First Aid Unit Plan

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Introductory Material:

Date of Lesson: Class Time:

4/1/2021 10:20-11:13
School Name and Grade: Woodstock, 9th Technology Use (by students):
The students will need a device to access reliable sources.
Length of Lesson (Time): 50 minutes Number of Students:
Equipment/Supplies: Description of Facility:
First Aid kit project, learning device to look up information, pen or pencil, Classroom
coloring supplies.

Lesson Number in Unit: Safety Considerations (Physical & Emotional):

Lesson 4 of 8. Students will be reminded that some of the incidents talked about can
be triggering to other students. They will need to be respectful,
understanding, and sympathetic.
Skill Development Focus:

Students will be practicing the skill of accessing information through the first aid unit.

National Standards:

Central Focus: First Aid Healthy Behavior Outcome:

7. Get help for oneself or others when injured or suddenly ill.

National Standards Addressed: (write out standards and performance GPS Assessed: (write out elements)
indicators) HE.H.S.1.C-Propose ways to reduce or prevent injuries and health
Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion HE H.S.3.C- Utilize resources from school and community that provide
and disease prevention to enhance health. valid health information.
Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid
information, products, and services to enhance health.
Behavioral/Performance Objectives:

Prior Academic Knowledge & Skills: (Describe prior knowledge and skills students will need to use and build upon to be successful in lesson)

Students are on lesson 4 of 8 when doing this activity. They have been taught the steps of hands only CPR, Check- call-care, and basic care for wounds,
scrapes, burns, etc. Students have a basic understanding of care but lack in understanding the supplies needed to provide the care necessary. Students
also need an understanding of what an emergency is, when to call 911 and when not to, and this lesson does just that.

Cognitive: (Functional health knowledge; ABCD format) Indicate alignment with Indicate alignment
1. During the First Aid activity TSWBAT describe the use of safety equipment for standard: with assessment:
specific physical activities.
2. During the First Aid Activity TSWBAT explain procedures for basic emergency care Standard 1 and 3 Formal Assessment-
and lifesaving Rubric

Psychomotor: (Demonstration of health-related skill; ABCD format) Indicate alignment with Indicate alignment
1. The SWBAT determine when professional safety and injury prevention services may be standard: with assessment:
required during the First Aid activity.
2. The SWBAT Use resources that provide valid and reliable safety and injury prevention Standard 1 and 3 Formal Assessment-
information during the First Aid activity. Rubric
Affective: (Development of attitudes, values, beliefs & norms to adopt/maintain healthy Indicate alignment with Indicate alignment
behaviors; ABCD format) standard: with assessment:
1. During the TOD students will answer the following question, “do you believe it is
important for everyone to know how to use the equipment in your first aid kit? Why?”

Lesson Plan Details: Write a detailed outline of your class session including your participatory methods, instructional strategies, learning tasks, key
questions, key transitions, student supports, assessment strategies, and conclusion. Your outline should be detailed enough that another teacher could
understand them enough to use them. Include what you will do as a teacher and what your students will be doing during each lesson phase. Note: the
statements and scaffolding questions in red below are meant to guide your thinking and planning. You do not need to answer them explicitly or address
each one in your plan.


(Instant/Motivational Activity; Warm-Up & Review; Set Induction) ALLOCATIO Addressed (if applicable)
(Indicate (Indicate by #)
by #)
Set Introduction: Hello Everyone! Today we will be continuing our unit in First Aid. We will be working
through several activities and ending with a project where you create your own first aid kit. Before we
get started, we need to know why its important to have a first aid kit.

PowerPoint- Play the video on providing first aid and ask the following questions.
5 Min
Why was it so important for him to have a first aid kit?

Would you have done the same in this situation?

Do you believe that he followed the correct skills?

Would you know what to put in a first aid kit?

Lets walk through an example:

PowerPoint: First Aid Example

Scenario: You walk into a room where someone appears to be fainting. The scene is safe, so you walk
over to them. You are looking for any signs of what could have caused it and she appears to be wearing
a bracelet that says type 1 diabetic. You also notice that she has a small cut on her arm where she fell.
Steps1 : Care Plan C1
1. Check the scene
1. Ask if you can assist
2. Give the individual some sort of sugar and water.
3. Stop the bleeding and bandage the wound.
4. Stay with the individual until help arrives.

Step 2. Knowing when to call 911

Details: How do we know if we should have called 911.

Should we have called 911? Why?

C1, C2,P1,P2
Step 3: Building the First Aid Kit
Details: What did we need?
Water- Wash wounds, help those who are fainting
Candy- Assist those who are diabetic
Gauze- Stop the bleeding
Bandages- Cover a wound.
Gloves- Provides protection between those who are providing care and the injured.

LESSON BODY TIME Objectives Assessment

(Specific and detailed plan to facilitate skill development and student learning) ALLOCATIO Addressed
NS (for each (by each (Indicate by #)
activity) activity)
by #)

Graded rubric
Skill Development:
First Aid activity (Practice): Students will be working through a worksheet/ project to meet the C1,C2,P1,P2
standards. The steps are as follows:
Instructions: You will be walking through multiple steps that educate you on when to use a first
aid kit and when to call 911. You will be creating a first aid kit that is equipped to respond to 30 minutes
numerous injuries (burns, cuts, blisters, diabetic emergencies, broken bones). The first aid kit must
have at least 20 items, and you must use at least 3 different reliable resources to explain the use for
the item.
Step 1: Go to this website:
aid-steps and list the correct care steps WITH EXPLANATIONS.





Step 2: Before you can create a first aid kit you must understand when it is appropriate to use a first
aid kit, call 911, or do both. You will need to find a reliable resource that describes when you
should and should not call 911.

Step 3: You are to create a first aid kit that includes all the items needed to assist in most
emergency situations (broken bones, burns, cuts, diabetic emergencies, etc). All items in the kit
must have an explanation for the use and three reliable resources need to be used. These sources
can be to help you know what to include, how to use it, or why you need it.

Step 4: Color the first aid kit and include at least three images form the list you created.

Skill Model:

Skill Cues: Access


Is it accurate?
Is it credible?
Is it current?
Is it easy to use?
What situation is it best used in?
Are the claims supported?

Identify 3 Higher-Order Thinking/Conceptual questions for the lesson. Include and identify where they
will be asked.

TIME Objectives Assessment (if

(for each each activity)
(Wrap Up, Review, Transition) activity)
(Indicate by #) (indicate by #)

Closing Activity: TOD C1,c2,p1,p2 Informal

5 min
Example: Student will answer a discussion post before leaving:
1. How do you check to see if a source is reliable?
2. What is an example of an injury where calling 911 is important?
3. What is an example of an injury that does not require a 911 call?
4. Name two things from your first aid kit and their use.
5. Do you believe it is important for everyone to know how to use the equipment in your first aid
kit? Why

To extend this lesson I would have students choose their own emergency situation to
respond to. This way there is some variation, as well as more items in a first aid kit.


(Specific and detailed plan to assess student learning and skill development)
How will you know whether students are making progress toward your learning goal(s) and/or
how will you assess the extent to which they have met your goal(s)?

Alignment with Objectives:

Assessment Strategy #1:
This is aligned with my standards because it ensures the students know how to find a
source over the first aid item they chose. At this point I can reteach or move on based
Informal Congruent Feedback- Walking around while students are working on how accurately the students are finding sources
and providing feedback. I will also do a T-O-D to check and see if students
Evidence of Student Learning:
are retaining the information.
I will know that students have learned if they correctly answer the T-O-D and if they
are moving through the project efficiently while walking around.
Student Feedback:
1. How do you check to see if a source is reliable?
2. What is an example of an injury where calling 911 is important? If the answers on the T-O-D were wrong, I would come into the next class ready to re-
3. What is an example of an injury that does not require a 911 call? teach the material to the students. I want them all to be on the same page and receive
4. Name two things from your first aid kit and their use. the correct information, so this is imperative.
5. Do you believe it is important for everyone to know how to
use the equipment in your first aid kit? Why

Alignment with Objectives:

Assessment Strategy #2: This assessment is aligned with the standards because it formally assesses the
students learning over accessing information and First Aid.
Evidence of Student Learning:
Formal assessment over the First Aid Project I will know that students learned based off the sources, material, and completion of
their first aid kit. If the students use reliable resources and fill the worksheet correctly
it will prove they are learning. If they fail to do so I will know I need to revisit the
Student Feedback: Feedback will be given through a rubric. I will also answer any
questions the students have in any way they need (email/in person).


(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students)
Building on Personal/Cultural/Community Assets:
This lesson is based on the content the students learned this week. This builds off their personal beliefs because they are building a first aid kit that is custom made. It
also allows students to learn a skill that will be important to them for the rest of their lives. Students will always need to be prepared for injuries.
Grouping Strategies:
No groups will be used due to covid.

Planned Supports for Differentiated Instruction:

This lesson uses multiple strategies to fit the needs of all students. There is a PowerPoint for visual learners, I will be talking through the directions for the
verbal learners, and the activity will meet the needs of the kinesthetic learners. This lesson begins with a video that documents another person providing aid
for a hurt individual. This allows the students to see that its real life, and that being underprepared could be a life-or-death situation. By allowing the students
to select their own items for the kit, they personalize the information and retain it better. The ESOL students will have a Spanish version of the instructions
and the materials will be sent to their support classes. Any behavior issues will be dealt with my moving their seat and talking to them after class.


First Aid Project
Instructions: You will be walking through multiple steps that educate you on when to use a first aid kit and
when to call 911. You will be creating a first aid kit that is equipped to respond to numerous injuries (burns,
cuts, blisters, diabetic emergencies, broken bones). The first aid kit must have at least 20 items, and you must
use at least 3 different reliable resources to explain the use for the item.

Step 1: Go to this website:

and list the correct care steps WITH EXPLANATIONS.





Step 2: Before you can create a first aid kit you must understand when it is appropriate to use a first aid kit, call
911, or do both. You will need to find a reliable resource that describes when you should and should not call
911. Find a reliable resource that explains when to call 911 and when to handle situations on your own.

Resource: Yes/no- EXPLAIN

Is it accurate?
Is it Credible?
Is it Current?
Is it easy to use?
What situation is it best used in?
Are the claims Supported?

1.Explain when you should call 911 AND give two examples:

2.Explain when you can handle a situation on your own AND provide two examples:

Step 3: You are to create a first aid kit that includes all the items needed to assist in most emergency situations
(broken bones, burns, cuts, diabetic emergencies, etc). All items in the kit must have an explanation for the use
and three reliable resources need to be used. These sources can be to help you know what to include, how to use
it, or why you need it.

Step 4: Color the first aid kit and include at least three images form the list you created.
1. Item____________________________Use___________________________________________

2. Item____________________________Use___________________________________________

3. Item____________________________Use___________________________________________

4. Item____________________________Use___________________________________________

5. Item____________________________Use__________________________________________

6. Item____________________________Use___________________________________________

7. Item____________________________Use___________________________________________

8. Item____________________________Use___________________________________________

9. Item____________________________Use___________________________________________

10. Item____________________________Use___________________________________________

11. Item____________________________Use___________________________________________

12. Item____________________________Use___________________________________________

13. Item____________________________Use___________________________________________

14. Item____________________________Use___________________________________________

15. Item____________________________Use___________________________________________

16. Item____________________________Use___________________________________________

17. Item____________________________Use___________________________________________

18. Item____________________________Use___________________________________________

19. Item____________________________Use___________________________________________

20. Item____________________________Use___________________________________________
Source 1:
Resource: Yes/no Explain!!!
Is it accurate?
Is it Credible?
Is it Current?
Is it easy to use?
What situation is it best used in?
Are the claims Supported?
Source 2:
Resource: Yes/no Explain!!
Is it accurate?
Is it Credible?
Is it Current?
Is it easy to use?
What situation is it best used in?
Are the claims Supported?
Source 3:
Resource: Yes/no Explain!!
Is it accurate?
Is it Credible?
Is it Current?
Is it easy to use?
What situation is it best used in?
Are the claims Supported?

Closing Questions:
1. Why is it important to know when to call 911 and when to assist on your own?

2. Do you think calling 911 is better than assisting individuals on your own? Explain why.

Category 3 2 1 0 Score
Care Steps The student The student The student The student does
identifies the correctly correctly names not do the
correct care steps identifies the care only 1 of the care assignment.
with steps but does steps without
explanations. not provide an explanation.
Calling 911 The student he student The student The student does
successfully successfully correctly lists not do the
differentiates differentiates when to call 911 assignment.
when to call 911 when to call 911 but not when not
and when not t0, and when not t0 to call 911 and
with examples but does not lacks details.
and explanations. provide examples
or explanations.
Using Reliable The student uses The student uses The student uses The student does
Resources three reliable two reliable one reliable not do the
resources and resources and resource and assignment.
justifies the justifies the justifies the
source using source using source using
Neatness/coloring The students The students The student did The student does
work is clean and work is legible, the work but not do the
legible, the the effort is there, lacks effort and assignment.
student puts but did not have did not include all
obvious effort all the pictures 5 pictures on the
into the coloring included on the kit.
of their first aid kit.
kit and includes 5
pictures from
their list.
Supplies The student lists The student lists The students The student does
all 20 items and all 20 items but most of the items not do the
correctly lists the does not and most of the assignment.
usage for all of correctly list the usages.
them. usages.
Name: Kate Casagrande


Introductory Material:

Date of Lesson: Class Time:

4/2/21 10:20-11:13
School Name and Grade: Technology Use: (by students)
Woodstock HS-9TH Students will need a device to complete the assignment.
Length of Lesson (Time): Number of Students:
50 min 25

Equipment/Supplies (be complete): Description of Facility:

Students will need the worksheet, a device to look up the information, and a Classroom
pencil or pen.

Behavioral/Performance Objectives:

Cognitive: (Functional health knowledge; ABCD format, indicate alignment Prior Academic Knowledge & Skill:
w/standard & assessment) Students are on lesson 5 of 8 when doing this activity. They have been
3. During the First Aid activity TSWBAT describe the use of taught the steps of hands only CPR, Check- call-care, and basic care for
safety equipment for specific physical activities. wounds, scrapes, burns, etc. Students have a basic understanding of
4. During the First Aid Activity TSWBAT explain procedures care but lack in understanding the supplies needed to provide the care
for basic emergency care and lifesaving necessary. Students also know the use of basic lifesaving equipment due
the last project, as well as the emergency action steps, and when to call
Psychomotor: (Demonstration of health-related skill; ABCD format, indicate Safety Considerations: (Physical & Emotional)
alignment w/standard & assessment) Students will be reminded that some of the incidents talked about can
3. The SWBAT determine when professional safety and injury be triggering to other students. They will need to be respectful,
prevention services may be required during the First Aid activity. understanding, and sympathetic.
2.The SWBAT Use resources that provide valid and reliable safety
and injury prevention information during the First Aid activity.
1.Students will answer the following question during the TOD: Has selecting a

specific scenario changed you view on carrying a first aid kit? Why?

National Standards:

Central Focus: Healthy Behavioral Outcome:

First Aid 7. Get help for oneself or others when injured or suddenly ill.

National Standards Addressed: (write out standards) GPS Assessed: (write out elements)
Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health HE.H.S.1.C-Propose ways to reduce or prevent injuries and health
promotion and disease prevention to enhance health. problems.
Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid HE H.S.3.C- Utilize resources from school and community that provide
information, products, and services to enhance health. valid health information.

INTRODUCTION TIME Objectives Assessment (if

ALLOCATIONS Addressed applicable)
(Instant/Motivational Activity; Warm-Up & Review; Set Induction)
Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well! Yesterday we began our project on first aid. You listed 20 items and 5 minutes (indicate by #)
provided the use for each one. Today we are taking things a step further. We are going to move onto applying
the first aid kit you chose to a scenario. Before we get started, I have a few questions for you.

What thoughts came to mind when you were creating your first aid kit?
Do you believe that carrying a first aid kit is something you’d be willing to do?
Do you believe that you will ever witness a situation where you would need a first aid kit? Have you ever had to
use one?

I think it is important for you guys to know that there are situations where a first aid kit can be important. So
today we will be choosing situations where one is used.

LESSON BODY TIME Objectives Assessment

ALLOCATIONS Addressed (by
(Specific and detailed plan to facilitate student learning and skill development) (for each each activity)

35 minutes Formal- Graded

Content Development: rubric

Project Extension: Choosing a scenario.
Details: You will be choosing a first aid scenario that you could be in and would need to use the first aid kit you
created. Choose a scenario that you could actually be in!! Maybe its at a sporting event, driving, hiking, camping,
running, I want you to choose something you do. Once you choose a scenario you will follow the following
Step 1: Describe the first aid scenario in great detail.
Step 2: List the care steps that you would need to follow. Do not forget to list if you would need to call 911 or not C2,
and why! C1,P1
Step 3: List the items from your first aid kit that you would need to use and explain why.
Step 4: Research how often the injury you selected occurs. For example, if you selected a head injury in a sport P2
you would need to look up “how often do teenagers experience head injuries in high school sports.” You will
provide the statistics and the resource.
Step 5: Find a reliable resource that explains preventative measures to reducing the risk of the injury you P2

Teaching of Health Skill(s):

Students will be using ACCESS:
Skill Cues: Access
Is it accurate?
Is it credible?
Is it current?
Is it easy to use?
What situation is it best used in?
Are the claims supported?

TIME Objectives Assessment (if

CLOSURE ALLOCATIONS Addressed (by applicable)
(Wrap Up, Review, Transition) (for each each activity)
A1,P2,C1 Informal- check
Closing TOD: 5 min
Has selecting a specific scenario changed you view on carrying a first aid kit? Why? understanding
How do you know that the sources you provided were reliable?
What item in your first aid kit was the most helpful? Why?

(Specific and detailed plan to assess student learning and skill development)

Formal: Graded rubric.

A graded rubric will be used to This assessment is aligned with the standards because it formally assesses the students learning over accessing information and
First Aid. I will know that students learned based off the sources, material, and completion of their worksheet. If the students use reliable resources and fill the
worksheet correctly it will prove they are learning. If they fail to do so I will know I need to revisit the subject. Feedback will be given through a rubric. I will also
answer any questions the students have in any way they need (email/in person).

Informal: This is aligned with my standards because it ensures the students know how to find a source over the first aid item they chose. At this point I can
reteach or move on based on how accurately the students are finding sources. I will know that students have learned if they correctly answer the T-O-D and if
they are moving through the project efficiently while walking around.
If the answers on the T-O-D were wrong, I would come into the next class ready to re-teach the material to the students. I want them all to be on the same page
and receive the correct information, so this is imperative.


(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students)
Building on Personal/Cultural/Community Assets:
This lesson is based on the content the students learned this week. This builds off their personal beliefs because they are building a first aid kit that is custom made. It
also allows students to learn a skill that will be important to them for the rest of their lives. Students will always need to be prepared for injuries.
Grouping Strategies:
No groups will be used due to covid.

Planned Supports for Differentiated Instruction:

This lesson uses multiple strategies to fit the needs of all students. There is a PowerPoint for visual learners, I will be talking through the directions for the
verbal learners, and the activity will meet the needs of the kinesthetic learners. This lesson begins with a discussion This allows the students to get talking and
ready for the lesson. By allowing the students to select their own secenario, they personalize the information and retain it better. The ESOL students will have
a Spanish version of the instructions and the materials will be sent to their support classes. Any behavior issues will b
dealt with my moving their seat and talking to them after class.



First Aid Project Extended

Directions: You will be choosing a first aid scenario that you could be in and would need to use the first aid kit you created.
Choose a scenario that you could actually be in!! Maybe it’s at a sporting event, driving, hiking, camping, running, I want you to
choose something you do. Once you choose a scenario you will follow the following steps:

Step 1: Describe the first aid scenario in great detail.


Step 2: List the care steps that you would need to follow. Do not forget to list if you would need to call 911 or not and why!

Care steps:

Explain why you did or did not call 911:

Step 3: List the items from your first aid kit that you would need to use and explain why. You must use at least 5 items.

Items Use





Step 4: Research how often the injury you selected occurs. For example, if you selected a head injury in a sport you would need
to look up “how often do teenagers experience head injuries in high school sports.” You will provide the statistics and the
Statistics on the injury:

Resource used:
Resource: Yes/no- EXPLAIN
Is it accurate?
Is it Credible?
Is it Current?
Is it easy to use?
What situation is it best used in?
Are the claims Supported?

Step 5: Find a reliable resource that explains preventative measures to reducing the risk of the injury you selected.


Resource used:
Resource: Yes/no- EXPLAIN
Is it accurate?
Is it Credible?
Is it Current?
Is it easy to use?
What situation is it best used in?
Are the claims Supported?

Closing Questions:
1.Has selecting a specific scenario changed you view on carrying a first aid kit? Why?

2.How do you know that the sources you provided were reliable?

3.What item in your first aid kit was the most helpful? Why?
Category 3 2 1 0 Score
Scenario The student The student The student The student
lists a provides a chooses an does not do
practical practical injury that is the
emergency injury but unlikely to assignment.
that is well does not occur.
explained. explain it.
Care Steps The student The student The student The student
lists the lists the lists correct does not do
correct care correct care care steps, the
steps with steps but but they do assignment.
great detail. does not not apply to
explain the injury
anything. they chose.
Items from the The student The student The student The student
first aid kit uses at least correctly incorrectly does not do
5 items from uses 5 items uses the 5 the
their but lacks items from assignment.
original kit, detail when their kit and
and explaining does not
correctly the use for explain the
explains the them. usage.
use for all of
Research on The student The student The student The student
preventative uses reliable uses reliable used a does not do
methods/statistics resources resources, resource, the
for both answers the and answers assignment.
sections, questions, the
answers the and questions
questions in provides a but they are
great detail preventative not fully
and method but correct.
correctly list lacks any
a explanation.
method to
their injury.
Name: Kate Casagrande


Introductory Material:

Date of Lesson: Class Time:

4/12/21 10:20-11:13
School Name and Grade: Technology Use: (by students)
Woodstock HS Students will need a device to look up the information
Length of Lesson (Time): Number of Students:
50 minutes 25
Equipment/Supplies (be complete): Description of Facility:
Students will need the worksheet, a device, and a utensil to write with. Classroom

Behavioral/Performance Objectives:

Cognitive: Prior Academic Knowledge & Skill:

1. During the preventing injuries worksheet the SWBAT Students are on lesson 5 of 8 when doing this activity. They have been
summarize ways to reduce injuries when playing sports. taught the steps of hands only CPR, Check- call-care, and basic care for
2. During the preventing injuries worksheet the SWBAT summarize wounds, scrapes, burns, etc. Students have a basic understanding of
ways to reduce the risk of injuries while riding in or driving a motor care but lack in understanding the supplies needed to provide the care
vehicle necessary. Students also know the use of basic lifesaving equipment
due the last project, as well as the emergency action steps, and when
to call 911. They began the preventative methods last project and are
going deeper with this one.
Psychomotor: (Demonstration of health-related skill; ABCD format, indicate Safety Considerations: (Physical & Emotional)
alignment w/standard & assessment) Students will be reminded that some of the incidents talked about can
1. During the preventing injuries worksheet the SWBAT use be triggering to other students. They will need to be respectful,
resources that provide valid and reliable safety and injury understanding, and sympathetic.
prevention information.
2. During the preventing injuries worksheet the SWBAT use valid
and reliable safety and injury prevention products.
Affective: (Development of beliefs, norms & values to adopt/maintain healthy
behaviors; indicate alignment with standard & assessment)

A1. During the closing questions students will answer the following question:
Do you believe that injuries would occur less if there were more preventative
public announcements? Explain.

National Standards:

Central Focus: Healthy Behavioral Outcome:

First Aid HBO 3:
National Standards Addressed: (write out standards) GPS Assessed: (write out elements)
Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health HE.H.S.1.C-Propose ways to reduce or prevent injuries and health
promotion and disease prevention to enhance health. problems.
Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid HE H.S.3.C- Utilize resources from school and community that provide
information, products, and services to enhance health. valid health information.

INTRODUCTION TIME Objectives Assessment (if

ALLOCATIONS Addressed applicable)
(Instant/Motivational Activity; Warm-Up & Review; Set Induction)
5 min
Hello everyone. Welcome back from break. We left all beginning to talk about preventing injures. We are going
to continue on with this today. To do this we are going to work through another worksheet to learn about
preventing injuries. Lets start with some questions to break the ice. Turn to a neighbor and answer the
following questions.
1.Have you ever been in a bad situation that could have been prevented? How?
2.Have you ever been in a bad situation that you did not know how to prevent? Explain.
3. Do you think that there are injuries that could be prevented if more people tired to prevent them? Explain.

LESSON BODY TIME Objectives Assessment

ALLOCATIONS Addressed (by
(Specific and detailed plan to facilitate student learning and skill development) (for each each activity)
Content Development: rubric
Preventing Injuries worksheet 35 Min C1,C2,P1,P2

Details: You are going to start by choosing a scenario where an injury can occur. The scenario must be car/motor
vehicle related or sports related. You will then walk through the following steps to complete the assignment.

Step 1: Explain your scenario/injury with great detail.


Step 2: Find a reliable resource that explains how frequently this incident occurs.

Step 3: Find a resource that offers a solution (prevention) to the injury you selected. You must include at least 2
preventative methods.
Step 4: You will create a poster that promotes the preventative methods you chose. This can be on paper, word,
or a single slide on PowerPoint and present it to the class.

Teaching of Health Skill(s):


Is it accurate?
Is it credible?
Is it current?
Is it easy to use?
What situation is it best used in?
Are the claims supported?

TIME Objectives Assessment (if

CLOSURE ALLOCATIONS Addressed (by applicable)
(Wrap Up, Review, Transition) (for each each activity)
C1,c2,p1,p2,a1 Informal check
5 minutes
Closing TOD understanding
Name one preventative method from today.
How do you know the preventative method is accurate?
Do you believe that injuries would occur less if there were more preventative public announcements? Explain.

(Specific and detailed plan to assess student learning and skill development)

Formal: Graded rubric.

A graded rubric will be used to This assessment is aligned with the standards because it formally assesses the students learning over accessing information and
First Aid. I will know that students learned based off the sources, material, and completion of their first aid kit. If the students use reliable resources and fill the
worksheet correctly it will prove they are learning. If they fail to do so I will know I need to revisit the subject. Feedback will be given through a rubric. I will also
answer any questions the students have in any way they need (email/in person).

Informal: This is aligned with my standards because it ensures the students know how to find a source over the first aid item they chose. At this point I can
reteach or move on based on how accurately the students are finding sources. I will know that students have learned if they correctly answer the T-O-D and if
they are moving through the project efficiently while walking around.
If the answers on the T-O-D were wrong, I would come into the next class ready to re-teach the material to the students. I want them all to be on the same page
and receive the correct information, so this is imperative.


(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students)
Building on Personal/Cultural/Community Assets:
This lesson is based on the content the students learned this week. This builds off their personal beliefs because they are building a first aid kit that is custom made. It
also allows students to learn a skill that will be important to them for the rest of their lives. Students will always need to be prepared for injuries.
Grouping Strategies:
No groups will be used due to covid.

Planned Supports for Differentiated Instruction:

This lesson uses multiple strategies to fit the needs of all students. There is a PowerPoint for visual learners, I will be talking through the directions for the verbal
learners, and the activity will meet the needs of the kinesthetic learners. This lesson begins with a video that documents another person providing aid for a hurt
individual. This allows the students to see that its real life, and that being underprepared could be a life-or-death situation. By allowing the students to select their own
items for the kit, they personalize the information and retain it better. The ESOL students will have a Spanish version of the instructions and the materials will be sent
to their support classes. Any behavior issues will be dealt with my moving their seat and talking to them after class.


Preventing injuries
Directions: You are going to start by choosing a scenario where an injury can occur. The scenario must be car/motor vehicle
related or sports related. You will then walk through the following steps to complete the assignment.

Step 1: Explain your scenario/injury with great detail.


Step 2: Find a reliable resource that explains how frequently this incident occurs.
How often does the incident occur?

Who is most affected? Why?

Resource: Yes/no- EXPLAIN

Is it accurate?
Is it Credible?
Is it Current?
Is it easy to use?
What situation is it best used in?
Are the claims Supported?

Step 3: Find a resource that offers a solution (prevention) to the injury you selected. You must include at least 2 preventative

Preventative method 1:

Preventative method 2:

Resource: Yes/no- EXPLAIN

Is it accurate?
Is it Credible?
Is it Current?
Is it easy to use?
What situation is it best used in?
Are the claims Supported?

Step 4: You will create a poster that promotes the preventative methods you chose. This can be on paper, word, or a single slide
on PowerPoint and present it to the class.

Criteria 3 2 1 0 Score
Scenario The student The student The student The student did
chooses a selects the correct selects a scenario, not complete the
scenario that scenario back but it does not assignment.
involves a car or lacks detail. meet the criteria.
sport and explains
it in great detail.
Preventative The student lists The student The student The student did
Methods two correct selects two selects one not complete the
preventative correct correct method assignment.
methods and preventative but does not
explains them. methods but lacks explain it.
Resources The student uses The student uses The student uses The student did
the two reliable two reliable one reliable not complete the
resources and resources but resource. assignment.
explains the doesn’t explain.
PSA/Presentation The student The student The student The student did
completes the completes the partially finished not complete the
project with effort project and the PSA, and does assignment.
and presents to presents it but not present the
the class. lacks effort. project

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