Home assgn2-BEE1B C

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Home Assignment No-2

Subject: Digital Logic Design Marks: 100

Course: BEE-1B&C Issue: 02 Mar 2011
Teacher: Arshad Nazir Due on: 09 Mar 2011
(10:00 AM)
9 Attempt the given problem set in a sequential order. Be neat and clean
and show complete work.
9 Write relevant theorems and postulates of Boolean algebra as
9 Make an index on the first page showing summary of the problems
solved along-with page numbers and also specify the missing ones.
9 No late submissions will be accepted unless prior approval from the
teacher has been obtained under extreme emergency. The assignments
submitted after due date/time will be graded zero.
9 Plagiarism is considered as a serious offence by the university and
serious penalties apply. Any assignment found copied will be graded
zero and strict disciplinary action will also be initiated against the
students involved in cheating.
9 All the students will submit a certificate with the assignment work stating
the originality of their efforts and no copying from others.
9 Note that Ten Marks are reserved for neat work, table of contents, and
certificate to be attached with the assignment work.

Problem No-1 Which of the following are analog quantities, and which are
a. Number of atoms in a sample of material
b. Altitude of an aircraft
c. Timer setting on a microwave oven
d. Temperature of a room
e. Automobile fuel gauge

Problem No-2 Complete each expression:-

a. a′.0=
b. w′(wxyz)′=
c. (x′+x′)′=
d. x≡xy=
e. f[a,b,(ab)′]=
f. f[a,b,ab]=
for e and f, use f(a,b,c)=a+b+c

Problem No-3 Prove the identity of the following Boolean equations, using
algebraic manipulation:-

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Problem No-4 Reduce the given Boolean expressions to the indicated number
of literals:-
a. X+Y[Z+(X+Z)′] to two literals
b. (AB+ÁB́ )(ĆD́ +CD)+(AC)́ to four literals

Problem No-5 Find the complement of the following expression by (1) duality
and (2) DeMorgan’s Law:-
Then Show that FF΄=0 and F+F΄=1.

Problem No-6 Convert the following to the sum-of-minterms canonical form:-

a. F(A,B,C)=(A′+B)(B′+C)
b. F(w,x,y,z)=π(0,1,2,3,4,6,12)

Problem No-7 The logical sum of all the minterms of a Boolean function of n
variables is 0.
a. Prove the previous statement for n=3.
b. Suggest a procedure for a general proof.

Problem No-8 By substituting the Boolean expression equivalent of the binary

operations as defined in Table 2.8 of your text book, show the
a. The implication operation is neither commutative nor
b. The exclusive-OR operation is commutative as well as

Problem No-9 Convert the given expressions into indicated forms:-

a. (a+b+c+d΄)(b+c+d)(b΄+c΄) Sum-of-Product(SOP)
b. wxy΄+xy΄z+wx΄z΄ Product-of-Sum(POS)
“Good Luck”

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