art Informal Theme _________________
4. At what Kelvin temperature does the water boils?
5. On the Fahrenheit scale, what is the freezing of water?
6. On the Fahrenheit scale, what is the boiling point of water?
7. Temperature is a measure of the energy of motion of molecules. What do you think happens at
absolute zero?

Activity Title: Conversion of Temperature Scales

Learning Targets: To convert certain temperature into desired temperature scale
References: Rabago, Lilia and Henry Ramos, Practical and Explorational Physics. pp. 218-219; Vela-Evangelista, E.,
Follosco, G. L., Soriano-Pili, A. and Laurel-Sotto, R. Science in Today’s World 7 (K to 12 Curriculum Compliant).
pg. 207; University Press of First Asia and Rara-Pelicano, B. A. High School Science Today IV. pp.267-268

There are three common scales for measuring temperatures: the Fahrenheit, the Celsius,
and the Kelvin scales. The following equations can be used to convert these scales from one to

( T F −32 ) 5 Equation 4.1

In converting °F to °C, use the formula: T C= or T C = (T F −32)
1.8 9

9 Equation 4.2
In converting °C to °F, use the formula: T F =(T C x 1.8)+ 32 or T F = T C + 32

In converting °C to K, use the formula: T K =T C +273 .15 Equation 4.3

In converting K to °C, use the formula: T C =T K −273.15 Equation 4.4

Sample Problem 1. If the temperature is 50°F, what would be the temperature in °C and K?

RC AKICFI-SLS OBILP Revised Learning Activity Sheet 2020

Barrio Marawi, National Highway, Marawi City
School ID: 478017
S.Y. 2020-2021


Name: ___________________________________________________ LAS No. :___

Grade Level and Section: 10 -_________________ Score: __________________
Subject: SCIENCE 10.3 (Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, & Modern Physics) Date: __________________
Type of Activity:
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Others:
Skills/ Exercise/ Drills Drawing/ Art Informal Theme _________________
Equation 4.3
Equation 4.1

Sample Problem 2. The weather bureau today reported a range in temperature from 23°C to 35°C.
What is this temperature range in degrees Fahrenheit and in Kelvin?
Given: Required:

Equation 4.3
Equation 4.2

Equation 4.3 8
Equation 4.2 Substitution

Activity Title: Conversion of Temperature Scales

Learning Targets: To develop skills in converting one temperature scale into another
References: Rabago, Lilia and Henry Ramos, Practical and Explorational Physics. pp. 218-219; Vela-Evangelista, E.,
Follosco, G. L., Soriano-Pili, A. and Laurel-Sotto, R. Science in Today’s World 7 (K to 12 Curriculm Compliant).
-pg. 207; University Press of First Asia and Rara-Pelicano, B. A. High School Science Today IV. pp.267-268

Solving Problems. Solve the following problem below.

1. The following table shows the temperature in the Fahrenheit scale of selected places in the
Philippines. Express them in the Celsius and Kelvin scales. Answer the given questions.
Place Fahrenheit Scale Celsius Scale Kelvin Scale
Metro Manila 90.0
Baguio 75.0
Tagaytay 86.0
Metro Cebu 88.0
Cagayan de Oro City 89.0
a. If you were to visit any of the places mentioned above during the Christmas seasons, what
place would that be? Why?

RC AKICFI-SLS OBILP Revised Learning Activity Sheet 2020

Barrio Marawi, National Highway, Marawi City
School ID: 478017
S.Y. 2020-2021


Name: ___________________________________________________ LAS No. :___

Grade Level and Section: 10 -_________________ Score: __________________
Subject: SCIENCE 10.3 (Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, & Modern Physics) Date: __________________
Type of Activity:
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Others:
Skills/ Exercise/ Drills Drawing/ Art Informal Theme _________________
b. It is summer and you are planning for a vacation. Which of the places mentioned above
would you choose? Why?

2. Convert the following temperatures into the other two temperature scales by which it is not
expressed. Show your solutions.
1) 75°C
2) 37°C
3) 24°F
4) 125°F
5) 356 K

Activity Title: Specific Heat and Calorimetry

Learning Targets: To define specific heat, to determine how to measure heat, to explain how calorimeter works
References: Rabago, Lilia and Henry Ramos, Practical and Explorational Physics. pp. 223; Ferrer, R. A., Ungson, O. B., and
Lindio-Dorado, S. Science, Environment, Technology, and Society: Physics (BEC Compliant).pp. 311-313;
University Press of First Asia and Rara-Pelicano, B. A. High School Science Today IV. pg. 269

Heat cannot be measured directly. However, direct measurement of the changes in

temperature provides a way to indirectly measure heat. An increase in temperature indicates addition
of heat. A decrease of temperature indicates reduction of heat.
Heat is measured in calories (cal). One calorie is defined as the amount of heat that is needed
to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 Celsius degree. The unit used for food calories
actually refers to a larger unit of heat, the kilocalorie (kcal), equivalent to 1000 cal.
Examples: 1 calorie of heat is needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water from 4°C to 5°C
1 calorie of heat is needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water from 15°C to 16°C
Another unit that can be used is joules (J) named after James Prescott Joule. 1 cal = 4.186 J
 The amount of heat that is required for a given temperature change depends on the mass of the
substance being heated. E.g. 10cal of heat is needed to raise the temperature of 10g of water
from 4°C to 5°C.

RC AKICFI-SLS OBILP Revised Learning Activity Sheet 2020

Barrio Marawi, National Highway, Marawi City
School ID: 478017
S.Y. 2020-2021


Name: ___________________________________________________ LAS No. :___

Grade Level and Section: 10 -_________________ Score: __________________
Subject: SCIENCE 10.3 (Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, & Modern Physics) Date: __________________
Type of Activity:
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Others:
Skills/ Exercise/ Drills Drawing/ Art Informal Theme _________________
 The types of substances being heated may also affect the amount of heat needed to change the
temperature. Some substances require more heat energy to have higher temperature than the
Specific heat is the ability of a substance to absorb heat or thermal energy. A substance with high
specific heat tends to heat up slowly and also lose heat slowly. Specific heat of a substance can be:
 The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1kg of a substance by 1 kelvin. The
unit for specific heat is joules per kilogram-kelvin (J/Kg.K).
 The number of calories required to raise the temperature of 1g of a substance by 1°C. The unit
of specific heat is calorie per gram-degree Celsius (cal/g.°C).
The SI unit of specific heat is expressed as J/Kg.K or J/Kg.C.
Examples: Water’s specific heat is 4 186 J/Kg.C or 1.00 kcal/Kg.C (one of the highest)
Gold’s specific heat is 130 J/Kg.C or 0.03 kcal/Kg.C (one of the lowest)
Calorimetry involves the measurement of changes in thermal energy. This measurement is
performed in a device called calorimeter. The typical use of a calorimeter is to measure the specific
heat of various substances.
How does it work?
 It is carefully insulated so that heat transfer is very small.
 A measured amount of substance is placed inside it and heated to a high temperature.
 It contains a known mass of cold water at a measured temperature.
 The heat released by the heated substance is transferred to the cooler water.
 From the resulting increase in water temperature, the change in thermal energy of the substance
is calculated.

Activity Title: Specific Heat and Calorimetry

Learning Targets: To define specific heat, to determine how to measure heat, to explain how calorimeter works
References: Rabago, Lilia and Henry Ramos, Practical and Explorational Physics. pp. 223; Ferrer, R. A., Ungson, O. B., and
Lindio-Dorado, S. Science, Environment, Technology, and Society: Physics (BEC Compliant).pp. 311-313;
University Press of First Asia and Rara-Pelicano, B. A. High School Science Today IV. pg. 269; Religioso, T. F.,
Daravin-Faraon, G., Cordero-Navaza, D., and Vengco, L. G. You and the Natural Word Science The New Grade
8 (K to 12 Curriculum Compliant). pp. 257-261

Answer as Directed. Answer the following questions briefly and concisely.

1. When eating freshly baked chicken pie you can easily bite the crust but the filling of the pie can burn your
tongue. How can you explain this using the concept of specific heat?

2. Travelers on the desert experienced that the sand is very hot during daytime but very cool at night. Explain
how this observation is possible.

RC AKICFI-SLS OBILP Revised Learning Activity Sheet 2020

Barrio Marawi, National Highway, Marawi City
School ID: 478017
S.Y. 2020-2021


Name: ___________________________________________________ LAS No. :___

Grade Level and Section: 10 -_________________ Score: __________________
Subject: SCIENCE 10.3 (Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, Optics, & Modern Physics) Date: __________________
Type of Activity:
Concept Notes Laboratory Report Formal Theme Others:
Skills/ Exercise/ Drills Drawing/ Art Informal Theme _________________

3. Explain how bodies of water will be affected if the specific heat of water decreases from 4,186 J/Kg.C to
about 1,000 J/Kg.?

4. What are the factors that could affects the amount of heat needed to change the temperature of a

5. In your own words, explain how a calorimeter works

6. If heat cannot be measured directly, then how can we measure heat?

RC AKICFI-SLS OBILP Revised Learning Activity Sheet 2020

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