Almir CV Noeuropass

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Passionate music composer and producer with experience for over 10+
years. I started to play drums and guitar when I was a child. Then, I started
my professional music education when I was at the High School Music -
Todor Skalovski - Tetoec in Struga. Then, I continued with my education in
the University Ss., Cyril and Methodius - Faculty of Music - Skopje and I
became a Bachelor of Music Theory and Pedagogy, and within my studies, I
started to compose for music theatre like "Diary of a Madman" by Nikolai
Gogol, directed by Gjorgji Rizeski, "The Runaway" - Vasil Iloski, directed by
Gjorgji Rizeski, "Ward no.6" - by Anton Chekhov, directed by Gjorgji Rizeski,
"Women's Orchestra" by Jean Anouilh, directed by Gjorgji Rizeski, "DIARY OF
A MADMAN 2 - CANNIBALISM". In Skopje, my classical pieces for solo
Almir clarinet, piano and solo voice - Tenor, were performed within the Days of
Macedonian Music. My qualities are to compose music for various music
Bajramoski genre like film music, classical, music for theatre, TV commercial music...etc.
My whole life vision is connected directly with music and in general
composing and producing.

Nationality: Macedonian/
citizen of the Republic of
North Macedonia

Gender: Male

Enhalon 12, Daljani 11

6330 Struga, North Macedonia

(+389) 70316510

Facebook: https://

Viber: 38970316510

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