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Zong CMPak*a =& ©O71% Gah 8:13 AM BE #WALLETWISE a Visit Pee ecu Succ Uno ese Nn cion Answers - Englisn XL Question Answers from "Professor Henry Corrie / Mrs. Meldon" Two One Act Plays Section for class 11th, XI, First Year ‘Two One Act Plays Section - Short Question Answers > Progress | What isthe Progress? ‘The Progress Is the name of one ofthe plays in the textbook named Two One- Progress means advance or development, esp, towards a better state, ‘What was the business of Professor Heney Corrie? Professor Ney Corrie was always busy with his scientific research Werk and takes no Inerert in any other thing except science. What did Professor Henry Corrle discover after his tong scléntifiéresearch work? 3. Professor Henry Corrie discovered a formula for the invention At & deadly bomb after histone sem research work. awe Who's Hannah » (Ms. Hannah is the maidservant of Professor, tenengerrie, Why did Hannah come into the soort af Professor Henry Corrie when he was busy with his Selentifie research work? Hannah came into the room of Professor Henry Corrie to ask him whether he would have tes up here upper ror x downstairs wth Mrs. Maldon, ‘Why did Professor Henry Corrie not want to have tea downstairs? Professor Henry Cérre did not want to have tea downstairs because the drawing-room In downstairs was very cold. £ ) \What did Professor Henry Corrie convey to his sister, Mrs. Meldon through Hannah? Professor Henry Corrie conveyed the good news of his successful experiment of the Invention of deadly bomb to his sister Mrs. Meldon through Hannah. 0.84020 Foto Henry Cote prevent Hannah ote hs se, Meton sot Oy hissuccessfull experiment of the Invention? Perea eee veces met ot ts sty, Mes. eden stout i WY ‘successful experiment of the invention because he thought Hannah would surely make Snes fh hosel edt her sas nt pth pags ote a J O 0 Zong CMPak “a & @©71% HB 8:14 AM Eat 7 Nea alts 2a Niet ene ese eae > Pr iad complete, impersonal devotion. That's why no women have ever been great artists oF scientists" Q.27 What does Mrs. Meldon mean by “Organised butchery of boys"? ‘Ans. By Organised butchery of boys” Mrs. Meldon mean killing and destruction of young soldiers in wars. A (0.28 Why was Mrs, Meldon so stronghy opposed to war? & [Ans. Mrs, Meldon was so strongly opposed to war because she suffered from great mental ‘agony due to her own only son Eddie's death in the Fitst World War. Her husband, Tom Meld on also died because of the shock of his son's death, So Mrs. Meldon Was so strongly opposed to war which she considered an organised butchery of boys.” Cae Whos Tom Meldon? Why did he die ofa broken heart? Tom Mldon tthe husband of Mrs. Meldon (Charlotte|andfathet of Ede. He could fet beat the untimely death of Edd who had been Kile in the Fest World War ané died of a broken heart. om a QZ? 7S Why did Mrs. Meldon want to die? Ra Mrs. Meldon wonted to cie because she,was very Much shocked due to the death of her only son, Ede wha had been hile Ite First World War, and her hutband Tom Melon wo die aa broten heart. She seal alone and there was no one to lock attr er, Her other, Professor Men Ceri was selfish man and abvays buy wth ts sli esearch wa and oko trest oamythng except scence. That was whyshewantedtodie, > ory 1.31 Wy was Professor Hen Cone not 2 very good rubatute for a ton, according to Mrs.Meldon? (| ‘Ans. According to Mrs. NelGan,Profestor Meney Corie wat Nota very good substitute fora son Because he had nevértoked ater hs vater Mrs, Melon, He was always Buty wth hit scene esepfen work and tack no interest anjring except science. He oi not ‘even g0.t0 teceivé his sister, Mrs. Meidan at the railway station who waited for him a Jong ume Inthe cold. rE oO 32 What was Professor Henry Corrie’s weapon to make war expeditious? Professor Henry Corrle's weapon was his formula for the invention of a deadly bomb y ‘Which would make war expeditious. 2.33 What opinion does Professor Henry Corrie hold about duration of » war? ‘Ans. In the opinicn of Professor Henry Corrie, war ought to be revolutionized and to be made more expeditious. According to him The First World War had lasted for 3 ‘ridiculous period -nearty five years. It ought not to have lasted more than five weeks. 4|rage (0.34 What kind nf the weannnc of war mut he mada, acenrdine tn Penfactar Haney Caria? J O O Zong CMPak ©. © 71% 8:13 AM SE #WALLETWISE Rev v7 Prana ese LEUore Mane ai nw 1[Page 9. Why did Professor Henry Corrie not go to receive his sister, Mrs. Mekion at the station? ‘Ans. Processor Henry Corrie did not go to receive his sister, Mrs. Meldon at the railway statlon because he was busy with slemtific research work and he also thought that Mrs, ‘Meldon was capable of coming home by herself. .20 What do you know about the Important work or the experiment done by Professor Henry Cortle? ‘Ans. Professor Henry Corrie has been working on his scientiic research for vanigshe and now he succeeded In dacovering 2 formula forthe Invention of @ deadiy bomb to destroy cities within seconds. mW 111 What did professor Henry Corte express sorry about during his Fivetaiion with bis sister, Mrs. Meldon? LO Ans. Professor Henry Corrie expressed sorry because he did not Ye the railvay station to receive his sister, Mrs. Meldan where she waited for Professor Henty Corrie a ong time In the cold. Ne 132 Whats the “thing” Professor Henry Corre métions dling his conversation with his: sister, Mrs. Meldan? . Ans. Professor Henry Cotte refers to the forma fore invention of deaely bomb which he has viscovered after a long research RO 1.33 what advice did Professor Heney Corte ive his sister Mrs, Medon about his principle Inlite? e Ans, Professor Henry Corrie advised His sister Mrs. Meldon about his principle not to tell anybody anything until she was obliged to. x 1.14 What was the secret of Professor Henry Corrie? ‘Ans. The component parts of e formula for the invention of a deadly bomb were the secrets of Professar Henry Cérrie which remained such until he could get a binding offer from some government. 2.15 what did Professor Henry Corrie want to offer the British Government? Ans.©Professor Henry Corrie wanted to offer the British Government his formula for the invention ofa deadly bomb. > 2.16 What does Professor Henry Corrie want to se? ‘Ans. Professor Henry Corrie wants to sell the formula for the Invention of a deadly bomb .17 What will Professor Henry Corrie do If the British Government does not pay him the price of his formula for the Invention of a deadly bomb? Ans. If the British Government does not pay him the price of his formula forthe Invention of a deadly bomb, he wil offer it to somebody e'se who will pey him the highest price. 2) Pace The Commanding Officer of the battalion az Ans. Res Nei GES Acc CRC LC Ree ae ing to Professor Henry Corre? F must be made immeasurably ‘What does Mrs. Meldon mean by Mts. Meldon means i Eddie, her 3 ‘the war himself. He would have ‘war, Mrs. Meldon means to soy. ‘compel other simple persons to go the war, {its, Meidon discovered from thé yoling man who had been In the same battalion as Fc that Edike was not buried. becouse five of the soldiers incding tote eee Uiterly destroyed and there was nothing left to bury. ‘What was rs. Melon fist informed "ars. Meldon was fst informed abou been killed by a plece of shell and th rave behind the line somewhere ‘about the death of her only son, Eddie? 1 the death of her only son, Eddie that he had at he had been buried by soldiers in a soldier's ‘What did the Commanding Officer of the battalion write to Mrs. Meldon about the death of her son, Eddie? ‘rote to Mrs. Meldon about the death o her 401, Eddie thot Eddie had been killed by a piece of shell and that he had been buried by 30lciers in a soldier's grave behind the line somewhere. Why did Mrs. Meldon fell satisfied with the i about the death of her son, Eddie? ‘rs. Meldan felt satisfied with the information by the Commanding Ofer about the eath of her son, Eddie because Eddie had been buried by soldiers in a soldiers grave behind the line somewhere. information by the Commanding office SiPage For how many days and nights had Eddie and his men been waiting in the trench? Eddie and his men had been waiting ina little, shallow trench for eight days and nights, ‘and then a shell came right into the middle of a eraua of them and utterly destroved JJ O O E #WALLETWISE se es t Rise aoc e eva ‘Atwhat thing of Professor Henry Carrie willthe British Government jump according to Professor Henry Corrie? ‘According to Professor Henry Corti, the British Government will lump at his formula for the invention of a deadly bomb. Explain “i they won't pay my price . In this line Professor Henry Corrie say that if the British Government will not payithe price of his formula for the invention of a deadly bomb, he will offer i to somebody eles ‘who wil pay him the highest price. e Who the severalinventors down, according to Professor Henry Corie? © ee According to Professor Henry Cortie, the British Government let several inventors down. But he declared thatthe British Governmemt would not be'able.tOet him down because he thougntthathe coulétakecare of himself G0 > Why did Professor Henry Corre call the cavalry general tie British soldiers to be horse knackers instead of soldiers? QA Professor Henry Core called the cavaly generalioF the British solders tobe horse- hnackers instead of soldiers becouse they were'forced to use the tanks in the war. ‘According to Professor Henry Corrie the British cavalry generals were never able to fight inthe war. Qo Ly Who arranged the tea fray in troicot | ‘Meldon during her conversation with her brother Professor Henry Corrie? 3. Hannah arranged the tea-trayi feontof Mrs. Meléon during her conversation with her brother Professor Henry Comey Who broughe misfMdlgdh she wresthof lowers for War Memorial? 5. Gage, the gardener, brousht Mrs, Meidon the wreath of flowers for the War Memorial. Where did afnah ut the wreath of flowers after she received It from Gage, the ardenes? ‘ns. Hancath pi the wreath of lowers inthe kitchen after she received it from Gage, the tardener > (9.28 Where did Mrs. Meldon want to put on the wreath of flowers? “Rode, Mes. Meidon wanted to put the wreath of flowers on the War Memorial of her son AG Eddie who died in the First world war, Q.26 What opinion does Professor Henry Corrie hold about women? ‘Ans. Professor Henry Corrie holds a wonderful opinion about women. ta his own words he says “Oh, how women do fuss! Your sex Is most extraordinary, Charlotte. Always willing to break off things for other things. No application. No concentration. No capacity for 3iPore complete, impersonal devation. That's why no wamen have ever been great artists or scientists", q O oO Zong CMPak “a! ise 7A at eeh Fen ee moc eV 1.51 Why does Professor Henry Comb refer to Manchester City during his conversation with his sister Mrs. Meldon? ‘Ans. Professor Henry Carie refers to Manchester City that his single bornb can wipe out the population of actyas big as Manchester. 52 What opinion does Professor Henry Corrie have about logieal distinction between & illan and a soldier? ‘ns. Professor Henry Cre thinks that theres no opal tinction between a cil and, solder. On the contrary he ask his sster Mrs. Meldon what i the diference between the girl who makes munitions and the man themin the trenches) C253 iat would have happened according to Proessor Henry Cae ha ade the discovery of his proposed and designed bomb in 1914? « ‘ns. According to Professor Henry Cri fhe had mode the discov ts proposed and designed bomb in 1914, the First world War would have béen over before the end of that year, and there probably would not be any Germans, left now, They'd been an etn race. 54 What does Professor Henry Corrie say about the trick ofa war? ‘Ans._ Professor Henry Corre says about the trick of @ war that if a war does come along. his nation has got to get his bomb drepped on'the enemy before they get thers dropped ‘on Cortie's nation. 455 In what sens is Profesor Henry Cate» clever man? In what sense does his ster ts. Medon call him the stupidest anon cr? Ans, Petes erry Cores yee ini sese hat he hs dcovered frm for the invention ofa destructive Bom which wl estoy ces wth eco. He wars to become famous'and rich by selling it to any country which gives him the highest price. Wr Maldon elm the tpidet anon earth becaute he the enemy of Imaking. He paso fve Tor human beings. Hef totaly devoid of humantaran ) Q.56 Why did Professor Henry Corrie ask his sister, Mrs. Meldon to rejoice in spite of her Son Eddie was blown to pleces? ‘ans. Professor Henry Cortie asked his sister Mrs. Meldon to rejoice because he had “discovered a formula for the invention ofa deadly bomb. 257 What was Mrs. Meldonsufering from afte her only son, Eddie was kiled Inthe war? ‘Ans. Mrs. Meldon was suffering from great mental agony. Her only son, Eddie, had been kalled in the war arid her husband Torn Meidori also died because of the shock of his son's death. T1Page Q.58 What did Mr. and Mrs, Meldon think when thelr son, Eddie was il? d O ©O71% He) 8:14 AN Zong CMPak “at Pisa aaah ee EM sce (2.42 For how many days and nights had Eddie and his men been waiting n the trench? [Ans. Eddie and his men had been waiting ina litle, shallow trench for eight days and nights, and then a shell came right into the middle of @ group of them and utterly destroyed them. Five of them were left nothing. 1.43 Why does Professor Henry Corrie cal his invention the most humanitarian Invention? Professor Henry Corrie coils his invention to be the most humanitarian Invention because it will make war expeditious and horrible and end it almost as quick as i began. If means that Ht will save time as wel resources. N. ed 44 Why does Professor Henry Corrie think that wars shall always go on? ‘ns. Professor Heney Comme thinks that wars shall always go on because by rate human | ‘beings are pugnaoious. Cw (45 What remedy does Professor Henry Corie suggest to end war nd what does he do to make it possible? dns. rofessor Henry Cote suggest tat he ony way 1 en wars sto make war horrible. The result wil be that no nation will engage in War Unless Iris absolutely driven to it. For this purpose he has Invented a formula.of 8 dedtructive bomb which will destroy cities within seconds, 4, ) Qo (46 How will the Invention of Professor Henry Corrle revolutionise war? ‘Ans, The invention wil revolutionise war by making t more expeditious, more horrible and devastating: and above al ;t wll €nd war almost as quickly as it began, ae Q47 What isan “Utimatum’? os.) ‘Ans. “Ukimatum means 2 last offeror demand. An ultimatum is given before declaring war against a country. a) (2.48. what do you krow about Professor Henry Corrie’ Uitimatum? ‘Ans. Professor Henry Corre's ultimatum will consists of a number of airships or aeroplanes dangerous device to bring more and more destruction. She requested her brother again and ogain to destroy his invention, but he felusedtodoso, « Q.71 What isa foolish ack done by Professor Henry Corrie according to Mrs. Meldon? ‘Ans. Mrs. Meldon tuing agsiast the war after the death of her only son, Edie, in the wa She believes that'stientists like her brother, Professor Henry Corrie, who invent destructive bombs are great fools because these bombs are responsible for the death of ‘young Men on a large scale in wars, She thinks that her brother, Professor Henry Corrie hhas done a foolish act by inventing a formula for making a dangerous bomb, 1.72 Wny did Mrs. Meldon want to take sides with » German woman instead of her own ‘brother, Professor Henry Corrie? ‘An, Mrs, Meldon wanted to take sides with a German woman instead of her own brother, © Professor Henry Corrie because she thought that @ German woman was suffering from ‘reat mental agony due to the death of her son in the war just a Mrs. Meldan herself was suffering. Her only son, Eddie had been killed in the war, and her husband, Tom Meldon also died because of the shock of his son's death. 9] Page moa Ss ae eee ee ee ee ee ee ee a ee destroyed. Q.82 What would people think about Professor Henry Corrle, according to Professor Henry Corrie? ‘Ans. According to Professor Henry Corrie, the most sensible people would think that he'd gone off his head. A few cranks and religious maniacs might praise him, but the average Person would think Professor Henry Corrie was a fool besides being damned unpatriotic. Q.83 Why does Professor Henry Corrie believe that the average person would considér him. a fool? R , ‘Ans. Professor Henry Corrie believes that the average person would consider, hima fool because he discovered a formula for the invention of a deadly bomb after'a long research instead of offering it to the country, he destroyed it. “ Q.84 What ts the attitude of Professor Henry Corrie towards humanity? ‘Ans. Professor Henry Corrie has discovered a formula for the, Invention of a deadly bomb to destroy the mankind, In his own words ie says, “A human being is Of less consequence than the success of even a minor experiment. Q.85 What did Mrs. Meldon beg her brother, Professor Henry Corrie to do? ‘Ans. Mrs. Meldori begged her brother, Professor Henry Corrie to destroy his invention. Q.86 What did Professor Henry Corrie say when his sister Mrs. Meldon destroyed his foul Invention smashing the retorts? ‘Ans. When Mrs. Meldon destroyed hig foul invention smashing the retorts, Professor Henry Corrie said that that action would riot destroy his Invention because he had got it all in his mind, 5 Q.87 What did Mrs. Meldon tell Professor Henry Corrie about the mess of Eddie's wreath? Ans. Mrs. Meldon told Professor Henry Corrie if he gave his invention, she would not mind about the mess of Eddie’s wreath. His offering would be better than hers. Q.88 How did Mrs, Meldon kill her brother, Professor Henry Corrle? ‘Ans. Mrs,.Meldon requested her brother again to destroy his foul invention, but when he refused t0 do so. She derived the knife into his back in a very dramatic manner. 2.89) What does Mrs. Meldon say when she picks up the broken wreath and holds it to her “\Q breast? ‘Ans. When Mrs. Meldon picks up the broken wreath and holds it to her breath, she says, " “Eddie, dear, | had to. | had to, Eddie!” She means to soy that she had to kill her own brother for the sake of her only son Eddie so that thousands of young boys like Eddie might live without being destroyed 11] Page Zong CMPak “a @©71% HB 8:14 AM BE #WALLETWISE 2a Nia Sen ese AE > Pa ias (Q.73 What ean Professor Henry Corrie do with al his cleverness according to Mrs. Meldon? ‘Ans. According to Mrs. Meldor, someone like her, not clever, creates a beoutitl thing ike hher son and Professor Heiry Corrie with all his cleverness can only destroy it 0.74 what do you know about the Mill’ bomb? ‘Ans. Mill was 2 scientist. His bombs were used In the war. According to Professor Menry Connie his Bombs were small and hundreds of thousands of them were used in the war, but Corre's bombs would be bigand one of them would suffice for acity. af .C 1.75 What isthe Invention of Professor Henry Corrie? ‘Ans. Professor Henry Corrie has discovered o formula forthe Invention of edly bom, 2.76 wnat does Professor Henry Corrie want to sell? What is his demahd?, Ans. Professor Henry Corrie wants to sell the formula of a deadly bomb, His demand is that the British Government should pay him a quarter of a million and also give him 3 peerage, @> tether 0.77 wnat would Mrs. Meldon ask for the price“of the) invention from the British Government If she were in the place of professor Henry Corrie? ‘Ans. Mrs Meldon would ask for her only son Eddie who fac been killed in the war from the British Government if she were in the place @f Professor Henry Corre. 10.78 wnat does Mrs. Meldon suggest Piofessot Hency Cortle forthe price of his invention? ‘Ans. Mrs. Meldon ironically suggests Professor Henry Corre that he should say thirty places of siver as the price of his invention fora deadly bom, Vv (0.79 What Is the mote merciful fo man In regard to death, a bomb or a bayonet, according to Professor Henry Corre? ‘Ans. According to Professor Henry Corte, a Bomb Is the more merciful to man in regard to death, &¥ nQy 0.80 What willthe purpose of war be In future according to Professor Henry Corrie? ‘ans. According to Professor Henry Come, the purpose of war wall be kiling, ard the side ‘which Wil kil the most people in the shortest time, will win the wars ofthe future att 81 How ‘might thousands of boys like Eddies tive H Professor Henry Corrie were to “destroy is invention, never reveal ts secrets, according to Mrs. Mekion? ‘Ans:, According to Mrs. Meldon if Professor Henry Corrie were to destroy his invention, never reveal fs secrets, thousands of boys lke Eddie might Ive without fear of being destroyed. 1a] Page ae | J O O Zong CMPak “a = © @©71% HB) 8:14 AM CO — A E17 Naas tS ete Visit PORE SSO ICEL re) 4 Do you agree that Mr. Meldon was Eustified in kiling her own brother, Professor Henry Corre? ‘Ans. Yes, agree that Mr, Meidon was usted inking her own brother, Professor Henry because he was selsh, greedy, cruel, unpatriotic and enemy of mankind. We discovered 2 formula for the invention of 2 deadly to destroy mankind. Mis sister, Mrs. Meldon requested him again and again to destroy is foul ivention but he relused to 4050, At lost, Mrs, Melden killed him with on ordinary knife in 2 very dramatic manner for the sake of humanity a Who is Professor Henry Corrie? o . Professor Henry Corrie Is the brother of Mrs. Melon. He is a highty qualified scientist of England. He Is between fity and saty years of age and Is stil 2 bachelor. He has d’scovered a formula forthe invention of a deadly bomb, He want to sl his Invention tony country which gives him the highest price. He isa sesh an. He has no love for anybody. in his own words he says, “A human being is of les consequence to him than the success of even a minor experiment’. His every action shows that he i sesh, sree, cruel, unpatriotic and enemy of mankind. Hersister, Ms, Meldon request him ‘again and again to destroy his foul invention DUt Ne refuses to co so. At last, Mrs. Meldon kils him with an ordinary tne in very dramatic manner forthe sake of humanity. 5 (i FoR More Noges) Mcas, ONLINE Quizzes. ADANJEECOACHING.BLOGSPOT.COM oy WI Page English First Year, Question Answers From (Progress) Professor Henry Corrie / Mrs. Meldon. dq O O

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