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Exercise A

General Discussion Areas Your task is to audit the choice


A mundane product or service costing less than $5.

I`ve interviewed a friend who recently purchased a toothbrush. He

was the only person who played and role in the decision making
process. It was an item he needed and drove to local CVS as it would
be easier than a big store like Wal-Mart to get as he had left his back
home over the weekend. The need and urgency of a replacement

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toothbrush motivated his purchase. He really liked his prior

toothbrush, as it was “not too harsh, just soft enough.” Although he

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did not find the same model toothbrush he found a same brand and

specs that he found to be even better. He’s a big believer on top
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brands being more reliable so the lower brand names were out of the
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picture. At first it was a bit overwhelming and annoying as there were
too many options. He than just looked at toothbrushes that Colgate
brand. He then eliminated most by price as he felt under $3

toothbrushes were going to be poor quality, finally choose a different

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color brush than his prior one. He chose the right toothbrush with the
attributes that fit him best and what he was looking for, and of course
the right ” fair price.”
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A product or service costing over $100 that performs a utilitarian

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My older brother was my second interviewee, and he recently

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purchased $300 headphones; of course it would be Dre Beats. He


was the only one who played a role in the decision process. He was
very involved in the process as he did many research and compare
pricing both online and at stores. He lately wanted to purchase a set
of new headphone and wanted a pair where the cord wouldn’t be in
the way when he was working out. He wanted Bluetooth. Although he
wanted Bluetooth he was very specific with it being battery
rechargeable, noise canceling and not too bulky. He was easily
pursued into the Dre Beats Solo 2 wireless. They offer many
attributes that fit his personality. Aside from the headphones being
very slick looking they felt very comfortable when he went into best
buy to try them out. They sounded good and most importantly they
canceled out noise. He had done prior research before coming in to
best buy and pricing was pretty much the same both online and in
store. He also wanted to look good with them so some social status
was involved. Although they were priced higher than other brands, he
was convinced when he tried them on at store.

A product or service costing over $100 that, the customer feels,

reveals something about the kind of person she or he is.

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This interviewee was also my brother; he is big on social status and
what he wants to be seen as. Especially when it comes to what he

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wears even the little things such as his sunglasses. He was the only
person involved in the decision making process. He bought a pair of

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RayBan. The brand new was a huge role player in the decision-
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making. Social status as well had a major impact in purchasing the
sun glasses. He bought them online as they had better options and a
bit cheaper price than at a store. He wanted shades that would block

out uv light as his eyes can be very sensitive. He did not want to
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sacrifice looks either so he wanted to make sure they were classy

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and stylish. He went with gold framed Ray-Bans were price was
reasonable, at least to him. Long story short he bought the glasses,
two weeks later after he bought he misplaced them and lost them, he
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then realized that he was bought into the whole “hype” and that he
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could of easily bought way cheaper glasses and would of done just
as good. He realized he was more into brand name than the actual
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