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Panahon Na!

Ang Hamon sa Pinoy at Climate Change

An essay about how can ordinary Filipino Student contribute battle against climate


Earth is an only known planet that is capable in sustaining life . It is a perfect

planet that could be source of all needs we have, but it is still perfect? if it suffers a lot
because of human action that causes it to be destroyed slowly. Our Earth is currently experiencing global
warming that causes glacier to melts , animal to be extinct , and truly affects biodiversity. This is truly
alarming to us because it
we not do any action life on planet includes human being could suffer extremely. As an ordinary student
who does not have strong voice yet, to speak out for the
country and does not have any power yet , to be heard by millions of Filipino , what I
can do to contribute the battle against climate change is through simple things that I
could exercise in everyday life . First is to conservation of power such as electricity, water ,and
fuel.Turning off
TV when no one watching un plug appliances when not in use, reading books instead of
using gadgets of way of being more productive at the same time saving the environment , buying
electronics appliances that is energy saver it is somehow much expensive but
when you properly compute the energy consumption you will be able to know that it is
much cheaper . Second is through saving water. By turning off the faucet when I am not using this
specially when I am brushing my teeth or doing my laundry, and drinking water all water
that I bought up until to its last drop. Third is through saving fuel by simply walk instead of riding tricycle
through this
environment and I becomes healthy. Forth I do not have strong voice yet, but I could start to share things
for the sake of
environment by using my social media account, through I could inspire people,simple
inspiration that could have great effect. Those are things that I am willing to do for the
environment for me to battle with the said climate change, these are small yet simple step
but sooner this will have greater positive effect.

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