Assigment 11

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Crossover Higher 2 Conect@

2. Read the text and choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

Bob Marley

Bob Marley is undoubtedly one of the most famous singer/songwriters of all time.
Unfortunately, he died of cancer at the premature age of 36. However, his songs, lyrics, and
ideas, which spoke out against racism and inequality, will be remembered for decades to come.
He has been described as “one of the world’s brightest prophets,” and will forever be
associated as a revolutionary against the ideas of western culture. His music, while addressing
color and crossing religious boundaries all over the world, still touches the hearts of thousands.
As a mixed race child growing up in Jamaica, Marley was subjected to racism and prejudice
because of the color of his skin. He was accepted neither by the white nor black communities.
Due to this isolation and expulsion from society, Marley started following the ideas and culture
of Rastafarianism: a “black” religion that followed the idea of redemption without suffering.
For Marley, Rastafarianism signified racial injustice and represented a community of people by
this common theme.
Marley’s songs had a momentous impact on society. They were spiritual and sentimental, but
also bureaucratic. His songs not only attacked injustices in his homeland, but addressed issues
in Africa and other parts of the world. One of his most popular sings “War” was taken from a
speech by the Emperor of Ethiopia. It depicts racism in Africa and debates how this was the
origin of so much conflict. Likewise, his song “Them Belly Full” focuses on depravation and the
radical differences between rich and poor around the world.
Bob Marley’s music has touched the hearts of many people the world over. There is no doubt
that he was a musical legend, and although he was also a controversial individual, he endlessly
promoted democracy and fought for civil rights through the lyrics of his songs. In the end, he
achieved his goals and managed to spread awareness. The sheer size of his funeral showed just
what an impact he made and how significant he his life was.

a. The author’s main aim is to [show Marley’s contribution to human rights/talk about Marley’s
friends and family/inform people of Marley’s role in music and politics/highlight the problems of
poverty and racism in Jamaica].

b. According to the article, Marley [was an important political figure in Jamaica/was an

inspirational man who influenced many people/will not be remembered by many people/will be
remembered for his song “War”].

c. As a child growing up in Jamaica, Marley [was accepted by the white communities/was

accepted into the black communities/experienced prejudice because of his status/was out cast by
society because of his appearance].

d. According to the third paragraph, Marley [wrote music to encourage more people to follow
Rastafarianism/wrote songs with a political edge to attack policies in Jamaica/expressed his beliefs
about oppression through his song lyrics/expressed his beliefs about colonialism through his song

e. In the final paragraph, the author talks about how [Marley will be remembered after his
death/Marley was a pro-democracy campaigner/Marley used his songs to broadcast his
messages/Marley’s funeral made an impact on people in Jamaica].

3. Complete the second sentences so that they have a similar meaning to the first. Use between
two and five words, including the words in parentheses.

a. By the time his parents arrived, David had cleaned his room. (before)
David _____________________ his parents arrived.

b. Police caught the criminal last night. (arrested)

_____________________ last night.

c. I couldn’t get into the office because somebody was cleaning it. (being)
The _____________________, so I couldn’t get in.

d. I received a phone call from my father as I was making dinner. (when)

I _____________________ my father called.

e. The company wants to improve its image. (working)

_____________________ hard to improve its image.

4. Complete the second sentences so that they have a similar meaning to the first. Use between
two and five words, including the words in parentheses.

a. After studying at university for five years, she got married. (before)
_____________________, she had been studying at university for five years.

b. He sent me an e-mail as I drove down the freeway. (was)

I _____________________ when I received his e-mail.

c. By the time I finished working, it was too late to catch the last bus home. (left)
The last bus home _____________________ by the time I finished work.

d. This semester, I wanted to improve my grades in school. (working)

This semester, I _____________________ really hard to get better grades in school.

e. I was walking by as they arrested the man outside the police station. (arrested)
The man _____________________ as I walked by the police station

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